Index ¶
- type AuthLoginApp
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) CredentialsScheme() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) RevealPassword() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) SharedPassword() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) SharedUsername() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) SignOnRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) SignOnUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *AuthLoginApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type AuthLoginAppArgs
- type AuthLoginAppState
- type BookmarkApp
- func (r *BookmarkApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) RequestIntegration() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *BookmarkApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type BookmarkAppArgs
- type BookmarkAppState
- type GetDefaultPoliciesArgs
- type GetDefaultPoliciesResult
- type Idp
- func (r *Idp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *Idp) AcsBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) AcsType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) AuthorizationBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) AuthorizationUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *Idp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *Idp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *Idp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) IssuerUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) JwksBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) JwksUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) MaxClockSkew() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *Idp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *Idp) ProtocolType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) Scopes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *Idp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) TokenBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) TokenUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *Idp) UserInfoBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) UserInfoUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *Idp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- type IdpArgs
- type IdpState
- type MfaPolicy
- func (r *MfaPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) Duo() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) FidoU2f() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) FidoWebauthn() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) GoogleOtp() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaCall() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaOtp() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaPassword() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaPush() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaQuestion() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) OktaSms() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) RsaToken() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) SymantecVip() *pulumi.Output
- func (r *MfaPolicy) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicy) YubikeyToken() *pulumi.Output
- type MfaPolicyArgs
- type MfaPolicyRule
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *MfaPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type MfaPolicyRuleArgs
- type MfaPolicyRuleState
- type MfaPolicyState
- type OauthApp
- func (r *OauthApp) AutoKeyRotation() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ClientBasicSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ClientUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ConsentMethod() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) CustomClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) GrantTypes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) LoginUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) LogoUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) OmitSecret() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) PolicyUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) PostLogoutRedirectUris() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Profile() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) RedirectUris() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) ResponseTypes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) TokenEndpointAuthMethod() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) TosUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *OauthApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type OauthAppArgs
- type OauthAppRedirectUri
- type OauthAppRedirectUriArgs
- type OauthAppRedirectUriState
- type OauthAppState
- type PasswordPolicy
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) AuthProvider() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) EmailRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordAutoUnlockMinutes() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordDictionaryLookup() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeFirstName() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeLastName() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeUsername() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExpireWarnDays() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordHistoryCount() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxAgeDays() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxLockoutAttempts() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinAgeMinutes() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLength() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLowercase() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinNumber() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinSymbol() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinUppercase() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordShowLockoutFailures() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) QuestionMinLength() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) QuestionRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) RecoveryEmailToken() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) SkipUnlock() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) SmsRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicy) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- type PasswordPolicyArgs
- type PasswordPolicyRule
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type PasswordPolicyRuleArgs
- type PasswordPolicyRuleState
- type PasswordPolicyState
- type SamlApp
- func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilityLoginRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AppSettingsJson() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AssertionSigned() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AttributeStatements() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Audience() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AuthnContextClassRef() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Certificate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) DefaultRelayState() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Destination() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) DigestAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) EntityKey() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) EntityUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Features() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) HonorForceAuthn() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) HttpPostBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) HttpRedirectBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) IdpIssuer() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) KeyId() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) KeyName() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) KeyYearsValid() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Metadata() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Recipient() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) RequestCompressed() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) ResponseSigned() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SpIssuer() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SsoUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SubjectNameIdFormat() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) SubjectNameIdTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplateSuffix() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type SamlAppArgs
- type SamlAppState
- type SamlIdp
- func (r *SamlIdp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) AcsBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) AcsType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Audience() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Issuer() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Kid() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) NameFormat() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SsoBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SsoDestination() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SsoUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectFilter() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectFormats() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SamlIdp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- type SamlIdpArgs
- type SamlIdpSigningKey
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Created() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) ExpiresAt() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Kid() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Kty() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Use() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) X5cs() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) X5tS256() *pulumi.StringOutput
- type SamlIdpSigningKeyArgs
- type SamlIdpSigningKeyState
- type SamlIdpState
- type SecurePasswordStoreApp
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) CredentialsScheme() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) PasswordField() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) RevealPassword() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedPassword() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedUsername() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UsernameField() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type SecurePasswordStoreAppArgs
- type SecurePasswordStoreAppState
- type SignonPolicy
- func (r *SignonPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicy) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- type SignonPolicyArgs
- type SignonPolicyRule
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SignonPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type SignonPolicyRuleArgs
- type SignonPolicyRuleState
- type SignonPolicyState
- type SocialIdp
- func (r *SocialIdp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) AuthorizationBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) AuthorizationUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) MatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) MatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) MaxClockSkew() *pulumi.IntOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ProtocolType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) Scopes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) TokenBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) TokenUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SocialIdp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- type SocialIdpArgs
- type SocialIdpState
- type SwaApp
- func (r *SwaApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) ButtonField() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) PasswordField() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) UrlRegex() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) UsernameField() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *SwaApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type SwaAppArgs
- type SwaAppState
- type ThreeFieldApp
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ButtonSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldValue() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) PasswordSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UrlRegex() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UsernameSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
- func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
- type ThreeFieldAppArgs
- type ThreeFieldAppState
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuthLoginApp ¶
type AuthLoginApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetAuthLoginApp ¶
func GetAuthLoginApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *AuthLoginAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*AuthLoginApp, error)
GetAuthLoginApp gets an existing AuthLoginApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewAuthLoginApp ¶
func NewAuthLoginApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *AuthLoginAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*AuthLoginApp, error)
NewAuthLoginApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*AuthLoginApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom error page URL
func (*AuthLoginApp) AccessibilitySelfService ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Enable self service
func (*AuthLoginApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*AuthLoginApp) CredentialsScheme ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) CredentialsScheme() *pulumi.StringOutput
Application credentials scheme
func (*AuthLoginApp) Groups ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*AuthLoginApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*AuthLoginApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*AuthLoginApp) ID ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*AuthLoginApp) Label ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
Pretty name of app.
func (*AuthLoginApp) PreconfiguredApp ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
Preconfigured app name
func (*AuthLoginApp) RevealPassword ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) RevealPassword() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Allow user to reveal password
func (*AuthLoginApp) SharedPassword ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) SharedPassword() *pulumi.StringOutput
Shared password, required for certain schemes.
func (*AuthLoginApp) SharedUsername ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) SharedUsername() *pulumi.StringOutput
Shared username, required for certain schemes.
func (*AuthLoginApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*AuthLoginApp) SignOnRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) SignOnRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Post login redirect URL
func (*AuthLoginApp) Status ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Status of application.
func (*AuthLoginApp) URN ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplate ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template
func (*AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplateType ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template type
func (*AuthLoginApp) Users ¶
func (r *AuthLoginApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type AuthLoginAppArgs ¶
type AuthLoginAppArgs struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Application credentials scheme CredentialsScheme interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // Preconfigured app name PreconfiguredApp interface{} // Allow user to reveal password RevealPassword interface{} SharedPassword interface{} SharedUsername interface{} // Post login redirect URL SignOnRedirectUrl interface{} // Login URL SignOnUrl interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a AuthLoginApp resource.
type AuthLoginAppState ¶
type AuthLoginAppState struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Application credentials scheme CredentialsScheme interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // Preconfigured app name PreconfiguredApp interface{} // Allow user to reveal password RevealPassword interface{} SharedPassword interface{} SharedUsername interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Post login redirect URL SignOnRedirectUrl interface{} // Login URL SignOnUrl interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering AuthLoginApp resources.
