Overview ¶
Package params defines important constants that are essential to the Ethereum 2.0 services.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func OverrideBeaconConfig ¶
func OverrideBeaconConfig(c *BeaconChainConfig)
OverrideBeaconConfig by replacing the config. The preferred pattern is to call BeaconConfig(), change the specific parameters, and then call OverrideBeaconConfig(c). Any subsequent calls to params.BeaconConfig() will return this new configuration.
func UseDemoBeaconConfig ¶
func UseDemoBeaconConfig()
UseDemoBeaconConfig for beacon chain services.
Types ¶
type BeaconChainConfig ¶
type BeaconChainConfig struct { // Constants (non-configurable) FarFutureEpoch uint64 `yaml:"FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH"` // FarFutureEpoch represents a epoch extremely far away in the future used as the default penalization slot for validators. BaseRewardsPerEpoch uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARDS_PER_EPOCH"` // BaseRewardsPerEpoch is used to calculate the per epoch rewards. DepositContractTreeDepth uint64 `yaml:"DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH"` // Depth of the Merkle trie of deposits in the validator deposit contract on the PoW chain. SecondsPerDay uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_DAY"` // SecondsPerDay number of seconds in day constant. // Misc constants. TargetCommitteeSize uint64 `yaml:"TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE"` // TargetCommitteeSize is the number of validators in a committee when the chain is healthy. MaxValidatorsPerCommittee uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE"` // MaxValidatorsPerCommittee defines the upper bound of the size of a committee. MaxCommitteesPerSlot uint64 // MaxCommitteesPerSlot defines the max amount of committee in a single slot. MinPerEpochChurnLimit uint64 `yaml:"MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT"` // MinPerEpochChurnLimit is the minimum amount of churn allotted for validator rotations. ChurnLimitQuotient uint64 `yaml:"CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT"` // ChurnLimitQuotient is used to determine the limit of how many validators can rotate per epoch. ShuffleRoundCount uint64 `yaml:"SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT"` // ShuffleRoundCount is used for retrieving the permuted index. MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT"` // MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount defines how many validator deposits needed to kick off beacon chain. MinGenesisTime uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_TIME"` // MinGenesisTime is the time that needed to pass before kicking off beacon chain. Currently set to Jan/3/2020. // Gwei value constants. MinDepositAmount uint64 `yaml:"MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT"` // MinDepositAmount is the maximal amount of Gwei a validator can send to the deposit contract at once. MaxEffectiveBalance uint64 `yaml:"MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE"` // MaxEffectiveBalance is the maximal amount of Gwie that is effective for staking. EjectionBalance uint64 `yaml:"EJECTION_BALANCE"` // EjectionBalance is the minimal GWei a validator needs to have before ejected. EffectiveBalanceIncrement uint64 `yaml:"EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT"` // EffectiveBalanceIncrement is used for converting the high balance into the low balance for validators. // Initial value constants. BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte byte `yaml:"BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX_BYTE"` // BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte is used for BLS withdrawal and it's the first byte. ZeroHash [32]byte // ZeroHash is used to represent a zeroed out 32 byte array. // Time parameters constants. MinAttestationInclusionDelay uint64 `yaml:"MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY"` // MinAttestationInclusionDelay defines how many slots validator has to wait to include attestation for beacon block. SecondsPerSlot uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_SLOT"` // SecondsPerSlot is how many seconds are in a single slot. SlotsPerEpoch uint64 `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_EPOCH"` // SlotsPerEpoch is the number of slots in an epoch. MinSeedLookahead uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD"` // SeedLookahead is the duration of randao look ahead seed. MaxSeedLookhead uint64 `yaml:"ACTIVATION_EXIT_DELAY"` // MaxSeedLookhead is the duration a validator has to wait for entry and exit in epoch. SlotsPerEth1VotingPeriod uint64 `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD"` // SlotsPerEth1VotingPeriod defines how often the merkle root of deposit receipts get updated in beacon node. SlotsPerHistoricalRoot uint64 `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT"` // SlotsPerHistoricalRoot defines how often the historical root is saved. MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay uint64 `yaml:"MIN_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABILITY_DELAY"` // MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay is the shortest amount of time a validator has to wait to withdraw. PersistentCommitteePeriod uint64 `yaml:"PERSISTENT_COMMITTEE_PERIOD"` // PersistentCommitteePeriod is the minimum amount of epochs a validator must participate before exitting. MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty uint64 `yaml:"MIN_EPOCHS_TO_INACTIVITY_PENALTY"` // MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty defines the minimum amount of epochs since finality to begin penalizing inactivity. Eth1FollowDistance uint64 // Eth1FollowDistance is the number of eth1.0 blocks to wait before considering a new deposit for voting. This only applies after the chain as been started. // State list lengths EpochsPerHistoricalVector uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR"` // EpochsPerHistoricalVector defines max length in epoch to store old historical stats in beacon state. EpochsPerSlashingsVector uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR"` // EpochsPerSlashingsVector defines max length in epoch to store old stats to recompute