Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BeaconBlockBodyType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func BeaconBlockType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func BeaconStateType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func ComputeFlagDeltas(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) (*common.Deltas, error)
- func ComputeInactivityPenaltyDeltas(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) (*common.Deltas, error)
- func ContributionAndProofType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func InactivityScoresType(spec *common.Spec) *BasicListTypeDef
- func IsSyncCommitteeAggregator(spec *common.Spec, sig common.BLSSignature) bool
- func LightClientSnapshotType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func LightClientUpdateType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func ParticipationRegistryType(spec *common.Spec) *BasicListTypeDef
- func ProcessAttestation(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state AltairLikeBeaconState, ...) error
- func ProcessAttestations(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) error
- func ProcessEpochRewardsAndPenalties(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) error
- func ProcessInactivityUpdates(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, ...) error
- func ProcessParticipationFlagUpdates(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, state AltairLikeBeaconState) error
- func ProcessSyncAggregate(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) error
- func ProcessSyncCommitteeUpdates(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) error
- func SignedBeaconBlockType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func SignedContributionAndProofType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func SyncAggregateType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func SyncAggregatorSelectionSigningRoot(spec *common.Spec, domainFn common.BLSDomainFn, slot common.Slot, ...) (common.Root, error)
- func SyncCommitteeBitsType(spec *common.Spec) *BitVectorTypeDef
- func SyncCommitteeContributionType(spec *common.Spec) *ContainerTypeDef
- func SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsType(spec *common.Spec) *BitVectorTypeDef
- func TranslateParticipation(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state common.BeaconState, ...) error
- func ValidateSyncAggregatorSelectionProof(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domainFn common.BLSDomainFn, ...) error
- type AltairLikeBeaconState
- type BeaconBlock
- func (b *BeaconBlock) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *BeaconBlock) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (a *BeaconBlock) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *BeaconBlock) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (block *BeaconBlock) Header(spec *common.Spec) *common.BeaconBlockHeader
- func (b *BeaconBlock) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type BeaconBlockBody
- func (b *BeaconBlockBody) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *BeaconBlockBody) CheckLimits(spec *common.Spec) error
- func (b *BeaconBlockBody) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (a *BeaconBlockBody) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *BeaconBlockBody) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (b *BeaconBlockBody) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type BeaconState
- func (v *BeaconState) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (v *BeaconState) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (*BeaconState) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
- func (v *BeaconState) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (v *BeaconState) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type BeaconStateView
- func (state *BeaconStateView) AddValidator(spec *common.Spec, pub common.BLSPubkey, withdrawalCreds common.Root, ...) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Balances() (common.BalancesRegistry, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) BlockRoots() (common.BatchRoots, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) CopyState() (common.BeaconState, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentSyncCommittee() (*common.SyncCommitteeView, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1Data() (common.Eth1Data, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1DataVotes() (common.Eth1DataVotes, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1DepositIndex() (common.DepositIndex, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) FinalizedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Fork() (common.Fork, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) ForkSettings(spec *common.Spec) *common.ForkSettings
- func (state *BeaconStateView) GenesisTime() (common.Timestamp, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) GenesisValidatorsRoot() (common.Root, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) HistoricalRoots() (common.HistoricalRoots, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) InactivityScores() (*InactivityScoresView, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) IncrementDepositIndex() error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) JustificationBits() (common.JustificationBits, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) LatestBlockHeader() (*common.BeaconBlockHeader, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) NextSyncCommittee() (*common.SyncCommitteeView, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) PreviousEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) ProcessBlock(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, ...) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) ProcessEpoch(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) RandaoMixes() (common.RandaoMixes, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Raw(spec *common.Spec) (*BeaconState, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) RotateSyncCommittee(next *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SeedRandao(spec *common.Spec, seed common.Root) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetBalances(balances []common.Gwei) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetCurrentJustifiedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetCurrentSyncCommittee(v *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetEth1Data(v common.Eth1Data) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetFinalizedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetFork(f common.Fork) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetGenesisTime(t common.Timestamp) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetGenesisValidatorsRoot(r common.Root) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetJustificationBits(bits common.JustificationBits) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetLatestBlockHeader(v *common.BeaconBlockHeader) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetNextSyncCommittee(v *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetPreviousJustifiedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) SetSlot(slot common.Slot) error
