Index ¶
- type PG
- func (p *PG) AddEmployerCandidacyComment(ctx context.Context, empCommentReq employer.AddEmployerCandidacyCommentRequest) (uuid.UUID, error)
- func (p *PG) AddHubCandidacyComment(ctx context.Context, hubCommentReq hub.AddHubCandidacyCommentRequest) (uuid.UUID, error)
- func (p *PG) AddInterview(ctx context.Context, req db.AddInterviewRequest) error
- func (p *PG) AddInterviewer(ctx context.Context, addInterviewerReq db.AddInterviewerRequest) error
- func (p *PG) AddLocation(ctx context.Context, addLocationRequest employer.AddLocationRequest) (uuid.UUID, error)
- func (p *PG) AddOfficialEmail(req db.AddOfficialEmailReq) error
- func (p *PG) AddOpeningWatchers(ctx context.Context, addOpeningWatchersReq employer.AddOpeningWatchersRequest) error
- func (p *PG) AddOrgUser(ctx context.Context, addOrgUserReq db.AddOrgUserReq) (orgUserID uuid.UUID, err error)
- func (p *PG) AddWorkHistory(ctx context.Context, req hub.AddWorkHistoryRequest) (string, error)
- func (p *PG) ApproveColleague(ctx context.Context, handle string) error
- func (p *PG) AuthHubUser(ctx context.Context, token string) (db.HubUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) AuthOrgUser(ctx context.Context, sessionToken string) (db.OrgUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) ChangeHubUserPassword(ctx context.Context, hubUserID uuid.UUID, newPasswordHash string) error
- func (p *PG) ChangeOpeningState(ctx context.Context, changeOpeningStateReq employer.ChangeOpeningStateRequest) error
- func (p *PG) ConnectColleague(ctx context.Context, handle string) error
- func (p *PG) CreateApplication(ctx context.Context, req db.ApplyOpeningReq) error
- func (p *PG) CreateCostCenter(ctx context.Context, costCenterReq employer.AddCostCenterRequest) (uuid.UUID, error)
- func (p *PG) CreateHubUserToken(ctx context.Context, tokenReq db.HubTokenReq) error
- func (p *PG) CreateOnboardEmail(ctx context.Context, onboardEmailInfo db.OnboardEmailInfo) error
- func (p *PG) CreateOpening(ctx context.Context, createOpeningReq employer.CreateOpeningRequest) (string, error)
- func (p *PG) CreateOrgUserToken(ctx context.Context, tokenReq db.EmployerTokenReq) error
- func (p *PG) DeQOnboard(ctx context.Context) (*db.OnboardInfo, error)
- func (p *PG) DefunctCostCenter(ctx context.Context, defunctCostCenterReq employer.DefunctCostCenterRequest) error
- func (p *PG) DefunctLocation(ctx context.Context, defunctLocationReq employer.DefunctLocationRequest) error
- func (p *PG) DeleteOfficialEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) error
- func (p *PG) DeleteWorkHistory(ctx context.Context, req hub.DeleteWorkHistoryRequest) error
- func (p *PG) DisableOrgUser(ctx context.Context, disableOrgUserRequest employer.DisableOrgUserRequest) error
- func (p *PG) EmployerRSVPInterview(ctx context.Context, req common.RSVPInterviewRequest) error
- func (p *PG) EnableOrgUser(ctx context.Context, enableOrgUserReq db.EnableOrgUserReq) error
- func (p *PG) EndorseApplication(ctx context.Context, endorseReq hub.EndorseApplicationRequest) error
- func (p *PG) FilterColleagues(ctx context.Context, req hub.FilterColleaguesRequest) ([]hub.HubUserShort, error)
- func (p *PG) FilterEmployerCandidacyInfos(ctx context.Context, request employer.FilterCandidacyInfosRequest) ([]employer.Candidacy, error)
- func (p *PG) FilterEmployers(ctx context.Context, req hub.FilterEmployersRequest) ([]hub.HubEmployer, error)
- func (p *PG) FilterOpeningTags(ctx context.Context, req common.FilterOpeningTagsRequest) ([]common.OpeningTag, error)
- func (p *PG) FilterOpenings(ctx context.Context, filterOpeningsReq employer.FilterOpeningsRequest) ([]employer.OpeningInfo, error)
- func (p *PG) FilterOrgUsers(ctx context.Context, filterOrgUsersReq employer.FilterOrgUsersRequest) ([]employer.OrgUser, error)
