Web Pub/Sub Architecture
Example with simple chat
Start project:
> $ cp wsb/.env.dist wsb/.env
- Setup wsb and client (download vendor files):
> $ go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep # if dep is not already installed
> $ dep ensure
> $ docker-compose up
- Create database and setup API:
> $ docker-compose exec php composer install
> $ docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
> $ docker-compose exec php bin/console app:setup
> $ docker-compose exec rabbitmq sh /etc/rabbitmq/setup.sh
> $ docker-compose up
Run CLI Client:
> $ cd client
> $ go get .
- Start Chat with user test1:
> $ go run main.go auth test1 test1 --api=symfony.dev --ws=localhost:4000
yo <enter>
- Start Chat with user test2:
> $ go run main.go auth test1 test1 --api=symfony.dev --ws=localhost:4000
<new message>