
v1.9.0-dev-ros3 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 31, 2015 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Package types is used for API stability in the types and response to the consumers of the API stats endpoint.



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type AuthResponse

type AuthResponse struct {
	// Status is the authentication status
	Status string `json:"Status"`

AuthResponse contains response of Remote API: POST "/auth"

type BlkioStatEntry

type BlkioStatEntry struct {
	Major uint64 `json:"major"`
	Minor uint64 `json:"minor"`
	Op    string `json:"op"`
	Value uint64 `json:"value"`

BlkioStatEntry is one small entity to store a piece of Blkio stats TODO Windows: This can be factored out

type BlkioStats

type BlkioStats struct {
	// number of bytes tranferred to and from the block device
	IoServiceBytesRecursive []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_bytes_recursive"`
	IoServicedRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_serviced_recursive"`
	IoQueuedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_queue_recursive"`
	IoServiceTimeRecursive  []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_service_time_recursive"`
	IoWaitTimeRecursive     []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_wait_time_recursive"`
	IoMergedRecursive       []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_merged_recursive"`
	IoTimeRecursive         []BlkioStatEntry `json:"io_time_recursive"`
	SectorsRecursive        []BlkioStatEntry `json:"sectors_recursive"`

BlkioStats stores All IO service stats for data read and write TODO Windows: This can be factored out

type CPUStats

type CPUStats struct {
	CPUUsage       CPUUsage       `json:"cpu_usage"`
	SystemUsage    uint64         `json:"system_cpu_usage"`
	ThrottlingData ThrottlingData `json:"throttling_data,omitempty"`

CPUStats aggregates and wraps all CPU related info of container

type CPUUsage

type CPUUsage struct {
	// Total CPU time consumed.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	TotalUsage uint64 `json:"total_usage"`
	// Total CPU time consumed per core.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	PercpuUsage []uint64 `json:"percpu_usage"`
	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in kernel mode.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	UsageInKernelmode uint64 `json:"usage_in_kernelmode"`
	// Time spent by tasks of the cgroup in user mode.
	// Units: nanoseconds.
	UsageInUsermode uint64 `json:"usage_in_usermode"`

CPUUsage stores All CPU stats aggregated since container inception.

type Container

type Container struct {
	ID         string `json:"Id"`
	Names      []string
	Image      string
	ImageID    string
	Command    string
	Created    int64
	Ports      []Port
	SizeRw     int64 `json:",omitempty"`
	SizeRootFs int64 `json:",omitempty"`
	Labels     map[string]string
	Status     string
	HostConfig struct {
		NetworkMode string `json:",omitempty"`

Container contains response of Remote API: GET "/containers/json"

type ContainerChange

type ContainerChange struct {
	Kind int
	Path string

ContainerChange contains response of Remote API: GET "/containers/{name:.*}/changes"

type ContainerCommitResponse

type ContainerCommitResponse struct {
	ID string `json:"Id"`

ContainerCommitResponse contains response of Remote API: POST "/commit?container="+containerID

type ContainerCreateResponse

type ContainerCreateResponse struct {
	// ID is the ID of the created container.
	ID string `json:"Id"`

	// Warnings are any warnings encountered during the creation of the container.
	Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"`

ContainerCreateResponse contains the information returned to a client on the creation of a new container.

type ContainerExecCreateResponse

type ContainerExecCreateResponse struct {
	// ID is the exec ID.
	ID string `json:"Id"`

ContainerExecCreateResponse contains response of Remote API: POST "/containers/{name:.*}/exec"

type ContainerJSON

type ContainerJSON struct {
	Mounts          []MountPoint
	Config          *runconfig.Config
	NetworkSettings *NetworkSettings

ContainerJSON is newly used struct along with MountPoint

type ContainerJSONBase

type ContainerJSONBase struct {
	ID              string `json:"Id"`
	Created         string
	Path            string
	Args            []string
	State           *ContainerState
	Image           string
	ResolvConfPath  string
	HostnamePath    string
	HostsPath       string
	LogPath         string
	Name            string
	RestartCount    int
	Driver          string
	ExecDriver      string
	MountLabel      string
	ProcessLabel    string
	AppArmorProfile string
	ExecIDs         []string
	HostConfig      *runconfig.HostConfig
	GraphDriver     GraphDriverData
	SizeRw          *int64 `json:",omitempty"`
	SizeRootFs      *int64 `json:",omitempty"`

ContainerJSONBase contains response of Remote API: GET "/containers/{name:.*}/json"

type ContainerPathStat

type ContainerPathStat struct {
	Name       string      `json:"name"`
	Size       int64       `json:"size"`
	Mode       os.FileMode `json:"mode"`
	Mtime      time.Time   `json:"mtime"`
	LinkTarget string      `json:"linkTarget"`

ContainerPathStat is used to encode the header from GET "/containers/{name:.*}/archive" "Name" is the file or directory name.