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Slashings() (common.Slashings, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Slot() (common.Slot, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) StateRoots() (common.BatchRoots, error)
- func (state *BeaconStateView) Validators() (common.ValidatorRegistry, error)
- type ContributionAndProof
- func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type ContributionAndProofView
- type EpochAttesterData
- type EpochStakeSummary
- type FinalizedRootProofBranch
- func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) ByteLength() (out uint64)
- func (fb *FinalizedRootProofBranch) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (fb *FinalizedRootProofBranch) FixedLength() uint64
- func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type InactivityScores
- func (a InactivityScores) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) (out uint64)
- func (a *InactivityScores) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (a *InactivityScores) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (li InactivityScores) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (a InactivityScores) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (li InactivityScores) View(spec *common.Spec) (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
- type InactivityScoresView
- type LightClientSnapshot
- func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type LightClientUpdate
- func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type ParticipationFlags
- func (ParticipationFlags) ByteLength() uint64
- func (a *ParticipationFlags) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (ParticipationFlags) FixedLength() uint64
- func (t ParticipationFlags) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (e ParticipationFlags) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (i ParticipationFlags) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (e ParticipationFlags) String() string
- func (e *ParticipationFlags) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type ParticipationRegistry
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) (out uint64)
- func (r *ParticipationRegistry) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (r *ParticipationRegistry) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) String() string
- func (r *ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (r *ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
- func (r ParticipationRegistry) View(spec *common.Spec) (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
- type ParticipationRegistryView
- func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) FillZeroes(length uint64) error
- func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) GetFlags(index common.ValidatorIndex) (ParticipationFlags, error)
- func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) Raw() (ParticipationRegistry, error)
- func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) SetFlags(index common.ValidatorIndex, score ParticipationFlags) error
- type RewardsAndPenalties
- type SignedBeaconBlock
- func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Envelope(spec *common.Spec, digest common.ForkDigest) *common.BeaconBlockEnvelope
- func (a *SignedBeaconBlock) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (block *SignedBeaconBlock) SignedHeader(spec *common.Spec) *common.SignedBeaconBlockHeader
- type SignedContributionAndProof
- func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (a *SignedContributionAndProof) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
- func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domainFn common.BLSDomainFn) error
- type SignedContributionAndProofView
- type SyncAggregate
- func (agg *SyncAggregate) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (agg *SyncAggregate) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (agg *SyncAggregate) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (agg *SyncAggregate) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (agg *SyncAggregate) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type SyncAggregateView
- type SyncAggregatorSelectionData
- func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) ByteLength() uint64
- func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) FixedLength() uint64
- func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type SyncCommitteeBits
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) GetBit(i uint64) bool
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) SetBit(i uint64, v bool)
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) String() string
- func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (li SyncCommitteeBits) View(spec *common.Spec) *SyncCommitteeBitsView
- type SyncCommitteeBitsView
- type SyncCommitteeContribution
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, subcommitteePubkeys []*common.CachedPubkey, ...) error
- type SyncCommitteeContributionView
- type SyncCommitteeMessage
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) ByteLength() uint64
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) FixedLength() uint64
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domFn common.BLSDomainFn) error
- type SyncCommitteeMessageView
- type SyncCommitteeProofBranch
- func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) ByteLength() (out uint64)
- func (sb *SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (sb *SyncCommitteeProofBranch) FixedLength() uint64
- func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- type SyncCommitteeSubnetBits
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
- func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) GetBit(i uint64) bool
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) HashTreeRoot(spec *common.Spec, hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) OnesCount() uint64
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) SetBit(i uint64, v bool)
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) String() string
- func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) View(spec *common.Spec) *SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView
- type SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView
Constants ¶
View Source
Participation flag indices
View Source
