
v1.5.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 4, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 24 Imported by: 74



Package bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an FileReader or io.Writer object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.



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const (
	DefaultBufSize           = 4096
	MaxHeadPatternBufferSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024
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const (
	DoneFileName = "file.done"

	FtSaveLogPath = "ft_log" // ft log 在 meta 中的文件夹名字
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const (
	DefautFileRetention = 7

	ModeMetrics = "metrics"
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const (
	KeyLogPath           = "log_path"
	KeyMetaPath          = "meta_path"
	KeyFileDone          = "file_done"
	KeyMode              = "mode"
	KeyBufSize           = "reader_buf_size"
	KeyWhence            = "read_from"
	KeyEncoding          = "encoding"
	KeyMysqlEncoding     = "encoding"
	KeyReadIOLimit       = "readio_limit"
	KeyDataSourceTag     = "datasource_tag"
	KeyTagFile           = "tag_file"
	KeyHeadPattern       = "head_pattern"
	KeyNewFileNewLine    = "newfile_newline"
	KeySkipFileFirstLine = "skip_first_line"

	// 忽略隐藏文件
	KeyIgnoreHiddenFile = "ignore_hidden"
	KeyIgnoreFileSuffix = "ignore_file_suffix"
	KeyValidFilePattern = "valid_file_pattern"

	KeyExpire        = "expire"
	KeySubmetaExpire = "submeta_expire"
	KeyMaxOpenFiles  = "max_open_files"
	KeyStatInterval  = "stat_interval"

	KeyMysqlOffsetKey   = "mysql_offset_key"
	KeyMysqlReadBatch   = "mysql_limit_batch"
	KeyMysqlDataSource  = "mysql_datasource"
	KeyMysqlDataBase    = "mysql_database"
	KeyMysqlSQL         = "mysql_sql"
	KeyMysqlCron        = "mysql_cron"
	KeyMysqlExecOnStart = "mysql_exec_onstart"
	KeyMysqlHistoryAll  = "mysql_history_all"
	KyeMysqlTable       = "mysql_table"

	KeySQLSchema        = "sql_schema"
	KeyMagicLagDuration = "magic_lag_duration"

	KeyMssqlOffsetKey   = "mssql_offset_key"
	KeyMssqlReadBatch   = "mssql_limit_batch"
	KeyMssqlDataSource  = "mssql_datasource"
	KeyMssqlDataBase    = "mssql_database"
	KeyMssqlSchema      = "mssql_schema"
	KeyMssqlSQL         = "mssql_sql"
	KeyMssqlCron        = "mssql_cron"
	KeyMssqlExecOnStart = "mssql_exec_onstart"

	KeyPGsqlOffsetKey   = "postgres_offset_key"
	KeyPGsqlReadBatch   = "postgres_limit_batch"
	KeyPGsqlDataSource  = "postgres_datasource"
	KeyPGsqlDataBase    = "postgres_database"
	KeyPGsqlSchema      = "postgres_schema"
	KeyPGsqlSQL         = "postgres_sql"
	KeyPGsqlCron        = "postgres_cron"
	KeyPGsqlExecOnStart = "postgres_exec_onstart"

	KeyESReadBatch = "es_limit_batch"
	KeyESIndex     = "es_index"
	KeyESType      = "es_type"
	KeyESHost      = "es_host"
	KeyESKeepAlive = "es_keepalive"
	KeyESVersion   = "es_version"

	KeyMongoHost        = "mongo_host"
	KeyMongoDatabase    = "mongo_database"
	KeyMongoCollection  = "mongo_collection"
	KeyMongoOffsetKey   = "mongo_offset_key"
	KeyMongoReadBatch   = "mongo_limit_batch"
	KeyMongoCron        = "mongo_cron"
	KeyMongoExecOnstart = "mongo_exec_onstart"
	KeyMongoFilters     = "mongo_filters"
	KeyMongoCert        = "mongo_cacert"

	KeyKafkaGroupID          = "kafka_groupid"
	KeyKafkaTopic            = "kafka_topic"
	KeyKafkaZookeeper        = "kafka_zookeeper"
	KeyKafkaZookeeperChroot  = "kafka_zookeeper_chroot"
	KeyKafkaZookeeperTimeout = "kafka_zookeeper_timeout"

	KeyExecInterpreter   = "script_exec_interprepter"
	KeyScriptCron        = "script_cron"
	KeyScriptExecOnStart = "script_exec_onstart"

	KeyErrDirectReturn = "errDirectReturn"

FileReader's conf keys

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const (
	ModeDir        = "dir"
	ModeFile       = "file"
	ModeTailx      = "tailx"
	ModeFileAuto   = "fileauto"
	ModeDirx       = "dirx"
	ModeMySQL      = "mysql"
	ModeMSSQL      = "mssql"
	ModePostgreSQL = "postgres"
	ModeElastic    = "elastic"
	ModeMongo      = "mongo"
	ModeKafka      = "kafka"
	ModeRedis      = "redis"
	ModeSocket     = "socket"
	ModeHTTP       = "http"
	ModeScript     = "script"
	ModeSnmp       = "snmp"
	ModeCloudWatch = "cloudwatch"
	ModeCloudTrail = "cloudtrail"

FileReader's modes

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const (
	ReadModeHeadPatternString = "mode_head_pattern_string"
	ReadModeHeadPatternRegexp = "mode_head_pattern_regexp"
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const (
	WhenceOldest = "oldest"
	WhenceNewest = "newest"

KeyWhence 的可选项

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const (
	StatusInit int32 = iota
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const (
	KeyS3Region    = "s3_region"
	KeyS3AccessKey = "s3_access_key"
	KeyS3SecretKey = "s3_secret_key"
	KeyS3Bucket    = "s3_bucket"
	KeyS3Prefix    = "s3_prefix"

	KeySyncDirectory  = "sync_directory"
	KeySyncMetastore  = "sync_metastore"
	KeySyncInterval   = "sync_interval"
	KeySyncConcurrent = "sync_concurrent"

Constants for cloudtrail

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const (
	KeyRegion = "region"

		1. role_arn
		2. ak,sk
		3. profile
		4. 环境变量
		5. shared_credential_file
		6. EC2 instance profile
	KeyRoleArn              = "role_arn"
	KeyAWSAccessKey         = "aws_access_key"
	KeyAWSSecretKey         = "aws_secret_key"
	KeyAWSToken             = "aws_token"
	KeyAWSProfile           = "aws_profile"
	KeySharedCredentialFile = "shared_credential_file"
	KeyCollectInterval      = "interval"
	KeyNamespace            = "namespace"
	KeyRateLimit            = "ratelimit"
	KeyMetrics              = "metrics"
	KeyDimension            = "dimensions"
	KeyCacheTTL             = "cache_ttl"
	KeyPeriod               = "period"
	KeyDelay                = "delay"

Constants for cloudwatch

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const (
	ElasticVersion3 = "3.x"
	ElasticVersion5 = "5.x"
	ElasticVersion6 = "6.x"

Constants for Elastic

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const (
	KeyHTTPServiceAddress = "http_service_address"
	KeyHTTPServicePath    = "http_service_path"

	DefaultHTTPServiceAddress = ":4000"
	DefaultHTTPServicePath    = "/logkit/data"

Constants for HTTP

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const (
	DataTypeHash          = "hash"
	DataTypeSortedSet     = "zset"
	DataTypeSet           = "set"
	DataTypeString        = "string"
	DataTypeList          = "list"
	DataTypeChannel       = "channel"
	DataTypePatterChannel = "pattern_channel"

