Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Integrate web content seamlessly into your app, and customize content interactions to meet your app’s needs.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func AddScriptMessageHandler(v IWebView, name string, handler func(message objc.Object))
- func AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReply(v IWebView, name string, ...)
- func LoadURL(v IWebView, url string)
- func WebView_HandlesURLScheme(urlScheme string) bool
- func WebsiteDataStore_AllWebsiteDataTypes() foundation.Set
- type AttributedStringCompletionHandler
- type AudiovisualMediaTypes
- type BackForwardList
- func (b_ BackForwardList) BackItem() BackForwardListItem
- func (b_ BackForwardList) BackList() []BackForwardListItem
- func (b_ BackForwardList) CurrentItem() BackForwardListItem
- func (b_ BackForwardList) ForwardItem() BackForwardListItem
- func (b_ BackForwardList) ForwardList() []BackForwardListItem
- func (b_ BackForwardList) Init() BackForwardList
- func (b_ BackForwardList) ItemAtIndex(index int) BackForwardListItem
- type BackForwardListItem
- type ContentMode
- type ContentRuleList
- type ContentRuleListStore
- func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) CompileContentRuleListForIdentifierEncodedContentRuleListCompletionHandler(identifier string, encodedContentRuleList string, ...)
- func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) GetAvailableContentRuleListIdentifiers(completionHandler func(arg0 []string))
- func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) Init() ContentRuleListStore
- func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) LookUpContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, ...)
- func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) RemoveContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.Error))
- type ContentWorld
- type DOMAbstractView
- type DOMAttr
- type DOMBlob
- type DOMCDATASection
- type DOMCSSCharsetRule
- type DOMCSSFontFaceRule
- type DOMCSSImportRule
- type DOMCSSMediaRule
- type DOMCSSPageRule
- type DOMCSSPrimitiveValue
- type DOMCSSRule
- type DOMCSSRuleList
- type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Azimuth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Background() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundAttachment() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundImage() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundPosition() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundRepeat() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Border() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottom() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderCollapse() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeft() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderSpacing() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTop() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Bottom() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CaptionSide() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Clear() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Clip() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Color() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Content() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterIncrement() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterReset() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CssFloat() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Cue() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueAfter() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueBefore() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Cursor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Direction() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Display() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Elevation() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) EmptyCells() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Font() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontFamily() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSize() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSizeAdjust() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStretch() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontVariant() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontWeight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Height() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Init() DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Left() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LetterSpacing() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LineHeight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleImage() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStylePosition() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleType() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Margin() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginBottom() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginLeft() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginRight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginTop() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarkerOffset() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Marks() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxHeight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinHeight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Orphans() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Outline() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineColor() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineStyle() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineWidth() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Overflow() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Padding() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingBottom() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingLeft() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingRight() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingTop() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Page() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakAfter() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakBefore() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakInside() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Pause() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseAfter() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseBefore() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Pitch() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PitchRange() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PlayDuring() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Position() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Quotes() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Richness() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Right() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetAzimuth(azimuth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackground(background string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundAttachment(backgroundAttachment string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundImage(backgroundImage string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundPosition(backgroundPosition string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundRepeat(backgroundRepeat string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorder(border string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottom(borderBottom string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomColor(borderBottomColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomStyle(borderBottomStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomWidth(borderBottomWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderCollapse(borderCollapse string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderColor(borderColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeft(borderLeft string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftColor(borderLeftColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftStyle(borderLeftStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftWidth(borderLeftWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRight(borderRight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightColor(borderRightColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightStyle(borderRightStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightWidth(borderRightWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderSpacing(borderSpacing string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderStyle(borderStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTop(borderTop string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopColor(borderTopColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopStyle(borderTopStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopWidth(borderTopWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderWidth(borderWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBottom(bottom string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCaptionSide(captionSide string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClear(clear string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClip(clip string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetColor(color string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetContent(content string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterIncrement(counterIncrement string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterReset(counterReset string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCssFloat(cssFloat string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCue(cue string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueAfter(cueAfter string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueBefore(cueBefore string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCursor(cursor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDirection(direction string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDisplay(display string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetElevation(elevation string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetEmptyCells(emptyCells string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFont(font string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontFamily(fontFamily string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSize(fontSize string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSizeAdjust(fontSizeAdjust string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStretch(fontStretch string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStyle(fontStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontVariant(fontVariant string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontWeight(fontWeight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetHeight(height string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLeft(left string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLetterSpacing(letterSpacing string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLineHeight(lineHeight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyle(listStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleImage(listStyleImage string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStylePosition(listStylePosition string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleType(listStyleType string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMargin(margin string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginBottom(marginBottom string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginLeft(marginLeft string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginRight(marginRight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginTop(marginTop string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarkerOffset(markerOffset string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarks(marks string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxHeight(maxHeight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinHeight(minHeight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinWidth(minWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOrphans(orphans string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutline(outline string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineColor(outlineColor string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineStyle(outlineStyle string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineWidth(outlineWidth string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOverflow(overflow string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPadding(padding string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingBottom(paddingBottom string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingLeft(paddingLeft string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingRight(paddingRight string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingTop(paddingTop string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPage(page string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakAfter(pageBreakAfter string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakBefore(pageBreakBefore string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakInside(pageBreakInside string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPause(pause string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseAfter(pauseAfter string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseBefore(pauseBefore string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitch(pitch string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitchRange(pitchRange string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPlayDuring(playDuring string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPosition(position string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetQuotes(quotes string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRichness(richness string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRight(right string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSize(size string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeak(speak string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakHeader(speakHeader string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakNumeral(speakNumeral string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakPunctuation(speakPunctuation string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeechRate(speechRate string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetStress(stress string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTableLayout(tableLayout string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextAlign(textAlign string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextDecoration(textDecoration string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextIndent(textIndent string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextShadow(textShadow string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextTransform(textTransform string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTop(top string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetUnicodeBidi(unicodeBidi string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVerticalAlign(verticalAlign string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVisibility(visibility string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVoiceFamily(voiceFamily string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVolume(volume string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWhiteSpace(whiteSpace string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidows(widows string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidth(width string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWordSpacing(wordSpacing string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetZIndex(zIndex string)
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Size() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Speak() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakHeader() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakNumeral() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakPunctuation() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeechRate() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Stress() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TableLayout() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextAlign() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextDecoration() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextIndent() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextShadow() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextTransform() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Top() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) UnicodeBidi() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VerticalAlign() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Visibility() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VoiceFamily() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Volume() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WhiteSpace() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Widows() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Width() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WordSpacing() string
- func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ZIndex() string
- type DOMCSSStyleRule
- type DOMCSSStyleSheet
- type DOMCSSUnknownRule
- type DOMCSSValue
- type DOMCSSValueList
- type DOMCharacterData
- type DOMComment
- type DOMCounter
- type DOMDocument
- type DOMDocumentFragment
- type DOMDocumentType
- type DOMElement
- type DOMEntity
- type DOMEntityReference
- type DOMEvent
- type DOMEventListenerObject
- type DOMEventTargetObject
- type DOMFile
- type DOMFileList
- type DOMHTMLAnchorElement
- type DOMHTMLAppletElement
- type DOMHTMLAreaElement
- type DOMHTMLBRElement
- type DOMHTMLBaseElement
- type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement
- type DOMHTMLBodyElement
- type DOMHTMLButtonElement
- type DOMHTMLCollection
- type DOMHTMLDListElement
- type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement
- type DOMHTMLDivElement
- type DOMHTMLDocument
- type DOMHTMLElement
- type DOMHTMLEmbedElement
- type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement
- type DOMHTMLFontElement
- type DOMHTMLFormElement
- type DOMHTMLFrameElement
- type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement
- type DOMHTMLHRElement
- type DOMHTMLHeadElement
- type DOMHTMLHeadingElement
- type DOMHTMLHtmlElement
- type DOMHTMLIFrameElement
- type DOMHTMLImageElement
- type DOMHTMLInputElement
- type DOMHTMLLIElement
- type DOMHTMLLabelElement
- type DOMHTMLLegendElement
- type DOMHTMLLinkElement
- type DOMHTMLMapElement
- type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement
- type DOMHTMLMenuElement
- type DOMHTMLMetaElement
- type DOMHTMLModElement
- type DOMHTMLOListElement
- type DOMHTMLObjectElement
- type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement
- type DOMHTMLOptionElement
- type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
- type DOMHTMLParagraphElement
- type DOMHTMLParamElement
- type DOMHTMLPreElement
- type DOMHTMLQuoteElement
- type DOMHTMLScriptElement
- type DOMHTMLSelectElement
- type DOMHTMLStyleElement
- type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
- type DOMHTMLTableCellElement
- type DOMHTMLTableColElement
- type DOMHTMLTableElement
- type DOMHTMLTableRowElement
- type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
- type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
- type DOMHTMLTitleElement
- type DOMHTMLUListElement
- type DOMImplementation
- type DOMKeyboardEvent
- type DOMMediaList
- type DOMMouseEvent
- type DOMMutationEvent
- type DOMNamedNodeMap
- type DOMNode
- type DOMNodeFilterObject
- type DOMNodeIterator
- type DOMNodeList
- type DOMObject
- type DOMOverflowEvent
- type DOMProcessingInstruction
- type DOMProgressEvent
- type DOMRGBColor
- type DOMRange
- type DOMRect
- type DOMStyleSheet
- type DOMStyleSheetList
- type DOMText
- type DOMTreeWalker
- type DOMUIEvent
- type DOMWheelEvent
- type DOMXPathExpression
- type DOMXPathNSResolverObject
- type DOMXPathResult
- type Download
- func (d_ Download) Cancel(completionHandler func(resumeData []byte))
- func (d_ Download) Delegate() DownloadDelegateObject
- func (d_ Download) Init() Download
- func (d_ Download) OriginalRequest() foundation.URLRequest
- func (d_ Download) SetDelegate(value PDownloadDelegate)
- func (d_ Download) SetDelegateObject(valueObject objc.IObject)
- type DownloadDelegate
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, ...)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFinish(download Download)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, ...)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData() bool
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFinish() bool
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler() bool
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(...)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(f func(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte))
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFinish(f func(download Download))
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(...)
- func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(f func(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, ...))
- type DownloadDelegateObject
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, ...)
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte)
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFinish(download Download)
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, ...)
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData() bool
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFinish() bool
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
- func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler() bool
- type DownloadRedirectPolicy
- type ErrorCode
- type FileSystemURLSchemeHandler
- func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask() bool
- func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask() bool
- func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
- func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
- type FindConfiguration
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) Backwards() bool
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) CaseSensitive() bool
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) Init() FindConfiguration
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetBackwards(value bool)
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetCaseSensitive(value bool)
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetWraps(value bool)
- func (f_ FindConfiguration) Wraps() bool
- type FindResult
- type FrameInfo
- type HTTPCookieStore
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) AddObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver)
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) AddObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject)
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) DeleteCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func())
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) GetAllCookies(completionHandler func(arg0 []foundation.HTTPCookie))
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) Init() HTTPCookieStore
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver)
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject)
- func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) SetCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func())
- type HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject
- type IBackForwardList
- type IBackForwardListItem
- type IContentRuleList
- type IContentRuleListStore
- type IContentWorld
- type IDOMAbstractView
- type IDOMAttr
- type IDOMBlob
- type IDOMCDATASection
- type IDOMCSSCharsetRule
- type IDOMCSSFontFaceRule
- type IDOMCSSImportRule
- type IDOMCSSMediaRule
- type IDOMCSSPageRule
- type IDOMCSSPrimitiveValue
- type IDOMCSSRule
- type IDOMCSSRuleList
- type IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration
- type IDOMCSSStyleRule
- type IDOMCSSStyleSheet
- type IDOMCSSUnknownRule
- type IDOMCSSValue
- type IDOMCSSValueList
- type IDOMCharacterData
- type IDOMComment
- type IDOMCounter
- type IDOMDocument
- type IDOMDocumentFragment
- type IDOMDocumentType
- type IDOMElement
- type IDOMEntity
- type IDOMEntityReference
- type IDOMEvent
- type IDOMFile
- type IDOMFileList
- type IDOMHTMLAnchorElement
- type IDOMHTMLAppletElement
- type IDOMHTMLAreaElement
- type IDOMHTMLBRElement
- type IDOMHTMLBaseElement
- type IDOMHTMLBaseFontElement
- type IDOMHTMLBodyElement
- type IDOMHTMLButtonElement
- type IDOMHTMLCollection
- type IDOMHTMLDListElement
- type IDOMHTMLDirectoryElement
- type IDOMHTMLDivElement
- type IDOMHTMLDocument
- type IDOMHTMLElement
- type IDOMHTMLEmbedElement
- type IDOMHTMLFieldSetElement
- type IDOMHTMLFontElement
- type IDOMHTMLFormElement
- type IDOMHTMLFrameElement
- type IDOMHTMLFrameSetElement
- type IDOMHTMLHRElement
- type IDOMHTMLHeadElement
- type IDOMHTMLHeadingElement
- type IDOMHTMLHtmlElement
- type IDOMHTMLIFrameElement
- type IDOMHTMLImageElement
- type IDOMHTMLInputElement
- type IDOMHTMLLIElement
- type IDOMHTMLLabelElement
- type IDOMHTMLLegendElement
- type IDOMHTMLLinkElement
- type IDOMHTMLMapElement
- type IDOMHTMLMarqueeElement
- type IDOMHTMLMenuElement
- type IDOMHTMLMetaElement
- type IDOMHTMLModElement
- type IDOMHTMLOListElement
- type IDOMHTMLObjectElement
- type IDOMHTMLOptGroupElement
- type IDOMHTMLOptionElement
- type IDOMHTMLOptionsCollection
- type IDOMHTMLParagraphElement
- type IDOMHTMLParamElement
- type IDOMHTMLPreElement
- type IDOMHTMLQuoteElement
- type IDOMHTMLScriptElement
- type IDOMHTMLSelectElement
- type IDOMHTMLStyleElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableCellElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableColElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableRowElement
- type IDOMHTMLTableSectionElement
- type IDOMHTMLTextAreaElement
- type IDOMHTMLTitleElement
- type IDOMHTMLUListElement
- type IDOMImplementation
- type IDOMKeyboardEvent
- type IDOMMediaList
- type IDOMMouseEvent
- type IDOMMutationEvent
- type IDOMNamedNodeMap
- type IDOMNode
- type IDOMNodeIterator
- type IDOMNodeList
- type IDOMObject
- type IDOMOverflowEvent
- type IDOMProcessingInstruction
- type IDOMProgressEvent
- type IDOMRGBColor
- type IDOMRange
- type IDOMRect
- type IDOMStyleSheet
- type IDOMStyleSheetList
- type IDOMText
- type IDOMTreeWalker
- type IDOMUIEvent
- type IDOMWheelEvent
- type IDOMXPathExpression
- type IDOMXPathResult
- type IDownload
- type IFindConfiguration
- type IFindResult
- type IFrameInfo
- type IHTTPCookieStore
- type INavigation
- type INavigationAction
- type INavigationResponse
- type IOpenPanelParameters
- type IPDFConfiguration
- type IPreferences
- type IProcessPool
- type IScriptMessage
- type ISecurityOrigin
- type ISnapshotConfiguration
- type IUserContentController
- type IUserScript
- type IWebArchive
- type IWebBackForwardList
- type IWebDataSource
- type IWebDownload
- type IWebFrame
- type IWebFrameView
- type IWebHistory
- type IWebHistoryItem
- type IWebPreferences
- type IWebResource
- type IWebScriptObject
- type IWebUndefined
- type IWebView
- type IWebViewConfiguration
- type IWebpagePreferences
- type IWebsiteDataRecord
- type IWebsiteDataStore
- type IWindowFeatures
- type MediaCaptureState
- type MediaCaptureType
- type MediaPlaybackState
- type Navigation
- type NavigationAction
- func (n_ NavigationAction) ButtonNumber() int
- func (n_ NavigationAction) Init() NavigationAction
- func (n_ NavigationAction) ModifierFlags() appkit.EventModifierFlags
- func (n_ NavigationAction) NavigationType() NavigationType
- func (n_ NavigationAction) Request() foundation.URLRequest
- func (n_ NavigationAction) ShouldPerformDownload() bool
- func (n_ NavigationAction) SourceFrame() FrameInfo
- func (n_ NavigationAction) TargetFrame() FrameInfo
- type NavigationActionPolicy
- type NavigationDelegate
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate() bool
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(f func(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, ...))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidCommitNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFinishNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(f func(webView WebView))
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, ...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidCommitNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFinishNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, download Download)
- func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(webView WebView)
- type NavigationDelegateObject
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate() bool
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, ...)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, ...)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidCommitNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFinishNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, ...)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, download Download)
- func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(webView WebView)
- type NavigationResponse
- type NavigationResponsePolicy
- type NavigationType
- type OpenPanelParameters
- type PDFConfiguration
- type PDOMEventListener
- type PDOMEventTarget
- type PDOMNodeFilter
- type PDOMXPathNSResolver
- type PDownloadDelegate
- type PHTTPCookieStoreObserver
- type PNavigationDelegate
- type PScriptMessageHandler
- type PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply
- type PUIDelegate
- type PURLSchemeHandler
- type PURLSchemeTask
- type PWebDocumentRepresentation
- type PWebDocumentSearching
- type PWebDocumentText
- type PWebDocumentView
- type PWebDownloadDelegate
- type PWebEditingDelegate
- type PWebFrameLoadDelegate
- type PWebOpenPanelResultListener
- type PWebPlugInViewFactory
- type PWebPolicyDecisionListener
- type PWebPolicyDelegate
- type PWebResourceLoadDelegate
- type PWebUIDelegate
- type PermissionDecision
- type Preferences
- func (p_ Preferences) Init() Preferences
- func (p_ Preferences) IsElementFullscreenEnabled() bool
- func (p_ Preferences) IsFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled() bool
- func (p_ Preferences) IsSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled() bool
- func (p_ Preferences) IsTextInteractionEnabled() bool
- func (p_ Preferences) JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically() bool
- func (p_ Preferences) MinimumFontSize() float64
- func (p_ Preferences) SetElementFullscreenEnabled(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetMinimumFontSize(value float64)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetTabFocusesLinks(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) SetTextInteractionEnabled(value bool)
- func (p_ Preferences) TabFocusesLinks() bool
- type ProcessPool
- type ScriptMessage
- type ScriptMessageHandlerObject
- type ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper
- type SecurityOrigin
- type SnapshotConfiguration
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) AfterScreenUpdates() bool
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) Init() SnapshotConfiguration
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) Rect() coregraphics.Rect
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetAfterScreenUpdates(value bool)
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetRect(value coregraphics.Rect)
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetSnapshotWidth(value foundation.INumber)
- func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SnapshotWidth() foundation.Number
- type UIDelegate
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewDidClose() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(f func(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, ...) WebView)
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewDidClose(f func(webView WebView))
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, ...))
