
v0.4.2 Latest Latest

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Published: May 30, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 19 Imported by: 1



The `sbom` package, provides the go data structures rendered from the format-agnostic representation of Software Bill of Materials data expressed in the protobom protocol buffer definitions.

The protobom data model captures the SBOM data in a graph where the packages, components, files expressed in the native SBOM formats are `Nodes`, each related to each other through typed edges.

A group of `Nodes` and `Edge`s form a `NodeList` which is the main work unit of protobom. A `NodeList` can be embedded in a `Document` to form a full representation of an SBOM.

The SBOM package provides functions to work with the graph data through basic data operations like union, intersection and diffing as well as several querying functions to locate and extract information.

Protobom documents can be created programmatically or ingested using the different unserializers that understand the native formats. Data from the neutral protobom representation can be rendered to native formats using serialzers.

Example (Metadata)

Illustrates how to create a new protobom document and populate its metadata. It sets the document name, version, ID, author information, and the tool details that produced the SBOM.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new protobom document
	document := sbom.NewDocument()

	// Populate some of the document metadata:
	document.Metadata.Name = "My software name"
	document.Metadata.Version = "v1.0.0"
	document.Metadata.Id = "acme_my_software_v0.1.0"

	// ...for example the author:
	document.Metadata.Authors = append(
		&sbom.Person{Name: "John Doe"},

	// ...and the tool that produced the SBOM:
	document.Metadata.Tools = append(
			Name:    "ACME SBOM Tool",
			Version: "1.0",
			Vendor:  "ACME Corporation",

Example (Nodes)

Showcases how to create a new protobom document, add nodes representing software components, create a build dependency edge between two software components, and attach these components to the document.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new protobom document
	document := sbom.NewDocument()

	// Create a node to represent some software component:
	firstNode := &sbom.Node{
		Id:               "pkg:generic/my-software@v1.0.0",
		PrimaryPurpose:   []sbom.Purpose{sbom.Purpose_APPLICATION},
		Name:             "My Software Name",
		Version:          "v1.0.0",
		Licenses:         []string{"Apache-2.0"},
		LicenseConcluded: "Apache-2.0",
		LicenseComments:  "Apache License",

	// Create a second node to represent a second software component
	secondSecond := &sbom.Node{
		Id:               "pkg:generic/my-second-software@v2.0.0",
		PrimaryPurpose:   []sbom.Purpose{sbom.Purpose_DEVICE},
		Name:             "My Second Software Name",
		Version:          "v2.0.0",
		Licenses:         []string{"Apache-2.0"},
		LicenseConcluded: "Apache-2.0",
		LicenseComments:  "Apache License",

	// Create build dependency edge between the two software components.
	edge := &sbom.Edge{
		Type: sbom.Edge_buildDependency,
		From: "pkg:generic/my-software@v1.0.0",
		To: []string{

	// Attach components to document

Example (Roots)

Demonstrates how to create a new protobom document and add multiple root nodes representing different software applications. Each root node has distinct properties such as ID, name, version, licenses, etc. These root nodes are then attached to the document.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new protobom document
	document := sbom.NewDocument()

	// Create a node to represent the application:
	firstRoot := &sbom.Node{
		Id:               "pkg:generic/my-software@v1.0.0",
		PrimaryPurpose:   []sbom.Purpose{sbom.Purpose_APPLICATION},
		Name:             "My Software Name",
		Version:          "v1.0.0",
		Licenses:         []string{"Apache-2.0"},
		LicenseConcluded: "Apache-2.0",
		LicenseComments:  "Apache License",

	// Create a second node to represent the application,
	// It can have a eather the same or a different purpose.
	secondRoot := &sbom.Node{
		Id:               "pkg:generic/my-second-software@v2.0.0",
		PrimaryPurpose:   []sbom.Purpose{sbom.Purpose_DEVICE},
		Name:             "My Second Software Name",
		Version:          "v2.0.0",
		Licenses:         []string{"Apache-2.0"},
		LicenseConcluded: "Apache-2.0",
		LicenseComments:  "Apache License",

	// Attach both roots to document




View Source
const NodeIdentifierPrefix = "protobom"

NodeIdentifierPrefix known protobom prefix


View Source
var (
	HashAlgorithm_name = map[int32]string{
		0:  "UNKNOWN",
		1:  "MD5",
		2:  "SHA1",
		3:  "SHA256",
		4:  "SHA384",
		5:  "SHA512",
		6:  "SHA3_256",
		7:  "SHA3_384",
		8:  "SHA3_512",
		9:  "BLAKE2B_256",
		10: "BLAKE2B_384",
		11: "BLAKE2B_512",
		12: "BLAKE3",
		13: "MD2",
		14: "ADLER32",
		15: "MD4",
		16: "MD6",
		17: "SHA224",
	HashAlgorithm_value = map[string]int32{
		"UNKNOWN":     0,
		"MD5":         1,
		"SHA1":        2,
		"SHA256":      3,
		"SHA384":      4,
		"SHA512":      5,
		"SHA3_256":    6,
		"SHA3_384":    7,
		"SHA3_512":    8,
		"BLAKE2B_256": 9,
		"BLAKE2B_384": 10,
		"BLAKE2B_512": 11,
		"BLAKE3":      12,
		"MD2":         13,
		"ADLER32":     14,
		"MD4":         15,
		"MD6":         16,
		"SHA224":      17,

Enum value maps for HashAlgorithm.

View Source
var (
	SoftwareIdentifierType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "PURL",
		2: "CPE22",
		3: "CPE23",
		4: "GITOID",
	SoftwareIdentifierType_value = map[string]int32{
		"PURL":                    1,
		"CPE22":                   2,
		"CPE23":                   3,
		"GITOID":                  4,

Enum value maps for SoftwareIdentifierType.

View Source
var (
	Purpose_name = map[int32]string{
		2:  "ARCHIVE",
		3:  "BOM",
		5:  "CONTAINER",
		6:  "DATA",
		7:  "DEVICE",
		10: "EVIDENCE",
		12: "FILE",
		13: "FIRMWARE",
		14: "FRAMEWORK",
		15: "INSTALL",
		16: "LIBRARY",
		18: "MANIFEST",
		19: "MODEL",
		20: "MODULE",
		22: "OTHER",
		23: "PATCH",
		24: "PLATFORM",
		26: "SOURCE",
		28: "TEST",
	Purpose_value = map[string]int32{
		"UNKNOWN_PURPOSE":        0,
		"APPLICATION":            1,
		"ARCHIVE":                2,
		"BOM":                    3,
		"CONFIGURATION":          4,
		"CONTAINER":              5,
		"DATA":                   6,
		"DEVICE":                 7,
		"DEVICE_DRIVER":          8,
		"DOCUMENTATION":          9,
		"EVIDENCE":               10,
		"EXECUTABLE":             11,
		"FILE":                   12,
		"FIRMWARE":               13,
		"FRAMEWORK":              14,
		"INSTALL":                15,
		"LIBRARY":                16,
		"MANIFEST":               18,
		"MODEL":                  19,
		"MODULE":                 20,
		"OPERATING_SYSTEM":       21,
		"OTHER":                  22,
		"PATCH":                  23,
		"PLATFORM":               24,
		"REQUIREMENT":            25,
		"SOURCE":                 26,
		"SPECIFICATION":          27,
		"TEST":                   28,

Enum value maps for Purpose.

View Source
var (
	Node_NodeType_name = map[int32]string{
		0: "PACKAGE",
		1: "FILE",
	Node_NodeType_value = map[string]int32{
		"PACKAGE": 0,
		"FILE":    1,

Enum value maps for Node_NodeType.

