Index ¶
- func Route(router RouteOut) (string, string, quickfix.MessageRoute)
- type NoRelatedSym
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveName() (v enum.BenchmarkCurveName, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCashOrderQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetExpireTime() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate2() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetInstrRegistry() (v enum.InstrRegistry, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetNoStipulations() (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrdType() (v enum.OrdType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty2() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrevClosePx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrice2() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPriceType() (v enum.PriceType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetProduct() (v enum.Product, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuantityType() (v enum.QuantityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteRequestType() (v enum.QuoteRequestType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteType() (v enum.QuoteType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityIDSource() (v enum.SecurityIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityType() (v enum.SecurityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSettlmntTyp() (v enum.SettlmntTyp, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSide() (v enum.Side, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSpread() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSymbolSfx() (v enum.SymbolSfx, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradeOriginationDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionID() (v enum.TradingSessionID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionSubID() (v enum.TradingSessionSubID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTransactTime() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetYield() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) GetYieldType() (v enum.YieldType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveName() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCFICode() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCashOrderQty() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCouponRate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCreditRating() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCurrency() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasExpireTime() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFactor() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate2() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasIssueDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasIssuer() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasNoStipulations() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrdType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty2() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrevClosePx() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrice() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrice2() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPriceType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasProduct() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuantityType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteRequestType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityID() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSettlmntTyp() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSide() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSpread() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSymbol() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradeOriginationDate() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionID() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTransactTime() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasYield() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) HasYieldType() bool
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveName(v enum.BenchmarkCurveName)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCFICode(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCashOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate2(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetInstrRegistry(v enum.InstrRegistry)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetNoStipulations(f NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrdType(v enum.OrdType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrevClosePx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrice2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPriceType(v enum.PriceType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetProduct(v enum.Product)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuantityType(v enum.QuantityType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteRequestType(v enum.QuoteRequestType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteType(v enum.QuoteType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityIDSource(v enum.SecurityIDSource)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityType(v enum.SecurityType)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSettlmntTyp(v enum.SettlmntTyp)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSide(v enum.Side)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSpread(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSymbol(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSymbolSfx(v enum.SymbolSfx)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradeOriginationDate(v string)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionID(v enum.TradingSessionID)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionSubID(v enum.TradingSessionSubID)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetYield(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoRelatedSym) SetYieldType(v enum.YieldType)
- type NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup
- type NoSecurityAltID
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoStipulations
- func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationType() (v enum.StipulationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationType() bool
- func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue() bool
- func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationType(v enum.StipulationType)
- func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue(v string)
- type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
- type QuoteRequest
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetEncodedText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetEncodedTextLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetNoRelatedSym() (NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetQuoteReqID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetRFQReqID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) GetText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasEncodedText() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasNoRelatedSym() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasQuoteReqID() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasRFQReqID() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) HasText() bool
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetEncodedText(v string)
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetNoRelatedSym(f NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup)
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetQuoteReqID(v string)
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetRFQReqID(v string)
- func (m QuoteRequest) SetText(v string)
- func (m QuoteRequest) ToMessage() *quickfix.Message
- type RouteOut
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type NoRelatedSym ¶
NoRelatedSym is a repeating group element, Tag 146
