
v4.0.0-rc7 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 11, 2022 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 1




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const (
	ServiceNats = "nats"

	ServiceLog         = "log"
	ServiceConfig      = "config"
	ServiceInstall     = "install"
	ServiceUpdate      = "update"
	ServiceHealthCheck = "healthcheck"
	ServiceBroker      = "broker"
	ServiceRegistry    = "registry"

	ServiceTagBroker     = "broker"
	ServiceTagData       = "data"
	ServiceTagDatasource = "datasource"
	ServiceTagDiscovery  = "discovery"
	ServiceTagFrontend   = "frontend"
	ServiceTagGateway    = "gateway"
	ServiceTagIdm        = "idm"
	ServiceTagScheduler  = "scheduler"

	ServiceAcl       = "acl"
	ServiceShare     = "share"
	ServiceRole      = "role"
	ServiceUser      = "user"
	ServiceAuth      = "auth"
	ServiceOAuth     = "oauth"
	ServiceToken     = "token"
	ServiceWorkspace = "workspace"
	ServicePolicy    = "policy"
	ServiceGraph     = "graph"
	ServiceUserMeta  = "user-meta"

	ServiceUserKey   = "user-key"
	ServiceTree      = "tree"
	ServiceMeta      = "meta"
	ServiceEncKey    = "data-key"
	ServiceSearch    = "search"
	ServiceChanges   = "changes"
	ServiceSync      = "sync"
	ServiceTemplates = "templates"

	ServiceActivity     = "activity"
	ServiceMailer       = "mailer"
	ServiceWebSocket    = "websocket"
	ServiceChat         = "chat"
	ServiceFrontend     = "frontend"
	ServiceFrontStatics = "statics"

	ServiceTimer    = "timer"
	ServiceJobs     = "jobs"
	ServiceTasks    = "tasks"
	ServiceVersions = "versions"
	ServiceDocStore = "docstore"
	ServiceMetrics  = "metrics"
	ServicePprof    = "pprof"

	ServiceData_           = "data."
	ServiceDataIndex       = ServiceData_ + "index"
	ServiceDataObjects     = ServiceData_ + "objects"
	ServiceDataObjectsPeer = ServiceData_ + "objects.peer"
	ServiceDataSync        = ServiceData_ + "sync"
	ServiceDataIndex_      = ServiceDataIndex + "."
	ServiceDataObjects_    = ServiceDataObjects + "."
	ServiceDataSync_       = ServiceDataSync + "."

	ServiceGrpcNamespace_    = "pydio.grpc."
	ServiceWebNamespace_     = "pydio.web."
	ServiceRestNamespace_    = ""
	ServiceGatewayNamespace_ = "pydio.gateway."
	ServiceTestNamespace_    = "pydio.test."
	ServiceStorageNamespace_ = ""
	ServiceGenericNamespace_ = "pydio.generic."

	ServiceGatewayProxy     = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "proxy"
	ServiceGatewayData      = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "data"
	ServiceGatewayGrpc      = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "grpc"
	ServiceGatewayGrpcClear = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "grpc.clear"
	ServiceGatewayDav       = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "dav"
	ServiceGatewayWopi      = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "wopi"
	ServiceMicroApi         = ServiceGatewayNamespace_ + "rest"

Defines all constants for services names.

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const (
	TopicRegistryCommand     = "topic.pydio.registry.command"
	TopicServiceRegistration = "topic.pydio.service.registration"
	TopicProxyRestarted      = "topic.pydio.proxy.restarted"
	TopicServiceStop         = "topic.pydio.service.stop" // @todo This is used in "stop" command but probably out-of-date

	EventTypeServiceRegistered        = "registered"
	EventTypeServiceUnregistered      = "unregistered"
	EventHeaderServiceRegisterService = "x-service-name"
	EventHeaderServiceRegisterPeer    = "x-service-peer"
	EventTypeDebugPrintInternals      = "debug"

	TopicInstallSuccessEvent = "topic.pydio.install.success"
	TopicReloadAssets        = "topic.pydio.assets.reload"
	TopicIndexChanges        = "topic.pydio.index.nodes.changes"
	TopicTreeChanges         = "topic.pydio.tree.nodes.changes"
	TopicMetaChanges         = "topic.pydio.meta.nodes.changes"
	TopicTimerEvent          = "topic.pydio.meta.timer.event"
	TopicJobConfigEvent      = "topic.pydio.jobconfig.event"
	TopicJobTaskEvent        = "topic.pydio.tasks.event"
	TopicIdmEvent            = "topic.pydio.idm.event"
	TopicActivityEvent       = "topic.pydio.activity.event"
	TopicChatEvent           = ""
	TopicDatasourceEvent     = "topic.pydio.datasource.event"
	TopicIndexEvent          = "topic.pydio.index.event"
	TopicLogLevelEvent       = "topic.pydio.log-level.event"

