Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddChannelHandler[CS ChannelStructs](wg *sync.WaitGroup, handler func(cs CS, a ...any) bool, a ...any) chan CS
- func GetSourceData() map[string]SourceConfig
- func InitSettingsDir() (error, string)
- func InitSettingsFile(recreate bool, verbose bool, sourcecfg string, dbDir string, dbName string, ...)
- func PrintTotalCosts(costs []Cost, prefix bool)
- type AllUsersError
- type AlternativeNames
- type ChannelStructs
- type Config
- func (cfg *Config) AddToAllNamesTables(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, overwrite bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) AddToDoseTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) AddToInfoTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, subs []DrugInfo, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) AddToNamesTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, nameType string, sourceNames bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) ChangeUserLog(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, set string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) CheckTables(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, tableName string) bool
- func (cfg *Config) CleanDB(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) CleanInfoTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) CleanNamesTables(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, replaceOnly bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) ConvertUnits(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, substance string, unitInputs ...float32) (error, float32, string)
- func (cfg *Config) FetchFromSource(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drugname string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) FetchPsyWiki(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drugname string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) ForgetDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) GetAllAltNames(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, namesErrChan chan<- DrugNamesError, ...) DrugNamesError
- func (cfg *Config) GetDBSize() int64
- func (cfg *Config) GetLocalInfo(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, drugInfoErrChan chan<- DrugInfoError, ...) DrugInfoError
- func (cfg *Config) GetLoggedNames(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, drugNamesErrorChannel chan<- DrugNamesError, ...) DrugNamesError
- func (cfg *Config) GetLogs(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userLogsErrorChannel chan<- UserLogsError, ...) UserLogsError
- func (cfg *Config) GetLogsCount(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, user string, ...) LogCountError
- func (cfg *Config) GetTimes(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, timeTillErrChan chan<- TimeTillError, ...) TimeTillError
- func (cfg *Config) GetTotalCosts(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, costsErrChan chan<- CostsError, ...) CostsError
- func (cfg *Config) GetUserSettings(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userSetErrChannel chan<- UserSettingError, ...) UserSettingError
- func (cfg *Config) GetUsers(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, allUsersErrChan chan<- AllUsersError, ...) AllUsersError
- func (cfg *Config) InitAllDB(ctx context.Context)
- func (cfg *Config) InitAllDBTables(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitDBFileStructure()
- func (initcfg *Config) InitDBSettings(dbdir string, dbname string, mysqlaccess string) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitGraphqlClient() (error, graphql.Client)
- func (cfg *Config) InitInfoTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitLogsTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitNamesAltTables(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, replace bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitNamesFiles() error
- func (cfg *Config) InitSourceMap(apiAddress string) map[string]SourceConfig
- func (cfg *Config) InitSourceSettings(newcfg map[string]SourceConfig, recreate bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitUserSetTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context) error
- func (cfg *Config) InitUserSettings(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, username string) error
- func (cfg *Config) MatchAndReplace(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, inputName string, nameType string) string
- func (cfg *Config) MatchAndReplaceAll(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, inputName string) string
- func (cfg *Config) MatchName(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, inputName string, nameType string, ...) string
- func (cfg *Config) OpenDBConnection(ctx context.Context) *sql.DB
- func (cfg *Config) PingDB(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context)
- func (cfg *Config) PrintLocalInfo(drugInfo []DrugInfo, prefix bool)
- func (cfg *Config) PrintLogs(userLogs []UserLog, prefix bool)