func (NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency gets BenchmarkCurveCurrency, Tag 220
func (NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurveName() (v enum.BenchmarkCurveName, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurveName gets BenchmarkCurveName, Tag 221
func (NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurvePoint gets BenchmarkCurvePoint, Tag 222
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCFICode ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCFICode gets CFICode, Tag 461
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCashOrderQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCashOrderQty gets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (NoRelatedSym) GetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractMultiplier gets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCountryOfIssue gets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponPaymentDate gets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCouponRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponRate gets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCreditRating ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCreditRating gets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (NoRelatedSym) GetCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCurrency gets Currency, Tag 15
func (NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuer gets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuerLen gets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDesc gets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDescLen gets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (NoRelatedSym) GetExpireTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetExpireTime() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExpireTime gets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (NoRelatedSym) GetFactor ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFactor gets Factor, Tag 228
func (NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFutSettDate gets FutSettDate, Tag 64
func (NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetFutSettDate2() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFutSettDate2 gets FutSettDate2, Tag 193
func (NoRelatedSym) GetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetInstrRegistry() (v enum.InstrRegistry, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrRegistry gets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (NoRelatedSym) GetIssueDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssueDate gets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (NoRelatedSym) GetIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssuer gets Issuer, Tag 106
func (NoRelatedSym) GetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLocaleOfIssue gets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityDate gets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityMonthYear gets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (NoRelatedSym) GetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoSecurityAltID gets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (NoRelatedSym) GetNoStipulations ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetNoStipulations() (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoStipulations gets NoStipulations, Tag 232
func (NoRelatedSym) GetOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOptAttribute gets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (NoRelatedSym) GetOrdType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrdType() (v enum.OrdType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrdType gets OrdType, Tag 40
func (NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderQty gets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetOrderQty2() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderQty2 gets OrderQty2, Tag 192
func (NoRelatedSym) GetPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrevClosePx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrevClosePx gets PrevClosePx, Tag 140
func (NoRelatedSym) GetPrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrice gets Price, Tag 44
func (NoRelatedSym) GetPrice2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPrice2() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrice2 gets Price2, Tag 640
func (NoRelatedSym) GetPriceType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetPriceType() (v enum.PriceType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPriceType gets PriceType, Tag 423
func (NoRelatedSym) GetProduct ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetProduct() (v enum.Product, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetProduct gets Product, Tag 460
func (NoRelatedSym) GetQuantityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuantityType() (v enum.QuantityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuantityType gets QuantityType, Tag 465
func (NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteRequestType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteRequestType() (v enum.QuoteRequestType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuoteRequestType gets QuoteRequestType, Tag 303
func (NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetQuoteType() (v enum.QuoteType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuoteType gets QuoteType, Tag 537
func (NoRelatedSym) GetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRedemptionDate gets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (NoRelatedSym) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepoCollateralSecurityType gets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseRate gets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseTerm gets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityDesc gets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityExchange gets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityID gets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityIDSource() (v enum.SecurityIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityIDSource gets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSecurityType() (v enum.SecurityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityType gets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSettlmntTyp() (v enum.SettlmntTyp, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlmntTyp gets SettlmntTyp, Tag 63
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSide ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSide() (v enum.Side, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSide gets Side, Tag 54
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSpread ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSpread() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSpread gets Spread, Tag 218
func (NoRelatedSym) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (NoRelatedSym) GetStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikePrice gets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSymbol ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbol gets Symbol, Tag 55
func (NoRelatedSym) GetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetSymbolSfx() (v enum.SymbolSfx, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbolSfx gets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (NoRelatedSym) GetTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradeOriginationDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradeOriginationDate gets TradeOriginationDate, Tag 229
func (NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionID() (v enum.TradingSessionID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionID gets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTradingSessionSubID() (v enum.TradingSessionSubID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionSubID gets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
