
v0.17.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 17, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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const (
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePerfMetricTypeUnspecified = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType("perfMetricTypeUnspecified")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeMemory                    = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType("memory")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeCpu                       = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType("cpu")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeNetwork                   = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType("network")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeGraphics                  = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType("graphics")
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const (
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPerfUnitUnspecified = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("perfUnitUnspecified")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitKibibyte            = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("kibibyte")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPercent             = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("percent")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitBytesPerSecond      = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("bytesPerSecond")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitFramesPerSecond     = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("framesPerSecond")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitByte                = BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit("byte")
View Source
const (
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelSampleSeriesTypeUnspecified = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("sampleSeriesTypeUnspecified")
	// Memory sample series
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelMemoryRssPrivate = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("memoryRssPrivate")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelMemoryRssShared  = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("memoryRssShared")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelMemoryRssTotal   = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("memoryRssTotal")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelMemoryTotal      = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("memoryTotal")
	// CPU sample series
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelCpuUser   = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("cpuUser")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelCpuKernel = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("cpuKernel")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelCpuTotal  = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("cpuTotal")
	// Network sample series
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelNtBytesTransferred = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("ntBytesTransferred")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelNtBytesReceived    = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("ntBytesReceived")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelNetworkSent        = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("networkSent")
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelNetworkReceived    = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("networkReceived")
	// Graphics sample series
	BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelGraphicsFrameRate = BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel("graphicsFrameRate")
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const (
	// Should never be in this state. Exists for proto deserialization backward compatibility.
	ExecutionStateEnumUnknownState = ExecutionStateEnum("unknownState")
	// The Execution/Step is created, ready to run, but not running yet. If an Execution/Step is created without initial state, it is assumed that the Execution/Step is in PENDING state.
	ExecutionStateEnumPending = ExecutionStateEnum("pending")
	// The Execution/Step is in progress.
	ExecutionStateEnumInProgress = ExecutionStateEnum("inProgress")
	// The finalized, immutable state. Steps/Executions in this state cannot be modified.
	ExecutionStateEnumComplete = ExecutionStateEnum("complete")
View Source
const (
	HistoryTestPlatformUnknownPlatform = HistoryTestPlatform("unknownPlatform")
	HistoryTestPlatformAndroid         = HistoryTestPlatform("android")
	HistoryTestPlatformIos             = HistoryTestPlatform("ios")
View Source
const (
	// Do not use. For proto versioning only.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryUnset = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("unset")
	// The test matrix run was successful, for instance: - All the test cases passed. - Robo did not detect a crash of the application under test.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummarySuccess = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("success")
	// A run failed, for instance: - One or more test case failed. - A test timed out. - The application under test crashed.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryFailure = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("failure")
	// Something unexpected happened. The run should still be considered unsuccessful but this is likely a transient problem and re-running the test might be successful.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryInconclusive = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("inconclusive")
	// All tests were skipped, for instance: - All device configurations were incompatible.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummarySkipped = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("skipped")
	// A group of steps that were run with the same configuration had both failure and success outcomes.
	IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryFlaky = IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary("flaky")
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const (
	// Do not use. For proto versioning only.
	OutcomeSummaryUnset = OutcomeSummary("unset")
	// The test matrix run was successful, for instance: - All the test cases passed. - Robo did not detect a crash of the application under test.
	OutcomeSummarySuccess = OutcomeSummary("success")
	// A run failed, for instance: - One or more test case failed. - A test timed out. - The application under test crashed.
	OutcomeSummaryFailure = OutcomeSummary("failure")
	// Something unexpected happened. The run should still be considered unsuccessful but this is likely a transient problem and re-running the test might be successful.
	OutcomeSummaryInconclusive = OutcomeSummary("inconclusive")
	// All tests were skipped, for instance: - All device configurations were incompatible.
	OutcomeSummarySkipped = OutcomeSummary("skipped")
	// A group of steps that were run with the same configuration had both failure and success outcomes.
	OutcomeSummaryFlaky = OutcomeSummary("flaky")
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const (
	// Do not use. For proto versioning only.
	PrimaryStepRollUpUnset = PrimaryStepRollUp("unset")
	// The test matrix run was successful, for instance: - All the test cases passed. - Robo did not detect a crash of the application under test.
	PrimaryStepRollUpSuccess = PrimaryStepRollUp("success")
	// A run failed, for instance: - One or more test case failed. - A test timed out. - The application under test crashed.
	PrimaryStepRollUpFailure = PrimaryStepRollUp("failure")
	// Something unexpected happened. The run should still be considered unsuccessful but this is likely a transient problem and re-running the test might be successful.
	PrimaryStepRollUpInconclusive = PrimaryStepRollUp("inconclusive")
	// All tests were skipped, for instance: - All device configurations were incompatible.
	PrimaryStepRollUpSkipped = PrimaryStepRollUp("skipped")
	// A group of steps that were run with the same configuration had both failure and success outcomes.
	PrimaryStepRollUpFlaky = PrimaryStepRollUp("flaky")
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const (
	// Should never be in this state. Exists for proto deserialization backward compatibility.
	StepStateEnumUnknownState = StepStateEnum("unknownState")
	// The Execution/Step is created, ready to run, but not running yet. If an Execution/Step is created without initial state, it is assumed that the Execution/Step is in PENDING state.
	StepStateEnumPending = StepStateEnum("pending")
	// The Execution/Step is in progress.
	StepStateEnumInProgress = StepStateEnum("inProgress")
	// The finalized, immutable state. Steps/Executions in this state cannot be modified.
	StepStateEnumComplete = StepStateEnum("complete")
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const (
	// Default unspecified category. Do not use. For versioning only.
	TestIssueCategoryUnspecifiedCategory = TestIssueCategory("unspecifiedCategory")
	// Issue is not specific to a particular test kind (e.g., a native crash).
	TestIssueCategoryCommon = TestIssueCategory("common")
	// Issue is specific to Robo run.
	TestIssueCategoryRobo = TestIssueCategory("robo")
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const (
	// Default unspecified severity. Do not use. For versioning only.
	TestIssueSeverityUnspecifiedSeverity = TestIssueSeverity("unspecifiedSeverity")
	// Non critical issue, providing users with some info about the test run.
	TestIssueSeverityInfo = TestIssueSeverity("info")
	// Non critical issue, providing users with some hints on improving their testing experience, e.g., suggesting to use Game Loops.
	TestIssueSeveritySuggestion = TestIssueSeverity("suggestion")
	// Potentially critical issue.
	TestIssueSeverityWarning = TestIssueSeverity("warning")
	// Critical issue.
	TestIssueSeveritySevere = TestIssueSeverity("severe")
View Source
const (
	// Default unspecified type. Do not use. For versioning only.
	TestIssueTypeUnspecifiedType = TestIssueType("unspecifiedType")
	// Issue is a fatal exception.
	TestIssueTypeFatalException = TestIssueType("fatalException")
	// Issue is a native crash.
	TestIssueTypeNativeCrash = TestIssueType("nativeCrash")
	// Issue is an ANR crash.
	TestIssueTypeAnr = TestIssueType("anr")
	// Issue is an unused robo directive.
	TestIssueTypeUnusedRoboDirective = TestIssueType("unusedRoboDirective")
	// Issue is a suggestion to use orchestrator.
	TestIssueTypeCompatibleWithOrchestrator = TestIssueType("compatibleWithOrchestrator")
	// Issue with finding a launcher activity
	TestIssueTypeLauncherActivityNotFound = TestIssueType("launcherActivityNotFound")
	// Issue with resolving a user-provided intent to start an activity
	TestIssueTypeStartActivityNotFound = TestIssueType("startActivityNotFound")
	// A Robo script was not fully executed.
	TestIssueTypeIncompleteRoboScriptExecution = TestIssueType("incompleteRoboScriptExecution")
	// A Robo script was fully and successfully executed.
	TestIssueTypeCompleteRoboScriptExecution = TestIssueType("completeRoboScriptExecution")
	// The APK failed to install.
	TestIssueTypeFailedToInstall = TestIssueType("failedToInstall")
	// The app-under-test has deep links, but none were provided to Robo.
	TestIssueTypeAvailableDeepLinks = TestIssueType("availableDeepLinks")
	// App accessed a non-sdk Api.
	TestIssueTypeNonSdkApiUsageViolation = TestIssueType("nonSdkApiUsageViolation")
	// App accessed a non-sdk Api (new detailed report)
	TestIssueTypeNonSdkApiUsageReport = TestIssueType("nonSdkApiUsageReport")
	// Robo crawl encountered at least one screen with elements that are not Android UI widgets.
	TestIssueTypeEncounteredNonAndroidUiWidgetScreen = TestIssueType("encounteredNonAndroidUiWidgetScreen")
	// Robo crawl encountered at least one probable login screen.
	TestIssueTypeEncounteredLoginScreen = TestIssueType("encounteredLoginScreen")
	// Robo signed in with Google.
	TestIssueTypePerformedGoogleLogin = TestIssueType("performedGoogleLogin")
	// iOS App crashed with an exception.
	TestIssueTypeIosException = TestIssueType("iosException")
	// iOS App crashed without an exception (e.g. killed).
	TestIssueTypeIosCrash = TestIssueType("iosCrash")
	// Robo crawl involved performing some monkey actions.
	TestIssueTypePerformedMonkeyActions = TestIssueType("performedMonkeyActions")
	// Robo crawl used a Robo directive.
	TestIssueTypeUsedRoboDirective = TestIssueType("usedRoboDirective")
	// Robo crawl used a Robo directive to ignore an UI element.
	TestIssueTypeUsedRoboIgnoreDirective = TestIssueType("usedRoboIgnoreDirective")
	// Robo did not crawl some potentially important parts of the app.
	TestIssueTypeInsufficientCoverage = TestIssueType("insufficientCoverage")
	// Robo crawl involved some in-app purchases.
	TestIssueTypeInAppPurchases = TestIssueType("inAppPurchases")
	// Crash dialog was detected during the test execution
	TestIssueTypeCrashDialogError = TestIssueType("crashDialogError")
	// UI element depth is greater than the threshold
	TestIssueTypeUiElementsTooDeep = TestIssueType("uiElementsTooDeep")
	// Blank screen is found in the Robo crawl
	TestIssueTypeBlankScreen = TestIssueType("blankScreen")
	// Overlapping UI elements are found in the Robo crawl
	TestIssueTypeOverlappingUiElements = TestIssueType("overlappingUiElements")
	// An uncaught Unity exception was detected (these don't crash apps).
	TestIssueTypeUnityException = TestIssueType("unityException")
	// Device running out of memory was detected
	TestIssueTypeDeviceOutOfMemory = TestIssueType("deviceOutOfMemory")
	// Problems detected while collecting logcat
	TestIssueTypeLogcatCollectionError = TestIssueType("logcatCollectionError")


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AndroidAppInfo

type AndroidAppInfo struct {
	// The name of the app. Optional
	Name *string `pulumi:"name"`
	// The package name of the app. Required.
	PackageName *string `pulumi:"packageName"`
	// The internal version code of the app. Optional.
	VersionCode *string `pulumi:"versionCode"`
	// The version name of the app. Optional.
	VersionName *string `pulumi:"versionName"`

Android app information.

type AndroidAppInfoArgs

type AndroidAppInfoArgs struct {
	// The name of the app. Optional
	Name pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"name"`
	// The package name of the app. Required.
	PackageName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"packageName"`
	// The internal version code of the app. Optional.
	VersionCode pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"versionCode"`
	// The version name of the app. Optional.
	VersionName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"versionName"`

Android app information.

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ElementType

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoOutput

func (i AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoOutput() AndroidAppInfoOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (i AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidAppInfoArgs) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

type AndroidAppInfoInput

type AndroidAppInfoInput interface {

	ToAndroidAppInfoOutput() AndroidAppInfoOutput
	ToAndroidAppInfoOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidAppInfoOutput

AndroidAppInfoInput is an input type that accepts AndroidAppInfoArgs and AndroidAppInfoOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidAppInfoInput` via:


type AndroidAppInfoOutput

type AndroidAppInfoOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Android app information.

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) Name

The name of the app. Optional

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) PackageName

The package name of the app. Required.

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoOutput

func (o AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoOutput() AndroidAppInfoOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (o AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidAppInfoOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) VersionCode

The internal version code of the app. Optional.

func (AndroidAppInfoOutput) VersionName

The version name of the app. Optional.

type AndroidAppInfoPtrInput

type AndroidAppInfoPtrInput interface {

	ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput
	ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

AndroidAppInfoPtrInput is an input type that accepts AndroidAppInfoArgs, AndroidAppInfoPtr and AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidAppInfoPtrInput` via:




type AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

type AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) Elem

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) Name

The name of the app. Optional

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) PackageName

The package name of the app. Required.

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (o AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutput() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) VersionCode

The internal version code of the app. Optional.

func (AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput) VersionName

The version name of the app. Optional.

type AndroidAppInfoResponse

type AndroidAppInfoResponse struct {
	// The name of the app. Optional
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`
	// The package name of the app. Required.
	PackageName string `pulumi:"packageName"`
	// The internal version code of the app. Optional.
	VersionCode string `pulumi:"versionCode"`
	// The version name of the app. Optional.
	VersionName string `pulumi:"versionName"`

Android app information.

type AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput

type AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Android app information.

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) Name

The name of the app. Optional

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) PackageName

The package name of the app. Required.

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoResponseOutput

func (o AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoResponseOutput() AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) ToAndroidAppInfoResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) VersionCode

The internal version code of the app. Optional.

func (AndroidAppInfoResponseOutput) VersionName

The version name of the app. Optional.

type AndroidInstrumentationTest

type AndroidInstrumentationTest struct {
	// The java package for the test to be executed. Required
	TestPackageId *string `pulumi:"testPackageId"`
	// The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required
	TestRunnerClass *string `pulumi:"testRunnerClass"`
	// Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.
	TestTargets []string `pulumi:"testTargets"`
	// The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.
	UseOrchestrator *bool `pulumi:"useOrchestrator"`

A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. See for more information on types of Android tests.

type AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs

type AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs struct {
	// The java package for the test to be executed. Required
	TestPackageId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"testPackageId"`
	// The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required
	TestRunnerClass pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"testRunnerClass"`
	// Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.
	TestTargets pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"testTargets"`
	// The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.
	UseOrchestrator pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"useOrchestrator"`

A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. See for more information on types of Android tests.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ElementType

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (i AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (i AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestInput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestInput interface {

	ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput
	ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

AndroidInstrumentationTestInput is an input type that accepts AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs and AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidInstrumentationTestInput` via:


type AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. See for more information on types of Android tests.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) TestPackageId

The java package for the test to be executed. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) TestRunnerClass

The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) TestTargets

Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestOutput) UseOrchestrator

The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.

type AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrInput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrInput interface {

	ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput
	ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts AndroidInstrumentationTestArgs, AndroidInstrumentationTestPtr and AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrInput` via:




type AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) TestPackageId

The java package for the test to be executed. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) TestRunnerClass

The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) TestTargets

Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput) UseOrchestrator

The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.

type AndroidInstrumentationTestResponse

type AndroidInstrumentationTestResponse struct {
	// The java package for the test to be executed. Required
	TestPackageId string `pulumi:"testPackageId"`
	// The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required
	TestRunnerClass string `pulumi:"testRunnerClass"`
	// Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.
	TestTargets []string `pulumi:"testTargets"`
	// The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.
	UseOrchestrator bool `pulumi:"useOrchestrator"`

A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. See for more information on types of Android tests.

type AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput

type AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. See for more information on types of Android tests.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) TestPackageId

The java package for the test to be executed. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) TestRunnerClass

The InstrumentationTestRunner class. Required

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) TestTargets

Each target must be fully qualified with the package name or class name, in one of these formats: - "package package_name" - "class package_name.class_name" - "class package_name.class_name#method_name" If empty, all targets in the module will be run.

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput() AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput

func (AndroidInstrumentationTestResponseOutput) UseOrchestrator

The flag indicates whether Android Test Orchestrator will be used to run test or not.

type AndroidRoboTest

type AndroidRoboTest struct {
	// The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional
	AppInitialActivity *string `pulumi:"appInitialActivity"`
	// The java package for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapPackageId *string `pulumi:"bootstrapPackageId"`
	// The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapRunnerClass *string `pulumi:"bootstrapRunnerClass"`
	// The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional
	MaxDepth *int `pulumi:"maxDepth"`
	// The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional
	MaxSteps *int `pulumi:"maxSteps"`

A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.

type AndroidRoboTestArgs

type AndroidRoboTestArgs struct {
	// The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional
	AppInitialActivity pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"appInitialActivity"`
	// The java package for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapPackageId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"bootstrapPackageId"`
	// The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapRunnerClass pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"bootstrapRunnerClass"`
	// The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional
	MaxDepth pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"maxDepth"`
	// The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional
	MaxSteps pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"maxSteps"`

A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ElementType

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestOutput

func (i AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestOutput() AndroidRoboTestOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (i AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidRoboTestArgs) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

type AndroidRoboTestInput

type AndroidRoboTestInput interface {

	ToAndroidRoboTestOutput() AndroidRoboTestOutput
	ToAndroidRoboTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidRoboTestOutput

AndroidRoboTestInput is an input type that accepts AndroidRoboTestArgs and AndroidRoboTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidRoboTestInput` via:


type AndroidRoboTestOutput

type AndroidRoboTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) AppInitialActivity

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) AppInitialActivity() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) BootstrapPackageId

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) BootstrapPackageId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The java package for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) MaxDepth

The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) MaxSteps

The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestOutput

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestOutput() AndroidRoboTestOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidRoboTestOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

type AndroidRoboTestPtrInput

type AndroidRoboTestPtrInput interface {

	ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput
	ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

AndroidRoboTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts AndroidRoboTestArgs, AndroidRoboTestPtr and AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidRoboTestPtrInput` via:




type AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

type AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) AppInitialActivity

func (o AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) AppInitialActivity() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) BootstrapPackageId

func (o AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) BootstrapPackageId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The java package for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass

func (o AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) MaxDepth

The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) MaxSteps

The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutput() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

type AndroidRoboTestResponse

type AndroidRoboTestResponse struct {
	// The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional
	AppInitialActivity string `pulumi:"appInitialActivity"`
	// The java package for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapPackageId string `pulumi:"bootstrapPackageId"`
	// The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional
	BootstrapRunnerClass string `pulumi:"bootstrapRunnerClass"`
	// The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional
	MaxDepth int `pulumi:"maxDepth"`
	// The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional
	MaxSteps int `pulumi:"maxSteps"`

A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.

type AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput

type AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) AppInitialActivity

func (o AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) AppInitialActivity() pulumi.StringOutput

The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) BootstrapPackageId

func (o AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) BootstrapPackageId() pulumi.StringOutput

The java package for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass

func (o AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) BootstrapRunnerClass() pulumi.StringOutput

The runner class for the bootstrap. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) MaxDepth

The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) MaxSteps

The max number of steps/actions Robo can execute. Default is no limit (0). Optional

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestResponseOutput

func (o AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestResponseOutput() AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput

func (AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidRoboTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidRoboTestResponseOutput

type AndroidTest

type AndroidTest struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	AndroidAppInfo *AndroidAppInfo `pulumi:"androidAppInfo"`
	// An Android instrumentation test.
	AndroidInstrumentationTest *AndroidInstrumentationTest `pulumi:"androidInstrumentationTest"`
	// An Android robo test.
	AndroidRoboTest *AndroidRoboTest `pulumi:"androidRoboTest"`
	// An Android test loop.
	AndroidTestLoop *AndroidTestLoop `pulumi:"androidTestLoop"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout *Duration `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

An Android mobile test specification.

type AndroidTestArgs

type AndroidTestArgs struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	AndroidAppInfo AndroidAppInfoPtrInput `pulumi:"androidAppInfo"`
	// An Android instrumentation test.
	AndroidInstrumentationTest AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrInput `pulumi:"androidInstrumentationTest"`
	// An Android robo test.
	AndroidRoboTest AndroidRoboTestPtrInput `pulumi:"androidRoboTest"`
	// An Android test loop.
	AndroidTestLoop AndroidTestLoopPtrInput `pulumi:"androidTestLoop"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout DurationPtrInput `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

An Android mobile test specification.

func (AndroidTestArgs) ElementType

func (AndroidTestArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestOutput

func (i AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestOutput() AndroidTestOutput

func (AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestOutput

func (AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput

func (i AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput() AndroidTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidTestArgs) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestPtrOutput

type AndroidTestInput

type AndroidTestInput interface {

	ToAndroidTestOutput() AndroidTestOutput
	ToAndroidTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidTestOutput

AndroidTestInput is an input type that accepts AndroidTestArgs and AndroidTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidTestInput` via:


type AndroidTestLoop

type AndroidTestLoop struct {

Test Loops are tests that can be launched by the app itself, determining when to run by listening for an intent.

type AndroidTestLoopArgs

type AndroidTestLoopArgs struct {

Test Loops are tests that can be launched by the app itself, determining when to run by listening for an intent.

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ElementType

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopOutput

func (i AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopOutput() AndroidTestLoopOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (i AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AndroidTestLoopArgs) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

type AndroidTestLoopInput

type AndroidTestLoopInput interface {

	ToAndroidTestLoopOutput() AndroidTestLoopOutput
	ToAndroidTestLoopOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidTestLoopOutput

AndroidTestLoopInput is an input type that accepts AndroidTestLoopArgs and AndroidTestLoopOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidTestLoopInput` via:


type AndroidTestLoopOutput

type AndroidTestLoopOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Test Loops are tests that can be launched by the app itself, determining when to run by listening for an intent.