	KeyRedisDataType   = "redis_datatype" // 必填
	KeyRedisDB         = "redis_db"       //默认 是0
	KeyRedisKey        = "redis_key"      //必填
	KeyRedisHashArea   = "redisHash_area"
	KeyRedisAddress    = "redis_address" // 默认127.0.0.1:6379
	KeyRedisPassword   = "redis_password"
	KeyTimeoutDuration = "redis_timeout"

Constants for Redis

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const (
	SocketRulePacket = "按原始包读取"
	SocketRuleJson   = "按json格式读取"
	SocketRuleLine   = "按换行符读取"
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const (
	KeySnmpReaderAgents    = "snmp_agents"
	KeySnmpTableInitHost   = "snmp_table_init_host"
	KeySnmpReaderTimeOut   = "snmp_time_out"
	KeySnmpReaderInterval  = "snmp_interval"
	KeySnmpReaderRetries   = "snmp_retries"
	KeySnmpReaderVersion   = "snmp_version"
	KeySnmpReaderCommunity = "snmp_community"

	KeySnmpReaderMaxRepetitions = "snmp_max_repetitions"

	KeySnmpReaderContextName  = "snmp_context_name"
	KeySnmpReaderSecLevel     = "snmp_sec_level"
	KeySnmpReaderSecName      = "snmp_sec_name"
	KeySnmpReaderAuthProtocol = "snmp_auth_protocol"
	KeySnmpReaderAuthPassword = "snmp_auth_password"
	KeySnmpReaderPrivProtocol = "snmp_priv_protocol"
	KeySnmpReaderPrivPassword = "snmp_priv_password"
	KeySnmpReaderEngineID     = "snmp_engine_id"
	KeySnmpReaderEngineBoots  = "snmp_engine_boots"
	KeySnmpReaderEngineTime   = "snmp_engine_time"
	KeySnmpReaderTables       = "snmp_tables"
	KeySnmpReaderName         = "snmp_reader_name"
	KeySnmpReaderFields       = "snmp_fields"

	KeySnmpTableName = "snmp_table"
	KeyTimestamp     = "timestamp"

Constants for SNMP

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const (
	// 监听的url形式包括:
	// socket_service_address = "tcp://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "tcp://"
	// socket_service_address = "tcp4://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "tcp6://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "tcp6://[2001:db8::1]:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "udp://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "udp4://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "udp6://:3110"
	// socket_service_address = "unix:///tmp/sys.sock"
	// socket_service_address = "unixgram:///tmp/sys.sock"
	KeySocketServiceAddress = "socket_service_address"
	KeySocketSplitByLine    = "socket_split_by_line"
	KeySocketRule           = "socket_rule"

	// 最大并发连接数
	// 仅用于 stream sockets (e.g. TCP).
	// 0 (default) 为无限制.
	// socket_max_connections = 1024
	KeySocketMaxConnections = "socket_max_connections"

	// 读的超时时间
	// 仅用于 stream sockets (e.g. TCP).
	// 0 (default) 为没有超时
	// socket_read_timeout = "30s"
	KeySocketReadTimeout = "socket_read_timeout"

	// Socket的Buffer大小,默认65535
	// socket_read_buffer_size = 65535
	KeySocketReadBufferSize = "socket_read_buffer_size"

	// TCP连接的keep_alive时长
	// 0 表示关闭keep_alive
	// 默认5分钟
	KeySocketKeepAlivePeriod = "socket_keep_alive_period"

Constants for Socket

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const DirMode = "dir"

DirMode 按时间顺序顺次读取文件夹下所有文件的模式

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const FileMode = "file"

FileMode 读取单个文件模式

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const (
	Loop = "loop"


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var (
	ErrInvalidUnreadByte = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadByte")
	ErrInvalidUnreadRune = errors.New("bufio: invalid use of UnreadRune")
	ErrBufferFull        = errors.New("bufio: buffer full")
	ErrNegativeCount     = errors.New("bufio: negative count")
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var (
	ModeUsages = KeyValueSlice{
		{ModeFileAuto, "从文件读取( fileauto 模式)", ""},
		{ModeFile, "从文件读取( file 模式)", ""},
		{ModeTailx, "从文件读取( tailx 模式)", ""},
		{ModeDir, "从文件读取( dir 模式)", ""},
		{ModeDirx, "从文件读取( dirx 模式)", ""},
		{ModeMySQL, "从 MySQL 读取", ""},
		{ModeMSSQL, "从 MSSQL 读取", ""},
		{ModePostgreSQL, "从 PostgreSQL 读取", ""},
		{ModeElastic, "从 Elasticsearch 读取", ""},
		{ModeMongo, "从 MongoDB 读取", ""},
		{ModeKafka, "从 Kafka 读取 (针对0.8及以前版本)", "Kafka"},
		{ModeRedis, "从 Redis 读取", ""},
		{ModeSocket, "从 Socket 读取", ""},
		{ModeHTTP, "从 Http 请求中读取", ""},
		{ModeScript, "从脚本的执行结果中读取", ""},
		{ModeSnmp, "从 SNMP 服务中读取", ""},
		{ModeCloudWatch, "从 AWS Cloudwatch 中读取", ""},
		{ModeCloudTrail, "从 AWS S3(原Cloudtrail) 中读取", ""},

	ModeToolTips = KeyValueSlice{
		{ModeFileAuto, "会自动根据路径匹配 dir, file, tailx 三种模式中的一种", ""},
		{ModeDir, "logkit会在启动时根据文件夹下文件时间顺序依次读取文件,当读到时间最新的文件时会不断读取追加的数据,直到该文件夹下出现新的文件。该模式的经典日志存储方式为整个文件夹下存储业务日志,文件夹下的日志使用统一前缀,后缀为时间戳,根据日志的大小rotate到新的文件。", ""},
		{ModeFile, "logkit会不断读取文件追加的数据。该模式的经典日志存储方式类似于nginx的日志rotate方式,日志名称为固定的名称,如access.log,rotate时直接move成新的文件如access.log.1,新的数据仍然写入到access.log。", ""},
		{ModeTailx, "展开并匹配所有符合表达式的文件,并持续读取所有有数据追加的文件。每隔stat_interval的时间,重新刷新一遍logpath模式串,添加新增的文件。该模式比较灵活,几乎可以读取所有日志更新,需要注意的是,使用tailx模式容易导致文件句柄打开过多。tailx模式的文件重复判断标准为文件名称,若使用rename, copy等方式改变日志名称,并且新的名字在logpath模式串的包含范围内,在read_from为oldest的情况下则会导致重复写入数据。", ""},
		{ModeDirx, "展开并匹配所有符合表达式的目录下的文件,并持续读取目录中新产生的文件,或者最新文件的数据追加。每隔stat_interval的时间,重新刷新一遍logpath模式串,监听新增的文件夹。该模式与tailx最大的区别时底层的实现方式是按文件夹读取(dir),而tailx是按文件读取,同样,使用dirx模式容易导致文件句柄打开过多,当相对于tailx会大大减少。dirx模式监听到文件夹后,会按文件夹内文件的最后更新依次读取,适合文件夹内文件依次滚动产生的场景。如果文件夹内的不同文件都会随时更新,则会导致重复读取,此时请选择tailx。", ""},
		{ModeMySQL, "MySQL Reader是以定时任务的形式去执行mysql语句,将mysql读取到的内容全部获取则任务结束,等到下一个定时任务的到来,也可以仅执行一次。", ""},
		{ModeMSSQL, "Microsoft SQL Server Reader是以定时任务的形式去执行sql语句,将sql读取到的内容全部获取则任务结束,等到下一个定时任务的到来,也可以仅执行一次。", ""},
		{ModePostgreSQL, "PostgreSQL Reader是以定时任务的形式去执行 PostgreSQL 查询语句,将 PostgreSQL 读取到的内容全部获取则任务结束,等到下一个定时任务的到来,也可以仅执行一次。", ""},
		{ModeElastic, "Elasticsearch Reader 是logkit提供的从Elasticsearch读取日志的配置方式。Elasticsearch Reader输出的是json字符串,需要使用json的parser解析。", ""},
		{ModeMongo, "MongoDB reader 是logkit提供的从MongoDB读取数据的配置方式。MongoDB reader 输出的是json字符串,需要使用json的parser解析。", ""},
		{ModeKafka, "Kafka reader 是logkit提供的从Kafka读取数据的配置方式。针对0.8及以前版本的Kafka服务", "Kafka"},
		{ModeRedis, "Redis Reader 是logkit提供的从Redis读取日志的配置方式。Redis Reader 输出的是redis中存储的字符串,具体字符串是什么格式,可以在parser中用对应方式解析。", ""},
		{ModeSocket, `Socket Reader 是logkit提供的以端口监听的方式接受并读取日志的形式,主要支持tcp\udp\unix套接字 这三大类协议。`, ""},
		{ModeHTTP, `Http Reader 是 logkit 提供的以 http post 请求的方式接受并读取日志的形式。该 reader 支持 gzip, 但请在请求头中添加Content-Encoding=gzip 或者 Content-Type=application/gzip,默认接收 request body 中所有的数据作为要读取的日志, 限制 request body 小于 100MB,默认将 request body 中的数据使用 \n 分割, 每行作为一条数据`, ""},
		{ModeScript, "Script Reader是以定时任务的形式执行脚本,将脚本执行的结果全部获取则任务结束,等到下一个定时任务的到来,也可以仅执行一次。", ""},
		{ModeSnmp, "Snmp Reader 可以从 Snmp 服务中收集数据。snmp_fields 和 snmp_tables 这两项配置需要填入符合 json数组 格式的字符串, 字符串内的双引号需要转义。", ""},
		{ModeCloudWatch, "CloudWatch Reader 可以从 AWS CloudWatch 服务的接口中获取数据。", ""},
		{ModeCloudTrail, "AWS S3(原Cloudtrail) Reader 可以从 AWS S3(原Cloudtrail) 服务的接口中获取数据。", ""},