- func (p *PG) FindHubOpenings(ctx context.Context, req *hub.FindHubOpeningsRequest) ([]hub.HubOpening, error)
- func (p *PG) GetApplication(ctx context.Context, applicationID string) (employer.Application, error)
- func (p *PG) GetApplicationMailInfo(c context.Context, applicationID string) (db.ApplicationMailInfo, error)
- func (p *PG) GetApplicationsForEmployer(c context.Context, req employer.GetApplicationsRequest) ([]employer.Application, error)
- func (p *PG) GetAssessment(ctx context.Context, req employer.GetAssessmentRequest) (employer.Assessment, error)
- func (p *PG) GetBio(ctx context.Context, handle string) (hub.Bio, error)
- func (p *PG) GetCCByName(ctx context.Context, getCCByNameReq employer.GetCostCenterRequest) (employer.CostCenter, error)
- func (p *PG) GetCandidateInfo(ctx context.Context, candidacyID string) (db.CandidateInfo, error)
- func (p *PG) GetCostCenters(ctx context.Context, costCentersList employer.GetCostCentersRequest) ([]employer.CostCenter, error)
- func (p *PG) GetDomainNames(ctx context.Context, employerID uuid.UUID) ([]string, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployer(ctx context.Context, clientID string) (db.Employer, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerByID(ctx context.Context, employerID uuid.UUID) (db.Employer, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerCandidacyComments(ctx context.Context, empGetCommentsReq common.GetCandidacyCommentsRequest) ([]common.CandidacyComment, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerCandidacyInfo(ctx context.Context, getCandidacyInfoReq common.GetCandidacyInfoRequest) (employer.Candidacy, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByCandidacy(ctx context.Context, req employer.GetEmployerInterviewsByCandidacyRequest) ([]employer.EmployerInterview, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByOpening(ctx context.Context, req employer.GetEmployerInterviewsByOpeningRequest) ([]employer.EmployerInterview, error)
- func (p *PG) GetEmployerViewBio(ctx context.Context, handle string) (employer.EmployerViewBio, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubCandidacyComments(ctx context.Context, hubGetCommentsReq common.GetCandidacyCommentsRequest) ([]common.CandidacyComment, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubCandidacyInfo(ctx context.Context, getCandidacyInfoReq common.GetCandidacyInfoRequest) (hub.MyCandidacy, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubInterviewsByCandidacy(ctx context.Context, req hub.GetHubInterviewsByCandidacyRequest) ([]hub.HubInterview, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubOpeningDetails(ctx context.Context, req hub.GetHubOpeningDetailsRequest) (hub.HubOpeningDetails, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (db.HubUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubUserByTFACreds(ctx context.Context, tfaToken string, tfaCode string) (db.HubUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) GetHubUsersByHandles(ctx context.Context, handles []common.Handle) ([]db.HubUserContact, error)
- func (p *PG) GetInterview(ctx context.Context, interviewID string) (employer.EmployerInterview, error)
- func (p *PG) GetLocByName(ctx context.Context, getLocationReq employer.GetLocationRequest) (employer.Location, error)