View Source
var (
	Edge_Type_name = map[int32]string{
		0:  "UNKNOWN",
		1:  "amends",
		2:  "ancestor",
		3:  "buildDependency",
		4:  "buildTool",
		5:  "contains",
		6:  "contained_by",
		7:  "copy",
		8:  "dataFile",
		9:  "dependencyManifest",
		10: "dependsOn",
		11: "dependencyOf",
		12: "descendant",
		13: "describes",
		14: "describedBy",
		15: "devDependency",
		16: "devTool",
		17: "distributionArtifact",
		18: "documentation",
		19: "dynamicLink",
		20: "example",
		21: "expandedFromArchive",
		22: "fileAdded",
		23: "fileDeleted",
		24: "fileModified",
		25: "generates",
		26: "generatedFrom",
		27: "metafile",
		28: "optionalComponent",
		29: "optionalDependency",
		30: "other",
		31: "packages",
		32: "patch",
		33: "prerequisite",
		34: "prerequisiteFor",
		35: "providedDependency",
		36: "requirementFor",
		37: "runtimeDependency",
		38: "specificationFor",
		39: "staticLink",
		40: "test",
		41: "testCase",
		42: "testDependency",
		43: "testTool",
		44: "variant",
	Edge_Type_value = map[string]int32{
		"UNKNOWN":              0,
		"amends":               1,
		"ancestor":             2,
		"buildDependency":      3,
		"buildTool":            4,
		"contains":             5,
		"contained_by":         6,
		"copy":                 7,
		"dataFile":             8,
		"dependencyManifest":   9,
		"dependsOn":            10,
		"dependencyOf":         11,
		"descendant":           12,
		"describes":            13,
		"describedBy":          14,
		"devDependency":        15,
		"devTool":              16,
		"distributionArtifact": 17,
		"documentation":        18,
		"dynamicLink":          19,
		"example":              20,
		"expandedFromArchive":  21,
		"fileAdded":            22,
		"fileDeleted":          23,
		"fileModified":         24,
		"generates":            25,
		"generatedFrom":        26,
		"metafile":             27,
		"optionalComponent":    28,
		"optionalDependency":   29,
		"other":                30,
		"packages":             31,
		"patch":                32,
		"prerequisite":         33,
		"prerequisiteFor":      34,
		"providedDependency":   35,
		"requirementFor":       36,
		"runtimeDependency":    37,
		"specificationFor":     38,
		"staticLink":           39,
		"test":                 40,
		"testCase":             41,
		"testDependency":       42,
		"testTool":             43,
		"variant":              44,

Enum value maps for Edge_Type.

View Source
var (
	ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType_name = map[int32]string{
		0:  "UNKNOWN",
		2:  "BINARY",
		3:  "BOM",
		4:  "BOWER",
		5:  "BUILD_META",
		8:  "CHAT",
		14: "DOWNLOAD",
		16: "EOL_NOTICE",
		17: "EVIDENCE",
		20: "FUNDING",
		22: "LICENSE",
		23: "LOG",
		27: "METRICS",
		28: "MODEL_CARD",
		29: "NPM",
		30: "NUGET",
		31: "OTHER",
		32: "POAM",
		52: "SOCIAL",
		55: "SUPPORT",
		56: "VCS",
		60: "WEBSITE",
	ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType_value = map[string]int32{
		"UNKNOWN":                         0,
		"ATTESTATION":                     1,
		"BINARY":                          2,
		"BOM":                             3,
		"BOWER":                           4,
		"BUILD_META":                      5,
		"BUILD_SYSTEM":                    6,
		"CERTIFICATION_REPORT":            7,
		"CHAT":                            8,
		"CONFIGURATION":                   11,
		"DISTRIBUTION_INTAKE":             12,
		"DOCUMENTATION":                   13,
		"DOWNLOAD":                        14,
		"EOL_NOTICE":                      16,
		"EVIDENCE":                        17,
		"FORMULATION":                     19,
		"FUNDING":                         20,
		"ISSUE_TRACKER":                   21,
		"LICENSE":                         22,
		"LOG":                             23,
		"MAILING_LIST":                    24,
		"MATURITY_REPORT":                 25,
		"MAVEN_CENTRAL":                   26,
		"METRICS":                         27,
		"MODEL_CARD":                      28,
		"NPM":                             29,
		"NUGET":                           30,
		"OTHER":                           31,
		"POAM":                            32,
		"PRIVACY_ASSESSMENT":              33,
		"PRODUCT_METADATA":                34,
		"PURCHASE_ORDER":                  35,
		"QUALITY_METRICS":                 37,
		"RELEASE_HISTORY":                 38,
		"RELEASE_NOTES":                   39,
		"RISK_ASSESSMENT":                 40,
		"SECURITY_ADVISORY":               44,
		"SECURITY_CONTACT":                45,
		"SECURITY_FIX":                    46,
		"SECURITY_OTHER":                  47,
		"SECURITY_POLICY":                 49,
		"SECURITY_SWID":                   50,
		"SECURITY_THREAT_MODEL":           51,
		"SOCIAL":                          52,
		"SOURCE_ARTIFACT":                 53,
		"STATIC_ANALYSIS_REPORT":          54,
		"SUPPORT":                         55,
		"VCS":                             56,
		"WEBSITE": 60,

Enum value maps for ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType.

View Source
var (
	DocumentType_SBOMType_name = map[int32]string{
		0: "OTHER",
		1: "DESIGN",
		2: "SOURCE",
		3: "BUILD",
		4: "ANALYZED",
		5: "DEPLOYED",
		6: "RUNTIME",
	DocumentType_SBOMType_value = map[string]int32{
		"OTHER":       0,
		"DESIGN":      1,
		"SOURCE":      2,
		"BUILD":       3,
		"ANALYZED":    4,
		"DEPLOYED":    5,
		"RUNTIME":     6,
		"DISCOVERY":   7,

Enum value maps for DocumentType_SBOMType.

View Source
var ErrorMoreThanOneMatch = fmt.Errorf("more than one node matches")
View Source
var File_api_sbom_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


func NewNodeIdentifier

func NewNodeIdentifier(prefixes ...string) string

NewNodeIdentifier generates an identifier string compatible with CycloneDX and SPDX for use in a node.

If no prefixes are provided, the identifier will be created using a new UUID and prefixed with "protobom-xx-yy--". The prefix allows serializers to interpret characteristics, such as "auto," indicating it was autogenerated by protobom.