func (NoRelatedSym) GetTransactTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetTransactTime() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTransactTime gets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (NoRelatedSym) GetYield ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetYield() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetYield gets Yield, Tag 236
func (NoRelatedSym) GetYieldType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) GetYieldType() (v enum.YieldType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetYieldType gets YieldType, Tag 235
func (NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency() bool
HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency returns true if BenchmarkCurveCurrency is present, Tag 220
func (NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurveName() bool
HasBenchmarkCurveName returns true if BenchmarkCurveName is present, Tag 221
func (NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint() bool
HasBenchmarkCurvePoint returns true if BenchmarkCurvePoint is present, Tag 222
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCFICode ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCFICode() bool
HasCFICode returns true if CFICode is present, Tag 461
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCashOrderQty() bool
HasCashOrderQty returns true if CashOrderQty is present, Tag 152
func (NoRelatedSym) HasContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasContractMultiplier() bool
HasContractMultiplier returns true if ContractMultiplier is present, Tag 231
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
HasCountryOfIssue returns true if CountryOfIssue is present, Tag 470
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
HasCouponPaymentDate returns true if CouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 224
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCouponRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCouponRate() bool
HasCouponRate returns true if CouponRate is present, Tag 223
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCreditRating ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCreditRating() bool
HasCreditRating returns true if CreditRating is present, Tag 255
func (NoRelatedSym) HasCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasCurrency() bool
HasCurrency returns true if Currency is present, Tag 15
func (NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
HasEncodedIssuer returns true if EncodedIssuer is present, Tag 349
func (NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedIssuerLen returns true if EncodedIssuerLen is present, Tag 348
func (NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedSecurityDesc is present, Tag 351
func (NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 350
func (NoRelatedSym) HasExpireTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasExpireTime() bool
HasExpireTime returns true if ExpireTime is present, Tag 126
func (NoRelatedSym) HasFactor ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFactor() bool
HasFactor returns true if Factor is present, Tag 228
func (NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate() bool
HasFutSettDate returns true if FutSettDate is present, Tag 64
func (NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasFutSettDate2() bool
HasFutSettDate2 returns true if FutSettDate2 is present, Tag 193
func (NoRelatedSym) HasInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasInstrRegistry() bool
HasInstrRegistry returns true if InstrRegistry is present, Tag 543
func (NoRelatedSym) HasIssueDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasIssueDate() bool
HasIssueDate returns true if IssueDate is present, Tag 225
func (NoRelatedSym) HasIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasIssuer() bool
HasIssuer returns true if Issuer is present, Tag 106
func (NoRelatedSym) HasLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
HasLocaleOfIssue returns true if LocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 472
func (NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityDate() bool
HasMaturityDate returns true if MaturityDate is present, Tag 541
func (NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasMaturityMonthYear returns true if MaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 200
func (NoRelatedSym) HasNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
HasNoSecurityAltID returns true if NoSecurityAltID is present, Tag 454
func (NoRelatedSym) HasNoStipulations ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasNoStipulations() bool
HasNoStipulations returns true if NoStipulations is present, Tag 232
func (NoRelatedSym) HasOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOptAttribute() bool
HasOptAttribute returns true if OptAttribute is present, Tag 206
func (NoRelatedSym) HasOrdType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrdType() bool
HasOrdType returns true if OrdType is present, Tag 40
func (NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty() bool
HasOrderQty returns true if OrderQty is present, Tag 38
func (NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasOrderQty2() bool
HasOrderQty2 returns true if OrderQty2 is present, Tag 192
func (NoRelatedSym) HasPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrevClosePx() bool
HasPrevClosePx returns true if PrevClosePx is present, Tag 140
func (NoRelatedSym) HasPrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrice() bool
HasPrice returns true if Price is present, Tag 44
func (NoRelatedSym) HasPrice2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPrice2() bool
HasPrice2 returns true if Price2 is present, Tag 640
func (NoRelatedSym) HasPriceType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasPriceType() bool
HasPriceType returns true if PriceType is present, Tag 423
func (NoRelatedSym) HasProduct ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasProduct() bool
HasProduct returns true if Product is present, Tag 460
func (NoRelatedSym) HasQuantityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuantityType() bool
HasQuantityType returns true if QuantityType is present, Tag 465
func (NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteRequestType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteRequestType() bool
HasQuoteRequestType returns true if QuoteRequestType is present, Tag 303
func (NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasQuoteType() bool
HasQuoteType returns true if QuoteType is present, Tag 537
func (NoRelatedSym) HasRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRedemptionDate() bool
HasRedemptionDate returns true if RedemptionDate is present, Tag 240
func (NoRelatedSym) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
HasRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if RepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 239
func (NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
HasRepurchaseRate returns true if RepurchaseRate is present, Tag 227
func (NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
HasRepurchaseTerm returns true if RepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 226
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityDesc() bool
HasSecurityDesc returns true if SecurityDesc is present, Tag 107
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityExchange() bool
HasSecurityExchange returns true if SecurityExchange is present, Tag 207
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityID() bool
HasSecurityID returns true if SecurityID is present, Tag 48
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
HasSecurityIDSource returns true if SecurityIDSource is present, Tag 22
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSecurityType() bool
HasSecurityType returns true if SecurityType is present, Tag 167
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSettlmntTyp() bool
HasSettlmntTyp returns true if SettlmntTyp is present, Tag 63
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSide ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSide() bool
HasSide returns true if Side is present, Tag 54