- func (p *PG) GetLocations(ctx context.Context, getLocationsReq employer.GetLocationsRequest) ([]employer.Location, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyCandidacies(ctx context.Context, getMyCandidaciesReq hub.MyCandidaciesRequest) ([]hub.MyCandidacy, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyColleagueApprovals(ctx context.Context, req hub.MyColleagueApprovalsRequest) (hub.MyColleagueApprovals, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyColleagueSeeks(ctx context.Context, req hub.MyColleagueSeeksRequest) (hub.MyColleagueSeeks, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyEndorsementApprovals(ctx context.Context, req hub.MyEndorseApprovalsRequest) (hub.MyEndorseApprovalsResponse, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyHandle(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (p *PG) GetMyOfficialEmails(ctx context.Context) ([]hub.OfficialEmail, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOfficialEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*db.OfficialEmail, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOldestUnsentEmails(ctx context.Context) ([]db.Email, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOpening(ctx context.Context, getOpeningReq employer.GetOpeningRequest) (employer.Opening, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOpeningWatchers(ctx context.Context, getOpeningWatchersReq employer.GetOpeningWatchersRequest) ([]employer.OrgUserShort, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOrgUserAuth(ctx context.Context, orgUserCreds db.OrgUserCreds) (db.OrgUserAuth, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOrgUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (db.OrgUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) GetOrgUserByTFACreds(ctx context.Context, tfaCode, tfaToken string) (db.OrgUserTO, error)
- func (p *PG) GetProfilePictureURL(ctx context.Context, handle string) (string, error)
- func (p *PG) GetResumeDetails(ctx context.Context, request employer.GetResumeRequest) (db.ResumeDetails, error)
- func (p *PG) GetStaleFiles(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]db.StaleFile, error)
- func (p *PG) GetWatchersInfoByInterviewID(ctx context.Context, interviewID string) (db.WatchersInfo, error)
- func (p *PG) HubRSVPInterview(ctx context.Context, req hub.HubRSVPInterviewRequest) error
- func (p *PG) InitEmployerAndDomain(ctx context.Context, employer db.Employer, domain db.Domain) error
- func (p *PG) InitEmployerTFA(ctx context.Context, employerTFA db.EmployerTFA) error
- func (p *PG) InitHubUserPasswordReset(ctx context.Context, initPasswordResetReq db.HubUserInitPasswordReset) error
- func (p *PG) InitHubUserTFA(ctx context.Context, tfa db.HubUserTFA) error
- func (p *PG) InviteHubUser(ctx context.Context, inviteHubUserReq db.InviteHubUserReq) error
- func (p *PG) ListWorkHistory(ctx context.Context, req hub.ListWorkHistoryRequest) ([]hub.WorkHistory, error)
- func (p *PG) Logout(ctx context.Context, token string) error
- func (p *PG) MarkFileCleaned(ctx context.Context, fileID uuid.UUID, cleanedAt time.Time) error
- func (p *PG) MyApplications(ctx context.Context, myApplicationsReq hub.MyApplicationsRequest) ([]hub.HubApplication, error)
- func (p *PG) OfferToCandidate(ctx context.Context, request db.OfferToCandidateReq) error
- func (p *PG) OnboardAdmin(ctx context.Context, onboardReq db.OnboardReq) error
- func (p *PG) OnboardHubUser(ctx context.Context, onboardHubUserReq db.OnboardHubUserReq) (string, error)
- func (p *PG) PruneOfficialEmailCodes(ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *PG) PruneTokens(ctx context.Context) error
- func (p *PG) PutAssessment(ctx context.Context, req employer.PutAssessmentRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RejectApplication(ctx context.Context, rejectRequest db.RejectApplicationRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RejectColleague(ctx context.Context, handle string) error
- func (p *PG) RejectEndorsement(ctx context.Context, rejectReq hub.RejectEndorsementRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RemoveApplicationColorTag(ctx context.Context, req employer.RemoveApplicationColorTagRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RemoveInterviewer(ctx context.Context, removeInterviewerReq db.RemoveInterviewerRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RemoveOpeningWatcher(ctx context.Context, ...) error
