A simple Toolkit to act as a GPG Creator / Signer / Verifier. This abstracts the use of the GPG and makes easy to sign / verify any GPG document using just a POST request.
These are the Environment Variables that you can set to manage the webserver:
Common Configuration
PRIVATE_KEY_FOLDER => Folder to load / store encrypted private keys. (defaults to './keys')
MAX_KEYRING_CACHE_SIZE => Maximum Number of Public Keys to cache (does not include Private Keys derived Public Keys). (defaults to 1000)
SHOW_LINES => Show filename and lines in logs
REQUESTID_HEADER => Header field to get request ID
LOG_FORMAT => Change log format (default is pipe delimited, provide the value json to log in JSON format)
SKS_SERVER => SKS Server to fetch / put public keys. (defaults to 'http://pgp.mit.edu/')
KEY_PREFIX => Prefix of the name of the keys to load (for example a key prefix test_ will load any key named test_XXXX).
MODE => Mode of remote-signer (single_key, default)
ON_DEMAND_KEY_LOAD => Do not attempt to load all keys from keybackend. Load them as needed (defaults false)
Caching Configuration
Remote Signer can use REDIS as a caching layer for GPG Keys and Tokens. If enabled, it also does some in-memory local caching with a smaller TTL.
To enable, use the following environment variables:
REDIS_ENABLE => true if should be enabled (default: false)
REDIS_TLS_ENABLED => true if TLS is enabled (default: false)
REDIS_HOST => Hostname of the REDIS server (default: localhost:6379)
REDIS_USER => Username of the REDIS server
REDIS_PASS => Password of the REDIS server
REDIS_MAX_LOCAL_TTL => Max local object TTL (in golang duration format): default: 5m
REDIS_MAX_LOCAL_OBJECTS => Max local objects (default: 100)
REDIS_CLUSTER_MODE => If the redis host is running in cluster mode. (default: false)
Agent Configuration
AGENT_TARGET_URL => Target URL for Quanto Agent (defaults to https://quanto-api.com.br/all)
AGENT_KEY_FINGERPRINT => Default Key FingerPrint for Agent
AGENT_BYPASS_LOGIN => If the Login for using Quanto Agent should be bypassed. DO NOT USE THIS IN EXPOSED REMOTESIGNER
AGENT_EXTERNAL_URL => External URL used by GraphiQL to access agent. Defaults to /agent
AGENTADMIN_EXTERNAL_URL => External URL used by GraphiQL to access agent admin. Defaults to /agentAdmin
READONLY_KEYPATH => If the keypath is readonly. If true then it will create a temporary folder in /tmp and copy all keys to there so it can work over it.
HTTP_PORT => HTTP Port that Remote Signer will run
Single Key Mode (MODE=single_key)
SINGLE_KEY_PATH => Path for the key to load as private key
SINGLE_KEY_PASSWORD => Password of the key to load as private key
VAULT_BACKEND => Hashicorp Vault Backend (for example secret)
VAULT_NAMESPACE => if a Hashicorp Vault Namespace to use (appended to backend, for example if namespace is remote-signer the keys are stored under secret/remote-signer)
Database Configuration
ENABLE_DATABASE => Enables using database for Key Store ( default: false )
DATABASE_DIALECT => Dialect of the Database connection (postgres, rethinkdb. Defaults: none)
CONNECTION_STRING => Connection string for the database.
DATABASE_TOKEN_MANAGER => Use database connection to manage tokens
DATABASE_AUTH_MANAGER => Use database connection to manage agent logins
Deprecated Environment Variables
RethinkDB Usage is deprecated and discouraged
ENABLE_RETHINKDB_SKS => Enables Internal SKS Server using RethinkDB (default: false)
Use DATABASE_DIALECT=rethinkdb instead
RETHINK_TOKEN_MANAGER => If a TokenManager using RethinkDB Should be used (defaults to false, uses MemoryTokenManager) [Requires ENABLE_RETHINK_SKS]
RETHINK_AUTH_MANAGER => If a AuthManager using RethinkDB Should be used (defaults to false, uses JSONAuthManager) [Requires ENABLE_RETHINK_SKS]
RETHINKDB_HOST => Hostname of RethinkDB Server (default: "rethinkdb")
RETHINKDB_USERNAME => Username of RethinkDB Server (default "admin")
RETHINKDB_PASSWORD => Password of RethinKDB Server
RETHINKDB_PORT => Port of RethinkDB Server (default 28015)
DATABASE_NAME => RethinkDB Database Name (default "remote_signer")
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.