
Please refere to sveltos documentation.
What this repository is
This repo contains a service that exposes all APIs used by Sveltos frontend.
Authorization Header
Using authorization header is the only way to contact backend as an user, when accessing it over HTTP.
To use authorization header you simply need to pass Authorization: Bearer <token>
in every request.
To create sample user and to get its token, see Creating sample user guide.
Get ClusterAPI powered clusters
It is possible to filter by:
. namespace=<string>
=> returns only ClusterAPI powered clusters in a namespace whose name contains the speficied string
. name=<string>
=> returns only ClusterAPI powered clusters whose name contains the speficied string
. labels=<key1=value1,key2=value2>
=> returns only ClusterAPI powered clusters whose label matches the specified label selector
For instance:
"totalClusters": 1,
"managedClusters": [
"namespace": "default",
"name": "clusterapi-workload",
"clusterInfo": {
"labels": {
"": "clusterapi-workload",
"env": "fv",
"": ""
"version": "v1.27.0",
"ready": true,
"failureMessage": null
This API supports pagination. Use:
. limit=<int>
to specify the number of ClusterAPI powered clusters the API will return
. skip=<int>
to specify from which ClusterAPI powered cluster to start (Clusters are ordered by namespace/name)
Get SveltosClusters
It is possible to filter by:
. namespace=<string>
=> returns only SveltosClusters in a namespace whose name contains the speficied string
. name=<string>
=> returns only SveltosClusters whose name contains the speficied string
. labels=<key1=value1,key2=value2>
=> returns only SveltosClusters whose label matches the specified label selector
For instance:
"totalClusters": 1,
"managedClusters": [
"namespace": "mgmt",
"name": "mgmt",
"clusterInfo": {
"labels": null,
"version": "v1.29.0",
"ready": true,
"failureMessage": null
This API supports pagination. Use:
. limit=<int>
to specify the number of SveltosClusters the API will return
. skip=<int>
to specify from which SveltosClusters to start (Clusters are ordered by namespace/name)
Get Helm Releases deployed in a cluster
/helmcharts?namespace=<namespace>&name=<cluster-name>&type=<cluster type>
where cluster type can either be capi for ClusterAPI powered clusters or sveltos for SveltosClusters
This API supports pagination. Use:
. limit=<int>
to specify the number of helm releases the API will return
. skip=<int>
to specify from which Helm release to start (Helm Releases are ordered by lastAppliedTime)
For instance:
"totalHelmReleases": 4,
"helmReleases": [
"repoURL": "",
"releaseName": "prometheus",
"namespace": "prometheus",
"chartVersion": "23.4.0",
"icon": "",
"lastAppliedTime": "2024-04-28T13:49:29Z",
"profileName": "ClusterProfile/prometheus-grafana"
"repoURL": "",
"releaseName": "grafana",
"namespace": "grafana",
"chartVersion": "6.58.9",
"icon": "",
"lastAppliedTime": "2024-04-28T13:49:38Z",
"profileName": "ClusterProfile/prometheus-grafana"
"repoURL": "",
"releaseName": "kyverno-latest",
"namespace": "kyverno",
"chartVersion": "3.1.4",
"icon": "",
"lastAppliedTime": "2024-04-28T13:49:32Z",
"profileName": "ClusterProfile/deploy-kyverno"
"repoURL": "",
"releaseName": "nginx-latest",
"namespace": "nginx",
"chartVersion": "1.1.3",
"icon": "",
"lastAppliedTime": "2024-04-28T13:49:36Z",
"profileName": "ClusterProfile/nginx"
Get Kubernetes Resources deployed in a cluster
/resources?namespace=<namespace>&name=<cluster-name>&type=<cluster type>
where cluster type can either be capi for ClusterAPI powered clusters or sveltos for SveltosClusters
This API supports pagination. Use:
. limit=<int>
to specify the number of Kubernetes resources the API will return
. skip=<int>
to specify from which Kubernetes resources to start (Kubernetes resources are ordered by lastAppliedTime)
For instance:
"totalResources": 2,
"resources": [
"name": "nginx",
"group": "",
"kind": "Namespace",
"version": "v1",
"lastAppliedTime": "2024-04-28T13:52:26Z",
"profileNames": [
"name": "",
"group": "",
"kind": "",
"version": "",
"profileNames": null
Get Cluster Status
where cluster type can either be capi for ClusterAPI powered clusters or sveltos for SveltosClusters
This API supports pagination. Use:
. limit=<int>
to specify the number of Kubernetes resources the API will return
. skip=<int>
to specify from which Kubernetes resources to start (Kubernetes resources are ordered by lastAppliedTime)
For instance:
