Go Starter Kit
This project is opinionated Go starter kit / golang boilerplate that uses the golang standards project layout,
using best and proven libraries and implements best practices for great foundation of Golang API project.
When I want to start to build Go API project, i don't have a good solid base to start and usually
I add the library and add another required thing one by one along the time, and then change again if I find another better
library or another better way to do thing. So I tried to research architecture, library and software component/layer that I think
better suits to be included for solid golang project.
This project follows SOLID & Clean architecture
- Versioning
- Pagination
- Configuration
- Logging
- Error Handling
- Validation
- Health Check
- Data Seed
- DB Migration
- Run & Manage via CLI Command
- Makefile
- Linter
- Unit Test
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Integration Test sample
- Add more examples for service, repository and test
- JWT base Authentication
- Observability/Metrics
- Kubernetes deployment
- Use Cobra for CLI
- Viper for better handling env and config
Github: https://github.com/qreasio/go-starter-kit
Gostarterkit site: https://gostarterkit.com
Go Libraries
- Go 1.14
- Base web framework & Routing using github.com/go-chi/chi
- Validation with github.com/go-playground/validator/
- Database with github.com/jmoiron/sqlx
- Logging with go.uber.org/zap
- Migration with github.com/go-migrate/migration
- YAML with gopkg.in/yaml.v2
- Linter with github.com/golangci/golangci-lint
- Go static analysis with staticcheck.io https://github.com/dominikh/go-tools
- Mock generator using github.com/golang/mock
Get Started
Below are the steps if you want to run locally without docker
Set required environment variable
Set configuration
Change config/local.yaml configuration value properly
and make sure can connect to blank MySQL database properly
Run migration
make migrate
Add seed data
make seed
Run app
make run
Open the browser
Visit the url
Run Test
go test -v ./internal/user/...
Get Started Using Docker Compose
Below are the steps if you want to run locally with docker & docker compose
Build docker image
Generate the docker imgae by this command:
docker build --rm -t starterkitapi -f dockerfile.api .
Run with docker compose
Copy the sample.env to .env and adjust it then run the docker compose with this command:
docker-compose up
Open the browser
Visit the url
Quit & Cleanup
Click Ctrl+C to quit in console then run these commands below to clean up all things:
docker-compose rm -v
Golang Project Layout
ArdanLabs Service
GORSK - GO(lang) Restful Starter Kit
Go REST API starter kit
Isak Rickyanto
Twitter: @isakric
Personal site: https://rickyanto.com