group by given columns in an axis and aggregate the value of other columns (like group by in SQL)
group by works same as following SQL command
SELECT Column1, Column2, mean(Column3)
FROM DataTable
GROUP BY Column1, Column2
Implementation details
Data - map[string][]interface{} : map key is column name (in above SQL Column1, Column2 and Column3), map value are column values. Optional=False
Index - []string : Group key of data (in above SQL they are Column1 and Column2).
Aggregate - map[string]string : Map key is groupKey, map value is aggregate function. Currently support Sum, Count, Mean, Min, Max
Level - int : Group level in above <0 -> group by both Column1 & Column2, 0 -> group by Column1, 1 -> group by Column2.
OutputType - map[string][]interface{} : grouped dataframe
Compliance to Spec
Rough level of compliance