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Published: Nov 14, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0



Go Reference

Detecting Logic Bugs in mysql through Implication Oracle.

Also supports DBMS compatible with mysql syntax, such as mariadb, tidb, oceanbase.

1. What is logical bug

see this bug report as an example:

In theory, the result of sql1 ⊆ the result of sql2:

SELECT c1-DATE_SUB('2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS f1 FROM t HAVING f1 != 0; -- sql1
SELECT c1-DATE_SUB('2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS f1 FROM t HAVING 1; -- sql2

Because the HAVING 1 in sql2 is always true, but the HAVING f1 != 0 in sql1 may be false.

However, the date value changed after changing HAVING f1 != 0 to HAVING 1, this is a logical bug:

mysql> SELECT c1-DATE_SUB('2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS f1 FROM t HAVING f1 != 0; -- sql1
| f1         |
| -1928.8181 |
|  -1995.009 |
|      -2007 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT c1-DATE_SUB('2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS f1 FROM t HAVING 1; -- sql2
| f1                  |
| -20080524235820.816 |
| -20080524235887.008 |
|     -20080524235899 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2. What is Implication Oracle

In the above example, we changed HAVING f1 != 0 to HAVING 1.

In theory, the predicate of sql1 → the predicate of sql2, and the result of sql1 ⊆ the result of sql2.

If the actual result does not satisfy this relationship, we consider that there is a logical bug.

Although the idea is simple, some features make it difficult to implement, such as aggregate functions, window functions, type conversion, LIMIT, LEFT/RIGHT JOIN, flow control operations, etc.

We will discuss these features in our paper:


3. How to use

3.1 build

It is recommended to use golang 1.16.2.

git clone
cd impomysql
go build

In the following we will refer to the path of impomysql as ${IMPOHOME}

Now you will see an executable file ${IMPOHOME}/impomysql.

3.2 start your DBMS

For example, you can start mysql with docker:

sudo docker run -itd --name test -p 13306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 mysql:8.0.30

You can also compile and install the DBMS yourself.

3.3 run task

We treat DBMS testing as task.

(1) input

you need to provide a configuration file. For example, you can create the following configuration file named taskconfig.json in ${IMPOHOME}/resources:

  "outputPath": "./output",
  "dbms": "mysql",
  "taskId": 1,
  "host": "",
  "port": 13306,
  "username": "root",
  "password": "123456",
  "dbname": "TEST",
  "seed": 123456,
  "ddlPath": "./resources/ddl.sql",
  "dmlPath": "./resources/dml.sql"
  • outputPath, dbms, taskId: we will save the result in outputPath/dbms/task-taskId. taskId >= 0.

  • host, port, username, password, dbname: we will create a database connector with dsn username:password@tcp(host:port)/dbname, and init database dbname.

  • seed: random seed. If seed <= 0, we will use the current time.

  • ddlPath: sql file responsible for creating data. For example, you can create the following sql file named ddl.sql in ${IMPOHOME}/resources:

    create table t (c1 double);
    insert into t values (79.1819),(12.991),(1);

    We will init database according to ddlPath.

  • dmlPath: sql file responsible for querying data. For example, you can create the following sql file named dml.sql in ${IMPOHOME}/resources:

    SELECT c1-DATE_SUB('2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS f1 FROM t HAVING f1 != 0;
    SELECT 1;
    SELECT 'abc';

    For each sql statement in dmlPath, we will do some mutations according to Implication Oracle to detect logical bugs.

Note that:

  • the paths in taskconfig.json are relative to ${IMPOHOME}(for example, ./output is actually ${IMPOHOME}/output). You can also use absolute paths. Actually, we will automatically convert these paths to absolute paths before executing the task.
  • we only support SELECT statements in dmlPath.

(2) run

./impomysql task ./resources/taskconfig.json

You will see a new directory ${IMPOHOME}/output/mysql/task-1. Actually we will remove the old directory and create a new directory.

(3) output

If you used mysql 8.0.30, you will see a directory named bugs in ${IMPOHOME}/output/mysql/task-1, and two files named bug-0-0-FixMHaving1U.log and bug-0-0-FixMHaving1U.json respectively in bugs.

We will save logical bugs in bugs. For each bug, we will create two files: bug-bugId-sqlId-mutationName.log and bug-bugId-sqlId-mutationName.json. bugId is the bug number(start from 0) during this task, sqlId is the original sql number(start from 0) in dmlPath, mutationName is the name of mutation.

