Simple CLI app that listens to keyboard input and displays the event code and some additional info.
Recently riced my Arch Linux machine and an update to a newer kernel version switched my keyboard mode.
That led to hours of searching on a separate computer what was happening because I couldn't type simple
characters like +-
and therefore couldn't type my full password to login. Knowing I had no access to a browser,
I couldn't rely on
a web-based JS keycode detector
so I decided to write a quick utility I can install on any machine to see what keys I'm pressing. :)
- Show history of keys pressed
- Show ASCII Char code
- Show UTF-8 Char code
- Show KeyCode
- Show Modifier status in help?
- Show String representation
- Option to auto-quit after 1 minute
- Option to limit or hide history
- Detect keyboard config at startup
From source
From AUR or other package managers
Simply run keydetect
and press any key you'd like to know some info about!
All helpers should be displayed by the application but in case they are not, simply run keydetect --help