a gisp
REPL with turtle abilities
This is an example of adding new built-in
methods to gisp, based on https://github.com/GaryBrownEEngr/turtle (and Ebitengine,
Additional built-ins
(color r g b [a]) ; return a color
(turtle [ (width height show) ] drawFunction) ; create a turtle window and run `drawFunction`
(clear t [ color ]) ; clear window (and, if present, fill with color `color`
(show [bool|'turtle|'arrow|'imagefile) ; show/hide cursor and set shape (turtle, arrow or from image file)
(speed t pixelsPerSecond) ; set speed of drawing
(scale t number) ; scale cursor
(pencolor t color) ; set pen color
(pendown t) ; pen down (draw line when moving)
(pendown t) ; pen up (move without drawing)
(fill t color) ; fill drawing with color
(size t n) ; line width (`n` pixels)
(dot t n) ; draw a dot of radius `n`
(angle t angle) ; rotate to angle
(left t angle) ; rotate left of `angle` degrees
(right t angle) ; rotate right of `angle` degrees
(panleft t distance)
(panright t distance)
(forward t distance) ; move forward of `distance` pixels
(backward t distance) ; move backward of `distance` pixels
(goto t x y) ; go to `x, y` coordinates
(pos t) ; return current position (x, y)
(pointto t x y) ; point to `x, y` coordinates
(circle t radius angle steps) ; draw a circle of radious `radius`
See the file turtle.gisp
for a working example
> go run . turtle.gisp