const ( TIMELY_SOURCE_WEIGHT common.Gwei = 14 TIMELY_TARGET_WEIGHT common.Gwei = 26 TIMELY_HEAD_WEIGHT common.Gwei = 14 SYNC_REWARD_WEIGHT common.Gwei = 2 PROPOSER_WEIGHT common.Gwei = 8 WEIGHT_DENOMINATOR common.Gwei = 64 )
Participation flag fractions
View Source
const FINALIZED_ROOT_INDEX = tree.Gindex64((1 << finalizedRootProofLen) | (_stateFinalizedCheckpoint << 1) | 1)
View Source
const NEXT_SYNC_COMMITTEE_INDEX = tree.Gindex64((1 << syncCommitteeProofLen) | _nextSyncCommittee)
View Source
const ParticipationFlagsType = Uint8Type
Variables ¶
View Source
var FinalizedRootProofBranchType = VectorType(RootType, finalizedRootProofLen)
View Source
var SyncAggregatorSelectionDataType = ContainerType("SyncAggregatorSelectionData", []FieldDef{ {"slot", common.SlotType}, {"subcommittee_index", Uint64Type}, })
View Source
var SyncCommitteeMessageType = ContainerType("SyncCommitteeMessage", []FieldDef{ {"slot", common.SlotType}, {"beacon_block_root", RootType}, {"validator_index", common.ValidatorIndexType}, {"signature", common.BLSSignatureType}, })
View Source
var SyncCommitteeProofBranchType = VectorType(RootType, syncCommitteeProofLen)
Functions ¶
func BeaconBlockBodyType ¶
func BeaconBlockType ¶
func BeaconStateType ¶
func ComputeFlagDeltas ¶
func ComputeFlagDeltas(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, flag ParticipationFlags, weight common.Gwei, isInactivityLeak bool) (*common.Deltas, error)
func ComputeInactivityPenaltyDeltas ¶
func ComputeInactivityPenaltyDeltas(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, inactivityScores *InactivityScoresView, inactivityPenaltyQuotient uint64) (*common.Deltas, error)
func ContributionAndProofType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func InactivityScoresType ¶
func IsSyncCommitteeAggregator ¶ added in v0.26.1
func IsSyncCommitteeAggregator(spec *common.Spec, sig common.BLSSignature) bool
func LightClientSnapshotType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func LightClientUpdateType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ProcessAttestation ¶
func ProcessAttestation(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state AltairLikeBeaconState, attestation *phase0.Attestation) error
func ProcessAttestations ¶
func ProcessAttestations(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state AltairLikeBeaconState, ops []phase0.Attestation) error
func ProcessEpochRewardsAndPenalties ¶
func ProcessEpochRewardsAndPenalties(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, state AltairLikeBeaconState) error
func ProcessInactivityUpdates ¶
func ProcessInactivityUpdates(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, state AltairLikeBeaconState) error
func ProcessSyncAggregate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func ProcessSyncAggregate(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state common.BeaconState, agg *SyncAggregate) error
func ProcessSyncCommitteeUpdates ¶
func ProcessSyncCommitteeUpdates(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state common.SyncCommitteeBeaconState) error
func SignedBeaconBlockType ¶
func SignedContributionAndProofType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func SyncAggregateType ¶
func SyncAggregatorSelectionSigningRoot ¶ added in v0.26.1
func SyncCommitteeBitsType ¶
func SyncCommitteeContributionType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsType ¶ added in v0.19.0
func TranslateParticipation ¶ added in v0.19.0
func TranslateParticipation(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, state common.BeaconState, pendingAtts *phase0.PendingAttestationsView, participationRegistry ParticipationRegistry) error
func ValidateSyncAggregatorSelectionProof ¶ added in v0.26.1
func ValidateSyncAggregatorSelectionProof(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domainFn common.BLSDomainFn, aggregator common.ValidatorIndex, selectionProof common.BLSSignature, slot common.Slot, subcommitteeIndex uint64) error
Types ¶
type AltairLikeBeaconState ¶ added in v0.19.0
type AltairLikeBeaconState interface { common.BeaconState InactivityScores() (*InactivityScoresView, error) CurrentEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error) PreviousEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error) }
type BeaconBlock ¶
type BeaconBlock struct { Slot common.Slot `json:"slot" yaml:"slot"` ProposerIndex common.ValidatorIndex `json:"proposer_index" yaml:"proposer_index"` ParentRoot common.Root `json:"parent_root" yaml:"parent_root"` StateRoot common.Root `json:"state_root" yaml:"state_root"` Body BeaconBlockBody `json:"body" yaml:"body"` }
func (*BeaconBlock) ByteLength ¶
func (b *BeaconBlock) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconBlock) Deserialize ¶
func (b *BeaconBlock) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*BeaconBlock) FixedLength ¶
func (a *BeaconBlock) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconBlock) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (*BeaconBlock) Header ¶
func (block *BeaconBlock) Header(spec *common.Spec) *common.BeaconBlockHeader
func (*BeaconBlock) Serialize ¶
func (b *BeaconBlock) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type BeaconBlockBody ¶
type BeaconBlockBody struct { RandaoReveal common.BLSSignature `json:"randao_reveal" yaml:"randao_reveal"` Eth1Data common.Eth1Data `json:"eth1_data" yaml:"eth1_data"` Graffiti common.Root `json:"graffiti" yaml:"graffiti"` ProposerSlashings phase0.ProposerSlashings `json:"proposer_slashings" yaml:"proposer_slashings"` AttesterSlashings phase0.AttesterSlashings `json:"attester_slashings" yaml:"attester_slashings"` Attestations phase0.Attestations `json:"attestations" yaml:"attestations"` Deposits phase0.Deposits `json:"deposits" yaml:"deposits"` VoluntaryExits phase0.VoluntaryExits `json:"voluntary_exits" yaml:"voluntary_exits"` SyncAggregate SyncAggregate `json:"sync_aggregate" yaml:"sync_aggregate"` }
func (*BeaconBlockBody) ByteLength ¶
func (b *BeaconBlockBody) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconBlockBody) CheckLimits ¶
func (b *BeaconBlockBody) CheckLimits(spec *common.Spec) error
func (*BeaconBlockBody) Deserialize ¶
func (b *BeaconBlockBody) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*BeaconBlockBody) FixedLength ¶
func (a *BeaconBlockBody) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconBlockBody) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (*BeaconBlockBody) Serialize ¶
func (b *BeaconBlockBody) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type BeaconState ¶