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopOutput

func (o AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopOutput() AndroidTestLoopOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (o AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestLoopOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

type AndroidTestLoopPtrInput

type AndroidTestLoopPtrInput interface {

	ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput
	ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

AndroidTestLoopPtrInput is an input type that accepts AndroidTestLoopArgs, AndroidTestLoopPtr and AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidTestLoopPtrInput` via:




type AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

type AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) Elem

func (AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (o AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutput() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

type AndroidTestLoopResponse

type AndroidTestLoopResponse struct {

Test Loops are tests that can be launched by the app itself, determining when to run by listening for an intent.

type AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput

type AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Test Loops are tests that can be launched by the app itself, determining when to run by listening for an intent.

func (AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopResponseOutput

func (o AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopResponseOutput() AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput

func (AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestLoopResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestLoopResponseOutput

type AndroidTestOutput

type AndroidTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An Android mobile test specification.

func (AndroidTestOutput) AndroidAppInfo

func (o AndroidTestOutput) AndroidAppInfo() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

Information about the application under test.

func (AndroidTestOutput) AndroidInstrumentationTest

func (o AndroidTestOutput) AndroidInstrumentationTest() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

An Android instrumentation test.

func (AndroidTestOutput) AndroidRoboTest

func (o AndroidTestOutput) AndroidRoboTest() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

An Android robo test.

func (AndroidTestOutput) AndroidTestLoop

func (o AndroidTestOutput) AndroidTestLoop() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

An Android test loop.

func (AndroidTestOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestOutput) TestTimeout

func (o AndroidTestOutput) TestTimeout() DurationPtrOutput

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestOutput

func (o AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestOutput() AndroidTestOutput

func (AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestOutput

func (AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput() AndroidTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestPtrOutput

type AndroidTestPtrInput

type AndroidTestPtrInput interface {

	ToAndroidTestPtrOutput() AndroidTestPtrOutput
	ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AndroidTestPtrOutput

AndroidTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts AndroidTestArgs, AndroidTestPtr and AndroidTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AndroidTestPtrInput` via:




func AndroidTestPtr

func AndroidTestPtr(v *AndroidTestArgs) AndroidTestPtrInput

type AndroidTestPtrOutput

type AndroidTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidAppInfo

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidAppInfo() AndroidAppInfoPtrOutput

Information about the application under test.

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidInstrumentationTest

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidInstrumentationTest() AndroidInstrumentationTestPtrOutput

An Android instrumentation test.

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidRoboTest

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidRoboTest() AndroidRoboTestPtrOutput

An Android robo test.

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidTestLoop

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) AndroidTestLoop() AndroidTestLoopPtrOutput

An Android test loop.

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) TestTimeout

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) TestTimeout() DurationPtrOutput

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutput() AndroidTestPtrOutput

func (AndroidTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestPtrOutput) ToAndroidTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestPtrOutput

type AndroidTestResponse

type AndroidTestResponse struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	AndroidAppInfo AndroidAppInfoResponse `pulumi:"androidAppInfo"`
	// An Android instrumentation test.
	AndroidInstrumentationTest AndroidInstrumentationTestResponse `pulumi:"androidInstrumentationTest"`
	// An Android robo test.
	AndroidRoboTest AndroidRoboTestResponse `pulumi:"androidRoboTest"`
	// An Android test loop.
	AndroidTestLoop AndroidTestLoopResponse `pulumi:"androidTestLoop"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout DurationResponse `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

An Android mobile test specification.

type AndroidTestResponseOutput

type AndroidTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An Android mobile test specification.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) AndroidAppInfo

Information about the application under test.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) AndroidInstrumentationTest

An Android instrumentation test.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) AndroidRoboTest

An Android robo test.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) AndroidTestLoop

An Android test loop.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) TestTimeout

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestResponseOutput

func (o AndroidTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestResponseOutput() AndroidTestResponseOutput

func (AndroidTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AndroidTestResponseOutput) ToAndroidTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AndroidTestResponseOutput

type Any

type Any struct {
	// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.
	TypeUrl *string `pulumi:"typeUrl"`
	// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
	Value *string `pulumi:"value"`

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type name "y.z". # JSON The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": , "lastName": } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message google.protobuf.Duration): { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s" }

type AnyArgs

type AnyArgs struct {
	// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.
	TypeUrl pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"typeUrl"`
	// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
	Value pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"value"`

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type name "y.z". # JSON The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": , "lastName": } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message google.protobuf.Duration): { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s" }

func (AnyArgs) ElementType

func (AnyArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AnyArgs) ToAnyOutput

func (i AnyArgs) ToAnyOutput() AnyOutput

func (AnyArgs) ToAnyOutputWithContext

func (i AnyArgs) ToAnyOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyOutput

func (AnyArgs) ToAnyPtrOutput

func (i AnyArgs) ToAnyPtrOutput() AnyPtrOutput

func (AnyArgs) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext

func (i AnyArgs) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyPtrOutput

type AnyInput

type AnyInput interface {

	ToAnyOutput() AnyOutput
	ToAnyOutputWithContext(context.Context) AnyOutput

AnyInput is an input type that accepts AnyArgs and AnyOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AnyInput` via:


type AnyOutput

type AnyOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type name "y.z". # JSON The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": , "lastName": } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message google.protobuf.Duration): { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s" }

func (AnyOutput) ElementType

func (AnyOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AnyOutput) ToAnyOutput

func (o AnyOutput) ToAnyOutput() AnyOutput

func (AnyOutput) ToAnyOutputWithContext

func (o AnyOutput) ToAnyOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyOutput

func (AnyOutput) ToAnyPtrOutput

func (o AnyOutput) ToAnyPtrOutput() AnyPtrOutput

func (AnyOutput) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AnyOutput) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyPtrOutput

func (AnyOutput) TypeUrl

func (o AnyOutput) TypeUrl() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.

func (AnyOutput) Value

func (o AnyOutput) Value() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

type AnyPtrInput

type AnyPtrInput interface {

	ToAnyPtrOutput() AnyPtrOutput
	ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) AnyPtrOutput

AnyPtrInput is an input type that accepts AnyArgs, AnyPtr and AnyPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `AnyPtrInput` via:




func AnyPtr

func AnyPtr(v *AnyArgs) AnyPtrInput

type AnyPtrOutput

type AnyPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (AnyPtrOutput) Elem

func (o AnyPtrOutput) Elem() AnyOutput

func (AnyPtrOutput) ElementType

func (AnyPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AnyPtrOutput) ToAnyPtrOutput

func (o AnyPtrOutput) ToAnyPtrOutput() AnyPtrOutput

func (AnyPtrOutput) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext

func (o AnyPtrOutput) ToAnyPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyPtrOutput

func (AnyPtrOutput) TypeUrl

func (o AnyPtrOutput) TypeUrl() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.

func (AnyPtrOutput) Value

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

type AnyResponse

type AnyResponse struct {
	// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.
	TypeUrl string `pulumi:"typeUrl"`
	// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
	Value string `pulumi:"value"`

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type name "y.z". # JSON The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": , "lastName": } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message google.protobuf.Duration): { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s" }

type AnyResponseOutput

type AnyResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

`Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo) ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type name "y.z". # JSON The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person", "firstName": , "lastName": } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message google.protobuf.Duration): { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration", "value": "1.212s" }

func (AnyResponseOutput) ElementType

func (AnyResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (AnyResponseOutput) ToAnyResponseOutput

func (o AnyResponseOutput) ToAnyResponseOutput() AnyResponseOutput

func (AnyResponseOutput) ToAnyResponseOutputWithContext

func (o AnyResponseOutput) ToAnyResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) AnyResponseOutput

func (AnyResponseOutput) TypeUrl

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a google.protobuf.Type value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.

func (AnyResponseOutput) Value

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

type BasicPerfSampleSeries

type BasicPerfSampleSeries struct {
	PerfMetricType    *BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType    `pulumi:"perfMetricType"`
	PerfUnit          *BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit          `pulumi:"perfUnit"`
	SampleSeriesLabel *BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel `pulumi:"sampleSeriesLabel"`

Encapsulates the metadata for basic sample series represented by a line chart

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs struct {
	PerfMetricType    BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrInput    `pulumi:"perfMetricType"`
	PerfUnit          BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrInput          `pulumi:"perfUnit"`
	SampleSeriesLabel BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrInput `pulumi:"sampleSeriesLabel"`

Encapsulates the metadata for basic sample series represented by a line chart

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ElementType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (i BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext

func (i BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (i BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext

func (i BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesInput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

BasicPerfSampleSeriesInput is an input type that accepts BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs and BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `BasicPerfSampleSeriesInput` via:


type BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Encapsulates the metadata for basic sample series represented by a line chart

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ElementType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) PerfMetricType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) PerfUnit

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) SampleSeriesLabel

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType added in v0.4.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType string

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricType) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput

BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeInput is an input type that accepts BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeArgs and BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeInput` via:


type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtr added in v0.6.0

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtr(v string) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrInput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfMetricTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit added in v0.4.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit string

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnit) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput

BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitInput is an input type that accepts BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitArgs and BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitInput` via:


type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtr added in v0.6.0

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtr(v string) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrInput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPerfUnitPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrInput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrInput is an input type that accepts BasicPerfSampleSeriesArgs, BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtr and BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrInput` via:




type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) Elem

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) ElementType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) PerfMetricType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) PerfUnit

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) SampleSeriesLabel

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponse

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponse struct {
	PerfMetricType    string `pulumi:"perfMetricType"`
	PerfUnit          string `pulumi:"perfUnit"`
	SampleSeriesLabel string `pulumi:"sampleSeriesLabel"`

Encapsulates the metadata for basic sample series represented by a line chart

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Encapsulates the metadata for basic sample series represented by a line chart

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) ElementType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) PerfMetricType

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) PerfUnit

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) SampleSeriesLabel

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutputWithContext

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel added in v0.4.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel string

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabel) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput

BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelInput is an input type that accepts BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelArgs and BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelInput` via:


type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrInput interface {

	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput
	ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtr added in v0.6.0

func BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtr(v string) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrInput

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput() BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToBasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (BasicPerfSampleSeriesSampleSeriesLabelPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

type Duration

type Duration struct {
	// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos *int `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
	Seconds *string `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

type DurationArgs

type DurationArgs struct {
	// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
	Seconds pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

func (DurationArgs) ElementType

func (DurationArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (DurationArgs) ToDurationOutput

func (i DurationArgs) ToDurationOutput() DurationOutput

func (DurationArgs) ToDurationOutputWithContext

func (i DurationArgs) ToDurationOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationOutput

func (DurationArgs) ToDurationPtrOutput

func (i DurationArgs) ToDurationPtrOutput() DurationPtrOutput

func (DurationArgs) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext

func (i DurationArgs) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationPtrOutput

type DurationInput

type DurationInput interface {

	ToDurationOutput() DurationOutput
	ToDurationOutputWithContext(context.Context) DurationOutput

DurationInput is an input type that accepts DurationArgs and DurationOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `DurationInput` via:


type DurationOutput

type DurationOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

func (DurationOutput) ElementType

func (DurationOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (DurationOutput) Nanos

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

func (DurationOutput) Seconds

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years

func (DurationOutput) ToDurationOutput

func (o DurationOutput) ToDurationOutput() DurationOutput

func (DurationOutput) ToDurationOutputWithContext

func (o DurationOutput) ToDurationOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationOutput

func (DurationOutput) ToDurationPtrOutput

func (o DurationOutput) ToDurationPtrOutput() DurationPtrOutput

func (DurationOutput) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext

func (o DurationOutput) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationPtrOutput

type DurationPtrInput

type DurationPtrInput interface {

	ToDurationPtrOutput() DurationPtrOutput
	ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) DurationPtrOutput

DurationPtrInput is an input type that accepts DurationArgs, DurationPtr and DurationPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `DurationPtrInput` via:




func DurationPtr

func DurationPtr(v *DurationArgs) DurationPtrInput

type DurationPtrOutput

type DurationPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (DurationPtrOutput) Elem

func (DurationPtrOutput) ElementType

func (DurationPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (DurationPtrOutput) Nanos

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

func (DurationPtrOutput) Seconds

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years

func (DurationPtrOutput) ToDurationPtrOutput

func (o DurationPtrOutput) ToDurationPtrOutput() DurationPtrOutput

func (DurationPtrOutput) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext

func (o DurationPtrOutput) ToDurationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationPtrOutput

type DurationResponse

type DurationResponse struct {
	// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos int `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
	Seconds string `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

type DurationResponseOutput

type DurationResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

func (DurationResponseOutput) ElementType

func (DurationResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (DurationResponseOutput) Nanos

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

func (DurationResponseOutput) Seconds

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years

func (DurationResponseOutput) ToDurationResponseOutput

func (o DurationResponseOutput) ToDurationResponseOutput() DurationResponseOutput

func (DurationResponseOutput) ToDurationResponseOutputWithContext

func (o DurationResponseOutput) ToDurationResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) DurationResponseOutput

type Execution added in v0.3.0

type Execution struct {

	// The time when the Execution status transitioned to COMPLETE. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampResponseOutput `pulumi:"completionTime"`
	// The time when the Execution was created. This value will be set automatically when CreateExecution is called. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampResponseOutput `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// The dimensions along which different steps in this execution may vary. This must remain fixed over the life of the execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set in an update request. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the same name occurs in more than one dimension_definition. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of the list is over 100. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionDefinitions MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput `pulumi:"dimensionDefinitions"`
	// A unique identifier within a History for this Execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create/update request: never set
	ExecutionId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"executionId"`
	// Classify the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomeResponseOutput `pulumi:"outcome"`
	// Lightweight information about execution request. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: optional
	Specification SpecificationResponseOutput `pulumi:"specification"`
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional
	State pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"state"`
	// TestExecution Matrix ID that the TestExecutionService uses. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: never set
	TestExecutionMatrixId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"testExecutionMatrixId"`

Creates an Execution. The returned Execution will have the id set. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the containing History does not exist Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

func GetExecution added in v0.3.0

func GetExecution(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, id pulumi.IDInput, state *ExecutionState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*Execution, error)

GetExecution gets an existing Execution resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).

func NewExecution added in v0.3.0

func NewExecution(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, args *ExecutionArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*Execution, error)

NewExecution registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.

func (*Execution) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (*Execution) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (*Execution) ToExecutionOutput added in v0.3.0

func (i *Execution) ToExecutionOutput() ExecutionOutput

func (*Execution) ToExecutionOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (i *Execution) ToExecutionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionOutput

type ExecutionArgs added in v0.3.0

type ExecutionArgs struct {
	// The time when the Execution status transitioned to COMPLETE. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampPtrInput
	// The time when the Execution was created. This value will be set automatically when CreateExecution is called. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampPtrInput
	// The dimensions along which different steps in this execution may vary. This must remain fixed over the life of the execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set in an update request. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the same name occurs in more than one dimension_definition. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of the list is over 100. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionDefinitions MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayInput
	// A unique identifier within a History for this Execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create/update request: never set
	ExecutionId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	HistoryId   pulumi.StringInput
	// Classify the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomePtrInput
	Project pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// A unique request ID for server to detect duplicated requests. For example, a UUID. Optional, but strongly recommended.
	RequestId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// Lightweight information about execution request. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: optional
	Specification SpecificationPtrInput
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional
	State ExecutionStateEnumPtrInput
	// TestExecution Matrix ID that the TestExecutionService uses. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: never set
	TestExecutionMatrixId pulumi.StringPtrInput

The set of arguments for constructing a Execution resource.

func (ExecutionArgs) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (ExecutionArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type ExecutionInput added in v0.3.0

type ExecutionInput interface {

	ToExecutionOutput() ExecutionOutput
	ToExecutionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionOutput

type ExecutionOutput added in v0.3.0

type ExecutionOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ExecutionOutput) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (ExecutionOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ExecutionOutput) ToExecutionOutput added in v0.3.0

func (o ExecutionOutput) ToExecutionOutput() ExecutionOutput

func (ExecutionOutput) ToExecutionOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (o ExecutionOutput) ToExecutionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionOutput

type ExecutionState added in v0.3.0

type ExecutionState struct {

func (ExecutionState) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (ExecutionState) ElementType() reflect.Type

type ExecutionStateEnum added in v0.4.0

type ExecutionStateEnum string

The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumOutput() ExecutionStateEnumOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput() ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e ExecutionStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type ExecutionStateEnumInput added in v0.6.0

type ExecutionStateEnumInput interface {

	ToExecutionStateEnumOutput() ExecutionStateEnumOutput
	ToExecutionStateEnumOutputWithContext(context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumOutput

ExecutionStateEnumInput is an input type that accepts ExecutionStateEnumArgs and ExecutionStateEnumOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ExecutionStateEnumInput` via:


type ExecutionStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

type ExecutionStateEnumOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumOutput() ExecutionStateEnumOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput() ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type ExecutionStateEnumPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type ExecutionStateEnumPtrInput interface {

	ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput() ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput
	ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func ExecutionStateEnumPtr added in v0.6.0

func ExecutionStateEnumPtr(v string) ExecutionStateEnumPtrInput

type ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput() ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToExecutionStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o ExecutionStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type FailureDetail

type FailureDetail struct {
	// If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.
	Crashed *bool `pulumi:"crashed"`
	// If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.
	DeviceOutOfMemory *bool `pulumi:"deviceOutOfMemory"`
	// If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.
	FailedRoboscript *bool `pulumi:"failedRoboscript"`
	// If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.
	NotInstalled *bool `pulumi:"notInstalled"`
	// If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash *bool `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`
	// If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.
	TimedOut *bool `pulumi:"timedOut"`
	// If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.
	UnableToCrawl *bool `pulumi:"unableToCrawl"`

Details for an outcome with a FAILURE outcome summary.

type FailureDetailArgs

type FailureDetailArgs struct {
	// If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.
	Crashed pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"crashed"`
	// If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.
	DeviceOutOfMemory pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"deviceOutOfMemory"`
	// If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.
	FailedRoboscript pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"failedRoboscript"`
	// If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.
	NotInstalled pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"notInstalled"`
	// If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`
	// If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.
	TimedOut pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"timedOut"`
	// If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.
	UnableToCrawl pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"unableToCrawl"`

Details for an outcome with a FAILURE outcome summary.

func (FailureDetailArgs) ElementType

func (FailureDetailArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailOutput

func (i FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailOutput() FailureDetailOutput

func (FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailOutputWithContext

func (i FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailOutput

func (FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput

func (i FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput() FailureDetailPtrOutput

func (FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (i FailureDetailArgs) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailPtrOutput

type FailureDetailInput

type FailureDetailInput interface {

	ToFailureDetailOutput() FailureDetailOutput
	ToFailureDetailOutputWithContext(context.Context) FailureDetailOutput

FailureDetailInput is an input type that accepts FailureDetailArgs and FailureDetailOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `FailureDetailInput` via:


type FailureDetailOutput

type FailureDetailOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a FAILURE outcome summary.

func (FailureDetailOutput) Crashed

If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.

func (FailureDetailOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory

func (o FailureDetailOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.

func (FailureDetailOutput) ElementType

func (FailureDetailOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FailureDetailOutput) FailedRoboscript

func (o FailureDetailOutput) FailedRoboscript() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.

func (FailureDetailOutput) NotInstalled

func (o FailureDetailOutput) NotInstalled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.

func (FailureDetailOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o FailureDetailOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.

func (FailureDetailOutput) TimedOut

If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.

func (FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailOutput

func (o FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailOutput() FailureDetailOutput

func (FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailOutputWithContext

func (o FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailOutput

func (FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput

func (o FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput() FailureDetailPtrOutput

func (FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o FailureDetailOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailPtrOutput

func (FailureDetailOutput) UnableToCrawl

func (o FailureDetailOutput) UnableToCrawl() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.

type FailureDetailPtrInput

type FailureDetailPtrInput interface {

	ToFailureDetailPtrOutput() FailureDetailPtrOutput
	ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) FailureDetailPtrOutput

FailureDetailPtrInput is an input type that accepts FailureDetailArgs, FailureDetailPtr and FailureDetailPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `FailureDetailPtrInput` via:




type FailureDetailPtrOutput

type FailureDetailPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) Crashed

If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) Elem

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) ElementType

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) FailedRoboscript

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) FailedRoboscript() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) NotInstalled

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) NotInstalled() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) TimedOut

If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutput() FailureDetailPtrOutput

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) ToFailureDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailPtrOutput

func (FailureDetailPtrOutput) UnableToCrawl

func (o FailureDetailPtrOutput) UnableToCrawl() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.

type FailureDetailResponse

type FailureDetailResponse struct {
	// If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.
	Crashed bool `pulumi:"crashed"`
	// If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.
	DeviceOutOfMemory bool `pulumi:"deviceOutOfMemory"`
	// If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.
	FailedRoboscript bool `pulumi:"failedRoboscript"`
	// If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.
	NotInstalled bool `pulumi:"notInstalled"`
	// If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash bool `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`
	// If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.
	TimedOut bool `pulumi:"timedOut"`
	// If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.
	UnableToCrawl bool `pulumi:"unableToCrawl"`

Details for an outcome with a FAILURE outcome summary.

type FailureDetailResponseOutput

type FailureDetailResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a FAILURE outcome summary.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) Crashed

If the failure was severe because the system (app) under test crashed.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) DeviceOutOfMemory() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the device ran out of memory during a test, causing the test to crash.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) ElementType

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) FailedRoboscript

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) FailedRoboscript() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the Roboscript failed to complete successfully, e.g., because a Roboscript action or assertion failed or a Roboscript action could not be matched during the entire crawl.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) NotInstalled

If an app is not installed and thus no test can be run with the app. This might be caused by trying to run a test on an unsupported platform.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolOutput

If a native process (including any other than the app) crashed.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) TimedOut

If the test overran some time limit, and that is why it failed.