ModeUsages 和 ModeTooltips 用途说明

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var (
	OptionMetaPath = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyMetaPath,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "数据保存路径(meta_path)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "一个文件夹,记录本次reader的读取位置,默认会自动生成",
	OptionDataSourceTag = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyDataSourceTag,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "datasource",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "来源标签(datasource_tag)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "把读取日志的路径名称也作为标签,记录到解析出来的数据结果中,此处填写标签名称",
	OptionBuffSize = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyBufSize,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "数据缓存大小(reader_buf_size)",
		CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "读取数据的缓存大小,默认4096,单位字节",
	OptionEncoding = Option{
		KeyName:    KeyEncoding,
		ChooseOnly: true,
		ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"UTF-8", "UTF-16", "US-ASCII", "ISO-8859-1",
			"GBK", "latin1", "GB18030", "EUC-JP", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "Big5", "Shift_JIS",
			"ISO-8859-2", "ISO-8859-3", "ISO-8859-4", "ISO-8859-5", "ISO-8859-6", "ISO-8859-7",
			"ISO-8859-8", "ISO-8859-9", "ISO-8859-10", "ISO-8859-11", "ISO-8859-12", "ISO-8859-13",
			"ISO-8859-14", "ISO-8859-15", "ISO-8859-16", "macos-0_2-10.2", "macos-6_2-10.4",
			"macos-7_3-10.2", "macos-29-10.2", "macos-35-10.2", "windows-1250", "windows-1251",
			"windows-1252", "windows-1253", "windows-1254", "windows-1255", "windows-1256",
			"windows-1257", "windows-1258", "windows-874", "IBM037", "ibm-273_P100-1995",
			"ibm-277_P100-1995", "ibm-278_P100-1995", "ibm-280_P100-1995", "ibm-284_P100-1995",
			"ibm-285_P100-1995", "ibm-290_P100-1995", "ibm-297_P100-1995", "ibm-420_X120-1999",

