This tool will scan workflow files and check for any new update available for
also, you can run local cli to update workflow file for new action update. [TODO]
-ignore_action string
comma separated list of actions to ignore
Use to run local mode
-loglevel string
Specify log level: debug, warn, error (default "info")
Json prettyprint output (default true)
-remote_repos string
comma separated list of remote repos
-token string
Github auth token
-workflow_dir string
Specify workflow dir (default ".github/workflows")
Sample output
> go run . -local -remote_repos rahulinux/echo-service -token XXXX
2023/02/23 13:59:20 [INFO] CI Local mode
2023/02/23 13:59:21 [INFO] processing workflow files: [/tmp/2367665663_rahulinux-echo-service/gh.1159213085.yml /tmp/2367665663_rahulinux-echo-service/gh.1721764720.yml /tmp/2367665663_rahulinux-echo-service/gh.2086260401.yml .github/workflows/go.yml .github/workflows/test.yml]
::set-output name=actions::{
".github/workflows": {
"actions/checkout@v2": "actions/checkout@v3"
"rahulinux-echo-service": {
"actions/setup-python@v3": "actions/setup-python@v4"