Define constants for Event Bus Topics

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const (
	MetaNamespaceDatasourceName      = "pydio:meta-data-source-name"
	MetaNamespaceDatasourcePath      = "pydio:meta-data-source-path"
	MetaNamespaceDatasourceInternal  = "pydio:meta-data-source-internal"
	MetaNamespaceNodeTestLocalFolder = "pydio:test:local-folder-storage"
	MetaNamespaceRecycleRestore      = "pydio:recycle_restore"
	MetaNamespaceNodeName            = "name"
	MetaNamespaceMime                = "mime"
	MetaNamespaceHash                = "x-cells-hash"
	MetaNamespaceVersionId           = "versionId"
	MetaNamespaceVersionDesc         = "versionDescription"
	MetaNamespaceGeoLocation         = "GeoLocation"
	MetaNamespaceContents            = "Contents"
	RecycleBinName                   = "recycle_bin"

	PydioThumbstoreNamespace       = "pydio-thumbstore"
	PydioDocstoreBinariesNamespace = "pydio-binaries"
	PydioVersionsNamespace         = "versions-store"

Define constants for metadata and fixed datasources

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const (
	PydioContextUserKey         = "X-Pydio-User"
	PydioSystemUsername         = "pydio.system.user"
	PydioS3AnonUsername         = "pydio.anon.user"
	PydioSyncHiddenFile         = ".pydio"
	XAmzMetaClearSize           = "X-Amz-Meta-Pydio-Clear-Size"
	XAmzMetaClearSizeUnknown    = "unknown"
	XAmzMetaNodeUuid            = "X-Amz-Meta-Pydio-Node-Uuid"
	XAmzMetaContentMd5          = "X-Amz-Meta-Content-Md5"
	XAmzMetaDirective           = "X-Amz-Metadata-Directive"
	XPydioClientUuid            = "X-Pydio-Client-Uuid"
	XPydioSessionUuid           = "X-Pydio-Session"
	XPydioIndexationSessionUuid = "X-Pydio-Indexation-Session"
	XPydioFrontendSessionUuid   = "X-Pydio-Frontend-Session"
	XPydioMoveUuid              = "X-Pydio-Move"
	XContentType                = "Content-Type"
	SyncSessionClose_           = "close-"
	SyncSessionPrefixCopy       = "copy-"
	SyncSessionPrefixMove       = "move-"

	PydioProfileAdmin    = "admin"
	PydioProfileStandard = "standard"
	PydioProfileShared   = "shared"
	PydioProfileAnon     = "anon"

	KeyringMasterKey             = "keyring.master"
	MetaFlagReadonly             = "node_readonly"
	MetaFlagLevelReadonly        = "level_readonly"
	MetaFlagEncrypted            = "datasource_encrypted"
	MetaFlagVersioning           = "datasource_versioning"
	MetaFlagIndexed              = "datasource_node_indexed"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceRoot        = "ws_root"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceScope       = "ws_scope"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceSyncable    = "ws_syncable"
	MetaFlagWorkspacePermissions = "ws_permissions"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceLabel       = "ws_label"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceDescription = "ws_description"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceSlug        = "ws_slug"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceUuid        = "ws_uuid"
	MetaFlagVirtualRoot          = "virtual_root"
	MetaFlagBucket               = "ds_bucket"
	NodeFlagEtagTemporary        = "temporary"
	MetaFlagCellNode             = "CellNode"
	MetaFlagChildrenCount        = "ChildrenCount"
	MetaFlagChildrenFolders      = "ChildrenFolders"
	MetaFlagChildrenFiles        = "ChildrenFiles"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceSkipRecycle = "ws_skip_recycle"
	MetaFlagContentLock          = "content_lock"
	MetaFlagWorkspacesShares     = "workspaces_shares"
	MetaFlagUserSubscriptions    = "user_subscriptions"
	MetaFlagDocumentContentHit   = "document_content_hit"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceRepoId      = "repository_id"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceRepoDisplay = "repository_display"
	MetaFlagWorkspaceEventId     = "EventWorkspaceId"

	IdmWsInternalHomepageID = "homepage"
	IdmWsInternalSettingsID = "settings"

Additional constants for authentication/authorization aspects

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const (
	DocStoreIdSelections         = "selections"
	DocStoreIdVirtualNodes       = "virtualnodes"
	DocStoreIdVersioningPolicies = "versioningPolicies"
	DocStoreIdShares             = "share"
	DocStoreIdResetPassKeys      = "resetPasswordKeys"

DocStore constants for StoreID's

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const (
	KeyMsgId  = "MsgId"
	KeyTs     = "Ts"
	KeyNano   = "Nano"
	KeyLevel  = "Level"
	KeyLogger = "Logger"
	KeyMsg    = "Msg"

Define string used as keys.