			"KOI8-R", "KOI8-U", "ebcdic-xml-us"},
		Default:      "UTF-8",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "编码方式(encoding)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "读取日志文件的编码方式,默认为UTF-8,即按照UTF-8的编码方式读取文件",
	OptionWhence = Option{
		KeyName:       KeyWhence,
		Element:       Radio,
		ChooseOnly:    true,
		ChooseOptions: []interface{}{WhenceOldest, WhenceNewest},
		Default:       WhenceOldest,
		Description:   "读取起始位置(read_from)",
		ToolTip:       "在创建新文件或meta信息损坏的时候(即历史读取记录不存在),将从数据源的哪个位置开始读取,最新或最老",
	OptionReadIoLimit = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyReadIOLimit,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "读取速度限制(readio_limit)",
		CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "读取文件的磁盘限速,填写正整数,单位为MB/s, 默认限速20MB/s",
	OptionHeadPattern = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyHeadPattern,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "按正则表达式规则换行(head_pattern)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "reader每次读取一行,若要读取多行,请填写head_pattern,表示匹配多行时新的一行的开始符合该正则表达式",
	OptionSQLSchema = Option{
		KeyName:      KeySQLSchema,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "手动定义SQL字段类型(sql_schema)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      `默认情况下会自动识别数据字段的类型,当不能识别时,可以sql_schema指定 mysql 数据字段的类型,目前支持string、long、float三种类型,单个字段左边为字段名称,右边为类型,空格分隔 abc float;不同的字段用逗号分隔。支持简写为float=>f,long=>l,string=>s. 如:"sql_schema":"abc string,bcd float,xyz long"`,
	OptionMagicLagDuration = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyMagicLagDuration,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "魔法变量时间延迟(magic_lag_duration)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      `针对魔法变量进行时间延迟,单位支持h(时)、m(分)、s(秒),如写24h,则渲染出来的时间魔法变量往前1天`,
	OptionKeyNewFileNewLine = Option{
		KeyName:       KeyNewFileNewLine,
		Element:       Radio,
		ChooseOnly:    true,
		ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"},
		Default:       "false",
		DefaultNoUse:  false,
		Description:   "文件末尾添加换行符(newfile_newline)",
		Advance:       true,
		ToolTip:       "开启后,不同文件结尾自动添加换行符",
	OptionKeySkipFileFirstLine = Option{
		KeyName:       KeySkipFileFirstLine,
		Element:       Radio,
		ChooseOnly:    true,
		ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"},
		Default:       "false",
		DefaultNoUse:  false,
		Description:   "跳过新文件的第一行(skip_first_line)",
		Advance:       true,
		Required:      false,
		ToolTip:       "常用于带抬头的csv文件,抬头与实际数据类型不一致",
	OptionKeyValidFilePattern = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyValidFilePattern,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "以linux通配符匹配文件(valid_file_pattern)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      `针对dir读取模式需要解析的日志文件,可以设置匹配文件名的模式串,匹配方式为linux通配符展开方式,默认为*,即匹配文件夹下全部文件`,
	OptionKeyIgnoreHiddenFile = Option{
		KeyName:       KeyIgnoreHiddenFile,
		Element:       Radio,
		ChooseOnly:    true,
		ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
		Default:       "true",
		DefaultNoUse:  false,
		Description:   "是否忽略隐藏文件(ignore_hidden)",
		Advance:       true,
		ToolTip:       "读取的过程中是否忽略隐藏文件",
	OptionKeyIgnoreFileSuffix = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyIgnoreFileSuffix,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      strings.Join(DefaultIgnoreFileSuffixes, ","),
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "忽略此类后缀文件(ignore_file_suffix)",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      `针对dir读取模式需要解析的日志文件,可以设置读取的过程中忽略哪些文件后缀名,默认忽略的后缀包括".pid", ".swap", ".go", ".conf", ".tar.gz", ".tar", ".zip",".a", ".o", ".so"`,
	OptionKeySubmetaExpire = Option{
		KeyName:      KeySubmetaExpire,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "720h",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Required:     true,
		Description:  "清理元数据的过期时间(submeta_expire)",
		CheckRegex:   "\\d+[hms]",
		ToolTip:      `当元数据的文件达到expire时间,则对其进行清理操作。写法为:数字加单位符号,组成字符串duration写法,支持时h、分m、秒s为单位,类似3h(3小时),10m(10分钟),5s(5秒),默认的expire时间是720h,即30天。若最大过期时间(expire)为0s,则不会清理元数据`,
	OptionKeyMaxOpenFiles = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyMaxOpenFiles,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "最大打开文件数(max_open_files)",
		CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      "最大同时追踪的文件数,默认为256",
	OptionKeyStatInterval = Option{
		KeyName:      KeyStatInterval,
		ChooseOnly:   false,
		Default:      "3m",
		DefaultNoUse: false,
		Description:  "扫描间隔(stat_interval)",
		CheckRegex:   "\\d+[hms]",
		Advance:      true,
		ToolTip:      `感知新增日志的定时检查时间`,
View Source
var DefaultIgnoreFileSuffixes = []string{
	".pid", ".swap", ".go", ".conf", ".tar.gz", ".tar", ".zip",
	".a", ".o", ".so"}
View Source
var ErrFileNotDir = errors.New("file is not directory")
View Source
var ErrFileNotRegular = errors.New("file is not regular")
View Source
var ErrMetaFileRead = errors.New("cannot read meta file")
View Source
var ErrNoFileChosen = errors.New("no files found")
View Source
var ErrStopped = errors.New("runner stopped")
View Source
var ModeKeyOptions = map[string][]Option{
	ModeDir: {
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "/home/users/john/log/",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "日志文件夹路径(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "需要收集的日志的文件夹路径",
	ModeFile: {
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "/home/users/john/log/my.log",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "日志文件路径(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "需要收集的日志的文件路径",
	ModeTailx: {
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "/home/users/*/mylog/*.log",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "日志文件路径模式串(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "需要收集的日志的文件(夹)模式串路径,写 * 代表通配",
			KeyName:      KeyExpire,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "24h",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "忽略文件的最大过期时间(expire)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+[hms]",
			ToolTip:      `当日志达到expire时间,则放弃追踪。写法为:数字加单位符号,组成字符串duration写法,支持时h、分m、秒s为单位,类似3h(3小时),10m(10分钟),5s(5秒),默认的expire时间是24h,当expire时间是0s时表示永不过期`,
	ModeDirx: {
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "/home/users/*",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "日志文件夹路径模式串(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "需要收集的日志的文件夹模式串路径,写 * 代表通配",
			KeyName:      KeyExpire,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "0s",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "忽略文件夹内文件的最大过期时间(expire)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+[hms]",
			ToolTip:      `当文件夹内所有的日志达到expire时间,则放弃追踪。写法为:数字加单位符号,组成字符串duration写法,支持时h、分m、秒s为单位,类似3h(3小时),10m(10分钟),5s(5秒),默认的expire时间是0s,即永不过期`,
	ModeFileAuto: {
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "/your/log/dir/or/path*.log",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "日志路径(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "需要收集的日志文件(夹)路径",
	ModeMySQL: {
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlDataSource,
			Element:      Text,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "<username>:<password>@tcp(<hostname>:<port>)",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库地址(mysql_datasource)",
			ToolTip:      `mysql数据源所需信息: username: 用户名, password: 用户密码, hostname: mysql地址, port: mysql端口, 示例:一个填写完整的字段类似于:"admin:123456@tcp("`,
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlDataBase,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "<database>,默认读取所有用户数据库",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Default:      "",
			Description:  "数据库名称(mysql_database)",
			ToolTip:      `mysql数据库名称,不填默认读取所有用户数据库`,
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlSQL,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     false,
			Placeholder:  "select * from <table>;",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据查询语句(mysql_sql)",
			ToolTip:      "填写要执行的sql语句",
			KeyName:    KeyMysqlEncoding,
			ChooseOnly: true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"big5", "dec8", "cp850", "hp8", "koi8r",
				"latin1", "latin2", "swe7", "ascii", "ujis", "sjis", "hebrew", "tis620",
				"euckr", "koi8u", "gb2312", "greek", "cp1250", "gbk", "latin5", "armscii8",
				"utf8", "ucs2", "cp866", "keybcs2", "macce", "macroman", "cp852", "latin7",
				"utf8mb4", "cp1251", "utf16", "utf16le", "cp1256", "cp1257", "utf32",
				"binary", "geostd8", "cp932", "eucjpms", "gb18030"},
			Default:      "utf8",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "编码方式(encoding)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "读取数据库的编码方式,默认为utf8,即按照utf8的编码方式读取数据库",
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlOffsetKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "递增的列名称(mysql_offset_key)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "指定一个 mysql 的列名,作为 offset 的记录,类型必须是整型,建议使用插入(或修改)数据的时间戳(unixnano)作为该字段",
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlReadBatch,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "100",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "分批查询的单批次大小(mysql_limit_batch)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "若数据量大,可以填写该字段,分批次查询",
			KeyName:      KeyMysqlCron,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "00 00 04 * * *",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "定时任务",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `定时任务触发周期,直接写"loop"循环执行,crontab的写法, 类似于* * * * * *,对应的是秒(0~59),分(0~59),时(0~23),日(1~31),月(1-12),星期(0~6),填*号表示所有遍历都执行`,
			KeyName:       KeyMysqlExecOnStart,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "true",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "启动时立即执行(mysql_exec_onstart)",
			ToolTip:       "启动时立即执行一次",
			KeyName:       KeyMysqlHistoryAll,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "false",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "导入历史数据(history_all)",
			ToolTip:       "帮助导入符合要求的所有历史数据",
			KeyName:      KyeMysqlTable,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "<table>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Default:      "",
			Description:  "数据库表名(mysql_table)",
	ModeMSSQL: {
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlDataSource,
			Element:      Text,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "server=<hostname or instance>;user id=<username>;password=<password>;port=<port>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "数据库地址(mssql_datasource)",
			ToolTip:      `mssql数据源所需信息, username: 用户名, password: 用户密码, hostname: mssql地址,实例,port: mssql端口,默认1433, 示例:一个填写完整的mssql_datasource字段类似于:"server=localhost\SQLExpress;user id=sa;password=PassWord;port=1433"`,
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlDataBase,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "<database>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库名称(mssql_database)",
			ToolTip:      "数据库名称",
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlSchema,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     false,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "<schema>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库模式名称(mssql_schema)",
			ToolTip:      "数据库模式名称",
