
v0.7.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 9, 2019 License: MIT, MIT Imports: 43 Imported by: 0


TabServer2 - A Go-FTL middleware for building Restful Interfaces to a relational database


TabServer2 is a Go-FTL middleware that allows the creation of RESTful interfaces to database tables.






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const ISO8601 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.99999Z07:00"
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const MAX_MEMORY = 10 * 1024 * 1024


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var DbBeginQuote = `"`
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var DbEndQuote = `"`
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var EADataLoaded map[string]bool
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var FirstRequest bool = true


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var Hostname string = ""
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var Init_Main []func(theMux *goftlmux.MuxRouter)
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var InvalidUser = errors.New("Invalid user")
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var LastResut []byte
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var MissingValueError = errors.New("Missing Value")
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var SqlCfgFilesLoaded []SqlCfgLoaded
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var ThisEpoc int
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var TimeRemain int


func AddBindValue

func AddBindValue(bind *[]interface{}, x interface{}) (pos int)

func AddBindValueByType

func AddBindValueByType(bind *[]interface{}, vv WhereClause, ty string) (pos int)

func CommonMakeData

func CommonMakeData(h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, ps *goftlmux.Params) (data []interface{})

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func ConfigEmailAWS

func ConfigEmailAWS(hdlr *TabServer2Type, file string)

func DoGet

func DoGet(uri string, args ...string) (status int, rv string)

Modified to send Header!

--------------------------------------------- // Xyzzy101 - Setup QR Redirect ---------------------------------------------

export QR_SHORT_AUTH_TOKEN="w4h0wvtb1zk4uf8Xv.Ns9Q7j8"
wget -o out/,list1 -O out/,list2 \
	--header "X-Qr-Auth: ${QR_SHORT_AUTH_TOKEN}" \

-- 1. DoGet - change to create a header
-- 2. Example Call to set this

func EndTrx

func EndTrx(w *goftlmux.MidBuffer, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) int

func ExtendeAttributes

func ExtendeAttributes(vv WhereClause, wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, bind *[]interface{}, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (processed bool, rv string, err error)

xyzzy - missing $customer_id$ if set/used -- faceted-filters.html (saved) -- trigger to update tsvecotr colum/index -- Category Example With Queries -- GIST example with get_chilren_of, get_parent_of, list and create table stuff

select * from p_get_children_of ( '{"guns","stock"}'::varchar[] );

, "key_word_col_name": "key_word" , "key_word_list_col": "__keyword__" , "key_word_tmpl": " %{kw_col%} @@ plainto_tsquery( %{kw_vals%} ) "

, "category_col_name": "category" , "category_col": "category_id" , "category_tmpl": " %{cat_col%} in ( select c1.\"id\" from p_get_children_of ( '%{cat_val%}'::varchar[] ) ) "

, "attr_table_name": "p_cart" , "attr_col": "id" , "attr_tmpl":" %{pk_attr_id%} in ( select a1.\"fk_id\" from \"p_attr\" as a1 where a1.\"attr_type\" = %{attr_type%} and a1.\"attr_name\" = %{attr_name%} and a1.\"%{ref_col%}\" %{attr_op%} %{attr_val%} )"

Key_word_col_name string
Key_word_list_col string
Key_word_tmpl     string

Category_col_name string
Category_col      string
Category_tmpl     string

Attr_table_name string
Attr_col        string
Attr_tmpl       string

func FindColNoInMeta

func FindColNoInMeta(cols []ColSpec, aColName string) int

============================================================================================================================================================================== test: t-pp1.go ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func FuncMapExtend

func FuncMapExtend(name string, fx FuncMapType) (err error)

FuncMapExtend will add a new named fucntion to the set of callable functions. This allows new modules to be build and use the pre-post processing.

func GenKey

func GenKey(h_Query string, typ string, tn string, data ...interface{}) string


func GenPKWhereFromWc

func GenPKWhereFromWc(wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, ps *goftlmux.Params) (isPk bool, err error)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func GenRandBytes

func GenRandBytes(nRandBytes int) (buf []byte, err error)

============================================================================================================================================ Should move to aesccm package

func GenRandBytesOracle

func GenRandBytesOracle() (buf []byte, ttl, epoc int, err error)

============================================================================================================================================ Should move to aesccm package

func GenRandNumber

func GenRandNumber(nDigits int) (buf string, err error)

Generate a random number, 0..N, returned as a string with 6 to 8 non-zero digits.

func GenWhereFromWc

func GenWhereFromWc(wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, bind *[]interface{}, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (string, error)

The where clause is passed as a parse tree, 'wc'. This is to be translated into a corresponding string and returned. This somewhat limits what can be passed as a where clause. This also prevents SQL injection. If you need a more complex where clause then a stored procedure can be written that is specific to the task at hand.