"profiles": [
"profileName": "deploy-kyverno",
"profileType": "ClusterProfile",
"featureID": "Helm",
"status": "Provisioned"
"profileName": "deploy-resources",
"profileType": "ClusterProfile",
"featureID": "Resources",
"status": "Provisioned"
"profileName": "nginx",
"profileType": "ClusterProfile",
"featureID": "Helm",
"status": "Provisioned"
"totalResources": 3
Get profiles
It is possible to filter by:
. namespace=<string>
=> returns only Profiles in a namespace whose name contains the speficied string
. name=<string>
=> returns only ClusterProfiles/Profiles whose name contains the speficied string
returns all profiles grouped by tier. Each profile contains:
- Kind: kind of the profile (ClusterProfile vs Profile)
- Namespace: namespace of the profile (empty for ClusterProfiles)
- Name: name of the profile
- Dependencies: list of profiles the profile depends on
- Dependents: list of profiles that depend on this profile
totalProfiles: 4
- kind: ClusterProfile
namespace: ''
name: deploy-kyverno
dependencies: []
- kind: ClusterProfile
name: prometheus-grafana
- kind: ClusterProfile
namespace: ''
name: nginx
dependencies: []
dependents: []
- kind: ClusterProfile
namespace: ''
name: prometheus-grafana
- kind: ClusterProfile
name: deploy-kyverno
dependents: []
- kind: Profile
namespace: coke
name: deploy-cert-manager
dependencies: []
dependents: []
totalProfiles: 1
- kind: ClusterProfile
namespace: ''
name: external-dns
dependencies: []
dependents: []
Get a profile instance
/profile?namespace=<profile namespace>&name=<profile name>&kind=<profile kind>
Kind can either be:
- ClusterProfile
- Profile
ClusterProfiles are cluster wide resources. Profiles are namespaced resources. So namespace is only required for Profile.
Response contains:
- Kind: kind of the profile (ClusterProfile vs Profile)
- Namespace: namespace of the profile (empty for ClusterProfiles)
- Name: name of the profile
- Dependencies: list of profiles the profile depends on
- Dependents: list of profiles that depend on this profile
- Spec: profile's spec
- MatchingClusters: list of clusters matching this profile. This list contains only the clusters users has permission for. For each cluster, status of each feature (helm charts, raw yaml/json, kustomize) So if both coke and pepsi clusters are matching a profile, coke admin will only see coke clusters and pepsi admin will only see pepsi clusters. Platform admin will see both in the response.
- cluster:
kind: Cluster
namespace: default
name: clusterapi-workload
- featureID: Resources
status: Provisioned
- featureID: Helm
status: FailedNonRetriable
failureMessage: 'cannot manage chart kyverno/kyverno-latest. ClusterSummary deploy-kyverno-capi-clusterapi-workload
managing it.'
env: fv
syncMode: Continuous
tier: 100
stopMatchingBehavior: WithdrawPolicies
- deploy-kyverno
- namespace: default
name: disallow-latest-tag
kind: ConfigMap
deploymentType: Remote
- namespace: default
name: disallow-empty-ingress
kind: ConfigMap
deploymentType: Remote
- repositoryURL:
repositoryName: kyverno
chartName: kyverno/kyverno
chartVersion: v3.2.6
releaseName: kyverno-latest
releaseNamespace: kyverno
helmChartAction: Install
How to get token
First, create a service account in the desired namespace:
kubectl create sa <user> -n <namespace>
Give the service account permissions to access the Calico Enterprise Manager UI, and a Calico Enterprise cluster role:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <binding_name> --clusterrole <role_name> --serviceaccount <namespace>:<service_account>
- binding_name is a descriptive name for the rolebinding.
- role_name is one of the default cluster roles (or a custom cluster role) specifying permissions.
- namespace is the service account's namespace.
- service_account is the service account that the permissions are being associated with.
Next, create a bearer token for the service account. Using the running example of a service account named, sveltos in the default namespace:
kubectl create token sveltos --duration=24h
it should print somthing like
❤️ Your contributions are always welcome! If you want to contribute, have questions, noticed any bug or want to get the latest project news, you can connect with us in the following ways:
- Open a bug/feature enhancement on github
- Chat with us on the Slack in the #projectsveltos channel
- Contact Us
Copyright 2022.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.