Flogo Rules based Creditcard application
This example demonstrates rule based processing of credit card application. In this example three tuples are used, tuples description is given below.
tuple is always stored in network, while the other tuples NewAccount
and UpdateCreditScore
are removed after usage as ttl is given as 0.
Get the repo and in this example main.go, functions.go both are available. We can directly build and run the app or create flogo rule app and run it.
cBadUser : Check for new user input data - check if age <18 and >=45, empty address and salary less than 10k
cNewUser : Check for new user input data - check if age >=18 and <= 44, address and salary >= 10k
cUserIdMatch : Check for id match from 'UserAccount' and 'UpdateCreditScore' tuples
cUserCreditScore : Check for CreditScore >= 750 && < 820
cUserLowCreditScore : Check for CreditScore < 750
cUserHighCreditScore : Check for CreditScore >= 820 && <= 900
aBadUser : Executes when age - < 18 and >=45, address empty, salary less than 10k
aNewUser : Add the newuser info to userAccount tuple
aApproveWithLowerLimit : Provides credit card application status approved with lower credit limit
aApproveWithHigherLimit : Provides credit card application status approved with higher credit limit
aUserReject : Rejects when lower Credit score provided and retracts NewAccount
Direct build and run
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/project-flogo/rules/examples/flogo/creditcard
go build
Create app using flogo cli
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/project-flogo/rules/examples/flogo/creditcard
flogo create -f flogo.json creditcard
cp functions.go creditcard/src
cd creditcard
flogo build
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:7777/newaccount -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"Name":"Test","Age":"26","Income":"60100","Address":"TEt","Id":"12312","Gender":"male","maritalStatus":"single"}'
- Update credit score details of the user
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:7777/credit -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"Id":12312,"creditScore":680}'
- Application status will be printed on the console