func Get1stRowFromMap

func Get1stRowFromMap(kk map[string]interface{}) (rv interface{})

func GetByNameWTrxLog

func GetByNameWTrxLog(name string, ps *goftlmux.Params, err string, msg string, req *http.Request, trx *tr.Trx) (xerr error, xal string)

Consider caching the tokens in memory for this server - fetch onece from Redis then cache.

func GetColByType

func GetColByType(attr_type string) string

func GetDataInsert

func GetDataInsert(cols []ColSpec, data map[string]interface{}) []interface{}

============================================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================== return an array of data for insert statment xyzzy -did they all get data??? -- input-Requried, update-Required

func GetDataListAsArray

func GetDataListAsArray(ty string, wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, bind *[]interface{}) (string, error)

Used in categories - this is a postgresql specific function.

func GetDataListAsInList

func GetDataListAsInList(ty string, wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, bind *[]interface{}) (string, error)

xyzzy5000 qt_m["cat_col"] = fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s%s`, h.setWhereAlias, DbBeginQuote, h.Category_col, DbEndQuote) t, _ := GetDataListAsInList("s", vv, trx, h, bind) Used in categories - this is a postgresql specific function. -- Sets up an in list.

func GetDataUpdate

func GetDataUpdate(cols []ColSpec, data map[string]interface{}) []interface{}

============================================================================================================================================================================== ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func GetIpFromRemoteAddr

func GetIpFromRemoteAddr(RemoteAddr string) (rv string)

func GetMuxValue

func GetMuxValue(name string, as string, mdata map[string]string, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params) string

============================================================================================================================================================================== Pull out a value from the URL using mux.Vars - save it in common store. ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func GetQRForSetup

func GetQRForSetup(hdlr *TabServer2Type, www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params, user_id string) (html, QRImgURL, ID string, err error)

func GetRedisCfgHandler2

func GetRedisCfgHandler2(name string, hdlr *TabServer2Type) func(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

func GetRequiredByValidation

func GetRequiredByValidation(name string, h SQLOne, crud_op string) (isRequired bool, hasValid bool)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func GetRwHdlrFromWWW

func GetRwHdlrFromWWW(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer, top_hdlr interface{}, ok bool)


func GetRwPs

func GetRwPs(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer, top_hdlr interface{}, ps *goftlmux.Params, err error)

func respHandlerCreateNewDeviceId(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if rw, ok := www.(*goftlmux.MidBuffer); ok {

func GetSI

func GetSI(s string, data map[string]interface{}) string


func GetSqlCfgHandler2

func GetSqlCfgHandler2(name string, hdlr *TabServer2Type) func(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the "closure" fucntion that will save passed data for later and return a function bound to the passed data. func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params) {

func GetTypeCode

func GetTypeCode(ty string) (rv string)

func GetUrlValue

func GetUrlValue(m url.Values, name string, dflt string) string


func GetUrlValueErr

func GetUrlValueErr(m url.Values, name string, dflt string) (string, error)


func HasKeys

func HasKeys(v map[string]Validation) bool

func HaveColumn

func HaveColumn(ColumnName string, TableInfo DbTableType) (rv int)

func IfNullInt64

func IfNullInt64(x interface{}) int64

func IfNullStr

func IfNullStr(x interface{}) string

func InitTrx

func InitTrx(w *goftlmux.MidBuffer, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) int

func InjectDataPs

func InjectDataPs(ps *goftlmux.Params, h SQLOne, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

func IsColumnName

func IsColumnName(h SQLOne, Name string) bool

============================================================================================================================================================================== Return true if Name is a column name. ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func JsonP_3

func JsonP_3(data map[string]interface{}, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx) string

xyzzy - remove - midldware takes care of this

func LoadEAData

func LoadEAData(table_name string, hdlr *TabServer2Type)

func LogError

func LogError(rv string, id string, status int, msg string, code string, details string, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type)

============================================================================================================================================================================ Log errors to Redis - with the unique error ID code

-- sample error --

rv = fmt.Sprintf(`{ "status":"error", "msg":"Error(10034): Invalid Where Clause; %s", %s }`, sizlib.EscapeError(err), godebug.LFj())
trx.AddNote(2, rv)
trx.SetQryDone(rv, "")
io.WriteString(res, sizlib.JsonP(rv, res, req))

func MapKeys

func MapKeys(kk map[string]interface{}) (rv string)

func NoLogData

func NoLogData(data []interface{}, h SQLOne) []interface{}

============================================================================================================================================================================== func InjectDataPs(ps *goftlmux.Params, h SQLOne, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

Issue00079: NoLog parameters
Issue00018: Actual CC Processing with account + fake cards																	4 hr
		2. NoLog parameters
		3. Put in actual test params with account - see that it works


func RedisReferenced

func RedisReferenced(FuncName string, cfgTag string, hdlr *TabServer2Type)

func ReplaceString

func ReplaceString(s string, pat string, repl string) (rv string)

func ReturnErrorMessage

func ReturnErrorMessage(status int, msg string, code string, details string, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type)