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSpread ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSpread() bool
HasSpread returns true if Spread is present, Tag 218
func (NoRelatedSym) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if StateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 471
func (NoRelatedSym) HasStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasStrikePrice() bool
HasStrikePrice returns true if StrikePrice is present, Tag 202
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSymbol ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSymbol() bool
HasSymbol returns true if Symbol is present, Tag 55
func (NoRelatedSym) HasSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasSymbolSfx() bool
HasSymbolSfx returns true if SymbolSfx is present, Tag 65
func (NoRelatedSym) HasTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradeOriginationDate() bool
HasTradeOriginationDate returns true if TradeOriginationDate is present, Tag 229
func (NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionID() bool
HasTradingSessionID returns true if TradingSessionID is present, Tag 336
func (NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
HasTradingSessionSubID returns true if TradingSessionSubID is present, Tag 625
func (NoRelatedSym) HasTransactTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasTransactTime() bool
HasTransactTime returns true if TransactTime is present, Tag 60
func (NoRelatedSym) HasYield ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasYield() bool
HasYield returns true if Yield is present, Tag 236
func (NoRelatedSym) HasYieldType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) HasYieldType() bool
HasYieldType returns true if YieldType is present, Tag 235
func (NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency(v string)
SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency sets BenchmarkCurveCurrency, Tag 220
func (NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurveName(v enum.BenchmarkCurveName)
SetBenchmarkCurveName sets BenchmarkCurveName, Tag 221
func (NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint(v string)
SetBenchmarkCurvePoint sets BenchmarkCurvePoint, Tag 222
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCFICode ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCFICode(v string)
SetCFICode sets CFICode, Tag 461
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCashOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCashOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCashOrderQty sets CashOrderQty, Tag 152
func (NoRelatedSym) SetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetContractMultiplier sets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
SetCountryOfIssue sets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
SetCouponPaymentDate sets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCouponRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCouponRate sets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCreditRating ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCreditRating(v string)
SetCreditRating sets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (NoRelatedSym) SetCurrency ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetCurrency(v string)
SetCurrency sets Currency, Tag 15
func (NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedIssuer sets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedIssuerLen sets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedSecurityDesc sets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedSecurityDescLen sets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (NoRelatedSym) SetExpireTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetExpireTime(v time.Time)
SetExpireTime sets ExpireTime, Tag 126
func (NoRelatedSym) SetFactor ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetFactor sets Factor, Tag 228
func (NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate(v string)
SetFutSettDate sets FutSettDate, Tag 64
func (NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetFutSettDate2(v string)
SetFutSettDate2 sets FutSettDate2, Tag 193
func (NoRelatedSym) SetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetInstrRegistry(v enum.InstrRegistry)
SetInstrRegistry sets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (NoRelatedSym) SetIssueDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetIssueDate(v string)
SetIssueDate sets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (NoRelatedSym) SetIssuer ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetIssuer(v string)
SetIssuer sets Issuer, Tag 106
func (NoRelatedSym) SetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
SetLocaleOfIssue sets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityDate(v string)
SetMaturityDate sets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetMaturityMonthYear sets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (NoRelatedSym) SetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoSecurityAltID sets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (NoRelatedSym) SetNoStipulations ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetNoStipulations(f NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoStipulations sets NoStipulations, Tag 232
func (NoRelatedSym) SetOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOptAttribute(v string)
SetOptAttribute sets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (NoRelatedSym) SetOrdType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrdType(v enum.OrdType)
SetOrdType sets OrdType, Tag 40
func (NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetOrderQty sets OrderQty, Tag 38
func (NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetOrderQty2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetOrderQty2 sets OrderQty2, Tag 192
func (NoRelatedSym) SetPrevClosePx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrevClosePx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPrevClosePx sets PrevClosePx, Tag 140
func (NoRelatedSym) SetPrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPrice sets Price, Tag 44
func (NoRelatedSym) SetPrice2 ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPrice2(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPrice2 sets Price2, Tag 640
func (NoRelatedSym) SetPriceType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetPriceType(v enum.PriceType)
SetPriceType sets PriceType, Tag 423
func (NoRelatedSym) SetProduct ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetProduct(v enum.Product)
SetProduct sets Product, Tag 460
func (NoRelatedSym) SetQuantityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuantityType(v enum.QuantityType)
SetQuantityType sets QuantityType, Tag 465
func (NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteRequestType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteRequestType(v enum.QuoteRequestType)
SetQuoteRequestType sets QuoteRequestType, Tag 303
func (NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetQuoteType(v enum.QuoteType)
SetQuoteType sets QuoteType, Tag 537
func (NoRelatedSym) SetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
SetRedemptionDate sets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (NoRelatedSym) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
SetRepoCollateralSecurityType sets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetRepurchaseRate sets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
SetRepurchaseTerm sets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
SetSecurityDesc sets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
SetSecurityExchange sets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityID(v string)
SetSecurityID sets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityIDSource(v enum.SecurityIDSource)
SetSecurityIDSource sets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSecurityType(v enum.SecurityType)
SetSecurityType sets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSettlmntTyp ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSettlmntTyp(v enum.SettlmntTyp)