type BeaconState struct { // Versioning GenesisTime common.Timestamp `json:"genesis_time" yaml:"genesis_time"` GenesisValidatorsRoot common.Root `json:"genesis_validators_root" yaml:"genesis_validators_root"` Slot common.Slot `json:"slot" yaml:"slot"` Fork common.Fork `json:"fork" yaml:"fork"` // History LatestBlockHeader common.BeaconBlockHeader `json:"latest_block_header" yaml:"latest_block_header"` BlockRoots phase0.HistoricalBatchRoots `json:"block_roots" yaml:"block_roots"` StateRoots phase0.HistoricalBatchRoots `json:"state_roots" yaml:"state_roots"` HistoricalRoots phase0.HistoricalRoots `json:"historical_roots" yaml:"historical_roots"` // Eth1 Eth1Data common.Eth1Data `json:"eth1_data" yaml:"eth1_data"` Eth1DataVotes phase0.Eth1DataVotes `json:"eth1_data_votes" yaml:"eth1_data_votes"` Eth1DepositIndex common.DepositIndex `json:"eth1_deposit_index" yaml:"eth1_deposit_index"` // Registry Validators phase0.ValidatorRegistry `json:"validators" yaml:"validators"` Balances phase0.Balances `json:"balances" yaml:"balances"` RandaoMixes phase0.RandaoMixes `json:"randao_mixes" yaml:"randao_mixes"` Slashings phase0.SlashingsHistory `json:"slashings" yaml:"slashings"` // Participation PreviousEpochParticipation ParticipationRegistry `json:"previous_epoch_participation" yaml:"previous_epoch_participation"` CurrentEpochParticipation ParticipationRegistry `json:"current_epoch_participation" yaml:"current_epoch_participation"` // Finality JustificationBits common.JustificationBits `json:"justification_bits" yaml:"justification_bits"` PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint common.Checkpoint `json:"previous_justified_checkpoint" yaml:"previous_justified_checkpoint"` CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint common.Checkpoint `json:"current_justified_checkpoint" yaml:"current_justified_checkpoint"` FinalizedCheckpoint common.Checkpoint `json:"finalized_checkpoint" yaml:"finalized_checkpoint"` // Inactivity InactivityScores InactivityScores `json:"inactivity_scores" yaml:"inactivity_scores"` // Light client sync committees CurrentSyncCommittee common.SyncCommittee `json:"current_sync_committee" yaml:"current_sync_committee"` NextSyncCommittee common.SyncCommittee `json:"next_sync_committee" yaml:"next_sync_committee"` }
func (*BeaconState) ByteLength ¶
func (v *BeaconState) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconState) Deserialize ¶
func (v *BeaconState) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*BeaconState) FixedLength ¶
func (*BeaconState) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
func (*BeaconState) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (*BeaconState) Serialize ¶
func (v *BeaconState) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type BeaconStateView ¶
type BeaconStateView struct {
func AsBeaconStateView ¶
func AsBeaconStateView(v View, err error) (*BeaconStateView, error)
To load a state:
state, err := beacon.AsBeaconStateView(beacon.BeaconStateType.Deserialize(codec.NewDecodingReader(reader, size)))
func NewBeaconStateView ¶
func NewBeaconStateView(spec *common.Spec) *BeaconStateView
func UpgradeToAltair ¶ added in v0.19.0
func UpgradeToAltair(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, pre *phase0.BeaconStateView) (*BeaconStateView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) AddValidator ¶
func (*BeaconStateView) Balances ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Balances() (common.BalancesRegistry, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) BlockRoots ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) BlockRoots() (common.BatchRoots, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) CopyState ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (state *BeaconStateView) CopyState() (common.BeaconState, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) CurrentEpochParticipation ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) CurrentSyncCommittee ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) CurrentSyncCommittee() (*common.SyncCommitteeView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) Eth1Data ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1Data() (common.Eth1Data, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) Eth1DataVotes ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1DataVotes() (common.Eth1DataVotes, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) Eth1DepositIndex ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (state *BeaconStateView) Eth1DepositIndex() (common.DepositIndex, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) FinalizedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) FinalizedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) ForkSettings ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) ForkSettings(spec *common.Spec) *common.ForkSettings
func (*BeaconStateView) GenesisTime ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) GenesisTime() (common.Timestamp, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) GenesisValidatorsRoot ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) GenesisValidatorsRoot() (common.Root, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) HistoricalRoots ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) HistoricalRoots() (common.HistoricalRoots, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) InactivityScores ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) InactivityScores() (*InactivityScoresView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) IncrementDepositIndex ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) IncrementDepositIndex() error
func (*BeaconStateView) JustificationBits ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) JustificationBits() (common.JustificationBits, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) LatestBlockHeader ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) LatestBlockHeader() (*common.BeaconBlockHeader, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) NextSyncCommittee ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) NextSyncCommittee() (*common.SyncCommitteeView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) PreviousEpochParticipation ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) PreviousEpochParticipation() (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint() (common.Checkpoint, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) ProcessBlock ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) ProcessBlock(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, benv *common.BeaconBlockEnvelope) error
func (*BeaconStateView) ProcessEpoch ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) ProcessEpoch(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext) error
func (*BeaconStateView) RandaoMixes ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) RandaoMixes() (common.RandaoMixes, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) Raw ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Raw(spec *common.Spec) (*BeaconState, error)
Raw converts the tree-structured state into a flattened native Go structure.