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlSQL,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     false,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "select * from <table>;",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据查询语句(mssql_sql)",
			ToolTip:      "要执行的sql语句",
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlOffsetKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "递增的列名称(mssql_offset_key)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `指定一个mssql的列名,作为offset的记录,类型必须是整型,建议使用插入(或修改)数据的时间戳(unixnano)作为该字段`,
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlReadBatch,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "100",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "分批查询的单批次大小(mssql_limit_batch)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "若数据量大,可以填写该字段,分批次查询",
			KeyName:      KeyMssqlCron,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "00 00 04 * * *",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "定时任务(mssql_cron)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `定时任务触发周期,直接写"loop"循环执行,crontab的写法,类似于* * * * * *,对应的是秒(0~59),分(0~59),时(0~23),日(1~31),月(1-12),星期(0~6),填*号表示所有遍历都执行`,
			KeyName:       KeyMssqlExecOnStart,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "true",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "启动时立即执行(mssql_exec_onstart)",
			ToolTip:       "启动时立即执行一次",
	ModePostgreSQL: {
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlDataSource,
			Element:      Text,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "host=localhost port=5432 connect_timeout=10 user=pqgotest password=123456 sslmode=disable",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库地址(postgres_datasource)",
			ToolTip:      `PostgreSQL数据源所需信息,填写的形式如 host=localhost port=5432, 属性和实际的值用=(等于)符号连接,中间不要有空格,不同的属性用(空格)隔开,一个填写完整的 postgres_datasource 字段类似于:"host=localhost port=5432 connect_timeout=10 user=pqgotest password=123456 sslmode=disable"`,
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlDataBase,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "<database>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库名称(postgres_database)",
			ToolTip:      "数据库名称",
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlSchema,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     false,
			Placeholder:  "<schema>",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库模式名称(postgres_schema)",
			ToolTip:      "数据库模式名称",
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlSQL,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     false,
			Placeholder:  "select * from <table>;",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据查询语句(postgres_sql)",
			ToolTip:      "要执行的查询语句",
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlOffsetKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "递增的列名称(postgres_offset_key)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `指定一个 PostgreSQL 的列名,作为 offset 的记录,类型必须是整型,建议使用插入(或修改)数据的时间戳(unixnano)作为该字段`,
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlReadBatch,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "100",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "分批查询的单批次大小(postgres_limit_batch)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "若数据量大,可以填写该字段,分批次查询",
			KeyName:      KeyPGsqlCron,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "00 00 04 * * *",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "定时任务(postgres_cron)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `定时任务触发周期,直接写"loop"循环执行,crontab的写法,类似于* * * * * *,对应的是秒(0~59),分(0~59),时(0~23),日(1~31),月(1-12),星期(0~6),填*号表示所有遍历都执行`,
			KeyName:       KeyPGsqlExecOnStart,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "true",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "启动时立即执行(postgres_exec_onstart)",
			ToolTip:       "启动时立即执行一次",
	ModeElastic: {
			KeyName:      KeyESHost,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "http://localhost:9200",
			Description:  "数据库地址(es_host)",
			ToolTip:      "es的host地址以及端口,常用端口是9200",
			KeyName:       KeyESVersion,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{ElasticVersion3, ElasticVersion5, ElasticVersion6},
			Description:   "版本(es_version)",
			ToolTip:       "版本,3.x包含了2.x",
			KeyName:      KeyESIndex,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "app-repo-123",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "索引名称(es_index)",
			KeyName:      KeyESType,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Placeholder:  "type_app",
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "app名称(es_type)",
			KeyName:      KeyESReadBatch,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "100",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "分批查询的单批次大小(es_limit_batch)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "单批次查询数据大小,默认100",
			KeyName:      KeyESKeepAlive,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "1d",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "offset保存时间(es_keepalive)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+[dms]",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "logkit重启后可以继续读取ES数据的Offset记录在es服务端保存的时长,默认1d",
	ModeMongo: {
			KeyName:      KeyMongoHost,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库地址(mongo_host)",
			ToolTip:      `mongodb的url地址,基础的是mongo的host地址以及端口,默认是localhost:9200,扩展形式可以写为: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]`,
			KeyName:      KeyMongoDatabase,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "app123",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库名称(mongo_database)",
			ToolTip:      "",
			KeyName:      KeyMongoCollection,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "collection1",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据表名称(mongo_collection)",
			ToolTip:      "",
			KeyName:      KeyMongoOffsetKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "_id",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "递增的主键(mongo_offset_key)",
			ToolTip:      `指定一个mongo的列名,作为offset的记录,类型必须是整型(比如unixnano的时间,或者自增的primary key)`,
			KeyName:      KeyMongoReadBatch,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "100",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "分批查询的单批次大小(mongo_limit_batch)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "单次请求获取的数据量",
			KeyName:      KeyMongoCron,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "00 00 04 * * *",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "定时任务(mongo_cron)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `定时任务触发周期,直接写"loop"循环执行,crontab的写法,类似于* * * * * *,对应的是秒(0~59),分(0~59),时(0~23),日(1~31),月(1-12),星期(0~6),填*号表示所有遍历都执行`,
			KeyName:       KeyMongoExecOnstart,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "true",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "启动时立即执行(mongo_exec_onstart)",
			ToolTip:       "启动时立即执行一次",
			KeyName:      KeyMongoFilters,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Placeholder:  "{\"foo\": {\"i\": {\"$gt\": 10}}}",
			Description:  "数据过滤方式(mongo_filters)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "表示collection的过滤规则,默认不过滤,全部获取",
	ModeKafka: {
			KeyName:      KeyKafkaGroupID,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "logkit1",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "consumer组名称(kafka_groupid)",
			ToolTip:      "kafka组名,多个logkit同时消费时写同一个组名可以协同读取数据",
			KeyName:      KeyKafkaTopic,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "test_topic1",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "topic名称(kafka_topic)",
			KeyName:      KeyKafkaZookeeper,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "localhost:2181",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "zookeeper地址(kafka_zookeeper)",
			ToolTip:      "zookeeper地址列表,多个用逗号分隔,常用端口是2181",
			KeyName:      KeyKafkaZookeeperChroot,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "zookeeper中kafka根路径(kafka_zookeeper_chroot)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "kafka在zookeeper根路径中的地址",
			KeyName:      KeyKafkaZookeeperTimeout,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "1",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "zookeeper超时时间(kafka_zookeeper_timeout)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "zookeeper连接超时时间,单位为秒",
	ModeRedis: {
			KeyName:       KeyRedisDataType,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{DataTypeList, DataTypeChannel, DataTypePatterChannel, DataTypeString, DataTypeSet, DataTypeSortedSet, DataTypeHash},
			Description:   "数据读取模式(redis_datatype)",
			ToolTip:       "",
			KeyName:      KeyRedisDB,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "db",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "数据库名称(redis_db)",
			ToolTip:      `Redis的数据库名,默认为"0"`,
			KeyName:      KeyRedisKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "key1",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "redis键(redis_key)",
			ToolTip:      `Redis监听的键值,在不同模式(redis_datatype)下表示不同含义`,
			KeyName:      KeyRedisHashArea,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "hash模式对应的数据结构域(redisHash_area)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "",
			KeyName:      KeyRedisAddress,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "数据库地址(redis_address)",
			ToolTip:      `Redis的地址(IP+端口),默认为""`,
			KeyName:      KeyRedisPassword,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "密码(redis_password)",
			Advance:      true,
			KeyName:      KeyTimeoutDuration,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5s",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "单次读取超时时间(redis_timeout)",
			CheckRegex:   "\\d+[ms]",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "每次等待键值数据的超时时间[m(分)、s(秒)]",
	ModeSocket: {
			KeyName:      KeySocketServiceAddress,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "tcp://",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "socket监听的地址(socket_service_address)",
			ToolTip:      "socket监听的地址[协议://端口],如udp://",
			KeyName:      KeySocketMaxConnections,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "0",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "最大并发连接数(socket_max_connections)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "仅tcp协议下生效",
			KeyName:       KeySocketSplitByLine,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"},
			Default:       "false",
			Advance:       true,
			Description:   "是否按行分隔内容(socket_split_by_line)",
			ToolTip:       "开启后,对socket内容按行进行分隔",
			KeyName:       KeySocketRule,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{SocketRulePacket, SocketRuleLine, SocketRuleJson},
			Default:       "false",
			Advance:       true,
			Description:   "获取方式(socket_rule)",
			ToolTip:       "默认对socket内容按包获取, json仅对tcp有效",
			KeyName:      KeySocketReadTimeout,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "1m",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "连接超时时间(socket_read_timeout)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "填0为不设置超时",
			KeyName:      KeySocketReadBufferSize,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "65535",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "连接缓存大小(socket_read_buffer_size)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "仅udp协议下生效",