If prefixes are provided, they are used to build the identifier. Invalid characters are removed, and known separators are replaced with dashes. If no valid prefixes are found, a UUID will be used by default.


type Document

type Document struct {
	Metadata *Metadata `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"`                 // Metadata associated with the SBOM document
	NodeList *NodeList `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=node_list,json=nodeList,proto3" json:"node_list,omitempty"` // List of nodes and edges forming the SBOM graph
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Document is the top-level structure representing the entire Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). It serves as the core neutral ground for the SBOM translation process, encapsulating metadata, components (nodes), and the graph structure (edges).

func NewDocument

func NewDocument() *Document

NewDocument Creates a new empty document.

func (*Document) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Document) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Document.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Document) GetMetadata

func (x *Document) GetMetadata() *Metadata

func (*Document) GetNodeList

func (x *Document) GetNodeList() *NodeList

func (*Document) GetRootNodes

func (d *Document) GetRootNodes() []*Node

GetRootNodes returns the top level nodes of the document. It calls the underlying method in the document's NodeList.

func (*Document) ProtoMessage

func (*Document) ProtoMessage()

func (*Document) ProtoReflect

func (x *Document) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Document) Reset

func (x *Document) Reset()

func (*Document) String

func (x *Document) String() string

type DocumentType

type DocumentType struct {
	Type        *DocumentType_SBOMType `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=protobom.protobom.DocumentType_SBOMType,oneof" json:"type,omitempty"` // SBOM document type.
	Name        *string                `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=name,proto3,oneof" json:"name,omitempty"`                                               // Name associated with the document type.
	Description *string                `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=description,proto3,oneof" json:"description,omitempty"`                                 // Description of the document type.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DocumentType represents the type of document in the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) ecosystem. It categorizes the SBOM document based on its purpose or stage in the software development lifecycle.

func (*DocumentType) Descriptor deprecated

func (*DocumentType) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DocumentType.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*DocumentType) GetDescription

func (x *DocumentType) GetDescription() string

func (*DocumentType) GetName

func (x *DocumentType) GetName() string

func (*DocumentType) GetType

func (x *DocumentType) GetType() DocumentType_SBOMType

func (*DocumentType) ProtoMessage

func (*DocumentType) ProtoMessage()

func (*DocumentType) ProtoReflect

func (x *DocumentType) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*DocumentType) Reset

func (x *DocumentType) Reset()

func (*DocumentType) String

func (x *DocumentType) String() string

type DocumentType_SBOMType

type DocumentType_SBOMType int32

Enumeration of SBOM document types.

const (
	DocumentType_OTHER       DocumentType_SBOMType = 0 // Other document type.
	DocumentType_DESIGN      DocumentType_SBOMType = 1 // Design document type. (CDX: design)
	DocumentType_SOURCE      DocumentType_SBOMType = 2 // Source document type. (CDX: pre-build)
	DocumentType_BUILD       DocumentType_SBOMType = 3 // Build document type. (CDX: build)
	DocumentType_ANALYZED    DocumentType_SBOMType = 4 // Analyzed document type. (CDX: post-build)
	DocumentType_DEPLOYED    DocumentType_SBOMType = 5 // Deployed document type. (CDX: operations)
	DocumentType_RUNTIME     DocumentType_SBOMType = 6 // Runtime document type. (CDX: none)
	DocumentType_DISCOVERY   DocumentType_SBOMType = 7 // Discovery document type. (CDX Specific)
	DocumentType_DECOMISSION DocumentType_SBOMType = 8 // Decommission document type. (CDX Specific)

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) Descriptor

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) Enum

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use DocumentType_SBOMType.Descriptor instead.

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) Number

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) String

func (x DocumentType_SBOMType) String() string

func (DocumentType_SBOMType) Type

type Edge

type Edge struct {
	Type Edge_Type `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=protobom.protobom.Edge_Type" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type enumerator representing the node relationship.
	From string    `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=from,proto3" json:"from,omitempty"`                                   // Source node of the edge.
	To   []string  `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=to,proto3" json:"to,omitempty"`                                       // Target nodes of the edge.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Edge represents relationships between nodes in the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) graph. Each Edge captures the type of relationship and the nodes involved, providing a structured way to model dependencies and connections within the SBOM.

func NewEdge

func NewEdge() *Edge

NewEdge creates and returns a new graph edge.

func (*Edge) AddDestinationById

func (e *Edge) AddDestinationById(ids ...string)

AddDestinationById adds identifiers to the destination list of the edge. The new destination identifiers are guaranteed to be added only once and will not be duplicated if there is already a destination with the same ID.

func (*Edge) Copy

func (e *Edge) Copy() *Edge

Copy returns a duplicate of the edge, including all connected graph edges.

func (*Edge) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Edge) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Edge.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Edge) Equal

func (e *Edge) Equal(e2 *Edge) bool

Equal compares the current edge to another (e2) and returns true if they are identical. It checks if both edges have the same source, type, and destination nodes.

func (*Edge) GetFrom

func (x *Edge) GetFrom() string

func (*Edge) GetTo

func (x *Edge) GetTo() []string

func (*Edge) GetType

func (x *Edge) GetType() Edge_Type

func (*Edge) PointsTo

func (e *Edge) PointsTo(id string) bool

PointsTo returns true if the edge is directed towards a specific node. It evaluates to true only if the edge includes the provided node ID in its list of To nodes.

func (*Edge) ProtoMessage

func (*Edge) ProtoMessage()

func (*Edge) ProtoReflect

func (x *Edge) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Edge) Reset

func (x *Edge) Reset()

func (*Edge) String

func (x *Edge) String() string

type Edge_Type

type Edge_Type int32

Type enumerator representing the node relationship.

const (
	Edge_UNKNOWN              Edge_Type = 0  // Unknown type.
	Edge_amends               Edge_Type = 1  // Amends relationship type.
	Edge_ancestor             Edge_Type = 2  // Ancestor relationship type.
	Edge_buildDependency      Edge_Type = 3  // Build dependency relationship type.
	Edge_buildTool            Edge_Type = 4  // Build tool relationship type.
	Edge_contains             Edge_Type = 5  // Contains relationship type.
	Edge_contained_by         Edge_Type = 6  // Contained by relationship type. In SPDX 3.x, this field is not supported.
	Edge_copy                 Edge_Type = 7  // Copy relationship type.
	Edge_dataFile             Edge_Type = 8  // Data file relationship type.
	Edge_dependencyManifest   Edge_Type = 9  // Dependency manifest relationship type.
	Edge_dependsOn            Edge_Type = 10 // Depends on relationship type.
	Edge_dependencyOf         Edge_Type = 11 // Dependency of relationship type. In SPDX 3.x, this field is not supported.
	Edge_descendant           Edge_Type = 12 // Descendant relationship type.
	Edge_describes            Edge_Type = 13 // Describes relationship type.
	Edge_describedBy          Edge_Type = 14 // Described by relationship type. In SPDX 3.x, this field is not supported.
	Edge_devDependency        Edge_Type = 15 // Development dependency relationship type.
	Edge_devTool              Edge_Type = 16 // Development tool relationship type.
	Edge_distributionArtifact Edge_Type = 17 // Distribution artifact relationship type.
	Edge_documentation        Edge_Type = 18 // Documentation relationship type.
	Edge_dynamicLink          Edge_Type = 19 // Dynamic link relationship type.
	Edge_example              Edge_Type = 20 // Example relationship type.
	Edge_expandedFromArchive  Edge_Type = 21 // Expanded from archive relationship type.
	Edge_fileAdded            Edge_Type = 22 // File added relationship type.
	Edge_fileDeleted          Edge_Type = 23 // File deleted relationship type.
	Edge_fileModified         Edge_Type = 24 // File modified relationship type.
	Edge_generates            Edge_Type = 25 // Generates relationship type.
	Edge_generatedFrom        Edge_Type = 26 // Generated from relationship type. In SPDX 3.x, this field is not supported.
	Edge_metafile             Edge_Type = 27 // Metafile relationship type.
	Edge_optionalComponent    Edge_Type = 28 // Optional component relationship type.
	Edge_optionalDependency   Edge_Type = 29 // Optional dependency relationship type.
	Edge_other                Edge_Type = 30 // Other relationship type.
	Edge_packages             Edge_Type = 31 // Packages relationship type.
	Edge_patch                Edge_Type = 32 // Patch relationship type.
	Edge_prerequisite         Edge_Type = 33 // Prerequisite relationship type.
	Edge_prerequisiteFor      Edge_Type = 34 // Prerequisite for relationship type. In SPDX 3.x, this field is not supported.
	Edge_providedDependency   Edge_Type = 35 // Provided dependency relationship type.
	Edge_requirementFor       Edge_Type = 36 // Requirement for relationship type.
	Edge_runtimeDependency    Edge_Type = 37 // Runtime dependency relationship type.
	Edge_specificationFor     Edge_Type = 38 // Specification for relationship type.
	Edge_staticLink           Edge_Type = 39 // Static link relationship type.
	Edge_test                 Edge_Type = 40 // Test relationship type.
	Edge_testCase             Edge_Type = 41 // Test case relationship type.
	Edge_testDependency       Edge_Type = 42 // Test dependency relationship type.
	Edge_testTool             Edge_Type = 43 // Test tool relationship type.
	Edge_variant              Edge_Type = 44 // Variant relationship type.