func (*BeaconStateView) RotateSyncCommittee ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (state *BeaconStateView) RotateSyncCommittee(next *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SeedRandao ¶
func (*BeaconStateView) SetBalances ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetBalances(balances []common.Gwei) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetCurrentJustifiedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetCurrentJustifiedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetCurrentSyncCommittee ¶ added in v0.16.2
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetCurrentSyncCommittee(v *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetEth1Data ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetEth1Data(v common.Eth1Data) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetFinalizedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetFinalizedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetGenesisTime ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetGenesisTime(t common.Timestamp) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetGenesisValidatorsRoot ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetGenesisValidatorsRoot(r common.Root) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetJustificationBits ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetJustificationBits(bits common.JustificationBits) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetLatestBlockHeader ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetLatestBlockHeader(v *common.BeaconBlockHeader) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetNextSyncCommittee ¶ added in v0.16.2
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetNextSyncCommittee(v *common.SyncCommitteeView) error
func (*BeaconStateView) SetPreviousJustifiedCheckpoint ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) SetPreviousJustifiedCheckpoint(c common.Checkpoint) error
func (*BeaconStateView) Slashings ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Slashings() (common.Slashings, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) StateRoots ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) StateRoots() (common.BatchRoots, error)
func (*BeaconStateView) Validators ¶
func (state *BeaconStateView) Validators() (common.ValidatorRegistry, error)
type ContributionAndProof ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ContributionAndProof struct { AggregatorIndex common.ValidatorIndex `yaml:"aggregator_index" json:"aggregator_index"` Contribution SyncCommitteeContribution `yaml:"contribution" json:"contribution"` SelectionProof common.BLSSignature `yaml:"selection_proof" json:"selection_proof"` }
func (*ContributionAndProof) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*ContributionAndProof) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*ContributionAndProof) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*ContributionAndProof) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ContributionAndProof) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (cnp *ContributionAndProof) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type ContributionAndProofView ¶ added in v0.19.0
type ContributionAndProofView struct {
func AsContributionAndProof ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AsContributionAndProof(v View, err error) (*ContributionAndProofView, error)
type EpochAttesterData ¶
type EpochAttesterData struct { PrevEpoch common.Epoch CurrEpoch common.Epoch Flats []common.FlatValidator EligibleIndices []common.ValidatorIndex PrevParticipation ParticipationRegistry CurrParticipation ParticipationRegistry PrevEpochUnslashedStake EpochStakeSummary CurrEpochUnslashedTargetStake common.Gwei }
func ComputeEpochAttesterData ¶
func ComputeEpochAttesterData(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, flats []common.FlatValidator, state AltairLikeBeaconState) (out *EpochAttesterData, err error)
type EpochStakeSummary ¶
type FinalizedRootProofBranch ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (FinalizedRootProofBranch) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) ByteLength() (out uint64)
func (*FinalizedRootProofBranch) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (fb *FinalizedRootProofBranch) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*FinalizedRootProofBranch) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (fb *FinalizedRootProofBranch) FixedLength() uint64
func (FinalizedRootProofBranch) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
func (FinalizedRootProofBranch) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (fb FinalizedRootProofBranch) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type InactivityScores ¶
type InactivityScores []Uint64View
func (InactivityScores) ByteLength ¶
func (a InactivityScores) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) (out uint64)
func (*InactivityScores) Deserialize ¶
func (a *InactivityScores) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*InactivityScores) FixedLength ¶
func (a *InactivityScores) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (InactivityScores) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (InactivityScores) Serialize ¶