- func (cfg *Config) PrintTimeTill(timeTillErr TimeTillError, prefix bool) error
- func (cfg *Config) RecallDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userLogsErrorChannel chan<- UserLogsError, ...) UserLogsError
- func (cfg *Config) RememberDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) RemoveLogs(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) RemoveSingleDrugInfo(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drug string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) SetUserSettings(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, set string, ...) ErrorInfo
- func (cfg *Config) UseConfigTimeout() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc, error)
- type Cost
- type CostsError
- type DBSettings
- type DrugInfo
- type DrugInfoError
- type DrugNamesError
- type ErrorInfo
- type LogCountError
- type MaxLogsPerUserSize
- type PsychonautwikiSubstance
- type SourceConfig
- type SubstanceName
- type SyncTimestamps
- type TimeTill
- type TimeTillError
- type UserLog
- type UserLogsError
- type UserSettingError
Constants ¶
const ActionAddToDoseTable string = "adding to dose table completed"
const ActionAddToInfoTable string = "adding to info table completed"
const ActionChangeUserLog string = "changing user log completed"
const ActionFetchFromPsychonautWiki string = "fetching from psychonautwiki completed"
const ActionFetchFromSource string = "fetching from source completed"
const ActionForgetDosing string = "dosing forgetting completed"
const ActionRememberDosing string = "dosing remember completed"
const ActionRemoveLogs string = "removing logs from dose table completed"
const ActionRemoveSingleDrugInfo string = "removing single drug info completed"
const ActionSetUserSettings string = "user settings change completed"
const DefaultAutoFetch bool = true
const DefaultAutoRemove bool = false
const DefaultCostCurr string = ""
const DefaultDBDir string = "GPD"
const DefaultDBDriver string = SqliteDriver
const DefaultDBName string = "gpd.db"
const DefaultMySQLAccess string = "user:password@tcp("
const DefaultProxyURL string = ""
const DefaultSource string = "psychonautwiki"
const DefaultSourceAddress string = PsychonautwikiAddress
const DefaultTimeout string = "5s"
const DefaultTimezone string = "Local"
const DefaultUsername string = "defaultUser"
const DefaultVerbose bool = false
const ForgetInputConfigMagicNumber string = "0"
When this number is set as the reference ID for remembering a particular input, it means that it's now "forgotten" and there should be no attempts to "remember" any inputs. This is related to the RememberConfig() and ForgetConfig() functions.
const InfoDrugNameCol string = "drugName"
const InfoRouteCol string = "drugRoute"
const LogCostCol string = "cost"
const LogCostCurrencyCol string = "costCurrency"
const LogDoseCol string = "dose"
const LogDoseUnitsCol string = "doseUnits"
const LogDrugNameCol string = "drugName"
const LogDrugRouteCol string = "drugRoute"
const LogEndTimeCol string = "timeOfDoseEnd"
const LogStartTimeCol string = "timeOfDoseStart"
const MysqlDriver string = "mysql"
const NameTypeConvertUnits = "convUnits"
const NameTypeRoute = "route"
const NameTypeSubstance = "substance"
Constants used for matching names
const NameTypeUnits = "units"
const PsychonautwikiAddress string = ""
const SqliteDriver string = "sqlite"
Variables ¶
var ComboInputError error = errors.New("combo of input parameters not in database")
var ConvResultIsZeroError error = errors.New("conversion result is zero")
var DoseBelowThresholdError error = errors.New("the dosage is below the source threshold")
var EmptyListDrugNamesError error = errors.New("empty list of drug names from table")
EmptyListDrugNamesError is the error returned when no unique drug names could be retrieved from the database.
var InvalidColInput error = errors.New("an invalid column name has been given")
var LogDoesntExistError error = errors.New("log doesn't exist")
var LoggedRouteInfoError error = errors.New("dose route doesn't match anything in info table")
var LoggedUnitsInfoError error = errors.New("dose units don't match anything in info table")
var MaxLogsPerUserError error = errors.New("reached the maximum entries per user")
var NoDensitySubstanceError error = errors.New("got no density for substance")
var NoDrugInfoTable error = errors.New("no such drug in info table")
var NoDrugInfoTableError error = errors.New("no such drug in the info (source) table")
var NoLogsError error = errors.New("no logs returned for user")
var NoNamesReturnedError error = errors.New("no names returned")
var NoNametypeError error = errors.New("no nameType")
var NoROAForSubs error = errors.New("no route of administration for substance")
NoROAForSubs is the error returned when no routes of administration is returned for a substance could be retrieved from a source.
var NoUsersReturned error = errors.New("no usernames have been returned")
NoUsersReturned is the error returned when no unique usernames from the log table have been retrieved.