func EdgeTypeFromSPDX

func EdgeTypeFromSPDX(spdxName string) Edge_Type

EdgeTypeFromSPDX converts an SPDX2 edge type string to its corresponding edge type.

func EdgeTypeFromSPDX2

func EdgeTypeFromSPDX2(spdx2Type string) Edge_Type

EdgeTypeFromSPDX2 converts SPDX2 label in to the corresponding edge type. It maps the SPDX2 representation in to neutral edge type to its SPDX2 representation.

func (Edge_Type) Descriptor

func (Edge_Type) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func (Edge_Type) Enum

func (x Edge_Type) Enum() *Edge_Type

func (Edge_Type) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (Edge_Type) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Edge_Type.Descriptor instead.

func (Edge_Type) Number

func (x Edge_Type) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber

func (Edge_Type) String

func (x Edge_Type) String() string

func (Edge_Type) ToSPDX2

func (et Edge_Type) ToSPDX2() string

ToSPDX2 converts the edge type to the corresponding SPDX2 label. It maps the neutral edge type to its SPDX2 representation.

func (Edge_Type) Type

type ExternalReference

type ExternalReference struct {
	Url string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=url,proto3" json:"url,omitempty"` // URL providing reference to an external resource.
	// string type = 2; // Deprecated (string) use ExternalReferenceType instead, see
	Comment   string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=comment,proto3" json:"comment,omitempty"`     // Comments associated with the external reference.
	Authority string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=authority,proto3" json:"authority,omitempty"` // Authority responsible for the external reference.
	// string type = 5; // Deprecated (string map) use hashes field instead, see
	Hashes map[int32]string `` // Hashes associated with the external reference, Replaced field 5.
	/* 154-byte string literal not displayed */
	Type ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=protobom.protobom.ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type of the external reference, Replaced field 2.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExternalReference is an entry linking an element to a resource defined outside the SBOM standard.

func (*ExternalReference) Copy

Copy returns an exact duplicate of the external reference.

func (*ExternalReference) Descriptor deprecated

func (*ExternalReference) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExternalReference.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*ExternalReference) GetAuthority

func (x *ExternalReference) GetAuthority() string

func (*ExternalReference) GetComment

func (x *ExternalReference) GetComment() string

func (*ExternalReference) GetHashes

func (x *ExternalReference) GetHashes() map[int32]string

func (*ExternalReference) GetType

func (*ExternalReference) GetUrl

func (x *ExternalReference) GetUrl() string

func (*ExternalReference) ProtoMessage

func (*ExternalReference) ProtoMessage()

func (*ExternalReference) ProtoReflect

func (x *ExternalReference) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*ExternalReference) Reset

func (x *ExternalReference) Reset()

func (*ExternalReference) String

func (x *ExternalReference) String() string

type ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType

type ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType int32

Type enumerator representing of the external reference.

const (
	ExternalReference_UNKNOWN                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 0  // Unknown type.
	ExternalReference_ATTESTATION                             ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 1  // Attestation type.
	ExternalReference_BINARY                                  ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 2  // Binary type.
	ExternalReference_BOM                                     ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 3  // BOM type.
	ExternalReference_BOWER                                   ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 4  // Bower type.
	ExternalReference_BUILD_META                              ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 5  // Build meta type.
	ExternalReference_BUILD_SYSTEM                            ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 6  // Build system type.
	ExternalReference_CERTIFICATION_REPORT                    ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 7  // Certification report type.
	ExternalReference_CHAT                                    ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 8  // Chat type.
	ExternalReference_CODIFIED_INFRASTRUCTURE                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 9  // Codified infrastructure type.
	ExternalReference_COMPONENT_ANALYSIS_REPORT               ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 10 // Component analysis report type.
	ExternalReference_CONFIGURATION                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 11 // Configuration type.
	ExternalReference_DISTRIBUTION_INTAKE                     ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 12 // Distribution intake type.
	ExternalReference_DOCUMENTATION                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 13 // Documentation type.
	ExternalReference_DOWNLOAD                                ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 14 // Download type.
	ExternalReference_DYNAMIC_ANALYSIS_REPORT                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 15 // Dynamic analysis report type.
	ExternalReference_EOL_NOTICE                              ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 16 // End-of-life notice type.
	ExternalReference_EVIDENCE                                ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 17 // Evidence type.
	ExternalReference_EXPORT_CONTROL_ASSESSMENT               ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 18 // Export control assessment type.
	ExternalReference_FORMULATION                             ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 19 // Formulation type.
	ExternalReference_FUNDING                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 20 // Funding type.
	ExternalReference_ISSUE_TRACKER                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 21 // Issue tracker type.
	ExternalReference_LICENSE                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 22 // License type.
	ExternalReference_LOG                                     ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 23 // Log type.
	ExternalReference_MAILING_LIST                            ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 24 // Mailing list type.
	ExternalReference_MATURITY_REPORT                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 25 // Maturity report type.
	ExternalReference_MAVEN_CENTRAL                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 26 // Maven Central type.
	ExternalReference_METRICS                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 27 // Metrics type.
	ExternalReference_MODEL_CARD                              ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 28 // Model card type.
	ExternalReference_NPM                                     ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 29 // NPM type.
	ExternalReference_NUGET                                   ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 30 // NuGet type.
	ExternalReference_OTHER                                   ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 31 // Other type.
	ExternalReference_POAM                                    ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 32 // POAM type.
	ExternalReference_PRIVACY_ASSESSMENT                      ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 33 // Privacy assessment type.
	ExternalReference_PRODUCT_METADATA                        ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 34 // Product metadata type.
	ExternalReference_PURCHASE_ORDER                          ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 35 // Purchase order type.
	ExternalReference_QUALITY_ASSESSMENT_REPORT               ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 36 // Quality assessment report type.
	ExternalReference_QUALITY_METRICS                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 37 // Quality metrics type.
	ExternalReference_RELEASE_HISTORY                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 38 // Release history type.
	ExternalReference_RELEASE_NOTES                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 39 // Release notes type.
	ExternalReference_RISK_ASSESSMENT                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 40 // Risk assessment type.
	ExternalReference_RUNTIME_ANALYSIS_REPORT                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 41 // Runtime analysis report type.
	ExternalReference_SECURE_SOFTWARE_ATTESTATION             ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 42 // Secure software attestation type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_ADVERSARY_MODEL                ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 43 // Security adversary model type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_ADVISORY                       ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 44 // Security advisory type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_CONTACT                        ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 45 // Security contact type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_FIX                            ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 46 // Security fix type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_OTHER                          ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 47 // Security other type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_PENTEST_REPORT                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 48 // Security pentest report type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_POLICY                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 49 // Security policy type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_SWID                           ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 50 // Security SWID type.
	ExternalReference_SECURITY_THREAT_MODEL                   ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 51 // Security threat model type.
	ExternalReference_SOCIAL                                  ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 52 // Social type.
	ExternalReference_SOURCE_ARTIFACT                         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 53 // Source artifact type.
	ExternalReference_STATIC_ANALYSIS_REPORT                  ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 54 // Static analysis report type.
	ExternalReference_SUPPORT                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 55 // Support type.
	ExternalReference_VCS                                     ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 56 // VCS type.
	ExternalReference_VULNERABILITY_ASSERTION                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 57 // Vulnerability assertion type.
	ExternalReference_VULNERABILITY_DISCLOSURE_REPORT         ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 58 // Vulnerability disclosure report type.
	ExternalReference_VULNERABILITY_EXPLOITABILITY_ASSESSMENT ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 59 // Vulnerability exploitability assessment type.
	ExternalReference_WEBSITE                                 ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType = 60 // Website type.