- func (p *PG) RenameCostCenter(ctx context.Context, renameCostCenterReq employer.RenameCostCenterRequest) error
- func (p *PG) RenameLocation(ctx context.Context, renameLocationReq employer.RenameLocationRequest) error
- func (p *PG) ResetHubUserPassword(ctx context.Context, hubUserPasswordReset db.HubUserPasswordReset) error
- func (p *PG) SetApplicationColorTag(ctx context.Context, req employer.SetApplicationColorTagRequest) error
- func (p *PG) ShortlistApplication(ctx context.Context, shortlistRequest db.ShortlistRequest) error
- func (p *PG) SignupOrgUser(ctx context.Context, signupOrgUserReq db.SignupOrgUserReq) error
- func (p *PG) UnlinkColleague(ctx context.Context, handle string) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateBio(ctx context.Context, bio hub.UpdateBioRequest) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateCostCenter(ctx context.Context, updateCCReq employer.UpdateCostCenterRequest) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateEmailState(ctx context.Context, emailStateChange db.EmailStateChange) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateLocation(ctx context.Context, updateLocationReq employer.UpdateLocationRequest) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateOfficialEmailVerificationCode(ctx context.Context, req db.UpdateOfficialEmailVerificationCodeReq) error
- func (pg *PG) UpdateOpening(ctx context.Context, updateOpeningReq employer.UpdateOpeningRequest) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateOrgUser(ctx context.Context, updateOrgUserReq employer.UpdateOrgUserRequest) (uuid.UUID, error)
- func (p *PG) UpdateProfilePictureWithCleanup(ctx context.Context, hubUserID uuid.UUID, newPicturePath string) error
- func (p *PG) UpdateWorkHistory(ctx context.Context, req hub.UpdateWorkHistoryRequest) error
- func (p *PG) VerifyOfficialEmail(ctx context.Context, email string, code string) error
- func (p *PG) WithdrawApplication(ctx context.Context, applicationID string) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type PG ¶
type PG struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PG) AddEmployerCandidacyComment ¶
func (*PG) AddHubCandidacyComment ¶
func (*PG) AddInterview ¶
func (*PG) AddInterviewer ¶
func (*PG) AddLocation ¶
func (*PG) AddOfficialEmail ¶
func (p *PG) AddOfficialEmail(req db.AddOfficialEmailReq) error
func (*PG) AddOpeningWatchers ¶
func (*PG) AddOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) AddWorkHistory ¶
func (*PG) ApproveColleague ¶
func (*PG) AuthHubUser ¶
func (*PG) AuthOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) ChangeHubUserPassword ¶
func (*PG) ChangeOpeningState ¶
func (*PG) ConnectColleague ¶
func (*PG) CreateApplication ¶
func (*PG) CreateCostCenter ¶
func (*PG) CreateHubUserToken ¶
func (*PG) CreateOnboardEmail ¶
func (*PG) CreateOpening ¶
func (*PG) CreateOrgUserToken ¶
func (*PG) DeQOnboard ¶
func (*PG) DefunctCostCenter ¶
func (*PG) DefunctLocation ¶
func (*PG) DeleteOfficialEmail ¶
func (*PG) DeleteWorkHistory ¶
func (*PG) DisableOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) EmployerRSVPInterview ¶
func (*PG) EnableOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) EndorseApplication ¶
func (*PG) FilterColleagues ¶
func (p *PG) FilterColleagues( ctx context.Context, req hub.FilterColleaguesRequest, ) ([]hub.HubUserShort, error)
func (*PG) FilterEmployerCandidacyInfos ¶
func (*PG) FilterEmployers ¶
func (p *PG) FilterEmployers( ctx context.Context, req hub.FilterEmployersRequest, ) ([]hub.HubEmployer, error)
func (*PG) FilterOpeningTags ¶
