Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Calls(recv Gettable) (cs []string)
- func GetCall(recv Gettable, k string) (res js.Value, ok bool)
- func HasCall(recv Gettable, k string) bool
- func Main(dir, fn string) (err error)
- func Mutations() <-chan Mutation
- func NewEvent(t string, opts map[string]any) (o *js.Object)
- func NewMouseEvent(t string, opts map[string]any) (o *js.Object)
- func NewMutObserver() *js.Object
- func PrintCalls()
- func ResetCalls()
- func W3C(testFn string) (err error)
- type Animation
- func (a *Animation) Cancel()
- func (a *Animation) Delete(key string) bool
- func (a *Animation) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (a *Animation) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (a *Animation) Has(key string) bool
- func (a *Animation) Keys() []string
- func (a *Animation) Obj() *js.Object
- func (a *Animation) Props() map[string]bool
- func (a *Animation) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Attr
- type Call
- type ComputedStyle
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Delete(k string) bool
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) GetPropertyValue(k string) string
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Has(k string) bool
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Keys() []string
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Obj() *js.Object
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Props() map[string]bool
- func (cs *ComputedStyle) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Console
- type DOMParser
- func (dp *DOMParser) Delete(k string) bool
- func (dp *DOMParser) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (dp *DOMParser) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (dp *DOMParser) Has(k string) bool
- func (dp *DOMParser) Keys() []string
- func (dp *DOMParser) Obj() *js.Object
- func (dp *DOMParser) Props() map[string]bool
- func (dp *DOMParser) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type DOMRect
- func (dr *DOMRect) Delete(k string) bool
- func (dr *DOMRect) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (dr *DOMRect) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (dr *DOMRect) Has(k string) bool
- func (dr *DOMRect) Keys() []string
- func (dr *DOMRect) Obj() *js.Object
- func (dr *DOMRect) Props() map[string]bool
- func (dr *DOMRect) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Document
- func (d *Document) ActiveElement() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) AddEventListener(e string, fn *js.Object, opts ...any)
- func (d *Document) All() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) AttachEvent(e string, f *js.Object, opts ...any)
- func (d *Document) Body() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) ChildNodes() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) Children() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) CloneNode(deep ...bool) *Element
- func (d *Document) Close() (err error)
- func (d *Document) Cookie() string
- func (d *Document) CreateComment(data string) *Element
- func (d *Document) CreateDocumentFragment(opts ...any) *DocumentFragment
- func (d *Document) CreateElement(tag string) *Element
- func (d *Document) CreateElementNS(uri, qn string, opts ...any) *Element
- func (d *Document) CreateEvent(t string) *Event
- func (d *Document) CreateProcessingInstruction(target, data string) *Element
- func (d *Document) CreateTextNode(args ...string) *Element
- func (d *Document) CreateTreeWalker(opts ...any) *TreeWalker
- func (d *Document) DefaultView() *Window
- func (d *Document) Delete(key string) bool
- func (d *Document) DispatchEvent(e *Event)
- func (d *Document) Doc() *html.Node
- func (d *Document) DocumentElement() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) Domain() string
- func (d *Document) Element() *Element
- func (d *Document) Get(key string) js.Value
- func (d *Document) GetElementById(id string) *Element
- func (d *Document) GetElementsByClassName(cl ...string) *HTMLCollection
- func (d *Document) GetElementsByName(nm string) (els []*Element)
- func (d *Document) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) *HTMLCollection
- func (d *Document) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (d *Document) Has(key string) bool
- func (d *Document) Head() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) Implementation() js.Value
- func (d *Document) Keys() []string
- func (d *Document) Location() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) NodeType() int
- func (d *Document) Obj() (o *js.Object)
- func (d *Document) ParentNode() js.Value
- func (d *Document) Props() map[string]bool
- func (d *Document) QuerySelector(s string) *Element
- func (d *Document) QuerySelectorAll(s string) []*Element
- func (d *Document) Referrer() string
- func (d *Document) RemoveEventListener(e string, f func(js.FunctionCall) js.Value, opts ...any)
- func (d *Document) Scripts() *js.Object
- func (d *Document) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- func (d *Document) StyleSheets() js.Value
- func (d *Document) Title() js.Value
- func (d *Document) ToString() (s string)
- func (d *Document) Write(s string)
- type DocumentFragment
- func (df *DocumentFragment) AppendChild(o interface{}) *Element
- func (df *DocumentFragment) ChildNodes() js.Value
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Children() js.Value
- func (df *DocumentFragment) CloneNode(deep ...bool) *DocumentFragment
- func (df *DocumentFragment) CreateElement(tag string) *Element
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Delete(key string) bool
- func (df *DocumentFragment) FirstChild() *js.Object