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) ToFailureDetailResponseOutput

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) ToFailureDetailResponseOutput() FailureDetailResponseOutput

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) ToFailureDetailResponseOutputWithContext

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) ToFailureDetailResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FailureDetailResponseOutput

func (FailureDetailResponseOutput) UnableToCrawl

func (o FailureDetailResponseOutput) UnableToCrawl() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the robo was unable to crawl the app; perhaps because the app did not start.

type FileReference

type FileReference struct {
	// The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	FileUri *string `pulumi:"fileUri"`

A reference to a file.

type FileReferenceArgs

type FileReferenceArgs struct {
	// The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	FileUri pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"fileUri"`

A reference to a file.

func (FileReferenceArgs) ElementType

func (FileReferenceArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferenceOutput

func (i FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferenceOutput() FileReferenceOutput

func (FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferenceOutputWithContext

func (i FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceOutput

func (FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferencePtrOutput

func (i FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferencePtrOutput() FileReferencePtrOutput

func (FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (i FileReferenceArgs) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferencePtrOutput

type FileReferenceArray

type FileReferenceArray []FileReferenceInput

func (FileReferenceArray) ElementType

func (FileReferenceArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FileReferenceArray) ToFileReferenceArrayOutput

func (i FileReferenceArray) ToFileReferenceArrayOutput() FileReferenceArrayOutput

func (FileReferenceArray) ToFileReferenceArrayOutputWithContext

func (i FileReferenceArray) ToFileReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceArrayOutput

type FileReferenceArrayInput

type FileReferenceArrayInput interface {

	ToFileReferenceArrayOutput() FileReferenceArrayOutput
	ToFileReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) FileReferenceArrayOutput

FileReferenceArrayInput is an input type that accepts FileReferenceArray and FileReferenceArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `FileReferenceArrayInput` via:

FileReferenceArray{ FileReferenceArgs{...} }

type FileReferenceArrayOutput

type FileReferenceArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (FileReferenceArrayOutput) ElementType

func (FileReferenceArrayOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FileReferenceArrayOutput) Index

func (FileReferenceArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceArrayOutput

func (o FileReferenceArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceArrayOutput() FileReferenceArrayOutput

func (FileReferenceArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceArrayOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferenceArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceArrayOutput

type FileReferenceInput

type FileReferenceInput interface {

	ToFileReferenceOutput() FileReferenceOutput
	ToFileReferenceOutputWithContext(context.Context) FileReferenceOutput

FileReferenceInput is an input type that accepts FileReferenceArgs and FileReferenceOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `FileReferenceInput` via:


type FileReferenceOutput

type FileReferenceOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a file.

func (FileReferenceOutput) ElementType

func (FileReferenceOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FileReferenceOutput) FileUri

The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferenceOutput

func (o FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferenceOutput() FileReferenceOutput

func (FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferenceOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceOutput

func (FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutput

func (o FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutput() FileReferencePtrOutput

func (FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferenceOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferencePtrOutput

type FileReferencePtrInput

type FileReferencePtrInput interface {

	ToFileReferencePtrOutput() FileReferencePtrOutput
	ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) FileReferencePtrOutput

FileReferencePtrInput is an input type that accepts FileReferenceArgs, FileReferencePtr and FileReferencePtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `FileReferencePtrInput` via:




type FileReferencePtrOutput

type FileReferencePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) Elem

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) ElementType

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) FileUri

The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutput

func (o FileReferencePtrOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutput() FileReferencePtrOutput

func (FileReferencePtrOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferencePtrOutput) ToFileReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferencePtrOutput

type FileReferenceResponse

type FileReferenceResponse struct {
	// The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	FileUri string `pulumi:"fileUri"`

A reference to a file.

type FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput

type FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseArrayOutput

func (o FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseArrayOutput() FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput

func (FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceResponseArrayOutput

type FileReferenceResponseOutput

type FileReferenceResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a file.

func (FileReferenceResponseOutput) ElementType

func (FileReferenceResponseOutput) FileUri

The URI of a file stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example: http://storage.googleapis.com/mybucket/path/to/test.xml or in gsutil format: gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml with version-specific info, gs://mybucket/path/to/test.xml#1360383693690000 An INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned if the URI format is not supported. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (FileReferenceResponseOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseOutput

func (o FileReferenceResponseOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseOutput() FileReferenceResponseOutput

func (FileReferenceResponseOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseOutputWithContext

func (o FileReferenceResponseOutput) ToFileReferenceResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) FileReferenceResponseOutput

type History

type History struct {

	// A short human-readable (plain text) name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. - In response: present if set during create. - In create request: optional
	DisplayName pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"displayName"`
	// A unique identifier within a project for this History. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create request: never set
	HistoryId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"historyId"`
	// A name to uniquely identify a history within a project. Maximum of 200 characters. - In response always set - In create request: always set
	Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"`
	// The platform of the test history. - In response: always set. Returns the platform of the last execution if unknown.
	TestPlatform pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"testPlatform"`

Creates a History. The returned History will have the id set. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the containing project does not exist Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

func GetHistory

func GetHistory(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, id pulumi.IDInput, state *HistoryState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*History, error)

GetHistory gets an existing History resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).

func NewHistory

func NewHistory(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, args *HistoryArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*History, error)

NewHistory registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.

func (*History) ElementType

func (*History) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (*History) ToHistoryOutput

func (i *History) ToHistoryOutput() HistoryOutput

func (*History) ToHistoryOutputWithContext

func (i *History) ToHistoryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryOutput

type HistoryArgs

type HistoryArgs struct {
	// A short human-readable (plain text) name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. - In response: present if set during create. - In create request: optional
	DisplayName pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// A unique identifier within a project for this History. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create request: never set
	HistoryId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// A name to uniquely identify a history within a project. Maximum of 200 characters. - In response always set - In create request: always set
	Name    pulumi.StringPtrInput
	Project pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// A unique request ID for server to detect duplicated requests. For example, a UUID. Optional, but strongly recommended.
	RequestId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// The platform of the test history. - In response: always set. Returns the platform of the last execution if unknown.
	TestPlatform HistoryTestPlatformPtrInput

The set of arguments for constructing a History resource.

func (HistoryArgs) ElementType

func (HistoryArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type HistoryInput

type HistoryInput interface {

	ToHistoryOutput() HistoryOutput
	ToHistoryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryOutput

type HistoryOutput

type HistoryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (HistoryOutput) ElementType

func (HistoryOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (HistoryOutput) ToHistoryOutput

func (o HistoryOutput) ToHistoryOutput() HistoryOutput

func (HistoryOutput) ToHistoryOutputWithContext

func (o HistoryOutput) ToHistoryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryOutput

type HistoryState

type HistoryState struct {

func (HistoryState) ElementType

func (HistoryState) ElementType() reflect.Type

type HistoryTestPlatform added in v0.4.0

type HistoryTestPlatform string

The platform of the test history. - In response: always set. Returns the platform of the last execution if unknown.

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutput() HistoryTestPlatformOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput() HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e HistoryTestPlatform) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type HistoryTestPlatformInput added in v0.6.0

type HistoryTestPlatformInput interface {

	ToHistoryTestPlatformOutput() HistoryTestPlatformOutput
	ToHistoryTestPlatformOutputWithContext(context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformOutput

HistoryTestPlatformInput is an input type that accepts HistoryTestPlatformArgs and HistoryTestPlatformOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `HistoryTestPlatformInput` via:


type HistoryTestPlatformOutput added in v0.6.0

type HistoryTestPlatformOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutput() HistoryTestPlatformOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput() HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type HistoryTestPlatformPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type HistoryTestPlatformPtrInput interface {

	ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput() HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput
	ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func HistoryTestPlatformPtr added in v0.6.0

func HistoryTestPlatformPtr(v string) HistoryTestPlatformPtrInput

type HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput() HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToHistoryTestPlatformPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o HistoryTestPlatformPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type InconclusiveDetail

type InconclusiveDetail struct {
	// If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.
	AbortedByUser *bool `pulumi:"abortedByUser"`
	// If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures
	HasErrorLogs *bool `pulumi:"hasErrorLogs"`
	// If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.
	InfrastructureFailure *bool `pulumi:"infrastructureFailure"`

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.

type InconclusiveDetailArgs

type InconclusiveDetailArgs struct {
	// If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.
	AbortedByUser pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"abortedByUser"`
	// If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures
	HasErrorLogs pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"hasErrorLogs"`
	// If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.
	InfrastructureFailure pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"infrastructureFailure"`

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ElementType

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailOutput

func (i InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailOutput() InconclusiveDetailOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailOutputWithContext

func (i InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (i InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (i InconclusiveDetailArgs) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

type InconclusiveDetailInput

type InconclusiveDetailInput interface {

	ToInconclusiveDetailOutput() InconclusiveDetailOutput
	ToInconclusiveDetailOutputWithContext(context.Context) InconclusiveDetailOutput

InconclusiveDetailInput is an input type that accepts InconclusiveDetailArgs and InconclusiveDetailOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `InconclusiveDetailInput` via:


type InconclusiveDetailOutput

type InconclusiveDetailOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) AbortedByUser

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) AbortedByUser() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ElementType

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) HasErrorLogs

If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) InfrastructureFailure

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) InfrastructureFailure() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailOutput

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailOutput() InconclusiveDetailOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailOutputWithContext

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o InconclusiveDetailOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

type InconclusiveDetailPtrInput

type InconclusiveDetailPtrInput interface {

	ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput
	ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

InconclusiveDetailPtrInput is an input type that accepts InconclusiveDetailArgs, InconclusiveDetailPtr and InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `InconclusiveDetailPtrInput` via:




type InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

type InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) AbortedByUser

If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) Elem

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) ElementType

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) HasErrorLogs

If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) InfrastructureFailure

func (o InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) InfrastructureFailure() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (o InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutput() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

type InconclusiveDetailResponse

type InconclusiveDetailResponse struct {
	// If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.
	AbortedByUser bool `pulumi:"abortedByUser"`
	// If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures
	HasErrorLogs bool `pulumi:"hasErrorLogs"`
	// If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.
	InfrastructureFailure bool `pulumi:"infrastructureFailure"`

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.

type InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput

type InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) AbortedByUser

If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) ElementType

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) HasErrorLogs

If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) InfrastructureFailure

func (o InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) InfrastructureFailure() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailResponseOutput

func (o InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailResponseOutput() InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput

func (InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailResponseOutputWithContext

func (o InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput) ToInconclusiveDetailResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) InconclusiveDetailResponseOutput

type IndividualOutcome

type IndividualOutcome struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber *int                             `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	OutcomeSummary  *IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary `pulumi:"outcomeSummary"`
	// How long it took for this step to run.
	RunDuration *Duration `pulumi:"runDuration"`
	StepId      *string   `pulumi:"stepId"`

Step Id and outcome of each individual step that was run as a group with other steps with the same configuration.

type IndividualOutcomeArgs

type IndividualOutcomeArgs struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber pulumi.IntPtrInput                      `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	OutcomeSummary  IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrInput `pulumi:"outcomeSummary"`
	// How long it took for this step to run.
	RunDuration DurationPtrInput      `pulumi:"runDuration"`
	StepId      pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"stepId"`

Step Id and outcome of each individual step that was run as a group with other steps with the same configuration.

func (IndividualOutcomeArgs) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IndividualOutcomeArgs) ToIndividualOutcomeOutput

func (i IndividualOutcomeArgs) ToIndividualOutcomeOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeArgs) ToIndividualOutcomeOutputWithContext

func (i IndividualOutcomeArgs) ToIndividualOutcomeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutput

type IndividualOutcomeArray

type IndividualOutcomeArray []IndividualOutcomeInput

func (IndividualOutcomeArray) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IndividualOutcomeArray) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

func (i IndividualOutcomeArray) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutput() IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeArray) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutputWithContext

func (i IndividualOutcomeArray) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

type IndividualOutcomeArrayInput

type IndividualOutcomeArrayInput interface {

	ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutput() IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput
	ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

IndividualOutcomeArrayInput is an input type that accepts IndividualOutcomeArray and IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IndividualOutcomeArrayInput` via:

IndividualOutcomeArray{ IndividualOutcomeArgs{...} }

type IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

type IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) Index

func (IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

func (o IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutput() IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutputWithContext

func (o IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

type IndividualOutcomeInput

type IndividualOutcomeInput interface {

	ToIndividualOutcomeOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutput
	ToIndividualOutcomeOutputWithContext(context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutput

IndividualOutcomeInput is an input type that accepts IndividualOutcomeArgs and IndividualOutcomeOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IndividualOutcomeInput` via:


type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary added in v0.4.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary string

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryInput added in v0.6.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryInput interface {

	ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput
	ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput

IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryInput is an input type that accepts IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryArgs and IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryInput` via:


type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrInput interface {

	ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput
	ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtr added in v0.6.0

func IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtr(v string) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrInput

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (IndividualOutcomeOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

type IndividualOutcomeOutput

type IndividualOutcomeOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Step Id and outcome of each individual step that was run as a group with other steps with the same configuration.

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) MultistepNumber

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutput) MultistepNumber() pulumi.IntPtrOutput

Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) OutcomeSummary

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) RunDuration

How long it took for this step to run.

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) StepId

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutput

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutput() IndividualOutcomeOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutputWithContext

func (o IndividualOutcomeOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeOutput

type IndividualOutcomeResponse

type IndividualOutcomeResponse struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber int    `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	OutcomeSummary  string `pulumi:"outcomeSummary"`
	// How long it took for this step to run.
	RunDuration DurationResponse `pulumi:"runDuration"`
	StepId      string           `pulumi:"stepId"`

Step Id and outcome of each individual step that was run as a group with other steps with the same configuration.

type IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput

type IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput

func (o IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput() IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeResponseArrayOutput

type IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput

type IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Step Id and outcome of each individual step that was run as a group with other steps with the same configuration.

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) MultistepNumber

func (o IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) MultistepNumber() pulumi.IntOutput

Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) OutcomeSummary

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) RunDuration

How long it took for this step to run.

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) StepId

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseOutput

func (o IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseOutput() IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput

func (IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput) ToIndividualOutcomeResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IndividualOutcomeResponseOutput

type IosAppInfo

type IosAppInfo struct {
	// The name of the app. Required
	Name *string `pulumi:"name"`

iOS app information

type IosAppInfoArgs

type IosAppInfoArgs struct {
	// The name of the app. Required
	Name pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"name"`

iOS app information

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ElementType

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoOutput

func (i IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoOutput() IosAppInfoOutput

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoOutputWithContext

func (i IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoOutput

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (i IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput() IosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (i IosAppInfoArgs) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoPtrOutput

type IosAppInfoInput

type IosAppInfoInput interface {

	ToIosAppInfoOutput() IosAppInfoOutput
	ToIosAppInfoOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosAppInfoOutput

IosAppInfoInput is an input type that accepts IosAppInfoArgs and IosAppInfoOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosAppInfoInput` via:


type IosAppInfoOutput

type IosAppInfoOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

iOS app information

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ElementType

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosAppInfoOutput) Name

The name of the app. Required

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoOutput

func (o IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoOutput() IosAppInfoOutput

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoOutputWithContext

func (o IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoOutput

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (o IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput() IosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosAppInfoOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoPtrOutput

type IosAppInfoPtrInput

type IosAppInfoPtrInput interface {

	ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput() IosAppInfoPtrOutput
	ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosAppInfoPtrOutput

IosAppInfoPtrInput is an input type that accepts IosAppInfoArgs, IosAppInfoPtr and IosAppInfoPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosAppInfoPtrInput` via:




func IosAppInfoPtr

func IosAppInfoPtr(v *IosAppInfoArgs) IosAppInfoPtrInput

type IosAppInfoPtrOutput

type IosAppInfoPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) Elem

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ElementType

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) Name

The name of the app. Required

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (o IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutput() IosAppInfoPtrOutput

func (IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosAppInfoPtrOutput) ToIosAppInfoPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoPtrOutput

type IosAppInfoResponse

type IosAppInfoResponse struct {
	// The name of the app. Required
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`

iOS app information

type IosAppInfoResponseOutput

type IosAppInfoResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

iOS app information

func (IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosAppInfoResponseOutput) Name

The name of the app. Required

func (IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ToIosAppInfoResponseOutput

func (o IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ToIosAppInfoResponseOutput() IosAppInfoResponseOutput

func (IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ToIosAppInfoResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IosAppInfoResponseOutput) ToIosAppInfoResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosAppInfoResponseOutput

type IosRoboTest

type IosRoboTest struct {

A Robo test for an iOS application.

type IosRoboTestArgs

type IosRoboTestArgs struct {

A Robo test for an iOS application.

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ElementType

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestOutput

func (i IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestOutput() IosRoboTestOutput

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestOutputWithContext

func (i IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestOutput

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (i IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput() IosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i IosRoboTestArgs) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestPtrOutput

type IosRoboTestInput

type IosRoboTestInput interface {

	ToIosRoboTestOutput() IosRoboTestOutput
	ToIosRoboTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosRoboTestOutput

IosRoboTestInput is an input type that accepts IosRoboTestArgs and IosRoboTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosRoboTestInput` via:


type IosRoboTestOutput

type IosRoboTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Robo test for an iOS application.

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ElementType

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestOutput

func (o IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestOutput() IosRoboTestOutput

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestOutputWithContext

func (o IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestOutput

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (o IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput() IosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosRoboTestOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestPtrOutput

type IosRoboTestPtrInput

type IosRoboTestPtrInput interface {

	ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput() IosRoboTestPtrOutput
	ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosRoboTestPtrOutput

IosRoboTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts IosRoboTestArgs, IosRoboTestPtr and IosRoboTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosRoboTestPtrInput` via:




func IosRoboTestPtr

func IosRoboTestPtr(v *IosRoboTestArgs) IosRoboTestPtrInput

type IosRoboTestPtrOutput

type IosRoboTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IosRoboTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (o IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutput() IosRoboTestPtrOutput

func (IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosRoboTestPtrOutput) ToIosRoboTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestPtrOutput

type IosRoboTestResponse

type IosRoboTestResponse struct {

A Robo test for an iOS application.

type IosRoboTestResponseOutput

type IosRoboTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Robo test for an iOS application.

func (IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ToIosRoboTestResponseOutput

func (o IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ToIosRoboTestResponseOutput() IosRoboTestResponseOutput

func (IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ToIosRoboTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IosRoboTestResponseOutput) ToIosRoboTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosRoboTestResponseOutput

type IosTest

type IosTest struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	IosAppInfo *IosAppInfo `pulumi:"iosAppInfo"`
	// An iOS Robo test.
	IosRoboTest *IosRoboTest `pulumi:"iosRoboTest"`
	// An iOS test loop.
	IosTestLoop *IosTestLoop `pulumi:"iosTestLoop"`
	// An iOS XCTest.
	IosXcTest *IosXcTest `pulumi:"iosXcTest"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout *Duration `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

A iOS mobile test specification

type IosTestArgs

type IosTestArgs struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	IosAppInfo IosAppInfoPtrInput `pulumi:"iosAppInfo"`
	// An iOS Robo test.
	IosRoboTest IosRoboTestPtrInput `pulumi:"iosRoboTest"`
	// An iOS test loop.
	IosTestLoop IosTestLoopPtrInput `pulumi:"iosTestLoop"`
	// An iOS XCTest.
	IosXcTest IosXcTestPtrInput `pulumi:"iosXcTest"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout DurationPtrInput `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

A iOS mobile test specification

func (IosTestArgs) ElementType

func (IosTestArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestArgs) ToIosTestOutput

func (i IosTestArgs) ToIosTestOutput() IosTestOutput

func (IosTestArgs) ToIosTestOutputWithContext

func (i IosTestArgs) ToIosTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestOutput

func (IosTestArgs) ToIosTestPtrOutput

func (i IosTestArgs) ToIosTestPtrOutput() IosTestPtrOutput

func (IosTestArgs) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i IosTestArgs) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestPtrOutput

type IosTestInput

type IosTestInput interface {

	ToIosTestOutput() IosTestOutput
	ToIosTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosTestOutput

IosTestInput is an input type that accepts IosTestArgs and IosTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosTestInput` via:


type IosTestLoop

type IosTestLoop struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId *string `pulumi:"bundleId"`

A game loop test of an iOS application.

type IosTestLoopArgs

type IosTestLoopArgs struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"bundleId"`

A game loop test of an iOS application.