			KeyName:      KeySocketKeepAlivePeriod,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5m",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "连接保持时长[0为关闭](socket_keep_alive_period)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "填0为关闭keep_alive",
	ModeHTTP: {
			KeyName:      KeyHTTPServiceAddress,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  DefaultHTTPServiceAddress,
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "监听的地址和端口(http_service_address)",
			ToolTip:      "监听的地址和端口,格式为:[<ip/host/不填>:port],如 :3000 , 监听3000端口的http请求",
			KeyName:      KeyHTTPServicePath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  DefaultHTTPServicePath,
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "监听地址前缀(http_service_path)",
			ToolTip:      "监听的请求地址,如 /data ",
	ModeScript: {
			KeyName:      KeyExecInterpreter,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "/bin/bash",
			Placeholder:  "/bin/bash",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "脚本执行解释器(script_exec_interpreter)",
			ToolTip:      "脚本的解释器",
			KeyName:      KeyLogPath,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Required:     true,
			Placeholder:  "/home/users/john/log/",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "脚本路径(log_path)",
			ToolTip:      "脚本的路径",
			KeyName:      KeyScriptCron,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "00 00 04 * * *",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "定时任务(script_cron)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      `定时任务触发周期,直接写"loop"循环执行,crontab的写法,类似于* * * * * *,对应的是秒(0~59),分(0~59),时(0~23),日(1~31),月(1-12),星期(0~6),填*号表示所有遍历都执行`,
			KeyName:       KeyScriptExecOnStart,
			Element:       Radio,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"},
			Default:       "true",
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "启动时立即执行(script_exec_onstart)",
			ToolTip:       "",
	ModeCloudWatch: {
			KeyName:      KeyRegion,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "us-east-1",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "区域(region)",
			ToolTip:      "服务所在区域",
			KeyName:      KeyNamespace,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "AWS/ELB",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "命名空间(namespace)",
			ToolTip:      "Cloudwatch数据的命名空间",
			KeyName:      KeyRoleArn,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "授权角色(role_arn)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "AWS的授权角色(鉴权第一优先)",
			KeyName:      KeyAWSAccessKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "AK(aws_access_key)",
			ToolTip:      "AWS的access_key(鉴权第二优先)",
			KeyName:      KeyAWSSecretKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "SK(aws_secret_key)",
			ToolTip:      "AWS的secret_key(鉴权第二优先)",
			KeyName:      KeyAWSToken,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "鉴权token(aws_token)",
			ToolTip:      "AWS的鉴权token",
			KeyName:      KeyAWSProfile,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "共享profile(aws_profile)",
			ToolTip:      "鉴权第三优先",
			KeyName:      KeySharedCredentialFile,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "选填一种方式鉴权",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "鉴权文件(shared_credential_file)",
			ToolTip:      "鉴权文件路径(鉴权第四优先)",
			KeyName:      KeyCollectInterval,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5m",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "收集间隔(interval)",
			ToolTip:      "最小设置1分钟(1m)",
			KeyName:      KeyRateLimit,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "200",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "每秒最大请求数(ratelimit)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "请求限速",
			KeyName:      KeyMetrics,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "Latency, RequestCount",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "metric名称(metrics)",
			ToolTip:      "可填写多个,逗号连接,为空全部收集",
			KeyName:      KeyDimension,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "LoadBalancerName p-example,LatencyName y-example",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "收集维度(dimensions)",
			ToolTip:      "可填写多个,逗号连接,为空全部收集",
			KeyName:      KeyDelay,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5m",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "收集延迟(delay)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "根据CloudWatch中数据产生的实际时间确定是否需要增加收集延迟",
			KeyName:      KeyCacheTTL,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "60m",
			Placeholder:  "60m",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "刷新metrics时间(cache_ttl)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "从namespace中刷新metrics的周期",
			KeyName:      KeyPeriod,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "1m",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     false,
			Description:  "聚合间隔(period)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "从cloudwatch收集数据聚合的间隔",
	ModeSnmp: {
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderName,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "logkit_default_name",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "名称(snmp_reader_name)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "reader的读取名称",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderAgents,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  ",",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "agents列表(snmp_agents)",
			ToolTip:      "多个可用逗号','分隔",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpTableInitHost,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "tables初始化连的snmpd服务地址(snmp_table_init_host)",
			ToolTip:      "tables初始化连的snmpd服务地址,默认127.0.0.1",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderTables,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "[{\"table_name\":\"udpLocalAddress\",\"table_oid\":\"\"}]",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "tables配置(snmp_tables)",
			ToolTip:      "请填入json数组字符串",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderFields,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "fields配置(snmp_fields)",
			ToolTip:      "请填入json数组字符串",
			KeyName:       KeySnmpReaderVersion,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"1", "2", "3"},
			Default:       "2",
			DefaultNoUse:  true,
			Description:   "snmp协议版本(snmp_version)",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderTimeOut,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5s",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "连接超时时间(snmp_time_out)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "超时时间,单位支持m(分)、s(秒)",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderInterval,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "30s",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "收集频率(snmp_interval)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "收集频率,单位支持m(分)、s(秒)",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderRetries,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "3",
			Required:     true,
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "重试次数(snmp_retries)",
			Advance:      true,
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderCommunity,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "public",
			Placeholder:  "public",
			DefaultNoUse: true,
			Description:  "community/秘钥(snmp_version)",
			ToolTip:      "community秘钥,没有特殊设置为public[版本1/2有效]",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderMaxRepetitions,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "50",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "最大迭代次数(snmp_max_repetitions)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本2/3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderContextName,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "context名称(snmp_version)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:       KeySnmpReaderSecLevel,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"noAuthNoPriv", "authNoPriv", "authPriv"},
			DefaultNoUse:  true,
			Description:   "安全等级(snmp_sec_level)",
			Advance:       true,
			ToolTip:       "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderSecName,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "认证名称(snmp_sec_name)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:       KeySnmpReaderAuthProtocol,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"md5", "sha", ""},
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "认证协议(snmp_auth_protocol)",
			Advance:       true,
			ToolTip:       "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderAuthPassword,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "认证密码(snmp_auth_password)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:       KeySnmpReaderPrivProtocol,
			ChooseOnly:    true,
			ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"des", "aes", ""},
			DefaultNoUse:  false,
			Description:   "隐私协议(snmp_priv_protocol)",
			Advance:       true,
			ToolTip:       "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderPrivPassword,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "隐私密码(snmp_priv_password)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderEngineID,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "snmp_priv_engine_id",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderEngineBoots,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "snmp_engine_boots",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
			KeyName:      KeySnmpReaderEngineTime,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "snmp_engine_time",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "版本3有效",
	ModeCloudTrail: {
			KeyName:      KeyS3Region,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "us-east-1",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "区域(s3_region)",
			ToolTip:      "S3服务区域",
			KeyName:      KeyS3AccessKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "访问密钥",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "AK(s3_access_key)",
			ToolTip:      "访问密钥ID(AK)",
			KeyName:      KeyS3SecretKey,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "访问密钥",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "SK(s3_secret_key)",
			ToolTip:      "与访问密钥ID结合使用的密钥(SK)",
			KeyName:      KeyS3Bucket,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Required:     true,
			Description:  "存储桶名称(s3_bucket)",
			ToolTip:      "存储桶名称",
			KeyName:      KeyS3Prefix,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Description:  "文件前缀(s3_prefix)",
			Advance:      true,
			ToolTip:      "文件前缀",
			KeyName:      KeySyncDirectory,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Advance:      true,
			Description:  "本地同步目录,不填自动生成(sync_directory)",
			ToolTip:      "本地同步目录,不填自动生成",
			KeyName:      KeySyncInterval,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5m",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Advance:      true,
			Description:  "文件同步间隔(sync_interval)",
			ToolTip:      "文件同步的最小间隔(1m)",
			KeyName:      KeySyncConcurrent,
			ChooseOnly:   false,
			Default:      "5",
			Placeholder:  "",
			DefaultNoUse: false,
			Advance:      true,
			Description:  "文件同步的并发个数(sync_concurrent)",
			ToolTip:      "文件同步的最小并发个数(1)",
View Source
var WaitNoSuchFile = 100 * time.Millisecond