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(...)
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, ...))
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(...)
- func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, ...))
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, ...) WebView
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewDidClose(webView WebView)
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func())
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- type UIDelegateObject
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidClose() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, ...) WebView
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewDidClose(webView WebView)
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func())
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, ...)
- type URLSchemeHandlerObject
- func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
- func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
- type URLSchemeTaskObject
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFailWithError(error foundation.Error)
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFinish()
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveData(data []byte)
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveResponse(response foundation.URLResponse)
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFailWithError() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFinish() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveData() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveResponse() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasRequest() bool
- func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) Request() foundation.URLRequest
- type UserContentController
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, world IContentWorld, name string)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, name string)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, world IContentWorld, name string)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, name string)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReply PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply, ...)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObject objc.IObject, contentWorld IContentWorld, ...)
- func (u_ UserContentController) AddUserScript(userScript IUserScript)
- func (u_ UserContentController) Init() UserContentController
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllContentRuleLists()
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlers()
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld(contentWorld IContentWorld)
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllUserScripts()
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList)
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForName(name string)
- func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForNameContentWorld(name string, contentWorld IContentWorld)
- func (u_ UserContentController) UserScripts() []UserScript
- type UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy
- type UserScript
- func NewUserScript() UserScript
- func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool) UserScript
- func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool, ...) UserScript
- func UserScriptFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) UserScript
- func (u_ UserScript) Init() UserScript
- func (u_ UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool) UserScript
- func (u_ UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool, ...) UserScript
- func (u_ UserScript) InjectionTime() UserScriptInjectionTime
- func (u_ UserScript) IsForMainFrameOnly() bool
- func (u_ UserScript) Source() string
- type UserScriptInjectionTime
- type WebArchive
- type WebBackForwardList
- type WebCacheModel
- type WebDataSource
- type WebDocumentRepresentationObject
- type WebDocumentSearchingObject
- type WebDocumentTextObject
- type WebDocumentViewObject
- type WebDownload
- type WebDownloadDelegate
- type WebDownloadDelegateObject
- type WebDragDestinationAction
- type WebDragSourceAction
- type WebEditingDelegate
- type WebEditingDelegateObject
- type WebFrame
- type WebFrameLoadDelegate
- type WebFrameLoadDelegateObject
- type WebFrameView
- type WebHistory
- type WebHistoryItem
- type WebNavigationType
- type WebOpenPanelResultListenerObject
- type WebPlugInViewFactoryObject
- type WebPolicyDecisionListenerObject
- type WebPolicyDelegate
- type WebPolicyDelegateObject
- type WebPreferences
- type WebResource
- func (w_ WebResource) Data() []byte
- func (w_ WebResource) FrameName() string
- func (w_ WebResource) Init() WebResource
- func (w_ WebResource) InitWithDataURLMIMETypeTextEncodingNameFrameName(data []byte, URL foundation.IURL, MIMEType string, textEncodingName string, ...) WebResource
- func (w_ WebResource) MIMEType() string
- func (w_ WebResource) TextEncodingName() string
- func (w_ WebResource) URL() foundation.URL
- type WebResourceLoadDelegate
- type WebResourceLoadDelegateObject
- type WebScriptObject
- type WebUIDelegate
- type WebUIDelegateObject
- type WebUndefined
- type WebView
- func (w_ WebView) AllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures() bool
- func (w_ WebView) AllowsLinkPreview() bool
- func (w_ WebView) AllowsMagnification() bool
- func (w_ WebView) BackForwardList() BackForwardList
- func (w_ WebView) CallAsyncJavaScriptArgumentsInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(functionBody string, arguments map[string]objc.IObject, frame IFrameInfo, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) CameraCaptureState() MediaCaptureState
- func (w_ WebView) CanGoBack() bool
- func (w_ WebView) CanGoForward() bool
- func (w_ WebView) CloseAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func())
- func (w_ WebView) Configuration() WebViewConfiguration
- func (w_ WebView) CreatePDFWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(pdfConfiguration IPDFConfiguration, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) CreateWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 []byte, arg1 foundation.Error))
- func (w_ WebView) CustomUserAgent() string
- func (w_ WebView) EstimatedProgress() float64
- func (w_ WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, frame IFrameInfo, contentWorld IContentWorld, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) FindStringWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(string_ string, configuration IFindConfiguration, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) GoBack() Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) GoBack_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) GoForward() Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) GoForward_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) GoToBackForwardListItem(item IBackForwardListItem) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) HasOnlySecureContent() bool
- func (w_ WebView) Init() WebView
- func (w_ WebView) InitWithFrame(frameRect foundation.Rect) WebView
- func (w_ WebView) InitWithFrameConfiguration(frame coregraphics.Rect, configuration IWebViewConfiguration) WebView
- func (w_ WebView) InteractionState() objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) IsLoading() bool
- func (w_ WebView) LoadDataMIMETypeCharacterEncodingNameBaseURL(data []byte, MIMEType string, characterEncodingName string, ...) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadFileRequestAllowingReadAccessToURL(request foundation.IURLRequest, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadFileURLAllowingReadAccessToURL(URL foundation.IURL, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadHTMLStringBaseURL(string_ string, baseURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadRequest(request foundation.IURLRequest) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseHTMLString(request foundation.IURLRequest, string_ string) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseResponseData(request foundation.IURLRequest, response foundation.IURLResponse, data []byte) Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) Magnification() float64
- func (w_ WebView) MediaType() string
- func (w_ WebView) MicrophoneCaptureState() MediaCaptureState
- func (w_ WebView) NavigationDelegate() NavigationDelegateObject
- func (w_ WebView) PageZoom() float64
- func (w_ WebView) PauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func())
- func (w_ WebView) PrintOperationWithPrintInfo(printInfo appkit.IPrintInfo) appkit.PrintOperation
- func (w_ WebView) Reload() Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) ReloadFromOrigin() Navigation
- func (w_ WebView) ReloadFromOrigin_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) Reload_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) RequestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 MediaPlaybackState))
- func (w_ WebView) ResumeDownloadFromResumeDataCompletionHandler(resumeData []byte, completionHandler func(arg0 Download))
- func (w_ WebView) SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspendedCompletionHandler(suspended bool, completionHandler func())
- func (w_ WebView) SetAllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures(value bool)
- func (w_ WebView) SetAllowsLinkPreview(value bool)
- func (w_ WebView) SetAllowsMagnification(value bool)
- func (w_ WebView) SetCameraCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func())
- func (w_ WebView) SetCustomUserAgent(value string)
- func (w_ WebView) SetInteractionState(value objc.IObject)
- func (w_ WebView) SetMagnification(value float64)
- func (w_ WebView) SetMagnificationCenteredAtPoint(magnification float64, point coregraphics.Point)
- func (w_ WebView) SetMediaType(value string)
- func (w_ WebView) SetMicrophoneCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func())
- func (w_ WebView) SetNavigationDelegate(value PNavigationDelegate)
- func (w_ WebView) SetNavigationDelegateObject(valueObject objc.IObject)
- func (w_ WebView) SetPageZoom(value float64)
- func (w_ WebView) SetUIDelegate(value PUIDelegate)
- func (w_ WebView) SetUIDelegateObject(valueObject objc.IObject)
- func (w_ WebView) SetUnderPageBackgroundColor(value appkit.IColor)
- func (w_ WebView) StartDownloadUsingRequestCompletionHandler(request foundation.IURLRequest, completionHandler func(arg0 Download))
- func (w_ WebView) StopLoading()
- func (w_ WebView) StopLoading_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object
- func (w_ WebView) TakeSnapshotWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(snapshotConfiguration ISnapshotConfiguration, ...)
- func (w_ WebView) ThemeColor() appkit.Color
- func (w_ WebView) Title() string
- func (w_ WebView) UIDelegate() UIDelegateObject
- func (w_ WebView) URL() foundation.URL
- func (w_ WebView) UnderPageBackgroundColor() appkit.Color
- type WebViewConfiguration
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) AllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback() bool
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) ApplicationNameForUserAgent() string
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) DefaultWebpagePreferences() WebpagePreferences
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) Init() WebViewConfiguration
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) LimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains() bool
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) MediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback() AudiovisualMediaTypes
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) Preferences() Preferences
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) ProcessPool() ProcessPool
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetAllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback(value bool)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetApplicationNameForUserAgent(value string)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetDefaultWebpagePreferences(value IWebpagePreferences)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetLimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains(value bool)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetMediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback(value AudiovisualMediaTypes)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetPreferences(value IPreferences)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetProcessPool(value IProcessPool)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetSuppressesIncrementalRendering(value bool)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandler PURLSchemeHandler, urlScheme string)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerObjectForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandlerObject objc.IObject, urlScheme string)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS(value bool)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUserContentController(value IUserContentController)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUserInterfaceDirectionPolicy(value UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetWebsiteDataStore(value IWebsiteDataStore)
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SuppressesIncrementalRendering() bool
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS() bool
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UrlSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlScheme string) URLSchemeHandlerObject
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UserContentController() UserContentController
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy() UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy
- func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) WebsiteDataStore() WebsiteDataStore
- type WebViewInsertAction
- type WebpagePreferences
- func (w_ WebpagePreferences) AllowsContentJavaScript() bool
- func (w_ WebpagePreferences) Init() WebpagePreferences
- func (w_ WebpagePreferences) PreferredContentMode() ContentMode
- func (w_ WebpagePreferences) SetAllowsContentJavaScript(value bool)
- func (w_ WebpagePreferences) SetPreferredContentMode(value ContentMode)
- type WebsiteDataRecord
- type WebsiteDataStore
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) FetchDataRecordsOfTypesCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, completionHandler func(arg0 []WebsiteDataRecord))
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) HttpCookieStore() HTTPCookieStore
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) Init() WebsiteDataStore
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) IsPersistent() bool
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesForDataRecordsCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, dataRecords []IWebsiteDataRecord, ...)
- func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesModifiedSinceCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, date foundation.IDate, completionHandler func())
- type WindowFeatures
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) AllowsResizing() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) Height() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) Init() WindowFeatures
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) MenuBarVisibility() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) StatusBarVisibility() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) ToolbarsVisibility() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) Width() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) X() foundation.Number
- func (w_ WindowFeatures) Y() foundation.Number
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var BackForwardListClass = _BackForwardListClass{objc.GetClass("WKBackForwardList")}
The class instance for the BackForwardList class.
var BackForwardListItemClass = _BackForwardListItemClass{objc.GetClass("WKBackForwardListItem")}
The class instance for the BackForwardListItem class.
var ContentRuleListClass = _ContentRuleListClass{objc.GetClass("WKContentRuleList")}
The class instance for the ContentRuleList class.
var ContentRuleListStoreClass = _ContentRuleListStoreClass{objc.GetClass("WKContentRuleListStore")}
The class instance for the ContentRuleListStore class.
var ContentWorldClass = _ContentWorldClass{objc.GetClass("WKContentWorld")}
The class instance for the ContentWorld class.
var DOMAbstractViewClass = _DOMAbstractViewClass{objc.GetClass("DOMAbstractView")}
The class instance for the DOMAbstractView class.
var DOMAttrClass = _DOMAttrClass{objc.GetClass("DOMAttr")}
The class instance for the DOMAttr class.
var DOMBlobClass = _DOMBlobClass{objc.GetClass("DOMBlob")}
The class instance for the DOMBlob class.
var DOMCDATASectionClass = _DOMCDATASectionClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCDATASection")}
The class instance for the DOMCDATASection class.
var DOMCSSCharsetRuleClass = _DOMCSSCharsetRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSCharsetRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSCharsetRule class.
var DOMCSSFontFaceRuleClass = _DOMCSSFontFaceRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSFontFaceRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSFontFaceRule class.
var DOMCSSImportRuleClass = _DOMCSSImportRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSImportRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSImportRule class.
var DOMCSSMediaRuleClass = _DOMCSSMediaRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSMediaRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSMediaRule class.
var DOMCSSPageRuleClass = _DOMCSSPageRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSPageRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSPageRule class.
var DOMCSSPrimitiveValueClass = _DOMCSSPrimitiveValueClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSPrimitiveValue")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSPrimitiveValue class.
var DOMCSSRuleClass = _DOMCSSRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSRule class.
var DOMCSSRuleListClass = _DOMCSSRuleListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSRuleList")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSRuleList class.
var DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass = _DOMCSSStyleDeclarationClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSStyleDeclaration")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSStyleDeclaration class.
var DOMCSSStyleRuleClass = _DOMCSSStyleRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSStyleRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSStyleRule class.
var DOMCSSStyleSheetClass = _DOMCSSStyleSheetClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSStyleSheet")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSStyleSheet class.
var DOMCSSUnknownRuleClass = _DOMCSSUnknownRuleClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSUnknownRule")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSUnknownRule class.
var DOMCSSValueClass = _DOMCSSValueClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSValue")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSValue class.
var DOMCSSValueListClass = _DOMCSSValueListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCSSValueList")}
The class instance for the DOMCSSValueList class.