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ElementType

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopOutput

func (i IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopOutput() IosTestLoopOutput

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopOutputWithContext

func (i IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopOutput

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (i IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput() IosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (i IosTestLoopArgs) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopPtrOutput

type IosTestLoopInput

type IosTestLoopInput interface {

	ToIosTestLoopOutput() IosTestLoopOutput
	ToIosTestLoopOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosTestLoopOutput

IosTestLoopInput is an input type that accepts IosTestLoopArgs and IosTestLoopOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosTestLoopInput` via:


type IosTestLoopOutput

type IosTestLoopOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A game loop test of an iOS application.

func (IosTestLoopOutput) BundleId

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopOutput

func (o IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopOutput() IosTestLoopOutput

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopOutput

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (o IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput() IosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestLoopOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopPtrOutput

type IosTestLoopPtrInput

type IosTestLoopPtrInput interface {

	ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput() IosTestLoopPtrOutput
	ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosTestLoopPtrOutput

IosTestLoopPtrInput is an input type that accepts IosTestLoopArgs, IosTestLoopPtr and IosTestLoopPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosTestLoopPtrInput` via:




func IosTestLoopPtr

func IosTestLoopPtr(v *IosTestLoopArgs) IosTestLoopPtrInput

type IosTestLoopPtrOutput

type IosTestLoopPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) BundleId

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) Elem

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (o IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutput() IosTestLoopPtrOutput

func (IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestLoopPtrOutput) ToIosTestLoopPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopPtrOutput

type IosTestLoopResponse

type IosTestLoopResponse struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId string `pulumi:"bundleId"`

A game loop test of an iOS application.

type IosTestLoopResponseOutput

type IosTestLoopResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A game loop test of an iOS application.

func (IosTestLoopResponseOutput) BundleId

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ToIosTestLoopResponseOutput

func (o IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ToIosTestLoopResponseOutput() IosTestLoopResponseOutput

func (IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ToIosTestLoopResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestLoopResponseOutput) ToIosTestLoopResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestLoopResponseOutput

type IosTestOutput

type IosTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A iOS mobile test specification

func (IosTestOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestOutput) IosAppInfo

func (o IosTestOutput) IosAppInfo() IosAppInfoPtrOutput

Information about the application under test.

func (IosTestOutput) IosRoboTest

func (o IosTestOutput) IosRoboTest() IosRoboTestPtrOutput

An iOS Robo test.

func (IosTestOutput) IosTestLoop

func (o IosTestOutput) IosTestLoop() IosTestLoopPtrOutput

An iOS test loop.

func (IosTestOutput) IosXcTest

func (o IosTestOutput) IosXcTest() IosXcTestPtrOutput

An iOS XCTest.

func (IosTestOutput) TestTimeout

func (o IosTestOutput) TestTimeout() DurationPtrOutput

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (IosTestOutput) ToIosTestOutput

func (o IosTestOutput) ToIosTestOutput() IosTestOutput

func (IosTestOutput) ToIosTestOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestOutput) ToIosTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestOutput

func (IosTestOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutput

func (o IosTestOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutput() IosTestPtrOutput

func (IosTestOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestPtrOutput

type IosTestPtrInput

type IosTestPtrInput interface {

	ToIosTestPtrOutput() IosTestPtrOutput
	ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosTestPtrOutput

IosTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts IosTestArgs, IosTestPtr and IosTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosTestPtrInput` via:




func IosTestPtr

func IosTestPtr(v *IosTestArgs) IosTestPtrInput

type IosTestPtrOutput

type IosTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IosTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (IosTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestPtrOutput) IosAppInfo

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) IosAppInfo() IosAppInfoPtrOutput

Information about the application under test.

func (IosTestPtrOutput) IosRoboTest

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) IosRoboTest() IosRoboTestPtrOutput

An iOS Robo test.

func (IosTestPtrOutput) IosTestLoop

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) IosTestLoop() IosTestLoopPtrOutput

An iOS test loop.

func (IosTestPtrOutput) IosXcTest

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) IosXcTest() IosXcTestPtrOutput

An iOS XCTest.

func (IosTestPtrOutput) TestTimeout

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) TestTimeout() DurationPtrOutput

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (IosTestPtrOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutput

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutput() IosTestPtrOutput

func (IosTestPtrOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestPtrOutput) ToIosTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestPtrOutput

type IosTestResponse

type IosTestResponse struct {
	// Information about the application under test.
	IosAppInfo IosAppInfoResponse `pulumi:"iosAppInfo"`
	// An iOS Robo test.
	IosRoboTest IosRoboTestResponse `pulumi:"iosRoboTest"`
	// An iOS test loop.
	IosTestLoop IosTestLoopResponse `pulumi:"iosTestLoop"`
	// An iOS XCTest.
	IosXcTest IosXcTestResponse `pulumi:"iosXcTest"`
	// Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
	TestTimeout DurationResponse `pulumi:"testTimeout"`

A iOS mobile test specification

type IosTestResponseOutput

type IosTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A iOS mobile test specification

func (IosTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IosTestResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosTestResponseOutput) IosAppInfo

Information about the application under test.

func (IosTestResponseOutput) IosRoboTest

An iOS Robo test.

func (IosTestResponseOutput) IosTestLoop

An iOS test loop.

func (IosTestResponseOutput) IosXcTest

An iOS XCTest.

func (IosTestResponseOutput) TestTimeout

Max time a test is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.

func (IosTestResponseOutput) ToIosTestResponseOutput

func (o IosTestResponseOutput) ToIosTestResponseOutput() IosTestResponseOutput

func (IosTestResponseOutput) ToIosTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IosTestResponseOutput) ToIosTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosTestResponseOutput

type IosXcTest

type IosXcTest struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId *string `pulumi:"bundleId"`
	// Xcode version that the test was run with.
	XcodeVersion *string `pulumi:"xcodeVersion"`

A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.

type IosXcTestArgs

type IosXcTestArgs struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"bundleId"`
	// Xcode version that the test was run with.
	XcodeVersion pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"xcodeVersion"`

A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.

func (IosXcTestArgs) ElementType

func (IosXcTestArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestOutput

func (i IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestOutput() IosXcTestOutput

func (IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestOutputWithContext

func (i IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestOutput

func (IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput

func (i IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput() IosXcTestPtrOutput

func (IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (i IosXcTestArgs) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestPtrOutput

type IosXcTestInput

type IosXcTestInput interface {

	ToIosXcTestOutput() IosXcTestOutput
	ToIosXcTestOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosXcTestOutput

IosXcTestInput is an input type that accepts IosXcTestArgs and IosXcTestOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosXcTestInput` via:


type IosXcTestOutput

type IosXcTestOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.

func (IosXcTestOutput) BundleId

func (o IosXcTestOutput) BundleId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosXcTestOutput) ElementType

func (IosXcTestOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestOutput

func (o IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestOutput() IosXcTestOutput

func (IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestOutputWithContext

func (o IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestOutput

func (IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput

func (o IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput() IosXcTestPtrOutput

func (IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosXcTestOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestPtrOutput

func (IosXcTestOutput) XcodeVersion

func (o IosXcTestOutput) XcodeVersion() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Xcode version that the test was run with.

type IosXcTestPtrInput

type IosXcTestPtrInput interface {

	ToIosXcTestPtrOutput() IosXcTestPtrOutput
	ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) IosXcTestPtrOutput

IosXcTestPtrInput is an input type that accepts IosXcTestArgs, IosXcTestPtr and IosXcTestPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `IosXcTestPtrInput` via:




func IosXcTestPtr

func IosXcTestPtr(v *IosXcTestArgs) IosXcTestPtrInput

type IosXcTestPtrOutput

type IosXcTestPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) BundleId

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) Elem

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) ElementType

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput

func (o IosXcTestPtrOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutput() IosXcTestPtrOutput

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext

func (o IosXcTestPtrOutput) ToIosXcTestPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestPtrOutput

func (IosXcTestPtrOutput) XcodeVersion

func (o IosXcTestPtrOutput) XcodeVersion() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Xcode version that the test was run with.

type IosXcTestResponse

type IosXcTestResponse struct {
	// Bundle ID of the app.
	BundleId string `pulumi:"bundleId"`
	// Xcode version that the test was run with.
	XcodeVersion string `pulumi:"xcodeVersion"`

A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.

type IosXcTestResponseOutput

type IosXcTestResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) BundleId

Bundle ID of the app.

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) ElementType

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) ToIosXcTestResponseOutput

func (o IosXcTestResponseOutput) ToIosXcTestResponseOutput() IosXcTestResponseOutput

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) ToIosXcTestResponseOutputWithContext

func (o IosXcTestResponseOutput) ToIosXcTestResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) IosXcTestResponseOutput

func (IosXcTestResponseOutput) XcodeVersion

func (o IosXcTestResponseOutput) XcodeVersion() pulumi.StringOutput

Xcode version that the test was run with.

type LookupExecutionArgs added in v0.4.0

type LookupExecutionArgs struct {
	ExecutionId string  `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId   string  `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project     *string `pulumi:"project"`

type LookupExecutionOutputArgs added in v0.8.0

type LookupExecutionOutputArgs struct {
	ExecutionId pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId   pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project     pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"project"`

func (LookupExecutionOutputArgs) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupExecutionOutputArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type LookupExecutionResult added in v0.4.0

type LookupExecutionResult struct {
	// The time when the Execution status transitioned to COMPLETE. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampResponse `pulumi:"completionTime"`
	// The time when the Execution was created. This value will be set automatically when CreateExecution is called. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampResponse `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// The dimensions along which different steps in this execution may vary. This must remain fixed over the life of the execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set in an update request. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the same name occurs in more than one dimension_definition. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of the list is over 100. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionDefinitions []MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponse `pulumi:"dimensionDefinitions"`
	// A unique identifier within a History for this Execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create/update request: never set
	ExecutionId string `pulumi:"executionId"`
	// Classify the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomeResponse `pulumi:"outcome"`
	// Lightweight information about execution request. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: optional
	Specification SpecificationResponse `pulumi:"specification"`
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional
	State string `pulumi:"state"`
	// TestExecution Matrix ID that the TestExecutionService uses. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: never set
	TestExecutionMatrixId string `pulumi:"testExecutionMatrixId"`

func LookupExecution added in v0.4.0

func LookupExecution(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupExecutionArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupExecutionResult, error)

Gets an Execution. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the Execution does not exist

type LookupExecutionResultOutput added in v0.8.0

type LookupExecutionResultOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func LookupExecutionOutput added in v0.8.0

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) CompletionTime added in v0.8.0

The time when the Execution status transitioned to COMPLETE. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) CreationTime added in v0.8.0

The time when the Execution was created. This value will be set automatically when CreateExecution is called. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) DimensionDefinitions added in v0.8.0

The dimensions along which different steps in this execution may vary. This must remain fixed over the life of the execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set in an update request. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the same name occurs in more than one dimension_definition. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of the list is over 100. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) ExecutionId added in v0.8.0

A unique identifier within a History for this Execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) Outcome added in v0.8.0

Classify the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) Specification added in v0.8.0

Lightweight information about execution request. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: optional

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) State added in v0.8.0

The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) TestExecutionMatrixId added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupExecutionResultOutput) TestExecutionMatrixId() pulumi.StringOutput

TestExecution Matrix ID that the TestExecutionService uses. - In response: present if set by create - In create: optional - In update: never set

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) ToLookupExecutionResultOutput added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupExecutionResultOutput) ToLookupExecutionResultOutput() LookupExecutionResultOutput

func (LookupExecutionResultOutput) ToLookupExecutionResultOutputWithContext added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupExecutionResultOutput) ToLookupExecutionResultOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) LookupExecutionResultOutput

type LookupHistoryArgs added in v0.4.0

type LookupHistoryArgs struct {
	HistoryId string  `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project   *string `pulumi:"project"`

type LookupHistoryOutputArgs added in v0.8.0

type LookupHistoryOutputArgs struct {
	HistoryId pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project   pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"project"`

func (LookupHistoryOutputArgs) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupHistoryOutputArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type LookupHistoryResult added in v0.4.0

type LookupHistoryResult struct {
	// A short human-readable (plain text) name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. - In response: present if set during create. - In create request: optional
	DisplayName string `pulumi:"displayName"`
	// A unique identifier within a project for this History. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create request: never set
	HistoryId string `pulumi:"historyId"`
	// A name to uniquely identify a history within a project. Maximum of 200 characters. - In response always set - In create request: always set
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`
	// The platform of the test history. - In response: always set. Returns the platform of the last execution if unknown.
	TestPlatform string `pulumi:"testPlatform"`

func LookupHistory added in v0.4.0

func LookupHistory(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupHistoryArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupHistoryResult, error)

Gets a History. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to read project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the History does not exist

type LookupHistoryResultOutput added in v0.8.0

type LookupHistoryResultOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func LookupHistoryOutput added in v0.8.0

func LookupHistoryOutput(ctx *pulumi.Context, args LookupHistoryOutputArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) LookupHistoryResultOutput

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) DisplayName added in v0.8.0

A short human-readable (plain text) name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. - In response: present if set during create. - In create request: optional

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) HistoryId added in v0.8.0

A unique identifier within a project for this History. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response always set - In create request: never set

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) Name added in v0.8.0

A name to uniquely identify a history within a project. Maximum of 200 characters. - In response always set - In create request: always set

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) TestPlatform added in v0.8.0

The platform of the test history. - In response: always set. Returns the platform of the last execution if unknown.

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) ToLookupHistoryResultOutput added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupHistoryResultOutput) ToLookupHistoryResultOutput() LookupHistoryResultOutput

func (LookupHistoryResultOutput) ToLookupHistoryResultOutputWithContext added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupHistoryResultOutput) ToLookupHistoryResultOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) LookupHistoryResultOutput

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesArgs added in v0.4.0

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesArgs struct {
	ExecutionId    string  `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId      string  `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project        *string `pulumi:"project"`
	SampleSeriesId string  `pulumi:"sampleSeriesId"`
	StepId         string  `pulumi:"stepId"`

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesOutputArgs added in v0.8.0

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesOutputArgs struct {
	ExecutionId    pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId      pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project        pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"project"`
	SampleSeriesId pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"sampleSeriesId"`
	StepId         pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"stepId"`

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesOutputArgs) ElementType added in v0.8.0

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesResult added in v0.4.0

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesResult struct {
	// Basic series represented by a line chart
	BasicPerfSampleSeries BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponse `pulumi:"basicPerfSampleSeries"`
	// A tool results execution ID.
	ExecutionId string `pulumi:"executionId"`
	// A tool results history ID.
	HistoryId string `pulumi:"historyId"`
	// The cloud project
	Project string `pulumi:"project"`
	// A sample series id
	SampleSeriesId string `pulumi:"sampleSeriesId"`
	// A tool results step ID.
	StepId string `pulumi:"stepId"`

func LookupPerfSampleSeries added in v0.4.0

func LookupPerfSampleSeries(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupPerfSampleSeriesArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupPerfSampleSeriesResult, error)

Gets a PerfSampleSeries. May return any of the following error code(s): - NOT_FOUND - The specified PerfSampleSeries does not exist

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput added in v0.8.0

type LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func LookupPerfSampleSeriesOutput added in v0.8.0

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) BasicPerfSampleSeries added in v0.8.0

Basic series represented by a line chart

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ExecutionId added in v0.8.0

A tool results execution ID.

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) HistoryId added in v0.8.0

A tool results history ID.

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) Project added in v0.8.0

The cloud project

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) SampleSeriesId added in v0.8.0

A sample series id

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) StepId added in v0.8.0

A tool results step ID.

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ToLookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ToLookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput() LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput

func (LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ToLookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutputWithContext added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput) ToLookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) LookupPerfSampleSeriesResultOutput

type LookupStepArgs added in v0.4.0

type LookupStepArgs struct {
	ExecutionId string  `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId   string  `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project     *string `pulumi:"project"`
	StepId      string  `pulumi:"stepId"`

type LookupStepOutputArgs added in v0.8.0

type LookupStepOutputArgs struct {
	ExecutionId pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"executionId"`
	HistoryId   pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"historyId"`
	Project     pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"project"`
	StepId      pulumi.StringInput    `pulumi:"stepId"`

func (LookupStepOutputArgs) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupStepOutputArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type LookupStepResult added in v0.4.0

type LookupStepResult struct {
	// The time when the step status was set to complete. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampResponse `pulumi:"completionTime"`
	// The time when the step was created. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampResponse `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// A description of this tool For example: mvn clean package -D skipTests=true - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Description string `pulumi:"description"`
	// How much the device resource is used to perform the test. This is the device usage used for billing purpose, which is different from the run_duration, for example, infrastructure failure won't be charged for device usage. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a device_usage on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	DeviceUsageDuration DurationResponse `pulumi:"deviceUsageDuration"`
	// If the execution containing this step has any dimension_definition set, then this field allows the child to specify the values of the dimensions. The keys must exactly match the dimension_definition of the execution. For example, if the execution has `dimension_definition = ['attempt', 'device']` then a step must define values for those dimensions, eg. `dimension_value = ['attempt': '1', 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If a step does not participate in one dimension of the matrix, the value for that dimension should be empty string. For example, if one of the tests is executed by a runner which does not support retries, the step could have `dimension_value = ['attempt': ”, 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If the step does not participate in any dimensions of the matrix, it may leave dimension_value unset. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if any of the keys do not exist in the dimension_definition of the execution. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if another step in this execution already has the same name and dimension_value, but differs on other data fields, for example, step field is different. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if dimension_value is set, and there is a dimension_definition in the execution which is not specified as one of the keys. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionValue []StepDimensionValueEntryResponse `pulumi:"dimensionValue"`
	// Whether any of the outputs of this step are images whose thumbnails can be fetched with ListThumbnails. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	HasImages bool `pulumi:"hasImages"`
	// Arbitrary user-supplied key/value pairs that are associated with the step. Users are responsible for managing the key namespace such that keys don't accidentally collide. An INVALID_ARGUMENT will be returned if the number of labels exceeds 100 or if the length of any of the keys or values exceeds 100 characters. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: optional; any new key/value pair will be added to the map, and any new value for an existing key will update that key's value
	Labels []StepLabelsEntryResponse `pulumi:"labels"`
	// Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group. These details can be used identify which group this step is part of. It also identifies the groups 'primary step' which indexes all the group members. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional, set iff this step was performed more than once. - In update request: optional
	MultiStep MultiStepResponse `pulumi:"multiStep"`
	// A short human-readable name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. For example: Clean build A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned upon creating a new step if it shares its name and dimension_value with an existing step. If two steps represent a similar action, but have different dimension values, they should share the same name. For instance, if the same set of tests is run on two different platforms, the two steps should have the same name. - In response: always set - In create request: always set - In update request: never set
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`
	// Classification of the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomeResponse `pulumi:"outcome"`
	// How long it took for this step to run. If unset, this is set to the difference between creation_time and completion_time when the step is set to the COMPLETE state. In some cases, it is appropriate to set this value separately: For instance, if a step is created, but the operation it represents is queued for a few minutes before it executes, it would be appropriate not to include the time spent queued in its run_duration. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a run_duration on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set; always present on COMPLETE step - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	RunDuration DurationResponse `pulumi:"runDuration"`
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions are * IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETE A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. It is valid to create Step with a state set to COMPLETE. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	State string `pulumi:"state"`
	// A unique identifier within a Execution for this Step. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	StepId string `pulumi:"stepId"`
	// An execution of a test runner.
	TestExecutionStep TestExecutionStepResponse `pulumi:"testExecutionStep"`
	// An execution of a tool (used for steps we don't explicitly support).
	ToolExecutionStep ToolExecutionStepResponse `pulumi:"toolExecutionStep"`

func LookupStep added in v0.4.0

func LookupStep(ctx *pulumi.Context, args *LookupStepArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) (*LookupStepResult, error)

Gets a Step. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to read project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the Step does not exist

type LookupStepResultOutput added in v0.8.0

type LookupStepResultOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func LookupStepOutput added in v0.8.0

func LookupStepOutput(ctx *pulumi.Context, args LookupStepOutputArgs, opts ...pulumi.InvokeOption) LookupStepResultOutput

func (LookupStepResultOutput) CompletionTime added in v0.8.0

The time when the step status was set to complete. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) CreationTime added in v0.8.0

The time when the step was created. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) Description added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupStepResultOutput) Description() pulumi.StringOutput

A description of this tool For example: mvn clean package -D skipTests=true - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) DeviceUsageDuration added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupStepResultOutput) DeviceUsageDuration() DurationResponseOutput

How much the device resource is used to perform the test. This is the device usage used for billing purpose, which is different from the run_duration, for example, infrastructure failure won't be charged for device usage. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a device_usage on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional - In update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) DimensionValue added in v0.8.0

If the execution containing this step has any dimension_definition set, then this field allows the child to specify the values of the dimensions. The keys must exactly match the dimension_definition of the execution. For example, if the execution has `dimension_definition = ['attempt', 'device']` then a step must define values for those dimensions, eg. `dimension_value = ['attempt': '1', 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If a step does not participate in one dimension of the matrix, the value for that dimension should be empty string. For example, if one of the tests is executed by a runner which does not support retries, the step could have `dimension_value = ['attempt': ”, 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If the step does not participate in any dimensions of the matrix, it may leave dimension_value unset. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if any of the keys do not exist in the dimension_definition of the execution. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if another step in this execution already has the same name and dimension_value, but differs on other data fields, for example, step field is different. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if dimension_value is set, and there is a dimension_definition in the execution which is not specified as one of the keys. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) ElementType added in v0.8.0

func (LookupStepResultOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (LookupStepResultOutput) HasImages added in v0.8.0

Whether any of the outputs of this step are images whose thumbnails can be fetched with ListThumbnails. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) Labels added in v0.8.0

Arbitrary user-supplied key/value pairs that are associated with the step. Users are responsible for managing the key namespace such that keys don't accidentally collide. An INVALID_ARGUMENT will be returned if the number of labels exceeds 100 or if the length of any of the keys or values exceeds 100 characters. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: optional; any new key/value pair will be added to the map, and any new value for an existing key will update that key's value

func (LookupStepResultOutput) MultiStep added in v0.8.0

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group. These details can be used identify which group this step is part of. It also identifies the groups 'primary step' which indexes all the group members. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional, set iff this step was performed more than once. - In update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) Name added in v0.8.0

A short human-readable name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. For example: Clean build A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned upon creating a new step if it shares its name and dimension_value with an existing step. If two steps represent a similar action, but have different dimension values, they should share the same name. For instance, if the same set of tests is run on two different platforms, the two steps should have the same name. - In response: always set - In create request: always set - In update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) Outcome added in v0.8.0

Classification of the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) RunDuration added in v0.8.0

How long it took for this step to run. If unset, this is set to the difference between creation_time and completion_time when the step is set to the COMPLETE state. In some cases, it is appropriate to set this value separately: For instance, if a step is created, but the operation it represents is queued for a few minutes before it executes, it would be appropriate not to include the time spent queued in its run_duration. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a run_duration on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set; always present on COMPLETE step - In create request: optional - In update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) State added in v0.8.0

The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions are * IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETE A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. It is valid to create Step with a state set to COMPLETE. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional

func (LookupStepResultOutput) StepId added in v0.8.0

A unique identifier within a Execution for this Step. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set

func (LookupStepResultOutput) TestExecutionStep added in v0.8.0

An execution of a test runner.

func (LookupStepResultOutput) ToLookupStepResultOutput added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupStepResultOutput) ToLookupStepResultOutput() LookupStepResultOutput

func (LookupStepResultOutput) ToLookupStepResultOutputWithContext added in v0.8.0

func (o LookupStepResultOutput) ToLookupStepResultOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) LookupStepResultOutput

func (LookupStepResultOutput) ToolExecutionStep added in v0.8.0

An execution of a tool (used for steps we don't explicitly support).

type MatrixDimensionDefinition

type MatrixDimensionDefinition struct {

One dimension of the matrix of different runs of a step.

