A Kubernetes controller that automates the generation of self-signed TLS certificates for applications, simplifying the deployment process and ensuring secure communication. kubecert kubernetes controller continuously watches and reconciles Certificate
custom resource to generate kubenetes native Secret
resource using provided specifications. The Secret
is expected to contain a tls.crt
and a tls.key
file which are actually a self-signed certificate and private key.
It is a requirement to install cert-manager prior to installing kubecert controller. Cert-manager is used to inject self-signed certificates for controller manager webhook server. Use the following command to install cert-manager using helm CLI.
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.15.3 \
--set crds.enabled=true
You can also install the cert-manager release manifest using kubectl CLI as well.
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.15.3/cert-manager.yaml
Simply, cd
into the project directory and install the controller using the following commands.
cd kubecert
export IMG=raihankhanraka/kubecert:v1.0.0
make deploy
You can also self-build the docker image and install the controller using that image.
export IMG=<docker-registry>/kubecert:<tag>
make docker-build
make docker-push
make deploy
Now, Try with the sample yaml from here
Let's take a look at the configurable fields in the custom resource object and their default values.
certificate.spec. |
Default |
Accepted Types |
subject.organizations |
[]string |
subject.countries |
[]string |
subject.organizaionalUnits |
[]string |
subject.localities |
[]string |
subject.provinces |
[]string |
subject.streetAddresses |
[]string |
subject.postalCodes |
[]string |
commonName |
string |
duration |
90d |
units( "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w", "y" ) |
dnsNames |
[]string |
ipAddresses |
[]string |
uris |
[]string |
emailAddresses |
[]string |
secretRef.name |
-secret |
[]string |
usages |
digital signature ,
key encipherment |
digital signature ,
content commitment
key encipherment
key agreement
data encipherment
cert sign
crl sign
encipher only
decipher only
server auth
client auth
code signing
email protection
ipsec end system
ipsec tunnel
ipsec user
ocsp signing
microsoft sgc
netscape sgc |
privateKey.encoding |
pkcs8 |
pkcs8 |
privateKey.algorithm |
Ed25519 |
privateKey.size |
2048 |
for RSA - 2048 ,4096 ,8192 for ECDSA - 256 , 384 , 521
Ed25519 |