var DOMCharacterDataClass = _DOMCharacterDataClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCharacterData")}
The class instance for the DOMCharacterData class.
var DOMCommentClass = _DOMCommentClass{objc.GetClass("DOMComment")}
The class instance for the DOMComment class.
var DOMCounterClass = _DOMCounterClass{objc.GetClass("DOMCounter")}
The class instance for the DOMCounter class.
var DOMDocumentClass = _DOMDocumentClass{objc.GetClass("DOMDocument")}
The class instance for the DOMDocument class.
var DOMDocumentFragmentClass = _DOMDocumentFragmentClass{objc.GetClass("DOMDocumentFragment")}
The class instance for the DOMDocumentFragment class.
var DOMDocumentTypeClass = _DOMDocumentTypeClass{objc.GetClass("DOMDocumentType")}
The class instance for the DOMDocumentType class.
var DOMElementClass = _DOMElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMElement")}
The class instance for the DOMElement class.
var DOMEntityClass = _DOMEntityClass{objc.GetClass("DOMEntity")}
The class instance for the DOMEntity class.
var DOMEntityReferenceClass = _DOMEntityReferenceClass{objc.GetClass("DOMEntityReference")}
The class instance for the DOMEntityReference class.
var DOMEventClass = _DOMEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMEvent class.
var DOMFileClass = _DOMFileClass{objc.GetClass("DOMFile")}
The class instance for the DOMFile class.
var DOMFileListClass = _DOMFileListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMFileList")}
The class instance for the DOMFileList class.
var DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass = _DOMHTMLAnchorElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLAnchorElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLAnchorElement class.
var DOMHTMLAppletElementClass = _DOMHTMLAppletElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLAppletElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLAppletElement class.
var DOMHTMLAreaElementClass = _DOMHTMLAreaElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLAreaElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLAreaElement class.
var DOMHTMLBRElementClass = _DOMHTMLBRElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLBRElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLBRElement class.
var DOMHTMLBaseElementClass = _DOMHTMLBaseElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLBaseElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLBaseElement class.
var DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass = _DOMHTMLBaseFontElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLBaseFontElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLBaseFontElement class.
var DOMHTMLBodyElementClass = _DOMHTMLBodyElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLBodyElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLBodyElement class.
var DOMHTMLButtonElementClass = _DOMHTMLButtonElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLButtonElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLButtonElement class.
var DOMHTMLCollectionClass = _DOMHTMLCollectionClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLCollection")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLCollection class.
var DOMHTMLDListElementClass = _DOMHTMLDListElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLDListElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLDListElement class.
var DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass = _DOMHTMLDirectoryElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLDirectoryElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLDirectoryElement class.
var DOMHTMLDivElementClass = _DOMHTMLDivElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLDivElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLDivElement class.
var DOMHTMLDocumentClass = _DOMHTMLDocumentClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLDocument")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLDocument class.
var DOMHTMLElementClass = _DOMHTMLElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLElement class.
var DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass = _DOMHTMLEmbedElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLEmbedElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLEmbedElement class.
var DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass = _DOMHTMLFieldSetElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLFieldSetElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLFieldSetElement class.
var DOMHTMLFontElementClass = _DOMHTMLFontElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLFontElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLFontElement class.
var DOMHTMLFormElementClass = _DOMHTMLFormElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLFormElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLFormElement class.
var DOMHTMLFrameElementClass = _DOMHTMLFrameElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLFrameElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLFrameElement class.
var DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass = _DOMHTMLFrameSetElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLFrameSetElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLFrameSetElement class.
var DOMHTMLHRElementClass = _DOMHTMLHRElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLHRElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLHRElement class.
var DOMHTMLHeadElementClass = _DOMHTMLHeadElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLHeadElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLHeadElement class.
var DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass = _DOMHTMLHeadingElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLHeadingElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLHeadingElement class.
var DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass = _DOMHTMLHtmlElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLHtmlElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLHtmlElement class.
var DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass = _DOMHTMLIFrameElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLIFrameElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLIFrameElement class.
var DOMHTMLImageElementClass = _DOMHTMLImageElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLImageElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLImageElement class.
var DOMHTMLInputElementClass = _DOMHTMLInputElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLInputElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLInputElement class.
var DOMHTMLLIElementClass = _DOMHTMLLIElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLLIElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLLIElement class.
var DOMHTMLLabelElementClass = _DOMHTMLLabelElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLLabelElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLLabelElement class.
var DOMHTMLLegendElementClass = _DOMHTMLLegendElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLLegendElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLLegendElement class.
var DOMHTMLLinkElementClass = _DOMHTMLLinkElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLLinkElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLLinkElement class.
var DOMHTMLMapElementClass = _DOMHTMLMapElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLMapElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLMapElement class.
var DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass = _DOMHTMLMarqueeElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLMarqueeElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLMarqueeElement class.
var DOMHTMLMenuElementClass = _DOMHTMLMenuElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLMenuElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLMenuElement class.
var DOMHTMLMetaElementClass = _DOMHTMLMetaElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLMetaElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLMetaElement class.
var DOMHTMLModElementClass = _DOMHTMLModElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLModElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLModElement class.
var DOMHTMLOListElementClass = _DOMHTMLOListElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLOListElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLOListElement class.
var DOMHTMLObjectElementClass = _DOMHTMLObjectElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLObjectElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLObjectElement class.
var DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass = _DOMHTMLOptGroupElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLOptGroupElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLOptGroupElement class.
var DOMHTMLOptionElementClass = _DOMHTMLOptionElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLOptionElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLOptionElement class.
var DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass = _DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLOptionsCollection")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLOptionsCollection class.
var DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass = _DOMHTMLParagraphElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLParagraphElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLParagraphElement class.
var DOMHTMLParamElementClass = _DOMHTMLParamElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLParamElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLParamElement class.
var DOMHTMLPreElementClass = _DOMHTMLPreElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLPreElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLPreElement class.
var DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass = _DOMHTMLQuoteElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLQuoteElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLQuoteElement class.
var DOMHTMLScriptElementClass = _DOMHTMLScriptElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLScriptElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLScriptElement class.
var DOMHTMLSelectElementClass = _DOMHTMLSelectElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLSelectElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLSelectElement class.
var DOMHTMLStyleElementClass = _DOMHTMLStyleElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLStyleElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLStyleElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableCellElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableCellElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableCellElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableColElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableColElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableColElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableColElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableRowElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableRowElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableRowElement class.
var DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass = _DOMHTMLTableSectionElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTableSectionElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTableSectionElement class.
var DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass = _DOMHTMLTextAreaElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTextAreaElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTextAreaElement class.
var DOMHTMLTitleElementClass = _DOMHTMLTitleElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLTitleElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLTitleElement class.
var DOMHTMLUListElementClass = _DOMHTMLUListElementClass{objc.GetClass("DOMHTMLUListElement")}
The class instance for the DOMHTMLUListElement class.
var DOMImplementationClass = _DOMImplementationClass{objc.GetClass("DOMImplementation")}
The class instance for the DOMImplementation class.
var DOMKeyboardEventClass = _DOMKeyboardEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMKeyboardEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMKeyboardEvent class.
var DOMMediaListClass = _DOMMediaListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMMediaList")}
The class instance for the DOMMediaList class.
var DOMMouseEventClass = _DOMMouseEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMMouseEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMMouseEvent class.
var DOMMutationEventClass = _DOMMutationEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMMutationEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMMutationEvent class.
var DOMNamedNodeMapClass = _DOMNamedNodeMapClass{objc.GetClass("DOMNamedNodeMap")}
The class instance for the DOMNamedNodeMap class.
var DOMNodeClass = _DOMNodeClass{objc.GetClass("DOMNode")}
The class instance for the DOMNode class.
var DOMNodeIteratorClass = _DOMNodeIteratorClass{objc.GetClass("DOMNodeIterator")}
The class instance for the DOMNodeIterator class.
var DOMNodeListClass = _DOMNodeListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMNodeList")}
The class instance for the DOMNodeList class.
var DOMObjectClass = _DOMObjectClass{objc.GetClass("DOMObject")}
The class instance for the DOMObject class.
var DOMOverflowEventClass = _DOMOverflowEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMOverflowEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMOverflowEvent class.
var DOMProcessingInstructionClass = _DOMProcessingInstructionClass{objc.GetClass("DOMProcessingInstruction")}
The class instance for the DOMProcessingInstruction class.
var DOMProgressEventClass = _DOMProgressEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMProgressEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMProgressEvent class.
var DOMRGBColorClass = _DOMRGBColorClass{objc.GetClass("DOMRGBColor")}
The class instance for the DOMRGBColor class.
var DOMRangeClass = _DOMRangeClass{objc.GetClass("DOMRange")}
The class instance for the DOMRange class.
var DOMRectClass = _DOMRectClass{objc.GetClass("DOMRect")}
The class instance for the DOMRect class.
var DOMStyleSheetClass = _DOMStyleSheetClass{objc.GetClass("DOMStyleSheet")}
The class instance for the DOMStyleSheet class.
var DOMStyleSheetListClass = _DOMStyleSheetListClass{objc.GetClass("DOMStyleSheetList")}
The class instance for the DOMStyleSheetList class.
var DOMTextClass = _DOMTextClass{objc.GetClass("DOMText")}
The class instance for the DOMText class.
var DOMTreeWalkerClass = _DOMTreeWalkerClass{objc.GetClass("DOMTreeWalker")}
The class instance for the DOMTreeWalker class.
var DOMUIEventClass = _DOMUIEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMUIEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMUIEvent class.
var DOMWheelEventClass = _DOMWheelEventClass{objc.GetClass("DOMWheelEvent")}
The class instance for the DOMWheelEvent class.
var DOMXPathExpressionClass = _DOMXPathExpressionClass{objc.GetClass("DOMXPathExpression")}
The class instance for the DOMXPathExpression class.
var DOMXPathResultClass = _DOMXPathResultClass{objc.GetClass("DOMXPathResult")}
The class instance for the DOMXPathResult class.
var DownloadClass = _DownloadClass{objc.GetClass("WKDownload")}
The class instance for the Download class.
var FindConfigurationClass = _FindConfigurationClass{objc.GetClass("WKFindConfiguration")}
The class instance for the FindConfiguration class.
var FindResultClass = _FindResultClass{objc.GetClass("WKFindResult")}
The class instance for the FindResult class.
var FrameInfoClass = _FrameInfoClass{objc.GetClass("WKFrameInfo")}
The class instance for the FrameInfo class.
var HTTPCookieStoreClass = _HTTPCookieStoreClass{objc.GetClass("WKHTTPCookieStore")}
The class instance for the HTTPCookieStore class.
The class instance for the NavigationAction class.
The class instance for the Navigation class.
The class instance for the NavigationResponse class.
var OpenPanelParametersClass = _OpenPanelParametersClass{objc.GetClass("WKOpenPanelParameters")}
The class instance for the OpenPanelParameters class.
var PDFConfigurationClass = _PDFConfigurationClass{objc.GetClass("WKPDFConfiguration")}
The class instance for the PDFConfiguration class.
var PreferencesClass = _PreferencesClass{objc.GetClass("WKPreferences")}
The class instance for the Preferences class.
var ProcessPoolClass = _ProcessPoolClass{objc.GetClass("WKProcessPool")}
The class instance for the ProcessPool class.
var ScriptMessageClass = _ScriptMessageClass{objc.GetClass("WKScriptMessage")}
The class instance for the ScriptMessage class.
var SecurityOriginClass = _SecurityOriginClass{objc.GetClass("WKSecurityOrigin")}
The class instance for the SecurityOrigin class.
var SnapshotConfigurationClass = _SnapshotConfigurationClass{objc.GetClass("WKSnapshotConfiguration")}
The class instance for the SnapshotConfiguration class.
var UserContentControllerClass = _UserContentControllerClass{objc.GetClass("WKUserContentController")}
The class instance for the UserContentController class.
var UserScriptClass = _UserScriptClass{objc.GetClass("WKUserScript")}
The class instance for the UserScript class.
var WebArchiveClass = _WebArchiveClass{objc.GetClass("WebArchive")}
The class instance for the WebArchive class.
var WebBackForwardListClass = _WebBackForwardListClass{objc.GetClass("WebBackForwardList")}
The class instance for the WebBackForwardList class.
var WebDataSourceClass = _WebDataSourceClass{objc.GetClass("WebDataSource")}
The class instance for the WebDataSource class.
var WebDownloadClass = _WebDownloadClass{objc.GetClass("WebDownload")}
The class instance for the WebDownload class.
var WebFrameClass = _WebFrameClass{objc.GetClass("WebFrame")}
The class instance for the WebFrame class.
var WebFrameViewClass = _WebFrameViewClass{objc.GetClass("WebFrameView")}
The class instance for the WebFrameView class.
var WebHistoryClass = _WebHistoryClass{objc.GetClass("WebHistory")}
The class instance for the WebHistory class.
var WebHistoryItemClass = _WebHistoryItemClass{objc.GetClass("WebHistoryItem")}
The class instance for the WebHistoryItem class.
var WebPreferencesClass = _WebPreferencesClass{objc.GetClass("WebPreferences")}
The class instance for the WebPreferences class.
var WebResourceClass = _WebResourceClass{objc.GetClass("WebResource")}
The class instance for the WebResource class.
var WebScriptObjectClass = _WebScriptObjectClass{objc.GetClass("WebScriptObject")}
The class instance for the WebScriptObject class.
var WebUndefinedClass = _WebUndefinedClass{objc.GetClass("WebUndefined")}
The class instance for the WebUndefined class.
var WebViewClass = _WebViewClass{objc.GetClass("WKWebView")}
The class instance for the WebView class.
var WebViewConfigurationClass = _WebViewConfigurationClass{objc.GetClass("WKWebViewConfiguration")}
The class instance for the WebViewConfiguration class.
var WebpagePreferencesClass = _WebpagePreferencesClass{objc.GetClass("WKWebpagePreferences")}
The class instance for the WebpagePreferences class.
var WebsiteDataRecordClass = _WebsiteDataRecordClass{objc.GetClass("WKWebsiteDataRecord")}
The class instance for the WebsiteDataRecord class.
var WebsiteDataStoreClass = _WebsiteDataStoreClass{objc.GetClass("WKWebsiteDataStore")}
The class instance for the WebsiteDataStore class.
var WindowFeaturesClass = _WindowFeaturesClass{objc.GetClass("WKWindowFeatures")}
The class instance for the WindowFeatures class.
Functions ¶
func AddScriptMessageHandler ¶
AddScriptMessageHandler is convinent method for adding ScriptMessageHandler to WebView ContentController
func AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReply ¶
func AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReply(v IWebView, name string, handler func(message objc.Object) (objc.Object, error))
AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReply is convinent method for adding ScriptMessageHandlerWithReply to WebView ContentController
func WebView_HandlesURLScheme ¶
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether WebKit natively supports resources with the specified URL scheme. Full Topic
func WebsiteDataStore_AllWebsiteDataTypes ¶
func WebsiteDataStore_AllWebsiteDataTypes() foundation.Set
Returns the set of all the available data types. Full Topic
Types ¶
type AttributedStringCompletionHandler ¶
type AttributedStringCompletionHandler = func(arg0 foundation.AttributedString, arg1 map[appkit.AttributedStringDocumentAttributeKey]objc.Object, arg2 foundation.Error)
A completion handler for getting an asynchronous attributed string. Full Topic
type AudiovisualMediaTypes ¶
type AudiovisualMediaTypes uint
The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing. Full Topic
const ( AudiovisualMediaTypeAll AudiovisualMediaTypes = math.MaxUint AudiovisualMediaTypeAudio AudiovisualMediaTypes = 1 AudiovisualMediaTypeNone AudiovisualMediaTypes = 0 AudiovisualMediaTypeVideo AudiovisualMediaTypes = 2 )
type BackForwardList ¶
An object that manages the list of previously loaded webpages, which the web view uses for forward and backward navigation. Full Topic
func BackForwardListFrom ¶
func BackForwardListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) BackForwardList
func NewBackForwardList ¶
func NewBackForwardList() BackForwardList
func (BackForwardList) BackItem ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) BackItem() BackForwardListItem
The item immediately preceding the current item, if any. Full Topic
func (BackForwardList) BackList ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) BackList() []BackForwardListItem
The array of items that precede the current item. Full Topic
func (BackForwardList) CurrentItem ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) CurrentItem() BackForwardListItem
The current item. Full Topic
func (BackForwardList) ForwardItem ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) ForwardItem() BackForwardListItem
The item immediately following the current item, if any. Full Topic
func (BackForwardList) ForwardList ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) ForwardList() []BackForwardListItem
The array of items that follow the current item. Full Topic
func (BackForwardList) Init ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) Init() BackForwardList
func (BackForwardList) ItemAtIndex ¶
func (b_ BackForwardList) ItemAtIndex(index int) BackForwardListItem
Returns the item at the relative offset from the current item. Full Topic
type BackForwardListItem ¶
A representation of a webpage that the web view previously visited. Full Topic
func BackForwardListItemFrom ¶
func BackForwardListItemFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) BackForwardListItem
func NewBackForwardListItem ¶
func NewBackForwardListItem() BackForwardListItem
func (BackForwardListItem) Init ¶
func (b_ BackForwardListItem) Init() BackForwardListItem
func (BackForwardListItem) InitialURL ¶
func (b_ BackForwardListItem) InitialURL() foundation.URL
The source URL that originally asked the web view to load this page. Full Topic
func (BackForwardListItem) Title ¶
func (b_ BackForwardListItem) Title() string
The title of the webpage this item represents. Full Topic
func (BackForwardListItem) URL ¶
func (b_ BackForwardListItem) URL() foundation.URL
The URL of the webpage this item represents. Full Topic
type ContentMode ¶
type ContentMode int
Constants that indicate how to render web view content. Full Topic
const ( ContentModeDesktop ContentMode = 2 ContentModeMobile ContentMode = 1 ContentModeRecommended ContentMode = 0 )
type ContentRuleList ¶
A compiled list of rules to apply to web content. Full Topic
func ContentRuleListFrom ¶
func ContentRuleListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ContentRuleList
func NewContentRuleList ¶
func NewContentRuleList() ContentRuleList
func (ContentRuleList) Identifier ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleList) Identifier() string
The identifier for the rule list. Full Topic
func (ContentRuleList) Init ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleList) Init() ContentRuleList
type ContentRuleListStore ¶
An object that contains the rules for how to load and filter content in the web view. Full Topic
func ContentRuleListStoreFrom ¶
func ContentRuleListStoreFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ContentRuleListStore
func ContentRuleListStore_DefaultStore ¶
func ContentRuleListStore_DefaultStore() ContentRuleListStore
Returns the default content rule list store. Full Topic
func ContentRuleListStore_StoreWithURL ¶
func ContentRuleListStore_StoreWithURL(url foundation.IURL) ContentRuleListStore
Creates a new content rule list store in the specified directory. Full Topic
func NewContentRuleListStore ¶
func NewContentRuleListStore() ContentRuleListStore
func (ContentRuleListStore) CompileContentRuleListForIdentifierEncodedContentRuleListCompletionHandler ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) CompileContentRuleListForIdentifierEncodedContentRuleListCompletionHandler(identifier string, encodedContentRuleList string, completionHandler func(arg0 ContentRuleList, arg1 foundation.Error))
Compiles the specified JSON content into a new rule list and adds it to the current data store. Full Topic
func (ContentRuleListStore) GetAvailableContentRuleListIdentifiers ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) GetAvailableContentRuleListIdentifiers(completionHandler func(arg0 []string))
Fetches the identifiers for all rule lists in the store asynchronously. Full Topic
func (ContentRuleListStore) Init ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) Init() ContentRuleListStore
func (ContentRuleListStore) LookUpContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) LookUpContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, completionHandler func(arg0 ContentRuleList, arg1 foundation.Error))
Searches asynchronously for a specific rule list in the data store. Full Topic
func (ContentRuleListStore) RemoveContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler ¶
func (c_ ContentRuleListStore) RemoveContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.Error))
Removes a rule list from the current data store asynchronously. Full Topic
type ContentWorld ¶
An object that defines a scope of execution for JavaScript code, and which you use to prevent conflicts between different scripts. Full Topic
func ContentWorldFrom ¶
func ContentWorldFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ContentWorld
func ContentWorld_DefaultClientWorld ¶
func ContentWorld_DefaultClientWorld() ContentWorld
The default world for clients. Full Topic
func ContentWorld_PageWorld ¶
func ContentWorld_PageWorld() ContentWorld
The content world for the current webpage’s content. Full Topic
func ContentWorld_WorldWithName ¶
func ContentWorld_WorldWithName(name string) ContentWorld
Returns the custom content world with the specified name. Full Topic
func NewContentWorld ¶
func NewContentWorld() ContentWorld
func (ContentWorld) Init ¶
func (c_ ContentWorld) Init() ContentWorld
func (ContentWorld) Name ¶
func (c_ ContentWorld) Name() string
The name of a custom content world. Full Topic
type DOMAbstractView ¶
type DOMAbstractView struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMAbstractViewFrom ¶
func DOMAbstractViewFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMAbstractView
func NewDOMAbstractView ¶
func NewDOMAbstractView() DOMAbstractView
func (DOMAbstractView) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMAbstractView) Init() DOMAbstractView
type DOMAttr ¶
type DOMAttr struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMAttrFrom ¶
func NewDOMAttr ¶
func NewDOMAttr() DOMAttr
type DOMBlob ¶
type DOMBlob struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMBlobFrom ¶
func NewDOMBlob ¶
func NewDOMBlob() DOMBlob
type DOMCDATASection ¶
type DOMCDATASection struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCDATASectionFrom ¶
func DOMCDATASectionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCDATASection
func NewDOMCDATASection ¶
func NewDOMCDATASection() DOMCDATASection
func (DOMCDATASection) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCDATASection) Init() DOMCDATASection
type DOMCSSCharsetRule ¶
type DOMCSSCharsetRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSCharsetRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSCharsetRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSCharsetRule
func NewDOMCSSCharsetRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSCharsetRule() DOMCSSCharsetRule
func (DOMCSSCharsetRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSCharsetRule) Init() DOMCSSCharsetRule
type DOMCSSFontFaceRule ¶
type DOMCSSFontFaceRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSFontFaceRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSFontFaceRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSFontFaceRule
func NewDOMCSSFontFaceRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSFontFaceRule() DOMCSSFontFaceRule
func (DOMCSSFontFaceRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSFontFaceRule) Init() DOMCSSFontFaceRule
type DOMCSSImportRule ¶
type DOMCSSImportRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSImportRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSImportRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSImportRule
func NewDOMCSSImportRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSImportRule() DOMCSSImportRule
func (DOMCSSImportRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSImportRule) Init() DOMCSSImportRule
type DOMCSSMediaRule ¶
type DOMCSSMediaRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSMediaRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSMediaRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSMediaRule
func NewDOMCSSMediaRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSMediaRule() DOMCSSMediaRule
func (DOMCSSMediaRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSMediaRule) Init() DOMCSSMediaRule
type DOMCSSPageRule ¶
type DOMCSSPageRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSPageRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSPageRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSPageRule
func NewDOMCSSPageRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSPageRule() DOMCSSPageRule
func (DOMCSSPageRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSPageRule) Init() DOMCSSPageRule
type DOMCSSPrimitiveValue ¶
type DOMCSSPrimitiveValue struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSPrimitiveValueFrom ¶
func DOMCSSPrimitiveValueFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSPrimitiveValue
func NewDOMCSSPrimitiveValue ¶
func NewDOMCSSPrimitiveValue() DOMCSSPrimitiveValue
func (DOMCSSPrimitiveValue) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSPrimitiveValue) Init() DOMCSSPrimitiveValue
type DOMCSSRule ¶
type DOMCSSRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSRule
func NewDOMCSSRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSRule() DOMCSSRule
func (DOMCSSRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSRule) Init() DOMCSSRule
type DOMCSSRuleList ¶
type DOMCSSRuleList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSRuleListFrom ¶
func DOMCSSRuleListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSRuleList
func NewDOMCSSRuleList ¶
func NewDOMCSSRuleList() DOMCSSRuleList
func (DOMCSSRuleList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSRuleList) Init() DOMCSSRuleList
type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration ¶
type DOMCSSStyleDeclaration struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSStyleDeclarationFrom ¶
func DOMCSSStyleDeclarationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
func NewDOMCSSStyleDeclaration ¶
func NewDOMCSSStyleDeclaration() DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Azimuth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Azimuth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Background ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Background() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundAttachment ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundAttachment() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundImage ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundImage() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundPosition ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundPosition() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundRepeat ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BackgroundRepeat() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Border ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Border() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottom() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderBottomWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderCollapse ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderCollapse() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeft() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderLeftWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderRightWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderSpacing() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTop() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderTopWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) BorderWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Bottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Bottom() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CaptionSide ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CaptionSide() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Content ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Content() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterIncrement ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterIncrement() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterReset ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CounterReset() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CssFloat ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CssFloat() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueAfter() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) CueBefore() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Cursor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Cursor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Direction ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Direction() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Display ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Display() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Elevation ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Elevation() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) EmptyCells ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) EmptyCells() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontFamily ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontFamily() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSize ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSize() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSizeAdjust ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontSizeAdjust() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStretch ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStretch() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontVariant ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontVariant() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontWeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) FontWeight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Height ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Height() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Init() DOMCSSStyleDeclaration
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LetterSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LetterSpacing() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LineHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) LineHeight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleImage ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleImage() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStylePosition ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStylePosition() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleType ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ListStyleType() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Margin ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Margin() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginBottom() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginLeft() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginRight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarginTop() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarkerOffset ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MarkerOffset() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxHeight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MaxWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinHeight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) MinWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Orphans ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Orphans() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Outline ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Outline() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineColor() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineStyle() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) OutlineWidth() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Overflow ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Overflow() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Padding ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Padding() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingBottom() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingLeft() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingRight() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PaddingTop() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakAfter() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakBefore() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakInside ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PageBreakInside() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseAfter() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PauseBefore() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PitchRange ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PitchRange() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PlayDuring ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) PlayDuring() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Position ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Position() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Quotes ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Quotes() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Richness ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Richness() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetAzimuth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetAzimuth(azimuth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackground ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackground(background string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundAttachment ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundAttachment(backgroundAttachment string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundImage ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundImage(backgroundImage string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundPosition ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundPosition(backgroundPosition string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundRepeat ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBackgroundRepeat(backgroundRepeat string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorder ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorder(border string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottom(borderBottom string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomColor(borderBottomColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomStyle(borderBottomStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderBottomWidth(borderBottomWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderCollapse ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderCollapse(borderCollapse string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderColor(borderColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeft(borderLeft string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftColor(borderLeftColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftStyle(borderLeftStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderLeftWidth(borderLeftWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRight(borderRight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightColor(borderRightColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightStyle(borderRightStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderRightWidth(borderRightWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderSpacing(borderSpacing string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderStyle(borderStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTop(borderTop string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopColor(borderTopColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopStyle(borderTopStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderTopWidth(borderTopWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBorderWidth(borderWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetBottom(bottom string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCaptionSide ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCaptionSide(captionSide string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClear ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClear(clear string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClip ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetClip(clip string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetColor(color string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetContent ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetContent(content string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterIncrement ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterIncrement(counterIncrement string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterReset ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCounterReset(counterReset string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCssFloat ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCssFloat(cssFloat string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCue ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCue(cue string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueAfter(cueAfter string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCueBefore(cueBefore string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCursor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetCursor(cursor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDirection ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDirection(direction string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDisplay ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetDisplay(display string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetElevation ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetElevation(elevation string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetEmptyCells ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetEmptyCells(emptyCells string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFont ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFont(font string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontFamily ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontFamily(fontFamily string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSize ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSize(fontSize string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSizeAdjust ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontSizeAdjust(fontSizeAdjust string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStretch ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStretch(fontStretch string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontStyle(fontStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontVariant ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontVariant(fontVariant string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontWeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetFontWeight(fontWeight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetHeight(height string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLeft(left string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLetterSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLetterSpacing(letterSpacing string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLineHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetLineHeight(lineHeight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyle(listStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleImage ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleImage(listStyleImage string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStylePosition ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStylePosition(listStylePosition string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleType ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetListStyleType(listStyleType string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMargin ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMargin(margin string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginBottom(marginBottom string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginLeft(marginLeft string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginRight(marginRight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarginTop(marginTop string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarkerOffset ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarkerOffset(markerOffset string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarks ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMarks(marks string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxHeight(maxHeight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinHeight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinHeight(minHeight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetMinWidth(minWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOrphans ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOrphans(orphans string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutline ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutline(outline string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineColor(outlineColor string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineStyle ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineStyle(outlineStyle string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOutlineWidth(outlineWidth string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOverflow ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetOverflow(overflow string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPadding ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPadding(padding string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingBottom ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingBottom(paddingBottom string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingLeft ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingLeft(paddingLeft string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingRight(paddingRight string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPaddingTop(paddingTop string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPage ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPage(page string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakAfter(pageBreakAfter string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakBefore(pageBreakBefore string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakInside ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPageBreakInside(pageBreakInside string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPause ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPause(pause string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseAfter ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseAfter(pauseAfter string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseBefore ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPauseBefore(pauseBefore string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitch ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitch(pitch string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitchRange ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPitchRange(pitchRange string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPlayDuring ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPlayDuring(playDuring string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPosition ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetPosition(position string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetQuotes ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetQuotes(quotes string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRichness ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRichness(richness string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRight ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetRight(right string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSize ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSize(size string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeak ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeak(speak string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakHeader ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakHeader(speakHeader string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakNumeral ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakNumeral(speakNumeral string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakPunctuation ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeakPunctuation(speakPunctuation string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeechRate ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetSpeechRate(speechRate string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetStress ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetStress(stress string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTableLayout ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTableLayout(tableLayout string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextAlign ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextAlign(textAlign string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextDecoration ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextDecoration(textDecoration string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextIndent ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextIndent(textIndent string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextShadow ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextShadow(textShadow string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextTransform ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTextTransform(textTransform string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTop ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetTop(top string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetUnicodeBidi ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetUnicodeBidi(unicodeBidi string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVerticalAlign ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVerticalAlign(verticalAlign string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVisibility ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVisibility(visibility string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVoiceFamily ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVoiceFamily(voiceFamily string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVolume ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetVolume(volume string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWhiteSpace ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWhiteSpace(whiteSpace string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidows ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidows(widows string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidth ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWidth(width string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWordSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetWordSpacing(wordSpacing string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetZIndex ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SetZIndex(zIndex string)
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakHeader ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakHeader() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakNumeral ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakNumeral() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakPunctuation ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeakPunctuation() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeechRate ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) SpeechRate() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Stress ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Stress() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TableLayout ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TableLayout() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextAlign ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextAlign() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextDecoration ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextDecoration() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextIndent ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextIndent() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextShadow ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextShadow() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextTransform ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) TextTransform() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) UnicodeBidi ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) UnicodeBidi() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VerticalAlign ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VerticalAlign() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Visibility ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Visibility() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VoiceFamily ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) VoiceFamily() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Volume ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Volume() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WhiteSpace ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WhiteSpace() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Widows ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) Widows() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WordSpacing ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) WordSpacing() string
[Full Topic]
func (DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ZIndex ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration) ZIndex() string
[Full Topic]
type DOMCSSStyleRule ¶
type DOMCSSStyleRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSStyleRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSStyleRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSStyleRule
func NewDOMCSSStyleRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSStyleRule() DOMCSSStyleRule
func (DOMCSSStyleRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleRule) Init() DOMCSSStyleRule
type DOMCSSStyleSheet ¶
type DOMCSSStyleSheet struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSStyleSheetFrom ¶
func DOMCSSStyleSheetFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSStyleSheet
func NewDOMCSSStyleSheet ¶
func NewDOMCSSStyleSheet() DOMCSSStyleSheet
func (DOMCSSStyleSheet) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSStyleSheet) Init() DOMCSSStyleSheet
type DOMCSSUnknownRule ¶
type DOMCSSUnknownRule struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSUnknownRuleFrom ¶
func DOMCSSUnknownRuleFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSUnknownRule
func NewDOMCSSUnknownRule ¶
func NewDOMCSSUnknownRule() DOMCSSUnknownRule
func (DOMCSSUnknownRule) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSUnknownRule) Init() DOMCSSUnknownRule
type DOMCSSValue ¶
type DOMCSSValue struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSValueFrom ¶
func DOMCSSValueFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSValue
func NewDOMCSSValue ¶
func NewDOMCSSValue() DOMCSSValue
func (DOMCSSValue) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSValue) Init() DOMCSSValue
type DOMCSSValueList ¶
type DOMCSSValueList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCSSValueListFrom ¶
func DOMCSSValueListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCSSValueList
func NewDOMCSSValueList ¶
func NewDOMCSSValueList() DOMCSSValueList
func (DOMCSSValueList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCSSValueList) Init() DOMCSSValueList
type DOMCharacterData ¶
type DOMCharacterData struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCharacterDataFrom ¶
func DOMCharacterDataFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCharacterData
func NewDOMCharacterData ¶
func NewDOMCharacterData() DOMCharacterData
func (DOMCharacterData) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCharacterData) Init() DOMCharacterData
type DOMComment ¶
type DOMComment struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCommentFrom ¶
func DOMCommentFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMComment
func NewDOMComment ¶
func NewDOMComment() DOMComment
func (DOMComment) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMComment) Init() DOMComment
type DOMCounter ¶
type DOMCounter struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMCounterFrom ¶
func DOMCounterFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMCounter
func NewDOMCounter ¶
func NewDOMCounter() DOMCounter
func (DOMCounter) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMCounter) Init() DOMCounter
type DOMDocument ¶
type DOMDocument struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMDocumentFrom ¶
func DOMDocumentFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMDocument
func NewDOMDocument ¶
func NewDOMDocument() DOMDocument
func (DOMDocument) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMDocument) Init() DOMDocument
type DOMDocumentFragment ¶
type DOMDocumentFragment struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMDocumentFragmentFrom ¶
func DOMDocumentFragmentFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMDocumentFragment
func NewDOMDocumentFragment ¶
func NewDOMDocumentFragment() DOMDocumentFragment
func (DOMDocumentFragment) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMDocumentFragment) Init() DOMDocumentFragment
type DOMDocumentType ¶
type DOMDocumentType struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMDocumentTypeFrom ¶
func DOMDocumentTypeFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMDocumentType
func NewDOMDocumentType ¶
func NewDOMDocumentType() DOMDocumentType
func (DOMDocumentType) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMDocumentType) Init() DOMDocumentType
type DOMElement ¶
type DOMElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMElementFrom ¶
func DOMElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMElement
func NewDOMElement ¶
func NewDOMElement() DOMElement
func (DOMElement) Image ¶
func (d_ DOMElement) Image() appkit.Image
Returns an image associated with the receiver. Full Topic
func (DOMElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMElement) Init() DOMElement
type DOMEntity ¶
type DOMEntity struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMEntityFrom ¶
func NewDOMEntity ¶
func NewDOMEntity() DOMEntity
type DOMEntityReference ¶
type DOMEntityReference struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMEntityReferenceFrom ¶
func DOMEntityReferenceFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMEntityReference
func NewDOMEntityReference ¶
func NewDOMEntityReference() DOMEntityReference
func (DOMEntityReference) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMEntityReference) Init() DOMEntityReference
type DOMEvent ¶
type DOMEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMEventFrom ¶
func NewDOMEvent ¶
func NewDOMEvent() DOMEvent
type DOMEventListenerObject ¶
A concrete type for the PDOMEventListener protocol.
type DOMEventTargetObject ¶
A concrete type for the PDOMEventTarget protocol.
type DOMFile ¶
type DOMFile struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMFileFrom ¶
func NewDOMFile ¶
func NewDOMFile() DOMFile
type DOMFileList ¶
type DOMFileList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMFileListFrom ¶
func DOMFileListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMFileList
func NewDOMFileList ¶
func NewDOMFileList() DOMFileList
func (DOMFileList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMFileList) Init() DOMFileList
type DOMHTMLAnchorElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAnchorElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLAnchorElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLAnchorElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLAnchorElement
func NewDOMHTMLAnchorElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLAnchorElement() DOMHTMLAnchorElement
func (DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLAnchorElement) Init() DOMHTMLAnchorElement
type DOMHTMLAppletElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAppletElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLAppletElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLAppletElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLAppletElement
func NewDOMHTMLAppletElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLAppletElement() DOMHTMLAppletElement
func (DOMHTMLAppletElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLAppletElement) Init() DOMHTMLAppletElement
type DOMHTMLAreaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLAreaElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLAreaElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLAreaElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLAreaElement
func NewDOMHTMLAreaElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLAreaElement() DOMHTMLAreaElement
func (DOMHTMLAreaElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLAreaElement) Init() DOMHTMLAreaElement
type DOMHTMLBRElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBRElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLBRElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLBRElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLBRElement
func NewDOMHTMLBRElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLBRElement() DOMHTMLBRElement
func (DOMHTMLBRElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLBRElement) Init() DOMHTMLBRElement
type DOMHTMLBaseElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLBaseElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLBaseElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLBaseElement
func NewDOMHTMLBaseElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLBaseElement() DOMHTMLBaseElement
func (DOMHTMLBaseElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLBaseElement) Init() DOMHTMLBaseElement
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBaseFontElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLBaseFontElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLBaseFontElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLBaseFontElement
func NewDOMHTMLBaseFontElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLBaseFontElement() DOMHTMLBaseFontElement
func (DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLBaseFontElement) Init() DOMHTMLBaseFontElement
type DOMHTMLBodyElement ¶
type DOMHTMLBodyElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLBodyElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLBodyElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLBodyElement
func NewDOMHTMLBodyElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLBodyElement() DOMHTMLBodyElement
func (DOMHTMLBodyElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLBodyElement) Init() DOMHTMLBodyElement
type DOMHTMLButtonElement ¶
type DOMHTMLButtonElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLButtonElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLButtonElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLButtonElement
func NewDOMHTMLButtonElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLButtonElement() DOMHTMLButtonElement
func (DOMHTMLButtonElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLButtonElement) Init() DOMHTMLButtonElement
type DOMHTMLCollection ¶
type DOMHTMLCollection struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLCollectionFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLCollectionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLCollection
func NewDOMHTMLCollection ¶
func NewDOMHTMLCollection() DOMHTMLCollection
func (DOMHTMLCollection) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLCollection) Init() DOMHTMLCollection
type DOMHTMLDListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDListElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLDListElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLDListElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLDListElement
func NewDOMHTMLDListElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLDListElement() DOMHTMLDListElement
func (DOMHTMLDListElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDListElement) Init() DOMHTMLDListElement
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDirectoryElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLDirectoryElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLDirectoryElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLDirectoryElement
func NewDOMHTMLDirectoryElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLDirectoryElement() DOMHTMLDirectoryElement
func (DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDirectoryElement) Init() DOMHTMLDirectoryElement
type DOMHTMLDivElement ¶
type DOMHTMLDivElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLDivElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLDivElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLDivElement
func NewDOMHTMLDivElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLDivElement() DOMHTMLDivElement
func (DOMHTMLDivElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDivElement) Init() DOMHTMLDivElement
type DOMHTMLDocument ¶
type DOMHTMLDocument struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLDocumentFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLDocumentFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLDocument
func NewDOMHTMLDocument ¶
func NewDOMHTMLDocument() DOMHTMLDocument
func (DOMHTMLDocument) CreateDocumentFragmentWithMarkupStringBaseURL ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDocument) CreateDocumentFragmentWithMarkupStringBaseURL(markupString string, baseURL foundation.IURL) DOMDocumentFragment
Creates a document fragment containing the given HTML markup. Full Topic
func (DOMHTMLDocument) CreateDocumentFragmentWithText ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDocument) CreateDocumentFragmentWithText(text string) DOMDocumentFragment
Creates a document fragment containing the given text. Full Topic
func (DOMHTMLDocument) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLDocument) Init() DOMHTMLDocument
type DOMHTMLElement ¶
type DOMHTMLElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLElement
func NewDOMHTMLElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLElement() DOMHTMLElement
func (DOMHTMLElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLElement) Init() DOMHTMLElement
type DOMHTMLEmbedElement ¶
type DOMHTMLEmbedElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLEmbedElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLEmbedElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLEmbedElement
func NewDOMHTMLEmbedElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLEmbedElement() DOMHTMLEmbedElement
func (DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLEmbedElement) Init() DOMHTMLEmbedElement
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFieldSetElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLFieldSetElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLFieldSetElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLFieldSetElement
func NewDOMHTMLFieldSetElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLFieldSetElement() DOMHTMLFieldSetElement
func (DOMHTMLFieldSetElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLFieldSetElement) Init() DOMHTMLFieldSetElement
type DOMHTMLFontElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFontElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLFontElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLFontElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLFontElement
func NewDOMHTMLFontElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLFontElement() DOMHTMLFontElement
func (DOMHTMLFontElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLFontElement) Init() DOMHTMLFontElement
type DOMHTMLFormElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFormElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLFormElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLFormElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLFormElement
func NewDOMHTMLFormElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLFormElement() DOMHTMLFormElement
func (DOMHTMLFormElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLFormElement) Init() DOMHTMLFormElement
type DOMHTMLFrameElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLFrameElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLFrameElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLFrameElement
func NewDOMHTMLFrameElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLFrameElement() DOMHTMLFrameElement
func (DOMHTMLFrameElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLFrameElement) Init() DOMHTMLFrameElement
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement ¶
type DOMHTMLFrameSetElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLFrameSetElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLFrameSetElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLFrameSetElement
func NewDOMHTMLFrameSetElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLFrameSetElement() DOMHTMLFrameSetElement
func (DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLFrameSetElement) Init() DOMHTMLFrameSetElement
type DOMHTMLHRElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHRElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLHRElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLHRElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLHRElement
func NewDOMHTMLHRElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLHRElement() DOMHTMLHRElement
func (DOMHTMLHRElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLHRElement) Init() DOMHTMLHRElement
type DOMHTMLHeadElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLHeadElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLHeadElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLHeadElement
func NewDOMHTMLHeadElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLHeadElement() DOMHTMLHeadElement
func (DOMHTMLHeadElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLHeadElement) Init() DOMHTMLHeadElement
type DOMHTMLHeadingElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHeadingElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLHeadingElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLHeadingElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLHeadingElement
func NewDOMHTMLHeadingElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLHeadingElement() DOMHTMLHeadingElement
func (DOMHTMLHeadingElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLHeadingElement) Init() DOMHTMLHeadingElement
type DOMHTMLHtmlElement ¶
type DOMHTMLHtmlElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLHtmlElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLHtmlElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLHtmlElement
func NewDOMHTMLHtmlElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLHtmlElement() DOMHTMLHtmlElement
func (DOMHTMLHtmlElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLHtmlElement) Init() DOMHTMLHtmlElement
type DOMHTMLIFrameElement ¶
type DOMHTMLIFrameElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLIFrameElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLIFrameElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLIFrameElement
func NewDOMHTMLIFrameElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLIFrameElement() DOMHTMLIFrameElement
func (DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLIFrameElement) Init() DOMHTMLIFrameElement
type DOMHTMLImageElement ¶
type DOMHTMLImageElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLImageElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLImageElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLImageElement
func NewDOMHTMLImageElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLImageElement() DOMHTMLImageElement
func (DOMHTMLImageElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLImageElement) Init() DOMHTMLImageElement
type DOMHTMLInputElement ¶
type DOMHTMLInputElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLInputElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLInputElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLInputElement
func NewDOMHTMLInputElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLInputElement() DOMHTMLInputElement
func (DOMHTMLInputElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLInputElement) Init() DOMHTMLInputElement
type DOMHTMLLIElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLIElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLLIElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLLIElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLLIElement
func NewDOMHTMLLIElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLLIElement() DOMHTMLLIElement
func (DOMHTMLLIElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLLIElement) Init() DOMHTMLLIElement
type DOMHTMLLabelElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLabelElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLLabelElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLLabelElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLLabelElement
func NewDOMHTMLLabelElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLLabelElement() DOMHTMLLabelElement
func (DOMHTMLLabelElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLLabelElement) Init() DOMHTMLLabelElement
type DOMHTMLLegendElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLegendElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLLegendElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLLegendElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLLegendElement
func NewDOMHTMLLegendElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLLegendElement() DOMHTMLLegendElement
func (DOMHTMLLegendElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLLegendElement) Init() DOMHTMLLegendElement
type DOMHTMLLinkElement ¶
type DOMHTMLLinkElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLLinkElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLLinkElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLLinkElement
func NewDOMHTMLLinkElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLLinkElement() DOMHTMLLinkElement
func (DOMHTMLLinkElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLLinkElement) Init() DOMHTMLLinkElement
type DOMHTMLMapElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMapElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLMapElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLMapElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLMapElement
func NewDOMHTMLMapElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLMapElement() DOMHTMLMapElement
func (DOMHTMLMapElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLMapElement) Init() DOMHTMLMapElement
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMarqueeElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLMarqueeElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLMarqueeElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLMarqueeElement
func NewDOMHTMLMarqueeElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLMarqueeElement() DOMHTMLMarqueeElement
func (DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLMarqueeElement) Init() DOMHTMLMarqueeElement
type DOMHTMLMenuElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMenuElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLMenuElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLMenuElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLMenuElement
func NewDOMHTMLMenuElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLMenuElement() DOMHTMLMenuElement
func (DOMHTMLMenuElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLMenuElement) Init() DOMHTMLMenuElement
type DOMHTMLMetaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLMetaElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLMetaElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLMetaElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLMetaElement
func NewDOMHTMLMetaElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLMetaElement() DOMHTMLMetaElement
func (DOMHTMLMetaElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLMetaElement) Init() DOMHTMLMetaElement
type DOMHTMLModElement ¶
type DOMHTMLModElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLModElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLModElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLModElement
func NewDOMHTMLModElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLModElement() DOMHTMLModElement
func (DOMHTMLModElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLModElement) Init() DOMHTMLModElement
type DOMHTMLOListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOListElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLOListElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLOListElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLOListElement
func NewDOMHTMLOListElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLOListElement() DOMHTMLOListElement
func (DOMHTMLOListElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLOListElement) Init() DOMHTMLOListElement
type DOMHTMLObjectElement ¶
type DOMHTMLObjectElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLObjectElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLObjectElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLObjectElement
func NewDOMHTMLObjectElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLObjectElement() DOMHTMLObjectElement
func (DOMHTMLObjectElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLObjectElement) Init() DOMHTMLObjectElement
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOptGroupElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLOptGroupElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLOptGroupElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLOptGroupElement
func NewDOMHTMLOptGroupElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLOptGroupElement() DOMHTMLOptGroupElement
func (DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLOptGroupElement) Init() DOMHTMLOptGroupElement
type DOMHTMLOptionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLOptionElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLOptionElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLOptionElement
func NewDOMHTMLOptionElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLOptionElement() DOMHTMLOptionElement
func (DOMHTMLOptionElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLOptionElement) Init() DOMHTMLOptionElement
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection ¶
type DOMHTMLOptionsCollection struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLOptionsCollectionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
func NewDOMHTMLOptionsCollection ¶
func NewDOMHTMLOptionsCollection() DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
func (DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLOptionsCollection) Init() DOMHTMLOptionsCollection
type DOMHTMLParagraphElement ¶
type DOMHTMLParagraphElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLParagraphElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLParagraphElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLParagraphElement
func NewDOMHTMLParagraphElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLParagraphElement() DOMHTMLParagraphElement
func (DOMHTMLParagraphElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLParagraphElement) Init() DOMHTMLParagraphElement
type DOMHTMLParamElement ¶
type DOMHTMLParamElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLParamElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLParamElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLParamElement
func NewDOMHTMLParamElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLParamElement() DOMHTMLParamElement
func (DOMHTMLParamElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLParamElement) Init() DOMHTMLParamElement
type DOMHTMLPreElement ¶
type DOMHTMLPreElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLPreElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLPreElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLPreElement
func NewDOMHTMLPreElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLPreElement() DOMHTMLPreElement
func (DOMHTMLPreElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLPreElement) Init() DOMHTMLPreElement
type DOMHTMLQuoteElement ¶
type DOMHTMLQuoteElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLQuoteElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLQuoteElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLQuoteElement
func NewDOMHTMLQuoteElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLQuoteElement() DOMHTMLQuoteElement
func (DOMHTMLQuoteElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLQuoteElement) Init() DOMHTMLQuoteElement
type DOMHTMLScriptElement ¶
type DOMHTMLScriptElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLScriptElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLScriptElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLScriptElement
func NewDOMHTMLScriptElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLScriptElement() DOMHTMLScriptElement
func (DOMHTMLScriptElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLScriptElement) Init() DOMHTMLScriptElement
type DOMHTMLSelectElement ¶
type DOMHTMLSelectElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLSelectElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLSelectElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLSelectElement
func NewDOMHTMLSelectElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLSelectElement() DOMHTMLSelectElement
func (DOMHTMLSelectElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLSelectElement) Init() DOMHTMLSelectElement
type DOMHTMLStyleElement ¶
type DOMHTMLStyleElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLStyleElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLStyleElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLStyleElement
func NewDOMHTMLStyleElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLStyleElement() DOMHTMLStyleElement
func (DOMHTMLStyleElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLStyleElement) Init() DOMHTMLStyleElement
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableCaptionElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement() DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
func (DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement
type DOMHTMLTableCellElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableCellElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableCellElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableCellElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableCellElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableCellElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableCellElement() DOMHTMLTableCellElement
func (DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableCellElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableCellElement
type DOMHTMLTableColElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableColElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableColElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableColElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableColElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableColElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableColElement() DOMHTMLTableColElement
func (DOMHTMLTableColElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableColElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableColElement
type DOMHTMLTableElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableElement() DOMHTMLTableElement
func (DOMHTMLTableElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableElement
type DOMHTMLTableRowElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableRowElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableRowElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableRowElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableRowElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableRowElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableRowElement() DOMHTMLTableRowElement
func (DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableRowElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableRowElement
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTableSectionElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTableSectionElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTableSectionElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
func NewDOMHTMLTableSectionElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTableSectionElement() DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
func (DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTableSectionElement) Init() DOMHTMLTableSectionElement
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTextAreaElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTextAreaElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTextAreaElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
func NewDOMHTMLTextAreaElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTextAreaElement() DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
func (DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTextAreaElement) Init() DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
type DOMHTMLTitleElement ¶
type DOMHTMLTitleElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLTitleElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLTitleElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLTitleElement
func NewDOMHTMLTitleElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLTitleElement() DOMHTMLTitleElement
func (DOMHTMLTitleElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLTitleElement) Init() DOMHTMLTitleElement
type DOMHTMLUListElement ¶
type DOMHTMLUListElement struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMHTMLUListElementFrom ¶
func DOMHTMLUListElementFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMHTMLUListElement
func NewDOMHTMLUListElement ¶
func NewDOMHTMLUListElement() DOMHTMLUListElement
func (DOMHTMLUListElement) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMHTMLUListElement) Init() DOMHTMLUListElement
type DOMImplementation ¶
type DOMImplementation struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMImplementationFrom ¶
func DOMImplementationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMImplementation
func NewDOMImplementation ¶
func NewDOMImplementation() DOMImplementation
func (DOMImplementation) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMImplementation) Init() DOMImplementation
type DOMKeyboardEvent ¶
type DOMKeyboardEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMKeyboardEventFrom ¶
func DOMKeyboardEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMKeyboardEvent
func NewDOMKeyboardEvent ¶
func NewDOMKeyboardEvent() DOMKeyboardEvent
func (DOMKeyboardEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMKeyboardEvent) Init() DOMKeyboardEvent
type DOMMediaList ¶
type DOMMediaList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMMediaListFrom ¶
func DOMMediaListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMMediaList
func NewDOMMediaList ¶
func NewDOMMediaList() DOMMediaList
func (DOMMediaList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMMediaList) Init() DOMMediaList
type DOMMouseEvent ¶
type DOMMouseEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMMouseEventFrom ¶
func DOMMouseEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMMouseEvent
func NewDOMMouseEvent ¶
func NewDOMMouseEvent() DOMMouseEvent
func (DOMMouseEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMMouseEvent) Init() DOMMouseEvent
type DOMMutationEvent ¶
type DOMMutationEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMMutationEventFrom ¶
func DOMMutationEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMMutationEvent
func NewDOMMutationEvent ¶
func NewDOMMutationEvent() DOMMutationEvent
func (DOMMutationEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMMutationEvent) Init() DOMMutationEvent
type DOMNamedNodeMap ¶
type DOMNamedNodeMap struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMNamedNodeMapFrom ¶
func DOMNamedNodeMapFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMNamedNodeMap
func NewDOMNamedNodeMap ¶
func NewDOMNamedNodeMap() DOMNamedNodeMap
func (DOMNamedNodeMap) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMNamedNodeMap) Init() DOMNamedNodeMap
type DOMNode ¶
type DOMNode struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMNodeFrom ¶
func NewDOMNode ¶
func NewDOMNode() DOMNode
func (DOMNode) BoundingBox ¶
func (d_ DOMNode) BoundingBox() foundation.Rect
Returns a rectangle that bounds the onscreen rendering of the node. Full Topic
func (DOMNode) LineBoxRects ¶
Returns the rectangles that bound each line of text in the node. Full Topic
type DOMNodeFilterObject ¶
A concrete type for the PDOMNodeFilter protocol.
type DOMNodeIterator ¶
type DOMNodeIterator struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMNodeIteratorFrom ¶
func DOMNodeIteratorFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMNodeIterator
func NewDOMNodeIterator ¶
func NewDOMNodeIterator() DOMNodeIterator
func (DOMNodeIterator) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMNodeIterator) Init() DOMNodeIterator
type DOMNodeList ¶
type DOMNodeList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMNodeListFrom ¶
func DOMNodeListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMNodeList
func NewDOMNodeList ¶
func NewDOMNodeList() DOMNodeList
func (DOMNodeList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMNodeList) Init() DOMNodeList
type DOMObject ¶
type DOMObject struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMObjectFrom ¶
func NewDOMObject ¶
func NewDOMObject() DOMObject
type DOMOverflowEvent ¶
type DOMOverflowEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMOverflowEventFrom ¶
func DOMOverflowEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMOverflowEvent
func NewDOMOverflowEvent ¶
func NewDOMOverflowEvent() DOMOverflowEvent
func (DOMOverflowEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMOverflowEvent) Init() DOMOverflowEvent
type DOMProcessingInstruction ¶
type DOMProcessingInstruction struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMProcessingInstructionFrom ¶
func DOMProcessingInstructionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMProcessingInstruction
func NewDOMProcessingInstruction ¶
func NewDOMProcessingInstruction() DOMProcessingInstruction
func (DOMProcessingInstruction) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMProcessingInstruction) Init() DOMProcessingInstruction
type DOMProgressEvent ¶
type DOMProgressEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMProgressEventFrom ¶
func DOMProgressEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMProgressEvent
func NewDOMProgressEvent ¶
func NewDOMProgressEvent() DOMProgressEvent
func (DOMProgressEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMProgressEvent) Init() DOMProgressEvent
type DOMRGBColor ¶
type DOMRGBColor struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMRGBColorFrom ¶
func DOMRGBColorFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMRGBColor
func NewDOMRGBColor ¶
func NewDOMRGBColor() DOMRGBColor
func (DOMRGBColor) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMRGBColor) Init() DOMRGBColor
type DOMRange ¶
type DOMRange struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMRangeFrom ¶
func NewDOMRange ¶
func NewDOMRange() DOMRange
type DOMRect ¶
type DOMRect struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMRectFrom ¶
func NewDOMRect ¶
func NewDOMRect() DOMRect
type DOMStyleSheet ¶
type DOMStyleSheet struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMStyleSheetFrom ¶
func DOMStyleSheetFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMStyleSheet
func NewDOMStyleSheet ¶
func NewDOMStyleSheet() DOMStyleSheet
func (DOMStyleSheet) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMStyleSheet) Init() DOMStyleSheet
type DOMStyleSheetList ¶
type DOMStyleSheetList struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMStyleSheetListFrom ¶
func DOMStyleSheetListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMStyleSheetList
func NewDOMStyleSheetList ¶
func NewDOMStyleSheetList() DOMStyleSheetList
func (DOMStyleSheetList) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMStyleSheetList) Init() DOMStyleSheetList
type DOMText ¶
type DOMText struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMTextFrom ¶
func NewDOMText ¶
func NewDOMText() DOMText
type DOMTreeWalker ¶
type DOMTreeWalker struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMTreeWalkerFrom ¶
func DOMTreeWalkerFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMTreeWalker
func NewDOMTreeWalker ¶
func NewDOMTreeWalker() DOMTreeWalker
func (DOMTreeWalker) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMTreeWalker) Init() DOMTreeWalker
type DOMUIEvent ¶
type DOMUIEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMUIEventFrom ¶
func DOMUIEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMUIEvent
func NewDOMUIEvent ¶
func NewDOMUIEvent() DOMUIEvent
func (DOMUIEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMUIEvent) Init() DOMUIEvent
type DOMWheelEvent ¶
type DOMWheelEvent struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMWheelEventFrom ¶
func DOMWheelEventFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMWheelEvent
func NewDOMWheelEvent ¶
func NewDOMWheelEvent() DOMWheelEvent
func (DOMWheelEvent) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMWheelEvent) Init() DOMWheelEvent
type DOMXPathExpression ¶
type DOMXPathExpression struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMXPathExpressionFrom ¶
func DOMXPathExpressionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMXPathExpression
func NewDOMXPathExpression ¶
func NewDOMXPathExpression() DOMXPathExpression
func (DOMXPathExpression) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMXPathExpression) Init() DOMXPathExpression
type DOMXPathNSResolverObject ¶
A concrete type for the PDOMXPathNSResolver protocol.
type DOMXPathResult ¶
type DOMXPathResult struct {
[Full Topic]
func DOMXPathResultFrom ¶
func DOMXPathResultFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) DOMXPathResult
func NewDOMXPathResult ¶
func NewDOMXPathResult() DOMXPathResult
func (DOMXPathResult) Init ¶
func (d_ DOMXPathResult) Init() DOMXPathResult
type Download ¶
An object that represents the download of a web resource. Full Topic
func DownloadFrom ¶
func NewDownload ¶
func NewDownload() Download
func (Download) Cancel ¶
Cancels the download, and optionally captures data so that you can resume the download later. Full Topic
func (Download) Delegate ¶
func (d_ Download) Delegate() DownloadDelegateObject
An object you use to track download progress and handle redirects, authentication challenges, and failures. Full Topic
func (Download) OriginalRequest ¶
func (d_ Download) OriginalRequest() foundation.URLRequest
An object that represents the request that initiated the download. Full Topic
func (Download) SetDelegate ¶
func (d_ Download) SetDelegate(value PDownloadDelegate)
An object you use to track download progress and handle redirects, authentication challenges, and failures. Full Topic
func (Download) SetDelegateObject ¶
An object you use to track download progress and handle redirects, authentication challenges, and failures. Full Topic
type DownloadDelegate ¶
type DownloadDelegate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A delegate implementation builder for the PDownloadDelegate protocol.
func (*DownloadDelegate) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, completionHandler func(destination foundation.URL))
Asks the delegate to provide a file destination where the system should write the download data. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte)
Tells the delegate that the download failed, with error information and data you can use to restart the download. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFinish ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidFinish(download Download)
Tells the delegate that the download finished. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, arg1 foundation.URLCredential))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, request foundation.URLRequest, decisionHandler func(arg0 DownloadRedirectPolicy))
Asks the delegate to respond to the download’s redirect response. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler() bool
func (*DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData() bool
func (*DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFinish ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidFinish() bool
func (*DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
func (*DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler() bool
func (*DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(f func(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, completionHandler func(destination foundation.URL)))
Asks the delegate to provide a file destination where the system should write the download data. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(f func(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte))
Tells the delegate that the download failed, with error information and data you can use to restart the download. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFinish ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidFinish(f func(download Download))
Tells the delegate that the download finished. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(f func(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, arg1 foundation.URLCredential)))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (*DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *DownloadDelegate) SetDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(f func(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, request foundation.URLRequest, decisionHandler func(arg0 DownloadRedirectPolicy)))
Asks the delegate to respond to the download’s redirect response. Full Topic
type DownloadDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PDownloadDelegate protocol.
func (DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, completionHandler func(destination foundation.URL))
Asks the delegate to provide a file destination where the system should write the download data. Full Topic
func (DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte)
Tells the delegate that the download failed, with error information and data you can use to restart the download. Full Topic
func (DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFinish ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidFinish(download Download)
Tells the delegate that the download finished. Full Topic
func (DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, arg1 foundation.URLCredential))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, request foundation.URLRequest, decisionHandler func(arg0 DownloadRedirectPolicy))
Asks the delegate to respond to the download’s redirect response. Full Topic
func (DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler() bool
func (DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData() bool
func (DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFinish ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidFinish() bool
func (DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
func (DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler ¶
func (d_ DownloadDelegateObject) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler() bool
type DownloadRedirectPolicy ¶
type DownloadRedirectPolicy int
An enumeration with cases that indicate whether to proceed with a redirect. Full Topic
const ( DownloadRedirectPolicyAllow DownloadRedirectPolicy = 1 DownloadRedirectPolicyCancel DownloadRedirectPolicy = 0 )
type ErrorCode ¶
type ErrorCode int
Possible error values that WebKit APIs can return. Full Topic
const ( ErrorAttributedStringContentFailedToLoad ErrorCode = 10 ErrorAttributedStringContentLoadTimedOut ErrorCode = 11 ErrorContentRuleListStoreCompileFailed ErrorCode = 6 ErrorContentRuleListStoreLookUpFailed ErrorCode = 7 ErrorContentRuleListStoreRemoveFailed ErrorCode = 8 ErrorContentRuleListStoreVersionMismatch ErrorCode = 9 ErrorJavaScriptAppBoundDomain ErrorCode = 14 ErrorJavaScriptExceptionOccurred ErrorCode = 4 ErrorJavaScriptInvalidFrameTarget ErrorCode = 12 ErrorJavaScriptResultTypeIsUnsupported ErrorCode = 5 ErrorUnknown ErrorCode = 1 ErrorWebContentProcessTerminated ErrorCode = 2 ErrorWebViewInvalidated ErrorCode = 3 )
type FileSystemURLSchemeHandler ¶
FileSystemURLSchemeHandler is a WebView URLSchemeHandler supportting the go FileSystem.