  • bug-bugId-sqlId-mutationName: save the mutation name, original sql, original result, mutated sql, mutated result, and the relationship between the original result and the mutated result we expect. For example:

    [MutationName] FixMHaving1U
    [IsUpper] true
    ColumnName(ColumnType)s:  f1(DOUBLE)
    row 0: -1928.8181
    row 1: -1995.009
    row 2: -2007
    ColumnName(ColumnType)s:  f1(DOUBLE)
    row 0: -20080524235820.816
    row 1: -20080524235887.008
    row 2: -20080524235899
    -- OriginalSql
    SELECT `c1`-DATE_SUB(_UTF8MB4'2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS `f1` FROM `t` HAVING `f1`!=0;
    -- MutatedSql
    SELECT `c1`-DATE_SUB(_UTF8MB4'2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS `f1` FROM `t` HAVING 1;

    [IsUpper] true means that the mutated result should ⊆ the original result. It is clear that the actual execution result violates this relationship.

    [IsUpper] false means that the original result should ⊆ the mutated result.

  • bug-bugId-sqlId-mutationName.json: json format of bug-bugId-sqlId-mutationName exclude execution result. For example:

      "reportTime": "2022-11-13 23:26:33.51294115 +0800 CST m=+0.200207850",
      "bugId": 0,
      "sqlId": 0,
      "mutationName": "FixMHaving1U",
      "isUpper": true,
      "originalSql": "SELECT `c1`-DATE_SUB(_UTF8MB4'2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS `f1` FROM `t` HAVING `f1`!=0",
      "mutatedSql": "SELECT `c1`-DATE_SUB(_UTF8MB4'2008-05-25', INTERVAL 1 HOUR_MINUTE) AS `f1` FROM `t` HAVING 1"

Additionally, there are two files in ${IMPOHOME}/output/mysql/task-1:

  • task.log: task log file, from which you can get task progress, task error during execution, and logic bugs.

  • result.json: If the task executes successfully, you will get result.json like:

      "startTime": "2022-11-13 23:26:33.315914777 +0800 CST m=+0.003181897",
      "ddlSqlsNum": 2,
      "dmlSqlsNum": 3,
      "endInitTime": "2022-11-13 23:26:33.489661191 +0800 CST m=+0.176927962",
      "stage1ErrNum": 0,
      "stage1ExecErrNum": 0,
      "stage1IgExecErrNum": 0,
      "stage2ErrNum": 0,
      "stage2UnitNum": 5,
      "stage2UnitErrNum": 0,
      "stage2UnitExecErrNum": 0,
      "stage2IgUnitExecErrNum": 0,
      "impoBugsNum": 1,
      "saveBugErrNum": 0,
      "endTime": "2022-11-13 23:26:33.516655061 +0800 CST m=+0.203921832"

    This file is used for debugging, from which you can get the task's start time(startTime), end time(endTime), and the number of logical bugs we detected(impoBugsNum).

3.4 run task with go-randgen

A task can automatically generate ddlPath and dmlPath with the help of go-randgen, you need to build it first.

(1) build go-randgen

git clone
cd go-randgen
go get -u
make all

Now you will see an executable file go-randgen, copy it to ${IMPOHOME}/resources.

(2) input

Next, modify the configuration file of the task. For example, you can copy the above configuration file ${IMPOHOME}/resources/taskconfig.json to ${IMPOHOME}/resources/taskrdgenconfig.json, and modify the new configuration file:

  "outputPath": "./output",
  "dbms": "mysql",
  "taskId": 1,
  "host": "",
  "port": 13306,
  "username": "root",
  "password": "123456",
  "dbname": "TEST",
  "seed": 123456,
  "rdGenPath": "./resources/go-randgen",
  "zzPath": "./resources/impo.zz.lua",
  "yyPath": "./resources/impo.yy",
  "queriesNum": 100,
  "needDML": true

We removed ddlPath and dmlPath, added randGenPath, zzPath, yyPath, queriesNum, needDML:

  • randGenPath: the path of your go-randgen executable file.

  • zzPath, yyPath: go-randgen will generate a ddl sql file according to zzPath, and generate a dml sql file output.rand.sql according to yyPath.

    We have provided a default zz file impo.zz.lua and a default yy file impo.yy in ${IMPOHOME}/resources. It is recommended to use these default files.

  • queriesNum: the number of sqls in output.rand.sql.

  • needDML: if needDML is false, we will delete output.rand.sql at the end of task . It is recommended to set this value to false, because the size of output.rand.sql is usually very large(about 10MB with 10000 sqls).

Note that:

  • Similarly, the paths in taskrdgenconfig.json are relative to ${IMPOHOME}. You can also use absolute paths. Actually, we will automatically convert these paths to absolute paths before executing the task.

  • For go-randgen, we actually execute the following command:

    cd outputPath/dbms/task-taskId && randGenPath gentest -Z zzPath -Y yyPath -Q queriesNum --seed seed -B
  • If you used both (non empty) rdGenPath and ddlPath, dmlPath, we will run task with go-randgen, and set ddlPath to outputPath/dbms/task-taskId/, set dmlPath to outputPath/dbms/task-taskId/output.rand.sql.

(3) run

./impomysql task ./resources/taskrdgenconfig.json

(4) output

In addition to bugs, task.log, result.json, you will also see, output.rand.sql.

Of course, if you set needDML to false, we will delete output.rand.sql.

3.5 run task pool

taskpool can continuously run tasks in parallel. Make sure you can run task with go-randgen.

(1) input

create taskpoolconfig.json in ${IMPOHOME}/resources/:

  "outputPath": "./output",
  "dbms": "mysql",
  "host": "",
  "port": 13306,
  "username": "root",
  "password": "123456",
  "dbPrefix": "TEST",
  "seed": 123456,
  "randGenPath": "./resources/go-randgen",
  "zzPath": "./resources/impo.zz.lua",
  "yyPath": "./resources/impo.yy",
  "queriesNum": 100,
  "threadNum": 4,
  "maxTasks": 16,
  "maxTimeS": 60
  • outputPath,dbms,host,port,username,password,randGenPath,zzPath,yyPath,queriesNum: same as task
  • threadNum: the number of threads(coroutines).
  • maxTasks: maximum number of tasks, <= 0 means no limit.
  • maxTimeS: maximum time(second), <=0 means no limit.
  • dbPrefix: for each thread we will create a database connector, the dbname of each connector is dbPrefix+thread id.
  • seed: the seed of each task is seed+task id.

Note that:

  • taskpool will continuously run tasks with go-randgen in parallel, and we will set needDML to false.
  • It is recommended to set queriesNum to a large value(>=10000, a task with queriesNum=10000 will take about 5~10 minutes), otherwise you will get a lot of task directories.

(2) run

./impomysql taskpool ./resources/taskpoolconfig.json

(3) output

In ${IMPOHOME}/output/mysql, you will not only see the task directories, but also:

  • task-taskId-config.json: the configuration file of task-taskId.

  • taskpool.log: taskpool log file, from which you can get taskpool progress, task error during execution, and logic bugs.

  • result.json: If the taskpool executes successfully, you will get result.json like:

      "startTime": "2022-11-13 19:49:10.508084726 +0800 CST m=+0.001273098",
      "totalTaskNum": 19,
      "finishedTaskNum": 16,
      "errorTaskNum": 0,
      "errorTaskIds": [],
      "stage1WarnNum": 0,
      "stage1WarnTaskIds": [],
      "stage2WarnNum": 0,
      "stage2WarnTaskIds": [],
      "bugsNum": 4,
      "bugTaskIds": [
      "endTime": "2022-11-13 19:49:27.988231218 +0800 CST m=+17.481420080"

    This file is used for debugging, from which you can get the taskpool's start time(startTime), end time(endTime), the number of logical bugs we detected(bugsNum) and their taskId(bugTaskIds).


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package connector: connect to MySQL, execute raw sql statements, return raw execution result or error.
Package connector: connect to MySQL, execute raw sql statements, return raw execution result or error.
Package learnast: only for learning.
Package learnast: only for learning.
Package mutation: mutate a sql statement, a mutated sql will be created through the following stages:
Package mutation: mutate a sql statement, a mutated sql will be created through the following stages:
Package oracle: check impo
Package oracle: check impo
Package stage1: The implication oracle cannot handle these features, remove them.
Package stage1: The implication oracle cannot handle these features, remove them.
Package stage2: mutate a sql statement.
Package stage2: mutate a sql statement.
Package testsqls: sql benchmark for testing.
Package testsqls: sql benchmark for testing.

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