Open Weather Map Beat (owmbeat)
Welcome to Owmbeat.
Owmbeat implements one (start simple) api call from OpenWeatherMap service.
You can configure Cities within a rectangle zone
Example API call might look like following
Download and install appropriate package for your system. Check release page for latest packages.
You also can use Docker image docker pull radoondas/owmbeat
To run owmbeat you need to register and generate your appid
to authenticate your API requests.
appid: "yourappid"
Period definition defines how often to pull data from service. This time period depends on your level of subscription.
For free API id does not make sense to pull new documents less than 1h. Set period to 1h
period: 1h
Define the rate limit for your account type. The default is set to 60 for free account type.
maxApiCalls: 60
Next, define your regions. Each region is one bbox
definition from api call. YOu can define multiple regions to cover different areas.
- region:
enabled: true
name: "Slovakia"
description: "Somewhere in Europe"
lon-left: 17
lat-bottom: 46
lon-right: 22
lat-top: 51
zoom: 10
./owmbeat -c owmbeat.yml -e
This is an example of temperature visualisation using Map application in Kibana.

If you want to build Owmbeat from scratch, follow build documentation.