slashing witness. HistoricalRootsLimit uint64 `yaml:"HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT"` // HistoricalRootsLimit the define max historical roots can be saved in state before roll over. ValidatorRegistryLimit uint64 `yaml:"VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT"` // ValidatorRegistryLimit defines the upper bound of validators can participate in eth2. // Reward and penalty quotients constants. BaseRewardFactor uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARD_FACTOR"` // BaseRewardFactor is used to calculate validator per-slot interest rate. WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient uint64 `yaml:"WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT"` // WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient is used to calculate whistler blower reward. ProposerRewardQuotient uint64 `yaml:"PROPOSER_REWARD_QUOTIENT"` // ProposerRewardQuotient is used to calculate the reward for proposers. InactivityPenaltyQuotient uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT"` // InactivityPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the penalty for a validator that is offline. MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT"` // MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the minimum penalty to prevent DoS attacks. // Max operations per block constants. MaxProposerSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS"` // MaxProposerSlashings defines the maximum number of slashings of proposers possible in a block. MaxAttesterSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS"` // MaxAttesterSlashings defines the maximum number of casper FFG slashings possible in a block. MaxAttestations uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTATIONS"` // MaxAttestations defines the maximum allowed attestations in a beacon block. MaxDeposits uint64 `yaml:"MAX_DEPOSITS"` // MaxVoluntaryExits defines the maximum number of validator deposits in a block. MaxVoluntaryExits uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS"` // MaxVoluntaryExits defines the maximum number of validator exits in a block. // BLS domain values. DomainBeaconProposer []byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER"` // DomainBeaconProposer defines the BLS signature domain for beacon proposal verification. DomainRandao []byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_RANDAO"` // DomainRandao defines the BLS signature domain for randao verification. DomainBeaconAttester []byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_ATTESTATION"` // DomainBeaconAttester defines the BLS signature domain for attestation verification. DomainDeposit []byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_DEPOSIT"` // DomainDeposit defines the BLS signature domain for deposit verification. DomainVoluntaryExit []byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_VOLUNTARY_EXIT"` // DomainVoluntaryExit defines the BLS signature domain for exit verification. // Prysm constants. GweiPerEth uint64 // GweiPerEth is the amount of gwei corresponding to 1 eth. LogBlockDelay int64 // Number of blocks to wait from the current head before processing logs from the deposit contract. BLSPubkeyLength int // BLSPubkeyLength defines the expected length of BLS public keys in bytes. DefaultBufferSize int // DefaultBufferSize for channels across the Prysm repository. ValidatorPrivkeyFileName string // ValidatorPrivKeyFileName specifies the string name of a validator private key file. WithdrawalPrivkeyFileName string // WithdrawalPrivKeyFileName specifies the string name of a withdrawal private key file. RPCSyncCheck time.Duration // Number of seconds to query the sync service, to find out if the node is synced or not. TestnetContractEndpoint string // TestnetContractEndpoint to fetch the contract address of the Prysmatic Labs testnet. GoerliBlockTime uint64 // GoerliBlockTime is the number of seconds on avg a Goerli block is created. GenesisForkVersion []byte `yaml:"GENESIS_FORK_VERSION"` // GenesisForkVersion is used to track fork version between state transitions. EmptySignature [96]byte // EmptySignature is used to represent a zeroed out BLS Signature. DefaultPageSize int // DefaultPageSize defines the default page size for RPC server request. MaxPageSize int // MaxPageSize defines the max page size for RPC server respond. // Slasher constants. WeakSubjectivityPeriod uint64 // WeakSubjectivityPeriod defines the time period expressed in number of epochs were proof of stake network should validate block headers and attestations for slashable events. PruneSlasherStoragePeriod uint64 // PruneSlasherStoragePeriod defines the time period expressed in number of epochs were proof of stake network should prune attestation and block header store. }
BeaconChainConfig contains constant configs for node to participate in beacon chain.
func BeaconConfig ¶
func BeaconConfig() *BeaconChainConfig
BeaconConfig retrieves beacon chain config.
func DemoBeaconConfig ¶
func DemoBeaconConfig() *BeaconChainConfig
DemoBeaconConfig retrieves the demo beacon chain config. Notable changes from minimal config:
- Max effective balance is 3.2 ETH
- Ejection threshold is 3.175 ETH
- Genesis threshold is disabled (minimum date to start the chain)
func MainnetConfig ¶
func MainnetConfig() *BeaconChainConfig
MainnetConfig returns the default config to be used in the mainnet.
func MinimalSpecConfig ¶
func MinimalSpecConfig() *BeaconChainConfig
MinimalSpecConfig retrieves the minimal config used in spec tests.
type DepositContractConfig ¶
type DepositContractConfig struct { MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount *big.Int // MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount defines how many validator deposits needed to kick off beacon chain. MinDepositAmount *big.Int // MinDepositAmount defines the minimum deposit amount in gwei that is required in the deposit contract. MaxEffectiveBalance *big.Int // MaxEffectiveBalance defines the maximum deposit amount in gwei that is required in the deposit contract. }
DepositContractConfig contains the deposits for
func ContractConfig ¶
func ContractConfig() *DepositContractConfig
ContractConfig retrieves the deposit contract config