Gimbal Discoverer

The Gimbal Discoverer currently can monitor two systems, Kubernetes and Openstack. The Discoverers perform service discovery of remote clusters by finding remote endpoints and synchronizing them to a central Kubernetes cluster as Services & Endpoints.
The Kubernetes Discoverer monitors available Services and Endpoints for a single Kubernetes cluster. The credentials to access each API server are provided with a Kubernetes Secret.
The Discoverer leverages the watch operation of the Kubernetes API to receive changes dynamically, instead of polling the API. All available Services and Endpoints are synchronized to the Team namespace that matches the source system.
The Openstack Discoverer monitors all configured Load Balancers as a Service (LBaaS) plus their corresponding Members. They are synchronized to the Team namespace as Services and Endpoints. The namespace is configured as the OpenStack TenantName.
The Discoverer polls the Openstack API on a customizable interval.
Get started
The following arguments are available to customize the Discoverer:
flag |
default |
description |
discoverer |
--version |
false |
Show version and quit |
--num-threads |
2 |
Specify number of threads to use when processing queue items. |
--gimbal-kubecfg-file |
"" |
Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes cluster hosting Gimbal |
--discover-kubecfg-file |
"" |
Location of kubecfg file for access to remote kubernetes cluster to watch for services / endpoints |
Kubernetes |
--backend-name |
"" |
Name of cluster scraping for services & endpoints |
--debug |
false |
Enable debug logging |
--reconciliation-period |
30s |
The interval of time between reconciliation loop runs |
Openstack |
--http-client-timeout |
5s |
The HTTP client request timeout |
Openstack |
--openstack-certificate-authority |
"" |
Path to cert file of the OpenStack API certificate authority |
Openstack |
--resync-interval |
30m |
Resync period for Kubernetes watch client |
The discoverer can be deployed by utilizing the included deployment files. They contain the correct RBAC rules, as well as the deployment of the discoverer itself.
NOTE: Best practice would be to to create a service account user in the remote cluster who only has permissions to watch
, list
and get
services & endpoints.
# Create namespace / deployment / rbac rules:
$ kubectl apply -f deployment/kubernetes-discoverer
# Create secret for remote k8s cluster:
$ kubectl create secret generic remote-discover-kubecfg --from-file=./config -n gimbal-discovery
# Create namespace / deployment / rbac rules:
$ kubectl apply -f deployment/openstack-discoverer
# Create secret for remote openstack cluster:
$ kubectl create secret generic remote-discover-openstack --from-literal=keystoneUrl=http://openstack001:5000/v3/ --from-literal=neutronUrl=http://openstack001:9696/ --from-literal=username=someUser --from-literal=password=secretPassword --from-literal=userDomain=default --from-file=./cert.pem -n gimbal-discovery
The Kubernetes discoverer requires two configs, first is the Gimbal system which will run Contour and store services & endpoints, the other is the remote cluster to scrape for services & endpoints. The config file is standard kubeconfig file, just make sure it's named config
. Please include any certs required to access to the remote cluster api:
$ go run cmd/kubernetes-discoverer/main.go --gimbal-kubecfg-file=./config --discover-kubecfg-file=./config --backend-name=backendname
The Openstack discoverer requires the config for the Gimbal Kubernetes cluster which will run Contour and store services & endpoints, the other is the remote cluster to scrape for load balancers and members. The config file is standard kubeconfig file, just make sure it's named config
. Please include any certs required to access to the remote cluster api:
$ OS_USERNAME=user OS_PASSWORD=password OS_AUTH_URL=https://url OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant go run cmd/openstack-discoverer/main.go --gimbal-kubecfg-file=./config --backend-name=backendname
Build / Test
Create a binary:
$ make build
Run tests:
$ make test
Create container:
$ REGISTRY=heptio make container
Push container:
$ REGISTRY=heptio make push
NOTE: The registry ENV variable allow you to override the registry so custom images can be tested.
Thanks for taking the time to join our community and start contributing!
Before you start
- Please familiarize yourself with the Code of
Conduct before contributing.
- See for instructions on the
developer certificate of origin that we require.
Pull requests
- We welcome pull requests. Feel free to dig through the issues and jump in.