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Get(key string) js.Value
- func (df *DocumentFragment) GetElementById(id string) *Element
- func (df *DocumentFragment) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) *HTMLCollection
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Has(key string) bool
- func (df *DocumentFragment) InsertBefore(nu, ol any) *Element
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Keys() []string
- func (df *DocumentFragment) LastChild() *js.Object
- func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeName() string
- func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeType() int
- func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeValue() any
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Obj() *js.Object
- func (df *DocumentFragment) OwnerDocument() js.Value
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Props() map[string]bool
- func (df *DocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll(s string) (els []*Element)
- func (df *DocumentFragment) RemoveChild(c interface{}) *Element
- func (df *DocumentFragment) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Element
- func (el *Element) AddEventListener(e string, fn *js.Object, opts ...any)
- func (el *Element) Animate(opts ...any) *Animation
- func (el *Element) AppendChild(c any) any
- func (el *Element) AppendData(s string)
- func (el *Element) Attributes() js.Value
- func (el *Element) BubbledClick()
- func (el *Element) Checked() bool
- func (el *Element) ChildNodes() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) Children() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) ClassName() string
- func (el *Element) Clic() (consumed bool)
- func (el *Element) Click(xs ...interface{}) js.Value
- func (el *Element) CloneNode(deep ...bool) *Element
- func (el *Element) Contains(o *Element) bool
- func (el *Element) Content() js.Value
- func (el *Element) ContentWindow() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Data() string
- func (el *Element) Delete(key string) bool
- func (el *Element) DeleteData(i, n int)
- func (el *Element) DispatchEvent(ei any) bool
- func (el *Element) FirstChild() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) Get(key string) js.Value
- func (el *Element) GetAttribute(k string, opts ...any) interface{}
- func (el *Element) GetBoundingClientRect() *DOMRect
- func (el *Element) GetClientRects() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) GetElementsByClassName(class string) (hc *HTMLCollection)
- func (el *Element) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) (hc *HTMLCollection)
- func (el *Element) GetRootNode(opts ...any) js.Value
- func (el *Element) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (el *Element) Has(key string) bool
- func (el *Element) HasAttribute(k string) bool
- func (el *Element) HasChildNodes() bool
- func (el *Element) Hash() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Hostname() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Href() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Id() string
- func (el *Element) InnerHTML() string
- func (el *Element) InsertBefore(nu, old any) any
- func (el *Element) InsertData(i int, s string)
- func (el *Element) IsEqualNode(n any) bool
- func (el *Element) IsSameNode(n ...any) bool
- func (el *Element) Keys() []string
- func (el *Element) LastChild() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) Length() int
- func (el *Element) LocalName() string
- func (el *Element) Matches(s string) bool
- func (el *Element) Name() js.Value
- func (el *Element) NextSibling() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) Node() *html.Node
- func (el *Element) NodeName() string
- func (el *Element) NodeType() (i int)
- func (el *Element) NodeValue() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Normalize()
- func (el *Element) Obj() (obj *js.Object)
- func (el *Element) OffsetHeight() int
- func (el *Element) OffsetWidth() int
- func (el *Element) Options() *HTMLCollection
- func (el *Element) OuterHTML() string
- func (el *Element) OwnerDocument() js.Value
- func (el *Element) ParentElement() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) ParentNode() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Pathname() js.Value
- func (el *Element) PreviousSibling() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) Props() map[string]bool
- func (el *Element) QuerySelector(s string) *Element
- func (el *Element) QuerySelectorAll(s string) (els []*Element)
- func (el *Element) Remove() js.Value
- func (el *Element) RemoveAttribute(a string)
- func (el *Element) RemoveChild(c any) *Element
- func (el *Element) RemoveEventListener(e string, f func(js.FunctionCall) js.Value, opts ...any)
- func (el *Element) ReplaceChild(nue, ole *Element) *Element
- func (el *Element) ReplaceData(i, n int, s string)
- func (el *Element) Selected() string
- func (el *Element) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- func (el *Element) SetAttribute(k, v string)
- func (el *Element) SplitText(i int) *Element
- func (el *Element) Src() js.Value
- func (el *Element) Style() *js.Object
- func (el *Element) SubstringData(i, n int) string
- func (el *Element) TagName() string
- func (el *Element) TextContent() string
- func (el *Element) ToString() (s string)
- func (el *Element) Type() string
- func (el *Element) Value() string
- func (el *Element) Window() *Window
- type Event
- func (e *Event) Delete(key string) (ok bool)
- func (e *Event) Get(key string) js.Value
- func (e *Event) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (e *Event) Has(key string) bool
- func (e *Event) InitEvent(t string, opts ...any)
- func (e *Event) Keys() []string
- func (e *Event) Obj() (o *js.Object)
- func (e *Event) PreventDefault()
- func (e *Event) Props() map[string]bool
- func (e *Event) ReturnValue() bool
- func (e *Event) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- func (e *Event) StopImmediatePropagation()
- func (e *Event) StopPropagation()
- type Gettable
- type HTMLCollection
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) ChildNodes() (es []*Element)
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Delete(k string) bool
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Has(k string) bool
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Item(j any) *Element
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Keys() []string
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Length() int
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Obj() *js.Object
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Props() map[string]bool
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- func (hc *HTMLCollection) ToString() string
- type History
- type Implementation
- func (impl *Implementation) CreateHTMLDocument(title ...string) (d *Document)
- func (impl *Implementation) Delete(key string) bool
- func (impl *Implementation) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (impl *Implementation) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (impl *Implementation) Has(key string) bool
- func (impl *Implementation) HasFeature(args ...any) bool
- func (impl *Implementation) Keys() []string
- func (impl *Implementation) Obj() *js.Object
- func (impl *Implementation) Props() map[string]bool
- func (impl *Implementation) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Location
- func (l *Location) Delete(key string) bool
- func (l *Location) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (l *Location) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (l *Location) Has(key string) bool
- func (l *Location) Keys() []string
- func (l *Location) Obj() *js.Object
- func (l *Location) Props() map[string]bool
- func (l *Location) Replace(u string)
- func (l *Location) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type MouseEvent
- type MutObserver
- func (m *MutObserver) Delete(k string) bool
- func (m *MutObserver) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (m *MutObserver) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (m *MutObserver) Has(k string) bool
- func (m *MutObserver) Keys() []string
- func (m *MutObserver) Obj() *js.Object
- func (m *MutObserver) Observe(target *Element, opts map[string]any)
- func (m *MutObserver) Props() map[string]bool
- func (m *MutObserver) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Mutation
- type MutationType
- type NamedNodeMap
- type Navigator
- type SVG
- func (s *SVG) Delete(k string) bool
- func (s *SVG) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (s *SVG) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (s *SVG) Has(k string) bool
- func (s *SVG) Keys() []string
- func (s *SVG) Obj() *js.Object
- func (s *SVG) Props() map[string]bool
- func (s *SVG) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Style
- func (s *Style) Delete(key string) bool
- func (s *Style) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (s *Style) GetPropertyValue(p string) string
- func (s *Style) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (s *Style) Has(k string) (yes bool)
- func (s *Style) Keys() []string
- func (s *Style) Length() int
- func (s *Style) Obj() *js.Object
- func (s *Style) Props() map[string]bool
- func (s *Style) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type TreeWalker
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Delete(k string) bool
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Get(k string) (v js.Value)
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Getters() map[string]bool
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Has(k string) bool
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Keys() []string
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Obj() *js.Object
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Props() map[string]bool
- func (tw *TreeWalker) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Delete(key string) bool
- func (w *Window) Get(k string) js.Value
- func (w *Window) Has(key string) bool
- func (w *Window) Keys() []string
- func (w *Window) Obj() *js.Object
- func (w *Window) RenderAnimationFrame() (ok bool)
- func (w *Window) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( Value = 1 ChAttr = 2 RmAttr = 3 Rm = 4 Mv = 5 Insert = 6 )
View Source
const (
EvPhNone = iota
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( Geom func(sel string) (string, error) Query func(sel, prop string) (val string, err error) )
View Source
var HTMLElementPrototype js.Value
View Source
var HTMLInputElementPrototype js.Value
View Source
var NodePrototype js.Value
View Source
var TextPrototype js.Value
Functions ¶
func NewMutObserver ¶
func PrintCalls ¶
func PrintCalls()
func ResetCalls ¶
func ResetCalls()
Types ¶
type ComputedStyle ¶
type ComputedStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ComputedStyle) Delete ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Delete(k string) bool
func (*ComputedStyle) GetPropertyValue ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) GetPropertyValue(k string) string
func (*ComputedStyle) Getters ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*ComputedStyle) Has ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Has(k string) bool
func (*ComputedStyle) Keys ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Keys() []string
func (*ComputedStyle) Obj ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Obj() *js.Object
func (*ComputedStyle) Props ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Props() map[string]bool
func (*ComputedStyle) Set ¶
func (cs *ComputedStyle) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type Console ¶
type Console struct {
Log func(xs ...interface{}) `json:"log"`
func NewConsole ¶
func NewConsole() (c *Console)
type Document ¶
type Document struct { Window *Window // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDocument ¶
func (*Document) ActiveElement ¶
func (*Document) AddEventListener ¶
func (*Document) ChildNodes ¶
func (*Document) CreateComment ¶
func (*Document) CreateDocumentFragment ¶
func (d *Document) CreateDocumentFragment(opts ...any) *DocumentFragment
func (*Document) CreateElement ¶
func (*Document) CreateElementNS ¶
func (*Document) CreateEvent ¶
func (*Document) CreateProcessingInstruction ¶
func (*Document) CreateTextNode ¶
func (*Document) CreateTreeWalker ¶
func (d *Document) CreateTreeWalker(opts ...any) *TreeWalker
func (*Document) DefaultView ¶
func (*Document) DispatchEvent ¶
func (*Document) DocumentElement ¶
func (*Document) GetElementById ¶
func (*Document) GetElementsByClassName ¶
func (d *Document) GetElementsByClassName(cl ...string) *HTMLCollection
func (*Document) GetElementsByName ¶
func (*Document) GetElementsByTagName ¶
func (d *Document) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) *HTMLCollection
func (*Document) Implementation ¶
func (*Document) ParentNode ¶
func (*Document) QuerySelector ¶
func (*Document) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (*Document) RemoveEventListener ¶
func (*Document) StyleSheets ¶
StyleSheets just returns an empty list
type DocumentFragment ¶
type DocumentFragment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDocumentFragment ¶
func NewDocumentFragment(d *Document) (df *DocumentFragment)
func (*DocumentFragment) AppendChild ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) AppendChild(o interface{}) *Element
func (*DocumentFragment) ChildNodes ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) ChildNodes() js.Value
func (*DocumentFragment) Children ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Children() js.Value
func (*DocumentFragment) CloneNode ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) CloneNode(deep ...bool) *DocumentFragment
func (*DocumentFragment) CreateElement ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) CreateElement(tag string) *Element
func (*DocumentFragment) Delete ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Delete(key string) bool
func (*DocumentFragment) FirstChild ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) FirstChild() *js.Object
func (*DocumentFragment) GetElementById ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) GetElementById(id string) *Element
func (*DocumentFragment) GetElementsByTagName ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) *HTMLCollection
func (*DocumentFragment) Getters ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*DocumentFragment) Has ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Has(key string) bool
func (*DocumentFragment) InsertBefore ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) InsertBefore(nu, ol any) *Element
func (*DocumentFragment) Keys ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Keys() []string
func (*DocumentFragment) LastChild ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) LastChild() *js.Object
func (*DocumentFragment) NodeName ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeName() string
func (*DocumentFragment) NodeType ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeType() int
func (*DocumentFragment) NodeValue ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) NodeValue() any
func (*DocumentFragment) Obj ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Obj() *js.Object
func (*DocumentFragment) OwnerDocument ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) OwnerDocument() js.Value
func (*DocumentFragment) Props ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Props() map[string]bool
func (*DocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) QuerySelectorAll(s string) (els []*Element)
func (*DocumentFragment) RemoveChild ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) RemoveChild(c interface{}) *Element
func (*DocumentFragment) Set ¶
func (df *DocumentFragment) Set(key string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type Element ¶
type Element struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateElement ¶
func CreateElementNS ¶
func (*Element) AddEventListener ¶
func (*Element) AppendChild ¶
func (*Element) AppendData ¶
func (*Element) Attributes ¶
func (*Element) BubbledClick ¶
func (el *Element) BubbledClick()
func (*Element) ChildNodes ¶
func (*Element) ContentWindow ¶
func (*Element) DeleteData ¶
func (*Element) DispatchEvent ¶
func (*Element) FirstChild ¶
func (*Element) GetAttribute ¶
func (*Element) GetBoundingClientRect ¶
func (*Element) GetClientRects ¶
func (*Element) GetElementsByClassName ¶
func (el *Element) GetElementsByClassName(class string) (hc *HTMLCollection)
func (*Element) GetElementsByTagName ¶
func (el *Element) GetElementsByTagName(tag string) (hc *HTMLCollection)
func (*Element) HasAttribute ¶
func (*Element) HasChildNodes ¶
func (*Element) InsertBefore ¶
func (*Element) InsertData ¶
func (*Element) IsEqualNode ¶
func (*Element) IsSameNode ¶
func (*Element) NextSibling ¶
func (*Element) OffsetHeight ¶
func (*Element) OffsetWidth ¶
func (*Element) Options ¶
func (el *Element) Options() *HTMLCollection
Options of a <select> element
func (*Element) OwnerDocument ¶
func (*Element) ParentElement ¶
func (*Element) ParentNode ¶
func (*Element) PreviousSibling ¶
func (*Element) QuerySelector ¶
func (*Element) QuerySelectorAll ¶
func (*Element) RemoveAttribute ¶
func (*Element) RemoveChild ¶
func (*Element) RemoveEventListener ¶
func (*Element) ReplaceChild ¶
func (*Element) ReplaceData ¶
func (*Element) SetAttribute ¶
func (*Element) SubstringData ¶
func (*Element) TextContent ¶
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Type string Consumed bool DefaultPrevented bool Phase int Bubbles bool CancelBubble bool Cancelable bool IsTrusted bool CurrentTarget *Element Target *Element SrcElement *Element // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Event) PreventDefault ¶
func (e *Event) PreventDefault()
func (*Event) ReturnValue ¶
func (*Event) StopImmediatePropagation ¶
func (e *Event) StopImmediatePropagation()
func (*Event) StopPropagation ¶
func (e *Event) StopPropagation()
type HTMLCollection ¶
type HTMLCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HTMLCollection) ChildNodes ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) ChildNodes() (es []*Element)
func (*HTMLCollection) Delete ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Delete(k string) bool
func (*HTMLCollection) Getters ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*HTMLCollection) Has ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Has(k string) bool
func (*HTMLCollection) Item ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Item(j any) *Element
func (*HTMLCollection) Keys ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Keys() []string
func (*HTMLCollection) Length ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Length() int
func (*HTMLCollection) Obj ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Obj() *js.Object
func (*HTMLCollection) Props ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Props() map[string]bool
func (*HTMLCollection) Set ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
func (*HTMLCollection) ToString ¶
func (hc *HTMLCollection) ToString() string
type Implementation ¶
type Implementation struct{}
func (*Implementation) CreateHTMLDocument ¶
func (impl *Implementation) CreateHTMLDocument(title ...string) (d *Document)
func (*Implementation) Delete ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Delete(key string) bool
func (*Implementation) Getters ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*Implementation) Has ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Has(key string) bool
func (*Implementation) HasFeature ¶
func (impl *Implementation) HasFeature(args ...any) bool
func (*Implementation) Keys ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Keys() []string
func (*Implementation) Obj ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Obj() *js.Object
func (*Implementation) Props ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Props() map[string]bool
func (*Implementation) Set ¶
func (impl *Implementation) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type Location ¶
type Location struct { Protocol string Host string Hostname string Port string Href string Pathname string Search string Hash string }
func NewLocation ¶
type MouseEvent ¶
type MouseEvent struct {
type MutObserver ¶
type MutObserver struct{}
func (*MutObserver) Delete ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Delete(k string) bool
func (*MutObserver) Getters ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*MutObserver) Has ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Has(k string) bool
func (*MutObserver) Keys ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Keys() []string
func (*MutObserver) Obj ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Obj() *js.Object
func (*MutObserver) Props ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Props() map[string]bool
func (*MutObserver) Set ¶
func (m *MutObserver) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type MutationType ¶
type MutationType int
func (MutationType) String ¶
func (t MutationType) String() string
type NamedNodeMap ¶
type NamedNodeMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NamedNodeMap) Delete ¶
func (nm *NamedNodeMap) Delete(k string) bool
func (*NamedNodeMap) Has ¶
func (nm *NamedNodeMap) Has(k string) bool
func (*NamedNodeMap) Keys ¶
func (nm *NamedNodeMap) Keys() []string
func (*NamedNodeMap) Obj ¶
func (nm *NamedNodeMap) Obj() *js.Object
func (*NamedNodeMap) Set ¶
func (nm *NamedNodeMap) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type Style ¶
type Style struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Style represents a CSSStyleDeclaration object
func (*Style) GetPropertyValue ¶
type TreeWalker ¶
type TreeWalker struct{}
func NewTreeWalker ¶
func NewTreeWalker() *TreeWalker
func (*TreeWalker) Delete ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Delete(k string) bool
func (*TreeWalker) Getters ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Getters() map[string]bool
func (*TreeWalker) Has ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Has(k string) bool
func (*TreeWalker) Keys ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Keys() []string
func (*TreeWalker) Obj ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Obj() *js.Object
func (*TreeWalker) Props ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Props() map[string]bool
func (*TreeWalker) Set ¶
func (tw *TreeWalker) Set(k string, desc js.PropertyDescriptor) bool
type Window ¶
func (*Window) RenderAnimationFrame ¶
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