Example of return information from error.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
	"status": "Error"
	, "msg": "No access token provided."
	, "code": "10002"
	, "details": "bla bla bla"

Error		Meaning                 	Usage in this code
-----		-------------------------- 	------------
400			Bad Request					x
401			Unauthorized				Invalid token or un/pw is invalid during login
402			Payment Required			x
403			Forbidden					Accessing an invalid resource in a table - or an invalid table - login or token required
404			Not Found					No such file, no such table
405			Method Not Allowed			x
406			Not Acceptable				Invalid parameters - see body for details
412			Precondition Failed			x
417			Expectation Failed			x
428			Precondition Required		x

500			Internal Server Error		x

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402
	StatusForbidden                    = 403
	StatusNotFound                     = 404
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408
	StatusConflict                     = 409
	StatusGone                         = 410
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417
	StatusTeapot                       = 418

	StatusInternalServerError     = 500
	StatusNotImplemented          = 501
	StatusBadGateway              = 502
	StatusServiceUnavailable      = 503
	StatusGatewayTimeout          = 504
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported = 505

func ReturnErrorMessageRv

func ReturnErrorMessageRv(status int, rv string, msg string, code string, details string, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type)

func SendEmailViaAWS

func SendEmailViaAWS(dSubject, dBodyHtml, dBodyText, email_addr string)

func SetDataPs

func SetDataPs(trx *tr.Trx, ps *goftlmux.Params)

func (this *Trx) SetDataPs(ps *goftlmux.Params) {

func SignToken

func SignToken(tokData []byte, keyFile string) (out string, err error)

Create, sign, and output a token. This is a great, simple example of how to use this library to create and sign a token.

func TablesReferenced

func TablesReferenced(FuncName string, cfgTag string, TablesRefed []string, hdlr *TabServer2Type)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save tables referened to Redis


h := SQLCfg[cfgTag]


func TraceUriPs

func TraceUriPs(trx *tr.Trx, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params)

trx.TraceUriPs(req, ps) // xyzzyBoom11111 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ps is convered ps.DumpParams() from the Params package // ps *goftlmux.Params func (this *Trx) TraceUriPs(req *http.Request, ps string) {

func UseTemplate

func UseTemplate(tag string, XTmpl string, dflt string, mdata map[string]string, trx *tr.Trx) (Query string)

=================================================================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================================================================

func ValidateColInWhere

func ValidateColInWhere(name string, h SQLOne) (ty string, err error)

func ValidateNullOk

func ValidateNullOk(ColName string, ii int, h SQLOne, crud_op string) bool

==================================================================================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================================================================================== nullOk := ValidateNullOk ( v.ColName, ii, h, "insert" ) "key" is for generation of a "key" into caching. Should return constant false. "where" caluse - can not have a "where" x = null situraiton - return false.

func ValidateQueryParams

func ValidateQueryParams(ps *goftlmux.Params, h SQLOne, req *http.Request) (err error)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Add in other types - and checks 4. Add in RegEx for match 5. Add in "email", "ip", etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

func ValidateSetValue

func ValidateSetValue(ColName string, ii int, h SQLOne, dd string, req *http.Request) (err error)

==================================================================================================================================================================== Validate the set of columns passed based on 'h.valid' Used in "set" for update, func GenUpdateSet ( h SQLOne, m url.Values, ... Used in "insert" values section, func GenInsertValues ( h SQLOne, ... ====================================================================================================================================================================

func ValidateTableCols

func ValidateTableCols(TheCols []ColSpec, TableInfo DbTableType) (rv bool)


type ColSpec

type ColSpec struct {
	ColName     string   //
	ColAlias    string   //
	ColType     string   //
	ColLen      int      //
	IsPk        bool     //
	IsIndexed   bool     //
	Insert      bool     //
	Update      bool     //
	AutoGen     bool     //
	OrderBy     string   //
	Values      []string //
	DefaultData string   // Default data to use if not supplied in insert
	DolNo       int      //
	DolNoUpd    int      //
	NoSort      bool     //
	ColTitle    string   //
	DataColName string   // Column to use from user data for insert "ColName" in table

test: t-pp1.go

type CustomerIdPartBehavior

type CustomerIdPartBehavior struct {
	ColName  string
	ColType  string // only 's' or 'i' make sence for partitioning customers
	ColAlias string

type DbColumnsType

type DbColumnsType struct {
	ColumnName string
	DBType     string
	TypeCode   string
	MinLen     int
	MaxLen     int

type DbOperation

type DbOperation struct {
	Op         string   // One of "select", "call", "trxNote"
	Q          string   // Primary data parameter, "call" == stored procedure name, "select" == query, "trxNote" == the note
	P          []string // Parameters to use
	Done       string   // if != "", then what to do after this - this is "done"
	Onerror    string   // OnError - If an error occured in a query, then what to do
	Onsuccess  string   // OnSuccess - If success occured, then "done" => return data, "discard" => Discard data on success, continue
	CallBefore []string
	CallAfter  []string

type DbTableType

type DbTableType struct {
	TableName string
	DbColumns []DbColumnsType

type DbType

type DbType int
const (
	DbType_postgres DbType = 1
	DbType_Oracle   DbType = 2
	DbType_MsSql    DbType = 3
	DbType_mySQL    DbType = 4
	DbType_odbc     DbType = 5

func (DbType) String

func (dd DbType) String() string

type DelBehavior

type DelBehavior struct {
	ColType  string
	ColName  string
	Absent   string
	Present  string
	ColAlias string

deleteBehavior: { "colName": "isDeleted", "colType": "s|b|i", "Deleted":"1", "Present":"0" } , "deleteViaUpdate": { "colType":"i", "colName":"isDeleted", "Absent":1, "Present":0 }

type EAAttributeInfo

type EAAttributeInfo struct {
	Attr_type        string
	Seq_no           int64
	Fuzzy_search     string
	Attr_synonyms    string
	Default_value    string
	Min_value        string
	Max_value        string
	Value_list       string
	Check_valid_data string

func EALookup

func EALookup(name string, table_name string, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (bool, *EAAttributeInfo)

xyzzy synonyms for columns xyzzy count of values for columns in context

type ErrorLog

type ErrorLog struct {
	LineFile1   string        //
	LineFile2   string        //
	Msg         string        //
	Code        string        //
	Status      string        //
	SQLStmt     string        //
	Data        []interface{} //
	CallType    string        //
	UniqueLogID string        //
	RvDiscarded string        //

type FuncMapType

type FuncMapType func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exitProcessing bool, status int)

type LoginSystemType

type LoginSystemType int
const (
	LstNone   LoginSystemType = 1
	LstAesSrp LoginSystemType = 2
	LstUnPw   LoginSystemType = 3
	LstBasic  LoginSystemType = 4

func (LoginSystemType) String

func (lst LoginSystemType) String() string

type OrdSpec

type OrdSpec struct {
	ColName string
	Dir     string

test: t-pp1.go

type PostJoinType

type PostJoinType struct {
	ColName  string
	ColType  string // only 's' or 'i' make sence for partitioning customers
	ColAlias string
	Query    string
	P        []string
	SetCol   string
	PostJoin []PostJoinType

, PostJoin: [

		{ "ColName": "bob", "ColType":"s", "Query": "select...", "p":[ ... ], "SetCol": "bobArray" }

type PrePostFlagType

type PrePostFlagType int
const (
	PrePostNextStep         PrePostFlagType = 1  // Just procede to next processing step.
	PrePostRVUpdatedSuccess PrePostFlagType = 20 // rv written, use 'status' - processing complete.	exit=true
	PrePostRVUpdatedFail    PrePostFlagType = 21 // rv written, use 'status' - processing complete.	exit=true
	PrePostContinue         PrePostFlagType = 2  // go to next processing, neither 'rv' or 'satus' relevant.  if 'rv' modified but is passed to next call.
	PrePostFatalSetStatus   PrePostFlagType = 23 // Fatal Error: set status.	exit=true, rv written by pre-post already.
	PrePostSuccessWriteRV   PrePostFlagType = 30 // rv is updated, please write.

Pre-Post fucntion calls return a status that indicates what is to happen next. In the past this has been a true/false - this was a bad choice. This set of values is to repace the 2nd return value from fuctions like X2faSetup.

Hopefully this will clarify the processing after a call to a pre/post procesing function.

func AfterPasswordChange

func AfterPasswordChange(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func CacheEUser

func CacheEUser(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func ConvertErrorToCode

func ConvertErrorToCode(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

Error Meaning ----- -------------------------------------- 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 412 Precondition Failed 417 Expectation Failed 428 Precondition Required


StatusBadRequest                   = 400
StatusUnauthorized                 = 401
StatusPaymentRequired              = 402
StatusForbidden                    = 403
StatusNotFound                     = 404
StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405
StatusNotAcceptable                = 406
StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407
StatusRequestTimeout               = 408
StatusConflict                     = 409
StatusGone                         = 410
StatusLengthRequired               = 411
StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412
StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413
StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414
StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415
StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
StatusExpectationFailed            = 417
StatusTeapot                       = 418

StatusInternalServerError     = 500
StatusNotImplemented          = 501
StatusBadGateway              = 502
StatusServiceUnavailable      = 503
StatusGatewayTimeout          = 504
StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported = 505

func CreateJWTToken

func CreateJWTToken(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)


func DeCacheEUser

func DeCacheEUser(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func DumpRV

func DumpRV(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func PubEMailToSend

func PubEMailToSend(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func RedirectTo

func RedirectTo(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

RedirectTo should be the last step in a chain of post calls. It is final. Data is written to do the redirct and status is set.

func SendEmailMessage

func SendEmailMessage(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

l_data = '{"status":"success","$send_email$":{'


func SendEmailToGenMessage

func SendEmailToGenMessage(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func SendReportsToGenMessage

func SendReportsToGenMessage(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func Sleep

func Sleep(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func X2faSetup

func X2faSetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)
	return "", PrePostFatalSetStatus, true, 500
	return rv, PrePostFatalSetStatus, true, 500
return rv, PrePostContinue, exit, a_status

xyzzy-2fa - X2faSetup type PrePostFlagType int - to replace 'bool' type.

func X2faSetupPt2of2

func X2faSetupPt2of2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

Part1of2 is X2faStash

func X2faStash

func X2faStash(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

func X2faValidateToken

func X2faValidateToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rvOut string, pptFlag PrePostFlagType, exit bool, a_status int)

xyzzy-2fa - X2faValidateToken rv - return value string - JSON rexit, if true, then will return with error from parent rstatus - status to return with

	return "", PrePostFatalSetStatus, true, 500
	return rv, PrePostFatalSetStatus, true, 500
return rv, PrePostContinue, exit, a_status

func X2faValidateToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx, hdlr *TabServer2Type) (rrv string, rexit bool, rstatus int) {

type RanData

type RanData struct {
	Status string `json:"status"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	TTL    int    `json:"ttl"`
	Epoc   int    `json:"ep"`

type RedirectToData

type RedirectToData struct {
	Status string `json:"status"`
	UserID string `json:"user_id"`
	Use2fa string `json:"use_2fa"`
	Msg    string `json:"msg"`

type RedisData

type RedisData struct {
	Hash   string `json:"hash"`
	Fp     string `json:"fp"`
	T2faID string `json:"t_2fa_id"`
	UserID string `json:"user_id"`
	URL    string `json:"URL"`

type RemapParameterType

type RemapParameterType struct {
	FromName string
	ToName   string

type SQLOne

type SQLOne struct {
	F                          string                  // Depricated in favor of Fx or G
	Fx                         string                  //
	G                          string                  //
	Gx                         string                  //	Extended function call, instead of just return 'x' will look at names of function and return and use that
	P                          []string                //
	Popt                       []string                //
	Pname                      []string                //
	Exec                       []DbOperation           //
	SetCookie                  map[string]bool         //
	SetSession                 map[string]bool         //	// don't know if this is correct yet //
	Query                      string                  //
	Valid                      map[string]ValidationIn //
	ValidGet                   map[string]ValidationIn //
	ValidPost                  map[string]ValidationIn //
	ValidPut                   map[string]ValidationIn //
	ValidDel                   map[string]ValidationIn //
	LoginRequired              bool                    // Defaults to false, no login required (formerly nokey)
	Redis                      bool                    //
	CacheIt                    string                  //
	TableName                  string                  // xyzzy921 - Should override URL - not doing this currently - need to do this. -- Should be put in TableList also xyzzy
	Method                     []string                //
	Crud                       []string                //
	Cols                       []ColSpec               //
	OrderBy                    []OrdSpec               //
	ReadOnly                   string                  //
	NoLog                      []string                // Skip logging of these parametes to the call.  Repalce each chareacter in Trx log with '*'
	CallBefore                 []string                //
	CallAfter                  []string                //
	TableList                  []string                //
	LineNo                     string                  //
	SelectTmpl                 string                  //
	SelectPK1Tmpl              string                  //
	SelectCountTmpl            string                  //
	InsertTmpl                 string                  //
	UpdateTmpl                 string                  //
	DeleteTmpl                 string                  //
	ReturnGetPKAsHash          bool                    // On get via Primary Key - should a 1 long array be returned or just the hash inside the array, true if hash -- Overidden by ReturnMeta, ReturnAsHash
	ReturnGetPKAsHashTableName bool                    // If ReturnGetPkAsHash is true then either use "data" or if this is true use the "assigned_name"
	AssignedName               string                  // if "", then use TableName if ReturnGetPKAsHashTableName is true.
	ReturnMeta                 bool                    // Return as { "data": [ ... ], "meta": { "count": n } }
	ReturnAsHash               bool                    // Return as { "data": [ ... ] }
	CmdList                    []string                //
	DebugFlag                  []string                // set of debuging flags true/flase

	FromKey string

	DeleteViaUpdate DelBehavior // Specification for delete/undelete with marker in row.
	CustomerIdPart  CustomerIdPartBehavior

	SetWhereAlias string

	PostJoin      []PostJoinType
	CachePostJoin bool

	Key_word_col_name string
	Key_word_list_col string
	Key_word_tmpl     string

	Category_col_name string
	Category_col      string
	Category_tmpl     string

	Attr_table_name string
	Attr_col        string
	Attr_tmpl       string

	Tag_col_name string
	Tag_col      string
	Tag_tmpl     string

	ReMapParameter []RemapParameterType

	Comment            string
	Status             string `json:"status"`
	OracleSequenceName string // xyzzyOracle - not used yet
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

test: t-pp1.go

type SesDataType

type SesDataType struct {
	Set []SesItems

func ConvRawSesData

func ConvRawSesData(ss string) (rv SesDataType)

type SesItems

type SesItems struct {
	Path  []string
	Value string

type SqlCfgLoaded

type SqlCfgLoaded struct {
	FileName string
	ErrorMsg string

type TabServer2Type

type TabServer2Type struct {
	Next                  http.Handler // No Next, this is the bottom of the stack.
	Paths                 []string     //
	AppRoot               []string     // The patth where to start searhing for sql-cfg-<name>.json files -- Formerly TopPath
	DbFunctions           []string     // Functions to turn on debugging output in.
	WatchForConfigChanges bool         // If true then a 2nd process will be started to watch for changes in config files.
	SQLCfgFN              string       // xyzzy
	AppName               string       // xyzzy
	SearchPath            string       // a search path like "~/cfg:./cfg" -- defaults to ./cfg:.:~/cfg
	Final                 string       // If a path is matched with Paths, but not with the final routing, say /api/table/BADNAME, then if Final => 404 error
	DevAuthToken          string       // Password for accessing ListSqlConfigFilesLoaded
	DebugFlags            []string     // Debuging Flags for example, "credit_card_test_mode"
	AuthorizeNetLogin     string       //
	AuthorizeNetKey       string       //
	StatusMessage         string       // Message printed out as a part of status - can be version number for the config file
	LogToFile             string       // if "" then logging is off, else the path to log directory
	LoginSystem           string       // "AesSrp" or "Basic" or "Un/Pw"
	ApiTable              string       //
	ApiList               string       //
	ApiStatus             string       //
	ApiTableKey           string       // If true (!= "") then this password will be requried to access /api/table calls.
	RedisApiTableKey      string       // If used (!= "") then lookup the password in redis using this as the prefix for the key.
	LimitPostJoinRows     int          // -1 indicates unlimited, default, 0 - is do not allow, N is maximum number of rows to post-join on get
	SendStatusOnError     bool         // if true will send back errors as a status_code, else will send "status"=="error" in JSON, code 200
	DbSchema              string       // // 1. g_schema // xyzzy - should pull from config "public"
	DbCreateScript        string       // // 2. xyzzyPath1 // xyzzyPath1 - should pull from config ./table_ddl
	RedisSessionPrefix    string       // -- use the same namespace as SessionRedis!
	EmailConfigFileName   string       // name of file to take Email config from
	EmailTemplateDir      string       //
	KeyFilePrivate        string       // private key file for signing JWT tokens
	DisplayURL2fa         string       // 2fa - see X2faSetup
	RedisPrefix2fa        string       // 2fa - see X2faSetup
	Server2faURL          string       // 2fa see X2faSetup
	StatusForAllErrors    string       // if "yes" then on errors status will be returned and errors will be logged. if "no-use-JSON-msg" then status 200, with JSON message returned.  Error is still logged.
	LineNo                int          //

	MuxAuto     map[string]int // formerly global		-- make private xyzzy --		// Config for automaic reload  - to delete routes removed
	MuxAutoPass int            // formerly global		-- make private xyzzy --		// Config for automaic reload  - to delete routes removed

	SQLCfg map[string]SQLOne
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTabServer2Server

func NewTabServer2Server(n http.Handler, Path []string, AppRoot []string, gCfg *cfg.ServerGlobalConfigType) (rv *TabServer2Type)

func (*TabServer2Type) BindPlaceholder

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) BindPlaceholder(n int) (rv string)

func (*TabServer2Type) CacheItForLater

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CacheItForLater(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, h SQLOne, id string, theData string, h_Query string, data ...interface{})


func (*TabServer2Type) CacheItForLaterMk

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CacheItForLaterMk(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, h SQLOne, theData string)


func (*TabServer2Type) CallFunction

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CallFunction(ba string, fx_name string, www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, rv string, isError bool, cookieList map[string]string, ps *goftlmux.Params, trx *tr.Trx) (string, PrePostFlagType, bool, int)

CallFunction will call a pre-post processing function. This is the palce where the PrePost constants will need to be handled. This function also reports to the log any attempts to call a non-existent function.

func (*TabServer2Type) CheckSqlCfgValid

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CheckSqlCfgValid() (isOk bool)

func (*TabServer2Type) CommmonCrudPrefix

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CommmonCrudPrefix(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, op string, ps *goftlmux.Params, rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer) (ok bool, mdata map[string]string, cfgTag string, h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, table_name string, wc *WhereCollect)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) CommonLimitOffset

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CommonLimitOffset(mdata map[string]string, data *[]interface{}, h SQLOne, table_name string, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) bool


 For MS SQL Server:
			SELECT First Name + ' ' + Last Name FROM Employees ORDER BY First Name OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY;



	My all-time-favorite use of ROWNUM is pagination. In this case, I use ROWNUM to get rows N through M of a result set. The general form is as follows:

		select *
		  from ( select / *+ FIRST_ROWS(n) * /
		  a.*, ROWNUM rnum
			  from ( your_query_goes_here,
			  with order by ) a
			  where ROWNUM <=
		where rnum  >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;

	Notes: From:



func (*TabServer2Type) CommonWhereClause

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CommonWhereClause(pkRequired bool, id string, idflag bool, mdata map[string]string, data *[]interface{}, h SQLOne, table_name string, trx *tr.Trx, wc *WhereCollect, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) (fail bool, isPk bool)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) CreateMissingTable

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CreateMissingTable(conn *sizlib.MyDb, tn string) (err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) CrudErrMsg

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) CrudErrMsg(depth int, msg string, err error, col string, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) DbEnabledOn

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) DbEnabledOn(www http.ResponseWriter, s string) bool

xyzzy need hdlr func PickInsertUpdateColumns(www http.ResponseWriter, theFile0 map[string]interface{}, table_key string) (rv map[string]interface{}) {

func (*TabServer2Type) ExecSProcCmd

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) ExecSProcCmd(name string, np int) (rv string, err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) ExtendedWhereCaluse

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) ExtendedWhereCaluse(mdata map[string]string, h SQLOne, data *[]interface{}, trx *tr.Trx, wc *WhereCollect, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) (ok bool)

==================================================================================================================================================================== http://localhost:8090/api/table/t_email_q?where={%22op%22:%22and%22,%22List%22:[{%22op%22:%22=%22,%22name%22:%22to%22,},{%22op%22:%22=%22,%22name%22:%22status%22,%22val1s%22:%22pending%22}]} http://localhost:8090/api/table/t_email_q?where={"op":"and","List":[{"op":"=","name":"to","val1s":""},{"op":"=","name":"status","val1s":"pending"}]} see l2/rt.go ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) GenInsUpdInfo

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenInsUpdInfo(table_key string, jData map[string]interface{}, mdata map[string]string)

func (*TabServer2Type) GenInsertValues

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenInsertValues(h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, data *[]interface{}, mdata map[string]string, n_col int, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) (ok bool, s_id string)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) GenKeyMk

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenKeyMk(h SQLOne, ps *goftlmux.Params) string


func (*TabServer2Type) GenOrderBy

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenOrderBy(mdata map[string]string, h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) bool



ColName can be 1..N of columns in h.Cols or the name of the column (case senstivie)
Dir is ASC or DESC - case in-sensitive.

Example: ( " should be %22 )


Enhancement: Allow for sort by function or type cast. Enhancement: Sort by any leading edge of a key defined in d.b.


func (*TabServer2Type) GenProjectedCols

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenProjectedCols(mdata map[string]string, h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, ps *goftlmux.Params)

============================================================================================================================================================================== Build the projected columns for selects. This is the SELECT <columns> section. ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) GenTemplate

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenTemplate(h SQLOne, op string, mdata map[string]string, wc *WhereCollect, data *[]interface{}, isCount bool, ps *goftlmux.Params) (string, error)

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) GenUpdateSet

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GenUpdateSet(h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, data *[]interface{}, mdata map[string]string, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) bool

==================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) Get2MinHashFunc

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) Get2MinHashFunc() (hash string, ttlLeft int, err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) GetDataList

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetDataList(ty string, wc WhereClause, trx *tr.Trx, h SQLOne, bind *[]interface{}) (string, error)

Used in "in" or "not in" in where clause - where data is to be bound to a list of values.

func (*TabServer2Type) GetDbType

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetDbType() DbType

return the type of the database --

func (*TabServer2Type) GetFunctionInformationSchema

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetFunctionInformationSchema(conn *sizlib.MyDb, FunctionName string, Params []string) (rv DbTableType, err error)

SELECT routines.routine_name, parameters.data_type, parameters.ordinal_position FROM information_schema.routines

JOIN information_schema.parameters ON routines.specific_name=parameters.specific_name

WHERE routines.specific_schema='public' ORDER BY routines.routine_name, parameters.ordinal_position;

func (*TabServer2Type) GetPkName

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetPkName(h SQLOne, nPkCols int, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) ([]string, bool)

============================================================================================================================================================================== Get the list of column names that form the primary key for the table in the h.Cols order. ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) GetRedisKey

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetRedisKey(key string) (rv string, err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) GetStoredProcedurePlist

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetStoredProcedurePlist(np int) (rv string)
,"/api/test/register_new_user": { "g": "test_register_new_user($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)", "p": [ "username", "password", "$ip$", "email", "real_name", "$url$", "csrf_token", "site", "name" ],

for ".G" - use "P" parameters and GetStoredProcedurePlist - so...

PostgreSQL - ($1,$2...$n)
ODBC		" "?,?,...       nof them
Oracle		(:p1,:p2...:pN)

func (*TabServer2Type) GetTableInformationSchema

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetTableInformationSchema(conn *sizlib.MyDb, TableName string) (rv DbTableType, err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) GetUserIDFromAuthToken

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetUserIDFromAuthToken(auth_token string) (user_id string, err error)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (*TabServer2Type) GetValidList

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) GetValidList(user_id string) (list []string, err error)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetValidList get list of convened to string int values for valid 2fa

func (*TabServer2Type) HasPKInWhere

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) HasPKInWhere(mdata map[string]string, h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params) (hasPk bool)

=================================================================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) HaveCachedData

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) HaveCachedData(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, h SQLOne, h_Query string, data ...interface{}) (rv string, found bool)


func (*TabServer2Type) HaveCachedDataMk

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) HaveCachedDataMk(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, h SQLOne) (data string, found bool)


func (*TabServer2Type) InitializeWithConfigData

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) InitializeWithConfigData(next http.Handler, gCfg *cfg.ServerGlobalConfigType, serverName string, pNo, callNo int) (err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) PickInsertUpdateColumns

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) PickInsertUpdateColumns(www http.ResponseWriter, theFile0 map[string]interface{}, table_key string) (rv map[string]interface{})


theFile0 = pickInsertUpdate ( theFile0, "table:img_file" )												// xyzzy f(x)

test: t-pp1.go ============================================================================================================================================================================== xyzzy -- depricated -- I don't think this function is called at all --

func (*TabServer2Type) PreValidate

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) PreValidate(gCfg *cfg.ServerGlobalConfigType, cfgData map[string]interface{}, serverName string, pNo, callNo int) (err error)

func (*TabServer2Type) ProcessErrors

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) ProcessErrors(
	www http.ResponseWriter,
	req *http.Request,
	rvIn string,
	errorCode int,
	msg string,
	status int,
	stmt string,
	data []interface{},
	ct string,
) (rv string)

func (*TabServer2Type) PullQRURLFromDB

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) PullQRURLFromDB() (qr_enc_id, qr_url string, err error)

qrId, QRImgUrl, err = hdlr.PullQRURLFromDB() err = hdlr.PullQRFromDB(rr.Tag)

func (*TabServer2Type) RemapParams

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) RemapParams(ps *goftlmux.Params, h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx)

func (*TabServer2Type) RespHandlerRedis

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) RespHandlerRedis(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, ps *goftlmux.Params, rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer)

============================================================================================================================================================================== Redis Keys Do we need a "prefix" or a "table" type thing to limit access to a set of keys? ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) RespHandlerSQL

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) RespHandlerSQL(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cfgTag string, ps *goftlmux.Params, rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer)

============================================================================================================================================================================== ==============================================================================================================================================================================

func (*TabServer2Type) ServeHTTP

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) ServeHTTP(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)


func (*TabServer2Type) TemplateEmail

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) TemplateEmail(template_name string, mdata map[string]string) (s1, b1, b2 string, err error)

s1, b1, s2, b2, err := TemplateEmail ( ed.Email["template"], ed )

func (*TabServer2Type) UpdateQRMarkAsUsed

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) UpdateQRMarkAsUsed(qrId string) error

func (*TabServer2Type) ValidateUserTrx

func (hdlr *TabServer2Type) ValidateUserTrx(h SQLOne, trx *tr.Trx, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ps *goftlmux.Params, rw *goftlmux.MidBuffer) (err error)

type Validation

type Validation struct {
	Required  bool
	Type      string
	Min_len   int
	Max_len   int
	Min       int64
	Max       int64
	MinF      float64
	MaxF      float64
	MinD      time.Time
	MaxD      time.Time
	Default   string
	UrlEncode bool
	ReMatch   string
	ChkType   bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

-------------------------------------------------- New -------------------------------------------------- test: t-pp1.go

type ValidationIn

type ValidationIn struct {
	Required  *bool
	Type      *string
	Min_len   *int
	Max_len   *int
	Min       *int64
	Max       *int64
	MinF      *float64
	MaxF      *float64
	MinD      *time.Time
	MaxD      *time.Time
	Default   *string
	UrlEncode *bool
	ReMatch   *string
	ChkType   *bool

type WhereClause

type WhereClause struct {
	Op       string
	Val1s    string
	Val2s    string
	Val1i    int64
	Val2i    int64
	Val1f    float64
	Val2f    float64
	Val1d    time.Time
	Val2d    time.Time
	Name     string
	List     []WhereClause
	Expr     []WhereClause
	CastName string

type WhereCollect

type WhereCollect struct {
	AClause []string

func NewWhereCollect

func NewWhereCollect() *WhereCollect

func (*WhereCollect) AddClause

func (this *WhereCollect) AddClause(s string)

func (*WhereCollect) GenWhereClause

func (this *WhereCollect) GenWhereClause(mdata map[string]string)


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL