There is another logstashbeat which was developed in parallel without any knowledge of each other. I worked on this one for personal purposes. I do not want to compete but I don't want to delete it as well. :)
Note: This is development version
Note: Beat works only with Logstash 5.0aplha4
Welcome to Logstashbeat which queries metrics from Logstash and index them in Elasticsearch.
Ensure that this folder is at the following location:
Getting Started with Logstashbeat
To build the binary for Logstashbeat run the command below. This will generate a binary
in the same directory with the name logstashbeat.
To run Logstashbeat with debugging output enabled, run:
./logstashbeat -c logstashbeat.yml -e -d "*"
Test (not implemented yet)
To test Logstashbeat, run the following command:
make testsuite
make unit-tests
make system-tests
make integration-tests
make coverage-report
The test coverage is reported in the folder ./build/coverage/
To be able to package Logstashbeat the requirements are as follows:
- Docker Environment >= 1.10
- $GOPATH/bin must be part of $PATH:
export PATH=${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin
To cross-compile and package Logstashbeat for all supported platforms, run the following commands:
cd dev-tools/packer
make deps
make images
Each beat has a template for the mapping in elasticsearch and a documentation for the fields
which is automatically generated based on etc/fields.yml
To generate etc/logstashbeat.template.json and etc/logstashbeat.asciidoc
make update
To clean Logstashbeat source code, run the following commands:
make fmt
make simplify
To clean up the build directory and generated artifacts, run:
make clean
To clone Logstashbeat from the git repository, run the following commands:
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/github.com/radoondas
cd ${GOPATH}/github.com/radoondas
git clone https://github.com/radoondas/logstashbeat