Operator for OSBuilder
This repo has the operator which provides a K8S API for building OSBuild images.
go >= 1.17
- To provision Internal Worker VMs, or to follow the sample for the External Worker VM,
is required
Test Requirements
Getting started
Build and push image:
IMG=<image repository and tag> make docker-build docker-push
for example: IMG=quay.io/project-flotta/osbuild-operator:latest make docker-build docker-push
Deploy the operator:
IMG=<image repository and tag> make deploy
for example: IMG=quay.io/project-flotta/osbuild-operator:latest make deploy
In the osbuild
namespace an operator should be running:
→ oc get pods -n osbuild
osbuild-operator-controller-manager-54f9fdbff-85hfj 2/2 Running 0 2m47s
Certificate Manager Operator
Please note that the provisioning of the OSBuild Operator will also provision the cert-manager Operator as it is a prerequisite for Admission Webhooks
Images for Worker VMs
There are two ways to configure the base images of the Worker VMs:
Provide a RHEL QCOW2 Image
To Provide a RHEL QCOW2 Image you will need to store it in an accessible endpoint and provide its link in the OSBuildEnvConfig
- Deploy nexus operator by following the instruction here: https://github.com/RedHatGov/nexus-operator#installation
- Deploy a nexus instance:
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_nexus.yaml
- Install the Nexus CLI
pip install nexus3-cli
- Login to Nexus
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='mycluster.example.com'
oc get secret -n osbuild nexus-osbuild-admin-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 -d | xargs nexus3 login --url https://nexus-osbuild-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-x509_verify --username admin --password
- Create a Hosted Raw repository named disk-images
nexus3 repository create hosted raw disk-images
- Upload the rhel qcow2 image
nexus3 upload rhel-8.6-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 disk-images
- Set the URL in the vmWorkerConfig field of the OSBuildEnvConfig CR
- name: WorkerName
url: "http://nexus-osbuild:8081/repository/disk-images/rhel-8.6-x86_64-kvm.qcow2"
Use RHEL golden Images of CNV
To use RHEL golden Images of CNV you will need to create a secret containing your credentials for registry.redhat.io
provide the secret reference in the OSBuildEnvConfig
- Create a Secret containing your credentials for
oc create secret generic osbuild-registry-redhat-io-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=accessKeyId=<Username> --from-literal=secretKey=<Password>
- Set the ImageRegistrySecretReference field of the OSBuildEnvConfig CR
- name: WorkerName
url: docker://registry.redhat.io/rhel8/rhel-guest-image:8.6.0
secretRef: osbuild-registry-redhat-io-credentials
Create generic S3 service
- Deploy MiniO
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_minio.yaml
- Create a bucket name
. You can use the aws
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='mycluster.example.com'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin aws --endpoint-url https://minio-s3-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-verify-ssl s3 mb s3://osbuild-images
- Create a secret for the S3 credentials
oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=access-key-id=minioadmin --from-literal=secret-access-key=minioadmin
- Create a secret for the CA Bundle using the OCP route
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca-bundle
oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-ca-bundle -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/ca-bundle
Create a Container Registry service
- Create an HTPasswd file
htpasswd -Bbc /tmp/auth admin <Password>
- Create a secret for the HTPasswd file
oc create secret generic container-registry-auth -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/auth
- Because docker.io uses rate limiting it is recommanded to use an Image Pull Secret
- If you don't have an account at docker.io create one
- Create a docker-registry secret with your credentials
oc create secret docker-registry docker-io-creds -n osbuild --docker-server=docker.io --docker-username=<Username> --docker-password=<Password>
- Uncommnet the imagePullSecret field of the podSpec in
- Deploy the container registry
oc apply -f config/creating_env/deploy_container_registry.yaml -n osbuild
- Add the OCP CA certificate to its additionalTrustedCA
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='mycluster.example.com'
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca.crt
oc create configmap osbuild-registry-config --from-file=container-registry-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}=/tmp/ca.crt -n openshift-config
oc patch image.config.openshift.io/cluster --patch '{"spec":{"additionalTrustedCA":{"name":"osbuild-registry-config"}}}' --type=merge
- Create a secret for the Container Registry credentials
oc create secret docker-registry osbuild-registry-credentials -n osbuild --docker-server=container-registry-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --docker-username=admin --docker-password=<Password>
- If you wish to use images from this registry, you will need to create the same secret in your namespace and add the following to your PodSpec:
- name: < Secret Name >
- Create a secret for the CA Bundle using the OCP route
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca-bundle
oc create secret generic osbuild-container-registry-ca-bundle -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/ca-bundle
Create Secret for RedHat Credentials
Create PSQL Server
Currently the controller does not support creating the PSQL server on its own, making this step mandatory
External Worker VM using CNV
- Create an SSH key-pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C cloud-user@external-builder -f ~/.ssh/external-builder
- Create symlinks to the files to facilitate the next step
ln -s ~/.ssh/external-builder.pub config/creating_env/ssh-publickey
ln -s ~/.ssh/external-builder config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey
- Generate the secret
oc create secret generic external-builder-ssh-pair --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-publickey -n osbuild
- The example External worker uses a RHEL Golden imageas defined for the VM Worker
- Deploy the VM
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/external-worker-vm.yaml
- Wait for the VM to reach Ready state
oc wait --for=condition=Ready -n osbuild virtualmachine.kubevirt.io/external-builder --timeout=5m
- Get VM Address
oc get vmi -n osbuild external-builder -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}
Create OSBuildEnvConfig singleton CR
SSH into osbuild-workers
- Fetch the Private key from the secret and save it to a file
oc get secret -n osbuild osbuild-worker-ssh -o jsonpath={.data.ssh-privatekey} | base64 -d > /tmp/worker-ssh.key
- In a separate shell run a debug pod (for example, using node worker-1)
oc debug node/worker-1
- Copy the SSH key to the debug pod
oc cp /tmp/worker-ssh.key worker-1-debug:/root/
- Get the worker VM's IP address (for the worker named builder-1 )
oc get vmi builder-1 -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}
- Go back to the debug pod and ssh into the worker with cloud-user and the VMI's IP
ssh -i /root/worker-ssh.key cloud-user@<IP Address>
Building an edge-container image
- Edit the sample OSBuildConfig and create the instance
oc apply -f config/samples/osbuilder_v1alpha1_osbuildconfig.yaml
- Look at the OSBuildConfig status to the index of the OSBuild instance that was created
oc get osbuildconfig osbuildconfig-sample -o jsonpath={.status.lastVersion}
- Wait for the OSBuild instance to finish successfully by running the command below and waiting for
oc get osbuild osbuildconfig-sample-1 -o jsonpath={.status.conditions}
- Get the URL of the Container Image
oc get osbuild osbuildconfig-sample-1 -o jsonpath={.status.containerUrl}
Deploy the Edge Container
- Create a docker registry secret for your Container Image Registry as explained here
- Edit the sample Edge Commit Deployment with the URL returned by the OSBuild CR's status and the name of the secret you created
- Deploy the Edge Commit and expose it as a Route
oc apply -f config/creating_env/deploy_edge_commit.yaml
- Once the deployment is in status Running fetch the Commit
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='mycluster.example.com'
export REF='rhel/8/x86_64/edge'
curl -k https://edge-commit-default.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}/repo/refs/heads/${REF}