Overview ¶
Package envelopes implements the DocuSign SDK category Envelopes.
The DocuSign API Envelope category includes the resources and methods for sending and managing envelopes and envelope data.
Envelopes are the key objects within the DocuSign eSignature system. As a result, they are complex data structures with few required fields. See the [API Recipes]( for use case examples and their solutions.
To create and send envelopes, see the [Envelopes resource](Envelopes).
Service Api documentation may be found at: Usage example:
import ( "" "" "" ) ... envelopesService := envelopes.New(esignCredential)
Index ¶
- type AttachmentsCreateOp
- type AttachmentsDeleteOp
- type AttachmentsGetOp
- type AttachmentsListOp
- type AttachmentsUpdateOp
- type ChunkedUploadsCommitOp
- type ChunkedUploadsCreateOp
- type ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp
- type ChunkedUploadsGetOp
- type ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp
- type ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp
- type ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp
- type CreateOp
- type CustomFieldsCreateOp
- type CustomFieldsDeleteOp
- type CustomFieldsListOp
- type CustomFieldsUpdateOp
- type DeleteDocumentPageOp
- type DocumentFieldsCreateOp
- type DocumentFieldsDeleteOp
- type DocumentFieldsListOp
- type DocumentFieldsUpdateOp
- type DocumentTabsGetByPageOp
- type DocumentTabsGetOp
- type DocumentVisibilityGetOp
- type DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
- type DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
- type DocumentsDeleteOp
- type DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Certificate() *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*esign.Download, error)
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Encoding(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Encrypt() *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Language(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) RecipientID(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) ShowChanges() *DocumentsGetOp
- func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Watermark() *DocumentsGetOp
- type DocumentsListOp
- type DocumentsUpdateListOp
- type DocumentsUpdateOp
- type EmailSettingsCreateOp
- type EmailSettingsDeleteOp
- type EmailSettingsGetOp
- type EmailSettingsUpdateOp
- type FormDataGetOp
- type GetNotificationSettingsOp
- type GetOp
- type GetPageImageOp
- func (op *GetPageImageOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*esign.Download, error)
- func (op *GetPageImageOp) Dpi(val int) *GetPageImageOp
- func (op *GetPageImageOp) MaxHeight(val int) *GetPageImageOp
- func (op *GetPageImageOp) MaxWidth(val int) *GetPageImageOp
- func (op *GetPageImageOp) ShowChanges() *GetPageImageOp
- type GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Count(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.PageImages, error)
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Dpi(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) MaxHeight(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) MaxWidth(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Nocache() *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) ShowChanges() *GetPageImagesOp
- func (op *GetPageImagesOp) StartPosition(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
- type GetRecipientInitialsImageOp
- type GetRecipientSignatureImageOp
- type GetRecipientSignatureOp
- type ListAuditEventsOp
- type ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) AcStatus(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Block(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Count(val int) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) CustomField(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopesInformation, error)
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Email(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) EnvelopeIds(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) FromDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) FromToStatus(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) StartPosition(val int) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Status(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) ToDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) TransactionIds(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) UserName(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
- type ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) AcStatus(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) Block(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) Count(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopesInformation, error)
- func (op *ListStatusOp) Email(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) EnvelopeIds(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) FromDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) FromToStatus(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) StartPosition(val int) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) Status(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) ToDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) TransactionIds(val string) *ListStatusOp
- func (op *ListStatusOp) UserName(val string) *ListStatusOp
- type LocksCreateOp
- type LocksDeleteOp
- type LocksGetOp
- type LocksUpdateOp
- type NotaryJournalsListOp
- func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) Count(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
- func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.NotaryJournalList, error)
- func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) SearchText(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
- func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) StartPosition(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
- type RecipientTabsCreateOp
- type RecipientTabsDeleteOp
- type RecipientTabsListOp
- type RecipientTabsUpdateOp
- type RecipientsCreateOp
- type RecipientsDeleteListOp
- type RecipientsDeleteOp
- type RecipientsListOp
- type RecipientsUpdateOp
- type RotateDocumentPageOp
- type Service
- func (s *Service) AttachmentsCreate(envelopeID string, ...) *AttachmentsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) AttachmentsDelete(envelopeID string, ...) *AttachmentsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) AttachmentsGet(attachmentID string, envelopeID string) *AttachmentsGetOp
- func (s *Service) AttachmentsList(envelopeID string) *AttachmentsListOp
- func (s *Service) AttachmentsUpdate(attachmentID string, envelopeID string, attachment *model.Attachment) *AttachmentsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsCommit(chunkedUploadID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *ChunkedUploadsCommitOp
- func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsCreate(chunkedUploadRequest *model.ChunkedUploadRequest) *ChunkedUploadsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsDelete(chunkedUploadID string) *ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsGet(chunkedUploadID string) *ChunkedUploadsGetOp
- func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsUpdate(chunkedUploadID string, chunkedUploadPartSeq string, ...) *ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGet(envelopeID string, langCode string, recipientID string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp
- func (s *Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefault(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp
- func (s *Service) Create(envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition, uploads ...*esign.UploadFile) *CreateOp
- func (s *Service) CustomFieldsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) CustomFieldsDelete(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) CustomFieldsList(envelopeID string) *CustomFieldsListOp
- func (s *Service) CustomFieldsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) DeleteDocumentPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *DeleteDocumentPageOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsCreate(documentID string, envelopeID string, ...) *DocumentFieldsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsDelete(documentID string, envelopeID string, ...) *DocumentFieldsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsList(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentFieldsListOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsUpdate(documentID string, envelopeID string, ...) *DocumentFieldsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentTabsGet(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentTabsGetOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentTabsGetByPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *DocumentTabsGetByPageOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityGet(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *DocumentVisibilityGetOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, ...) *DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdateList(envelopeID string, envelopeDocumentVisibility *model.DocumentVisibilityList) *DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentsDelete(envelopeID string, envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition) *DocumentsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentsGet(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentsGetOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentsList(envelopeID string) *DocumentsListOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentsUpdate(documentID string, envelopeID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *DocumentsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) DocumentsUpdateList(envelopeID string, envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition) *DocumentsUpdateListOp
- func (s *Service) EmailSettingsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeEmailSettings *model.EmailSettings) *EmailSettingsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) EmailSettingsDelete(envelopeID string) *EmailSettingsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) EmailSettingsGet(envelopeID string) *EmailSettingsGetOp