func HeadPatternMode

func HeadPatternMode(mode string, v interface{}) (reg *regexp.Regexp, err error)

func ParseLoopDuration added in v1.5.0

func ParseLoopDuration(cronSched string) (dur time.Duration, err error)

func RegisterConstructor added in v1.5.0

func RegisterConstructor(typ string, c Constructor)

RegisterConstructor adds a new constructor for a given type of reader.


type BufReader

type BufReader struct {
	Meta *Meta // 存放offset的元信息
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BufReader implements buffering for an FileReader object.

func NewReaderSize

func NewReaderSize(rd FileReader, meta *Meta, size int) (*BufReader, error)

NewReaderSize returns a new Reader whose buffer has at least the specified size. If the argument FileReader is already a Reader with large enough size, it returns the underlying Reader.

func (*BufReader) Close

func (b *BufReader) Close() error

func (*BufReader) FormMutiLine added in v1.5.0

func (b *BufReader) FormMutiLine() []byte

func (*BufReader) Lag added in v1.4.4

func (b *BufReader) Lag() (rl *LagInfo, err error)

func (*BufReader) Name

func (b *BufReader) Name() string

func (*BufReader) ReadLine

func (b *BufReader) ReadLine() (ret string, err error)

ReadLine returns a string line as a normal Reader

func (*BufReader) ReadPattern

func (b *BufReader) ReadPattern() (string, error)


func (*BufReader) ReadString

func (b *BufReader) ReadString(delim byte) (ret string, err error)

ReadString reads until the first occurrence of delim in the input, returning a string containing the data up to and including the delimiter. If ReadString encounters an error before finding a delimiter, it returns the data read before the error and the error itself (often io.EOF). ReadString returns err != nil if and only if the returned data does not end in delim. For simple uses, a Scanner may be more convenient.

func (*BufReader) SetMode

func (b *BufReader) SetMode(mode string, v interface{}) (err error)

func (*BufReader) Source

func (b *BufReader) Source() string

func (*BufReader) Status added in v1.3.1

func (b *BufReader) Status() StatsInfo

func (*BufReader) SyncMeta

func (b *BufReader) SyncMeta()

type Constructor added in v1.5.0

type Constructor func(*Meta, conf.MapConf) (Reader, error)

type DaemonReader added in v1.5.2

type DaemonReader interface {
	// Start 用于非阻塞的启动读取器对应的守护线程,需要读取器自行负责其生命周期
	Start() error

DaemonReader 代表了一个需要守护线程的读取器

type DataReader added in v1.5.0

type DataReader interface {
	// ReadData 用于读取一条数据以及数据的实际读取字节
	ReadData() (Data, int64, error)

DataReader 代表了一个可直接读取内存数据结构的读取器

type FileReader

type FileReader interface {
	Name() string
	Source() string
	Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
	Close() error
	SyncMeta() error

FileReader reader 接口方法

type LagReader added in v1.4.4

type LagReader interface {
	Lag() (*LagInfo, error)


type LastSync

type LastSync struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type LineSkipper added in v1.4.8

type LineSkipper interface {
	IsNewOpen() bool

type Meta

type Meta struct {
	Dir string // 记录文件处理进度的路径

	DoneFilePath string // 记录扫描过文件记录的文件

	TagFile string //记录tag文件路径的标签名称

	Readlimit int //读取磁盘限速单位 MB/s

	RunnerName string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMeta

func NewMeta(metadir, filedonedir, logpath, mode, tagfile string, donefileRetention int) (m *Meta, err error)

func NewMetaWithConf

func NewMetaWithConf(conf conf.MapConf) (meta *Meta, err error)

func (*Meta) AddSubMeta added in v1.5.0

func (m *Meta) AddSubMeta(key string, meta *Meta) error

func (*Meta) AppendDeleteFile

func (m *Meta) AppendDeleteFile(path string) (err error)

func (*Meta) AppendDoneFile

func (m *Meta) AppendDoneFile(path string) (err error)

AppendDoneFile 将处理完的文件写入doneFile中

func (*Meta) AppendDoneFileInode added in v1.4.8

func (m *Meta) AppendDoneFileInode(path string, inode uint64) (err error)

AppendDoneFileInode 将处理完的文件路径、inode以及完成时间写入doneFile中

func (*Meta) BufFile

func (m *Meta) BufFile() string

BufFile 返回buf的文件路径

func (*Meta) BufMetaFile

func (m *Meta) BufMetaFile() string

BufMetaFile 返回buf的meta文件路径

func (*Meta) CacheLineFile

func (m *Meta) CacheLineFile() string

func (*Meta) CheckExpiredSubMetas added in v1.5.3

func (m *Meta) CheckExpiredSubMetas(expire time.Duration)

CheckExpiredSubMetas 仅用于轮询收集所有过期的 submeta,清理操作应通过调用 CleanExpiredSubMetas 方法完成。 一般情况下,应由 reader 实现启动 goroutine 单独调用以避免 submeta 数量过多导致进程被长时间阻塞。 另外,如果 submeta 没有存放在该 meta 的子目录则调用此方法无效

func (*Meta) CleanExpiredSubMetas added in v1.5.3

func (m *Meta) CleanExpiredSubMetas(expire time.Duration)

CleanExpiredSubMetas 清除超过指定过期时长的 submeta 目录,清理数目单次调用存在上限以减少阻塞时间

func (*Meta) Clear

func (m *Meta) Clear() error

Clear 删除所有meta信息

func (*Meta) DeleteDoneFile

func (m *Meta) DeleteDoneFile(path string) error

func (*Meta) DeleteFile

func (m *Meta) DeleteFile() string

DeleteFile 处理完成文件地址,按日进行rotate

func (*Meta) DoneFile

func (m *Meta) DoneFile() string

DoneFile 处理完成文件地址,按日进行rotate

func (*Meta) ExtraInfo added in v1.4.6

func (m *Meta) ExtraInfo() map[string]string

func (*Meta) FtSaveLogPath added in v1.3.5

func (m *Meta) FtSaveLogPath() string

FtSaveLogPath 返回 ft_sender 日志信息记录文件夹路径

func (*Meta) GetDataSourceTag

func (m *Meta) GetDataSourceTag() string

func (*Meta) GetDoneFileContent added in v1.4.8

func (m *Meta) GetDoneFileContent() ([]string, error)

func (*Meta) GetDoneFileInode added in v1.4.8

func (m *Meta) GetDoneFileInode() map[string]bool

func (*Meta) GetDoneFiles

func (m *Meta) GetDoneFiles() ([]File, error)

func (*Meta) GetEncodingWay

func (m *Meta) GetEncodingWay() (e string)