type ContainerProcessList

type ContainerProcessList struct {
	Processes [][]string
	Titles    []string

ContainerProcessList contains response of Remote API: GET "/containers/{name:.*}/top"

type ContainerState

type ContainerState struct {
	Status     string
	Running    bool
	Paused     bool
	Restarting bool
	OOMKilled  bool
	Dead       bool
	Pid        int
	ExitCode   int
	Error      string
	StartedAt  string
	FinishedAt string

ContainerState stores container's running state it's part of ContainerJSONBase and will return by "inspect" command

type ContainerWaitResponse

type ContainerWaitResponse struct {
	// StatusCode is the status code of the wait job
	StatusCode int `json:"StatusCode"`

ContainerWaitResponse contains response of Remote API: POST "/containers/"+containerID+"/wait"

type CopyConfig

type CopyConfig struct {
	Resource string

CopyConfig contains request body of Remote API: POST "/containers/"+containerID+"/copy"

type DefaultNetworkSettings

type DefaultNetworkSettings struct {
	EndpointID          string
	Gateway             string
	GlobalIPv6Address   string
	GlobalIPv6PrefixLen int
	IPAddress           string
	IPPrefixLen         int
	IPv6Gateway         string
	MacAddress          string

DefaultNetworkSettings holds network information during the 2 release deprecation period. It will be removed in Docker 1.11.

type EndpointResource

type EndpointResource struct {
	EndpointID  string
	MacAddress  string
	IPv4Address string
	IPv6Address string

EndpointResource contains network resources allocated and usd for a container in a network

type ExecStartCheck

type ExecStartCheck struct {
	// ExecStart will first check if it's detached
	Detach bool
	// Check if there's a tty
	Tty bool

ExecStartCheck is a temp struct used by execStart Config fields is part of ExecConfig in runconfig package

type GraphDriverData

type GraphDriverData struct {
	Name string
	Data map[string]string

GraphDriverData returns Image's graph driver config info when calling inspect command

type Image

type Image struct {
	ID          string `json:"Id"`
	ParentID    string `json:"ParentId"`
	RepoTags    []string
	RepoDigests []string
	Created     int64
	Size        int64
	VirtualSize int64
	Labels      map[string]string

Image contains response of Remote API: GET "/images/json"

type ImageDelete

type ImageDelete struct {
	Untagged string `json:",omitempty"`
	Deleted  string `json:",omitempty"`

ImageDelete contains response of Remote API: DELETE "/images/{name:.*}"

type ImageHistory

type ImageHistory struct {
	ID        string `json:"Id"`
	Created   int64
	CreatedBy string
	Tags      []string
	Size      int64
	Comment   string

ImageHistory contains response of Remote API: GET "/images/{name:.*}/history"

type ImageInspect

type ImageInspect struct {
	ID              string `json:"Id"`
	RepoTags        []string
	RepoDigests     []string
	Parent          string
	Comment         string
	Created         string
	Container       string
	ContainerConfig *runconfig.Config
	DockerVersion   string
	Author          string
	Config          *runconfig.Config
	Architecture    string
	Os              string
	Size            int64
	VirtualSize     int64
	GraphDriver     GraphDriverData

ImageInspect contains response of Remote API: GET "/images/{name:.*}/json"

type Info

type Info struct {
	ID                 string
	Containers         int
	Images             int
	Driver             string
	DriverStatus       [][2]string
	MemoryLimit        bool
	SwapLimit          bool
	CPUCfsPeriod       bool `json:"CpuCfsPeriod"`
	CPUCfsQuota        bool `json:"CpuCfsQuota"`
	IPv4Forwarding     bool
	BridgeNfIptables   bool
	BridgeNfIP6tables  bool `json:"BridgeNfIp6tables"`
	Debug              bool
	NFd                int
	OomKillDisable     bool
	NGoroutines        int
	SystemTime         string
	ExecutionDriver    string
	LoggingDriver      string
	NEventsListener    int
	KernelVersion      string
	OperatingSystem    string
	IndexServerAddress string
	RegistryConfig     *registry.ServiceConfig
	InitSha1           string
	InitPath           string
	NCPU               int
	MemTotal           int64
	DockerRootDir      string
	HTTPProxy          string `json:"HttpProxy"`
	HTTPSProxy         string `json:"HttpsProxy"`
	NoProxy            string
	Name               string
	Labels             []string
	ExperimentalBuild  bool
	ServerVersion      string
	ClusterStore       string
	ClusterAdvertise   string

Info contains response of Remote API: GET "/info"

type MemoryStats

type MemoryStats struct {
	// current res_counter usage for memory
	Usage uint64 `json:"usage"`
	// maximum usage ever recorded.
	MaxUsage uint64 `json:"max_usage"`
	// TODO(vishh): Export these as stronger types.
	// all the stats exported via memory.stat.
	Stats map[string]uint64 `json:"stats"`
	// number of times memory usage hits limits.
	Failcnt uint64 `json:"failcnt"`
	Limit   uint64 `json:"limit"`

MemoryStats aggregates All memory stats since container inception

type MountPoint

type MountPoint struct {
	Name        string `json:",omitempty"`
	Source      string
	Destination string
	Driver      string `json:",omitempty"`
	Mode        string
	RW          bool