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) Descriptor

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) Enum

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType.Descriptor instead.

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) Number

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) String

func (ExternalReference_ExternalReferenceType) Type

type Flattenable

type Flattenable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type HashAlgorithm

type HashAlgorithm int32

HashAlgorithm represents the hashing algorithms used within the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) document. It enumerates various hash algorithms that can be employed to generate checksums or unique identifiers for files or data.

const (
	HashAlgorithm_UNKNOWN     HashAlgorithm = 0  // Unknown hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_MD5         HashAlgorithm = 1  // MD5 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA1        HashAlgorithm = 2  // SHA-1 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA256      HashAlgorithm = 3  // SHA-256 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA384      HashAlgorithm = 4  // SHA-384 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA512      HashAlgorithm = 5  // SHA-512 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA3_256    HashAlgorithm = 6  // SHA3-256 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA3_384    HashAlgorithm = 7  // SHA3-384 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_SHA3_512    HashAlgorithm = 8  // SHA3-512 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_BLAKE2B_256 HashAlgorithm = 9  // BLAKE2B-256 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_BLAKE2B_384 HashAlgorithm = 10 // BLAKE2B-384 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_BLAKE2B_512 HashAlgorithm = 11 // BLAKE2B-512 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_BLAKE3      HashAlgorithm = 12 // BLAKE3 hash algorithm.
	HashAlgorithm_MD2         HashAlgorithm = 13 // MD2 hash algorithm, not supported by SPDX formats.
	HashAlgorithm_ADLER32     HashAlgorithm = 14 // Adler-32 hash algorithm, not supported by SPDX formats..
	HashAlgorithm_MD4         HashAlgorithm = 15 // MD4 hash algorithm, not supported by SPDX formats..
	HashAlgorithm_MD6         HashAlgorithm = 16 // MD6 hash algorithm, not supported by SPDX formats..
	HashAlgorithm_SHA224      HashAlgorithm = 17 // SHA-224 hash algorithm, not supported by SPDX formats..

func HashAlgorithmFromCDX

func HashAlgorithmFromCDX(cdxAlgorithm cyclonedx.HashAlgorithm) HashAlgorithm

HashAlgorithmFromCDX converts a CycloneDX hash algorithm to its corresponding Hash Algorithm.

func HashAlgorithmFromCycloneDX deprecated

func HashAlgorithmFromCycloneDX(cdxAlgo cdx.HashAlgorithm) HashAlgorithm

Deprecated: HashAlgorithmFromCycloneDX is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version, Please use HashAlgorithmFromCDX. HashAlgorithmFromCycloneDX converts a CycloneDX hash algorithm to its corresponding Hash Algorithm.

func HashAlgorithmFromSPDX

func HashAlgorithmFromSPDX(spdxAlgo common.ChecksumAlgorithm) HashAlgorithm

HashAlgorithmFromSPDX converts a SPDX2 hash algorithm to its corresponding Hash Algorithm.

func (HashAlgorithm) Descriptor

func (HashAlgorithm) Enum

func (x HashAlgorithm) Enum() *HashAlgorithm

func (HashAlgorithm) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (HashAlgorithm) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use HashAlgorithm.Descriptor instead.

func (HashAlgorithm) Number

func (HashAlgorithm) String

func (x HashAlgorithm) String() string

func (HashAlgorithm) ToSPDX

ToSPDX2 converts the Hash Algorithm to its corresponding SPDX2 label. It maps the neutral Hash Algorithm to its SPDX representation.

func (HashAlgorithm) ToSPDX3

func (ha HashAlgorithm) ToSPDX3() string

ToSPDX3 converts the Hash Algorithm to its corresponding SPDX3 label. It maps the neutral Hash Algorithm to its SPDX representation.

Note: The SPDX-3.0 specification is subject to change, and the returned values are based on the vocabulary defined by SPDX-3.0 for HashAlgorithm:

func (HashAlgorithm) Type

type Metadata

type Metadata struct {
	Id            string                 `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`                       // // Unique identifier for the document. Serial number in CycloneDX foramts, SPDXID in spdx formats.
	Version       string                 `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`             // Version of the document. In Cyclone formats the version is translated from `Int` field in to a more general `String` field.
	Name          string                 `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`                   // Name associated with the document.
	Date          *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=date,proto3" json:"date,omitempty"`                   // Created date of the Document. In SPDX formats mapped to the created date field.
	Tools         []*Tool                `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=tools,proto3" json:"tools,omitempty"`                 // Tools used in the creation or processing of the document.
	Authors       []*Person              `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=authors,proto3" json:"authors,omitempty"`             // Individuals or organizations involved in the creation or maintenance of the document.
	Comment       string                 `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=comment,proto3" json:"comment,omitempty"`             // Comments on the document.
	DocumentTypes []*DocumentType        `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=documentTypes,proto3" json:"documentTypes,omitempty"` // Types categorizing the document based on its purpose or stage in the software development lifecycle.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Metadata encapsulates document-related details about the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) document. It includes information such as the document's identifier, version, authorship, creation date, associated tools, and document types.

func (*Metadata) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Metadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Metadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Metadata) GetAuthors

func (x *Metadata) GetAuthors() []*Person

func (*Metadata) GetComment

func (x *Metadata) GetComment() string

func (*Metadata) GetDate

func (x *Metadata) GetDate() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Metadata) GetDocumentTypes

func (x *Metadata) GetDocumentTypes() []*DocumentType

func (*Metadata) GetId

func (x *Metadata) GetId() string

func (*Metadata) GetName

func (x *Metadata) GetName() string

func (*Metadata) GetTools

func (x *Metadata) GetTools() []*Tool

func (*Metadata) GetVersion

func (x *Metadata) GetVersion() string

func (*Metadata) ProtoMessage

func (*Metadata) ProtoMessage()

func (*Metadata) ProtoReflect

func (x *Metadata) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Metadata) Reset

func (x *Metadata) Reset()