GetEncodingWay 获取文件编码方式

func (*Meta) GetMode

func (m *Meta) GetMode() string

func (*Meta) GetTagFile added in v1.4.3

func (m *Meta) GetTagFile() string

func (*Meta) GetTags added in v1.4.3

func (m *Meta) GetTags() map[string]interface{}

func (*Meta) IsDoneFile

func (m *Meta) IsDoneFile(file string) bool

IsDoneFile 返回是否是Donefile格式的文件

func (*Meta) IsExist

func (m *Meta) IsExist() bool

func (*Meta) IsFileMode added in v1.3.1

func (m *Meta) IsFileMode() bool

func (*Meta) IsNotExist

func (m *Meta) IsNotExist() bool

IsNotExist meta 不存在,用来判断是第一次创建

func (*Meta) IsNotValid

func (m *Meta) IsNotValid() bool

IsNotValid meta 数据已经过时,用来判断offset文件是否已经不存在,或者meta文件是否损坏

func (*Meta) IsValid

func (m *Meta) IsValid() bool

func (*Meta) LogPath

func (m *Meta) LogPath() string

func (*Meta) MetaFile

func (m *Meta) MetaFile() string

MetaFile 返回metaFileoffset 的meta文件地址

func (*Meta) ReadBuf

func (m *Meta) ReadBuf(buf []byte) (n int, err error)

func (*Meta) ReadBufMeta

func (m *Meta) ReadBufMeta() (r, w, bufsize int, err error)

func (*Meta) ReadCacheLine

func (m *Meta) ReadCacheLine() ([]byte, error)

func (*Meta) ReadDBDoneFile added in v1.4.8

func (m *Meta) ReadDBDoneFile(database string) (content []string, err error)

ReadDBDoneFile 读取当前Database已经读取的表

func (*Meta) ReadOffset

func (m *Meta) ReadOffset() (currFile string, offset int64, err error)

ReadOffset 读取当前读取的文件和offset

func (*Meta) ReadRecordsFile added in v1.5.0

func (m *Meta) ReadRecordsFile(recordsFile string) ([]string, error)

ReadRecordsFile 读取当前runner已经读取的表

func (*Meta) ReadStatistic added in v1.3.5

func (m *Meta) ReadStatistic() (stat Statistic, err error)

func (*Meta) RemoveSubMeta added in v1.5.0

func (m *Meta) RemoveSubMeta(key string)

func (*Meta) Reset added in v1.2.4

func (m *Meta) Reset() error

func (*Meta) SetEncodingWay

func (m *Meta) SetEncodingWay(e string)

SetEncodingWay 设置文件编码方式,默认为 utf-8

func (*Meta) StatisticFile added in v1.3.5

func (m *Meta) StatisticFile() string

StatisticFile 返回 Runner 统计信息的文件路径

func (*Meta) WriteBuf

func (m *Meta) WriteBuf(buf []byte, r, w, bufsize int) (err error)

func (*Meta) WriteCacheLine

func (m *Meta) WriteCacheLine(lines string) error

func (*Meta) WriteOffset

func (m *Meta) WriteOffset(currFile string, offset int64) (err error)

WriteOffset 将当前文件和offset写入meta中

func (*Meta) WriteStatistic added in v1.3.5

func (m *Meta) WriteStatistic(stat *Statistic) error

type NewLineBytesRecorder added in v1.4.8

type NewLineBytesRecorder interface {
	NewLineBytesIndex() []SourceIndex

type Reader

type Reader interface {
	// Name 用于返回读取器的具体名称
	Name() string
	// SetMode 用于设置读取器的匹配模式
	SetMode(mode string, v interface{}) error
	// Source 用于返回当前读取的数据源
	Source() string
	// ReadLine 用于向读取器请求返回一行数据
	ReadLine() (string, error)
	// SyncMeta 用于通知读取器保存同步相关元数据
	// Close 用于关闭读取器
	Close() error

Reader 代表了一个通用的行读取器

func NewFileBufReader deprecated

func NewFileBufReader(conf conf.MapConf, errDirectReturn bool) (reader Reader, err error)

Deprecated: NewFileBufReader 名字上有歧义,实际上就是NewReader,包括任何类型,保证兼容性,保留

func NewFileDirReader added in v1.4.7

func NewFileDirReader(meta *Meta, conf conf.MapConf) (reader Reader, err error)

func NewReader added in v1.5.1

func NewReader(conf conf.MapConf, errDirectReturn bool) (reader Reader, err error)

func NewSingleFileReader added in v1.4.7

func NewSingleFileReader(meta *Meta, conf conf.MapConf) (reader Reader, err error)

type Registry added in v1.5.0

type Registry struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Registry reader 的工厂类。可以注册自定义reader

func NewRegistry added in v1.5.0

func NewRegistry() *Registry

func (*Registry) NewReader added in v1.5.0

func (reg *Registry) NewReader(conf conf.MapConf, errDirectReturn bool) (reader Reader, err error)

func (*Registry) NewReaderWithMeta added in v1.5.0

func (reg *Registry) NewReaderWithMeta(conf conf.MapConf, meta *Meta, errDirectReturn bool) (Reader, error)

func (*Registry) RegisterReader added in v1.5.0

func (reg *Registry) RegisterReader(readerType string, constructor Constructor) error

type SeqFile

type SeqFile struct {
	SkipFileFirstLine bool //跳过新文件的第一行,常用于带title的csv文件,title与实际格式不同
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SeqFile 按最终修改时间依次读取文件的Reader类型

func NewSeqFile

func NewSeqFile(meta *Meta, path string, ignoreHidden, newFileNewLine bool, suffixes []string, validFileRegex, whence string) (sf *SeqFile, err error)

func (*SeqFile) Close

func (sf *SeqFile) Close() (err error)

func (*SeqFile) IsNewOpen added in v1.4.8

func (sf *SeqFile) IsNewOpen() bool

func (*SeqFile) Lag added in v1.4.4

func (sf *SeqFile) Lag() (rl *LagInfo, err error)

func (*SeqFile) Name

func (sf *SeqFile) Name() string

func (*SeqFile) NewLineBytesIndex added in v1.4.8

func (sf *SeqFile) NewLineBytesIndex() []SourceIndex

func (*SeqFile) Read

func (sf *SeqFile) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

func (*SeqFile) SetSkipped added in v1.4.8

func (sf *SeqFile) SetSkipped()

func (*SeqFile) Source

func (sf *SeqFile) Source() string

func (*SeqFile) SyncMeta

func (sf *SeqFile) SyncMeta() (err error)

type SingleFile

type SingleFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSingleFile

func NewSingleFile(meta *Meta, path, whence string, errDirectReturn bool) (sf *SingleFile, err error)

func (*SingleFile) Close

func (sf *SingleFile) Close() (err error)

func (*SingleFile) Lag added in v1.4.4

func (sf *SingleFile) Lag() (rl *LagInfo, err error)

func (*SingleFile) Name

func (sf *SingleFile) Name() string

func (*SingleFile) Read

func (sf *SingleFile) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

func (*SingleFile) Reopen

func (sf *SingleFile) Reopen() (err error)

func (*SingleFile) Source

func (sf *SingleFile) Source() string

func (*SingleFile) SyncMeta

func (sf *SingleFile) SyncMeta() error

type SourceIndex added in v1.4.8

type SourceIndex struct {
	Source string
	Index  int

type Statistic added in v1.3.5

type Statistic struct {
	ReaderCnt       int64                 `json:"reader_count"` // 读取总条数
	ParserCnt       [2]int64              `json:"parser_connt"` // [解析成功, 解析失败]
	SenderCnt       map[string][2]int64   `json:"sender_count"` // [发送成功, 发送失败]
	ReadErrors      ErrorQueue            `json:"read_errors"`
	ParseErrors     ErrorQueue            `json:"parse_errors"`
	TransformErrors map[string]ErrorQueue `json:"transform_errors"`
	SendErrors      map[string]ErrorQueue `json:"send_errors"`

type StatsReader added in v1.3.1

type StatsReader interface {
	//Name reader名称
	Name() string
	Status() StatsInfo

StatsReader 是一个通用的带有统计接口的reader


Path Synopsis
Package builtin does nothing but import all builtin readers to execute their init functions.
Package builtin does nothing but import all builtin readers to execute their init functions.

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