type BookmarkApp ¶
type BookmarkApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBookmarkApp ¶
func GetBookmarkApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *BookmarkAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*BookmarkApp, error)
GetBookmarkApp gets an existing BookmarkApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewBookmarkApp ¶
func NewBookmarkApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *BookmarkAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*BookmarkApp, error)
NewBookmarkApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*BookmarkApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*BookmarkApp) Groups ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*BookmarkApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*BookmarkApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*BookmarkApp) ID ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*BookmarkApp) RequestIntegration ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) RequestIntegration() *pulumi.BoolOutput
func (*BookmarkApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*BookmarkApp) Status ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Status of application.
func (*BookmarkApp) URN ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*BookmarkApp) Url ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*BookmarkApp) Users ¶
func (r *BookmarkApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type BookmarkAppArgs ¶
type BookmarkAppArgs struct { // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} RequestIntegration interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} Url interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a BookmarkApp resource.
type BookmarkAppState ¶
type BookmarkAppState struct { // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} RequestIntegration interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} Url interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering BookmarkApp resources.
type GetDefaultPoliciesArgs ¶
type GetDefaultPoliciesArgs struct {
Type interface{}
A collection of arguments for invoking getDefaultPolicies.
type GetDefaultPoliciesResult ¶
type GetDefaultPoliciesResult struct { Type interface{} // id is the provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource. Id interface{} }
A collection of values returned by getDefaultPolicies.
func LookupDefaultPolicies ¶
func LookupDefaultPolicies(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *GetDefaultPoliciesArgs) (*GetDefaultPoliciesResult, error)
type Idp ¶
type Idp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetIdp ¶
func GetIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *IdpState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*Idp, error)
GetIdp gets an existing Idp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewIdp ¶
func NewIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *IdpArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*Idp, error)
NewIdp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*Idp) AccountLinkAction ¶
func (r *Idp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes ¶
func (r *Idp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*Idp) AcsBinding ¶
func (r *Idp) AcsBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) AcsType ¶
func (r *Idp) AcsType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) AuthorizationBinding ¶
func (r *Idp) AuthorizationBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) AuthorizationUrl ¶
func (r *Idp) AuthorizationUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) ClientId ¶
func (r *Idp) ClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) ClientSecret ¶
func (r *Idp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) DeprovisionedAction ¶
func (r *Idp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) GroupsAction ¶
func (r *Idp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) GroupsAssignments ¶
func (r *Idp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*Idp) GroupsAttribute ¶
func (r *Idp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) GroupsFilters ¶
func (r *Idp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*Idp) IssuerMode ¶
func (r *Idp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL
func (*Idp) IssuerUrl ¶
func (r *Idp) IssuerUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) JwksBinding ¶
func (r *Idp) JwksBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) JwksUrl ¶
func (r *Idp) JwksUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) MaxClockSkew ¶
func (*Idp) ProfileMaster ¶
func (r *Idp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
func (*Idp) ProtocolType ¶
func (r *Idp) ProtocolType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) ProvisioningAction ¶
func (r *Idp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *Idp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*Idp) RequestSignatureScope ¶
func (r *Idp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*Idp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *Idp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*Idp) ResponseSignatureScope ¶
func (r *Idp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*Idp) Scopes ¶
func (r *Idp) Scopes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*Idp) Status ¶
func (r *Idp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) SubjectMatchAttribute ¶
func (r *Idp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) SubjectMatchType ¶
func (r *Idp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) SuspendedAction ¶
func (r *Idp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) TokenBinding ¶
func (r *Idp) TokenBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) TokenUrl ¶
func (r *Idp) TokenUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) Type ¶
func (r *Idp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) UserInfoBinding ¶
func (r *Idp) UserInfoBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) UserInfoUrl ¶
func (r *Idp) UserInfoUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*Idp) UsernameTemplate ¶
func (r *Idp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
type IdpArgs ¶
type IdpArgs struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} AcsBinding interface{} AcsType interface{} AuthorizationBinding interface{} AuthorizationUrl interface{} ClientId interface{} ClientSecret interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} IssuerUrl interface{} JwksBinding interface{} JwksUrl interface{} MaxClockSkew interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProtocolType interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} Scopes interface{} Status interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} TokenBinding interface{} TokenUrl interface{} UserInfoBinding interface{} UserInfoUrl interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a Idp resource.
type IdpState ¶
type IdpState struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} AcsBinding interface{} AcsType interface{} AuthorizationBinding interface{} AuthorizationUrl interface{} ClientId interface{} ClientSecret interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} IssuerUrl interface{} JwksBinding interface{} JwksUrl interface{} MaxClockSkew interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProtocolType interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} Scopes interface{} Status interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} TokenBinding interface{} TokenUrl interface{} Type interface{} UserInfoBinding interface{} UserInfoUrl interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering Idp resources.
type MfaPolicy ¶
type MfaPolicy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetMfaPolicy ¶
func GetMfaPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *MfaPolicyState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*MfaPolicy, error)
GetMfaPolicy gets an existing MfaPolicy resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewMfaPolicy ¶
func NewMfaPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *MfaPolicyArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*MfaPolicy, error)
NewMfaPolicy registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*MfaPolicy) Description ¶
func (r *MfaPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Description
func (*MfaPolicy) FidoWebauthn ¶
func (*MfaPolicy) GroupsIncludeds ¶
func (r *MfaPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of Group IDs to Include
func (*MfaPolicy) OktaPassword ¶
func (*MfaPolicy) OktaQuestion ¶
func (*MfaPolicy) Priority ¶
Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*MfaPolicy) Status ¶
func (r *MfaPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*MfaPolicy) SymantecVip ¶
func (*MfaPolicy) YubikeyToken ¶
type MfaPolicyArgs ¶
type MfaPolicyArgs struct { // Policy Description Description interface{} Duo interface{} FidoU2f interface{} FidoWebauthn interface{} GoogleOtp interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} OktaCall interface{} OktaOtp interface{} OktaPassword interface{} OktaPush interface{} OktaQuestion interface{} OktaSms interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} RsaToken interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} SymantecVip interface{} YubikeyToken interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a MfaPolicy resource.
type MfaPolicyRule ¶
type MfaPolicyRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetMfaPolicyRule ¶
func GetMfaPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *MfaPolicyRuleState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*MfaPolicyRule, error)
GetMfaPolicyRule gets an existing MfaPolicyRule resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewMfaPolicyRule ¶
func NewMfaPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *MfaPolicyRuleArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*MfaPolicyRule, error)
NewMfaPolicyRule registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Access ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Authtype ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Enroll ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER?
func (*MfaPolicyRule) ID ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) MfaLifetime ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge
func (*MfaPolicyRule) MfaPrompt ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS
func (*MfaPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Remember MFA device.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) MfaRequired ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Require MFA.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) NetworkConnection ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to exclude
func (*MfaPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to include
func (*MfaPolicyRule) PasswordChange ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*MfaPolicyRule) PasswordReset ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*MfaPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Policyid ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy ID of the Rule
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Priority ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) SessionIdle ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session can be idle.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) SessionLifetime ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) SessionPersistent ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session cookies.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) Status ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) URN ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*MfaPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds ¶
func (r *MfaPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Set of User IDs to Exclude
type MfaPolicyRuleArgs ¶
type MfaPolicyRuleArgs struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a MfaPolicyRule resource.
type MfaPolicyRuleState ¶
type MfaPolicyRuleState struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering MfaPolicyRule resources.
type MfaPolicyState ¶
type MfaPolicyState struct { // Policy Description Description interface{} Duo interface{} FidoU2f interface{} FidoWebauthn interface{} GoogleOtp interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} OktaCall interface{} OktaOtp interface{} OktaPassword interface{} OktaPush interface{} OktaQuestion interface{} OktaSms interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} RsaToken interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} SymantecVip interface{} YubikeyToken interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering MfaPolicy resources.
type OauthApp ¶
type OauthApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetOauthApp ¶
func GetOauthApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *OauthAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*OauthApp, error)
GetOauthApp gets an existing OauthApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewOauthApp ¶
func NewOauthApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *OauthAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*OauthApp, error)
NewOauthApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*OauthApp) AutoKeyRotation ¶
func (r *OauthApp) AutoKeyRotation() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Requested key rotation mode.
func (*OauthApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *OauthApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*OauthApp) ClientBasicSecret ¶
func (r *OauthApp) ClientBasicSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
OAuth client secret key, this can be set when token_endpoint_auth_method is client_secret_basic.
func (*OauthApp) ClientSecret ¶
func (r *OauthApp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
OAuth client secret key. This will be in plain text in your statefile unless you set omit_secret above.
func (*OauthApp) ClientUri ¶
func (r *OauthApp) ClientUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
URI to a web page providing information about the client.
func (*OauthApp) ConsentMethod ¶
func (r *OauthApp) ConsentMethod() *pulumi.StringOutput
*Early Access Property*. Indicates whether user consent is required or implicit. Valid values: REQUIRED, TRUSTED. Default value is TRUSTED
func (*OauthApp) CustomClientId ¶
func (r *OauthApp) CustomClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
This property allows you to set your client_id.
func (*OauthApp) GrantTypes ¶
func (r *OauthApp) GrantTypes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of OAuth 2.0 grant types. Conditional validation params found here Defaults to minimum requirements per app type.
func (*OauthApp) Groups ¶
func (r *OauthApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*OauthApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *OauthApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*OauthApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *OauthApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*OauthApp) IssuerMode ¶
func (r *OauthApp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
*Early Access Property*. Indicates whether the Okta Authorization Server uses the original Okta org domain URL or a custom domain URL as the issuer of ID token for this client.
func (*OauthApp) LoginUri ¶
func (r *OauthApp) LoginUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
URI that initiates login.
func (*OauthApp) LogoUri ¶
func (r *OauthApp) LogoUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
URI that references a logo for the client.
func (*OauthApp) OmitSecret ¶
func (r *OauthApp) OmitSecret() *pulumi.BoolOutput
This tells the provider not to persist the application's secret to state. If this is ever changes from true => false your app will be recreated.
func (*OauthApp) PolicyUri ¶
func (r *OauthApp) PolicyUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
*Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client policy document.
func (*OauthApp) PostLogoutRedirectUris ¶
func (r *OauthApp) PostLogoutRedirectUris() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of URIs for redirection after logout
func (*OauthApp) Profile ¶
func (r *OauthApp) Profile() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom JSON that represents an OAuth application's profile
func (*OauthApp) RedirectUris ¶
func (r *OauthApp) RedirectUris() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow. This is required for all application types except service. Note: see okta_app_oauth_redirect_uri for appending to this list in a decentralized way.
func (*OauthApp) ResponseTypes ¶
func (r *OauthApp) ResponseTypes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
func (*OauthApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *OauthApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*OauthApp) TokenEndpointAuthMethod ¶
func (r *OauthApp) TokenEndpointAuthMethod() *pulumi.StringOutput
Requested authentication method for the token endpoint.
func (*OauthApp) TosUri ¶
func (r *OauthApp) TosUri() *pulumi.StringOutput
*Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client tos (terms of service).
func (*OauthApp) Type ¶
func (r *OauthApp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
The type of client application.
func (*OauthApp) Users ¶
func (r *OauthApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type OauthAppArgs ¶
type OauthAppArgs struct { // Requested key rotation mode. AutoKeyRotation interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // OAuth client secret key, this can be set when token_endpoint_auth_method is client_secret_basic. ClientBasicSecret interface{} // URI to a web page providing information about the client. ClientUri interface{} // *Early Access Property*. Indicates whether user consent is required or implicit. Valid values: REQUIRED, TRUSTED. // Default value is TRUSTED ConsentMethod interface{} // This property allows you to set your client_id. CustomClientId interface{} // List of OAuth 2.0 grant types. Conditional validation params found here // Defaults to minimum requirements per // app type. GrantTypes interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // *Early Access Property*. Indicates whether the Okta Authorization Server uses the original Okta org domain URL or a // custom domain URL as the issuer of ID token for this client. IssuerMode interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // URI that initiates login. LoginUri interface{} // URI that references a logo for the client. LogoUri interface{} // This tells the provider not to persist the application's secret to state. If this is ever changes from true => false // your app will be recreated. OmitSecret interface{} // *Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client policy document. PolicyUri interface{} // List of URIs for redirection after logout PostLogoutRedirectUris interface{} // Custom JSON that represents an OAuth application's profile Profile interface{} // List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow. This is required for all application types except service. Note: see // okta_app_oauth_redirect_uri for appending to this list in a decentralized way. RedirectUris interface{} // List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings. ResponseTypes interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Requested authentication method for the token endpoint. TokenEndpointAuthMethod interface{} // *Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client tos (terms of service). TosUri interface{} // The type of client application. Type interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a OauthApp resource.
type OauthAppRedirectUri ¶
type OauthAppRedirectUri struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetOauthAppRedirectUri ¶
func GetOauthAppRedirectUri(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *OauthAppRedirectUriState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*OauthAppRedirectUri, error)
GetOauthAppRedirectUri gets an existing OauthAppRedirectUri resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewOauthAppRedirectUri ¶
func NewOauthAppRedirectUri(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *OauthAppRedirectUriArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*OauthAppRedirectUri, error)
NewOauthAppRedirectUri registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*OauthAppRedirectUri) AppId ¶
func (r *OauthAppRedirectUri) AppId() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*OauthAppRedirectUri) ID ¶
func (r *OauthAppRedirectUri) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*OauthAppRedirectUri) URN ¶
func (r *OauthAppRedirectUri) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*OauthAppRedirectUri) Uri ¶
func (r *OauthAppRedirectUri) Uri() *pulumi.StringOutput
Redirect URI to append to Okta OIDC application.
type OauthAppRedirectUriArgs ¶
type OauthAppRedirectUriArgs struct { AppId interface{} // Redirect URI to append to Okta OIDC application. Uri interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a OauthAppRedirectUri resource.
type OauthAppRedirectUriState ¶
type OauthAppRedirectUriState struct { AppId interface{} // Redirect URI to append to Okta OIDC application. Uri interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering OauthAppRedirectUri resources.
type OauthAppState ¶
type OauthAppState struct { // Requested key rotation mode. AutoKeyRotation interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // OAuth client secret key, this can be set when token_endpoint_auth_method is client_secret_basic. ClientBasicSecret interface{} // OAuth client ID. ClientId interface{} // OAuth client secret key. This will be in plain text in your statefile unless you set omit_secret above. ClientSecret interface{} // URI to a web page providing information about the client. ClientUri interface{} // *Early Access Property*. Indicates whether user consent is required or implicit. Valid values: REQUIRED, TRUSTED. // Default value is TRUSTED ConsentMethod interface{} // This property allows you to set your client_id. CustomClientId interface{} // List of OAuth 2.0 grant types. Conditional validation params found here // Defaults to minimum requirements per // app type. GrantTypes interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // *Early Access Property*. Indicates whether the Okta Authorization Server uses the original Okta org domain URL or a // custom domain URL as the issuer of ID token for this client. IssuerMode interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // URI that initiates login. LoginUri interface{} // URI that references a logo for the client. LogoUri interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // This tells the provider not to persist the application's secret to state. If this is ever changes from true => false // your app will be recreated. OmitSecret interface{} // *Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client policy document. PolicyUri interface{} // List of URIs for redirection after logout PostLogoutRedirectUris interface{} // Custom JSON that represents an OAuth application's profile Profile interface{} // List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow. This is required for all application types except service. Note: see // okta_app_oauth_redirect_uri for appending to this list in a decentralized way. RedirectUris interface{} // List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings. ResponseTypes interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Requested authentication method for the token endpoint. TokenEndpointAuthMethod interface{} // *Early Access Property*. URI to web page providing client tos (terms of service). TosUri interface{} // The type of client application. Type interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering OauthApp resources.
type PasswordPolicy ¶
type PasswordPolicy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPasswordPolicy ¶
func GetPasswordPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *PasswordPolicyState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*PasswordPolicy, error)
GetPasswordPolicy gets an existing PasswordPolicy resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewPasswordPolicy ¶
func NewPasswordPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *PasswordPolicyArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*PasswordPolicy, error)
NewPasswordPolicy registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*PasswordPolicy) AuthProvider ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) AuthProvider() *pulumi.StringOutput
Authentication Provider: OKTA or ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.
func (*PasswordPolicy) Description ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Description
func (*PasswordPolicy) EmailRecovery ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) EmailRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
Enable or disable email password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*PasswordPolicy) GroupsIncludeds ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of Group IDs to Include
func (*PasswordPolicy) ID ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordAutoUnlockMinutes ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordAutoUnlockMinutes() *pulumi.IntOutput
Number of minutes before a locked account is unlocked: 0 = no limit.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordDictionaryLookup ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordDictionaryLookup() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Check Passwords Against Common Password Dictionary.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeFirstName ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeFirstName() *pulumi.BoolOutput
User firstName attribute must be excluded from the password
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeLastName ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeLastName() *pulumi.BoolOutput
User lastName attribute must be excluded from the password
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeUsername ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExcludeUsername() *pulumi.BoolOutput
If the user name must be excluded from the password.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordExpireWarnDays ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordExpireWarnDays() *pulumi.IntOutput
Length in days a user will be warned before password expiry: 0 = no warning.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordHistoryCount ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordHistoryCount() *pulumi.IntOutput
Number of distinct passwords that must be created before they can be reused: 0 = none.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxAgeDays ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxAgeDays() *pulumi.IntOutput
Length in days a password is valid before expiry: 0 = no limit.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxLockoutAttempts ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMaxLockoutAttempts() *pulumi.IntOutput
Number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed before lockout: 0 = no limit.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinAgeMinutes ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinAgeMinutes() *pulumi.IntOutput
Minimum time interval in minutes between password changes: 0 = no limit.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLength ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLength() *pulumi.IntOutput
Minimum password length.
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLowercase ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinLowercase() *pulumi.IntOutput
If a password must contain at least one lower case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinNumber ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinNumber() *pulumi.IntOutput
If a password must contain at least one number: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinSymbol ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinSymbol() *pulumi.IntOutput
If a password must contain at least one symbol (!@#$%!^(MISSING)&*): 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinUppercase ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordMinUppercase() *pulumi.IntOutput
If a password must contain at least one upper case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1
func (*PasswordPolicy) PasswordShowLockoutFailures ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) PasswordShowLockoutFailures() *pulumi.BoolOutput
If a user should be informed when their account is locked.
func (*PasswordPolicy) Priority ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*PasswordPolicy) QuestionMinLength ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) QuestionMinLength() *pulumi.IntOutput
Min length of the password recovery question answer.
func (*PasswordPolicy) QuestionRecovery ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) QuestionRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
Enable or disable security question password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*PasswordPolicy) RecoveryEmailToken ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) RecoveryEmailToken() *pulumi.IntOutput
Lifetime in minutes of the recovery email token.
func (*PasswordPolicy) SkipUnlock ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) SkipUnlock() *pulumi.BoolOutput
When an Active Directory user is locked out of Okta, the Okta unlock operation should also attempt to unlock the user's Windows account.
func (*PasswordPolicy) SmsRecovery ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) SmsRecovery() *pulumi.StringOutput
Enable or disable SMS password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*PasswordPolicy) Status ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*PasswordPolicy) URN ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicy) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
type PasswordPolicyArgs ¶
type PasswordPolicyArgs struct { // Authentication Provider: OKTA or ACTIVE_DIRECTORY. AuthProvider interface{} // Policy Description Description interface{} // Enable or disable email password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. EmailRecovery interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} // Number of minutes before a locked account is unlocked: 0 = no limit. PasswordAutoUnlockMinutes interface{} // Check Passwords Against Common Password Dictionary. PasswordDictionaryLookup interface{} // User firstName attribute must be excluded from the password PasswordExcludeFirstName interface{} // User lastName attribute must be excluded from the password PasswordExcludeLastName interface{} // If the user name must be excluded from the password. PasswordExcludeUsername interface{} // Length in days a user will be warned before password expiry: 0 = no warning. PasswordExpireWarnDays interface{} // Number of distinct passwords that must be created before they can be reused: 0 = none. PasswordHistoryCount interface{} // Length in days a password is valid before expiry: 0 = no limit. PasswordMaxAgeDays interface{} // Number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed before lockout: 0 = no limit. PasswordMaxLockoutAttempts interface{} // Minimum time interval in minutes between password changes: 0 = no limit. PasswordMinAgeMinutes interface{} // Minimum password length. PasswordMinLength interface{} // If a password must contain at least one lower case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinLowercase interface{} // If a password must contain at least one number: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinNumber interface{} // If a password must contain at least one symbol (!@#$%!^(MISSING)&*): 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinSymbol interface{} // If a password must contain at least one upper case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinUppercase interface{} // If a user should be informed when their account is locked. PasswordShowLockoutFailures interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Min length of the password recovery question answer. QuestionMinLength interface{} // Enable or disable security question password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. QuestionRecovery interface{} // Lifetime in minutes of the recovery email token. RecoveryEmailToken interface{} // When an Active Directory user is locked out of Okta, the Okta unlock operation should also attempt to unlock the user's // Windows account. SkipUnlock interface{} // Enable or disable SMS password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. SmsRecovery interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a PasswordPolicy resource.
type PasswordPolicyRule ¶
type PasswordPolicyRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPasswordPolicyRule ¶
func GetPasswordPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *PasswordPolicyRuleState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*PasswordPolicyRule, error)
GetPasswordPolicyRule gets an existing PasswordPolicyRule resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewPasswordPolicyRule ¶
func NewPasswordPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *PasswordPolicyRuleArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*PasswordPolicyRule, error)
NewPasswordPolicyRule registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Access ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Authtype ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Enroll ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER?
