$ netool help
A simple CLI for Net tool
netool [flags]
netool [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
devtool Start a DevTool for HTTP
discovery Discovery Service from NamingService
echoservice Start a gRPC echo service
fetch fetch http2 response from url
fileserver Start a File Server
grpc call grpc service
help Help about any command
httpproxy Start a Transparent HTTP Proxy
rand Generate Rand String
read-proto Read proto binary file
registry Register Service to NamingService
signature Signature Commands
uuid Generate UUIDv4 or UUIDv5
version Show current version of Netool
wg Generate key pair for wireguard key exchange
x25519 Generate key pair for x25519 key exchange
-h, --help help for netool
Use "netool [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ netool help fetch
fetch http2 response from url
fetch http2 response from url: netool fetch https://www.google.com
call grpc service: netool fetch --grpc https://localhost:8443/grpc.health.v1.Health/Check
call grpc via context path: netool fetch --grpc http://localhost:8080/grpc/grpc.health.v1.Health/Check
call grpc service: netool fetch --grpc https://localhost:8443/grpc.health.v1.Health/Check --proto-path=health.proto -d'{"service": "echoservice"}'
netool fetch https://www.google.com [flags]
-d, --data string request data (default "{}")
-G, --grpc Is GRPC Request Or Not
-h, --help help for fetch
-H, --http2 Is HTTP2 Request Or Not
-M, --method string HTTP Method (default "GET")
-P, --proto-path string Proto Path
-A, --user-agent string User Agent
-V, --verbose Verbose mode
$ netool help grpc
call grpc service
Send an empty request: netool grpc grpc.server.com:443 my.custom.server.Service/Method
Send a request with a header and a body: netool grpc -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"foo": "bar"}' grpc.server.com:443 my.custom.server.Service/Method
List all services exposed by a server: netool grpc grpc.server.com:443 list
List all methods in a particular service: netool grpc grpc.server.com:443 list my.custom.server.Service
netool grpc -d '{}' grpc.health.v1.Health/Check [flags]
-c, --context-path string context path
-d, --data string request data (default "{}")
-H, --header stringArray Extra header to include in information sent
-h, --help help for grpc
-i, --insecure Skip server certificate and domain verification (skip TLS)
-p, --plaintext Use plain-text HTTP/2 when connecting to server (no TLS)
$ netool echoservice --port=50051
$ netool fetch --grpc http://localhost:50051/proto.EchoService/Echo \
--proto-path=echo.proto -d'{"message": "netool"}'
$ netool fetch --grpc http://localhost:50051/grpc.health.v1.Health/Check \
--proto-path=health.proto -d'{"service": "echoservice"}'