func (p *PG) FilterOpeningTags( ctx context.Context, req common.FilterOpeningTagsRequest, ) ([]common.OpeningTag, error)
func (*PG) FilterOpenings ¶
func (p *PG) FilterOpenings( ctx context.Context, filterOpeningsReq employer.FilterOpeningsRequest, ) ([]employer.OpeningInfo, error)
FilterOpenings filters openings based on the given criteria
func (*PG) FilterOrgUsers ¶
func (*PG) FindHubOpenings ¶
func (p *PG) FindHubOpenings( ctx context.Context, req *hub.FindHubOpeningsRequest, ) ([]hub.HubOpening, error)
func (*PG) GetApplication ¶
func (*PG) GetApplicationMailInfo ¶
func (*PG) GetApplicationsForEmployer ¶
func (p *PG) GetApplicationsForEmployer( c context.Context, req employer.GetApplicationsRequest, ) ([]employer.Application, error)
func (*PG) GetAssessment ¶
func (p *PG) GetAssessment( ctx context.Context, req employer.GetAssessmentRequest, ) (employer.Assessment, error)
func (*PG) GetCCByName ¶
func (p *PG) GetCCByName( ctx context.Context, getCCByNameReq employer.GetCostCenterRequest, ) (employer.CostCenter, error)
func (*PG) GetCandidateInfo ¶
func (*PG) GetCostCenters ¶
func (p *PG) GetCostCenters( ctx context.Context, costCentersList employer.GetCostCentersRequest, ) ([]employer.CostCenter, error)
func (*PG) GetDomainNames ¶
func (*PG) GetEmployer ¶
func (*PG) GetEmployerByID ¶
func (*PG) GetEmployerCandidacyComments ¶
func (p *PG) GetEmployerCandidacyComments( ctx context.Context, empGetCommentsReq common.GetCandidacyCommentsRequest, ) ([]common.CandidacyComment, error)
func (*PG) GetEmployerCandidacyInfo ¶
func (*PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByCandidacy ¶
func (p *PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByCandidacy( ctx context.Context, req employer.GetEmployerInterviewsByCandidacyRequest, ) ([]employer.EmployerInterview, error)
func (*PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByOpening ¶
func (p *PG) GetEmployerInterviewsByOpening( ctx context.Context, req employer.GetEmployerInterviewsByOpeningRequest, ) ([]employer.EmployerInterview, error)
func (*PG) GetEmployerViewBio ¶
func (*PG) GetHubCandidacyComments ¶
func (p *PG) GetHubCandidacyComments( ctx context.Context, hubGetCommentsReq common.GetCandidacyCommentsRequest, ) ([]common.CandidacyComment, error)
func (*PG) GetHubCandidacyInfo ¶
func (p *PG) GetHubCandidacyInfo( ctx context.Context, getCandidacyInfoReq common.GetCandidacyInfoRequest, ) (hub.MyCandidacy, error)
func (*PG) GetHubInterviewsByCandidacy ¶
func (p *PG) GetHubInterviewsByCandidacy( ctx context.Context, req hub.GetHubInterviewsByCandidacyRequest, ) ([]hub.HubInterview, error)
func (*PG) GetHubOpeningDetails ¶
func (p *PG) GetHubOpeningDetails( ctx context.Context, req hub.GetHubOpeningDetailsRequest, ) (hub.HubOpeningDetails, error)
func (*PG) GetHubUserByEmail ¶
func (*PG) GetHubUserByTFACreds ¶
func (*PG) GetHubUsersByHandles ¶
func (p *PG) GetHubUsersByHandles( ctx context.Context, handles []common.Handle, ) ([]db.HubUserContact, error)
GetHubUsersByHandles gets the details of hub users by their handles
func (*PG) GetInterview ¶
func (*PG) GetLocByName ¶
func (*PG) GetLocations ¶
func (*PG) GetMyCandidacies ¶
func (p *PG) GetMyCandidacies( ctx context.Context, getMyCandidaciesReq hub.MyCandidaciesRequest, ) ([]hub.MyCandidacy, error)
func (*PG) GetMyColleagueApprovals ¶
func (p *PG) GetMyColleagueApprovals( ctx context.Context, req hub.MyColleagueApprovalsRequest, ) (hub.MyColleagueApprovals, error)
func (*PG) GetMyColleagueSeeks ¶
func (p *PG) GetMyColleagueSeeks( ctx context.Context, req hub.MyColleagueSeeksRequest, ) (hub.MyColleagueSeeks, error)
func (*PG) GetMyEndorsementApprovals ¶
func (p *PG) GetMyEndorsementApprovals( ctx context.Context, req hub.MyEndorseApprovalsRequest, ) (hub.MyEndorseApprovalsResponse, error)