func (*Metadata) String

func (x *Metadata) String() string

type Node

type Node struct {
	Id          string        `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`                                           // Unique identifier for the node.
	Type        Node_NodeType `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=protobom.protobom.Node_NodeType" json:"type,omitempty"` // Type of the software component.
	Name        string        `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`                                       // Name of the software component.
	Version     string        `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"`                                 // Version string of the software component.
	FileName    string        `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=file_name,json=fileName,proto3" json:"file_name,omitempty"`               // Package filename when there is one.
	UrlHome     string        `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=url_home,json=urlHome,proto3" json:"url_home,omitempty"`                  // Website of the package.
	UrlDownload string        `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=url_download,json=urlDownload,proto3" json:"url_download,omitempty"`      // Location to download the package.
	// Multiple licenses applicable to the software component,
	// Multiple licenses can be specified for CycloneDX 1.4 and files in SPDX.
	Licenses []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=licenses,proto3" json:"licenses,omitempty"`
	// Concluded license applicable to the software component,
	// This is only in SPDX and it is just one.
	LicenseConcluded string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=license_concluded,json=licenseConcluded,proto3" json:"license_concluded,omitempty"`
	LicenseComments  string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=license_comments,json=licenseComments,proto3" json:"license_comments,omitempty"` // Comments on the license.
	Copyright        string `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=copyright,proto3" json:"copyright,omitempty"`                                    // Copyright information applicable to the software component.
	// This field is intended to capture details related to the source or origin of the software component.
	// It may include any relevant background information or additional comments.
	SourceInfo         string                 `protobuf:"bytes,13,opt,name=source_info,json=sourceInfo,proto3" json:"source_info,omitempty"`
	Comment            string                 `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=comment,proto3" json:"comment,omitempty"`                                                 // Comments on the software component.
	Summary            string                 `protobuf:"bytes,16,opt,name=summary,proto3" json:"summary,omitempty"`                                                 // Concise description of the software component (short description).
	Description        string                 `protobuf:"bytes,17,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`                                         // Detailed description of the software component (full description).
	Attribution        []string               `protobuf:"bytes,18,rep,name=attribution,proto3" json:"attribution,omitempty"`                                         // One or more contributions or acknowledgments associated with the software component.
	Suppliers          []*Person              `protobuf:"bytes,19,rep,name=suppliers,proto3" json:"suppliers,omitempty"`                                             // One or more entities providing the software component.
	Originators        []*Person              `protobuf:"bytes,20,rep,name=originators,proto3" json:"originators,omitempty"`                                         // One or more entities involved in the creation or maintenance of the software component.
	ReleaseDate        *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,21,opt,name=release_date,json=releaseDate,proto3" json:"release_date,omitempty"`                      // Release date of the software component.
	BuildDate          *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=build_date,json=buildDate,proto3" json:"build_date,omitempty"`                            // Build date of the software component.
	ValidUntilDate     *timestamppb.Timestamp `protobuf:"bytes,23,opt,name=valid_until_date,json=validUntilDate,proto3" json:"valid_until_date,omitempty"`           // Valid until date of the software component.
	ExternalReferences []*ExternalReference   `protobuf:"bytes,24,rep,name=external_references,json=externalReferences,proto3" json:"external_references,omitempty"` // External references associated with the software component.
	FileTypes          []string               `protobuf:"bytes,27,rep,name=file_types,json=fileTypes,proto3" json:"file_types,omitempty"`                            // File types associated with the component
	// Software identifer map used by the component.
	// Maps between the software identifier types and the identifier values.
	Identifiers map[int32]string `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */
	// Hashes map associated with the software component.
	// Maps between hash algorithms types and hash values.
	Hashes         map[int32]string `` /* 155-byte string literal not displayed */
	PrimaryPurpose []Purpose        `` // Primary purpose or role assigned to the software component.
	/* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Node represents a central element within the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) graph, serving as a vertex that captures vital information about a software component. Each Node in the SBOM graph signifies a distinct software component, forming the vertices of the graph.

func NewNode

func NewNode() *Node

NewNode creates a new Node with default values.

func (*Node) AddHash

func (n *Node) AddHash(algo HashAlgorithm, value string)

AddHash adds a new hash with the specified algorithm (algo) to the node. If the node already has a hash with the same algorithm, it is silently replaced. The provided value must not be an empty string

func (*Node) Augment

func (n *Node) Augment(n2 *Node)

Augment takes updates fields in n with data from n2 which is not already defined (not empty string, not 0 length string, not nill pointer).

func (*Node) Checksum

func (n *Node) Checksum() string

Checksum returns a a sha256 hash representing the node's data

func (*Node) Copy

func (n *Node) Copy() *Node

Copy returns a duplicate of the Node.

func (*Node) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Node) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Node.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Node) Diff

func (n *Node) Diff(n2 *Node) *NodeDiff

Diff analyses a node and returns a a new node populated with all fields that are different in n2 from n. If no changes are found, Diff returns nil

func (*Node) Equal

func (n *Node) Equal(n2 *Node) bool

Equal compares the current Node to another (n2) and returns true if they are identical.

func (*Node) GetAttribution

func (x *Node) GetAttribution() []string

func (*Node) GetBuildDate

func (x *Node) GetBuildDate() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Node) GetComment

func (x *Node) GetComment() string

func (*Node) GetCopyright

func (x *Node) GetCopyright() string

func (*Node) GetDescription

func (x *Node) GetDescription() string

func (*Node) GetExternalReferences

func (x *Node) GetExternalReferences() []*ExternalReference

func (*Node) GetFileName

func (x *Node) GetFileName() string

func (*Node) GetFileTypes

func (x *Node) GetFileTypes() []string

func (*Node) GetHashes

func (x *Node) GetHashes() map[int32]string

func (*Node) GetId

func (x *Node) GetId() string

func (*Node) GetIdentifiers

func (x *Node) GetIdentifiers() map[int32]string

func (*Node) GetLicenseComments

func (x *Node) GetLicenseComments() string

func (*Node) GetLicenseConcluded

func (x *Node) GetLicenseConcluded() string

func (*Node) GetLicenses

func (x *Node) GetLicenses() []string

func (*Node) GetName

func (x *Node) GetName() string

func (*Node) GetOriginators

func (x *Node) GetOriginators() []*Person

func (*Node) GetPrimaryPurpose

func (x *Node) GetPrimaryPurpose() []Purpose

func (*Node) GetReleaseDate

func (x *Node) GetReleaseDate() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Node) GetSourceInfo

func (x *Node) GetSourceInfo() string

func (*Node) GetSummary

func (x *Node) GetSummary() string

func (*Node) GetSuppliers

func (x *Node) GetSuppliers() []*Person

func (*Node) GetType

func (x *Node) GetType() Node_NodeType

func (*Node) GetUrlDownload

func (x *Node) GetUrlDownload() string

func (*Node) GetUrlHome

func (x *Node) GetUrlHome() string

func (*Node) GetValidUntilDate

func (x *Node) GetValidUntilDate() *timestamppb.Timestamp

func (*Node) GetVersion

func (x *Node) GetVersion() string

func (*Node) HashesMatch

func (n *Node) HashesMatch(th map[int32]string) bool

HashesMatch checks if the provided test-hashes (th) match those of the node. It only considers common algorithms between the node and the test hashes.

If test-hashes contain hashes with algorithms not present in the node, those are ignored, and the function returns true if the remaining hashes match.