func (a InactivityScores) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (InactivityScores) View ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li InactivityScores) View(spec *common.Spec) (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
type InactivityScoresView ¶
type InactivityScoresView struct {
func AsInactivityScores ¶
func AsInactivityScores(v View, err error) (*InactivityScoresView, error)
func (*InactivityScoresView) GetScore ¶
func (v *InactivityScoresView) GetScore(index common.ValidatorIndex) (uint64, error)
func (*InactivityScoresView) SetScore ¶
func (v *InactivityScoresView) SetScore(index common.ValidatorIndex, score uint64) error
type LightClientSnapshot ¶ added in v0.19.0
type LightClientSnapshot struct { // Beacon block header Header common.BeaconBlockHeader `yaml:"header" json:"header"` // Sync committees corresponding to the header CurrentSyncCommittee common.SyncCommittee `yaml:"current_sync_committee" json:"current_sync_committee"` NextSyncCommittee common.SyncCommittee `yaml:"next_sync_committee" json:"next_sync_committee"` }
func (*LightClientSnapshot) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*LightClientSnapshot) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*LightClientSnapshot) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*LightClientSnapshot) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LightClientSnapshot) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcs *LightClientSnapshot) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type LightClientUpdate ¶ added in v0.19.0
type LightClientUpdate struct { // Update beacon block header AttestedHeader common.BeaconBlockHeader `yaml:"attested_header" json:"attested_header"` // Next sync committee corresponding to the header NextSyncCommittee common.SyncCommittee `yaml:"next_sync_committee" json:"next_sync_committee"` NextSyncCommitteeBranch SyncCommitteeProofBranch `yaml:"next_sync_committee_branch" json:"next_sync_committee_branch"` // Finality proof for the update header FinalizedHeader common.BeaconBlockHeader `yaml:"finalized_header" json:"finalized_header"` FinalityBranch FinalizedRootProofBranch `yaml:"finality_branch" json:"finality_branch"` // Sync committee aggregate signature SyncAggregate SyncAggregate `yaml:"sync_aggregate" json:"sync_aggregate"` // Slot at which the aggregate signature was created (untrusted) SignatureSlot common.Slot `yaml:"signature_slot" json:"signature_slot"` }
func (*LightClientUpdate) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*LightClientUpdate) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*LightClientUpdate) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*LightClientUpdate) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LightClientUpdate) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (lcu *LightClientUpdate) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type ParticipationFlags ¶
type ParticipationFlags Uint8View
func AsParticipationFlags ¶
func AsParticipationFlags(v View, err error) (ParticipationFlags, error)
func GetApplicableAttestationParticipationFlags ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetApplicableAttestationParticipationFlags( spec *common.Spec, state common.BeaconState, data *phase0.AttestationData, inclusionDelay common.Slot) (out ParticipationFlags, err error)
func (ParticipationFlags) ByteLength ¶
func (ParticipationFlags) ByteLength() uint64
func (*ParticipationFlags) Deserialize ¶
func (a *ParticipationFlags) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (ParticipationFlags) FixedLength ¶
func (ParticipationFlags) FixedLength() uint64
func (ParticipationFlags) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (t ParticipationFlags) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
func (ParticipationFlags) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (e ParticipationFlags) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ParticipationFlags) Serialize ¶
func (i ParticipationFlags) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (ParticipationFlags) String ¶
func (e ParticipationFlags) String() string
func (*ParticipationFlags) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (e *ParticipationFlags) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ParticipationRegistry ¶
type ParticipationRegistry []ParticipationFlags
func (ParticipationRegistry) ByteLength ¶
func (r ParticipationRegistry) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) (out uint64)
func (*ParticipationRegistry) Deserialize ¶
func (r *ParticipationRegistry) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*ParticipationRegistry) FixedLength ¶
func (r *ParticipationRegistry) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (ParticipationRegistry) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (ParticipationRegistry) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.4
func (r ParticipationRegistry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ParticipationRegistry) MarshalYAML ¶ added in v0.16.4
func (r ParticipationRegistry) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
func (ParticipationRegistry) Serialize ¶
func (r ParticipationRegistry) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (ParticipationRegistry) String ¶ added in v0.16.3
func (r ParticipationRegistry) String() string
func (*ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.4
func (r *ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalYAML ¶ added in v0.16.4
func (r *ParticipationRegistry) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
func (ParticipationRegistry) View ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (r ParticipationRegistry) View(spec *common.Spec) (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
type ParticipationRegistryView ¶
type ParticipationRegistryView struct {
func AsParticipationRegistry ¶
func AsParticipationRegistry(v View, err error) (*ParticipationRegistryView, error)
func (*ParticipationRegistryView) FillZeroes ¶
func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) FillZeroes(length uint64) error
func (*ParticipationRegistryView) GetFlags ¶
func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) GetFlags(index common.ValidatorIndex) (ParticipationFlags, error)
func (*ParticipationRegistryView) Raw ¶
func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) Raw() (ParticipationRegistry, error)
func (*ParticipationRegistryView) SetFlags ¶
func (v *ParticipationRegistryView) SetFlags(index common.ValidatorIndex, score ParticipationFlags) error
type RewardsAndPenalties ¶ added in v0.16.0
type RewardsAndPenalties struct { Source *common.Deltas Target *common.Deltas Head *common.Deltas Inactivity *common.Deltas }
func AttestationRewardsAndPenalties ¶ added in v0.16.0
func AttestationRewardsAndPenalties(ctx context.Context, spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, attesterData *EpochAttesterData, state AltairLikeBeaconState) (*RewardsAndPenalties, error)
func NewRewardsAndPenalties ¶ added in v0.16.0
func NewRewardsAndPenalties(validatorCount uint64) *RewardsAndPenalties
type SignedBeaconBlock ¶
type SignedBeaconBlock struct { Message BeaconBlock `json:"message" yaml:"message"` Signature common.BLSSignature `json:"signature" yaml:"signature"` }
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) ByteLength ¶
func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) Deserialize ¶
func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) Envelope ¶
func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Envelope(spec *common.Spec, digest common.ForkDigest) *common.BeaconBlockEnvelope
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) FixedLength ¶
func (a *SignedBeaconBlock) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) Serialize ¶
func (b *SignedBeaconBlock) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (*SignedBeaconBlock) SignedHeader ¶
func (block *SignedBeaconBlock) SignedHeader(spec *common.Spec) *common.SignedBeaconBlockHeader
type SignedContributionAndProof ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SignedContributionAndProof struct { Message ContributionAndProof `yaml:"message" json:"message"` Signature common.BLSSignature `yaml:"signature" json:"signature"` }
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (a *SignedContributionAndProof) FixedLength(*common.Spec) uint64
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (*SignedContributionAndProof) VerifySignature ¶ added in v0.26.1
func (b *SignedContributionAndProof) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domainFn common.BLSDomainFn) error
VerifySignature verifies the outer Signature ONLY. This does not verify the selection proof or contribution contents.
type SignedContributionAndProofView ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SignedContributionAndProofView struct {
func AsSignedContributionAndProof ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AsSignedContributionAndProof(v View, err error) (*SignedContributionAndProofView, error)
type SyncAggregate ¶
type SyncAggregate struct { SyncCommitteeBits SyncCommitteeBits `json:"sync_committee_bits" yaml:"sync_committee_bits"` SyncCommitteeSignature common.BLSSignature `json:"sync_committee_signature" yaml:"sync_committee_signature"` }
func (*SyncAggregate) ByteLength ¶
func (agg *SyncAggregate) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncAggregate) Deserialize ¶
func (agg *SyncAggregate) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncAggregate) FixedLength ¶
func (agg *SyncAggregate) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncAggregate) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (*SyncAggregate) Serialize ¶
func (agg *SyncAggregate) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type SyncAggregateView ¶
type SyncAggregateView struct {
func AsSyncAggregate ¶
func AsSyncAggregate(v View, err error) (*SyncAggregateView, error)
type SyncAggregatorSelectionData ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncAggregatorSelectionData struct { Slot common.Slot `yaml:"slot" json:"slot"` SubcommitteeIndex Uint64View `yaml:"subcommittee_index" json:"subcommittee_index"` }
func (*SyncAggregatorSelectionData) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) ByteLength() uint64
func (*SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncAggregatorSelectionData) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) FixedLength() uint64
func (*SyncAggregatorSelectionData) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
func (*SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sd *SyncAggregatorSelectionData) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type SyncCommitteeBits ¶
type SyncCommitteeBits []byte
SyncCommitteeBits is formatted as a serialized SSZ bitvector, with trailing zero bits if length does not align with byte length.
