A simple real-time strategy game optimized for gamepads and hot seat battles against other players.
Connect up to 4 gamepads and play the battles with your friends using a single computer!
How to play: a quick guide
- Send the starting builder to some nearby sector
- Build builders to expand, you need many sectors
- Order some tanks to defend your bases and to attack the enemy
- When under attack, consider to build a defensive turret (E on keyboard)
Game basics overview
Players start with a base (HQ) and one builder. A builder can be sent to some free sector and capture it by building a new base. Bases (including HQ) can be used to build new units.
Every unit (tanks) consist of two parts: a hull and a turret. Depending on what resources and situation you have, different combinations can be considered optimal. You should always try to utilize your resources in the best way possible.
There are 3 types of resources:
- Iron (metal nugget icon)
- Gold (yellow sphere icon)
- Oil (blue barrel icon)
Normally, a sector has one resource assigned to it. When you build a base in that sector, you will get +1 of that resource per 5 seconds. Starting sectors have a "combined" resource, they produce 1 unit of each resource kind.
When you build a tank, it will stay near the base that produced it. You can select all tanks in the sector by pressing Space, then select a target sector and press Space again to send the units. After you send the units, you can't control them.
If your squad had a builder, it will capture a sector if it is not yet occupied. Note that if manage to build a base, all escort tanks will stay near that newly established base.
In menu:
- W, S - selects the focused menu button
- A, D - loop through the focused button options
- Enter - activate button / toggle option
- Escape - to the previous screen
In game:
- W, A, S, D - move the sector selector
- Space - select units / send units
- Enter - open sector menu (when owned sector is selected)
- E - build a defensive turret (when owned sector is selected)
- Q - cancel selection / action
- Escape - back to the menu
In sector menu (also in game):
- W, S - select turret/hull entry
- A, S - loop through the selected item (turret or hull) options
- Space - order selected design
- Enter, Q - close the menu
Gamepad controls

We use Xbox controller button names in this section.
Up, Down, Left, Right are the buttons from the D-pad.
In menu:
- Up, Down - selects the focused menu button
- Left, Right - loop through the focused button options
In game:
- Up, Down, Left, Right - move the sector selector
- A - select units / send units
- X - open sector menu (when owned sector is selected)
- Y - build a defensive turret (when owned sector is selected)
- B - cancel selection / action
In sector menu:
- Up, Down - select turret/hull entry
- Left, Right - loop through the selected item (turret or hull) options
- A - order selected design
- X, B - close the menu
New game configuration
Extra game rules (can enable more than one):
- Close combat: make starting locations closer to each other.
- Barren center: central sectors have no resources.
- Doubled income: all income is doubled (2 per sector instead of 1).
- Quick start: players start with two bases instead of one.
- Balanced Resources: generate a map with fair resources distribution
- HQ siege: losing an HQ base casuses the immediate defeat.
- No fortifications: building battle post fortifications (turrets) is prohibited.
- Mud terrain: causes tanks to move and turn slower.
Team modes:
- 2 vs 2: slot1+slot2 versus slot3+slot4
- 1 vs 3: slot1 versus slot2+slot3+slot4
- deathmatch: everyone versus everyone
- vs leader: dynamically changing alliances
In vs leader
teams mode, you start like in deathmatch
, but every few seconds a "leader" is selected, making everyone except that leader allied against that leader. A leader is a player that has the most sectors captured.