- func (s *Service) EmailSettingsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeEmailSettings *model.EmailSettings) *EmailSettingsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) FormDataGet(envelopeID string) *FormDataGetOp
- func (s *Service) Get(envelopeID string) *GetOp
- func (s *Service) GetNotificationSettings(envelopeID string) *GetNotificationSettingsOp
- func (s *Service) GetPageImage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *GetPageImageOp
- func (s *Service) GetPageImages(documentID string, envelopeID string) *GetPageImagesOp
- func (s *Service) GetRecipientInitialsImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientInitialsImageOp
- func (s *Service) GetRecipientSignature(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientSignatureOp
- func (s *Service) GetRecipientSignatureImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientSignatureImageOp
- func (s *Service) ListAuditEvents(envelopeID string) *ListAuditEventsOp
- func (s *Service) ListStatus(envelopeIdsRequest *model.EnvelopeIdsRequest) *ListStatusOp
- func (s *Service) ListStatusChanges() *ListStatusChangesOp
- func (s *Service) LocksCreate(envelopeID string, lockRequest *model.LockRequest) *LocksCreateOp
- func (s *Service) LocksDelete(envelopeID string) *LocksDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) LocksGet(envelopeID string) *LocksGetOp
- func (s *Service) LocksUpdate(envelopeID string, lockRequest *model.LockRequest) *LocksUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) NotaryJournalsList() *NotaryJournalsListOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsCreate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsDelete(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsList(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *RecipientTabsListOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsUpdate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsCreateOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientsDelete(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *RecipientsDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientsDeleteList(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsDeleteListOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientsList(envelopeID string) *RecipientsListOp
- func (s *Service) RecipientsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) RotateDocumentPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string, ...) *RotateDocumentPageOp
- func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityGet(recipientID string, templateID string) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp
- func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdate(recipientID string, templateID string, ...) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
- func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateList(templateID string, ...) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
- func (s *Service) TemplatesApply(envelopeID string, documentTemplateList *model.DocumentTemplateList) *TemplatesApplyOp
- func (s *Service) TemplatesApplyToDocument(documentID string, envelopeID string, ...) *TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp
- func (s *Service) TemplatesDelete(documentID string, envelopeID string, templateID string) *TemplatesDeleteOp
- func (s *Service) TemplatesList(envelopeID string) *TemplatesListOp
- func (s *Service) TemplatesListByDocument(documentID string, envelopeID string) *TemplatesListByDocumentOp
- func (s *Service) Update(envelopeID string, envelopes *model.Envelope) *UpdateOp
- func (s *Service) UpdateNotificationSettings(envelopeID string, ...) *UpdateNotificationSettingsOp
- func (s *Service) UpdateRecipientInitialsImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *UpdateRecipientInitialsImageOp
- func (s *Service) UpdateRecipientSignatureImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *UpdateRecipientSignatureImageOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateConsole(consoleViewRequest *model.ConsoleViewRequest) *ViewsCreateConsoleOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateCorrect(envelopeID string, correctViewRequest *model.CorrectViewRequest) *ViewsCreateCorrectOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateEdit(envelopeID string, returnURLRequest *model.ReturnURLRequest) *ViewsCreateEditOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateRecipient(envelopeID string, recipientViewRequest *model.RecipientViewRequest) *ViewsCreateRecipientOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateSender(envelopeID string, returnURLRequest *model.ReturnURLRequest) *ViewsCreateSenderOp
- func (s *Service) ViewsCreateSharedRecipient(envelopeID string, recipientViewRequest *model.RecipientViewRequest) *ViewsCreateSharedRecipientOp
- type TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp
- type TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
- type TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
- type TemplatesApplyOp
- type TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp
- type TemplatesDeleteOp
- type TemplatesListByDocumentOp
- type TemplatesListOp
- type UpdateNotificationSettingsOp
- type UpdateOp
- type UpdateRecipientInitialsImageOp
- type UpdateRecipientSignatureImageOp
- type ViewsCreateConsoleOp
- type ViewsCreateCorrectOp
- type ViewsCreateEditOp
- type ViewsCreateRecipientOp
- type ViewsCreateSenderOp
- type ViewsCreateSharedRecipientOp
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AttachmentsCreateOp ¶
AttachmentsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::putAttachments
func (*AttachmentsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *AttachmentsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeAttachmentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type AttachmentsDeleteOp ¶
AttachmentsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteAttachments
func (*AttachmentsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *AttachmentsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeAttachmentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type AttachmentsGetOp ¶
AttachmentsGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getAttachment
type AttachmentsListOp ¶
AttachmentsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getAttachments
func (*AttachmentsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *AttachmentsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeAttachmentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type AttachmentsUpdateOp ¶
AttachmentsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::putAttachment
func (*AttachmentsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *AttachmentsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeAttachmentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ChunkedUploadsCommitOp ¶
ChunkedUploadsCommitOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateChunkedUpload
func (*ChunkedUploadsCommitOp) Action ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsCommitOp) Action(val string) *ChunkedUploadsCommitOp
Action set the call query parameter action
func (*ChunkedUploadsCommitOp) Do ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsCommitOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ChunkedUploadResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ChunkedUploadsCreateOp ¶
ChunkedUploadsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createChunkedUpload
func (*ChunkedUploadsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ChunkedUploadResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp ¶
ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteChunkedUpload
func (*ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ChunkedUploadResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ChunkedUploadsGetOp ¶
ChunkedUploadsGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getChunkedUpload
func (*ChunkedUploadsGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ChunkedUploadResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*ChunkedUploadsGetOp) Include ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsGetOp) Include(val ...string) *ChunkedUploadsGetOp
Include is a comma-separated list of additional template attributes to include in the response. Valid values are: recipients, folders, documents, custom_fields, and notifications.
type ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp ¶
ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateChunkedUploadPart
func (*ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ChunkedUploadResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp ¶
ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getConsumerDisclosureDefault
func (*ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp) Do ¶
func (op *ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ConsumerDisclosure, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp) LangCode ¶
func (op *ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp) LangCode(val string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp
LangCode set the call query parameter langCode
type ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp ¶
ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getConsumerDisclosure
func (*ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.ConsumerDisclosure, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp) LangCode ¶
func (op *ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp) LangCode(val string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp
LangCode set the call query parameter langCode
type CreateOp ¶
CreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createEnvelope
func (*CreateOp) ChangeRoutingOrder ¶
ChangeRoutingOrder when true, users can define the routing order of recipients while sending documents for signature.
func (*CreateOp) CompletedDocumentsOnly ¶
CompletedDocumentsOnly reserved for DocuSign.
func (*CreateOp) MergeRolesOnDraft ¶
MergeRolesOnDraft when set to **true**, template roles will be merged, and empty recipients will be removed. This parameter applies when you create a draft envelope with multiple templates. (To create a draft envelope, the `status` field is set to `created`.)
###### Note: DocuSign recommends that this parameter should be set to **true** whenever you create a draft envelope with multiple templates.
type CustomFieldsCreateOp ¶
CustomFieldsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createCustomFields
func (*CustomFieldsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *CustomFieldsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.CustomFields, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type CustomFieldsDeleteOp ¶
CustomFieldsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteCustomFields
func (*CustomFieldsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *CustomFieldsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.CustomFields, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type CustomFieldsListOp ¶
CustomFieldsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listCustomFields
func (*CustomFieldsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *CustomFieldsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.CustomFieldsEnvelope, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type CustomFieldsUpdateOp ¶
CustomFieldsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateCustomFields
func (*CustomFieldsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *CustomFieldsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.CustomFields, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DeleteDocumentPageOp ¶
DeleteDocumentPageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteDocumentPage
type DocumentFieldsCreateOp ¶
DocumentFieldsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createDocumentFields
func (*DocumentFieldsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentFieldsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentFieldsInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentFieldsDeleteOp ¶
DocumentFieldsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteDocumentFields
func (*DocumentFieldsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentFieldsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentFieldsInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentFieldsListOp ¶
DocumentFieldsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listDocumentFields
func (*DocumentFieldsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentFieldsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentFieldsInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentFieldsUpdateOp ¶
DocumentFieldsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateDocumentFields
func (*DocumentFieldsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentFieldsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentFieldsInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentTabsGetByPageOp ¶
DocumentTabsGetByPageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getPageTabs
type DocumentTabsGetOp ¶
DocumentTabsGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getDocumentTabs
func (*DocumentTabsGetOp) PageNumbers ¶
func (op *DocumentTabsGetOp) PageNumbers(val string) *DocumentTabsGetOp
PageNumbers set the call query parameter page_numbers
type DocumentVisibilityGetOp ¶
DocumentVisibilityGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*DocumentVisibilityGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentVisibilityGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp ¶
DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateRecipientsDocumentVisibility
func (*DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp ¶
DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentsDeleteOp ¶
DocumentsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteDocuments
func (*DocumentsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeDocumentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentsGetOp ¶
DocumentsGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getDocument
func (*DocumentsGetOp) Certificate ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Certificate() *DocumentsGetOp
Certificate when set to **false**, the envelope signing certificate is removed from the download.
func (*DocumentsGetOp) Encoding ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Encoding(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
Encoding set the call query parameter encoding
func (*DocumentsGetOp) Encrypt ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Encrypt() *DocumentsGetOp
Encrypt when set to **true**, the PDF bytes returned in the response are encrypted for all the key managers configured on your DocuSign account. The documents can be decrypted with the KeyManager Decrypt Document API.
func (*DocumentsGetOp) Language ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Language(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
Language specifies the language for the Certificate of Completion in the response. The supported languages, with the language value shown in parenthesis, are: Chinese Simplified (zh_CN), , Chinese Traditional (zh_TW), Dutch (nl), English US (en), French (fr), German (de), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko), Portuguese (pt), Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR), Russian (ru), Spanish (es).
func (*DocumentsGetOp) RecipientID ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) RecipientID(val string) *DocumentsGetOp
RecipientID set the call query parameter recipient_id
func (*DocumentsGetOp) ShowChanges ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) ShowChanges() *DocumentsGetOp
ShowChanges when set to **true**, any changed fields for the returned PDF are highlighted in yellow and optional signatures or initials outlined in red.
func (*DocumentsGetOp) Watermark ¶
func (op *DocumentsGetOp) Watermark() *DocumentsGetOp
Watermark when set to **true**, the account has the watermark feature enabled, and the envelope is not complete, the watermark for the account is added to the PDF documents. This option can remove the watermark.
type DocumentsListOp ¶
DocumentsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listDocuments
func (*DocumentsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeDocumentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type DocumentsUpdateListOp ¶
DocumentsUpdateListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateDocuments
func (*DocumentsUpdateListOp) ApplyDocumentFields ¶
func (op *DocumentsUpdateListOp) ApplyDocumentFields() *DocumentsUpdateListOp
ApplyDocumentFields when **true**, document fields can be added or modified while adding or modifying envelope documents.
func (*DocumentsUpdateListOp) Do ¶
func (op *DocumentsUpdateListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeDocumentsResult, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*DocumentsUpdateListOp) PersistTabs ¶
func (op *DocumentsUpdateListOp) PersistTabs() *DocumentsUpdateListOp
PersistTabs set the call query parameter persist_tabs
type DocumentsUpdateOp ¶
DocumentsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateDocument
func (*DocumentsUpdateOp) ApplyDocumentFields ¶
func (op *DocumentsUpdateOp) ApplyDocumentFields() *DocumentsUpdateOp
ApplyDocumentFields when **true**, document fields can be added or modified while adding or modifying envelope documents.
type EmailSettingsCreateOp ¶
EmailSettingsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createEmailSettings
func (*EmailSettingsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *EmailSettingsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EmailSettings, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type EmailSettingsDeleteOp ¶
EmailSettingsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteEmailSettings
func (*EmailSettingsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *EmailSettingsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EmailSettings, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type EmailSettingsGetOp ¶
EmailSettingsGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getEmailSettings
func (*EmailSettingsGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *EmailSettingsGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EmailSettings, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type EmailSettingsUpdateOp ¶
EmailSettingsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateEmailSettings
func (*EmailSettingsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *EmailSettingsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EmailSettings, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type FormDataGetOp ¶
FormDataGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getFormData
func (*FormDataGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *FormDataGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeFormData, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type GetNotificationSettingsOp ¶
GetNotificationSettingsOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getNotificationSettings
func (*GetNotificationSettingsOp) Do ¶
func (op *GetNotificationSettingsOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Notification, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type GetOp ¶
GetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getEnvelope
func (*GetOp) AdvancedUpdate ¶
AdvancedUpdate when true, envelope information can be added or modified.
type GetPageImageOp ¶
GetPageImageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getDocumentPageImage
func (*GetPageImageOp) Dpi ¶
func (op *GetPageImageOp) Dpi(val int) *GetPageImageOp
Dpi sets the dpi for the image.
func (*GetPageImageOp) MaxHeight ¶
func (op *GetPageImageOp) MaxHeight(val int) *GetPageImageOp
MaxHeight sets the maximum height for the page image in pixels. The dpi is recalculated based on this setting.
func (*GetPageImageOp) MaxWidth ¶
func (op *GetPageImageOp) MaxWidth(val int) *GetPageImageOp
MaxWidth sets the maximum width for the page image in pixels. The dpi is recalculated based on this setting.
func (*GetPageImageOp) ShowChanges ¶
func (op *GetPageImageOp) ShowChanges() *GetPageImageOp
ShowChanges set the call query parameter show_changes
type GetPageImagesOp ¶
GetPageImagesOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getDocumentPageImages
func (*GetPageImagesOp) Count ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Count(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
Count is the maximum number of results to be returned by this request.
func (*GetPageImagesOp) Do ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.PageImages, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*GetPageImagesOp) Dpi ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Dpi(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
Dpi number of dots per inch for the resulting image. The default if not used is 94. The range is 1-310.
func (*GetPageImagesOp) MaxHeight ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) MaxHeight(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
MaxHeight sets the maximum height (in pixels) of the returned image.
func (*GetPageImagesOp) MaxWidth ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) MaxWidth(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
MaxWidth sets the maximum width (in pixels) of the returned image.
func (*GetPageImagesOp) Nocache ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) Nocache() *GetPageImagesOp
Nocache set the call query parameter nocache
func (*GetPageImagesOp) ShowChanges ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) ShowChanges() *GetPageImagesOp
ShowChanges set the call query parameter show_changes
func (*GetPageImagesOp) StartPosition ¶
func (op *GetPageImagesOp) StartPosition(val int) *GetPageImagesOp
StartPosition is the position within the total result set from which to start returning values. The value **thumbnail** may be used to return the page image.
type GetRecipientInitialsImageOp ¶
GetRecipientInitialsImageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getRecipientInitialsImage
func (*GetRecipientInitialsImageOp) IncludeChrome ¶
func (op *GetRecipientInitialsImageOp) IncludeChrome() *GetRecipientInitialsImageOp
IncludeChrome is the added line and identifier around the initial image. Note: Older envelopes might only have chromed images. If getting the non-chromed image fails, try getting the chromed image.
type GetRecipientSignatureImageOp ¶
GetRecipientSignatureImageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getRecipientSignatureImage
func (*GetRecipientSignatureImageOp) IncludeChrome ¶
func (op *GetRecipientSignatureImageOp) IncludeChrome() *GetRecipientSignatureImageOp
IncludeChrome when set to **true**, indicates the chromed version of the signature image should be retrieved.
type GetRecipientSignatureOp ¶
GetRecipientSignatureOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getRecipientSignature
func (*GetRecipientSignatureOp) Do ¶
func (op *GetRecipientSignatureOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.UserSignature, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ListAuditEventsOp ¶
ListAuditEventsOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listAuditEvents
func (*ListAuditEventsOp) Do ¶
func (op *ListAuditEventsOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopeAuditEventResponse, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type ListStatusChangesOp ¶
ListStatusChangesOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listStatusChanges
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) AcStatus ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) AcStatus(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
AcStatus specifies the Authoritative Copy Status for the envelopes. The possible values are: Unknown, Original, Transferred, AuthoritativeCopy, AuthoritativeCopyExportPending, AuthoritativeCopyExported, DepositPending, Deposited, DepositedEO, or DepositFailed.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) Block ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Block(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
Block reserved for DocuSign.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) Count ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Count(val int) *ListStatusChangesOp
Count optional. Number of items to return. Currently there is no implicit maximum limit of the number of items that can be returned.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) CustomField ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) CustomField(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
CustomField optional. Specifies a envelope custom field name and value searched for in the envelopes. Format: `custom_envelope_field_name=desired_value`
Example: If you have an envelope custom field named "Region" and you want to search for all envelopes where the value is "West" you would use set this parameter to `Region=West`.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) Do ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopesInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) Email ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Email(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
Email limit results to envelopes sent by the account user with this email address.
`user_name` must be given as well, and both `email` and `user_name` must refer to an existing account user.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) EnvelopeIds ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) EnvelopeIds(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
EnvelopeIds comma separated list of `envelopeId` values.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) FromDate ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) FromDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusChangesOp
FromDate specifies the date and time to start looking for status changes. This parameter is required unless `envelopeIds` or `transactionIds` are set.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) FromToStatus ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) FromToStatus(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
FromToStatus is the status value checked for in the `from_date` to `to_date` time period.
Possible values are: Voided, Changed, Created, Deleted, Sent, Delivered, Signed, Completed, Declined, TimedOut and Processing.
If `Changed` is specified, then envelopes that changed status during the period will be returned.
For example, if `Created` is specified, then envelopes created during the period are found.
The default is `Changed`.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) StartPosition ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) StartPosition(val int) *ListStatusChangesOp
StartPosition this value is supported and currently has no implicit maximum items.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) Status ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) Status(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
Status is a comma-separated list of current envelope statuses to included in the response. Possible values are:
* completed * created * declined * deleted * delivered * processing * sent * signed * timedout * voided
The `any` value is equivalent to any status.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) ToDate ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) ToDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusChangesOp
ToDate specifies the date and time to stop looking for status changes. The default is the current date and time.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) TransactionIds ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) TransactionIds(val ...string) *ListStatusChangesOp
TransactionIds is a comma-separated list of envelope transaction IDs. Transaction IDs are only valid for seven days.
func (*ListStatusChangesOp) UserName ¶
func (op *ListStatusChangesOp) UserName(val string) *ListStatusChangesOp
UserName limit results to envelopes sent by the account user with this user name.
`email` must be given as well, and both `email` and `user_name` must refer to an existing account user.
type ListStatusOp ¶
ListStatusOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listStatus
func (*ListStatusOp) AcStatus ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) AcStatus(val string) *ListStatusOp
AcStatus specifies the Authoritative Copy Status for the envelopes. The possible values are: Unknown, Original, Transferred, AuthoritativeCopy, AuthoritativeCopyExportPending, AuthoritativeCopyExported, DepositPending, Deposited, DepositedEO, or DepositFailed.
func (*ListStatusOp) Block ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) Block(val string) *ListStatusOp
Block reserved for DocuSign.
func (*ListStatusOp) Count ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) Count(val string) *ListStatusOp
Count is the maximum number of results to be returned by this request.
func (*ListStatusOp) Do ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.EnvelopesInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*ListStatusOp) Email ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) Email(val string) *ListStatusOp
Email reserved for DocuSign.
func (*ListStatusOp) EnvelopeIds ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) EnvelopeIds(val string) *ListStatusOp
EnvelopeIds comma separated list of `envelopeId` values.
func (*ListStatusOp) FromDate ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) FromDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusOp
FromDate is the date/time setting that specifies when the request begins checking for status changes for envelopes in the account. This is required unless parameters `envelope_ids` and/or `transaction_Ids` are set.
****Note****: This parameter must be set to a valid `DateTime`, or `envelope_ids` and/or `transaction_ids` must be specified.
func (*ListStatusOp) FromToStatus ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) FromToStatus(val string) *ListStatusOp
FromToStatus is the status value checked for in the `from_date` to `to_date` time period.
Possible values are: Voided, Changed, Created, Deleted, Sent, Delivered, Signed, Completed, Declined, TimedOut and Processing.
If `Changed` is specified, then envelopes that changed status during the period will be returned.
For example, if `Created` is specified, then envelopes created during the period are found.
The default is `Changed`.
func (*ListStatusOp) StartPosition ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) StartPosition(val int) *ListStatusOp
StartPosition reserved for DocuSign.
func (*ListStatusOp) Status ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) Status(val string) *ListStatusOp
Status item status. <!-- TODO -->
func (*ListStatusOp) ToDate ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) ToDate(val time.Time) *ListStatusOp
ToDate optional date/time setting that specifies the last date/time or envelope status changes in the result set.
Default: "now", the time that you call the method.
func (*ListStatusOp) TransactionIds ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) TransactionIds(val string) *ListStatusOp
TransactionIds is a comma-separated list of envelope transaction IDs. Transaction IDs are only valid for seven days.
func (*ListStatusOp) UserName ¶
func (op *ListStatusOp) UserName(val string) *ListStatusOp
UserName limit results to envelopes sent by the account user with this user name.
`email` must be given as well, and both `email` and `user_name` must refer to an existing account user.
type LocksCreateOp ¶
LocksCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createLock
func (*LocksCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *LocksCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.LockInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type LocksDeleteOp ¶
LocksDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteLock
func (*LocksDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *LocksDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.LockInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type LocksGetOp ¶
LocksGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getLock
func (*LocksGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *LocksGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.LockInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type LocksUpdateOp ¶
LocksUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateLock
func (*LocksUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *LocksUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.LockInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type NotaryJournalsListOp ¶
NotaryJournalsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listNotaryJournals
func (*NotaryJournalsListOp) Count ¶
func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) Count(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
Count is the maximum number of results to be returned by this request.
func (*NotaryJournalsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.NotaryJournalList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*NotaryJournalsListOp) SearchText ¶
func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) SearchText(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
SearchText set the call query parameter search_text
func (*NotaryJournalsListOp) StartPosition ¶
func (op *NotaryJournalsListOp) StartPosition(val string) *NotaryJournalsListOp
StartPosition is the position within the total result set from which to start returning values. The value **thumbnail** may be used to return the page image.
type RecipientTabsCreateOp ¶
RecipientTabsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createTabs
type RecipientTabsDeleteOp ¶
RecipientTabsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteTabs
type RecipientTabsListOp ¶
RecipientTabsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listTabs
func (*RecipientTabsListOp) IncludeAnchorTabLocations ¶
func (op *RecipientTabsListOp) IncludeAnchorTabLocations() *RecipientTabsListOp
IncludeAnchorTabLocations when set to **true**, all tabs with anchor tab properties are included in the response.
func (*RecipientTabsListOp) IncludeMetadata ¶
func (op *RecipientTabsListOp) IncludeMetadata(val string) *RecipientTabsListOp
IncludeMetadata reserved for DocuSign.
type RecipientTabsUpdateOp ¶
RecipientTabsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateTabs
type RecipientsCreateOp ¶
RecipientsCreateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createRecipient
func (*RecipientsCreateOp) Do ¶
func (op *RecipientsCreateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Recipients, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*RecipientsCreateOp) ResendEnvelope ¶
func (op *RecipientsCreateOp) ResendEnvelope() *RecipientsCreateOp
ResendEnvelope when set to **true**, resends the envelope if the new recipient's routing order is before or the same as the envelope's next recipient.
type RecipientsDeleteListOp ¶
RecipientsDeleteListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteRecipients
func (*RecipientsDeleteListOp) Do ¶
func (op *RecipientsDeleteListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Recipients, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type RecipientsDeleteOp ¶
RecipientsDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteRecipient
func (*RecipientsDeleteOp) Do ¶
func (op *RecipientsDeleteOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Recipients, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type RecipientsListOp ¶
RecipientsListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listRecipients
func (*RecipientsListOp) Do ¶
func (op *RecipientsListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Recipients, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*RecipientsListOp) IncludeAnchorTabLocations ¶
func (op *RecipientsListOp) IncludeAnchorTabLocations() *RecipientsListOp
IncludeAnchorTabLocations when set to **true** and `include_tabs` value is set to **true**, all tabs with anchor tab properties are included in the response.
func (*RecipientsListOp) IncludeExtended ¶
func (op *RecipientsListOp) IncludeExtended() *RecipientsListOp
IncludeExtended when set to **true**, the extended properties are included in the response.
func (*RecipientsListOp) IncludeTabs ¶
func (op *RecipientsListOp) IncludeTabs() *RecipientsListOp
IncludeTabs when set to **true**, the tab information associated with the recipient is included in the response.
type RecipientsUpdateOp ¶
RecipientsUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateRecipients
func (*RecipientsUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *RecipientsUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.RecipientsUpdateSummary, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*RecipientsUpdateOp) OfflineSigning ¶
func (op *RecipientsUpdateOp) OfflineSigning(val string) *RecipientsUpdateOp
OfflineSigning set the call query parameter offline_signing
func (*RecipientsUpdateOp) ResendEnvelope ¶
func (op *RecipientsUpdateOp) ResendEnvelope() *RecipientsUpdateOp
ResendEnvelope when set to **true**, resends the envelope if the new recipient's routing order is before or the same as the envelope's next recipient.
type RotateDocumentPageOp ¶
RotateDocumentPageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::rotateDocumentPage
type Service ¶
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service implements DocuSign Envelopes Category API operations
func New ¶
func New(cred esign.Credential) *Service
New initializes a envelopes service using cred to authorize ops.
func (*Service) AttachmentsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) AttachmentsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeAttachmentsRequest *model.EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest) *AttachmentsCreateOp
AttachmentsCreate add one or more attachments to a DRAFT or IN-PROCESS envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::putAttachments
func (*Service) AttachmentsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) AttachmentsDelete(envelopeID string, envelopeAttachmentsRequest *model.EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest) *AttachmentsDeleteOp
AttachmentsDelete delete one or more attachments from a DRAFT envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteAttachments
func (*Service) AttachmentsGet ¶
func (s *Service) AttachmentsGet(attachmentID string, envelopeID string) *AttachmentsGetOp
AttachmentsGet retrieves an attachment from the envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::getAttachment
func (*Service) AttachmentsList ¶
func (s *Service) AttachmentsList(envelopeID string) *AttachmentsListOp
AttachmentsList returns a list of attachments associated with the specified envelope
SDK Method Envelopes::getAttachments
func (*Service) AttachmentsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) AttachmentsUpdate(attachmentID string, envelopeID string, attachment *model.Attachment) *AttachmentsUpdateOp
AttachmentsUpdate add an attachment to a DRAFT or IN-PROCESS envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::putAttachment
func (*Service) ChunkedUploadsCommit ¶
func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsCommit(chunkedUploadID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *ChunkedUploadsCommitOp
ChunkedUploadsCommit integrity-Check and Commit a ChunkedUpload, readying it for use elsewhere. If media is an io.ReadCloser, Do() will close media.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateChunkedUpload
func (*Service) ChunkedUploadsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsCreate(chunkedUploadRequest *model.ChunkedUploadRequest) *ChunkedUploadsCreateOp
ChunkedUploadsCreate initiate a new ChunkedUpload.
SDK Method Envelopes::createChunkedUpload
func (*Service) ChunkedUploadsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsDelete(chunkedUploadID string) *ChunkedUploadsDeleteOp
ChunkedUploadsDelete delete an existing ChunkedUpload.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteChunkedUpload
func (*Service) ChunkedUploadsGet ¶
func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsGet(chunkedUploadID string) *ChunkedUploadsGetOp
ChunkedUploadsGet retrieves the current metadata of a ChunkedUpload.
SDK Method Envelopes::getChunkedUpload
func (*Service) ChunkedUploadsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) ChunkedUploadsUpdate(chunkedUploadID string, chunkedUploadPartSeq string, chunkedUploadRequest *model.ChunkedUploadRequest) *ChunkedUploadsUpdateOp
ChunkedUploadsUpdate add a chunk, a chunk 'part', to an existing ChunkedUpload.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateChunkedUploadPart
func (*Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGet ¶
func (s *Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGet(envelopeID string, langCode string, recipientID string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetOp
ConsumerDisclosuresGet reserved: Gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure associated with the account.
SDK Method Envelopes::getConsumerDisclosure
func (*Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefault ¶
func (s *Service) ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefault(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefaultOp
ConsumerDisclosuresGetDefault gets the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure associated with the account.
SDK Method Envelopes::getConsumerDisclosureDefault
func (*Service) Create ¶
func (s *Service) Create(envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition, uploads ...*esign.UploadFile) *CreateOp
Create creates an envelope. If any uploads[x].Reader is an io.ReadCloser(s), Do() will always close Reader.
SDK Method Envelopes::createEnvelope
func (*Service) CustomFieldsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) CustomFieldsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsCreateOp
CustomFieldsCreate updates envelope custom fields for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::createCustomFields
func (*Service) CustomFieldsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) CustomFieldsDelete(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsDeleteOp
CustomFieldsDelete deletes envelope custom fields for draft and in-process envelopes.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteCustomFields
func (*Service) CustomFieldsList ¶
func (s *Service) CustomFieldsList(envelopeID string) *CustomFieldsListOp
CustomFieldsList gets the custom field information for the specified envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::listCustomFields
func (*Service) CustomFieldsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) CustomFieldsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeCustomFields *model.CustomFields) *CustomFieldsUpdateOp
CustomFieldsUpdate updates envelope custom fields in an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateCustomFields
func (*Service) DeleteDocumentPage ¶
func (s *Service) DeleteDocumentPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *DeleteDocumentPageOp
DeleteDocumentPage deletes a page from a document in an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteDocumentPage
func (*Service) DocumentFieldsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsCreate(documentID string, envelopeID string, envelopeDocumentFields *model.DocumentFieldsInformation) *DocumentFieldsCreateOp
DocumentFieldsCreate creates custom document fields in an existing envelope document.
SDK Method Envelopes::createDocumentFields
func (*Service) DocumentFieldsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsDelete(documentID string, envelopeID string, envelopeDocumentFields *model.DocumentFieldsInformation) *DocumentFieldsDeleteOp
DocumentFieldsDelete deletes custom document fields from an existing envelope document.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteDocumentFields
func (*Service) DocumentFieldsList ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsList(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentFieldsListOp
DocumentFieldsList gets the custom document fields from an existing envelope document.
SDK Method Envelopes::listDocumentFields
func (*Service) DocumentFieldsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentFieldsUpdate(documentID string, envelopeID string, envelopeDocumentFields *model.DocumentFieldsInformation) *DocumentFieldsUpdateOp
DocumentFieldsUpdate updates existing custom document fields in an existing envelope document.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateDocumentFields
func (*Service) DocumentTabsGet ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentTabsGet(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentTabsGetOp
DocumentTabsGet returns tabs on the document.
SDK Method Envelopes::getDocumentTabs
func (*Service) DocumentTabsGetByPage ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentTabsGetByPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *DocumentTabsGetByPageOp
DocumentTabsGetByPage returns tabs on the specified page.
SDK Method Envelopes::getPageTabs
func (*Service) DocumentVisibilityGet ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityGet(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *DocumentVisibilityGetOp
DocumentVisibilityGet returns document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::getRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeDocumentVisibility *model.DocumentVisibilityList) *DocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
DocumentVisibilityUpdate updates document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::updateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdateList ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentVisibilityUpdateList(envelopeID string, envelopeDocumentVisibility *model.DocumentVisibilityList) *DocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
DocumentVisibilityUpdateList updates document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::updateRecipientsDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) DocumentsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentsDelete(envelopeID string, envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition) *DocumentsDeleteOp
DocumentsDelete deletes documents from a draft envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteDocuments
func (*Service) DocumentsGet ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentsGet(documentID string, envelopeID string) *DocumentsGetOp
DocumentsGet gets a document from an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::getDocument
func (*Service) DocumentsList ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentsList(envelopeID string) *DocumentsListOp
DocumentsList gets a list of envelope documents.
SDK Method Envelopes::listDocuments
func (*Service) DocumentsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentsUpdate(documentID string, envelopeID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *DocumentsUpdateOp
DocumentsUpdate adds a document to an existing draft envelope. If media is an io.ReadCloser, Do() will close media.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateDocument
func (*Service) DocumentsUpdateList ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentsUpdateList(envelopeID string, envelopeDefinition *model.EnvelopeDefinition) *DocumentsUpdateListOp
DocumentsUpdateList adds one or more documents to an existing envelope document.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateDocuments
func (*Service) EmailSettingsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) EmailSettingsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeEmailSettings *model.EmailSettings) *EmailSettingsCreateOp
EmailSettingsCreate adds email setting overrides to an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::createEmailSettings
func (*Service) EmailSettingsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) EmailSettingsDelete(envelopeID string) *EmailSettingsDeleteOp
EmailSettingsDelete deletes the email setting overrides for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteEmailSettings
func (*Service) EmailSettingsGet ¶
func (s *Service) EmailSettingsGet(envelopeID string) *EmailSettingsGetOp
EmailSettingsGet gets the email setting overrides for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::getEmailSettings
func (*Service) EmailSettingsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) EmailSettingsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeEmailSettings *model.EmailSettings) *EmailSettingsUpdateOp
EmailSettingsUpdate updates the email setting overrides for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateEmailSettings
func (*Service) FormDataGet ¶
func (s *Service) FormDataGet(envelopeID string) *FormDataGetOp
FormDataGet returns envelope form data for an existing envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::getFormData
func (*Service) Get ¶
Get gets the status of a single envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::getEnvelope
func (*Service) GetNotificationSettings ¶
func (s *Service) GetNotificationSettings(envelopeID string) *GetNotificationSettingsOp
GetNotificationSettings gets envelope notification information.
SDK Method Envelopes::getNotificationSettings
func (*Service) GetPageImage ¶
func (s *Service) GetPageImage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string) *GetPageImageOp
GetPageImage gets a page image from an envelope for display.
SDK Method Envelopes::getDocumentPageImage
func (*Service) GetPageImages ¶
func (s *Service) GetPageImages(documentID string, envelopeID string) *GetPageImagesOp
GetPageImages returns document page image(s) based on input.
SDK Method Envelopes::getDocumentPageImages
func (*Service) GetRecipientInitialsImage ¶
func (s *Service) GetRecipientInitialsImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientInitialsImageOp
GetRecipientInitialsImage gets the initials image for a user.
SDK Method Envelopes::getRecipientInitialsImage
func (*Service) GetRecipientSignature ¶
func (s *Service) GetRecipientSignature(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientSignatureOp
GetRecipientSignature gets signature information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient.
SDK Method Envelopes::getRecipientSignature
func (*Service) GetRecipientSignatureImage ¶
func (s *Service) GetRecipientSignatureImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *GetRecipientSignatureImageOp
GetRecipientSignatureImage retrieve signature image information for a signer/sign-in-person recipient.
SDK Method Envelopes::getRecipientSignatureImage
func (*Service) ListAuditEvents ¶
func (s *Service) ListAuditEvents(envelopeID string) *ListAuditEventsOp
ListAuditEvents gets the envelope audit events for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::listAuditEvents
func (*Service) ListStatus ¶
func (s *Service) ListStatus(envelopeIdsRequest *model.EnvelopeIdsRequest) *ListStatusOp
ListStatus gets the envelope status for the specified envelopes.
SDK Method Envelopes::listStatus
func (*Service) ListStatusChanges ¶
func (s *Service) ListStatusChanges() *ListStatusChangesOp
ListStatusChanges gets status changes for one or more envelopes.
SDK Method Envelopes::listStatusChanges
func (*Service) LocksCreate ¶
func (s *Service) LocksCreate(envelopeID string, lockRequest *model.LockRequest) *LocksCreateOp
LocksCreate lock an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::createLock
func (*Service) LocksDelete ¶
func (s *Service) LocksDelete(envelopeID string) *LocksDeleteOp
LocksDelete deletes an envelope lock.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteLock
func (*Service) LocksGet ¶
func (s *Service) LocksGet(envelopeID string) *LocksGetOp
LocksGet gets envelope lock information.
SDK Method Envelopes::getLock
func (*Service) LocksUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) LocksUpdate(envelopeID string, lockRequest *model.LockRequest) *LocksUpdateOp
LocksUpdate updates an envelope lock.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateLock
func (*Service) NotaryJournalsList ¶
func (s *Service) NotaryJournalsList() *NotaryJournalsListOp
NotaryJournalsList is SDK Method Envelopes::listNotaryJournals
func (*Service) RecipientTabsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsCreate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsCreateOp
RecipientTabsCreate adds tabs for a recipient.
SDK Method Envelopes::createTabs
func (*Service) RecipientTabsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsDelete(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsDeleteOp
RecipientTabsDelete deletes the tabs associated with a recipient.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteTabs
func (*Service) RecipientTabsList ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsList(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *RecipientTabsListOp
RecipientTabsList gets the tabs information for a signer or sign-in-person recipient in an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::listTabs
func (*Service) RecipientTabsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsUpdate(envelopeID string, recipientID string, envelopeRecipientTabs *model.Tabs) *RecipientTabsUpdateOp
RecipientTabsUpdate updates the tabs for a recipient.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateTabs
func (*Service) RecipientsCreate ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsCreate(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsCreateOp
RecipientsCreate adds one or more recipients to an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::createRecipient
func (*Service) RecipientsDelete ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsDelete(envelopeID string, recipientID string) *RecipientsDeleteOp
RecipientsDelete deletes a recipient from an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteRecipient
func (*Service) RecipientsDeleteList ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsDeleteList(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsDeleteListOp
RecipientsDeleteList deletes recipients from an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteRecipients
func (*Service) RecipientsList ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsList(envelopeID string) *RecipientsListOp
RecipientsList gets the status of recipients for an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::listRecipients
func (*Service) RecipientsUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsUpdate(envelopeID string, envelopeRecipients *model.Recipients) *RecipientsUpdateOp
RecipientsUpdate updates recipients in a draft envelope or corrects recipient information for an in process envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateRecipients
func (*Service) RotateDocumentPage ¶
func (s *Service) RotateDocumentPage(documentID string, envelopeID string, pageNumber string, pageRequest *model.PageRequest) *RotateDocumentPageOp
RotateDocumentPage rotates page image from an envelope for display.
SDK Method Envelopes::rotateDocumentPage
func (*Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityGet ¶
func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityGet(recipientID string, templateID string) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp
TemplateDocumentVisibilityGet returns document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::getTemplateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdate ¶
func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdate(recipientID string, templateID string, templateDocumentVisibility *model.TemplateDocumentVisibilityList) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp
TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdate updates document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::updateTemplateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateList ¶
func (s *Service) TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateList(templateID string, templateDocumentVisibility *model.TemplateDocumentVisibilityList) *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp
TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateList updates document visibility for the recipients
SDK Method Envelopes::updateTemplateRecipientsDocumentVisibility
func (*Service) TemplatesApply ¶
func (s *Service) TemplatesApply(envelopeID string, documentTemplateList *model.DocumentTemplateList) *TemplatesApplyOp
TemplatesApply adds templates to an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::applyTemplate
func (*Service) TemplatesApplyToDocument ¶
func (s *Service) TemplatesApplyToDocument(documentID string, envelopeID string, documentTemplateList *model.DocumentTemplateList) *TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp
TemplatesApplyToDocument adds templates to a document in an envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::applyTemplateToDocument
func (*Service) TemplatesDelete ¶
func (s *Service) TemplatesDelete(documentID string, envelopeID string, templateID string) *TemplatesDeleteOp
TemplatesDelete deletes a template from a document in an existing envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::deleteTemplatesFromDocument
func (*Service) TemplatesList ¶
func (s *Service) TemplatesList(envelopeID string) *TemplatesListOp
TemplatesList get List of Templates used in an Envelope
SDK Method Envelopes::listTemplates
func (*Service) TemplatesListByDocument ¶
func (s *Service) TemplatesListByDocument(documentID string, envelopeID string) *TemplatesListByDocumentOp
TemplatesListByDocument gets the templates associated with a document in an existing envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::listTemplatesForDocument
func (*Service) Update ¶
Update send, void, or modify a draft envelope. Purge documents from a completed envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::update
func (*Service) UpdateNotificationSettings ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateNotificationSettings(envelopeID string, envelopeNotificationRequest *model.EnvelopeNotificationRequest) *UpdateNotificationSettingsOp
UpdateNotificationSettings sets envelope notification (Reminders/Expirations) structure for an existing envelope.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateNotificationSettings
func (*Service) UpdateRecipientInitialsImage ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateRecipientInitialsImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *UpdateRecipientInitialsImageOp
UpdateRecipientInitialsImage sets the initials image for an accountless signer. If media is an io.ReadCloser, Do() will close media.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateRecipientInitialsImage
func (*Service) UpdateRecipientSignatureImage ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateRecipientSignatureImage(envelopeID string, recipientID string, media io.Reader, mimeType string) *UpdateRecipientSignatureImageOp
UpdateRecipientSignatureImage sets the signature image for an accountless signer. If media is an io.ReadCloser, Do() will close media.
SDK Method Envelopes::updateRecipientSignatureImage
func (*Service) ViewsCreateConsole ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateConsole(consoleViewRequest *model.ConsoleViewRequest) *ViewsCreateConsoleOp
ViewsCreateConsole returns a URL to the authentication view UI.
SDK Method Envelopes::createConsoleView
func (*Service) ViewsCreateCorrect ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateCorrect(envelopeID string, correctViewRequest *model.CorrectViewRequest) *ViewsCreateCorrectOp
ViewsCreateCorrect returns a URL to the envelope correction UI.
SDK Method Envelopes::createCorrectView
func (*Service) ViewsCreateEdit ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateEdit(envelopeID string, returnURLRequest *model.ReturnURLRequest) *ViewsCreateEditOp
ViewsCreateEdit returns a URL to the edit view UI.
SDK Method Envelopes::createEditView
func (*Service) ViewsCreateRecipient ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateRecipient(envelopeID string, recipientViewRequest *model.RecipientViewRequest) *ViewsCreateRecipientOp
ViewsCreateRecipient returns a URL to the recipient view UI.
SDK Method Envelopes::createRecipientView
func (*Service) ViewsCreateSender ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateSender(envelopeID string, returnURLRequest *model.ReturnURLRequest) *ViewsCreateSenderOp
ViewsCreateSender returns a URL to the sender view UI.
SDK Method Envelopes::createSenderView
func (*Service) ViewsCreateSharedRecipient ¶
func (s *Service) ViewsCreateSharedRecipient(envelopeID string, recipientViewRequest *model.RecipientViewRequest) *ViewsCreateSharedRecipientOp
ViewsCreateSharedRecipient is SDK Method Envelopes::createEnvelopeRecipientSharedView
type TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp ¶
TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::getTemplateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplateDocumentVisibilityGetOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp ¶
TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateTemplateRecipientsDocumentVisibility
func (*TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.TemplateDocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp ¶
TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateTemplateRecipientDocumentVisibility
func (*TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplateDocumentVisibilityUpdateOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.TemplateDocumentVisibilityList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type TemplatesApplyOp ¶
TemplatesApplyOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::applyTemplate
func (*TemplatesApplyOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplatesApplyOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentTemplateList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp ¶
TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::applyTemplateToDocument
func (*TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplatesApplyToDocumentOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.DocumentTemplateList, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type TemplatesDeleteOp ¶
TemplatesDeleteOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::deleteTemplatesFromDocument
type TemplatesListByDocumentOp ¶
TemplatesListByDocumentOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listTemplatesForDocument
func (*TemplatesListByDocumentOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplatesListByDocumentOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.TemplateInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*TemplatesListByDocumentOp) Include ¶
func (op *TemplatesListByDocumentOp) Include(val ...string) *TemplatesListByDocumentOp
Include is a comma-separated list that limits the results. Valid values:
* applied * matched
type TemplatesListOp ¶
TemplatesListOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::listTemplates
func (*TemplatesListOp) Do ¶
func (op *TemplatesListOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.TemplateInformation, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
func (*TemplatesListOp) Include ¶
func (op *TemplatesListOp) Include(val string) *TemplatesListOp
Include is the possible values are: matching_applied - This returns template matching information for the template.
type UpdateNotificationSettingsOp ¶
UpdateNotificationSettingsOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateNotificationSettings
func (*UpdateNotificationSettingsOp) Do ¶
func (op *UpdateNotificationSettingsOp) Do(ctx context.Context) (*model.Notification, error)
Do executes the op. A nil context will return error.
type UpdateOp ¶
UpdateOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::update
func (*UpdateOp) AdvancedUpdate ¶
AdvancedUpdate when set to **true**, allows the caller to update recipients, tabs, custom fields, notification, email settings and other envelope attributes.
func (*UpdateOp) ResendEnvelope ¶
ResendEnvelope when set to **true**, sends the specified envelope again.
type UpdateRecipientInitialsImageOp ¶
UpdateRecipientInitialsImageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateRecipientInitialsImage
type UpdateRecipientSignatureImageOp ¶
UpdateRecipientSignatureImageOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::updateRecipientSignatureImage
type ViewsCreateConsoleOp ¶
ViewsCreateConsoleOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createConsoleView
type ViewsCreateCorrectOp ¶
ViewsCreateCorrectOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createCorrectView
type ViewsCreateEditOp ¶
ViewsCreateEditOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createEditView
type ViewsCreateRecipientOp ¶
ViewsCreateRecipientOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createRecipientView
type ViewsCreateSenderOp ¶
ViewsCreateSenderOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createSenderView
type ViewsCreateSharedRecipientOp ¶
ViewsCreateSharedRecipientOp implements DocuSign API SDK Envelopes::createEnvelopeRecipientSharedView