News Service
The news service is a gRPC microservice. Its gRPC contract lives in http:// Whenever you change the gRPC contract at service/pb/news.proto
run these commands in the the service/pb
protoc news.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. news.proto
The first command generates news.pb.go
that the service imports.
The second command generates two Python modules for Python consumers of the service.
It uses a multi-stage Dockerfile to generate a lean and mean image from SCRATCH that just includes the Go binary. The system has a CI/CD pipeline, but you can also build and deploy it yourself.
Build Docker image
$ docker build . -t g1g1/delinkcious-news-manager:${VERSION}
Push to Registry
This will go by default to DockerHub. Make sure you're logged in:
$ docker login
Then push your image:
$ docker push g1g1/delinkcious-news-manager:${VERSION}
Deploy to active Kubernetes cluster
If you want to push to a local minikube make sure your kubectl is pointed to the right cluster and type:
$ kubectl create -f k8s
Exposing the NewsManager service locally
kubectl port-forward svc/news-manager 6060:6060