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) ID ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) MfaLifetime ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) MfaPrompt ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Remember MFA device.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRequired ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Require MFA.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Name ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Rule Name
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkConnection ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to exclude
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to include
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordChange ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordReset ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Policyid ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy ID of the Rule
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Priority ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) SessionIdle ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session can be idle.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) SessionLifetime ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) SessionPersistent ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session cookies.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) Status ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) URN ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*PasswordPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds ¶
func (r *PasswordPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Set of User IDs to Exclude
type PasswordPolicyRuleArgs ¶
type PasswordPolicyRuleArgs struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a PasswordPolicyRule resource.
type PasswordPolicyRuleState ¶
type PasswordPolicyRuleState struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering PasswordPolicyRule resources.
type PasswordPolicyState ¶
type PasswordPolicyState struct { // Authentication Provider: OKTA or ACTIVE_DIRECTORY. AuthProvider interface{} // Policy Description Description interface{} // Enable or disable email password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. EmailRecovery interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} // Number of minutes before a locked account is unlocked: 0 = no limit. PasswordAutoUnlockMinutes interface{} // Check Passwords Against Common Password Dictionary. PasswordDictionaryLookup interface{} // User firstName attribute must be excluded from the password PasswordExcludeFirstName interface{} // User lastName attribute must be excluded from the password PasswordExcludeLastName interface{} // If the user name must be excluded from the password. PasswordExcludeUsername interface{} // Length in days a user will be warned before password expiry: 0 = no warning. PasswordExpireWarnDays interface{} // Number of distinct passwords that must be created before they can be reused: 0 = none. PasswordHistoryCount interface{} // Length in days a password is valid before expiry: 0 = no limit. PasswordMaxAgeDays interface{} // Number of unsuccessful login attempts allowed before lockout: 0 = no limit. PasswordMaxLockoutAttempts interface{} // Minimum time interval in minutes between password changes: 0 = no limit. PasswordMinAgeMinutes interface{} // Minimum password length. PasswordMinLength interface{} // If a password must contain at least one lower case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinLowercase interface{} // If a password must contain at least one number: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinNumber interface{} // If a password must contain at least one symbol (!@#$%!^(MISSING)&*): 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinSymbol interface{} // If a password must contain at least one upper case letter: 0 = no, 1 = yes. Default = 1 PasswordMinUppercase interface{} // If a user should be informed when their account is locked. PasswordShowLockoutFailures interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Min length of the password recovery question answer. QuestionMinLength interface{} // Enable or disable security question password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. QuestionRecovery interface{} // Lifetime in minutes of the recovery email token. RecoveryEmailToken interface{} // When an Active Directory user is locked out of Okta, the Okta unlock operation should also attempt to unlock the user's // Windows account. SkipUnlock interface{} // Enable or disable SMS password recovery: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. SmsRecovery interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering PasswordPolicy resources.
type SamlApp ¶
type SamlApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSamlApp ¶
func GetSamlApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SamlAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlApp, error)
GetSamlApp gets an existing SamlApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSamlApp ¶
func NewSamlApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SamlAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlApp, error)
NewSamlApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SamlApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom error page URL
func (*SamlApp) AccessibilityLoginRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilityLoginRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom login page URL
func (*SamlApp) AccessibilitySelfService ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Enable self service
func (*SamlApp) AppSettingsJson ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AppSettingsJson() *pulumi.StringOutput
Application settings in JSON format
func (*SamlApp) AssertionSigned ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AssertionSigned() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Determines whether the SAML assertion is digitally signed
func (*SamlApp) AttributeStatements ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AttributeStatements() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SamlApp) AuthnContextClassRef ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AuthnContextClassRef() *pulumi.StringOutput
Identifies the SAML authentication context class for the assertion’s authentication statement
func (*SamlApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *SamlApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*SamlApp) Certificate ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Certificate() *pulumi.StringOutput
cert from SAML XML metadata payload
func (*SamlApp) DefaultRelayState ¶
func (r *SamlApp) DefaultRelayState() *pulumi.StringOutput
Identifies a specific application resource in an IDP initiated SSO scenario.
func (*SamlApp) Destination ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Destination() *pulumi.StringOutput
Identifies the location where the SAML response is intended to be sent inside of the SAML assertion
func (*SamlApp) DigestAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SamlApp) DigestAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
Determines the digest algorithm used to digitally sign the SAML assertion and response
func (*SamlApp) EntityKey ¶
func (r *SamlApp) EntityKey() *pulumi.StringOutput
Entity ID, the ID portion of the entity_url
func (*SamlApp) EntityUrl ¶
func (r *SamlApp) EntityUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Entity URL for instance
func (*SamlApp) Groups ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*SamlApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *SamlApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*SamlApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *SamlApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*SamlApp) HonorForceAuthn ¶
func (r *SamlApp) HonorForceAuthn() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Prompt user to re-authenticate if SP asks for it
func (*SamlApp) HttpPostBinding ¶
func (r *SamlApp) HttpPostBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Post location from the SAML metadata.
func (*SamlApp) HttpRedirectBinding ¶
func (r *SamlApp) HttpRedirectBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect location from the SAML metadata.
func (*SamlApp) KeyName ¶
func (r *SamlApp) KeyName() *pulumi.StringOutput
Certificate name. This modulates the rotation of keys. New name == new key.
func (*SamlApp) KeyYearsValid ¶
Number of years the certificate is valid.
func (*SamlApp) Metadata ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Metadata() *pulumi.StringOutput
SAML xml metadata payload
func (*SamlApp) PreconfiguredApp ¶
func (r *SamlApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of preexisting SAML application. For instance 'slack'
func (*SamlApp) Recipient ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Recipient() *pulumi.StringOutput
The location where the app may present the SAML assertion
func (*SamlApp) RequestCompressed ¶
func (r *SamlApp) RequestCompressed() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Denotes whether the request is compressed or not.
func (*SamlApp) ResponseSigned ¶
func (r *SamlApp) ResponseSigned() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Determines whether the SAML auth response message is digitally signed
func (*SamlApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *SamlApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*SamlApp) SignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SamlApp) SignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
Signature algorithm used ot digitally sign the assertion and response
func (*SamlApp) SubjectNameIdFormat ¶
func (r *SamlApp) SubjectNameIdFormat() *pulumi.StringOutput
Identifies the SAML processing rules.
func (*SamlApp) SubjectNameIdTemplate ¶
func (r *SamlApp) SubjectNameIdTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Template for app user's username when a user is assigned to the app
func (*SamlApp) UserNameTemplate ¶
func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template
func (*SamlApp) UserNameTemplateSuffix ¶
func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplateSuffix() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template suffix
func (*SamlApp) UserNameTemplateType ¶
func (r *SamlApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template type
func (*SamlApp) Users ¶
func (r *SamlApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type SamlAppArgs ¶
type SamlAppArgs struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Custom login page URL AccessibilityLoginRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Application settings in JSON format AppSettingsJson interface{} // Determines whether the SAML assertion is digitally signed AssertionSigned interface{} AttributeStatements interface{} // Audience Restriction Audience interface{} // Identifies the SAML authentication context class for the assertion’s authentication statement AuthnContextClassRef interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Identifies a specific application resource in an IDP initiated SSO scenario. DefaultRelayState interface{} // Identifies the location where the SAML response is intended to be sent inside of the SAML assertion Destination interface{} // Determines the digest algorithm used to digitally sign the SAML assertion and response DigestAlgorithm interface{} // features to enable Features interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Prompt user to re-authenticate if SP asks for it HonorForceAuthn interface{} // SAML issuer ID IdpIssuer interface{} // Certificate name. This modulates the rotation of keys. New name == new key. KeyName interface{} // Number of years the certificate is valid. KeyYearsValid interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // Name of preexisting SAML application. For instance 'slack' PreconfiguredApp interface{} // The location where the app may present the SAML assertion Recipient interface{} // Denotes whether the request is compressed or not. RequestCompressed interface{} // Determines whether the SAML auth response message is digitally signed ResponseSigned interface{} // Signature algorithm used ot digitally sign the assertion and response SignatureAlgorithm interface{} // SAML SP issuer ID SpIssuer interface{} // Single Sign On URL SsoUrl interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Identifies the SAML processing rules. SubjectNameIdFormat interface{} // Template for app user's username when a user is assigned to the app SubjectNameIdTemplate interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template suffix UserNameTemplateSuffix interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SamlApp resource.
type SamlAppState ¶
type SamlAppState struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Custom login page URL AccessibilityLoginRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Application settings in JSON format AppSettingsJson interface{} // Determines whether the SAML assertion is digitally signed AssertionSigned interface{} AttributeStatements interface{} // Audience Restriction Audience interface{} // Identifies the SAML authentication context class for the assertion’s authentication statement AuthnContextClassRef interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // cert from SAML XML metadata payload Certificate interface{} // Identifies a specific application resource in an IDP initiated SSO scenario. DefaultRelayState interface{} // Identifies the location where the SAML response is intended to be sent inside of the SAML assertion Destination interface{} // Determines the digest algorithm used to digitally sign the SAML assertion and response DigestAlgorithm interface{} // Entity ID, the ID portion of the entity_url EntityKey interface{} // Entity URL for instance EntityUrl interface{} // features to enable Features interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Prompt user to re-authenticate if SP asks for it HonorForceAuthn interface{} // urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Post location from the SAML metadata. HttpPostBinding interface{} // urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect location from the SAML metadata. HttpRedirectBinding interface{} // SAML issuer ID IdpIssuer interface{} // Certificate ID KeyId interface{} // Certificate name. This modulates the rotation of keys. New name == new key. KeyName interface{} // Number of years the certificate is valid. KeyYearsValid interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // SAML xml metadata payload Metadata interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // Name of preexisting SAML application. For instance 'slack' PreconfiguredApp interface{} // The location where the app may present the SAML assertion Recipient interface{} // Denotes whether the request is compressed or not. RequestCompressed interface{} // Determines whether the SAML auth response message is digitally signed ResponseSigned interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Signature algorithm used ot digitally sign the assertion and response SignatureAlgorithm interface{} // SAML SP issuer ID SpIssuer interface{} // Single Sign On URL SsoUrl interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Identifies the SAML processing rules. SubjectNameIdFormat interface{} // Template for app user's username when a user is assigned to the app SubjectNameIdTemplate interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template suffix UserNameTemplateSuffix interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SamlApp resources.
type SamlIdp ¶
type SamlIdp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSamlIdp ¶
func GetSamlIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SamlIdpState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlIdp, error)
GetSamlIdp gets an existing SamlIdp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSamlIdp ¶
func NewSamlIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SamlIdpArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlIdp, error)
NewSamlIdp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SamlIdp) AccountLinkAction ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SamlIdp) AcsBinding ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) AcsBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) AcsType ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) AcsType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) Audience ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) Audience() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) DeprovisionedAction ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) GroupsAction ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) GroupsAssignments ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SamlIdp) GroupsAttribute ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) GroupsFilters ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SamlIdp) Issuer ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) Issuer() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) IssuerMode ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL
func (*SamlIdp) Kid ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) Kid() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) NameFormat ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) NameFormat() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) ProfileMaster ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
func (*SamlIdp) ProvisioningAction ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*SamlIdp) RequestSignatureScope ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureScope ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*SamlIdp) SsoBinding ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SsoBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SsoDestination ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SsoDestination() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SsoUrl ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SsoUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) Status ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SubjectFilter ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectFilter() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SubjectFormats ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectFormats() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SubjectMatchType ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) SuspendedAction ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) Type ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdp) UsernameTemplate ¶
func (r *SamlIdp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
type SamlIdpArgs ¶
type SamlIdpArgs struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} AcsBinding interface{} AcsType interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} Issuer interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} Kid interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} NameFormat interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} SsoBinding interface{} SsoDestination interface{} SsoUrl interface{} Status interface{} SubjectFilter interface{} SubjectFormats interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SamlIdp resource.
type SamlIdpSigningKey ¶
type SamlIdpSigningKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSamlIdpSigningKey ¶
func GetSamlIdpSigningKey(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SamlIdpSigningKeyState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlIdpSigningKey, error)
GetSamlIdpSigningKey gets an existing SamlIdpSigningKey resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSamlIdpSigningKey ¶
func NewSamlIdpSigningKey(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SamlIdpSigningKeyArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SamlIdpSigningKey, error)
NewSamlIdpSigningKey registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) Created ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Created() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) ExpiresAt ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) ExpiresAt() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) ID ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) Kid ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Kid() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) Kty ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Kty() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) URN ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) Use ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) Use() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) X5cs ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) X5cs() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
base64-encoded X.509 certificate chain with DER encoding
func (*SamlIdpSigningKey) X5tS256 ¶
func (r *SamlIdpSigningKey) X5tS256() *pulumi.StringOutput
type SamlIdpSigningKeyArgs ¶
type SamlIdpSigningKeyArgs struct {
// base64-encoded X.509 certificate chain with DER encoding
X5cs interface{}
The set of arguments for constructing a SamlIdpSigningKey resource.
type SamlIdpSigningKeyState ¶
type SamlIdpSigningKeyState struct { Created interface{} ExpiresAt interface{} Kid interface{} Kty interface{} Use interface{} // base64-encoded X.509 certificate chain with DER encoding X5cs interface{} X5tS256 interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SamlIdpSigningKey resources.
type SamlIdpState ¶
type SamlIdpState struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} AcsBinding interface{} AcsType interface{} Audience interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} Issuer interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} Kid interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} NameFormat interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} SsoBinding interface{} SsoDestination interface{} SsoUrl interface{} Status interface{} SubjectFilter interface{} SubjectFormats interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} Type interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SamlIdp resources.
type SecurePasswordStoreApp ¶
type SecurePasswordStoreApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSecurePasswordStoreApp ¶
func GetSecurePasswordStoreApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SecurePasswordStoreAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SecurePasswordStoreApp, error)
GetSecurePasswordStoreApp gets an existing SecurePasswordStoreApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSecurePasswordStoreApp ¶
func NewSecurePasswordStoreApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SecurePasswordStoreAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SecurePasswordStoreApp, error)
NewSecurePasswordStoreApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom error page URL
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilitySelfService ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Enable self service
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) CredentialsScheme ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) CredentialsScheme() *pulumi.StringOutput
Application credentials scheme
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Groups ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) ID ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Label ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
Pretty name of app.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Name ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
name of app.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1 ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional param in the login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1Value ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField1Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional value in login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2 ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional param in the login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2Value ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField2Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional value in login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3 ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional param in the login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3Value ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) OptionalField3Value() *pulumi.StringOutput
Name of optional value in login form
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) PasswordField ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) PasswordField() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login password field
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) RevealPassword ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) RevealPassword() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Allow user to reveal password
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedPassword ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedPassword() *pulumi.StringOutput
Shared password, required for certain schemes.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedUsername ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SharedUsername() *pulumi.StringOutput
Shared username, required for certain schemes.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Status ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Status of application.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) URN ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Url ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Url() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login URL
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplate ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplateType ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template type
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) UsernameField ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) UsernameField() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login username field
func (*SecurePasswordStoreApp) Users ¶
func (r *SecurePasswordStoreApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type SecurePasswordStoreAppArgs ¶
type SecurePasswordStoreAppArgs struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Application credentials scheme CredentialsScheme interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField1 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField1Value interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField2 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField2Value interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField3 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField3Value interface{} // Login password field PasswordField interface{} // Allow user to reveal password RevealPassword interface{} SharedPassword interface{} SharedUsername interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // Login username field UsernameField interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SecurePasswordStoreApp resource.
type SecurePasswordStoreAppState ¶
type SecurePasswordStoreAppState struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Application credentials scheme CredentialsScheme interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField1 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField1Value interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField2 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField2Value interface{} // Name of optional param in the login form OptionalField3 interface{} // Name of optional value in login form OptionalField3Value interface{} // Login password field PasswordField interface{} // Allow user to reveal password RevealPassword interface{} SharedPassword interface{} SharedUsername interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Login username field UsernameField interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SecurePasswordStoreApp resources.
type SignonPolicy ¶
type SignonPolicy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSignonPolicy ¶
func GetSignonPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SignonPolicyState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SignonPolicy, error)
GetSignonPolicy gets an existing SignonPolicy resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSignonPolicy ¶
func NewSignonPolicy(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SignonPolicyArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SignonPolicy, error)
NewSignonPolicy registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SignonPolicy) Description ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) Description() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Description
func (*SignonPolicy) GroupsIncludeds ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) GroupsIncludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
List of Group IDs to Include
func (*SignonPolicy) ID ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*SignonPolicy) Priority ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*SignonPolicy) Status ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*SignonPolicy) URN ¶
func (r *SignonPolicy) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
type SignonPolicyArgs ¶
type SignonPolicyArgs struct { // Policy Description Description interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SignonPolicy resource.
type SignonPolicyRule ¶
type SignonPolicyRule struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSignonPolicyRule ¶
func GetSignonPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SignonPolicyRuleState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SignonPolicyRule, error)
GetSignonPolicyRule gets an existing SignonPolicyRule resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSignonPolicyRule ¶
func NewSignonPolicyRule(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SignonPolicyRuleArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SignonPolicyRule, error)
NewSignonPolicyRule registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Access ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Access() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Authtype ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Authtype() *pulumi.StringOutput
Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Enroll ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Enroll() *pulumi.StringOutput
Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER?
func (*SignonPolicyRule) ID ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) MfaLifetime ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge
func (*SignonPolicyRule) MfaPrompt ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaPrompt() *pulumi.StringOutput
Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS
func (*SignonPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaRememberDevice() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Remember MFA device.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) MfaRequired ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) MfaRequired() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Require MFA.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Name ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Name() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Rule Name
func (*SignonPolicyRule) NetworkConnection ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkConnection() *pulumi.StringOutput
Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkExcludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to exclude
func (*SignonPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) NetworkIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
The zones to include
func (*SignonPolicyRule) PasswordChange ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordChange() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*SignonPolicyRule) PasswordReset ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordReset() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW
func (*SignonPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) PasswordUnlock() *pulumi.StringOutput
Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Policyid ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Policyid() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy ID of the Rule
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Priority ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Priority() *pulumi.IntOutput
Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) SessionIdle ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionIdle() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session can be idle.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) SessionLifetime ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionLifetime() *pulumi.IntOutput
Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) SessionPersistent ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) SessionPersistent() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session cookies.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) Status ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) URN ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*SignonPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds ¶
func (r *SignonPolicyRule) UsersExcludeds() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Set of User IDs to Exclude
type SignonPolicyRuleArgs ¶
type SignonPolicyRuleArgs struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SignonPolicyRule resource.
type SignonPolicyRuleState ¶
type SignonPolicyRuleState struct { // Allow or deny access based on the rule conditions: ALLOW or DENY. Access interface{} // Authentication entrypoint: ANY or RADIUS. Authtype interface{} // Should the user be enrolled the first time they LOGIN, the next time they are CHALLENGEd, or NEVER? Enroll interface{} // Elapsed time before the next MFA challenge MfaLifetime interface{} // Prompt for MFA based on the device used, a factor session lifetime, or every sign on attempt: DEVICE, SESSION or ALWAYS MfaPrompt interface{} // Remember MFA device. MfaRememberDevice interface{} // Require MFA. MfaRequired interface{} // Policy Rule Name Name interface{} // Network selection mode: ANYWHERE, ZONE, ON_NETWORK, or OFF_NETWORK. NetworkConnection interface{} // The zones to exclude NetworkExcludes interface{} // The zones to include NetworkIncludes interface{} // Allow or deny a user to change their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordChange interface{} // Allow or deny a user to reset their password: ALLOW or DENY. Default = ALLOW PasswordReset interface{} // Allow or deny a user to unlock. Default = DENY PasswordUnlock interface{} // Policy ID of the Rule Policyid interface{} // Policy Rule Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an // invalid priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Max minutes a session can be idle. SessionIdle interface{} // Max minutes a session is active: Disable = 0. SessionLifetime interface{} // Whether session cookies will last across browser sessions. Okta Administrators can never have persistent session // cookies. SessionPersistent interface{} // Policy Rule Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} // Set of User IDs to Exclude UsersExcludeds interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SignonPolicyRule resources.
type SignonPolicyState ¶
type SignonPolicyState struct { // Policy Description Description interface{} // List of Group IDs to Include GroupsIncludeds interface{} // Policy Name Name interface{} // Policy Priority, this attribute can be set to a valid priority. To avoid endless diff situation we error if an invalid // priority is provided. API defaults it to the last/lowest if not there. Priority interface{} // Policy Status: ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SignonPolicy resources.
type SocialIdp ¶
type SocialIdp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSocialIdp ¶
func GetSocialIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SocialIdpState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SocialIdp, error)
GetSocialIdp gets an existing SocialIdp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSocialIdp ¶
func NewSocialIdp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SocialIdpArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SocialIdp, error)
NewSocialIdp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SocialIdp) AccountLinkAction ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) AccountLinkAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) AccountLinkGroupIncludes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SocialIdp) AuthorizationBinding ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) AuthorizationBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) AuthorizationUrl ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) AuthorizationUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) ClientId ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ClientId() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) ClientSecret ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ClientSecret() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) DeprovisionedAction ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) DeprovisionedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) GroupsAction ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) GroupsAssignments ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAssignments() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SocialIdp) GroupsAttribute ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) GroupsFilters ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) GroupsFilters() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SocialIdp) IssuerMode ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) IssuerMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL
func (*SocialIdp) MatchAttribute ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) MatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) MatchType ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) MatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) MaxClockSkew ¶
func (*SocialIdp) ProfileMaster ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ProfileMaster() *pulumi.BoolOutput
func (*SocialIdp) ProtocolType ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ProtocolType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) ProvisioningAction ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ProvisioningAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) RequestSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*SocialIdp) RequestSignatureScope ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) RequestSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureAlgorithm() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign requests
func (*SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureScope ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) ResponseSignatureScope() *pulumi.StringOutput
algorithm to use to sign response
func (*SocialIdp) Scopes ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) Scopes() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
func (*SocialIdp) Status ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) SubjectMatchAttribute() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) SubjectMatchType ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) SubjectMatchType() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) SuspendedAction ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) SuspendedAction() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) TokenBinding ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) TokenBinding() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) TokenUrl ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) TokenUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) Type ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) Type() *pulumi.StringOutput
func (*SocialIdp) UsernameTemplate ¶
func (r *SocialIdp) UsernameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
type SocialIdpArgs ¶
type SocialIdpArgs struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} ClientId interface{} ClientSecret interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} MatchAttribute interface{} MatchType interface{} MaxClockSkew interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProtocolType interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} Scopes interface{} Status interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} Type interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SocialIdp resource.
type SocialIdpState ¶
type SocialIdpState struct { AccountLinkAction interface{} AccountLinkGroupIncludes interface{} AuthorizationBinding interface{} AuthorizationUrl interface{} ClientId interface{} ClientSecret interface{} DeprovisionedAction interface{} GroupsAction interface{} GroupsAssignments interface{} GroupsAttribute interface{} GroupsFilters interface{} // Indicates whether Okta uses the original Okta org domain URL, or a custom domain URL IssuerMode interface{} MatchAttribute interface{} MatchType interface{} MaxClockSkew interface{} // name of idp Name interface{} ProfileMaster interface{} ProtocolType interface{} ProvisioningAction interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests RequestSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response RequestSignatureScope interface{} // algorithm to use to sign requests ResponseSignatureAlgorithm interface{} // algorithm to use to sign response ResponseSignatureScope interface{} Scopes interface{} Status interface{} SubjectMatchAttribute interface{} SubjectMatchType interface{} SuspendedAction interface{} TokenBinding interface{} TokenUrl interface{} Type interface{} UsernameTemplate interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SocialIdp resources.
type SwaApp ¶
type SwaApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetSwaApp ¶
func GetSwaApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *SwaAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SwaApp, error)
GetSwaApp gets an existing SwaApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewSwaApp ¶
func NewSwaApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *SwaAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*SwaApp, error)
NewSwaApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*SwaApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *SwaApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom error page URL
func (*SwaApp) AccessibilitySelfService ¶
func (r *SwaApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Enable self service
func (*SwaApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *SwaApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*SwaApp) Groups ¶
func (r *SwaApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*SwaApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *SwaApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*SwaApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *SwaApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*SwaApp) PasswordField ¶
func (r *SwaApp) PasswordField() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login password field
func (*SwaApp) PreconfiguredApp ¶
func (r *SwaApp) PreconfiguredApp() *pulumi.StringOutput
Preconfigured app name
func (*SwaApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *SwaApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*SwaApp) UrlRegex ¶
func (r *SwaApp) UrlRegex() *pulumi.StringOutput
A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex
func (*SwaApp) UserNameTemplate ¶
func (r *SwaApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template
func (*SwaApp) UserNameTemplateType ¶
func (r *SwaApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template type
func (*SwaApp) UsernameField ¶
func (r *SwaApp) UsernameField() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login username field
func (*SwaApp) Users ¶
func (r *SwaApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type SwaAppArgs ¶
type SwaAppArgs struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Login button field ButtonField interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // Login password field PasswordField interface{} // Preconfigured app name PreconfiguredApp interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex UrlRegex interface{} // Login username field UsernameField interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a SwaApp resource.
type SwaAppState ¶
type SwaAppState struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Login button field ButtonField interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // Login password field PasswordField interface{} // Preconfigured app name PreconfiguredApp interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex UrlRegex interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Login username field UsernameField interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering SwaApp resources.
type ThreeFieldApp ¶
type ThreeFieldApp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetThreeFieldApp ¶
func GetThreeFieldApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, id pulumi.ID, state *ThreeFieldAppState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*ThreeFieldApp, error)
GetThreeFieldApp gets an existing ThreeFieldApp resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).
func NewThreeFieldApp ¶
func NewThreeFieldApp(ctx *pulumi.Context, name string, args *ThreeFieldAppArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOpt) (*ThreeFieldApp, error)
NewThreeFieldApp registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl() *pulumi.StringOutput
Custom error page URL
func (*ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilitySelfService ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AccessibilitySelfService() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Enable self service
func (*ThreeFieldApp) AutoSubmitToolbar ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) AutoSubmitToolbar() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Display auto submit toolbar
func (*ThreeFieldApp) ButtonSelector ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ButtonSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login button field CSS selector
func (*ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldSelector ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
Extra field CSS selector
func (*ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldValue ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ExtraFieldValue() *pulumi.StringOutput
Value for extra form field
func (*ThreeFieldApp) Groups ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Groups() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Groups associated with the application
func (*ThreeFieldApp) HideIos ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) HideIos() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon on mobile app
func (*ThreeFieldApp) HideWeb ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) HideWeb() *pulumi.BoolOutput
Do not display application icon to users
func (*ThreeFieldApp) ID ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) ID() *pulumi.IDOutput
ID is this resource's unique identifier assigned by its provider.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) Label ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Label() *pulumi.StringOutput
Pretty name of app.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) PasswordSelector ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) PasswordSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login password field CSS selector
func (*ThreeFieldApp) SignOnMode ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) SignOnMode() *pulumi.StringOutput
Sign on mode of application.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) Status ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Status() *pulumi.StringOutput
Status of application.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) URN ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) URN() *pulumi.URNOutput
URN is this resource's unique name assigned by Pulumi.
func (*ThreeFieldApp) UrlRegex ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UrlRegex() *pulumi.StringOutput
A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex
func (*ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplate ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplate() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template
func (*ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplateType ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UserNameTemplateType() *pulumi.StringOutput
Username template type
func (*ThreeFieldApp) UsernameSelector ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) UsernameSelector() *pulumi.StringOutput
Login username field CSS selector
func (*ThreeFieldApp) Users ¶
func (r *ThreeFieldApp) Users() *pulumi.ArrayOutput
Users associated with the application
type ThreeFieldAppArgs ¶
type ThreeFieldAppArgs struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Login button field CSS selector ButtonSelector interface{} // Extra field CSS selector ExtraFieldSelector interface{} // Value for extra form field ExtraFieldValue interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // Login password field CSS selector PasswordSelector interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex UrlRegex interface{} // Login username field CSS selector UsernameSelector interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
The set of arguments for constructing a ThreeFieldApp resource.
type ThreeFieldAppState ¶
type ThreeFieldAppState struct { // Custom error page URL AccessibilityErrorRedirectUrl interface{} // Enable self service AccessibilitySelfService interface{} // Display auto submit toolbar AutoSubmitToolbar interface{} // Login button field CSS selector ButtonSelector interface{} // Extra field CSS selector ExtraFieldSelector interface{} // Value for extra form field ExtraFieldValue interface{} // Groups associated with the application Groups interface{} // Do not display application icon on mobile app HideIos interface{} // Do not display application icon to users HideWeb interface{} // Pretty name of app. Label interface{} // name of app. Name interface{} // Login password field CSS selector PasswordSelector interface{} // Sign on mode of application. SignOnMode interface{} // Status of application. Status interface{} // Login URL Url interface{} // A regex that further restricts URL to the specified regex UrlRegex interface{} // Username template UserNameTemplate interface{} // Username template type UserNameTemplateType interface{} // Login username field CSS selector UsernameSelector interface{} // Users associated with the application Users interface{} }
Input properties used for looking up and filtering ThreeFieldApp resources.
Source Files
- authLoginApp.go
- bookmarkApp.go
- getDefaultPolicies.go
- idp.go
- mfaPolicy.go
- mfaPolicyRule.go
- oauthApp.go
- oauthAppRedirectUri.go
- passwordPolicy.go
- passwordPolicyRule.go
- samlApp.go
- samlIdp.go
- samlIdpSigningKey.go
- securePasswordStoreApp.go
- signonPolicy.go
- signonPolicyRule.go
- socialIdp.go
- swaApp.go
- threeFieldApp.go