func (*PG) GetMyOfficialEmails ¶
func (*PG) GetOfficialEmail ¶
func (*PG) GetOldestUnsentEmails ¶
func (*PG) GetOpening ¶
func (*PG) GetOpeningWatchers ¶
func (p *PG) GetOpeningWatchers( ctx context.Context, getOpeningWatchersReq employer.GetOpeningWatchersRequest, ) ([]employer.OrgUserShort, error)
GetOpeningWatchers gets the watchers of an opening
func (*PG) GetOrgUserAuth ¶
func (p *PG) GetOrgUserAuth( ctx context.Context, orgUserCreds db.OrgUserCreds, ) (db.OrgUserAuth, error)
func (*PG) GetOrgUserByEmail ¶
func (*PG) GetOrgUserByTFACreds ¶
func (*PG) GetProfilePictureURL ¶
GetProfilePictureURL returns the S3 URL of a user's profile picture
func (*PG) GetResumeDetails ¶
func (p *PG) GetResumeDetails( ctx context.Context, request employer.GetResumeRequest, ) (db.ResumeDetails, error)
func (*PG) GetStaleFiles ¶
GetStaleFiles retrieves a batch of unprocessed stale files
func (*PG) GetWatchersInfoByInterviewID ¶
func (*PG) HubRSVPInterview ¶
func (*PG) InitEmployerAndDomain ¶
func (*PG) InitEmployerTFA ¶
func (*PG) InitHubUserPasswordReset ¶
func (*PG) InitHubUserTFA ¶
func (*PG) InviteHubUser ¶
func (*PG) ListWorkHistory ¶
func (p *PG) ListWorkHistory( ctx context.Context, req hub.ListWorkHistoryRequest, ) ([]hub.WorkHistory, error)
func (*PG) MarkFileCleaned ¶
MarkFileCleaned marks a file as cleaned in the database
func (*PG) MyApplications ¶
func (p *PG) MyApplications( ctx context.Context, myApplicationsReq hub.MyApplicationsRequest, ) ([]hub.HubApplication, error)
func (*PG) OfferToCandidate ¶
func (*PG) OnboardAdmin ¶
func (*PG) OnboardHubUser ¶
func (*PG) PruneOfficialEmailCodes ¶
func (*PG) PutAssessment ¶
func (*PG) RejectApplication ¶
func (*PG) RejectEndorsement ¶
func (*PG) RemoveApplicationColorTag ¶
func (*PG) RemoveInterviewer ¶
func (*PG) RemoveOpeningWatcher ¶
func (*PG) RenameCostCenter ¶
func (*PG) RenameLocation ¶
func (*PG) ResetHubUserPassword ¶
func (*PG) SetApplicationColorTag ¶
func (*PG) ShortlistApplication ¶
func (*PG) SignupOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) UpdateCostCenter ¶
func (*PG) UpdateEmailState ¶
func (*PG) UpdateLocation ¶
func (*PG) UpdateOfficialEmailVerificationCode ¶
func (*PG) UpdateOpening ¶
func (*PG) UpdateOrgUser ¶
func (*PG) UpdateProfilePictureWithCleanup ¶
func (p *PG) UpdateProfilePictureWithCleanup( ctx context.Context, hubUserID uuid.UUID, newPicturePath string, ) error
UpdateProfilePictureWithCleanup updates a user's profile picture URL and adds the old picture to stale_files if one exists. This is done in a single transaction. If newPicturePath is empty, the profile_picture_url will be set to NULL.
func (*PG) UpdateWorkHistory ¶
func (*PG) VerifyOfficialEmail ¶
Source Files
- add-interview.go
- add-interviewer.go
- application-color-tags.go
- apply-for-openings.go
- assessment.go
- candidacies-add-comments.go
- candidacies-get-comments.go
- candidacies.go
- colleagues.go
- cost-center.go
- create-opening.go
- domains.go
- emails.go
- employer-applications.go
- employer-auth.go
- endorsement-state-changes.go
- files.go
- filter-colleagues.go
- filter-employers.go
- filter-opening-tags.go
- find-hub-openings.go
- get-employer-candidacy.go
- get-employer-interviews.go
- get-hub-candidacy.go
- get-hub-interviews.go
- get-hub-opening-details.go
- get-hub-user-id.go
- get-interview.go
- get-org-users.go
- get-resume.go
- hub-applications.go
- hub-bio.go
- hub-users.go
- invite-hub-user.go
- locations.go
- my-endorse-approvals.go
- offer-to-candidate.go
- official-emails.go
- onboard-hub-user.go
- openings.go
- org-users.go
- postgres.go
- reject-application.go
- remove-interviewer.go
- rsvp-interview.go
- shortlist-application.go
- tokens.go
- utils.go
- workhistory.go
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