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const (
	// Login
	AuditLoginSucceed      = "1"
	AuditLoginFailed       = "2"
	AuditLoginPolicyDenial = "3"
	AuditInvalidJwt        = "4"
	AuditLockUser          = "5"

	// Tree events
	AuditNodeCreate     = "11"
	AuditNodeRead       = "12"
	AuditNodeList       = "13"
	AuditNodeUpdate     = "14"
	AuditNodeDelete     = "15"
	AuditWsCreate       = "16"
	AuditWsUpdate       = "17"
	AuditWsDelete       = "18"
	AuditNodeMovedToBin = "19"

	// S3 Objects
	AuditObjectGet = "21"
	AuditObjectPut = "22"

	// Users, Group, Roles
	AuditUserCreate  = "41"
	AuditUserRead    = "42"
	AuditUserUpdate  = "43"
	AuditUserDelete  = "44"
	AuditGroupCreate = "46"
	AuditGroupRead   = "47"
	AuditGroupUpdate = "48"
	AuditGroupDelete = "49"
	AuditRoleCreate  = "51"
	AuditRoleRead    = "52"
	AuditRoleUpdate  = "53"
	AuditRoleDelete  = "54"

	// Policies
	AuditPolicyGroupStore  = "61"
	AuditPolicyGroupDelete = "62"
	AuditPolicyStore       = "63"
	AuditPolicyDelete      = "64"

	// ShareLinks And Cells
	AuditCellCreate = "71"
	AuditCellRead   = "72"
	AuditCellUpdate = "73"
	AuditCellDelete = "74"
	AuditLinkCreate = "75"
	AuditLinkRead   = "76"
	AuditLinkUpdate = "77"
	AuditLinkDelete = "78"

Known audit message IDs

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const (
	KeyContext = "Context"

	// Follow a given request between the various services
	KeySpanUuid       = "SpanUuid"
	KeySpanParentUuid = "SpanParentUuid"
	KeySpanRootUuid   = "SpanRootUuid"

	// Group messages for a given high level operation
	KeyOperationUuid  = "OperationUuid"
	KeyOperationLabel = "OperationLabel"

	KeyNode     = "Node"
	KeyNodeUuid = "NodeUuid"
	KeyNodePath = "NodePath"

	KeyWorkspace      = "Workspace"
	KeyWorkspaceUuid  = "WorkspaceUuid"
	KeyWorkspaceScope = "WorkspaceScope"

	KeyChangeLog        = "ChangeLog"
	KeyNodeChangeEvent  = "NodeChangeEvent"
	KeyVersioningPolicy = "VersioningPolicy"

	KeyActivitySubscription  = "ActivitySubscription"
	KeyActivityStreamRequest = "StreamActivitiesRequest"
	KeyActivityPostEvent     = "PostActivityEvent"
	KeyActivityObject        = "ActivityObject"

	KeyRole     = "Role"
	KeyRoleUuid = "RoleUuid"
	KeyRoles    = "Roles"
	KeyProfile  = "Profile"

	KeyUser     = "User"
	KeyUsername = "UserName"
	KeyUserUuid = "UserUuid"

	KeyGroupPath = "GroupPath"

	KeyConnector = "Connector"

	// Should be ACL and ACLID if we use proto names, changed to stay homogeneous with the other fields
	KeyAcl   = "Acl"
	KeyAclId = "AclId"

	// Pydio internal merged representation of all ACLs that a user has access to
	KeyAccessList = "AccessList"

	KeyPolicyGroup     = "PolicyGroup"
	KeyPolicyGroupUuid = "PolicyGroupUuid"
	KeyPolicy          = "Policy"
	KeyPolicyId        = "PolicyId"
	KeyPolicyRequest   = "PolicyRequest"

	// Scheduler
	KeyJob      = "Job"
	KeyJobId    = "JobId"
	KeyAction   = "Action"
	KeyActionId = "ActionId"
	KeyTask     = "Task"
	KeyTaskId   = "TaskId"
	// Running tasks in scheduler
	KeySchedulerJobId      = "SchedulerJobUuid"
	KeySchedulerTaskId     = "SchedulerTaskUuid"
	KeySchedulerActionPath = "SchedulerTaskActionPath"

	// Cells
	KeyCell     = "Cell"
	KeyCellUuid = "CellUuid"
	KeyLink     = "ShareLink"
	KeyLinkUuid = "ShareLinkUuid"

	// Chat
	KeyChatRoom        = "ChatRoom"
	KeyChatListRoomReq = "ChatListRoomRequest"
	KeyChatListMsgReq  = "ChatListMsgRequest"
	KeyChatPostMsgReq  = "ChatPostMsgRequest"

Known audit message IDs

View Source
const (
	KeyFrontIp      = "FrontIp"
	KeyFrontUserid  = "UserId"
	KeyFrontWksid   = "WorkspaceId"
	KeyFrontSource  = "Source"
	KeyFrontPrefix  = "Prefix"
	KeyFrontMessage = "Message"
	KeyFrontNodes   = "Nodes"

Keys for the front end

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const (
	DefaultRouteREST = "/a"


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var (
	S3GatewayRootUser      = "gateway"
	S3GatewayRootPassword  = "gatewaysecret"
	S3GatewayDefaultRegion = "us-east-1"

	XSpecialPydioHeaders = []string{

	IdmWsInternalReservedSlugs = map[string]string{
		IdmWsInternalSettingsID: "settings",
		IdmWsInternalHomepageID: "welcome",
View Source
var (
	BuildStamp    string
	BuildRevision string

Main code information. Set by the go linker in the resulting binary when doing 'make main'

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var (
	PackageType  string
	PackageLabel string

Package info. Initialised by main.

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var (
	UpdateDefaultChannel   = "stable"
	UpdateDefaultServerUrl = ""
	UpdateDefaultPublicKey = `` /* 424-byte string literal not displayed */

Update Server default values.

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var (
	DefaultCaUrl        = ""
	DefaultCaStagingUrl = ""

Let's Encrypt Default CA URLs

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var (
	LogConfig           LogConfigType
	LogLevel            zapcore.Level
	LogToFile           bool
	LogFileDefaultValue = "true"

Logging Levels.

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var (
	LogEventLabels = map[string]string{
		AuditLoginSucceed: "Login succeed",
		AuditLoginFailed:  "Login failed",
		AuditNodeCreate:   "Create Node",
		AuditNodeRead:     "Read Node",
		AuditNodeList:     "List Node",
		AuditNodeUpdate:   "Upadate Node",
		AuditNodeDelete:   "Delete Node",
		AuditObjectGet:    "Get Object",
		AuditObjectPut:    "Put Object",
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var (
	// PydioUserProfiles order reflects the level of authorizations
	PydioUserProfiles = []string{


func IsReservedIdmWorkspaceSlug added in v4.0.1

func IsReservedIdmWorkspaceSlug(slug string) bool

IsReservedIdmWorkspaceSlug checks if a slug is already reserved for usage

func IsXSpecialPydioHeader

func IsXSpecialPydioHeader(headerName string) bool

IsXSpecialPydioHeader checks if headerName is in XSpecialPydioHeaders slice.

func MustLogFileDefaultValue

func MustLogFileDefaultValue() bool

MustLogFileDefaultValue parses associated variable to boolean.

func Version

func Version() *hashiversion.Version

Version returns the current code version as an object.


type LogConfigType

type LogConfigType string

Various custom types internally used by Pydio.

const (
	LogConfigConsole    LogConfigType = "console"
	LogConfigProduction LogConfigType = "production"

Define constants for Loggging configuration

type ReaderMetaExtractor added in v4.0.1

type ReaderMetaExtractor interface {
	ExtractedMeta() (map[string]string, bool)

type RuntimeHolder

type RuntimeHolder struct {
	RuntimeContext context.Context

func (*RuntimeHolder) GetRuntimeContext

func (r *RuntimeHolder) GetRuntimeContext() context.Context

func (*RuntimeHolder) SetRuntimeContext

func (r *RuntimeHolder) SetRuntimeContext(ctx context.Context)

type RuntimeProvider

type RuntimeProvider interface {
	SetRuntimeContext(ctx context.Context)
	GetRuntimeContext() context.Context

type Scanner

type Scanner interface {
	Scan(val interface{}) error

type ServiceName

type ServiceName string

Various custom types internally used by Pydio.

type ServiceTag

type ServiceTag string

Various custom types internally used by Pydio.

type ServiceType

type ServiceType string

Various custom types internally used by Pydio.

type XMLSerializableForm

type XMLSerializableForm interface {
	Serialize(languages ...string) interface{}


Path Synopsis
Package auth provides tools related to authentication of pydio services
Package auth provides tools related to authentication of pydio services
Package config provides tools for managing configurations
Package config provides tools for managing configurations
Package crypto provides tools for data encryption and certificates management
Package crypto provides tools for data encryption and certificates management
Package dao provides abstraction of persistence layer used by pydio services.
Package dao provides abstraction of persistence layer used by pydio services.
Package forms provides utility methods to generate XML that is interpreted by the Front End to build forms.
Package forms provides utility methods to generate XML that is interpreted by the Front End to build forms.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021.
Package nodes provides high-level clients for talking to the main data tree in certain context.
Package nodes provides high-level clients for talking to the main data tree in certain context.
Package sql provides tools and DAOs for speaking SQL as well as managing tables migrations
Package sql provides tools and DAOs for speaking SQL as well as managing tables migrations
Package utils provides swiss-knife tools for all services
Package utils provides swiss-knife tools for all services

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL