Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( KeyCSVSchema = "csv_schema" // csv 每个列的列名和类型 long/string/float/date KeyCSVSplitter = "csv_splitter" // csv 的分隔符 KeyCSVLabels = "csv_labels" // csv 额外增加的标签信息,比如机器信息等 KeyCSVAutoRename = "csv_auto_rename" // 是否将不合法的字段名称重命名一下, 比如 header-host 重命名为 header_host KeyCSVAllowNoMatch = "csv_allow_no_match" // 允许实际分隔的数据和schema不相等,不相等时按顺序赋值 KeyCSVAllowMore = "csv_allow_more" // 允许实际字段比schema多 KeyCSVAllowMoreStartNum = "csv_more_start_number" // 允许实际字段比schema多,名称开始的数字 KeyCSVIgnoreInvalidField = "csv_ignore_invalid" // 忽略解析错误的字段 KeyCSVContainSplitterKey = "csv_contain_splitter_key" // 包含分隔符的字段名 )
Constants for csv
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const ( KeySplitter = "splitter" //logfmt/KV 的分隔符 KeyKeepString = "keep_string" )
Constants for logfmt/KV
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const ( KeyGrokMode = "grok_mode" //是否替换\n以匹配多行 KeyGrokPatterns = "grok_patterns" // grok 模式串名 KeyGrokCustomPatternFiles = "grok_custom_pattern_files" KeyGrokCustomPatterns = "grok_custom_patterns" KeyTimeZoneOffset = "timezone_offset" )
Constants for Grok
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const ( NginxSchema = "nginx_schema" NginxConfPath = "nginx_log_format_path" NginxLogFormat = "nginx_log_format_name" NginxFormatRegex = "nginx_log_format_regex" )
Constants for Nginx
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const ( KeyRaw = "raw" KeyTimestamp = "timestamp" )
Constants for raw
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const ( KeyRFCType = "syslog_rfc" KeySyslogMaxline = "syslog_maxline" KeyRFC3164ParseYear = "rfc3164_parse_year" PandoraParseFlushSignal = "!@#pandora-EOF-line#@!" )
Constants for syslog
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const ( KeyParserName = GlobalKeyName KeyParserType = "type" KeyLabels = "labels" // 额外增加的标签信息,比如机器信息等 KeyDisableRecordErrData = "disable_record_errdata" KeyKeepRawData = "keep_raw_data" KeyRawData = "raw_data" )
conf 字段
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const ( TypeCSV = "csv" TypeLogv1 = "qiniulog" TypeKafkaRest = "kafkarest" TypeRaw = "raw" TypeEmpty = "empty" TypeGrok = "grok" TypeInnerSQL = "_sql" TypeInnerMySQL = "_mysql" TypeJSON = "json" TypeNginx = "nginx" TypeSyslog = "syslog" TypeMySQL = "mysqllog" TypeLogfmt = "logfmt" TypeKeyValue = "KV" TypeLinuxAudit = "linuxaudit" )
parser 的类型
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const (
KeyLogHeaders = "qiniulog_log_headers"
Constants for Qiniu
Variables ¶
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var ( ModeUsages = KeyValueSlice{ {TypeRaw, "原始日志逐行发送", ""}, {TypeJSON, "json 格式解析", ""}, {TypeNginx, "nginx 日志解析", ""}, {TypeGrok, "grok 格式解析", ""}, {TypeCSV, "csv 格式解析", ""}, {TypeSyslog, "syslog 格式解析", ""}, {TypeLogv1, "七牛日志库格式解析", ""}, {TypeKafkaRest, "kafkarest 日志解析", ""}, {TypeEmpty, "通过解析清空数据", ""}, {TypeMySQL, "mysql 慢请求日志解析", ""}, {TypeKeyValue, "key value 日志解析", ""}, {TypeLinuxAudit, "redhat 审计日志解析", ""}, } ModeToolTips = KeyValueSlice{ {TypeRaw, "将日志文件的每一行解析为一条日志,解析后的日志由两个字段,raw和timestamp,前者是日志,后者为解析该条日志的时间戳。", ""}, {TypeJSON, "通过json反序列化解析日志的方式。若日志的json格式不规范,则解析失败,解析失败的数据会被忽略。", ""}, {TypeNginx, "是专门解析Nginx日志的解析器。仅需指定nginx的配置文件地址,即可进行nginx日志解析。", ""}, {TypeGrok, "类似于Logstash Grok Parser一样的解析配置方式,其本质是按照正则表达式匹配解析日志。", ""}, {TypeCSV, "按行读取日志,对于每一行,以分隔符分隔,然后通过csv_schema命名分隔出来的字段名称以及字段类型。默认情况下CSV是按\t分隔日志的,可以配置的分隔符包括但不限于, 各类字母、数字、特殊符号(#、!、*、@、%、^、...)等等。", ""}, {TypeSyslog, " 是直接根据 RFC3164/RFC5424 规则解析syslog数据的解析器,使用该解析器请确保日志数据严格按照RFC协议规则配置,否则该解析器将无法正确解析。该解析器能够自动识别多行构成的同一条日志。", ""}, {TypeLogv1, " 为使用了七牛开源的Golang日志库( 生成的日志提供的解析方式。", ""}, {TypeKafkaRest, "将Kafka Rest日志文件的每一行解析为一条结构化的日志.", ""}, {TypeEmpty, "通过解析清空数据", ""}, {TypeMySQL, "解析mysql的慢请求日志。", ""}, {TypeKeyValue, "按照key value解析日志", ""}, {TypeLinuxAudit, "按 redhat 审计日志解析", ""}, } )
ModeUsages 和 ModeTooltips 用途说明
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var ( OptionTimezoneOffset = Option{ KeyName: KeyTimeZoneOffset, ChooseOnly: true, Default: "0", ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"0", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9", "-10", "-11", "-12", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "11", "12"}, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "时区偏移量(timezone_offset)", Advance: true, ToolTip: `若实际为东八区时间,读取为UTC时间,则实际多读取了8小时,选择"-8",修正回CST中国北京时间。`, } OptionLabels = Option{ KeyName: KeyLabels, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "额外的标签信息(labels)", Advance: true, ToolTip: `额外的标签信息,同样逗号分隔,如 "app logkit, user pandora"`, } OptionKeepRawData = Option{ KeyName: KeyKeepRawData, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "是否保留原始数据(" + KeyKeepRawData + ")", Advance: true, ToolTip: `默认不保留,保留后会在每条记录中新增"raw_data"字段,用以保存每条记录的原始数据`, } OptionDisableRecordErrData = Option{ KeyName: KeyDisableRecordErrData, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "禁止记录解析失败数据(disable_record_errdata)", Advance: true, ToolTip: `解析失败的数据会默认出现在"pandora_stash"字段,该选项可以禁止记录解析失败的数据`, } OptionParserName = Option{ KeyName: KeyParserName, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "parser", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "指定名称(name)", Advance: true, } OptionKeepString = Option{ KeyName: KeyKeepString, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", Advance: true, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "数字保持字符串形式", ToolTip: "数字保持字符串形式", } )
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var ModeKeyOptions = map[string][]Option{ TypeJSON: { OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeNginx: { { KeyName: NginxConfPath, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", Required: false, Placeholder: "/opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "nginx配置路径(nginx_log_format_path)", ToolTip: `nginx配置文件,确认配置文件包含 log_format 中填写的格式`, }, { KeyName: NginxLogFormat, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "main", Placeholder: "main", Required: true, DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "nginx日志格式名称(nginx_log_format_name)", }, { KeyName: NginxFormatRegex, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "指定正则表达式解析(nginx_log_format_regex)", ToolTip: "若根据配置文件自动生成的正则表达式无效,可通过此配置修改指定填写", }, { KeyName: NginxSchema, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "手动指定字段类型(nginx_schema)", Advance: true, ToolTip: `nginx日志都被解析为string,指定该格式可以设置为float、long、date三种类型。如 time_local date,bytes_sent long,request_time float`, }, OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeGrok: { { KeyName: KeyGrokPatterns, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "%{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT}", Placeholder: "%{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT}", Required: true, DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "匹配日志的grok表达式(grok_patterns)", ToolTip: `用于匹配日志的grok表达式,多个用逗号分隔,如 "%{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT},%{QINIU_LOG_FORMAT}"`, }, { KeyName: KeyGrokCustomPatterns, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "自定义grok表达式(grok_custom_patterns)", }, { KeyName: KeyGrokCustomPatternFiles, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "自定义grok表达式文件路径(grok_custom_pattern_files)", Advance: true, ToolTip: `从机器获得自定义grok表达式文件`, }, OptionParserName, OptionTimezoneOffset, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeCSV: { { KeyName: KeyCSVSplitter, ChooseOnly: false, Default: ",", Placeholder: ",", Required: false, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "分隔符(csv_splitter)", ToolTip: `csv_splitter csv文件的分隔符定义,默认为','`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVSchema, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", Required: true, Placeholder: "abc string,xyz long,data1 string,data2 float", DefaultNoUse: true, Description: "指定字段类型(csv_schema)", ToolTip: `按照逗号分隔的字符串,如"abc string",字段类型现在支持string, long, jsonmap, float, date,如果连续的字段类型相同,可以用 | 分隔,例如"a|b string",表示"a string,b string"`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVAllowNoMatch, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, Advance: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "允许日志数量可变(csv_allow_no_match)", ToolTip: `允许schema定义的字段数量和实际日志分隔出来的数量不匹配,默认不允许`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVAllowMore, Advance: true, Default: "unknown", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "多余字段命名(csv_allow_more)", ToolTip: `允许日志数量比定义的schema多且命名为该字段后跟数字,如"unknown0, unknown1"`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVAllowMoreStartNum, Advance: true, Default: "0", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "多余字段开始数字(csv_more_start_number)", ToolTip: `多余字段命名数字后缀开始数字,默认如"unknown0", 填1则为"unknown1"`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVContainSplitterKey, Advance: true, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "包含分隔符的字段名", ToolTip: `比如"name,subject,time"的表头,字段内容为: "luffy,One, Piece,2019-05-20" 'subject'字段中包含分隔符,所以填写'subject'则可避免解析出错"`, }, { KeyName: KeyCSVIgnoreInvalidField, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, Advance: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "忽略解析错误的字段(csv_ignore_invalid)", ToolTip: `忽略解析错误的部分,剩余部分继续发送`, }, OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionTimezoneOffset, { KeyName: KeyCSVAutoRename, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"}, Default: "true", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "将字段名称中的'-'更改为'_'", Advance: true, }, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeRaw: { { KeyName: KeyTimestamp, Element: Radio, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"true", "false"}, Default: "true", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "添加系统时间戳(timestamp)", }, OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, }, TypeLogv1: { OptionLabels, { KeyName: KeyLogHeaders, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "日志字段与顺序(qiniulog_log_headers)", ToolTip: "用来定义解析的顺序,默认情况下没有prefix,按 date,time,reqid,level,module,file,log的顺序依次解析,可以调换。还可以写 combinedReqidLevel 表示reqid和level组合,代表reqid可能有、可能没有,但是如果都有,前者被认定为一定reqid;combinedModuleFile表示module和file的组合,代表可能有module,可能没有,如果存在中括号开头就认为是module", Advance: true, }, OptionParserName, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeSyslog: { { KeyName: KeyRFCType, ChooseOnly: true, Default: "automic", ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"automic", "rfc3164", "rfc5424", "rfc6587"}, DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "rfc协议(syslog_rfc)", }, { KeyName: KeyRFC3164ParseYear, ChooseOnly: true, ChooseOptions: []interface{}{"false", "true"}, Default: "false", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "rfc3164是否解析年份(rfc3164_parse_year)", ToolTip: "rfc3164协议中时间格式为 Mmm dd hh:mm:ss, 默认没有年份,无需解析", Advance: true, }, { KeyName: KeySyslogMaxline, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "100", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "最大读取行数(syslog_maxline)", Advance: true, }, OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, OptionTimezoneOffset, }, TypeKafkaRest: { OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeEmpty: {}, TypeMySQL: { OptionParserName, OptionLabels, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeLogfmt: { { KeyName: KeySplitter, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "=", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "分隔符(splitter)", }, OptionKeepString, OptionParserName, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeKeyValue: { { KeyName: KeySplitter, ChooseOnly: false, Default: "=", DefaultNoUse: false, Description: "分隔符(splitter)", }, OptionKeepString, OptionParserName, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, TypeLinuxAudit: { OptionParserName, OptionDisableRecordErrData, OptionKeepRawData, }, }
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var SampleLogs = map[string]string{
TypeNginx: ` - - [21/Mar/2017:18:14:17 +0800] "GET /files/yyyysx HTTP/1.1" 206 607 1 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/4.4.1 (Java/1.7.0_80)" "-" ",," "" llEAAFgmnoIa3q0U "0.040" 0.040 760 "-" "-" - - QCloud`,
TypeGrok: ` user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326 user-identifier bob [10/Oct/2013:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /hello.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326`,
TypeJSON: `{"a":"b","c":1,"d":1.1}`,
TypeCSV: `a,123,bcd,1.2`,
TypeRaw: `raw log1[05-May-2017 13:44:39] [pool log] pid 4109`,
TypeSyslog: `<38>Feb 05 01:02:03 abc system[253]: Listening at`,
TypeLogv1: `2016/10/20 17:30:21.433423 [GE2owHck-Y4IWJHS][WARN] E18102: The specified repo does not exist under the provided appid ~`,
TypeKafkaRest: `[2016-12-05 03:35:20,682] INFO - - [05/Dec/2016:03:35:20 +0000] "POST /topics/VIP_VvBVy0tuMPPspm1A_0000000000 HTTP/1.1" 200 101640 46 (`,
TypeEmpty: "empty 通过解析清空数据",
TypeMySQL: `# Time: 2017-12-24T02:42:00.126000Z
# User@Host: rdsadmin[rdsadmin] @ localhost [] Id: 3
# Query_time: 0.020363 Lock_time: 0.018450 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1
SET timestamp=1514083320;
use foo;
SELECT count(*) from mysql.rds_replication_status WHERE master_host IS NOT NULL and master_port IS NOT NULL GROUP BY action_timestamp,called_by_user,action,mysql_version,master_host,master_port ORDER BY action_timestamp LIMIT 1;
TypeLogfmt: `ts=2018-01-02T03:04:05.123Z lvl=5 msg="error" log_id=123456abc
method=PUT duration=1.23 log_id=123456abc`,
TypeKeyValue: `ts=2018-01-02T03:04:05.123Z lvl=5 msg="error" log_id=123456abc
method=PUT duration=1.23 log_id=123456abc`,
TypeLinuxAudit: `type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1364481363.243:24287): arch=c000003e syscall=2 success=no exit=-13 a0=7fffd19c5592 a1=0 a2=7fffd19c4b50`,
SampleLogs 样例日志,用于前端界面试玩解析器
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
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