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs struct {

One dimension of the matrix of different runs of a step.

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

func (i MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutputWithContext

func (i MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray []MatrixDimensionDefinitionInput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

func (i MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutputWithContext

func (i MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayInput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayInput interface {

	ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput
	ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayInput is an input type that accepts MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray and MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayInput` via:

MatrixDimensionDefinitionArray{ MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs{...} }

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) Index

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutputWithContext

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionArrayOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionInput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionInput interface {

	ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput
	ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutputWithContext(context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

MatrixDimensionDefinitionInput is an input type that accepts MatrixDimensionDefinitionArgs and MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `MatrixDimensionDefinitionInput` via:


type MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

One dimension of the matrix of different runs of a step.

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutputWithContext

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponse

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponse struct {

One dimension of the matrix of different runs of a step.

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseArrayOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput

type MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

One dimension of the matrix of different runs of a step.

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput) ElementType

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput() MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput

func (MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutputWithContext

func (o MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput) ToMatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MatrixDimensionDefinitionResponseOutput

type MultiStep

type MultiStep struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber *int `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	// Present if it is a primary (original) step.
	PrimaryStep *PrimaryStep `pulumi:"primaryStep"`
	// Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.
	PrimaryStepId *string `pulumi:"primaryStepId"`

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group.

type MultiStepArgs

type MultiStepArgs struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	// Present if it is a primary (original) step.
	PrimaryStep PrimaryStepPtrInput `pulumi:"primaryStep"`
	// Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.
	PrimaryStepId pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"primaryStepId"`

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group.

func (MultiStepArgs) ElementType

func (MultiStepArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepOutput

func (i MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepOutput() MultiStepOutput

func (MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepOutputWithContext

func (i MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepOutput

func (MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepPtrOutput

func (i MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepPtrOutput() MultiStepPtrOutput

func (MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (i MultiStepArgs) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepPtrOutput

type MultiStepInput

type MultiStepInput interface {

	ToMultiStepOutput() MultiStepOutput
	ToMultiStepOutputWithContext(context.Context) MultiStepOutput

MultiStepInput is an input type that accepts MultiStepArgs and MultiStepOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `MultiStepInput` via:


type MultiStepOutput

type MultiStepOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group.

func (MultiStepOutput) ElementType

func (MultiStepOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (MultiStepOutput) MultistepNumber

func (o MultiStepOutput) MultistepNumber() pulumi.IntPtrOutput

Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.

func (MultiStepOutput) PrimaryStep

func (o MultiStepOutput) PrimaryStep() PrimaryStepPtrOutput

Present if it is a primary (original) step.

func (MultiStepOutput) PrimaryStepId

func (o MultiStepOutput) PrimaryStepId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.

func (MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepOutput

func (o MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepOutput() MultiStepOutput

func (MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepOutputWithContext

func (o MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepOutput

func (MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutput

func (o MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutput() MultiStepPtrOutput

func (MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o MultiStepOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepPtrOutput

type MultiStepPtrInput

type MultiStepPtrInput interface {

	ToMultiStepPtrOutput() MultiStepPtrOutput
	ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) MultiStepPtrOutput

MultiStepPtrInput is an input type that accepts MultiStepArgs, MultiStepPtr and MultiStepPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `MultiStepPtrInput` via:




func MultiStepPtr

func MultiStepPtr(v *MultiStepArgs) MultiStepPtrInput

type MultiStepPtrOutput

type MultiStepPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) Elem

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) ElementType

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) MultistepNumber

func (o MultiStepPtrOutput) MultistepNumber() pulumi.IntPtrOutput

Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) PrimaryStep

func (o MultiStepPtrOutput) PrimaryStep() PrimaryStepPtrOutput

Present if it is a primary (original) step.

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) PrimaryStepId

func (o MultiStepPtrOutput) PrimaryStepId() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutput

func (o MultiStepPtrOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutput() MultiStepPtrOutput

func (MultiStepPtrOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o MultiStepPtrOutput) ToMultiStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepPtrOutput

type MultiStepResponse

type MultiStepResponse struct {
	// Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.
	MultistepNumber int `pulumi:"multistepNumber"`
	// Present if it is a primary (original) step.
	PrimaryStep PrimaryStepResponse `pulumi:"primaryStep"`
	// Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.
	PrimaryStepId string `pulumi:"primaryStepId"`

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group.

type MultiStepResponseOutput

type MultiStepResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group.

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) ElementType

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) MultistepNumber

func (o MultiStepResponseOutput) MultistepNumber() pulumi.IntOutput

Unique int given to each step. Ranges from 0(inclusive) to total number of steps(exclusive). The primary step is 0.

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) PrimaryStep

Present if it is a primary (original) step.

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) PrimaryStepId

func (o MultiStepResponseOutput) PrimaryStepId() pulumi.StringOutput

Step Id of the primary (original) step, which might be this step.

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) ToMultiStepResponseOutput

func (o MultiStepResponseOutput) ToMultiStepResponseOutput() MultiStepResponseOutput

func (MultiStepResponseOutput) ToMultiStepResponseOutputWithContext

func (o MultiStepResponseOutput) ToMultiStepResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) MultiStepResponseOutput

type Outcome

type Outcome struct {
	// More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional
	FailureDetail *FailureDetail `pulumi:"failureDetail"`
	// More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional
	InconclusiveDetail *InconclusiveDetail `pulumi:"inconclusiveDetail"`
	// More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional
	SkippedDetail *SkippedDetail `pulumi:"skippedDetail"`
	// More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional
	SuccessDetail *SuccessDetail `pulumi:"successDetail"`
	// The simplest way to interpret a result. Required
	Summary *OutcomeSummary `pulumi:"summary"`

Interprets a result so that humans and machines can act on it.

type OutcomeArgs

type OutcomeArgs struct {
	// More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional
	FailureDetail FailureDetailPtrInput `pulumi:"failureDetail"`
	// More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional
	InconclusiveDetail InconclusiveDetailPtrInput `pulumi:"inconclusiveDetail"`
	// More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional
	SkippedDetail SkippedDetailPtrInput `pulumi:"skippedDetail"`
	// More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional
	SuccessDetail SuccessDetailPtrInput `pulumi:"successDetail"`
	// The simplest way to interpret a result. Required
	Summary OutcomeSummaryPtrInput `pulumi:"summary"`

Interprets a result so that humans and machines can act on it.

func (OutcomeArgs) ElementType

func (OutcomeArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomeOutput

func (i OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomeOutput() OutcomeOutput

func (OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomeOutputWithContext

func (i OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeOutput

func (OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomePtrOutput

func (i OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomePtrOutput() OutcomePtrOutput

func (OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext

func (i OutcomeArgs) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomePtrOutput

type OutcomeInput

type OutcomeInput interface {

	ToOutcomeOutput() OutcomeOutput
	ToOutcomeOutputWithContext(context.Context) OutcomeOutput

OutcomeInput is an input type that accepts OutcomeArgs and OutcomeOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `OutcomeInput` via:


type OutcomeOutput

type OutcomeOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Interprets a result so that humans and machines can act on it.

func (OutcomeOutput) ElementType

func (OutcomeOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeOutput) FailureDetail

func (o OutcomeOutput) FailureDetail() FailureDetailPtrOutput

More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional

func (OutcomeOutput) InconclusiveDetail

func (o OutcomeOutput) InconclusiveDetail() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional

func (OutcomeOutput) SkippedDetail

func (o OutcomeOutput) SkippedDetail() SkippedDetailPtrOutput

More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional

func (OutcomeOutput) SuccessDetail

func (o OutcomeOutput) SuccessDetail() SuccessDetailPtrOutput

More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional

func (OutcomeOutput) Summary

The simplest way to interpret a result. Required

func (OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomeOutput

func (o OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomeOutput() OutcomeOutput

func (OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomeOutputWithContext

func (o OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeOutput

func (OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutput

func (o OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutput() OutcomePtrOutput

func (OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext

func (o OutcomeOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomePtrOutput

type OutcomePtrInput

type OutcomePtrInput interface {

	ToOutcomePtrOutput() OutcomePtrOutput
	ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) OutcomePtrOutput

OutcomePtrInput is an input type that accepts OutcomeArgs, OutcomePtr and OutcomePtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `OutcomePtrInput` via:




func OutcomePtr

func OutcomePtr(v *OutcomeArgs) OutcomePtrInput

type OutcomePtrOutput

type OutcomePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (OutcomePtrOutput) Elem

func (OutcomePtrOutput) ElementType

func (OutcomePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomePtrOutput) FailureDetail

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) FailureDetail() FailureDetailPtrOutput

More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional

func (OutcomePtrOutput) InconclusiveDetail

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) InconclusiveDetail() InconclusiveDetailPtrOutput

More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional

func (OutcomePtrOutput) SkippedDetail

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) SkippedDetail() SkippedDetailPtrOutput

More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional

func (OutcomePtrOutput) SuccessDetail

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) SuccessDetail() SuccessDetailPtrOutput

More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional

func (OutcomePtrOutput) Summary

The simplest way to interpret a result. Required

func (OutcomePtrOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutput

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutput() OutcomePtrOutput

func (OutcomePtrOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext

func (o OutcomePtrOutput) ToOutcomePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomePtrOutput

type OutcomeResponse

type OutcomeResponse struct {
	// More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional
	FailureDetail FailureDetailResponse `pulumi:"failureDetail"`
	// More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional
	InconclusiveDetail InconclusiveDetailResponse `pulumi:"inconclusiveDetail"`
	// More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional
	SkippedDetail SkippedDetailResponse `pulumi:"skippedDetail"`
	// More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional
	SuccessDetail SuccessDetailResponse `pulumi:"successDetail"`
	// The simplest way to interpret a result. Required
	Summary string `pulumi:"summary"`

Interprets a result so that humans and machines can act on it.

type OutcomeResponseOutput

type OutcomeResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Interprets a result so that humans and machines can act on it.

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) ElementType

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) FailureDetail

More information about a FAILURE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not FAILURE. Optional

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) InconclusiveDetail

More information about an INCONCLUSIVE outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not INCONCLUSIVE. Optional

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) SkippedDetail

More information about a SKIPPED outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SKIPPED. Optional

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) SuccessDetail

More information about a SUCCESS outcome. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set but the summary is not SUCCESS. Optional

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) Summary

The simplest way to interpret a result. Required

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) ToOutcomeResponseOutput

func (o OutcomeResponseOutput) ToOutcomeResponseOutput() OutcomeResponseOutput

func (OutcomeResponseOutput) ToOutcomeResponseOutputWithContext

func (o OutcomeResponseOutput) ToOutcomeResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeResponseOutput

type OutcomeSummary added in v0.4.0

type OutcomeSummary string

The simplest way to interpret a result. Required

func (OutcomeSummary) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (OutcomeSummary) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryOutput() OutcomeSummaryOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeSummaryOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e OutcomeSummary) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type OutcomeSummaryInput added in v0.6.0

type OutcomeSummaryInput interface {

	ToOutcomeSummaryOutput() OutcomeSummaryOutput
	ToOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(context.Context) OutcomeSummaryOutput

OutcomeSummaryInput is an input type that accepts OutcomeSummaryArgs and OutcomeSummaryOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `OutcomeSummaryInput` via:


type OutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

type OutcomeSummaryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryOutput() OutcomeSummaryOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeSummaryOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type OutcomeSummaryPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type OutcomeSummaryPtrInput interface {

	ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput
	ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func OutcomeSummaryPtr added in v0.6.0

func OutcomeSummaryPtr(v string) OutcomeSummaryPtrInput

type OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutput() OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToOutcomeSummaryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o OutcomeSummaryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type PerfSampleSeries added in v0.3.0

type PerfSampleSeries struct {

	// Basic series represented by a line chart
	BasicPerfSampleSeries BasicPerfSampleSeriesResponseOutput `pulumi:"basicPerfSampleSeries"`
	// A tool results execution ID.
	ExecutionId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"executionId"`
	// A tool results history ID.
	HistoryId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"historyId"`
	// The cloud project
	Project pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"project"`
	// A sample series id
	SampleSeriesId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"sampleSeriesId"`
	// A tool results step ID.
	StepId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"stepId"`

Creates a PerfSampleSeries. May return any of the following error code(s): - ALREADY_EXISTS - PerfMetricSummary already exists for the given Step - NOT_FOUND - The containing Step does not exist Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

func GetPerfSampleSeries added in v0.3.0

func GetPerfSampleSeries(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, id pulumi.IDInput, state *PerfSampleSeriesState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*PerfSampleSeries, error)

GetPerfSampleSeries gets an existing PerfSampleSeries resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).

func NewPerfSampleSeries added in v0.3.0

func NewPerfSampleSeries(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, args *PerfSampleSeriesArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*PerfSampleSeries, error)

NewPerfSampleSeries registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.

func (*PerfSampleSeries) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (*PerfSampleSeries) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (*PerfSampleSeries) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutput added in v0.3.0

func (i *PerfSampleSeries) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutput() PerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (*PerfSampleSeries) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (i *PerfSampleSeries) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PerfSampleSeriesOutput

type PerfSampleSeriesArgs added in v0.3.0

type PerfSampleSeriesArgs struct {
	// Basic series represented by a line chart
	BasicPerfSampleSeries BasicPerfSampleSeriesPtrInput
	ExecutionId           pulumi.StringInput
	HistoryId             pulumi.StringInput
	Project               pulumi.StringPtrInput
	StepId                pulumi.StringInput

The set of arguments for constructing a PerfSampleSeries resource.

func (PerfSampleSeriesArgs) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (PerfSampleSeriesArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type PerfSampleSeriesInput added in v0.3.0

type PerfSampleSeriesInput interface {

	ToPerfSampleSeriesOutput() PerfSampleSeriesOutput
	ToPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PerfSampleSeriesOutput

type PerfSampleSeriesOutput added in v0.3.0

type PerfSampleSeriesOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutput added in v0.3.0

func (o PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutput() PerfSampleSeriesOutput

func (PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (o PerfSampleSeriesOutput) ToPerfSampleSeriesOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PerfSampleSeriesOutput

type PerfSampleSeriesState added in v0.3.0

type PerfSampleSeriesState struct {

func (PerfSampleSeriesState) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (PerfSampleSeriesState) ElementType() reflect.Type

type PrimaryStep

type PrimaryStep struct {
	// Step Id and outcome of each individual step.
	IndividualOutcome []IndividualOutcome `pulumi:"individualOutcome"`
	// Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.
	RollUp *PrimaryStepRollUp `pulumi:"rollUp"`

Stores rollup test status of multiple steps that were run as a group and outcome of each individual step.

type PrimaryStepArgs

type PrimaryStepArgs struct {
	// Step Id and outcome of each individual step.
	IndividualOutcome IndividualOutcomeArrayInput `pulumi:"individualOutcome"`
	// Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.
	RollUp PrimaryStepRollUpPtrInput `pulumi:"rollUp"`

Stores rollup test status of multiple steps that were run as a group and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ElementType

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepOutput

func (i PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepOutput() PrimaryStepOutput

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepOutputWithContext

func (i PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepOutput

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (i PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput() PrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (i PrimaryStepArgs) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepInput

type PrimaryStepInput interface {

	ToPrimaryStepOutput() PrimaryStepOutput
	ToPrimaryStepOutputWithContext(context.Context) PrimaryStepOutput

PrimaryStepInput is an input type that accepts PrimaryStepArgs and PrimaryStepOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `PrimaryStepInput` via:


type PrimaryStepOutput

type PrimaryStepOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Stores rollup test status of multiple steps that were run as a group and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ElementType

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepOutput) IndividualOutcome

func (o PrimaryStepOutput) IndividualOutcome() IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

Step Id and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepOutput) RollUp

Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepOutput

func (o PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepOutput() PrimaryStepOutput

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepOutputWithContext

func (o PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepOutput

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (o PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput() PrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o PrimaryStepOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepPtrInput

type PrimaryStepPtrInput interface {

	ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput() PrimaryStepPtrOutput
	ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) PrimaryStepPtrOutput

PrimaryStepPtrInput is an input type that accepts PrimaryStepArgs, PrimaryStepPtr and PrimaryStepPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `PrimaryStepPtrInput` via:




func PrimaryStepPtr

func PrimaryStepPtr(v *PrimaryStepArgs) PrimaryStepPtrInput

type PrimaryStepPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) Elem

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ElementType

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) IndividualOutcome

func (o PrimaryStepPtrOutput) IndividualOutcome() IndividualOutcomeArrayOutput

Step Id and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) RollUp

Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (o PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutput() PrimaryStepPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o PrimaryStepPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepResponse

type PrimaryStepResponse struct {
	// Step Id and outcome of each individual step.
	IndividualOutcome []IndividualOutcomeResponse `pulumi:"individualOutcome"`
	// Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.
	RollUp string `pulumi:"rollUp"`

Stores rollup test status of multiple steps that were run as a group and outcome of each individual step.

type PrimaryStepResponseOutput

type PrimaryStepResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Stores rollup test status of multiple steps that were run as a group and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ElementType

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) IndividualOutcome

Step Id and outcome of each individual step.

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) RollUp

Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ToPrimaryStepResponseOutput

func (o PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ToPrimaryStepResponseOutput() PrimaryStepResponseOutput

func (PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ToPrimaryStepResponseOutputWithContext

func (o PrimaryStepResponseOutput) ToPrimaryStepResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepResponseOutput

type PrimaryStepRollUp added in v0.4.0

type PrimaryStepRollUp string

Rollup test status of multiple steps that were run with the same configuration as a group.

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e PrimaryStepRollUp) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepRollUpInput added in v0.6.0

type PrimaryStepRollUpInput interface {

	ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpOutput
	ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutputWithContext(context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpOutput

PrimaryStepRollUpInput is an input type that accepts PrimaryStepRollUpArgs and PrimaryStepRollUpOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `PrimaryStepRollUpInput` via:


type PrimaryStepRollUpOutput added in v0.6.0

type PrimaryStepRollUpOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type PrimaryStepRollUpPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type PrimaryStepRollUpPtrInput interface {

	ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput
	ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func PrimaryStepRollUpPtr added in v0.6.0

func PrimaryStepRollUpPtr(v string) PrimaryStepRollUpPtrInput

type PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput() PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToPrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o PrimaryStepRollUpPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type SkippedDetail

type SkippedDetail struct {
	// If the App doesn't support the specific API level.
	IncompatibleAppVersion *bool `pulumi:"incompatibleAppVersion"`
	// If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.
	IncompatibleArchitecture *bool `pulumi:"incompatibleArchitecture"`
	// If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.
	IncompatibleDevice *bool `pulumi:"incompatibleDevice"`

Details for an outcome with a SKIPPED outcome summary.

type SkippedDetailArgs

type SkippedDetailArgs struct {
	// If the App doesn't support the specific API level.
	IncompatibleAppVersion pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"incompatibleAppVersion"`
	// If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.
	IncompatibleArchitecture pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"incompatibleArchitecture"`
	// If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.
	IncompatibleDevice pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"incompatibleDevice"`

Details for an outcome with a SKIPPED outcome summary.

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ElementType

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailOutput

func (i SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailOutput() SkippedDetailOutput

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailOutputWithContext

func (i SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailOutput

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (i SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput() SkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (i SkippedDetailArgs) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailPtrOutput

type SkippedDetailInput

type SkippedDetailInput interface {

	ToSkippedDetailOutput() SkippedDetailOutput
	ToSkippedDetailOutputWithContext(context.Context) SkippedDetailOutput

SkippedDetailInput is an input type that accepts SkippedDetailArgs and SkippedDetailOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SkippedDetailInput` via:


type SkippedDetailOutput

type SkippedDetailOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a SKIPPED outcome summary.

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ElementType

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the App doesn't support the specific API level.

func (SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.

func (SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleDevice

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) IncompatibleDevice() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailOutput

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailOutput() SkippedDetailOutput

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailOutputWithContext

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailOutput

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput() SkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SkippedDetailOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailPtrOutput

type SkippedDetailPtrInput

type SkippedDetailPtrInput interface {

	ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput() SkippedDetailPtrOutput
	ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) SkippedDetailPtrOutput

SkippedDetailPtrInput is an input type that accepts SkippedDetailArgs, SkippedDetailPtr and SkippedDetailPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SkippedDetailPtrInput` via:




type SkippedDetailPtrOutput

type SkippedDetailPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) Elem

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ElementType

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion

func (o SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the App doesn't support the specific API level.

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture

func (o SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleDevice

func (o SkippedDetailPtrOutput) IncompatibleDevice() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (o SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutput() SkippedDetailPtrOutput

func (SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SkippedDetailPtrOutput) ToSkippedDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailPtrOutput

type SkippedDetailResponse

type SkippedDetailResponse struct {
	// If the App doesn't support the specific API level.
	IncompatibleAppVersion bool `pulumi:"incompatibleAppVersion"`
	// If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.
	IncompatibleArchitecture bool `pulumi:"incompatibleArchitecture"`
	// If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.
	IncompatibleDevice bool `pulumi:"incompatibleDevice"`

Details for an outcome with a SKIPPED outcome summary.

type SkippedDetailResponseOutput

type SkippedDetailResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a SKIPPED outcome summary.

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) ElementType

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion

func (o SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleAppVersion() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the App doesn't support the specific API level.

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture

func (o SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleArchitecture() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the App doesn't run on the specific architecture, for example, x86.

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleDevice

func (o SkippedDetailResponseOutput) IncompatibleDevice() pulumi.BoolOutput

If the requested OS version doesn't run on the specific device model.

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) ToSkippedDetailResponseOutput

func (o SkippedDetailResponseOutput) ToSkippedDetailResponseOutput() SkippedDetailResponseOutput

func (SkippedDetailResponseOutput) ToSkippedDetailResponseOutputWithContext

func (o SkippedDetailResponseOutput) ToSkippedDetailResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SkippedDetailResponseOutput

type Specification

type Specification struct {
	// An Android mobile test execution specification.
	AndroidTest *AndroidTest `pulumi:"androidTest"`
	// An iOS mobile test execution specification.
	IosTest *IosTest `pulumi:"iosTest"`

The details about how to run the execution.

type SpecificationArgs

type SpecificationArgs struct {
	// An Android mobile test execution specification.
	AndroidTest AndroidTestPtrInput `pulumi:"androidTest"`
	// An iOS mobile test execution specification.
	IosTest IosTestPtrInput `pulumi:"iosTest"`

The details about how to run the execution.

func (SpecificationArgs) ElementType

func (SpecificationArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationOutput

func (i SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationOutput() SpecificationOutput

func (SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationOutputWithContext

func (i SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationOutput

func (SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationPtrOutput

func (i SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationPtrOutput() SpecificationPtrOutput

func (SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext

func (i SpecificationArgs) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationPtrOutput

type SpecificationInput

type SpecificationInput interface {

	ToSpecificationOutput() SpecificationOutput
	ToSpecificationOutputWithContext(context.Context) SpecificationOutput

SpecificationInput is an input type that accepts SpecificationArgs and SpecificationOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SpecificationInput` via:


type SpecificationOutput

type SpecificationOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

The details about how to run the execution.

func (SpecificationOutput) AndroidTest

func (o SpecificationOutput) AndroidTest() AndroidTestPtrOutput

An Android mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationOutput) ElementType

func (SpecificationOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SpecificationOutput) IosTest

An iOS mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationOutput

func (o SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationOutput() SpecificationOutput

func (SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationOutputWithContext

func (o SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationOutput

func (SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutput

func (o SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutput() SpecificationPtrOutput

func (SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SpecificationOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationPtrOutput

type SpecificationPtrInput

type SpecificationPtrInput interface {

	ToSpecificationPtrOutput() SpecificationPtrOutput
	ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) SpecificationPtrOutput

SpecificationPtrInput is an input type that accepts SpecificationArgs, SpecificationPtr and SpecificationPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SpecificationPtrInput` via:




type SpecificationPtrOutput

type SpecificationPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) AndroidTest

An Android mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) Elem

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) ElementType

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) IosTest

An iOS mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutput

func (o SpecificationPtrOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutput() SpecificationPtrOutput

func (SpecificationPtrOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SpecificationPtrOutput) ToSpecificationPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationPtrOutput

type SpecificationResponse

type SpecificationResponse struct {
	// An Android mobile test execution specification.
	AndroidTest AndroidTestResponse `pulumi:"androidTest"`
	// An iOS mobile test execution specification.
	IosTest IosTestResponse `pulumi:"iosTest"`

The details about how to run the execution.

type SpecificationResponseOutput

type SpecificationResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

The details about how to run the execution.

func (SpecificationResponseOutput) AndroidTest

An Android mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationResponseOutput) ElementType

func (SpecificationResponseOutput) IosTest

An iOS mobile test execution specification.

func (SpecificationResponseOutput) ToSpecificationResponseOutput

func (o SpecificationResponseOutput) ToSpecificationResponseOutput() SpecificationResponseOutput

func (SpecificationResponseOutput) ToSpecificationResponseOutputWithContext

func (o SpecificationResponseOutput) ToSpecificationResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SpecificationResponseOutput

type StackTrace

type StackTrace struct {
	// The stack trace message. Required
	Exception *string `pulumi:"exception"`

A stacktrace.

type StackTraceArgs

type StackTraceArgs struct {
	// The stack trace message. Required
	Exception pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"exception"`

A stacktrace.

func (StackTraceArgs) ElementType

func (StackTraceArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StackTraceArgs) ToStackTraceOutput

func (i StackTraceArgs) ToStackTraceOutput() StackTraceOutput

func (StackTraceArgs) ToStackTraceOutputWithContext

func (i StackTraceArgs) ToStackTraceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTraceOutput

func (StackTraceArgs) ToStackTracePtrOutput

func (i StackTraceArgs) ToStackTracePtrOutput() StackTracePtrOutput

func (StackTraceArgs) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext

func (i StackTraceArgs) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTracePtrOutput

type StackTraceInput

type StackTraceInput interface {

	ToStackTraceOutput() StackTraceOutput
	ToStackTraceOutputWithContext(context.Context) StackTraceOutput

StackTraceInput is an input type that accepts StackTraceArgs and StackTraceOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StackTraceInput` via:


type StackTraceOutput

type StackTraceOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A stacktrace.

func (StackTraceOutput) ElementType

func (StackTraceOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StackTraceOutput) Exception

func (o StackTraceOutput) Exception() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

The stack trace message. Required

func (StackTraceOutput) ToStackTraceOutput

func (o StackTraceOutput) ToStackTraceOutput() StackTraceOutput

func (StackTraceOutput) ToStackTraceOutputWithContext

func (o StackTraceOutput) ToStackTraceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTraceOutput

func (StackTraceOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutput

func (o StackTraceOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutput() StackTracePtrOutput

func (StackTraceOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext

func (o StackTraceOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTracePtrOutput

type StackTracePtrInput

type StackTracePtrInput interface {

	ToStackTracePtrOutput() StackTracePtrOutput
	ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) StackTracePtrOutput

StackTracePtrInput is an input type that accepts StackTraceArgs, StackTracePtr and StackTracePtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StackTracePtrInput` via:




func StackTracePtr

func StackTracePtr(v *StackTraceArgs) StackTracePtrInput

type StackTracePtrOutput

type StackTracePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StackTracePtrOutput) Elem

func (StackTracePtrOutput) ElementType

func (StackTracePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StackTracePtrOutput) Exception

The stack trace message. Required

func (StackTracePtrOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutput

func (o StackTracePtrOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutput() StackTracePtrOutput

func (StackTracePtrOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext

func (o StackTracePtrOutput) ToStackTracePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTracePtrOutput

type StackTraceResponse

type StackTraceResponse struct {
	// The stack trace message. Required
	Exception string `pulumi:"exception"`

A stacktrace.

type StackTraceResponseOutput

type StackTraceResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A stacktrace.

func (StackTraceResponseOutput) ElementType

func (StackTraceResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StackTraceResponseOutput) Exception

The stack trace message. Required

func (StackTraceResponseOutput) ToStackTraceResponseOutput

func (o StackTraceResponseOutput) ToStackTraceResponseOutput() StackTraceResponseOutput

func (StackTraceResponseOutput) ToStackTraceResponseOutputWithContext

func (o StackTraceResponseOutput) ToStackTraceResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StackTraceResponseOutput

type Step added in v0.3.0

type Step struct {

	// The time when the step status was set to complete. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampResponseOutput `pulumi:"completionTime"`
	// The time when the step was created. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampResponseOutput `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// A description of this tool For example: mvn clean package -D skipTests=true - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Description pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"description"`
	// How much the device resource is used to perform the test. This is the device usage used for billing purpose, which is different from the run_duration, for example, infrastructure failure won't be charged for device usage. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a device_usage on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	DeviceUsageDuration DurationResponseOutput `pulumi:"deviceUsageDuration"`
	// If the execution containing this step has any dimension_definition set, then this field allows the child to specify the values of the dimensions. The keys must exactly match the dimension_definition of the execution. For example, if the execution has `dimension_definition = ['attempt', 'device']` then a step must define values for those dimensions, eg. `dimension_value = ['attempt': '1', 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If a step does not participate in one dimension of the matrix, the value for that dimension should be empty string. For example, if one of the tests is executed by a runner which does not support retries, the step could have `dimension_value = ['attempt': ”, 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If the step does not participate in any dimensions of the matrix, it may leave dimension_value unset. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if any of the keys do not exist in the dimension_definition of the execution. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if another step in this execution already has the same name and dimension_value, but differs on other data fields, for example, step field is different. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if dimension_value is set, and there is a dimension_definition in the execution which is not specified as one of the keys. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionValue StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput `pulumi:"dimensionValue"`
	// Whether any of the outputs of this step are images whose thumbnails can be fetched with ListThumbnails. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	HasImages pulumi.BoolOutput `pulumi:"hasImages"`
	// Arbitrary user-supplied key/value pairs that are associated with the step. Users are responsible for managing the key namespace such that keys don't accidentally collide. An INVALID_ARGUMENT will be returned if the number of labels exceeds 100 or if the length of any of the keys or values exceeds 100 characters. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: optional; any new key/value pair will be added to the map, and any new value for an existing key will update that key's value
	Labels StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput `pulumi:"labels"`
	// Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group. These details can be used identify which group this step is part of. It also identifies the groups 'primary step' which indexes all the group members. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional, set iff this step was performed more than once. - In update request: optional
	MultiStep MultiStepResponseOutput `pulumi:"multiStep"`
	// A short human-readable name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. For example: Clean build A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned upon creating a new step if it shares its name and dimension_value with an existing step. If two steps represent a similar action, but have different dimension values, they should share the same name. For instance, if the same set of tests is run on two different platforms, the two steps should have the same name. - In response: always set - In create request: always set - In update request: never set
	Name pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"name"`
	// Classification of the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomeResponseOutput `pulumi:"outcome"`
	// How long it took for this step to run. If unset, this is set to the difference between creation_time and completion_time when the step is set to the COMPLETE state. In some cases, it is appropriate to set this value separately: For instance, if a step is created, but the operation it represents is queued for a few minutes before it executes, it would be appropriate not to include the time spent queued in its run_duration. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a run_duration on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set; always present on COMPLETE step - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	RunDuration DurationResponseOutput `pulumi:"runDuration"`
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions are * IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETE A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. It is valid to create Step with a state set to COMPLETE. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	State pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"state"`
	// A unique identifier within a Execution for this Step. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	StepId pulumi.StringOutput `pulumi:"stepId"`
	// An execution of a test runner.
	TestExecutionStep TestExecutionStepResponseOutput `pulumi:"testExecutionStep"`
	// An execution of a tool (used for steps we don't explicitly support).
	ToolExecutionStep ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput `pulumi:"toolExecutionStep"`

Creates a Step. The returned Step will have the id set. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - FAILED_PRECONDITION - if the step is too large (more than 10Mib) - NOT_FOUND - if the containing Execution does not exist Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

func GetStep added in v0.3.0

func GetStep(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, id pulumi.IDInput, state *StepState, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*Step, error)

GetStep gets an existing Step resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional state properties that are used to uniquely qualify the lookup (nil if not required).

func NewStep added in v0.3.0

func NewStep(ctx *pulumi.Context,
	name string, args *StepArgs, opts ...pulumi.ResourceOption) (*Step, error)

NewStep registers a new resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.

func (*Step) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (*Step) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (*Step) ToStepOutput added in v0.3.0

func (i *Step) ToStepOutput() StepOutput

func (*Step) ToStepOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (i *Step) ToStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepOutput

type StepArgs added in v0.3.0

type StepArgs struct {
	// The time when the step status was set to complete. This value will be set automatically when state transitions to COMPLETE. - In response: set if the execution state is COMPLETE. - In create/update request: never set
	CompletionTime TimestampPtrInput
	// The time when the step was created. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	CreationTime TimestampPtrInput
	// A description of this tool For example: mvn clean package -D skipTests=true - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Description pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// How much the device resource is used to perform the test. This is the device usage used for billing purpose, which is different from the run_duration, for example, infrastructure failure won't be charged for device usage. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a device_usage on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	DeviceUsageDuration DurationPtrInput
	// If the execution containing this step has any dimension_definition set, then this field allows the child to specify the values of the dimensions. The keys must exactly match the dimension_definition of the execution. For example, if the execution has `dimension_definition = ['attempt', 'device']` then a step must define values for those dimensions, eg. `dimension_value = ['attempt': '1', 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If a step does not participate in one dimension of the matrix, the value for that dimension should be empty string. For example, if one of the tests is executed by a runner which does not support retries, the step could have `dimension_value = ['attempt': ”, 'device': 'Nexus 6']` If the step does not participate in any dimensions of the matrix, it may leave dimension_value unset. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if any of the keys do not exist in the dimension_definition of the execution. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if another step in this execution already has the same name and dimension_value, but differs on other data fields, for example, step field is different. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if dimension_value is set, and there is a dimension_definition in the execution which is not specified as one of the keys. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	DimensionValue StepDimensionValueEntryArrayInput
	ExecutionId    pulumi.StringInput
	// Whether any of the outputs of this step are images whose thumbnails can be fetched with ListThumbnails. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	HasImages pulumi.BoolPtrInput
	HistoryId pulumi.StringInput
	// Arbitrary user-supplied key/value pairs that are associated with the step. Users are responsible for managing the key namespace such that keys don't accidentally collide. An INVALID_ARGUMENT will be returned if the number of labels exceeds 100 or if the length of any of the keys or values exceeds 100 characters. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: optional; any new key/value pair will be added to the map, and any new value for an existing key will update that key's value
	Labels StepLabelsEntryArrayInput
	// Details when multiple steps are run with the same configuration as a group. These details can be used identify which group this step is part of. It also identifies the groups 'primary step' which indexes all the group members. - In response: present if previously set. - In create request: optional, set iff this step was performed more than once. - In update request: optional
	MultiStep MultiStepPtrInput
	// A short human-readable name to display in the UI. Maximum of 100 characters. For example: Clean build A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned upon creating a new step if it shares its name and dimension_value with an existing step. If two steps represent a similar action, but have different dimension values, they should share the same name. For instance, if the same set of tests is run on two different platforms, the two steps should have the same name. - In response: always set - In create request: always set - In update request: never set
	Name pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// Classification of the result, for example into SUCCESS or FAILURE - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	Outcome OutcomePtrInput
	Project pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// A unique request ID for server to detect duplicated requests. For example, a UUID. Optional, but strongly recommended.
	RequestId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// How long it took for this step to run. If unset, this is set to the difference between creation_time and completion_time when the step is set to the COMPLETE state. In some cases, it is appropriate to set this value separately: For instance, if a step is created, but the operation it represents is queued for a few minutes before it executes, it would be appropriate not to include the time spent queued in its run_duration. PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if one attempts to set a run_duration on a step which already has this field set. - In response: present if previously set; always present on COMPLETE step - In create request: optional - In update request: optional
	RunDuration DurationPtrInput
	// The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions are * IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETE A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. It is valid to create Step with a state set to COMPLETE. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	State StepStateEnumPtrInput
	// A unique identifier within a Execution for this Step. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set or overwritten by the caller. - In response: always set - In create/update request: never set
	StepId pulumi.StringPtrInput
	// An execution of a test runner.
	TestExecutionStep TestExecutionStepPtrInput
	// An execution of a tool (used for steps we don't explicitly support).
	ToolExecutionStep ToolExecutionStepPtrInput

The set of arguments for constructing a Step resource.

func (StepArgs) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (StepArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

type StepDimensionValueEntry

type StepDimensionValueEntry struct {
	Key   *string `pulumi:"key"`
	Value *string `pulumi:"value"`

type StepDimensionValueEntryArgs

type StepDimensionValueEntryArgs struct {
	Key   pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"key"`
	Value pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"value"`

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArgs) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArgs) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutput

func (i StepDimensionValueEntryArgs) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArgs) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutputWithContext

func (i StepDimensionValueEntryArgs) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryArray

type StepDimensionValueEntryArray []StepDimensionValueEntryInput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArray) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArray) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

func (i StepDimensionValueEntryArray) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArray) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutputWithContext

func (i StepDimensionValueEntryArray) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryArrayInput

type StepDimensionValueEntryArrayInput interface {

	ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput
	ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

StepDimensionValueEntryArrayInput is an input type that accepts StepDimensionValueEntryArray and StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StepDimensionValueEntryArrayInput` via:

StepDimensionValueEntryArray{ StepDimensionValueEntryArgs{...} }

type StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) Index

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutputWithContext

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryArrayOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryInput

type StepDimensionValueEntryInput interface {

	ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryOutput
	ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

StepDimensionValueEntryInput is an input type that accepts StepDimensionValueEntryArgs and StepDimensionValueEntryOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StepDimensionValueEntryInput` via:


type StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) Key

func (StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutput

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutputWithContext

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryOutput) Value

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponse

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponse struct {
	Key   string `pulumi:"key"`
	Value string `pulumi:"value"`

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryResponseArrayOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput

type StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) ElementType

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) Key

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput() StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutputWithContext

func (o StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) ToStepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput

func (StepDimensionValueEntryResponseOutput) Value

type StepInput added in v0.3.0

type StepInput interface {

	ToStepOutput() StepOutput
	ToStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepOutput

type StepLabelsEntry

type StepLabelsEntry struct {
	Key   *string `pulumi:"key"`
	Value *string `pulumi:"value"`

type StepLabelsEntryArgs

type StepLabelsEntryArgs struct {
	Key   pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"key"`
	Value pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"value"`

func (StepLabelsEntryArgs) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepLabelsEntryArgs) ToStepLabelsEntryOutput

func (i StepLabelsEntryArgs) ToStepLabelsEntryOutput() StepLabelsEntryOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryArgs) ToStepLabelsEntryOutputWithContext

func (i StepLabelsEntryArgs) ToStepLabelsEntryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryOutput

type StepLabelsEntryArray

type StepLabelsEntryArray []StepLabelsEntryInput

func (StepLabelsEntryArray) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepLabelsEntryArray) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

func (i StepLabelsEntryArray) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutput() StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryArray) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutputWithContext

func (i StepLabelsEntryArray) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

type StepLabelsEntryArrayInput

type StepLabelsEntryArrayInput interface {

	ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutput() StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput
	ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

StepLabelsEntryArrayInput is an input type that accepts StepLabelsEntryArray and StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StepLabelsEntryArrayInput` via:

StepLabelsEntryArray{ StepLabelsEntryArgs{...} }

type StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

type StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) Index

func (StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

func (o StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutput() StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutputWithContext

func (o StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryArrayOutput

type StepLabelsEntryInput

type StepLabelsEntryInput interface {

	ToStepLabelsEntryOutput() StepLabelsEntryOutput
	ToStepLabelsEntryOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepLabelsEntryOutput

StepLabelsEntryInput is an input type that accepts StepLabelsEntryArgs and StepLabelsEntryOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StepLabelsEntryInput` via:


type StepLabelsEntryOutput

type StepLabelsEntryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) Key

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryOutput

func (o StepLabelsEntryOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryOutput() StepLabelsEntryOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryOutputWithContext

func (o StepLabelsEntryOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryOutput) Value

type StepLabelsEntryResponse

type StepLabelsEntryResponse struct {
	Key   string `pulumi:"key"`
	Value string `pulumi:"value"`

type StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput

type StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput

func (o StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput() StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryResponseArrayOutput

type StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput

type StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) ElementType

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) Key

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseOutput

func (o StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseOutput() StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseOutputWithContext

func (o StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) ToStepLabelsEntryResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput

func (StepLabelsEntryResponseOutput) Value

type StepOutput added in v0.3.0

type StepOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepOutput) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (StepOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepOutput) ToStepOutput added in v0.3.0

func (o StepOutput) ToStepOutput() StepOutput

func (StepOutput) ToStepOutputWithContext added in v0.3.0

func (o StepOutput) ToStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepOutput

type StepState added in v0.3.0

type StepState struct {

func (StepState) ElementType added in v0.3.0

func (StepState) ElementType() reflect.Type

type StepStateEnum added in v0.4.0

type StepStateEnum string

The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions are * IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETE A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. It is valid to create Step with a state set to COMPLETE. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional

func (StepStateEnum) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (StepStateEnum) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumOutput() StepStateEnumOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepStateEnumOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput() StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e StepStateEnum) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type StepStateEnumInput added in v0.6.0

type StepStateEnumInput interface {

	ToStepStateEnumOutput() StepStateEnumOutput
	ToStepStateEnumOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepStateEnumOutput

StepStateEnumInput is an input type that accepts StepStateEnumArgs and StepStateEnumOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `StepStateEnumInput` via:


type StepStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

type StepStateEnumOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumOutput() StepStateEnumOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepStateEnumOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput() StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type StepStateEnumPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type StepStateEnumPtrInput interface {

	ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput() StepStateEnumPtrOutput
	ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func StepStateEnumPtr added in v0.6.0

func StepStateEnumPtr(v string) StepStateEnumPtrInput

type StepStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type StepStateEnumPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutput() StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStepStateEnumPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) StepStateEnumPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o StepStateEnumPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

type SuccessDetail

type SuccessDetail struct {
	// If a native process other than the app crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash *bool `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`

Details for an outcome with a SUCCESS outcome summary. LINT.IfChange

type SuccessDetailArgs

type SuccessDetailArgs struct {
	// If a native process other than the app crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash pulumi.BoolPtrInput `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`

Details for an outcome with a SUCCESS outcome summary. LINT.IfChange

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ElementType

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailOutput

func (i SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailOutput() SuccessDetailOutput

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailOutputWithContext

func (i SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailOutput

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (i SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput() SuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (i SuccessDetailArgs) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailPtrOutput

type SuccessDetailInput

type SuccessDetailInput interface {

	ToSuccessDetailOutput() SuccessDetailOutput
	ToSuccessDetailOutputWithContext(context.Context) SuccessDetailOutput

SuccessDetailInput is an input type that accepts SuccessDetailArgs and SuccessDetailOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SuccessDetailInput` via:


type SuccessDetailOutput

type SuccessDetailOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a SUCCESS outcome summary. LINT.IfChange

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ElementType

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SuccessDetailOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o SuccessDetailOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If a native process other than the app crashed.

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailOutput

func (o SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailOutput() SuccessDetailOutput

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailOutputWithContext

func (o SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailOutput

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (o SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput() SuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SuccessDetailOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailPtrOutput

type SuccessDetailPtrInput

type SuccessDetailPtrInput interface {

	ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput() SuccessDetailPtrOutput
	ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) SuccessDetailPtrOutput

SuccessDetailPtrInput is an input type that accepts SuccessDetailArgs, SuccessDetailPtr and SuccessDetailPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `SuccessDetailPtrInput` via:




type SuccessDetailPtrOutput

type SuccessDetailPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) Elem

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ElementType

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o SuccessDetailPtrOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolPtrOutput

If a native process other than the app crashed.

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (o SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutput() SuccessDetailPtrOutput

func (SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext

func (o SuccessDetailPtrOutput) ToSuccessDetailPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailPtrOutput

type SuccessDetailResponse

type SuccessDetailResponse struct {
	// If a native process other than the app crashed.
	OtherNativeCrash bool `pulumi:"otherNativeCrash"`

Details for an outcome with a SUCCESS outcome summary. LINT.IfChange

type SuccessDetailResponseOutput

type SuccessDetailResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Details for an outcome with a SUCCESS outcome summary. LINT.IfChange

func (SuccessDetailResponseOutput) ElementType

func (SuccessDetailResponseOutput) OtherNativeCrash

func (o SuccessDetailResponseOutput) OtherNativeCrash() pulumi.BoolOutput

If a native process other than the app crashed.

func (SuccessDetailResponseOutput) ToSuccessDetailResponseOutput

func (o SuccessDetailResponseOutput) ToSuccessDetailResponseOutput() SuccessDetailResponseOutput

func (SuccessDetailResponseOutput) ToSuccessDetailResponseOutputWithContext

func (o SuccessDetailResponseOutput) ToSuccessDetailResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) SuccessDetailResponseOutput

type TestCaseReference

type TestCaseReference struct {
	// The name of the class.
	ClassName *string `pulumi:"className"`
	// The name of the test case. Required.
	Name *string `pulumi:"name"`
	// The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.
	TestSuiteName *string `pulumi:"testSuiteName"`

A reference to a test case. Test case references are canonically ordered lexicographically by these three factors: * First, by test_suite_name. * Second, by class_name. * Third, by name.

type TestCaseReferenceArgs

type TestCaseReferenceArgs struct {
	// The name of the class.
	ClassName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"className"`
	// The name of the test case. Required.
	Name pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"name"`
	// The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.
	TestSuiteName pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"testSuiteName"`

A reference to a test case. Test case references are canonically ordered lexicographically by these three factors: * First, by test_suite_name. * Second, by class_name. * Third, by name.

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ElementType

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferenceOutput

func (i TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferenceOutput() TestCaseReferenceOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferenceOutputWithContext

func (i TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferenceOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (i TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput() TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (i TestCaseReferenceArgs) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

type TestCaseReferenceInput

type TestCaseReferenceInput interface {

	ToTestCaseReferenceOutput() TestCaseReferenceOutput
	ToTestCaseReferenceOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestCaseReferenceOutput

TestCaseReferenceInput is an input type that accepts TestCaseReferenceArgs and TestCaseReferenceOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestCaseReferenceInput` via:


type TestCaseReferenceOutput

type TestCaseReferenceOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a test case. Test case references are canonically ordered lexicographically by these three factors: * First, by test_suite_name. * Second, by class_name. * Third, by name.

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ClassName

The name of the class.

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ElementType

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) Name

The name of the test case. Required.

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) TestSuiteName

The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceOutput

func (o TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceOutput() TestCaseReferenceOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceOutputWithContext

func (o TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferenceOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (o TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput() TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestCaseReferenceOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

type TestCaseReferencePtrInput

type TestCaseReferencePtrInput interface {

	ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput() TestCaseReferencePtrOutput
	ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

TestCaseReferencePtrInput is an input type that accepts TestCaseReferenceArgs, TestCaseReferencePtr and TestCaseReferencePtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestCaseReferencePtrInput` via:




type TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

type TestCaseReferencePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ClassName

The name of the class.

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) Elem

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ElementType

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) Name

The name of the test case. Required.

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) TestSuiteName

The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (o TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutput() TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

func (TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestCaseReferencePtrOutput) ToTestCaseReferencePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferencePtrOutput

type TestCaseReferenceResponse

type TestCaseReferenceResponse struct {
	// The name of the class.
	ClassName string `pulumi:"className"`
	// The name of the test case. Required.
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`
	// The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.
	TestSuiteName string `pulumi:"testSuiteName"`

A reference to a test case. Test case references are canonically ordered lexicographically by these three factors: * First, by test_suite_name. * Second, by class_name. * Third, by name.

type TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput

type TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a test case. Test case references are canonically ordered lexicographically by these three factors: * First, by test_suite_name. * Second, by class_name. * Third, by name.

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ClassName

The name of the class.

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) Name

The name of the test case. Required.

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) TestSuiteName

The name of the test suite to which this test case belongs.

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceResponseOutput

func (o TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceResponseOutput() TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput

func (TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput) ToTestCaseReferenceResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestCaseReferenceResponseOutput

type TestExecutionStep

type TestExecutionStep struct {
	// Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestIssues []TestIssue `pulumi:"testIssues"`
	// List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)
	TestSuiteOverviews []TestSuiteOverview `pulumi:"testSuiteOverviews"`
	// The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestTiming *TestTiming `pulumi:"testTiming"`
	// Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution *ToolExecution `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

A step that represents running tests. It accepts ant-junit xml files which will be parsed into structured test results by the service. Xml file paths are updated in order to append more files, however they can't be deleted. Users can also add test results manually by using the test_result field.

type TestExecutionStepArgs

type TestExecutionStepArgs struct {
	// Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestIssues TestIssueArrayInput `pulumi:"testIssues"`
	// List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)
	TestSuiteOverviews TestSuiteOverviewArrayInput `pulumi:"testSuiteOverviews"`
	// The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestTiming TestTimingPtrInput `pulumi:"testTiming"`
	// Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution ToolExecutionPtrInput `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

A step that represents running tests. It accepts ant-junit xml files which will be parsed into structured test results by the service. Xml file paths are updated in order to append more files, however they can't be deleted. Users can also add test results manually by using the test_result field.

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ElementType

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepOutput

func (i TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepOutput() TestExecutionStepOutput

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepOutputWithContext

func (i TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepOutput

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (i TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput() TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (i TestExecutionStepArgs) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

type TestExecutionStepInput

type TestExecutionStepInput interface {

	ToTestExecutionStepOutput() TestExecutionStepOutput
	ToTestExecutionStepOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestExecutionStepOutput

TestExecutionStepInput is an input type that accepts TestExecutionStepArgs and TestExecutionStepOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestExecutionStepInput` via:


type TestExecutionStepOutput

type TestExecutionStepOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A step that represents running tests. It accepts ant-junit xml files which will be parsed into structured test results by the service. Xml file paths are updated in order to append more files, however they can't be deleted. Users can also add test results manually by using the test_result field.

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ElementType

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) TestIssues

Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) TestSuiteOverviews

List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) TestTiming

The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepOutput

func (o TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepOutput() TestExecutionStepOutput

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepOutputWithContext

func (o TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepOutput

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (o TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput() TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestExecutionStepOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (TestExecutionStepOutput) ToolExecution

Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional

type TestExecutionStepPtrInput

type TestExecutionStepPtrInput interface {

	ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput() TestExecutionStepPtrOutput
	ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

TestExecutionStepPtrInput is an input type that accepts TestExecutionStepArgs, TestExecutionStepPtr and TestExecutionStepPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestExecutionStepPtrInput` via:




type TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

type TestExecutionStepPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) Elem

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ElementType

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) TestIssues

Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) TestSuiteOverviews

List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) TestTiming

The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (o TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutput() TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToTestExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (TestExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToolExecution

Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional

type TestExecutionStepResponse

type TestExecutionStepResponse struct {
	// Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestIssues []TestIssueResponse `pulumi:"testIssues"`
	// List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)
	TestSuiteOverviews []TestSuiteOverviewResponse `pulumi:"testSuiteOverviews"`
	// The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional
	TestTiming TestTimingResponse `pulumi:"testTiming"`
	// Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution ToolExecutionResponse `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

A step that represents running tests. It accepts ant-junit xml files which will be parsed into structured test results by the service. Xml file paths are updated in order to append more files, however they can't be deleted. Users can also add test results manually by using the test_result field.

type TestExecutionStepResponseOutput

type TestExecutionStepResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A step that represents running tests. It accepts ant-junit xml files which will be parsed into structured test results by the service. Xml file paths are updated in order to append more files, however they can't be deleted. Users can also add test results manually by using the test_result field.

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) TestIssues

Issues observed during the test execution. For example, if the mobile app under test crashed during the test, the error message and the stack trace content can be recorded here to assist debugging. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) TestSuiteOverviews

List of test suite overview contents. This could be parsed from xUnit XML log by server, or uploaded directly by user. This references should only be called when test suites are fully parsed or uploaded. The maximum allowed number of test suite overviews per step is 1000. - In response: always set - In create request: optional - In update request: never (use publishXunitXmlFiles custom method instead)

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) TestTiming

The timing break down of the test execution. - In response: present if set by create or update - In create/update request: optional

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToTestExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (o TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToTestExecutionStepResponseOutput() TestExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToTestExecutionStepResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToTestExecutionStepResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (TestExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToolExecution

Represents the execution of the test runner. The exit code of this tool will be used to determine if the test passed. - In response: always set - In create/update request: optional

type TestIssue

type TestIssue struct {
	// Category of issue. Required.
	Category *TestIssueCategory `pulumi:"category"`
	// A brief human-readable message describing the issue. Required.
	ErrorMessage *string `pulumi:"errorMessage"`
	// Severity of issue. Required.
	Severity *TestIssueSeverity `pulumi:"severity"`
	// Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	// Deprecated: Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	StackTrace *StackTrace `pulumi:"stackTrace"`
	// Type of issue. Required.
	Type *TestIssueType `pulumi:"type"`
	// Warning message with additional details of the issue. Should always be a message from com.google.devtools.toolresults.v1.warnings
	Warning *Any `pulumi:"warning"`

An issue detected occurring during a test execution.

type TestIssueArgs

type TestIssueArgs struct {
	// Category of issue. Required.
	Category TestIssueCategoryPtrInput `pulumi:"category"`
	// A brief human-readable message describing the issue. Required.
	ErrorMessage pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"errorMessage"`
	// Severity of issue. Required.
	Severity TestIssueSeverityPtrInput `pulumi:"severity"`
	// Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	// Deprecated: Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	StackTrace StackTracePtrInput `pulumi:"stackTrace"`
	// Type of issue. Required.
	Type TestIssueTypePtrInput `pulumi:"type"`
	// Warning message with additional details of the issue. Should always be a message from com.google.devtools.toolresults.v1.warnings
	Warning AnyPtrInput `pulumi:"warning"`

An issue detected occurring during a test execution.

func (TestIssueArgs) ElementType

func (TestIssueArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueArgs) ToTestIssueOutput

func (i TestIssueArgs) ToTestIssueOutput() TestIssueOutput

func (TestIssueArgs) ToTestIssueOutputWithContext

func (i TestIssueArgs) ToTestIssueOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueOutput

type TestIssueArray

type TestIssueArray []TestIssueInput

func (TestIssueArray) ElementType

func (TestIssueArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueArray) ToTestIssueArrayOutput

func (i TestIssueArray) ToTestIssueArrayOutput() TestIssueArrayOutput

func (TestIssueArray) ToTestIssueArrayOutputWithContext

func (i TestIssueArray) ToTestIssueArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueArrayOutput

type TestIssueArrayInput

type TestIssueArrayInput interface {

	ToTestIssueArrayOutput() TestIssueArrayOutput
	ToTestIssueArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueArrayOutput

TestIssueArrayInput is an input type that accepts TestIssueArray and TestIssueArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestIssueArrayInput` via:

TestIssueArray{ TestIssueArgs{...} }

type TestIssueArrayOutput

type TestIssueArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueArrayOutput) ElementType

func (TestIssueArrayOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueArrayOutput) Index

func (TestIssueArrayOutput) ToTestIssueArrayOutput

func (o TestIssueArrayOutput) ToTestIssueArrayOutput() TestIssueArrayOutput

func (TestIssueArrayOutput) ToTestIssueArrayOutputWithContext

func (o TestIssueArrayOutput) ToTestIssueArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueArrayOutput

type TestIssueCategory added in v0.4.0

type TestIssueCategory string

Category of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueCategory) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (TestIssueCategory) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueCategory) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryOutput() TestIssueCategoryOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueCategoryOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput() TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueCategory) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

type TestIssueCategoryInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueCategoryInput interface {

	ToTestIssueCategoryOutput() TestIssueCategoryOutput
	ToTestIssueCategoryOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueCategoryOutput

TestIssueCategoryInput is an input type that accepts TestIssueCategoryArgs and TestIssueCategoryOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestIssueCategoryInput` via:


type TestIssueCategoryOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueCategoryOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryOutput() TestIssueCategoryOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueCategoryOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput() TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

type TestIssueCategoryPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueCategoryPtrInput interface {

	ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput() TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput
	ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

func TestIssueCategoryPtr added in v0.6.0

func TestIssueCategoryPtr(v string) TestIssueCategoryPtrInput

type TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutput() TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

func (TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput) ToTestIssueCategoryPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueCategoryPtrOutput

type TestIssueInput

type TestIssueInput interface {

	ToTestIssueOutput() TestIssueOutput
	ToTestIssueOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueOutput

TestIssueInput is an input type that accepts TestIssueArgs and TestIssueOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestIssueInput` via:


type TestIssueOutput

type TestIssueOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An issue detected occurring during a test execution.

func (TestIssueOutput) Category

Category of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueOutput) ElementType

func (TestIssueOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueOutput) ErrorMessage

func (o TestIssueOutput) ErrorMessage() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

A brief human-readable message describing the issue. Required.

func (TestIssueOutput) Severity

Severity of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueOutput) StackTrace deprecated

func (o TestIssueOutput) StackTrace() StackTracePtrOutput

Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.

Deprecated: Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.

func (TestIssueOutput) ToTestIssueOutput

func (o TestIssueOutput) ToTestIssueOutput() TestIssueOutput

func (TestIssueOutput) ToTestIssueOutputWithContext

func (o TestIssueOutput) ToTestIssueOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueOutput

func (TestIssueOutput) Type

Type of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueOutput) Warning

func (o TestIssueOutput) Warning() AnyPtrOutput

Warning message with additional details of the issue. Should always be a message from com.google.devtools.toolresults.v1.warnings

type TestIssueResponse

type TestIssueResponse struct {
	// Category of issue. Required.
	Category string `pulumi:"category"`
	// A brief human-readable message describing the issue. Required.
	ErrorMessage string `pulumi:"errorMessage"`
	// Severity of issue. Required.
	Severity string `pulumi:"severity"`
	// Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	// Deprecated: Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.
	StackTrace StackTraceResponse `pulumi:"stackTrace"`
	// Type of issue. Required.
	Type string `pulumi:"type"`
	// Warning message with additional details of the issue. Should always be a message from com.google.devtools.toolresults.v1.warnings
	Warning AnyResponse `pulumi:"warning"`

An issue detected occurring during a test execution.

type TestIssueResponseArrayOutput

type TestIssueResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) ToTestIssueResponseArrayOutput

func (o TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) ToTestIssueResponseArrayOutput() TestIssueResponseArrayOutput

func (TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) ToTestIssueResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o TestIssueResponseArrayOutput) ToTestIssueResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueResponseArrayOutput

type TestIssueResponseOutput

type TestIssueResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An issue detected occurring during a test execution.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) Category

Category of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) ErrorMessage

func (o TestIssueResponseOutput) ErrorMessage() pulumi.StringOutput

A brief human-readable message describing the issue. Required.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) Severity

Severity of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) StackTrace deprecated

Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.

Deprecated: Deprecated in favor of stack trace fields inside specific warnings.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) ToTestIssueResponseOutput

func (o TestIssueResponseOutput) ToTestIssueResponseOutput() TestIssueResponseOutput

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) ToTestIssueResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TestIssueResponseOutput) ToTestIssueResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueResponseOutput

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) Type

Type of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueResponseOutput) Warning

Warning message with additional details of the issue. Should always be a message from com.google.devtools.toolresults.v1.warnings

type TestIssueSeverity added in v0.4.0

type TestIssueSeverity string

Severity of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueSeverity) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (TestIssueSeverity) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityOutput() TestIssueSeverityOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueSeverityOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput() TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueSeverity) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

type TestIssueSeverityInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueSeverityInput interface {

	ToTestIssueSeverityOutput() TestIssueSeverityOutput
	ToTestIssueSeverityOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueSeverityOutput

TestIssueSeverityInput is an input type that accepts TestIssueSeverityArgs and TestIssueSeverityOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestIssueSeverityInput` via:


type TestIssueSeverityOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueSeverityOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityOutput() TestIssueSeverityOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueSeverityOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput() TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

type TestIssueSeverityPtrInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueSeverityPtrInput interface {

	ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput() TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput
	ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

func TestIssueSeverityPtr added in v0.6.0

func TestIssueSeverityPtr(v string) TestIssueSeverityPtrInput

type TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutput() TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

func (TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput) ToTestIssueSeverityPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueSeverityPtrOutput

type TestIssueType added in v0.4.0

type TestIssueType string

Type of issue. Required.

func (TestIssueType) ElementType added in v0.4.0

func (TestIssueType) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueType) ToStringOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.4.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypeOutput() TestIssueTypeOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypeOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueTypeOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput() TestIssueTypePtrOutput

func (TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (e TestIssueType) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueTypePtrOutput

type TestIssueTypeInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueTypeInput interface {

	ToTestIssueTypeOutput() TestIssueTypeOutput
	ToTestIssueTypeOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueTypeOutput

TestIssueTypeInput is an input type that accepts TestIssueTypeArgs and TestIssueTypeOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestIssueTypeInput` via:


type TestIssueTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueTypeOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringOutput() pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypeOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypeOutput() TestIssueTypeOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypeOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueTypeOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput() TestIssueTypePtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypeOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueTypePtrOutput

type TestIssueTypePtrInput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueTypePtrInput interface {

	ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput() TestIssueTypePtrOutput
	ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestIssueTypePtrOutput

func TestIssueTypePtr added in v0.6.0

func TestIssueTypePtr(v string) TestIssueTypePtrInput

type TestIssueTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

type TestIssueTypePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) Elem added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ElementType added in v0.6.0

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutput() pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToStringPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) pulumi.StringPtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutput() TestIssueTypePtrOutput

func (TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext added in v0.6.0

func (o TestIssueTypePtrOutput) ToTestIssueTypePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestIssueTypePtrOutput

type TestSuiteOverview

type TestSuiteOverview struct {
	// Elapsed time of test suite.
	ElapsedTime *Duration `pulumi:"elapsedTime"`
	// Number of test cases in error, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	ErrorCount *int `pulumi:"errorCount"`
	// Number of failed test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. May also be set by the user. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	FailureCount *int `pulumi:"failureCount"`
	// Number of flaky test cases, set by the service by rolling up flaky test attempts. Present only for rollup test suite overview at environment level. A step cannot have flaky test cases.
	FlakyCount *int `pulumi:"flakyCount"`
	// The name of the test suite. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	Name *string `pulumi:"name"`
	// Number of test cases not run, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	SkippedCount *int `pulumi:"skippedCount"`
	// Number of test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	TotalCount *int `pulumi:"totalCount"`
	// If this test suite was parsed from XML, this is the URI where the original XML file is stored. Note: Multiple test suites can share the same xml_source Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the uri format is not supported. - In create/response: optional - In update request: never
	XmlSource *FileReference `pulumi:"xmlSource"`

A summary of a test suite result either parsed from XML or uploaded directly by a user. Note: the API related comments are for StepService only. This message is also being used in ExecutionService in a read only mode for the corresponding step.

type TestSuiteOverviewArgs

type TestSuiteOverviewArgs struct {
	// Elapsed time of test suite.
	ElapsedTime DurationPtrInput `pulumi:"elapsedTime"`
	// Number of test cases in error, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	ErrorCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"errorCount"`
	// Number of failed test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. May also be set by the user. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	FailureCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"failureCount"`
	// Number of flaky test cases, set by the service by rolling up flaky test attempts. Present only for rollup test suite overview at environment level. A step cannot have flaky test cases.
	FlakyCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"flakyCount"`
	// The name of the test suite. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	Name pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"name"`
	// Number of test cases not run, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	SkippedCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"skippedCount"`
	// Number of test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	TotalCount pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"totalCount"`
	// If this test suite was parsed from XML, this is the URI where the original XML file is stored. Note: Multiple test suites can share the same xml_source Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the uri format is not supported. - In create/response: optional - In update request: never
	XmlSource FileReferencePtrInput `pulumi:"xmlSource"`

A summary of a test suite result either parsed from XML or uploaded directly by a user. Note: the API related comments are for StepService only. This message is also being used in ExecutionService in a read only mode for the corresponding step.

func (TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutput

func (i TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutput() TestSuiteOverviewOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutputWithContext

func (i TestSuiteOverviewArgs) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewArray

type TestSuiteOverviewArray []TestSuiteOverviewInput

func (TestSuiteOverviewArray) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestSuiteOverviewArray) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

func (i TestSuiteOverviewArray) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput() TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewArray) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutputWithContext

func (i TestSuiteOverviewArray) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewArrayInput

type TestSuiteOverviewArrayInput interface {

	ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput() TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput
	ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

TestSuiteOverviewArrayInput is an input type that accepts TestSuiteOverviewArray and TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestSuiteOverviewArrayInput` via:

TestSuiteOverviewArray{ TestSuiteOverviewArgs{...} }

type TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) Index

func (TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

func (o TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput() TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutputWithContext

func (o TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewArrayOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewInput

type TestSuiteOverviewInput interface {

	ToTestSuiteOverviewOutput() TestSuiteOverviewOutput
	ToTestSuiteOverviewOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewOutput

TestSuiteOverviewInput is an input type that accepts TestSuiteOverviewArgs and TestSuiteOverviewOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestSuiteOverviewInput` via:


type TestSuiteOverviewOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A summary of a test suite result either parsed from XML or uploaded directly by a user. Note: the API related comments are for StepService only. This message is also being used in ExecutionService in a read only mode for the corresponding step.

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ElapsedTime

Elapsed time of test suite.

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ErrorCount

Number of test cases in error, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) FailureCount

func (o TestSuiteOverviewOutput) FailureCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput

Number of failed test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. May also be set by the user. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) FlakyCount

Number of flaky test cases, set by the service by rolling up flaky test attempts. Present only for rollup test suite overview at environment level. A step cannot have flaky test cases.

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) Name

The name of the test suite. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) SkippedCount

func (o TestSuiteOverviewOutput) SkippedCount() pulumi.IntPtrOutput

Number of test cases not run, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutput

func (o TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutput() TestSuiteOverviewOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutputWithContext

func (o TestSuiteOverviewOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) TotalCount

Number of test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewOutput) XmlSource

If this test suite was parsed from XML, this is the URI where the original XML file is stored. Note: Multiple test suites can share the same xml_source Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the uri format is not supported. - In create/response: optional - In update request: never

type TestSuiteOverviewResponse

type TestSuiteOverviewResponse struct {
	// Elapsed time of test suite.
	ElapsedTime DurationResponse `pulumi:"elapsedTime"`
	// Number of test cases in error, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	ErrorCount int `pulumi:"errorCount"`
	// Number of failed test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. May also be set by the user. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	FailureCount int `pulumi:"failureCount"`
	// Number of flaky test cases, set by the service by rolling up flaky test attempts. Present only for rollup test suite overview at environment level. A step cannot have flaky test cases.
	FlakyCount int `pulumi:"flakyCount"`
	// The name of the test suite. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	Name string `pulumi:"name"`
	// Number of test cases not run, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	SkippedCount int `pulumi:"skippedCount"`
	// Number of test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never
	TotalCount int `pulumi:"totalCount"`
	// If this test suite was parsed from XML, this is the URI where the original XML file is stored. Note: Multiple test suites can share the same xml_source Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the uri format is not supported. - In create/response: optional - In update request: never
	XmlSource FileReferenceResponse `pulumi:"xmlSource"`

A summary of a test suite result either parsed from XML or uploaded directly by a user. Note: the API related comments are for StepService only. This message is also being used in ExecutionService in a read only mode for the corresponding step.

type TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput

func (o TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput() TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewResponseArrayOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput

type TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A summary of a test suite result either parsed from XML or uploaded directly by a user. Note: the API related comments are for StepService only. This message is also being used in ExecutionService in a read only mode for the corresponding step.

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ElapsedTime

Elapsed time of test suite.

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ErrorCount

Number of test cases in error, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) FailureCount

Number of failed test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. May also be set by the user. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) FlakyCount

Number of flaky test cases, set by the service by rolling up flaky test attempts. Present only for rollup test suite overview at environment level. A step cannot have flaky test cases.

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) Name

The name of the test suite. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) SkippedCount

Number of test cases not run, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput

func (o TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput() TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) ToTestSuiteOverviewResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) TotalCount

Number of test cases, typically set by the service by parsing the xml_source. - In create/response: always set - In update request: never

func (TestSuiteOverviewResponseOutput) XmlSource

If this test suite was parsed from XML, this is the URI where the original XML file is stored. Note: Multiple test suites can share the same xml_source Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the uri format is not supported. - In create/response: optional - In update request: never

type TestTiming

type TestTiming struct {
	// How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional
	TestProcessDuration *Duration `pulumi:"testProcessDuration"`

Testing timing break down to know phases.

type TestTimingArgs

type TestTimingArgs struct {
	// How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional
	TestProcessDuration DurationPtrInput `pulumi:"testProcessDuration"`

Testing timing break down to know phases.

func (TestTimingArgs) ElementType

func (TestTimingArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingOutput

func (i TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingOutput() TestTimingOutput

func (TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingOutputWithContext

func (i TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingOutput

func (TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingPtrOutput

func (i TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingPtrOutput() TestTimingPtrOutput

func (TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext

func (i TestTimingArgs) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingPtrOutput

type TestTimingInput

type TestTimingInput interface {

	ToTestTimingOutput() TestTimingOutput
	ToTestTimingOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestTimingOutput

TestTimingInput is an input type that accepts TestTimingArgs and TestTimingOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestTimingInput` via:


type TestTimingOutput

type TestTimingOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Testing timing break down to know phases.

func (TestTimingOutput) ElementType

func (TestTimingOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestTimingOutput) TestProcessDuration

func (o TestTimingOutput) TestProcessDuration() DurationPtrOutput

How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional

func (TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingOutput

func (o TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingOutput() TestTimingOutput

func (TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingOutputWithContext

func (o TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingOutput

func (TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutput

func (o TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutput() TestTimingPtrOutput

func (TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestTimingOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingPtrOutput

type TestTimingPtrInput

type TestTimingPtrInput interface {

	ToTestTimingPtrOutput() TestTimingPtrOutput
	ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TestTimingPtrOutput

TestTimingPtrInput is an input type that accepts TestTimingArgs, TestTimingPtr and TestTimingPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TestTimingPtrInput` via:




func TestTimingPtr

func TestTimingPtr(v *TestTimingArgs) TestTimingPtrInput

type TestTimingPtrOutput

type TestTimingPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) Elem

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) ElementType

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) TestProcessDuration

func (o TestTimingPtrOutput) TestProcessDuration() DurationPtrOutput

How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutput

func (o TestTimingPtrOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutput() TestTimingPtrOutput

func (TestTimingPtrOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TestTimingPtrOutput) ToTestTimingPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingPtrOutput

type TestTimingResponse

type TestTimingResponse struct {
	// How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional
	TestProcessDuration DurationResponse `pulumi:"testProcessDuration"`

Testing timing break down to know phases.

type TestTimingResponseOutput

type TestTimingResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Testing timing break down to know phases.

func (TestTimingResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TestTimingResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TestTimingResponseOutput) TestProcessDuration

func (o TestTimingResponseOutput) TestProcessDuration() DurationResponseOutput

How long it took to run the test process. - In response: present if previously set. - In create/update request: optional

func (TestTimingResponseOutput) ToTestTimingResponseOutput

func (o TestTimingResponseOutput) ToTestTimingResponseOutput() TestTimingResponseOutput

func (TestTimingResponseOutput) ToTestTimingResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TestTimingResponseOutput) ToTestTimingResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TestTimingResponseOutput

type Timestamp

type Timestamp struct {
	// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos *int `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
	Seconds *string `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear). The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.

type TimestampArgs

type TimestampArgs struct {
	// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
	Seconds pulumi.StringPtrInput `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear). The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.

func (TimestampArgs) ElementType

func (TimestampArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TimestampArgs) ToTimestampOutput

func (i TimestampArgs) ToTimestampOutput() TimestampOutput

func (TimestampArgs) ToTimestampOutputWithContext

func (i TimestampArgs) ToTimestampOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampOutput

func (TimestampArgs) ToTimestampPtrOutput

func (i TimestampArgs) ToTimestampPtrOutput() TimestampPtrOutput

func (TimestampArgs) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext

func (i TimestampArgs) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampPtrOutput

type TimestampInput

type TimestampInput interface {

	ToTimestampOutput() TimestampOutput
	ToTimestampOutputWithContext(context.Context) TimestampOutput

TimestampInput is an input type that accepts TimestampArgs and TimestampOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TimestampInput` via:


type TimestampOutput

type TimestampOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear). The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.

func (TimestampOutput) ElementType

func (TimestampOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TimestampOutput) Nanos

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

func (TimestampOutput) Seconds

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

func (TimestampOutput) ToTimestampOutput

func (o TimestampOutput) ToTimestampOutput() TimestampOutput

func (TimestampOutput) ToTimestampOutputWithContext

func (o TimestampOutput) ToTimestampOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampOutput

func (TimestampOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutput

func (o TimestampOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutput() TimestampPtrOutput

func (TimestampOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TimestampOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampPtrOutput

type TimestampPtrInput

type TimestampPtrInput interface {

	ToTimestampPtrOutput() TimestampPtrOutput
	ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) TimestampPtrOutput

TimestampPtrInput is an input type that accepts TimestampArgs, TimestampPtr and TimestampPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `TimestampPtrInput` via:




func TimestampPtr

func TimestampPtr(v *TimestampArgs) TimestampPtrInput

type TimestampPtrOutput

type TimestampPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (TimestampPtrOutput) Elem

func (TimestampPtrOutput) ElementType

func (TimestampPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TimestampPtrOutput) Nanos

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

func (TimestampPtrOutput) Seconds

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

func (TimestampPtrOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutput

func (o TimestampPtrOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutput() TimestampPtrOutput

func (TimestampPtrOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext

func (o TimestampPtrOutput) ToTimestampPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampPtrOutput

type TimestampResponse

type TimestampResponse struct {
	// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
	Nanos int `pulumi:"nanos"`
	// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
	Seconds string `pulumi:"seconds"`

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear). The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.

type TimestampResponseOutput

type TimestampResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one. All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear). The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.

func (TimestampResponseOutput) ElementType

func (TimestampResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (TimestampResponseOutput) Nanos

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

func (TimestampResponseOutput) Seconds

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

func (TimestampResponseOutput) ToTimestampResponseOutput

func (o TimestampResponseOutput) ToTimestampResponseOutput() TimestampResponseOutput

func (TimestampResponseOutput) ToTimestampResponseOutputWithContext

func (o TimestampResponseOutput) ToTimestampResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) TimestampResponseOutput

type ToolExecution

type ToolExecution struct {
	// The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	CommandLineArguments []string `pulumi:"commandLineArguments"`
	// Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.
	ExitCode *ToolExitCode `pulumi:"exitCode"`
	// References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolLogs []FileReference `pulumi:"toolLogs"`
	// References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolOutputs []ToolOutputReference `pulumi:"toolOutputs"`

An execution of an arbitrary tool. It could be a test runner or a tool copying artifacts or deploying code.

type ToolExecutionArgs

type ToolExecutionArgs struct {
	// The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	CommandLineArguments pulumi.StringArrayInput `pulumi:"commandLineArguments"`
	// Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.
	ExitCode ToolExitCodePtrInput `pulumi:"exitCode"`
	// References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolLogs FileReferenceArrayInput `pulumi:"toolLogs"`
	// References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolOutputs ToolOutputReferenceArrayInput `pulumi:"toolOutputs"`

An execution of an arbitrary tool. It could be a test runner or a tool copying artifacts or deploying code.

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionOutput

func (i ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionOutput() ToolExecutionOutput

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionOutput

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (i ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput() ToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExecutionArgs) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionPtrOutput

type ToolExecutionInput

type ToolExecutionInput interface {

	ToToolExecutionOutput() ToolExecutionOutput
	ToToolExecutionOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExecutionOutput

ToolExecutionInput is an input type that accepts ToolExecutionArgs and ToolExecutionOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExecutionInput` via:


type ToolExecutionOutput

type ToolExecutionOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An execution of an arbitrary tool. It could be a test runner or a tool copying artifacts or deploying code.

func (ToolExecutionOutput) CommandLineArguments

func (o ToolExecutionOutput) CommandLineArguments() pulumi.StringArrayOutput

The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ExitCode

Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionOutput

func (o ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionOutput() ToolExecutionOutput

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionOutput

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (o ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput() ToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToolLogs

References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

func (ToolExecutionOutput) ToolOutputs

References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

type ToolExecutionPtrInput

type ToolExecutionPtrInput interface {

	ToToolExecutionPtrOutput() ToolExecutionPtrOutput
	ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExecutionPtrOutput

ToolExecutionPtrInput is an input type that accepts ToolExecutionArgs, ToolExecutionPtr and ToolExecutionPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExecutionPtrInput` via:




type ToolExecutionPtrOutput

type ToolExecutionPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) CommandLineArguments

func (o ToolExecutionPtrOutput) CommandLineArguments() pulumi.StringArrayOutput

The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) Elem

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ExitCode

Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (o ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutput() ToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToolLogs

References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

func (ToolExecutionPtrOutput) ToolOutputs

References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

type ToolExecutionResponse

type ToolExecutionResponse struct {
	// The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
	CommandLineArguments []string `pulumi:"commandLineArguments"`
	// Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.
	ExitCode ToolExitCodeResponse `pulumi:"exitCode"`
	// References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolLogs []FileReferenceResponse `pulumi:"toolLogs"`
	// References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list
	ToolOutputs []ToolOutputReferenceResponse `pulumi:"toolOutputs"`

An execution of an arbitrary tool. It could be a test runner or a tool copying artifacts or deploying code.

type ToolExecutionResponseOutput

type ToolExecutionResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

An execution of an arbitrary tool. It could be a test runner or a tool copying artifacts or deploying code.

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) CommandLineArguments

func (o ToolExecutionResponseOutput) CommandLineArguments() pulumi.StringArrayOutput

The full tokenized command line including the program name (equivalent to argv in a C program). - In response: present if set by create request - In create request: optional - In update request: never set

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ExitCode

Tool execution exit code. This field will be set once the tool has exited. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, a FAILED_PRECONDITION error will be returned if an exit_code is already set.

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionResponseOutput

func (o ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionResponseOutput() ToolExecutionResponseOutput

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionResponseOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionResponseOutput

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToolLogs

References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

func (ToolExecutionResponseOutput) ToolOutputs

References to opaque files of any format output by the tool execution. The maximum allowed number of tool outputs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

type ToolExecutionStep

type ToolExecutionStep struct {
	// A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution *ToolExecution `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

Generic tool step to be used for binaries we do not explicitly support. For example: running cp to copy artifacts from one location to another.

type ToolExecutionStepArgs

type ToolExecutionStepArgs struct {
	// A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution ToolExecutionPtrInput `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

Generic tool step to be used for binaries we do not explicitly support. For example: running cp to copy artifacts from one location to another.

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepOutput

func (i ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepOutput() ToolExecutionStepOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (i ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput() ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExecutionStepArgs) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

type ToolExecutionStepInput

type ToolExecutionStepInput interface {

	ToToolExecutionStepOutput() ToolExecutionStepOutput
	ToToolExecutionStepOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExecutionStepOutput

ToolExecutionStepInput is an input type that accepts ToolExecutionStepArgs and ToolExecutionStepOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExecutionStepInput` via:


type ToolExecutionStepOutput

type ToolExecutionStepOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Generic tool step to be used for binaries we do not explicitly support. For example: running cp to copy artifacts from one location to another.

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepOutput

func (o ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepOutput() ToolExecutionStepOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (o ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput() ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepOutput) ToolExecution

A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

type ToolExecutionStepPtrInput

type ToolExecutionStepPtrInput interface {

	ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput() ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput
	ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

ToolExecutionStepPtrInput is an input type that accepts ToolExecutionStepArgs, ToolExecutionStepPtr and ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExecutionStepPtrInput` via:




type ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

type ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) Elem

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (o ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutput() ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToToolExecutionStepPtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepPtrOutput) ToolExecution

A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

type ToolExecutionStepResponse

type ToolExecutionStepResponse struct {
	// A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	ToolExecution ToolExecutionResponse `pulumi:"toolExecution"`

Generic tool step to be used for binaries we do not explicitly support. For example: running cp to copy artifacts from one location to another.

type ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput

type ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Generic tool step to be used for binaries we do not explicitly support. For example: running cp to copy artifacts from one location to another.

func (ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (o ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionStepResponseOutput() ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionStepResponseOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToToolExecutionStepResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput

func (ToolExecutionStepResponseOutput) ToolExecution

A Tool execution. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

type ToolExitCode

type ToolExitCode struct {
	// Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Number *int `pulumi:"number"`

Exit code from a tool execution.

type ToolExitCodeArgs

type ToolExitCodeArgs struct {
	// Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Number pulumi.IntPtrInput `pulumi:"number"`

Exit code from a tool execution.

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ElementType

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodeOutput

func (i ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodeOutput() ToolExitCodeOutput

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodeOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodeOutput

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (i ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput() ToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext

func (i ToolExitCodeArgs) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodePtrOutput

type ToolExitCodeInput

type ToolExitCodeInput interface {

	ToToolExitCodeOutput() ToolExitCodeOutput
	ToToolExitCodeOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExitCodeOutput

ToolExitCodeInput is an input type that accepts ToolExitCodeArgs and ToolExitCodeOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExitCodeInput` via:


type ToolExitCodeOutput

type ToolExitCodeOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Exit code from a tool execution.

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) Number

Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodeOutput

func (o ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodeOutput() ToolExitCodeOutput

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodeOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodeOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodeOutput

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (o ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput() ToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExitCodeOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodePtrOutput

type ToolExitCodePtrInput

type ToolExitCodePtrInput interface {

	ToToolExitCodePtrOutput() ToolExitCodePtrOutput
	ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolExitCodePtrOutput

ToolExitCodePtrInput is an input type that accepts ToolExitCodeArgs, ToolExitCodePtr and ToolExitCodePtrOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolExitCodePtrInput` via:




type ToolExitCodePtrOutput

type ToolExitCodePtrOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) Elem

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) Number

Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (o ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutput() ToolExitCodePtrOutput

func (ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExitCodePtrOutput) ToToolExitCodePtrOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodePtrOutput

type ToolExitCodeResponse

type ToolExitCodeResponse struct {
	// Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Number int `pulumi:"number"`

Exit code from a tool execution.

type ToolExitCodeResponseOutput

type ToolExitCodeResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

Exit code from a tool execution.

func (ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ElementType

func (ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) Number

Tool execution exit code. A value of 0 means that the execution was successful. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ToToolExitCodeResponseOutput

func (o ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ToToolExitCodeResponseOutput() ToolExitCodeResponseOutput

func (ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ToToolExitCodeResponseOutputWithContext

func (o ToolExitCodeResponseOutput) ToToolExitCodeResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolExitCodeResponseOutput

type ToolOutputReference

type ToolOutputReference struct {
	// The creation time of the file. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	CreationTime *Timestamp `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// A FileReference to an output file. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Output *FileReference `pulumi:"output"`
	// The test case to which this output file belongs. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	TestCase *TestCaseReference `pulumi:"testCase"`

A reference to a ToolExecution output file.

type ToolOutputReferenceArgs

type ToolOutputReferenceArgs struct {
	// The creation time of the file. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	CreationTime TimestampPtrInput `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// A FileReference to an output file. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Output FileReferencePtrInput `pulumi:"output"`
	// The test case to which this output file belongs. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	TestCase TestCaseReferencePtrInput `pulumi:"testCase"`

A reference to a ToolExecution output file.

func (ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ToToolOutputReferenceOutput

func (i ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ToToolOutputReferenceOutput() ToolOutputReferenceOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ToToolOutputReferenceOutputWithContext

func (i ToolOutputReferenceArgs) ToToolOutputReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceArray

type ToolOutputReferenceArray []ToolOutputReferenceInput

func (ToolOutputReferenceArray) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceArray) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolOutputReferenceArray) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

func (i ToolOutputReferenceArray) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput() ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceArray) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutputWithContext

func (i ToolOutputReferenceArray) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceArrayInput

type ToolOutputReferenceArrayInput interface {

	ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput() ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput
	ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

ToolOutputReferenceArrayInput is an input type that accepts ToolOutputReferenceArray and ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolOutputReferenceArrayInput` via:

ToolOutputReferenceArray{ ToolOutputReferenceArgs{...} }

type ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) Index

func (ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

func (o ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput() ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutputWithContext

func (o ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceArrayOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceInput

type ToolOutputReferenceInput interface {

	ToToolOutputReferenceOutput() ToolOutputReferenceOutput
	ToToolOutputReferenceOutputWithContext(context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceOutput

ToolOutputReferenceInput is an input type that accepts ToolOutputReferenceArgs and ToolOutputReferenceOutput values. You can construct a concrete instance of `ToolOutputReferenceInput` via:


type ToolOutputReferenceOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a ToolExecution output file.

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) CreationTime

The creation time of the file. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ElementType() reflect.Type

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) Output

A FileReference to an output file. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) TestCase

The test case to which this output file belongs. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceOutput

func (o ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceOutput() ToolOutputReferenceOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceOutputWithContext

func (o ToolOutputReferenceOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceResponse

type ToolOutputReferenceResponse struct {
	// The creation time of the file. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	CreationTime TimestampResponse `pulumi:"creationTime"`
	// A FileReference to an output file. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set
	Output FileReferenceResponse `pulumi:"output"`
	// The test case to which this output file belongs. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional
	TestCase TestCaseReferenceResponse `pulumi:"testCase"`

A reference to a ToolExecution output file.

type ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) Index

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput

func (o ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput() ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutputWithContext

func (o ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceResponseArrayOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput

type ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput struct{ *pulumi.OutputState }

A reference to a ToolExecution output file.

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) CreationTime

The creation time of the file. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) ElementType

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) Output

A FileReference to an output file. - In response: always set - In create/update request: always set

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) TestCase

The test case to which this output file belongs. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create/update request: optional

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput

func (o ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput() ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput

func (ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseOutputWithContext

func (o ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput) ToToolOutputReferenceResponseOutputWithContext(ctx context.Context) ToolOutputReferenceResponseOutput

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL