Rancher aks-operator is a new service, which takes care about Azure Kubernetes Service cluster provisioning for Rancher based on AKSClusterConfig defined by Custom Resource Definition.
Latest TAG version
TAG=v1.0-rc1 make
To build and test aks-operator, please go with following procedure:
1. Checkout aks-operator repository
git checkout https://github.com/rancher/aks-operator
2. Download required modules and build project
cd aks-operator
go build -o aks-operator main.go
3. Deploy CRD AKSClusterConfig on K8s
export KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig_path>
kubectl apply -f crds/aksclusterconfig.yaml
4. Edit AKSClusterConfig setup
cp examples/create-example.yaml examples/create-aks.yaml
vim examples/create-aks.yaml
5. Create AKS secret with clientID and clientSecret
kubectl create secret generic $REPLACE_WITH_K8S_SECRETS_NAME --from-literal=azurecredentialConfig-subscriptionId=<REPLACE_WITH_SUBSCRIPTIONID> --from-literal=azurecredentialConfig-clientId=<REPLACE_WITH_CLIENTID> --from-literal=azurecredentialConfig-clientSecret=<REPLACE_WITH_CLIENTSECRET>
6. Start aks-operator
7. Apply AKSClusterConfig
kubectl apply -f examples/create-aks.yaml
8. Watch the logs
9. To delete AKS cluster
kubectl delete -f examples/create-aks.yaml