var NoValidSourceSel error = errors.New("no valid source selected")
var PsychonautwikiEmptyResp error = errors.New("Psychonautwiki returned nothing")
var RetConvertUnitEmptyError error = errors.New("returned convertUnit is empty")
var StructSliceEmpty error = errors.New("struct slice is empty, nothing added to DB")
var TimeoutValueEmptyError error = errors.New("timeout value is empty")
var TotalCostsEmptyError error = errors.New("there are no costs to return")
var WrongAmountNamesError error = errors.New("wrong amount of names")
var WrongAmountUnitInputsError error = errors.New("wrong amount of unitInputs")
Functions ¶
func AddChannelHandler ¶
func AddChannelHandler[CS ChannelStructs](wg *sync.WaitGroup, handler func(cs CS, a ...any) bool, a ...any) chan CS
AddChannelHandler starts receiving from a channel which it creates, using the structure given as the first argument of the handler function. The structure indicates from which goroutine it will receive data. For example the structure UserLogsError is related to the function GetLogs() since it is accepted as an argument by that function. This function will return the channel needed to be passed to GetLogs() if UserLogsError is used.
If the handler function returns false, the handler loop is stopped, the wait group counter is decremented by one and the channel won't accept any more data. It would be good to make sure that all sending goroutines like GetLogs() are stopped beforehand.
Using AddChannelHandler() isn't strictly required, creating channels manually and receiving data from them is acceptable as well. This function should be used when needed, for example when accepting multiple requests at once.
wg - the wait group has to be initialized manually and at the end of the main() function, wg.Wait() has to be executed, replacing wg with the name given when initializing the wait group
handler - the handler function has to be created manually using the type information defined in this function, it will be executed every time data is received from the running goroutines
func GetSourceData ¶
func GetSourceData() map[string]SourceConfig
GetSourceData returns the map gotten from the source config file unmarshaled. The map returns for a given source name (key), an addres (value) for that source.
func InitSettingsDir ¶
InitSettingsDir creates the directory for the configuration files using the system path for configs and sets the proper mode to the new directory. It first checks if it already exists, skips the creation if true.
Returns the full path to the directory as a string.
func InitSettingsFile ¶
func InitSettingsFile(recreate bool, verbose bool, sourcecfg string, dbDir string, dbName string, mysqlAccess string)
InitSettingsFile creates and fills the main global config file which is used for the Config struct. It sets the proper mode and stops the program on error. The data for writing to the file is taken from the passed Config structure.
recreate - if true overwrites the currently existing config file with the currently passed Config struct data
verbose - whether to print verbose information
func PrintTotalCosts ¶
PrintTotalCosts writes all costs for all currencies to console.
costs - the costs slice returned from GetTotalCosts()
prefix - if true the name of the function should be shown when writing to console
Types ¶
type AllUsersError ¶
type AlternativeNames ¶
type AlternativeNames struct {
AltNames []string
type ChannelStructs ¶
type ChannelStructs interface { UserLogsError | DrugNamesError | DrugInfoError | UserSettingError | LogCountError | AllUsersError | ErrorInfo }
type Config ¶
type Config struct { MaxLogsPerUser MaxLogsPerUserSize UseSource string AutoFetch bool AutoRemove bool DBDriver string VerbosePrinting bool DBSettings map[string]DBSettings Timezone string ProxyURL string Timeout string CostCurrency string }
func GetSettings ¶
func GetSettings() Config
Get the Config structure data marshaled from the global config file. Returns the Config structure. Stops the program if an error is not nil.
func InitAllSettings ¶
func InitAllSettings(sourcecfg string, dbDir string, dbName string, mysqlAccess string, recreateSettings bool, recreateSources bool, verbose bool, apiAddress string) Config
InitAllSettings initializes the Config struct with default values, uses the struct to create the global config file, unmarshales the newly created config and stores the struct in a new variable, initializes the source map using the set source in the Config struct and the given API address, uses the map to create the source config file and returns the Config struct. It then copies the directory containing the toml files for filling alternative names to the database.
Basically all you probably would want to do anyway, but in a single function.
Checkout InitConfigStruct(), InitDBSettings(), InitSettingsFile() GetSettings(), InitSourceMap(), InitSourceSettings() for more info.
sourcecfg - what source name to set by default for the Config struct
dbDir - the path for using the sqlite database file
dbName - the name of the sqlite db file
mysqlAccess - the path for accessing an MySQL/MariaDB database
recreateSettings - overwrite the settings file even if it exists
recreateSources - overwrite the source settings file even if it exists
verbose - if true print verbose information
apiAddress - the address to use when initializing the source map
func InitConfigStruct ¶
Initialise the Config struct using the default values.
sourcecfg - The name of the implemented source to use. The meaning of "source" is for example an API server for which code is present in this repository.
func (*Config) AddToAllNamesTables ¶
Calls AddToNamesTable() for all nameType.
overwrite - force overwrite of tables, it will not remove the old config files, that must be done manually, if they're not removed it will use their data for the database
func (*Config) AddToDoseTable ¶
func (cfg *Config) AddToDoseTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, synct *SyncTimestamps, user string, drug string, route string, dose float32, units string, perc float32, cost float32, costCur string, printit bool) ErrorInfo
AddToDoseTable adds a new logged dose to the local database.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
synct - pointer to SyncTimestamps struct used for synchronizing all AddToDoseTable() goroutines, it makes sure no conflicts happen when new doses are added (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
user - the username to log, if the same timestamps for the same username are chosen, the function will increment them all with 1 second to avoid conflicts
drug - the name of the drug to log, it has to be present in the local info (source) database
route - the name of the route to log, examples begin oral, smoked, etc. and it has to be present in the local info (source) database for the given drug
dose - the amount of drug to log
units - the units to be used for dose (amount)
perc - when not 0, will attempt to convert the amount and units to new amount and units according to the configurations present in the database, checkout ConvertUnits() in names.go for more information on how this works
cost - the cost in money for the log, it has to be calculated manually using the total amount paid
costCur - the currency the cost is in
printit - when true, prints what has been added to the database in the terminal
func (*Config) AddToInfoTable ¶
func (cfg *Config) AddToInfoTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, subs []DrugInfo, username string) ErrorInfo
AddToInfoTable uses subs[] to fill up the currently configured source table in the database. subs[] has to be filled prior to calling the function. This is usually achieved by fetching data from a source using it's API.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
subs - all substances of type DrugInfo to go through to add to source table
username - user requesting addition
func (*Config) AddToNamesTable ¶
func (cfg *Config) AddToNamesTable(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, nameType string, sourceNames bool) error
Create the proper tables in the database, which will later be used to match alternative names to local names.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
nameType - choose type for table to create, between exported constants: NameTypeSubstance, NameTypeRoute, NameTypeUnits or NameTypeConvertUnits
sourceNames - if true, will add data to the source specific config tables
func (*Config) ChangeUserLog ¶
func (cfg *Config) ChangeUserLog(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, set string, id int64, username string, setValue string) ErrorInfo
ChangeUserLog can be used to modify log data of a single log.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
set - what log data to change, if name is invalid, InvalidColInput error will be send through userLogsErrorChannel or returned
id - if 0 will change the newest log, else it will change the log with the given id
username - the user who's log we're changing
setValue - the new value to set
func (*Config) CheckTables ¶
CheckTables returns true if a table exists in the database with the name tableName. It returns false in case of error or if the table isn't found. If tableName is empty it will search for all tables in the database.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
tableName - name of table to check if it exists
func (*Config) CleanDB ¶
CleanDB deletes all tables in the database. Make sure you don't have any other tables related to other projects in the database! It's a good idea to create different databases for every project.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) CleanInfoTable ¶
CleanInfoTable removes the currently configured info table. For example if source is set to "psychonautwiki" it will delete the table with the same name as the source, containing all data like dosages and timings. All user dosages aren't touched since they're not apart of the drug general information.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) CleanNamesTables ¶
CleanNamesTables removes the main names tables and the currently configured ones as well. Names are "alternative names" like "weed" for "cannabis" and etc. Main names are global, they apply to all sources. Currently configured ones are source specific and are chosen based on the currently used source. This means, that any old names generated for another source aren't removed.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
replaceOnly - if true, remove only replace tables (source specific), keep the global ones intact
func (*Config) ConvertUnits ¶
func (cfg *Config) ConvertUnits(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, substance string, unitInputs ...float32) (error, float32, string)
ConvertUnits converts the given inputs for a given substance according to a predefined configuration in the database. Checkout AddToSubstanceNamesTable() for more info on how the configuration is done.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
substance - the drug for which to convert units via the config
unitInputs - the inputs to use for the conversions, for example milliliters and percentage
func (*Config) FetchFromSource ¶
func (cfg *Config) FetchFromSource(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drugname string, username string, xtraNeeded ...any) ErrorInfo
FetchFromSource goes through all source names and picks the proper function for fetching drug information. The information is automatically added to the proper info table depending on the Config struct.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
drugname - the name of the substance to fetch information for
username - the user requesting the fetch
xtraNeeded - these are values dependent on the configured source, the order in which they're given also matters, the order in which every source is described, is the one in which the values should be given
for psychonautwiki: the initialised structure for the graphql client, best done using InitGraphqlClient(), but can be done manually if needed
func (*Config) FetchPsyWiki ¶
func (cfg *Config) FetchPsyWiki(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drugname string, client graphql.Client, username string) ErrorInfo
FetchPsyWiki gets information from Psychonautwiki about a given substance and stores it in the local info table. The table is determined by the source chosen in the Config struct. The name of the table is the same as the name of the source, in this case "psychonautwiki".
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
drugname - the substance to get information about
client - the initialised structure for the graphql client, best done using InitGraphqlClient(), but can be done manually if needed
username - the user that requested the fetch request
func (*Config) ForgetDosing ¶
func (cfg *Config) ForgetDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string) ErrorInfo
ForgetDosing is meant to reset the setting for remembering dosings. ForgetInputConfigMagicNumber is a constant containing the value meant to be ignored. Checkout RememberDosing()!
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user for which to forget the dosing
func (*Config) GetAllAltNames ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetAllAltNames(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, namesErrChan chan<- DrugNamesError, inputName string, nameType string, sourceNames bool, username string) DrugNamesError
Returns all alternative names for a given local name. For example if the input is "cannabis" it should return something like "weed", "marijuana", etc. The alt names themselves can't be used to find the other alt names, it requires the "main" name in the local info table.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to passed to sql query function
namesErrChan - the goroutine channel used to return the alternative names for a given "global" name and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
inputName - local name to get alt names for
nameType - choose type to get alt names for, between exported constants: NameTypeSubstance, NameTypeRoute, NameTypeUnits or NameTypeConvertUnits
sourceNames - use source specific names instead of global ones
username - the user requesting the alt names
func (*Config) GetLocalInfo ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetLocalInfo(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, drugInfoErrChan chan<- DrugInfoError, drug string, username string) DrugInfoError
GetLocalInfo returns a slice containing all information about a drug.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
drugInfoErrChan - the goroutine channel used to return the slice containing information about all routes for a drug and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
drug - drug to get information about
username - the user requesting the local info
func (*Config) GetLoggedNames ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetLoggedNames(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, drugNamesErrorChannel chan<- DrugNamesError, info bool, username string, getExact string) DrugNamesError
GetLoggedNames returns a slice containing all unique names of drugs present in the local info table or log table.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
drugNamesErrorChannel - the goroutine channel used to return the list of drug names and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
info - if true will get names from local info table, if false from log table
getExact - choose which column to get unique names for, if name is invalid, InvalidColInput error will be send through userLogsErrorChannel
func (*Config) GetLogs ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetLogs(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userLogsErrorChannel chan<- UserLogsError, num int, id int64, user string, desc bool, search string, getExact string) UserLogsError
GetLogs returns all logs for a given username in the drug log table. It uses a single channel with the type UserLogsError, containing a slice of UserLogs structs and a variable with an error type. When using this function, the error must be checked before reading the logs. Every log is a separate element of the UserLogs slice.
db - an open database connection
ctx - context that will be passed to the sql query function
userLogsErrorChannel - the goroutine channel used to return the logs and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
num - amount of logs to return (limit), if 0 returns all logs (without limit)
id - if not 0, will return the exact log matching that id for the given user
user - the user which created the logs, will returns only the logs for that username
desc - if true (descending) go from high values to low values, this should return the newest logs first, false (ascending) is the opposite direction
search - return logs which contain this string
getExact - if not empty, choose which column to search for and changes the search behavior to exact matching, if name is invalid, InvalidColInput error will be send through userLogsErrorChannel or returned
func (*Config) GetLogsCount ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetLogsCount(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, user string, logCountErrChan chan<- LogCountError) LogCountError
GetLogsCount returns total amount of logs in the dose log table for username set in user parameter.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
user - user to get log count for
logCountErrChan - the goroutine channel used to return the log count and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
func (*Config) GetTimes ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetTimes(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, timeTillErrChan chan<- TimeTillError, username string, getid int64) TimeTillError
GetTimes returns the times till reaching a specific point of the experience. The points are defined in the TimeTill struct. PrintTimeTill() can be used to output the information gathered in this function to the terminal.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
timeTillErrChan - the goroutine channel which returns the TimeTill struct and an error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user for which to get the information
getid - if 0 gives information about the last log, a specific ID can be passed to get the times for that log
func (*Config) GetTotalCosts ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetTotalCosts(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, costsErrChan chan<- CostsError, username string) CostsError
GetTotalCosts returns a slice containing all costs about all drugs in all currencies.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
costsErrChan - the goroutine channel used to return the slice containing all costs (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user for which to return the costs
func (*Config) GetUserSettings ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetUserSettings(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userSetErrChannel chan<- UserSettingError, set string, username string) UserSettingError
GetUserSettings return the value of a setting for a given user from the database.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
userSetErrChannel - a gorouting channel which is of type UserSettingError, holding an error variable and a string of the value for a given setting, make sure to always check the error first (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
set - the name of the setting to get the value of
username - the user for which to get the setting
func (*Config) GetUsers ¶
func (cfg *Config) GetUsers(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, allUsersErrChan chan<- AllUsersError, username string) AllUsersError
GetUsers returns all unique usernames currently present in the dose log table.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
allUsersErrChan - the goroutine channel used to return all unique usernames and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - user to get unique usernames for
func (*Config) InitAllDB ¶
InitAllDB initializes the DB file structure if needed and all tables. It will stop the program if it encounters an error.
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) InitAllDBTables ¶
InitAllDBTables creates all tables needed to run the program properly. This function should be sufficient on it's own for most use cases. Even if the function is called every time the program is started, it should not be an issue, since all called functions first check if the tables they're trying to create already exist.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) InitDBFileStructure ¶
func (cfg *Config) InitDBFileStructure()
InitDBFileStructure creates the basic file structure for the database. This should be run only once! This is currently only useful for sqlite. If Config.DBDriver is not set to "sqlite" it will exit the program.
func (*Config) InitDBSettings ¶
InitDBSettings returns a modified Config structure, which contains a properly formatted DBSettings map. Before using the modified struct, checkout if the returned error is not nil!
dbdir - if this is set to the DefaultDBDir constant, it will try to use the system user directory as a path, if not the full path must be specified
dbname - the name of sqlite db file
mysqlaccess - the path for connecting to MySQL/MariaDB, example user:password@tcp(
func (*Config) InitGraphqlClient ¶
Used to initialise the GraphQL struct, using the source address from the drugdose Config struct.
returns the GraphQL struct used with
func (*Config) InitInfoTable ¶
InitInfoTable creates the table for the currently configured source if it doesn't exist. It will use the source's name to set the table's name. It's called "Info", because it stores general information like dosages and timings for every route of administration.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) InitLogsTable ¶
InitLogsTable creates the table for all user drug logs if it doesn't exist.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) InitNamesAltTables ¶
InitNamesAltTables creates all alternative names tables if they don't exist. Alternative names are names like "weed" instead of "cannabis" and etc. There are global tables which are used for any source. There are also source specific names which "replace" the global names.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
replace - if true, creates the tables for the currently configured source only, meaning for alt names specific to the source
func (*Config) InitNamesFiles ¶
InitNamesFiles copies to the OS config directory, the directory containing the toml files for configuring alternative names. If it doesn't exists in the config directory, the code checks if it's present in the current working directory. If it is, it's copied over to the OS config directory and used later to fill in the database.
func (*Config) InitSourceMap ¶
func (cfg *Config) InitSourceMap(apiAddress string) map[string]SourceConfig
InitSourceMap returns a map which for the given key (configured source) returns the address as it's value. The address could be an IP address, an URL and etc.
apiAddress - the address to map to the source name from the Config struct
func (*Config) InitSourceSettings ¶
func (cfg *Config) InitSourceSettings(newcfg map[string]SourceConfig, recreate bool) error
InitSourceSettings creates the config file for the sources. This file contains the api name mapped to the api address. InitSourceMap() can be used to create the map, this function marshals it and writes it to the actual config file.
newcfg - the source api name to api address map
recreate - overwrite the current file if it exists with a new map
func (*Config) InitUserSetTable ¶
InitUserSetTable creates the table for all user settings if it doesn't exist.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
func (*Config) InitUserSettings ¶
InitUserSettings creates the row with default settings for a user. These settings are kept in the database and are not global like the config files. All users have their own settings.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
username - the user to create default settings for
func (*Config) MatchAndReplace ¶
func (cfg *Config) MatchAndReplace(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, inputName string, nameType string) string
Returns the local name, using both the global config and the source specific config. Checkout MatchName()
db - open database connection
ctx - context to passed to sql query function
inputName - the alternative name
nameType - choose type to replace, between exported constants: NameTypeSubstance, NameTypeRoute, NameTypeUnits or NameTypeConvertUnits
func (*Config) MatchAndReplaceAll ¶
Tries matching a single string to all alternative names tables. If it finds a match it will return the alt name for that single string. It matches all alt drugs, route and units, so a single input can be checked for all of them. Checkout MatchAndReplace()
db - open database connection
ctx - context to passed to sql query function
inputName - single string to match all alt names for
func (*Config) MatchName ¶
func (cfg *Config) MatchName(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, inputName string, nameType string, sourceNames bool) string
MatchName replaces an input name with a configured output name present in the database. For example if there's a need to translate "weed" to "cannabis". Checkout AddToSubstanceNamesTable() for information on how the configuration is done.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to passed to sql query function
inputName - the alternative name
nameType - choose type to replace, between exported constants: NameTypeSubstance, NameTypeRoute, NameTypeUnits or NameTypeConvertUnits
sourceNames - if true, it will use the config for the source, meaning the names specific for the source
Returns the local name for a given alternative name.
func (*Config) OpenDBConnection ¶
Open a database connection using the Config struct.
After calling this function, don't forget to run: defer db.Close()
db being the name of the returned *sql.DB variable
ctx - context to be passed to PingDB(), first passing through WithTimeout()
func (*Config) PingDB ¶
Ping verifies a connection to the database is still alive, establishing a connection if necessary.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to PingContext()
func (*Config) PrintLocalInfo ¶
PrintLocalInfo prints the information gotten from the source, present in the local database.
drugInfo - slice returned from GetLocalInfo()
prefix - whether to add the function name to console output
func (*Config) PrintLogs ¶
PrintLogs writes all logs present in userLogs to console.
userLogs - the logs slice returned from GetLogs()
prefix - if true the name of the function should be shown when writing to console
func (*Config) PrintTimeTill ¶
func (cfg *Config) PrintTimeTill(timeTillErr TimeTillError, prefix bool) error
PrintTimeTill prints the information gotten using GetTimes() to the terminal.
timeTillErr - the struct returned from GetTimes()
prefix - if true, adds the function name to every print
func (*Config) RecallDosing ¶
func (cfg *Config) RecallDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, userLogsErrorChannel chan<- UserLogsError, username string) UserLogsError
RecallDosing gives the data for the last configured dosing using the ID. Checkout RememberDosing() for more info!
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
userLogsErrorChannel - the goroutine channel used to return the logs and the error (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user to recall the logs for
func (*Config) RememberDosing ¶
func (cfg *Config) RememberDosing(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string, forID int64) ErrorInfo
RememberDosing stores an ID of a log to reuse later via RecallDosing(). This allows input of the dose only then drug, route, units will be reused according to the ID set to recall.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user to use for remembering a dosing
forID - the ID to use for remembering a dosing
func (*Config) RemoveLogs ¶
func (cfg *Config) RemoveLogs(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, username string, amount int, reverse bool, remID int64, search string, getExact string) ErrorInfo
RemoveLogs removes logs from the dose log table.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
username - the user's logs that will be removed, no other user's logs will be touched
amount - how many logs to remove, if 0 it removes all
reverse - from which direction to start removing logs, if true go from high values to low values, this should remove the newest logs first, false is the opposite direction
remID - if not 0, remove a specific log using it's start timestamp (ID)
search - remove logs only matching this string
func (*Config) RemoveSingleDrugInfo ¶
func (cfg *Config) RemoveSingleDrugInfo(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, drug string, username string) ErrorInfo
RemoveSingleDrugInfo removes all entries of a single drug from the local info DB, instead of deleting the whole DB/table. For example if there's a need to clear all information about dosage and timing for a specific drug if it's old or incorrect.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - go routine channel which returns any errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
drug - name of drug to be removed from source table
username - the user which requested the drug removal
func (*Config) SetUserSettings ¶
func (cfg *Config) SetUserSettings(db *sql.DB, ctx context.Context, errChannel chan<- ErrorInfo, set string, username string, setValue string) ErrorInfo
SetUserSettings changes the user settings in the database.
db - open database connection
ctx - context to be passed to sql queries
errChannel - the gorouting channel which returns the errors (set to nil if function doesn't need to be concurrent)
set - the name of the setting to change, available names are: remember-id
username - the user the setting is changed for
setValue - the value the setting is changed to
func (*Config) UseConfigTimeout ¶
Uses the value of Timeout from the settings file to create a WithTimeout context. If no errors are found, it then returns the context to be used where it's needed.
type CostsError ¶
type DBSettings ¶
type DrugInfo ¶
type DrugInfo struct { DrugName string DrugRoute string Threshold float32 LowDoseMin float32 LowDoseMax float32 MediumDoseMin float32 MediumDoseMax float32 HighDoseMin float32 HighDoseMax float32 DoseUnits string OnsetMin float32 OnsetMax float32 OnsetUnits string ComeUpMin float32 ComeUpMax float32 ComeUpUnits string PeakMin float32 PeakMax float32 PeakUnits string OffsetMin float32 OffsetMax float32 OffsetUnits string TotalDurMin float32 TotalDurMax float32 TotalDurUnits string TimeOfFetch int64 }
type DrugInfoError ¶
type DrugNamesError ¶
type LogCountError ¶
type MaxLogsPerUserSize ¶
type MaxLogsPerUserSize int32
const DefaultMaxLogsPerUser MaxLogsPerUserSize = 100
type PsychonautwikiSubstance ¶
type PsychonautwikiSubstance []struct { Name string Roas []struct { Name string Dose struct { Units string Threshold float64 Light struct { Min float64 Max float64 } Common struct { Min float64 Max float64 } Strong struct { Min float64 Max float64 } } Duration struct { Onset struct { Min float64 Max float64 Units string } Comeup struct { Min float64 Max float64 Units string } Peak struct { Min float64 Max float64 Units string } Offset struct { Min float64 Max float64 Units string } Total struct { Min float64 Max float64 Units string } } } }
type SourceConfig ¶
type SourceConfig struct {
type SubstanceName ¶
type SubstanceName struct {
LocalName map[string]AlternativeNames
func GetNamesConfig ¶
func GetNamesConfig(nameType string, source string) (error, *SubstanceName)
Read the config file for matching names and return the proper struct.
nameType - choose between getting alt names for: substance, route, units or convUnits (conversion units)
source - if not empty, will read the source specific config
type SyncTimestamps ¶
type TimeTill ¶
type TimeTill struct { // In seconds // // Information for the different points is from Psychonautwiki. // // The onset phase can be defined as the period until the very first // changes in perception (i.e. "first alerts") are able to be detected. TimeTillOnset int64 // The "come up" phase can be defined as the period between the first // noticeable changes in perception and the point of highest subjective // intensity. TimeTillComeup int64 // The peak phase can be defined as period of time in which the // intensity of the substance's effects are at its height. TimeTillPeak int64 // The offset phase can be defined as the amount of time in between the // conclusion of the peak and shifting into a sober state. TimeTillOffset int64 // The total duration of a substance can be defined as the amount of // time it takes for the effects of a substance to completely wear off // into sobriety, starting from the moment the substance is first // administered. TimeTillTotal int64 // Percentage of completion TotalCompleteMin float32 TotalCompleteMax float32 TotalCompleteAvg float32 // In unix time StartDose int64 EnDose int64 }