package main
import (
// Slice of strings with placeholder text.
var fakeInstallList = strings.Split("pseudo-excel pseudo-photoshop pseudo-chrome pseudo-outlook pseudo-explorer "+
"pseudo-dops pseudo-git pseudo-vsc pseudo-intellij pseudo-minecraft pseudo-scoop pseudo-chocolatey", " ")
func main() {
// Create progressbar as fork from the default progressbar.
p, _ := pterm.DefaultProgressbar.WithTotal(len(fakeInstallList)).WithTitle("Downloading stuff").Start()
for i := 0; i < p.Total; i++ {
p.Title = "Downloading " + fakeInstallList[i] // Update the title of the progressbar.
pterm.Success.Println("Downloading " + fakeInstallList[i]) // If a progressbar is running, each print will be printed above the progressbar.
p.Increment() // Increment the progressbar by one. Use Add(x int) to increment by a custom amount.
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 350) // Sleep 350 milliseconds.