If either the node or the test-hashes is empty, no match is assumed.

func (*Node) ProtoMessage

func (*Node) ProtoMessage()

func (*Node) ProtoReflect

func (x *Node) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Node) Purl

func (n *Node) Purl() PackageURL

Purl returns the node's Package URL (PURL) as a string. If the node is of type FILE empty PURL is returned.

func (*Node) Reset

func (x *Node) Reset()

func (*Node) String

func (x *Node) String() string

func (*Node) Update

func (n *Node) Update(n2 *Node)

Update updates the node's fields with values from an external node (n2). It skips empty, null, or zero-length lists in n2, preserving the existing values in the current Node (n). All other fields in n are overwritten with values from n2.

type NodeDiff

type NodeDiff struct {
	Added     *Node
	Removed   *Node
	DiffCount int

type NodeList

type NodeList struct {
	Nodes        []*Node  `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=nodes,proto3" json:"nodes,omitempty"`                                   // List of software components (nodes) in the SBOM graph.
	Edges        []*Edge  `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=edges,proto3" json:"edges,omitempty"`                                   // List of relationships (edges) between nodes in the SBOM graph.
	RootElements []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=root_elements,json=rootElements,proto3" json:"root_elements,omitempty"` // List of root elements in the SBOM graph.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodeList represents a collection of nodes and edges forming the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) graph. It encapsulates the fundamental components of the SBOM, including software entities (nodes) and their relationships (edges).

func NewNodeList

func NewNodeList() *NodeList

NewNodeList returns a new NodeList with empty nodes, edges, and root elements.

func (*NodeList) Add

func (nl *NodeList) Add(nl2 *NodeList)

Add combines the nodes and edges from NodeList (nl2) into the current NodeList (nl). It modifies current NodeList (nl) by adding new roots, nodes and edges or updating existing ones. It is the equivalent to the Union of both NodeLists, but it modifies the current NodeList (nl) in place.

func (*NodeList) AddEdge

func (nl *NodeList) AddEdge(e *Edge)

AddEdge adds a new edge to the Node List.

func (*NodeList) AddNode

func (nl *NodeList) AddNode(n *Node)

AddEdge adds a new node to the Node List.

func (*NodeList) AddRootNode

func (nl *NodeList) AddRootNode(n *Node)

AddRootNode adds a node to the NodeList and registers it as a Root Elements. More than one root element can be added to the NodeList.

func (*NodeList) Copy

func (nl *NodeList) Copy() *NodeList

Copy returns a duplicate of the NodeList.

func (*NodeList) Descriptor deprecated

func (*NodeList) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use NodeList.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*NodeList) Equal

func (nl *NodeList) Equal(nl2 *NodeList) bool

Equal compares the current NodeList to another (n2) and returns true if they are identical.

func (*NodeList) GetEdgeByType

func (nl *NodeList) GetEdgeByType(fromElement string, t Edge_Type) *Edge

GetEdgeByType returns the first edge of the specified type (t) originating from the given node ID (fromElement). If no such edge is found, it returns nil.

func (*NodeList) GetEdges

func (x *NodeList) GetEdges() []*Edge

func (*NodeList) GetMatchingNode

func (nl *NodeList) GetMatchingNode(node *Node) (*Node, error)

GetMatchingNode looks up a node in the NodeList (nl) that matches the software described the provided. Matching is performed based on hashes and, if necessary, by Package URL (PURL). This function guarantees a single-node match. If more than one node matches, an ErrorMoreThanOneMatch is returned.

If the target node has hashes, it first looks for nodes with matching hashes. If exactly one node is found, the function returns it. If no nodes match by hash, it attempts to match based on the purl. If more than one node matches by purl, an error is returned. If multiple nodes match by hash, it looks for a single node where the purl also matches to break the ambiguity.

See Node.HashesMatch for details on how hashes are compared.

func (*NodeList) GetNodeByID

func (nl *NodeList) GetNodeByID(id string) *Node

GetNodeByID returns a node with the specified ID

func (*NodeList) GetNodes

func (x *NodeList) GetNodes() []*Node

func (*NodeList) GetNodesByIdentifier

func (nl *NodeList) GetNodesByIdentifier(t, v string) []*Node

GetNodesByIdentifier returns a list of nodes that match the provided identifier type (t) and value (v). For example, the identifier type (t) can be "purl," and its value (v) can be "pkg:deb/debian/libpam-modules@1.4.0-9+deb11u1?arch=i386". The function may return an empty list if no nodes match the given identifier. Matching is based on simple string comparison.

func (*NodeList) GetNodesByName

func (nl *NodeList) GetNodesByName(name string) []*Node

GetNodesByName returns a list of node with the specified name.

func (*NodeList) GetNodesByPurlType

func (nl *NodeList) GetNodesByPurlType(purlType string) *NodeList

GetNodesByPurlType retrieves nodes with a specific Package URL type (purlType) from the current NodeList (nl). Returns a new NodeList with matching nodes and their relationships. If no nodes match, an empty NodeList is returned.

func (*NodeList) GetRootElements

func (x *NodeList) GetRootElements() []string

func (*NodeList) GetRootNodes

func (nl *NodeList) GetRootNodes() []*Node

GetRootNodes returns a list of the document root nodes.

func (*NodeList) Intersect

func (nl *NodeList) Intersect(nl2 *NodeList) *NodeList

Intersect returns a new NodeList that represents the intersection of nodes and their relationships between nl and nl2. The resulting NodeList contains common nodes and edges copied from nl, and updates them with data from nl2.

func (*NodeList) NodeDescendants

func (nl *NodeList) NodeDescendants(id string, maxDepth int) *NodeList

NodeDescendants traverses the NodeList graph starting at the node specified by id and returns a new node list with elements related at a maximal distance of maxDepth levels. If the specified id is not found, the NodeList will be empty. Traversing the graph will stop if any of the related nodes is a RootNode.

func (*NodeList) NodeGraph

func (nl *NodeList) NodeGraph(id string) *NodeList

NodeGraph retruns a new NodeList representing the full dependency graph of the node identified by the provided ID. The method traverses the SBOM graph, adding all nodes connected to the specified ID. If no nodes match, an empty NodeList is returned.

func (*NodeList) NodeSiblings

func (nl *NodeList) NodeSiblings(id string) *NodeList

NodeSiblings returns a new NodeList containing the specified node at the root and a graph fragment with its immediate siblings with their edges preserved. If no nodes match, an empty NodeList is returned.

func (*NodeList) ProtoMessage

func (*NodeList) ProtoMessage()

func (*NodeList) ProtoReflect

func (x *NodeList) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*NodeList) RelateNodeAtID

func (nl *NodeList) RelateNodeAtID(n *Node, nodeID string, edgeType Edge_Type) error

RelateNodeAtID creates a relationship between the provided Node (n) and an existing node in the NodeList specified by ID (nodeID). If the targeted node (looked up by ID) does not exist in the Node List, it is added. If the specified nodeID does not exist, an error is returned.

func (*NodeList) RelateNodeListAtID

func (nl *NodeList) RelateNodeListAtID(nl2 *NodeList, nodeID string, edgeType Edge_Type) error

RelateNodeListAtID relates nodes from the provided NodeList (nl2) at the top level to an existing node in this NodeList with the specified ID (nodeID) using a relationship of the given type (edgeType). It returns an error if ID cannot be found in the graph. Nodes with the same ID in both the current (nl) and provided (nl2) Node Lists are considered equivalent and will be deduplicated.

func (*NodeList) RemoveNodes

func (nl *NodeList) RemoveNodes(ids []string)

RemoveNodes removes nodes with specified IDs from the NodeList. It also removes corresponding edges connected to the removed nodes.

func (*NodeList) Reset

func (x *NodeList) Reset()

func (*NodeList) String

func (x *NodeList) String() string

func (*NodeList) Union

func (nl *NodeList) Union(nl2 *NodeList) *NodeList

Union returns a new NodeList representing the combination of nodes and their relationships from nl and nl2. The resulting NodeList contains common nodes and edges copied from nl, and updates them with data from nl2.

type Node_NodeType

type Node_NodeType int32

Type of the software component.

const (
	Node_PACKAGE Node_NodeType = 0 // Software component type is a package.
	Node_FILE    Node_NodeType = 1 // Software component type is a file.

func (Node_NodeType) Descriptor

func (Node_NodeType) Enum

func (x Node_NodeType) Enum() *Node_NodeType

func (Node_NodeType) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (Node_NodeType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Node_NodeType.Descriptor instead.

func (Node_NodeType) Number

func (Node_NodeType) String

func (x Node_NodeType) String() string

func (Node_NodeType) Type

type PackageURL

type PackageURL string

PackageURL represents a Package URL (PURL) for identifying and locating software packages.

type Person

type Person struct {
	Name     string    `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`                 // Name of the person or organization.
	IsOrg    bool      `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=is_org,json=isOrg,proto3" json:"is_org,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the entity is an organization (true) or an individual (false).
	Email    string    `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=email,proto3" json:"email,omitempty"`               // Email address of the person or organization.
	Url      string    `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=url,proto3" json:"url,omitempty"`                   // URL associated with the person or organization.
	Phone    string    `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone,omitempty"`               // Phone number associated with the person or organization.
	Contacts []*Person `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=contacts,proto3" json:"contacts,omitempty"`         // Contacts associated with the person or organization.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Person represents an individual or organization involved in the creation or maintenance of the document or node.

func (*Person) Copy

func (p *Person) Copy() *Person

Copy returns a new Person pointer which is a duplicate of Person p. The copy is recursive into the Contacts array.

func (*Person) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Person) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Person.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Person) GetContacts

func (x *Person) GetContacts() []*Person

func (*Person) GetEmail

func (x *Person) GetEmail() string

func (*Person) GetIsOrg

func (x *Person) GetIsOrg() bool

func (*Person) GetName

func (x *Person) GetName() string

func (*Person) GetPhone

func (x *Person) GetPhone() string

func (*Person) GetUrl

func (x *Person) GetUrl() string

func (*Person) ProtoMessage

func (*Person) ProtoMessage()

func (*Person) ProtoReflect

func (x *Person) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Person) Reset

func (x *Person) Reset()

func (*Person) String

func (x *Person) String() string

func (*Person) ToSPDX2ClientOrg

func (p *Person) ToSPDX2ClientOrg() string

ToSPDX2ClientOrg returns a string representing the type of actor to use in the SPDX go-tools, basically it will returns "Organization" or "Person"

func (*Person) ToSPDX2ClientString

func (p *Person) ToSPDX2ClientString() string

ToSPDX2ClientString converts the person to an SPDX actor string (not valid for an SBOM but to feed into the SPDX go-tools).

type Purpose

type Purpose int32

Purpose represents different purposes or roles assigned to software entities within the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). It categorizes the roles that software components can fulfill.

const (
	Purpose_UNKNOWN_PURPOSE        Purpose = 0  // Unknown purpose.
	Purpose_APPLICATION            Purpose = 1  // Application purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_ARCHIVE                Purpose = 2  // Archive purpose. (SPDX2.3, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_BOM                    Purpose = 3  // BOM purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_CONFIGURATION          Purpose = 4  // Configuration purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_CONTAINER              Purpose = 5  // Container purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_DATA                   Purpose = 6  // Data purpose. (CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_DEVICE                 Purpose = 7  // Device purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_DEVICE_DRIVER          Purpose = 8  // Device Driver purpose. (CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_DOCUMENTATION          Purpose = 9  // Documentation purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_EVIDENCE               Purpose = 10 // Evidence purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_EXECUTABLE             Purpose = 11 // Executable purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_FILE                   Purpose = 12 // File purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_FIRMWARE               Purpose = 13 // Firmware purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_FRAMEWORK              Purpose = 14 // Framework purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_INSTALL                Purpose = 15 // Install purpose. (SPDX2.3, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_LIBRARY                Purpose = 16 // Library purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_MACHINE_LEARNING_MODEL Purpose = 17 // Machine Learning Model purpose. (CDX1.5)
	Purpose_MANIFEST               Purpose = 18 // Manifest purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_MODEL                  Purpose = 19 // Model purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_MODULE                 Purpose = 20 // Module purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_OPERATING_SYSTEM       Purpose = 21 // Operating System purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_OTHER                  Purpose = 22 // Other purpose. (SPDX2.3, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_PATCH                  Purpose = 23 // Patch purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_PLATFORM               Purpose = 24 // Platform purpose. (SPDX2.3, CDX1.5, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_REQUIREMENT            Purpose = 25 // Requirement purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_SOURCE                 Purpose = 26 // Source purpose. (SPDX2.3, SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_SPECIFICATION          Purpose = 27 // Specification purpose. (SPDX3.0)
	Purpose_TEST                   Purpose = 28 // Test purpose. (SPDX3.0)

func (Purpose) Descriptor

func (Purpose) Descriptor() protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func (Purpose) Enum

func (x Purpose) Enum() *Purpose

func (Purpose) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (Purpose) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Purpose.Descriptor instead.

func (Purpose) Number

func (x Purpose) Number() protoreflect.EnumNumber

func (Purpose) String

func (x Purpose) String() string

func (Purpose) Type

func (Purpose) Type() protoreflect.EnumType

type SoftwareIdentifierType

type SoftwareIdentifierType int32

SoftwareIdentifierType represents different types of identifiers used for software entities within the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

const (
	SoftwareIdentifierType_UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER_TYPE SoftwareIdentifierType = 0 // Unknown software identifier type.
	SoftwareIdentifierType_PURL                    SoftwareIdentifierType = 1 // Package URL (PURL) identifier type.
	SoftwareIdentifierType_CPE22                   SoftwareIdentifierType = 2 // Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) version 2.2 identifier type.
	SoftwareIdentifierType_CPE23                   SoftwareIdentifierType = 3 // Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) version 2.3 identifier type.
	SoftwareIdentifierType_GITOID                  SoftwareIdentifierType = 4 // Git Object Identifier (OID) identifier type.

func SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromSPDXExtRefType deprecated

func SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromSPDXExtRefType(spdxType string) SoftwareIdentifierType

Deprecated: SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromSPDXExtRefType is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version. Please use SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromString for a unified approach to identifier resolution.

func SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromString

func SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromString(queryString string) SoftwareIdentifierType

SoftwareIdentifierTypeFromString resolves a string into one of our built-in identifier types.

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) Descriptor

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) Enum

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use SoftwareIdentifierType.Descriptor instead.

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) Number

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) String

func (x SoftwareIdentifierType) String() string

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) ToSPDX2Category

func (i SoftwareIdentifierType) ToSPDX2Category() string

ToSPDX2Category converts the external reference type to its SPDX2 category.

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) ToSPDX2Type

func (i SoftwareIdentifierType) ToSPDX2Type() string

ToSPDX2Type converts the external reference type to its SPDX2 equivalent.

func (SoftwareIdentifierType) Type

type Tool

type Tool struct {
	Name    string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`       // Name of the software tool.
	Version string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=version,proto3" json:"version,omitempty"` // Version of the software tool.
	Vendor  string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=vendor,proto3" json:"vendor,omitempty"`   // Vendor or creator of the software tool.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Tool represents a software tool used in the creation or processing of the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) document.

func (*Tool) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Tool) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Tool.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Tool) GetName

func (x *Tool) GetName() string

func (*Tool) GetVendor

func (x *Tool) GetVendor() string

func (*Tool) GetVersion

func (x *Tool) GetVersion() string

func (*Tool) ProtoMessage

func (*Tool) ProtoMessage()

func (*Tool) ProtoReflect

func (x *Tool) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Tool) Reset

func (x *Tool) Reset()

func (*Tool) String

func (x *Tool) String() string

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