func (SyncCommitteeBits) ByteLength ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeBits) Deserialize ¶
func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncCommitteeBits) FixedLength ¶
func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (SyncCommitteeBits) GetBit ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) GetBit(i uint64) bool
func (SyncCommitteeBits) HashTreeRoot ¶
func (SyncCommitteeBits) MarshalText ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
func (SyncCommitteeBits) Serialize ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (SyncCommitteeBits) SetBit ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) SetBit(i uint64, v bool)
func (SyncCommitteeBits) String ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) String() string
func (*SyncCommitteeBits) UnmarshalText ¶
func (li *SyncCommitteeBits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
func (SyncCommitteeBits) View ¶
func (li SyncCommitteeBits) View(spec *common.Spec) *SyncCommitteeBitsView
type SyncCommitteeBitsView ¶
type SyncCommitteeBitsView struct {
func AsSyncCommitteeBits ¶
func AsSyncCommitteeBits(v View, err error) (*SyncCommitteeBitsView, error)
func (*SyncCommitteeBitsView) Raw ¶
func (v *SyncCommitteeBitsView) Raw(spec *common.Spec) (SyncCommitteeBits, error)
type SyncCommitteeContribution ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeContribution struct { // Slot to which this contribution pertains Slot common.Slot `yaml:"slot" json:"slot"` // Block root for this contribution BeaconBlockRoot common.Root `yaml:"beacon_block_root" json:"beacon_block_root"` // The subcommittee this contribution pertains to out of the broader sync committee SubcommitteeIndex Uint64View `yaml:"subcommittee_index" json:"subcommittee_index"` // A bit is set if a signature from the validator at the corresponding // index in the subcommittee is present in the aggregate `signature`. AggregationBits SyncCommitteeSubnetBits `yaml:"aggregation_bits" json:"aggregation_bits"` // Signature by the validator(s) over the block root of `slot` Signature common.BLSSignature `yaml:"signature" json:"signature"` }
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (*SyncCommitteeContribution) VerifySignature ¶ added in v0.26.1
func (sc *SyncCommitteeContribution) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, subcommitteePubkeys []*common.CachedPubkey, domFn common.BLSDomainFn) error
type SyncCommitteeContributionView ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeContributionView struct {
func AsSyncCommitteeContribution ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AsSyncCommitteeContribution(v View, err error) (*SyncCommitteeContributionView, error)
type SyncCommitteeMessage ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeMessage struct { // Slot to which this contribution pertains Slot common.Slot `yaml:"slot" json:"slot"` // Block root for this signature BeaconBlockRoot common.Root `yaml:"beacon_block_root" json:"beacon_block_root"` // Index of the validator that produced this signature ValidatorIndex common.ValidatorIndex `yaml:"validator_index" json:"validator_index"` // Signature by the validator over the block root of `slot` Signature common.BLSSignature `yaml:"signature" json:"signature"` }
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) ByteLength() uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) FixedLength() uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (*SyncCommitteeMessage) VerifySignature ¶ added in v0.26.1
func (msg *SyncCommitteeMessage) VerifySignature(spec *common.Spec, epc *common.EpochsContext, domFn common.BLSDomainFn) error
type SyncCommitteeMessageView ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeMessageView struct {
func AsSyncCommitteeMessage ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AsSyncCommitteeMessage(v View, err error) (*SyncCommitteeMessageView, error)
type SyncCommitteeProofBranch ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (SyncCommitteeProofBranch) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) ByteLength() (out uint64)
func (*SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sb *SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Deserialize(dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncCommitteeProofBranch) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sb *SyncCommitteeProofBranch) FixedLength() uint64
func (SyncCommitteeProofBranch) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) HashTreeRoot(hFn tree.HashFn) common.Root
func (SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (sb SyncCommitteeProofBranch) Serialize(w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
type SyncCommitteeSubnetBits ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeSubnetBits []byte
SyncCommitteeSubnetBits is formatted as a serialized SSZ bitvector, with trailing zero bits if length does not align with byte length.
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) ByteLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) ByteLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (*SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Deserialize(spec *common.Spec, dr *codec.DecodingReader) error
func (*SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) FixedLength ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) FixedLength(spec *common.Spec) uint64
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) GetBit ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) GetBit(i uint64) bool
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) HashTreeRoot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) MarshalText ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) OnesCount ¶ added in v0.26.1
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) OnesCount() uint64
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) Serialize(spec *common.Spec, w *codec.EncodingWriter) error
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) SetBit ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) SetBit(i uint64, v bool)
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) String ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) String() string
func (*SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) UnmarshalText ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li *SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
func (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) View ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (li SyncCommitteeSubnetBits) View(spec *common.Spec) *SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView
type SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView struct {
func AsSyncCommitteeSubnetBits ¶ added in v0.19.0
func AsSyncCommitteeSubnetBits(v View, err error) (*SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView, error)
func (*SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView) Raw ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (v *SyncCommitteeSubnetBitsView) Raw(spec *common.Spec) (SyncCommitteeSubnetBits, error)
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