Snapshot tests
Similar to what we do in cypress, we take snapshots of the canvas.
To make the results reproducible, we run in docker
To update the snapshots, run
yarn test:ss
To check the snapshots, run
yarn test:ss:check
Here ONLY tests matching the regex group:snapshot
will run.
And the opposite is true, when running yarn test
, these tests with group:snapshot
in the name will be ignored.
dependencies vs devDependencies
When installing a new package, consider the following:
Add to dependencies
if it's absolutely necessary to build the application.
Anything else (local dev, CI) add too devDependencies
The reasoning is that when building the docker image we install only dependencies
required to build the application, by running yarn install --production
Linting, testing etc is assumed to be ran in a different CI step.
Using alias imports
Alias imports allow importing as if it was an external package, for example:
import Button from '@ui/Button';
To be able to do that, you need to add the alias to the following files:
Developing the webapp/templates page
By default, developing pages other than the index require a bit of setup:
For example, acessing http://locahlost:4040/forbidden won't work
To be able to access it, update the variable pages
in scripts/webpack.common.ts
to allow building all pages when in dev mode.
Beware, this will make the (local) build slower.
Investigating webpack speed
Run with --progress=profile
to get more info.
for example yarn dev --progress=profile
Another interesting flag is --json
, which you can then analyze on https://chrisbateman.github.io/webpack-visualizer/
Testing baseURL
It can be a bit of a pain in the ass.
Install nginx
nginx -c cypress/base-url/nginx.conf -g 'daemon off;'
Then run the server with PYROSCOPE_BASE_URL=/pyroscope
Testing baseURL + auth
Same as before, but also run the oauth2-mock-server
node scripts/oauth-mock/oauth-mock.js
Also run the server with
make dev SERVERPARAMS=--config=scripts/oauth-mock/pyroscope-config-base-url.yml