A DCF subscriber application written in Go.
The role of this particular application is to subscribe to DCF annotations via some pub/sub mechanism and then persist them for later processing,
such as score calculation. Events are currently interpreted as a graph and persisted into ArangoDB. Determination for
where the event fits in the overall graph comes from the Action
property on the Annotation
Action values and their handling
1.) Create
Create indicates a new piece of data, and the annotations included in this event are relevant to the creation. This indicates the need to persist
a new root vertex.
2.) Mutate
Mutate indicates some piece of data being changed, or perhaps versioned. This handler has a special role in that it needs to create a lineage from
the old data to the new and then link the included annotations to the new piece of data.
3.) Transit
Transit indicates some piece of data has been received from another Alvarium-enabled service.
4.) Publish
Publish indicates we are about to publish a piece of data to another service that is not Alvarium-enabled. You might use this to attest to how data
was handled in its original bounded context, prior to being disseminated.