
v2.1.0+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 10, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 0


API Reference

Control The Things Network from the command line.


      --auth-server string         The address of the OAuth 2.0 server (default "")
      --config string              config file (default is $HOME/.ttnctl.yml)
      --data string                directory where ttnctl stores data (default is $HOME/.ttnctl)
  -d, --debug                      Enable debug mode
      --discovery-address string   The address of the Discovery server (default "")
      --handler-id string          The ID of the TTN Handler as announced in the Discovery server (default "ttn-handler-eu")
      --mqtt-address string        The address of the MQTT broker (default "")
      --mqtt-password string       The password for the MQTT broker
      --mqtt-username string       The username for the MQTT broker
      --router-id string           The ID of the TTN Router as announced in the Discovery server (default "ttn-router-eu")

ttnctl applications

ttnctl applications can be used to manage applications.

ttnctl applications add

ttnctl applications add can be used to add a new application to your account.

Usage: ttnctl applications add [AppID] [Description]


      --app-eui stringSlice   LoRaWAN AppEUI to register with application
      --skip-register         Do not register application with the Handler
      --skip-select           Do not select this application (also adds --skip-register)


$ ttnctl applications add test "Test application"
  INFO Added Application
  INFO Selected Current Application
ttnctl applications delete

ttnctl devices delete can be used to delete an application.

Usage: ttnctl applications delete

ttnctl applications info

ttnctl applications info can be used to info applications.

Usage: ttnctl applications info [AppID]


$ ttnctl applications info
  INFO Found application

AppID:   test
Name:    Test application
       - 0000000000000000

Access Keys:
       - Name: default key
         Key:  FZYr01cUhdhY1KBiMghUl+/gXyqXhrF6y+1ww7+DzHg=
         Rights: messages:up:r, messages:down:w

       - Name: yourname
         Rights: settings, delete, collaborators
ttnctl applications list

ttnctl applications list can be used to list applications.

Usage: ttnctl applications list


$ ttnctl applications list
  INFO Found one application:

 	ID  	Description     	EUIs	Access Keys	Collaborators
1	test	Test application	1   	1          	1
ttnctl applications pf

ttnctl applications pf shows the payload functions for decoding, converting and validating binary payload.

Usage: ttnctl applications pf


$ ttnctl applications pf
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Found Application
  INFO Decoder function
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  var decoded = {};
  if (port === 1) {
    decoded.led = bytes[0];
  return decoded;
  INFO No converter function
  INFO No validator function
  INFO No encoder function
ttnctl applications pf set

ttnctl pf set can be used to get or set payload functions of an application. The functions are read from the supplied file or from STDIN.

Usage: ttnctl applications pf set [decoder/converter/validator/encoder] [file.js]


$ ttnctl applications pf set decoder
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  // Decode an uplink message from a buffer
  // (array) of bytes to an object of fields.
  var decoded = {};

  // if (port === 1) {
  //   decoded.led = bytes[0];
  // }

  return decoded;
########## Write your Decoder here and end with Ctrl+D (EOF):
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  var decoded = {};

  // if (port === 1) {
  //   decoded.led = bytes[0];
  // }

  return decoded;
  INFO Updated application                      AppID=test
ttnctl applications register

ttnctl register can be used to register this application with the handler.

Usage: ttnctl applications register


$ ttnctl applications register
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Registered application                   AppID=test
ttnctl applications select

ttnctl applications select can be used to select the application to use in next commands.

Usage: ttnctl applications select [AppID [AppEUI]]


$ ttnctl applications select
  INFO Found one application "test", selecting that one.
  INFO Found one EUI "0000000000000000", selecting that one.
  INFO Updated configuration
ttnctl applications unregister

ttnctl unregister can be used to unregister this application from the handler.

Usage: ttnctl applications unregister


$ ttnctl applications unregister
Are you sure you want to unregister application test?
> yes
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Unregistered application                 AppID=test

ttnctl config

ttnctl config prints the configuration that is used

Usage: ttnctl config

ttnctl devices

ttnctl devices can be used to manage devices.


      --app-eui string   The app EUI to use
      --app-id string    The app ID to use
ttnctl devices delete

ttnctl devices delete can be used to delete a device.

Usage: ttnctl devices delete [Device ID]


$ ttnctl devices delete test
  INFO Using Application                        AppID=test
Are you sure you want to delete device test from application test?
> yes
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Deleted device                           AppID=test DevID=test
ttnctl devices info

ttnctl devices info can be used to get information about a device.

Usage: ttnctl devices info [Device ID]


      --format string   Formatting: hex/msb/lsb (default "hex")


$ ttnctl devices info test
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57EF0000024 AppID=test
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Found device

  Application ID: test
       Device ID: test
       Last Seen: never

    LoRaWAN Info:

     AppEUI: 70B3D57EF0000024
     DevEUI: 0001D544B2936FCE
    DevAddr: 26001ADA
     AppKey: <nil>
    AppSKey: D8DD37B4B709BA76C6FEC62CAD0CCE51
    NwkSKey: 3382A3066850293421ED8D392B9BF4DF
     FCntUp: 0
   FCntDown: 0
ttnctl devices list

ttnctl devices list can be used to list all devices for the current application.

Usage: ttnctl devices list


$ ttnctl devices list
  INFO Using Application                        AppID=test
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...

DevID	AppEUI          	DevEUI          	DevAddr
test 	70B3D57EF0000024	0001D544B2936FCE	26001ADA

  INFO Listed 1 devices                         AppID=test
ttnctl devices personalize

ttnctl devices personalize can be used to personalize a device (ABP).

Usage: ttnctl devices personalize [Device ID] [NwkSKey] [AppSKey]


$ ttnctl devices personalize test
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57EF0000024 AppID=test
  INFO Generating random NwkSKey...
  INFO Generating random AppSKey...
  INFO Discovering Handler...                   Handler=ttn-handler-eu
  INFO Connecting with Handler...     
  INFO Requesting DevAddr for device...
  INFO Personalized device                      AppID=test AppSKey=D8DD37B4B709BA76C6FEC62CAD0CCE51 DevAddr=26001ADA DevID=test NwkSKey=3382A3066850293421ED8D392B9BF4DF
ttnctl devices register

ttnctl devices register can be used to register a new device.

Usage: ttnctl devices register [Device ID] [DevEUI] [AppKey]


$ ttnctl devices register test
  INFO Using Application                        AppEUI=70B3D57EF0000024 AppID=test
  INFO Generating random DevEUI...
  INFO Generating random AppKey...
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Registered device                        AppEUI=70B3D57EF0000024 AppID=test AppKey=EBD2E2810A4307263FE5EF78E2EF589D DevEUI=0001D544B2936FCE DevID=test
ttnctl devices set

ttnctl devices set can be used to set properties of a device.

Usage: ttnctl devices set [Device ID]


      --16-bit-fcnt          Use 16 bit FCnt
      --32-bit-fcnt          Use 32 bit FCnt (default)
      --app-eui string       Set AppEUI
      --app-key string       Set AppKey
      --app-s-key string     Set AppSKey
      --dev-addr string      Set DevAddr
      --dev-eui string       Set DevEUI
      --disable-fcnt-check   Disable FCnt check
      --enable-fcnt-check    Enable FCnt check (default)
      --fcnt-down int        Set FCnt Down (default -1)
      --fcnt-up int          Set FCnt Up (default -1)
      --nwk-s-key string     Set NwkSKey
      --override             Override protection against breaking changes


$ ttnctl devices set test --fcnt-up 0 --fcnt-down 0
  INFO Using Application                        AppID=test
  INFO Discovering Handler...
  INFO Connecting with Handler...
  INFO Updated device                           AppID=test DevID=test

ttnctl downlink can be used to send a downlink message to a device.

Usage: ttnctl downlink [DevID] [Payload]


      --fport int   FPort for downlink (default 1)
      --json        Provide the payload as JSON


$ ttnctl downlink test aabc
  INFO Connecting to MQTT...
  INFO Connected to MQTT
  INFO Enqueued downlink                        AppID=test DevID=test

$ ttnctl downlink test --json '{"led":"on"}'
  INFO Connecting to MQTT...
  INFO Connected to MQTT
  INFO Enqueued downlink                        AppID=test DevID=test

ttnctl gateways

ttnctl gateways can be used to manage gateways.

ttnctl gateways delete

ttnctl gateways delete can be used to delete a gateway

Usage: ttnctl gateways delete [GatewayID]


$ ttnctl gateways delete test
  INFO Deleted gateway                          Gateway ID=test
ttnctl gateways edit

ttnctl gateways edit can be used to edit settings of a gateway

Usage: ttnctl gateways edit [GatewayID]


      --frequency-plan string   The frequency plan to use on the gateway
      --location string         The location of the gateway


$ ttnctl gateways edit test --location 52.37403,4.88968 --frequency-plan EU
  INFO Edited gateway                          Gateway ID=test
ttnctl gateways info

ttnctl gateways info can be used to get information about a gateway

Usage: ttnctl gateways info [GatewayID]

ttnctl gateways list

ttnctl gateways list can be used to list the gateways you have access to

Usage: ttnctl gateways list


$ ttnctl gateways list
 	ID  	Activated	Frequency Plan	Coordinates
1	test	true		US				(52.3740, 4.8896)
ttnctl gateways register

ttnctl gateways register can be used to register a gateway

Usage: ttnctl gateways register [GatewayID] [FrequencyPlan] [Location]


$ ttnctl gateways register test US 52.37403,4.88968
  INFO Registered gateway                          Gateway ID=test
ttnctl gateways status

ttnctl gateways status can be used to get status of gateways.

Usage: ttnctl gateways status [gatewayID]


$ ttnctl gateways status test
  INFO Discovering Router...
  INFO Connecting with Router...
  INFO Connected to Router
  INFO Received status

           Last seen: 2016-09-20 08:25:27.94138808 +0200 CEST
           Timestamp: 0
       Reported time: 2016-09-20 08:25:26 +0200 CEST
     GPS coordinates: (52.372791 4.900300)
                 Rtt: not available
                  Rx: (in: 0; ok: 0)
                  Tx: (in: 0; ok: 0)

ttnctl selfupdate

ttnctl selfupdate updates the current ttnctl to the latest version

Usage: ttnctl selfupdate

ttnctl subscribe

ttnctl subscribe can be used to subscribe to events for this application.

Usage: ttnctl subscribe

ttnctl user

ttnctl user shows the current logged on user's profile

Usage: ttnctl user


$ ttnctl user
  INFO Found user profile:

            Username: yourname
                Name: Your Name

  INFO Login credentials valid until Sep 20 09:04:12
ttnctl user login

ttnctl user login allows you to log in to your TTN account.

Usage: ttnctl user login [access code]


First get an access code from your TTN profile by going to and clicking "ttnctl access code".

$ ttnctl user login [paste the access code you requested above]
  INFO Successfully logged in as yourname (
ttnctl user logout

ttnctl user logout logs out the current user

Usage: ttnctl user logout

ttnctl user register

ttnctl user register allows you to register a new user in the account server

Usage: ttnctl user register [username] [e-mail]


$ ttnctl user register yourname
Password: <entering password>
  INFO Registered user
  WARN You might have to verify your email before you can login

ttnctl version

ttnctl version gets the build and version information of ttnctl

Usage: ttnctl version


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