SetSettlmntTyp sets SettlmntTyp, Tag 63
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSpread ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSpread(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetSpread sets Spread, Tag 218
func (NoRelatedSym) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (NoRelatedSym) SetStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetStrikePrice sets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSymbol ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSymbol(v string)
SetSymbol sets Symbol, Tag 55
func (NoRelatedSym) SetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetSymbolSfx(v enum.SymbolSfx)
SetSymbolSfx sets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (NoRelatedSym) SetTradeOriginationDate ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradeOriginationDate(v string)
SetTradeOriginationDate sets TradeOriginationDate, Tag 229
func (NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionID(v enum.TradingSessionID)
SetTradingSessionID sets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTradingSessionSubID(v enum.TradingSessionSubID)
SetTradingSessionSubID sets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
func (NoRelatedSym) SetTransactTime ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetTransactTime(v time.Time)
SetTransactTime sets TransactTime, Tag 60
func (NoRelatedSym) SetYield ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetYield(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetYield sets Yield, Tag 236
func (NoRelatedSym) SetYieldType ¶
func (m NoRelatedSym) SetYieldType(v enum.YieldType)
SetYieldType sets YieldType, Tag 235
type NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup struct {
NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 146
func NewNoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup() NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup
NewNoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup
func (NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup) Add() NoRelatedSym
Add create and append a new NoRelatedSym to this group
func (NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoRelatedSym
Get returns the ith NoRelatedSym in the NoRelatedSymRepeatinGroup
type NoSecurityAltID ¶
NoSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 454
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltID gets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltIDSource gets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
HasSecurityAltID returns true if SecurityAltID is present, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasSecurityAltIDSource returns true if SecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
SetSecurityAltID sets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetSecurityAltIDSource sets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 454
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoSecurityAltID in the NoSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoStipulations ¶
NoStipulations is a repeating group element, Tag 232
func (NoStipulations) GetStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationType() (v enum.StipulationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStipulationType gets StipulationType, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStipulationValue gets StipulationValue, Tag 234
func (NoStipulations) HasStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationType() bool
HasStipulationType returns true if StipulationType is present, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue() bool
HasStipulationValue returns true if StipulationValue is present, Tag 234
func (NoStipulations) SetStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationType(v enum.StipulationType)
SetStipulationType sets StipulationType, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue(v string)
SetStipulationValue sets StipulationValue, Tag 234
type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 232
func NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup() NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
func (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoStipulations
Add create and append a new NoStipulations to this group
func (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoStipulations
Get returns the ith NoStipulations in the NoStipulationsRepeatinGroup
type QuoteRequest ¶
QuoteRequest is the fix43 QuoteRequest type, MsgType = R
func FromMessage ¶
func FromMessage(m *quickfix.Message) QuoteRequest
FromMessage creates a QuoteRequest from a quickfix.Message instance
func New ¶
func New(quotereqid field.QuoteReqIDField) (m QuoteRequest)
New returns a QuoteRequest initialized with the required fields for QuoteRequest
func (QuoteRequest) GetEncodedText ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetEncodedText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedText gets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (QuoteRequest) GetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetEncodedTextLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedTextLen gets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (QuoteRequest) GetNoRelatedSym ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetNoRelatedSym() (NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoRelatedSym gets NoRelatedSym, Tag 146
func (QuoteRequest) GetQuoteReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetQuoteReqID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuoteReqID gets QuoteReqID, Tag 131
func (QuoteRequest) GetRFQReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetRFQReqID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRFQReqID gets RFQReqID, Tag 644
func (QuoteRequest) GetText ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) GetText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetText gets Text, Tag 58
func (QuoteRequest) HasEncodedText ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasEncodedText() bool
HasEncodedText returns true if EncodedText is present, Tag 355
func (QuoteRequest) HasEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
HasEncodedTextLen returns true if EncodedTextLen is present, Tag 354
func (QuoteRequest) HasNoRelatedSym ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasNoRelatedSym() bool
HasNoRelatedSym returns true if NoRelatedSym is present, Tag 146
func (QuoteRequest) HasQuoteReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasQuoteReqID() bool
HasQuoteReqID returns true if QuoteReqID is present, Tag 131
func (QuoteRequest) HasRFQReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasRFQReqID() bool
HasRFQReqID returns true if RFQReqID is present, Tag 644
func (QuoteRequest) HasText ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) HasText() bool
HasText returns true if Text is present, Tag 58
func (QuoteRequest) SetEncodedText ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) SetEncodedText(v string)
SetEncodedText sets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (QuoteRequest) SetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
SetEncodedTextLen sets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (QuoteRequest) SetNoRelatedSym ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) SetNoRelatedSym(f NoRelatedSymRepeatingGroup)
SetNoRelatedSym sets NoRelatedSym, Tag 146
func (QuoteRequest) SetQuoteReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) SetQuoteReqID(v string)
SetQuoteReqID sets QuoteReqID, Tag 131
func (QuoteRequest) SetRFQReqID ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) SetRFQReqID(v string)
SetRFQReqID sets RFQReqID, Tag 644
func (QuoteRequest) ToMessage ¶
func (m QuoteRequest) ToMessage() *quickfix.Message
ToMessage returns a quickfix.Message instance
type RouteOut ¶
type RouteOut func(msg QuoteRequest, sessionID quickfix.SessionID) quickfix.MessageRejectError
A RouteOut is the callback type that should be implemented for routing Message