MountPoint represents a mount point configuration inside the container.

type NetworkConnect

type NetworkConnect struct {
	Container string

NetworkConnect represents the data to be used to connect a container to the network

type NetworkCreate

type NetworkCreate struct {
	Name           string
	CheckDuplicate bool
	Driver         string
	IPAM           network.IPAM
	Options        map[string]string

NetworkCreate is the expected body of the "create network" http request message

type NetworkCreateResponse

type NetworkCreateResponse struct {
	ID      string `json:"Id"`
	Warning string

NetworkCreateResponse is the response message sent by the server for network create call

type NetworkDisconnect

type NetworkDisconnect struct {
	Container string

NetworkDisconnect represents the data to be used to disconnect a container from the network

type NetworkResource

type NetworkResource struct {
	Name       string
	ID         string `json:"Id"`
	Scope      string
	Driver     string
	IPAM       network.IPAM
	Containers map[string]EndpointResource
	Options    map[string]string

NetworkResource is the body of the "get network" http response message

type NetworkSettings

type NetworkSettings struct {
	Networks map[string]*network.EndpointSettings

NetworkSettings exposes the network settings in the api

type NetworkSettingsBase

type NetworkSettingsBase struct {
	Bridge                 string
	SandboxID              string
	HairpinMode            bool
	LinkLocalIPv6Address   string
	LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen int
	Ports                  nat.PortMap
	SandboxKey             string
	SecondaryIPAddresses   []network.Address
	SecondaryIPv6Addresses []network.Address

NetworkSettingsBase holds basic information about networks

type NetworkStats

type NetworkStats struct {
	RxBytes   uint64 `json:"rx_bytes"`
	RxPackets uint64 `json:"rx_packets"`
	RxErrors  uint64 `json:"rx_errors"`
	RxDropped uint64 `json:"rx_dropped"`
	TxBytes   uint64 `json:"tx_bytes"`
	TxPackets uint64 `json:"tx_packets"`
	TxErrors  uint64 `json:"tx_errors"`
	TxDropped uint64 `json:"tx_dropped"`

NetworkStats aggregates All network stats of one container TODO Windows: This will require refactoring

type Port

type Port struct {
	IP          string `json:",omitempty"`
	PrivatePort int
	PublicPort  int `json:",omitempty"`
	Type        string

Port stores open ports info of container e.g. {"PrivatePort": 8080, "PublicPort": 80, "Type": "tcp"}

type Stats

type Stats struct {
	Read        time.Time   `json:"read"`
	PreCPUStats CPUStats    `json:"precpu_stats,omitempty"`
	CPUStats    CPUStats    `json:"cpu_stats,omitempty"`
	MemoryStats MemoryStats `json:"memory_stats,omitempty"`
	BlkioStats  BlkioStats  `json:"blkio_stats,omitempty"`

Stats is Ultimate struct aggregating all types of stats of one container

type StatsJSON

type StatsJSON struct {

	// Networks request version >=1.21
	Networks map[string]NetworkStats `json:"networks,omitempty"`

StatsJSON is newly used Networks

type ThrottlingData

type ThrottlingData struct {
	// Number of periods with throttling active
	Periods uint64 `json:"periods"`
	// Number of periods when the container hit its throttling limit.
	ThrottledPeriods uint64 `json:"throttled_periods"`
	// Aggregate time the container was throttled for in nanoseconds.
	ThrottledTime uint64 `json:"throttled_time"`

ThrottlingData stores CPU throttling stats of one running container

type Version

type Version struct {
	Version       string
	APIVersion    version.Version `json:"ApiVersion"`
	GitCommit     string
	GoVersion     string
	Os            string
	Arch          string
	KernelVersion string `json:",omitempty"`
	Experimental  bool   `json:",omitempty"`
	BuildTime     string `json:",omitempty"`

Version contains response of Remote API: GET "/version"

type Volume

type Volume struct {
	Name       string // Name is the name of the volume
	Driver     string // Driver is the Driver name used to create the volume
	Mountpoint string // Mountpoint is the location on disk of the volume

Volume represents the configuration of a volume for the remote API

type VolumeCreateRequest

type VolumeCreateRequest struct {
	Name       string            // Name is the requested name of the volume
	Driver     string            // Driver is the name of the driver that should be used to create the volume
	DriverOpts map[string]string // DriverOpts holds the driver specific options to use for when creating the volume.

VolumeCreateRequest contains the response for the remote API: POST "/volumes/create"

type VolumesListResponse

type VolumesListResponse struct {
	Volumes []*Volume // Volumes is the list of volumes being returned

VolumesListResponse contains the response for the remote API: GET "/volumes"


Path Synopsis
Package v1p19 provides specific API types for the API version 1, patch 19.
Package v1p19 provides specific API types for the API version 1, patch 19.
Package v1p20 provides specific API types for the API version 1, patch 20.
Package v1p20 provides specific API types for the API version 1, patch 20.

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