func (*FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask ¶
func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask() bool
func (*FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask ¶
func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask() bool
func (*FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask ¶
func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
WebViewStartURLSchemeTask implements URLSchemeHandler
func (*FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask ¶
func (h *FileSystemURLSchemeHandler) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
WebViewStopURLSchemeTask implements URLSchemeHandler
type FindConfiguration ¶
The configuration parameters to use when searching the contents of the web view. Full Topic
func FindConfigurationFrom ¶
func FindConfigurationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) FindConfiguration
func NewFindConfiguration ¶
func NewFindConfiguration() FindConfiguration
func (FindConfiguration) Backwards ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) Backwards() bool
A Boolean value that indicates the search direction, relative to the current selection. Full Topic
func (FindConfiguration) CaseSensitive ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) CaseSensitive() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether to consider case when matching the search string. Full Topic
func (FindConfiguration) Init ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) Init() FindConfiguration
func (FindConfiguration) SetBackwards ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetBackwards(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates the search direction, relative to the current selection. Full Topic
func (FindConfiguration) SetCaseSensitive ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetCaseSensitive(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether to consider case when matching the search string. Full Topic
func (FindConfiguration) SetWraps ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) SetWraps(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the search wraps around to the other side of the page. Full Topic
func (FindConfiguration) Wraps ¶
func (f_ FindConfiguration) Wraps() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the search wraps around to the other side of the page. Full Topic
type FindResult ¶
An object that contains the results of searching the web view’s contents. Full Topic
func FindResultFrom ¶
func FindResultFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) FindResult
func NewFindResult ¶
func NewFindResult() FindResult
func (FindResult) Init ¶
func (f_ FindResult) Init() FindResult
func (FindResult) MatchFound ¶
func (f_ FindResult) MatchFound() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view found a match during the search. Full Topic
type FrameInfo ¶
An object that contains information about a frame on a webpage. Full Topic
func FrameInfoFrom ¶
func NewFrameInfo ¶
func NewFrameInfo() FrameInfo
func (FrameInfo) IsMainFrame ¶
A Boolean value indicating whether the frame is the web site's main frame or a subframe. Full Topic
func (FrameInfo) Request ¶
func (f_ FrameInfo) Request() foundation.URLRequest
The frame’s current request. Full Topic
func (FrameInfo) SecurityOrigin ¶
func (f_ FrameInfo) SecurityOrigin() SecurityOrigin
The frame’s security origin. Full Topic
type HTTPCookieStore ¶
An object that manages the HTTP cookies associated with a particular web view. Full Topic
func HTTPCookieStoreFrom ¶
func HTTPCookieStoreFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) HTTPCookieStore
func NewHTTPCookieStore ¶
func NewHTTPCookieStore() HTTPCookieStore
func (HTTPCookieStore) AddObserver ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) AddObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver)
Adds an observer to the cookie store. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) AddObserverObject ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) AddObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject)
Adds an observer to the cookie store. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) DeleteCookieCompletionHandler ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) DeleteCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func())
Deletes the specified cookie. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) GetAllCookies ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) GetAllCookies(completionHandler func(arg0 []foundation.HTTPCookie))
Fetches all stored cookies asynchronously and delivers them to the specified completion handler. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) Init ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) Init() HTTPCookieStore
func (HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserver ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver)
Removes an observer from the cookie store. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserverObject ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) RemoveObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject)
Removes an observer from the cookie store. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStore) SetCookieCompletionHandler ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStore) SetCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func())
Adds a cookie to the cookie store. Full Topic
type HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject ¶
A concrete type for the PHTTPCookieStoreObserver protocol.
func (HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject) CookiesDidChangeInCookieStore ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject) CookiesDidChangeInCookieStore(cookieStore HTTPCookieStore)
Tells the delegate that the cookies in the specified cookie store changed. Full Topic
func (HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject) HasCookiesDidChangeInCookieStore ¶
func (h_ HTTPCookieStoreObserverObject) HasCookiesDidChangeInCookieStore() bool
type IBackForwardList ¶
type IBackForwardList interface { objc.IObject ItemAtIndex(index int) BackForwardListItem CurrentItem() BackForwardListItem ForwardList() []BackForwardListItem BackList() []BackForwardListItem BackItem() BackForwardListItem ForwardItem() BackForwardListItem }
An interface definition for the BackForwardList class.
type IBackForwardListItem ¶
type IBackForwardListItem interface { objc.IObject InitialURL() foundation.URL Title() string URL() foundation.URL }
An interface definition for the BackForwardListItem class.
type IContentRuleList ¶
An interface definition for the ContentRuleList class.
type IContentRuleListStore ¶
type IContentRuleListStore interface { objc.IObject GetAvailableContentRuleListIdentifiers(completionHandler func(arg0 []string)) CompileContentRuleListForIdentifierEncodedContentRuleListCompletionHandler(identifier string, encodedContentRuleList string, completionHandler func(arg0 ContentRuleList, arg1 foundation.Error)) LookUpContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, completionHandler func(arg0 ContentRuleList, arg1 foundation.Error)) RemoveContentRuleListForIdentifierCompletionHandler(identifier string, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.Error)) }
An interface definition for the ContentRuleListStore class.
type IContentWorld ¶
An interface definition for the ContentWorld class.
type IDOMAbstractView ¶
type IDOMAbstractView interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMAbstractView class.
type IDOMBlob ¶
type IDOMBlob interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMBlob class.
type IDOMCDATASection ¶
type IDOMCDATASection interface { IDOMText }
An interface definition for the DOMCDATASection class.
type IDOMCSSCharsetRule ¶
type IDOMCSSCharsetRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSCharsetRule class.
type IDOMCSSFontFaceRule ¶
type IDOMCSSFontFaceRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSFontFaceRule class.
type IDOMCSSImportRule ¶
type IDOMCSSImportRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSImportRule class.
type IDOMCSSMediaRule ¶
type IDOMCSSMediaRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSMediaRule class.
type IDOMCSSPageRule ¶
type IDOMCSSPageRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSPageRule class.
type IDOMCSSPrimitiveValue ¶
type IDOMCSSPrimitiveValue interface { IDOMCSSValue }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSPrimitiveValue class.
type IDOMCSSRule ¶
type IDOMCSSRule interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSRule class.
type IDOMCSSRuleList ¶
type IDOMCSSRuleList interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSRuleList class.
type IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration ¶
type IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration interface { IDOMObject SetFontSize(fontSize string) SetBorderTopColor(borderTopColor string) SpeechRate() string SetListStyleType(listStyleType string) BorderColor() string SetVisibility(visibility string) Marks() string SetMarginRight(marginRight string) SetDisplay(display string) MarginTop() string FontVariant() string SetFontWeight(fontWeight string) SetMarginTop(marginTop string) FontStretch() string SetCssFloat(cssFloat string) SetMargin(margin string) SetCaptionSide(captionSide string) PageBreakInside() string SetTextDecoration(textDecoration string) Width() string LetterSpacing() string BorderLeftColor() string SetOutlineColor(outlineColor string) SetListStylePosition(listStylePosition string) SetSpeechRate(speechRate string) SetClip(clip string) SetVerticalAlign(verticalAlign string) MarginRight() string Font() string SetBackgroundAttachment(backgroundAttachment string) SetPage(page string) TableLayout() string SetStress(stress string) SetMarkerOffset(markerOffset string) MinHeight() string PitchRange() string SetSpeakNumeral(speakNumeral string) SetPaddingLeft(paddingLeft string) SetBorderLeftColor(borderLeftColor string) Pause() string SetBorderBottom(borderBottom string) SetBorder(border string) SetOverflow(overflow string) FontSize() string CounterReset() string BorderCollapse() string Height() string SetBorderTopStyle(borderTopStyle string) SetTextTransform(textTransform string) SetBorderColor(borderColor string) Overflow() string Border() string BorderBottomWidth() string SetPadding(padding string) SetBorderTopWidth(borderTopWidth string) SetTextShadow(textShadow string) Visibility() string SetTextAlign(textAlign string) Quotes() string ListStyleImage() string FontStyle() string SetRight(right string) Clear() string Content() string SetPauseAfter(pauseAfter string) OutlineStyle() string SetPaddingBottom(paddingBottom string) CueBefore() string SetContent(content string) SetSpeakPunctuation(speakPunctuation string) SetBorderStyle(borderStyle string) SetOrphans(orphans string) SetOutline(outline string) Cursor() string VoiceFamily() string PauseAfter() string Margin() string PageBreakBefore() string Clip() string BorderTopWidth() string MinWidth() string SetPageBreakAfter(pageBreakAfter string) BorderTop() string SetVolume(volume string) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth string) SetPosition(position string) Right() string BorderLeftStyle() string SetOutlineWidth(outlineWidth string) SetBorderLeft(borderLeft string) SetBackground(background string) Stress() string SetPageBreakInside(pageBreakInside string) TextTransform() string SetVoiceFamily(voiceFamily string) SetWidows(widows string) SetZIndex(zIndex string) SetTableLayout(tableLayout string) SetClear(clear string) SetBorderRightColor(borderRightColor string) SetPauseBefore(pauseBefore string) SetBottom(bottom string) SetBackgroundImage(backgroundImage string) SetFont(font string) BorderRightColor() string SetBackgroundRepeat(backgroundRepeat string) SetBorderLeftStyle(borderLeftStyle string) BackgroundPosition() string SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColor string) ZIndex() string TextDecoration() string SetFontFamily(fontFamily string) Left() string SetFontVariant(fontVariant string) OutlineWidth() string SetPause(pause string) SetCounterReset(counterReset string) SetCue(cue string) SetMarginBottom(marginBottom string) Orphans() string SetQuotes(quotes string) CaptionSide() string OutlineColor() string BorderTopColor() string MaxHeight() string SetMarginLeft(marginLeft string) SetMinHeight(minHeight string) PaddingRight() string BorderRightStyle() string Volume() string Direction() string BorderBottom() string Color() string Padding() string SetColor(color string) Widows() string CounterIncrement() string PaddingLeft() string SetBorderRight(borderRight string) SetPitchRange(pitchRange string) Elevation() string BackgroundRepeat() string BorderLeft() string SetFontSizeAdjust(fontSizeAdjust string) Page() string PlayDuring() string ListStylePosition() string SpeakNumeral() string BackgroundColor() string Cue() string Outline() string BorderRightWidth() string SetLetterSpacing(letterSpacing string) SetWidth(width string) SetPitch(pitch string) Speak() string SetMarks(marks string) SetCursor(cursor string) SetPaddingRight(paddingRight string) SetTop(top string) UnicodeBidi() string SetBackgroundPosition(backgroundPosition string) Position() string SetSpeakHeader(speakHeader string) SetUnicodeBidi(unicodeBidi string) SpeakHeader() string Background() string SetListStyleImage(listStyleImage string) BorderRight() string SetBorderRightWidth(borderRightWidth string) MarginBottom() string BackgroundAttachment() string Size() string SetWordSpacing(wordSpacing string) Pitch() string SpeakPunctuation() string LineHeight() string SetBorderLeftWidth(borderLeftWidth string) Top() string Display() string SetCounterIncrement(counterIncrement string) Bottom() string WordSpacing() string SetBorderTop(borderTop string) PaddingTop() string TextAlign() string PaddingBottom() string BorderLeftWidth() string SetPaddingTop(paddingTop string) TextIndent() string BorderWidth() string SetBorderCollapse(borderCollapse string) CueAfter() string SetBorderWidth(borderWidth string) SetOutlineStyle(outlineStyle string) SetCueBefore(cueBefore string) SetBorderSpacing(borderSpacing string) MarginLeft() string SetListStyle(listStyle string) WhiteSpace() string BorderBottomColor() string BorderTopStyle() string SetEmptyCells(emptyCells string) PauseBefore() string SetSize(size string) SetWhiteSpace(whiteSpace string) SetMinWidth(minWidth string) FontWeight() string ListStyle() string SetCueAfter(cueAfter string) BorderSpacing() string SetTextIndent(textIndent string) SetAzimuth(azimuth string) SetSpeak(speak string) SetLeft(left string) MarkerOffset() string SetBorderRightStyle(borderRightStyle string) CssFloat() string SetMaxHeight(maxHeight string) SetPageBreakBefore(pageBreakBefore string) VerticalAlign() string SetFontStyle(fontStyle string) Azimuth() string BorderStyle() string SetElevation(elevation string) PageBreakAfter() string SetDirection(direction string) ListStyleType() string BackgroundImage() string EmptyCells() string SetFontStretch(fontStretch string) FontFamily() string SetHeight(height string) BorderBottomStyle() string SetRichness(richness string) FontSizeAdjust() string SetBorderBottomColor(borderBottomColor string) SetBorderBottomStyle(borderBottomStyle string) TextShadow() string SetLineHeight(lineHeight string) MaxWidth() string Richness() string SetBorderBottomWidth(borderBottomWidth string) SetPlayDuring(playDuring string) }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSStyleDeclaration class.
type IDOMCSSStyleRule ¶
type IDOMCSSStyleRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSStyleRule class.
type IDOMCSSStyleSheet ¶
type IDOMCSSStyleSheet interface { IDOMStyleSheet }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSStyleSheet class.
type IDOMCSSUnknownRule ¶
type IDOMCSSUnknownRule interface { IDOMCSSRule }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSUnknownRule class.
type IDOMCSSValue ¶
type IDOMCSSValue interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSValue class.
type IDOMCSSValueList ¶
type IDOMCSSValueList interface { IDOMCSSValue }
An interface definition for the DOMCSSValueList class.
type IDOMCharacterData ¶
type IDOMCharacterData interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMCharacterData class.
type IDOMComment ¶
type IDOMComment interface { IDOMCharacterData }
An interface definition for the DOMComment class.
type IDOMCounter ¶
type IDOMCounter interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMCounter class.
type IDOMDocument ¶
type IDOMDocument interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMDocument class.
type IDOMDocumentFragment ¶
type IDOMDocumentFragment interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMDocumentFragment class.
type IDOMDocumentType ¶
type IDOMDocumentType interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMDocumentType class.
type IDOMElement ¶
An interface definition for the DOMElement class.
type IDOMEntity ¶
type IDOMEntity interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMEntity class.
type IDOMEntityReference ¶
type IDOMEntityReference interface { IDOMNode }
An interface definition for the DOMEntityReference class.
type IDOMEvent ¶
type IDOMEvent interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMEvent class.
type IDOMFileList ¶
type IDOMFileList interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMFileList class.
type IDOMHTMLAnchorElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLAnchorElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLAnchorElement class.
type IDOMHTMLAppletElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLAppletElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLAppletElement class.
type IDOMHTMLAreaElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLAreaElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLAreaElement class.
type IDOMHTMLBRElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLBRElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLBRElement class.
type IDOMHTMLBaseElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLBaseElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLBaseElement class.
type IDOMHTMLBaseFontElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLBaseFontElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLBaseFontElement class.
type IDOMHTMLBodyElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLBodyElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLBodyElement class.
type IDOMHTMLButtonElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLButtonElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLButtonElement class.
type IDOMHTMLCollection ¶
type IDOMHTMLCollection interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLCollection class.
type IDOMHTMLDListElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLDListElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLDListElement class.
type IDOMHTMLDirectoryElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLDirectoryElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLDirectoryElement class.
type IDOMHTMLDivElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLDivElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLDivElement class.
type IDOMHTMLDocument ¶
type IDOMHTMLDocument interface { IDOMDocument CreateDocumentFragmentWithText(text string) DOMDocumentFragment CreateDocumentFragmentWithMarkupStringBaseURL(markupString string, baseURL foundation.IURL) DOMDocumentFragment }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLDocument class.
type IDOMHTMLElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLElement interface { IDOMElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLElement class.
type IDOMHTMLEmbedElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLEmbedElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLEmbedElement class.
type IDOMHTMLFieldSetElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLFieldSetElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLFieldSetElement class.
type IDOMHTMLFontElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLFontElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLFontElement class.
type IDOMHTMLFormElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLFormElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLFormElement class.
type IDOMHTMLFrameElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLFrameElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLFrameElement class.
type IDOMHTMLFrameSetElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLFrameSetElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLFrameSetElement class.
type IDOMHTMLHRElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLHRElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLHRElement class.
type IDOMHTMLHeadElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLHeadElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLHeadElement class.
type IDOMHTMLHeadingElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLHeadingElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLHeadingElement class.
type IDOMHTMLHtmlElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLHtmlElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLHtmlElement class.
type IDOMHTMLIFrameElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLIFrameElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLIFrameElement class.
type IDOMHTMLImageElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLImageElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLImageElement class.
type IDOMHTMLInputElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLInputElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLInputElement class.
type IDOMHTMLLIElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLLIElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLLIElement class.
type IDOMHTMLLabelElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLLabelElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLLabelElement class.
type IDOMHTMLLegendElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLLegendElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLLegendElement class.
type IDOMHTMLLinkElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLLinkElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLLinkElement class.
type IDOMHTMLMapElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLMapElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLMapElement class.
type IDOMHTMLMarqueeElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLMarqueeElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLMarqueeElement class.
type IDOMHTMLMenuElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLMenuElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLMenuElement class.
type IDOMHTMLMetaElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLMetaElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLMetaElement class.
type IDOMHTMLModElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLModElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLModElement class.
type IDOMHTMLOListElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLOListElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLOListElement class.
type IDOMHTMLObjectElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLObjectElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLObjectElement class.
type IDOMHTMLOptGroupElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLOptGroupElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLOptGroupElement class.
type IDOMHTMLOptionElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLOptionElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLOptionElement class.
type IDOMHTMLOptionsCollection ¶
type IDOMHTMLOptionsCollection interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLOptionsCollection class.
type IDOMHTMLParagraphElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLParagraphElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLParagraphElement class.
type IDOMHTMLParamElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLParamElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLParamElement class.
type IDOMHTMLPreElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLPreElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLPreElement class.
type IDOMHTMLQuoteElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLQuoteElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLQuoteElement class.
type IDOMHTMLScriptElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLScriptElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLScriptElement class.
type IDOMHTMLSelectElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLSelectElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLSelectElement class.
type IDOMHTMLStyleElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLStyleElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLStyleElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableCaptionElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableCellElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableCellElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableCellElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableColElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableColElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableColElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableRowElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableRowElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableRowElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTableSectionElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTableSectionElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTableSectionElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTextAreaElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTextAreaElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTextAreaElement class.
type IDOMHTMLTitleElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLTitleElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLTitleElement class.
type IDOMHTMLUListElement ¶
type IDOMHTMLUListElement interface { IDOMHTMLElement }
An interface definition for the DOMHTMLUListElement class.
type IDOMImplementation ¶
type IDOMImplementation interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMImplementation class.
type IDOMKeyboardEvent ¶
type IDOMKeyboardEvent interface { IDOMUIEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMKeyboardEvent class.
type IDOMMediaList ¶
type IDOMMediaList interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMMediaList class.
type IDOMMouseEvent ¶
type IDOMMouseEvent interface { IDOMUIEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMMouseEvent class.
type IDOMMutationEvent ¶
type IDOMMutationEvent interface { IDOMEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMMutationEvent class.
type IDOMNamedNodeMap ¶
type IDOMNamedNodeMap interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMNamedNodeMap class.
type IDOMNode ¶
type IDOMNode interface { IDOMObject BoundingBox() foundation.Rect LineBoxRects() []objc.Object }
An interface definition for the DOMNode class.
type IDOMNodeIterator ¶
type IDOMNodeIterator interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMNodeIterator class.
type IDOMNodeList ¶
type IDOMNodeList interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMNodeList class.
type IDOMObject ¶
type IDOMObject interface { IWebScriptObject Sheet() DOMStyleSheet }
An interface definition for the DOMObject class.
type IDOMOverflowEvent ¶
type IDOMOverflowEvent interface { IDOMEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMOverflowEvent class.
type IDOMProcessingInstruction ¶
type IDOMProcessingInstruction interface { IDOMCharacterData }
An interface definition for the DOMProcessingInstruction class.
type IDOMProgressEvent ¶
type IDOMProgressEvent interface { IDOMEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMProgressEvent class.
type IDOMRGBColor ¶
type IDOMRGBColor interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMRGBColor class.
type IDOMRange ¶
type IDOMRange interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMRange class.
type IDOMRect ¶
type IDOMRect interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMRect class.
type IDOMStyleSheet ¶
type IDOMStyleSheet interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMStyleSheet class.
type IDOMStyleSheetList ¶
type IDOMStyleSheetList interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMStyleSheetList class.
type IDOMText ¶
type IDOMText interface { IDOMCharacterData }
An interface definition for the DOMText class.
type IDOMTreeWalker ¶
type IDOMTreeWalker interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMTreeWalker class.
type IDOMUIEvent ¶
type IDOMUIEvent interface { IDOMEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMUIEvent class.
type IDOMWheelEvent ¶
type IDOMWheelEvent interface { IDOMMouseEvent }
An interface definition for the DOMWheelEvent class.
type IDOMXPathExpression ¶
type IDOMXPathExpression interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMXPathExpression class.
type IDOMXPathResult ¶
type IDOMXPathResult interface { IDOMObject }
An interface definition for the DOMXPathResult class.
type IDownload ¶
type IDownload interface { objc.IObject Cancel(completionHandler func(resumeData []byte)) OriginalRequest() foundation.URLRequest Delegate() DownloadDelegateObject SetDelegate(value PDownloadDelegate) SetDelegateObject(valueObject objc.IObject) }
An interface definition for the Download class.
type IFindConfiguration ¶
type IFindConfiguration interface { objc.IObject CaseSensitive() bool SetCaseSensitive(value bool) Backwards() bool SetBackwards(value bool) Wraps() bool SetWraps(value bool) }
An interface definition for the FindConfiguration class.
type IFindResult ¶
An interface definition for the FindResult class.
type IFrameInfo ¶
type IFrameInfo interface { objc.IObject Request() foundation.URLRequest SecurityOrigin() SecurityOrigin IsMainFrame() bool }
An interface definition for the FrameInfo class.
type IHTTPCookieStore ¶
type IHTTPCookieStore interface { objc.IObject RemoveObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver) RemoveObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject) GetAllCookies(completionHandler func(arg0 []foundation.HTTPCookie)) DeleteCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func()) AddObserver(observer PHTTPCookieStoreObserver) AddObserverObject(observerObject objc.IObject) SetCookieCompletionHandler(cookie foundation.IHTTPCookie, completionHandler func()) }
An interface definition for the HTTPCookieStore class.
type INavigation ¶
An interface definition for the Navigation class.
type INavigationAction ¶
An interface definition for the NavigationAction class.
type INavigationResponse ¶
An interface definition for the NavigationResponse class.
type IOpenPanelParameters ¶
type IOpenPanelParameters interface { objc.IObject AllowsDirectories() bool AllowsMultipleSelection() bool }
An interface definition for the OpenPanelParameters class.
type IPDFConfiguration ¶
type IPDFConfiguration interface { objc.IObject Rect() coregraphics.Rect SetRect(value coregraphics.Rect) }
An interface definition for the PDFConfiguration class.
type IPreferences ¶
type IPreferences interface { objc.IObject IsElementFullscreenEnabled() bool SetElementFullscreenEnabled(value bool) IsSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled() bool SetSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled(value bool) IsFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled() bool SetFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled(value bool) MinimumFontSize() float64 SetMinimumFontSize(value float64) JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically() bool SetJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(value bool) IsTextInteractionEnabled() bool SetTextInteractionEnabled(value bool) TabFocusesLinks() bool SetTabFocusesLinks(value bool) }
An interface definition for the Preferences class.
type IProcessPool ¶
An interface definition for the ProcessPool class.
type IScriptMessage ¶
type IScriptMessage interface { objc.IObject FrameInfo() FrameInfo World() ContentWorld Body() objc.Object Name() string }
An interface definition for the ScriptMessage class.
type ISecurityOrigin ¶
An interface definition for the SecurityOrigin class.
type ISnapshotConfiguration ¶
type ISnapshotConfiguration interface { objc.IObject Rect() coregraphics.Rect SetRect(value coregraphics.Rect) AfterScreenUpdates() bool SetAfterScreenUpdates(value bool) SnapshotWidth() foundation.Number SetSnapshotWidth(value foundation.INumber) }
An interface definition for the SnapshotConfiguration class.
type IUserContentController ¶
type IUserContentController interface { objc.IObject RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlers() AddScriptMessageHandlerName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, name string) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, name string) AddScriptMessageHandlerContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, world IContentWorld, name string) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, world IContentWorld, name string) RemoveAllUserScripts() RemoveAllContentRuleLists() AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReply PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply, contentWorld IContentWorld, name string) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObject objc.IObject, contentWorld IContentWorld, name string) AddContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForName(name string) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld(contentWorld IContentWorld) AddUserScript(userScript IUserScript) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForNameContentWorld(name string, contentWorld IContentWorld) RemoveContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList) UserScripts() []UserScript }
An interface definition for the UserContentController class.
type IUserScript ¶
type IUserScript interface { objc.IObject IsForMainFrameOnly() bool Source() string InjectionTime() UserScriptInjectionTime }
An interface definition for the UserScript class.
type IWebArchive ¶
An interface definition for the WebArchive class.
type IWebBackForwardList ¶
An interface definition for the WebBackForwardList class.
type IWebDataSource ¶
An interface definition for the WebDataSource class.
type IWebDownload ¶
type IWebDownload interface { foundation.IURLDownload }
An interface definition for the WebDownload class.
type IWebFrameView ¶
An interface definition for the WebFrameView class.
type IWebHistory ¶
An interface definition for the WebHistory class.
type IWebHistoryItem ¶
An interface definition for the WebHistoryItem class.
type IWebPreferences ¶
An interface definition for the WebPreferences class.
type IWebResource ¶
type IWebResource interface { objc.IObject MIMEType() string FrameName() string URL() foundation.URL Data() []byte TextEncodingName() string }
An interface definition for the WebResource class.
type IWebScriptObject ¶
An interface definition for the WebScriptObject class.
type IWebUndefined ¶
An interface definition for the WebUndefined class.
type IWebView ¶
type IWebView interface { appkit.IView LoadDataMIMETypeCharacterEncodingNameBaseURL(data []byte, MIMEType string, characterEncodingName string, baseURL foundation.IURL) Navigation Reload() Navigation CreatePDFWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(pdfConfiguration IPDFConfiguration, completionHandler func(pdfDocumentData []byte, error foundation.Error)) CreateWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 []byte, arg1 foundation.Error)) TakeSnapshotWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(snapshotConfiguration ISnapshotConfiguration, completionHandler func(snapshotImage appkit.Image, error foundation.Error)) GoToBackForwardListItem(item IBackForwardListItem) Navigation ResumeDownloadFromResumeDataCompletionHandler(resumeData []byte, completionHandler func(arg0 Download)) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseHTMLString(request foundation.IURLRequest, string_ string) Navigation Reload_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object GoBack_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object StopLoading_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object LoadFileURLAllowingReadAccessToURL(URL foundation.IURL, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation LoadHTMLStringBaseURL(string_ string, baseURL foundation.IURL) Navigation GoBack() Navigation EvaluateJavaScriptCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error)) PauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func()) SetMagnificationCenteredAtPoint(magnification float64, point coregraphics.Point) FindStringWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(string_ string, configuration IFindConfiguration, completionHandler func(result FindResult)) ReloadFromOrigin() Navigation RequestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 MediaPlaybackState)) StopLoading() LoadFileRequestAllowingReadAccessToURL(request foundation.IURLRequest, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation ReloadFromOrigin_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object GoForward_(sender objc.IObject) objc.Object CallAsyncJavaScriptArgumentsInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(functionBody string, arguments map[string]objc.IObject, frame IFrameInfo, contentWorld IContentWorld, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error)) PrintOperationWithPrintInfo(printInfo appkit.IPrintInfo) appkit.PrintOperation SetCameraCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func()) LoadRequest(request foundation.IURLRequest) Navigation SetMicrophoneCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func()) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseResponseData(request foundation.IURLRequest, response foundation.IURLResponse, data []byte) Navigation GoForward() Navigation EvaluateJavaScriptInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, frame IFrameInfo, contentWorld IContentWorld, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error)) StartDownloadUsingRequestCompletionHandler(request foundation.IURLRequest, completionHandler func(arg0 Download)) CloseAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func()) SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspendedCompletionHandler(suspended bool, completionHandler func()) IsLoading() bool BackForwardList() BackForwardList CanGoForward() bool URL() foundation.URL EstimatedProgress() float64 MicrophoneCaptureState() MediaCaptureState PageZoom() float64 SetPageZoom(value float64) CustomUserAgent() string SetCustomUserAgent(value string) CameraCaptureState() MediaCaptureState UIDelegate() UIDelegateObject SetUIDelegate(value PUIDelegate) SetUIDelegateObject(valueObject objc.IObject) AllowsMagnification() bool SetAllowsMagnification(value bool) UnderPageBackgroundColor() appkit.Color SetUnderPageBackgroundColor(value appkit.IColor) MediaType() string SetMediaType(value string) ThemeColor() appkit.Color Configuration() WebViewConfiguration Title() string HasOnlySecureContent() bool Magnification() float64 SetMagnification(value float64) InteractionState() objc.Object SetInteractionState(value objc.IObject) AllowsLinkPreview() bool SetAllowsLinkPreview(value bool) CanGoBack() bool }
An interface definition for the WebView class.
type IWebViewConfiguration ¶
type IWebViewConfiguration interface { objc.IObject SetURLSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandler PURLSchemeHandler, urlScheme string) SetURLSchemeHandlerObjectForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandlerObject objc.IObject, urlScheme string) UrlSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlScheme string) URLSchemeHandlerObject UserContentController() UserContentController SetUserContentController(value IUserContentController) DefaultWebpagePreferences() WebpagePreferences SetDefaultWebpagePreferences(value IWebpagePreferences) MediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback() AudiovisualMediaTypes SetMediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback(value AudiovisualMediaTypes) SuppressesIncrementalRendering() bool SetSuppressesIncrementalRendering(value bool) UpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS() bool SetUpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS(value bool) ProcessPool() ProcessPool SetProcessPool(value IProcessPool) Preferences() Preferences SetPreferences(value IPreferences) WebsiteDataStore() WebsiteDataStore SetWebsiteDataStore(value IWebsiteDataStore) UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy() UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy SetUserInterfaceDirectionPolicy(value UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy) AllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback() bool SetAllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback(value bool) ApplicationNameForUserAgent() string SetApplicationNameForUserAgent(value string) }
An interface definition for the WebViewConfiguration class.
type IWebpagePreferences ¶
type IWebpagePreferences interface { objc.IObject PreferredContentMode() ContentMode SetPreferredContentMode(value ContentMode) AllowsContentJavaScript() bool SetAllowsContentJavaScript(value bool) }
An interface definition for the WebpagePreferences class.
type IWebsiteDataRecord ¶
type IWebsiteDataRecord interface { objc.IObject DataTypes() foundation.Set DisplayName() string }
An interface definition for the WebsiteDataRecord class.
type IWebsiteDataStore ¶
type IWebsiteDataStore interface { objc.IObject RemoveDataOfTypesModifiedSinceCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, date foundation.IDate, completionHandler func()) RemoveDataOfTypesForDataRecordsCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, dataRecords []IWebsiteDataRecord, completionHandler func()) FetchDataRecordsOfTypesCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, completionHandler func(arg0 []WebsiteDataRecord)) IsPersistent() bool HttpCookieStore() HTTPCookieStore }
An interface definition for the WebsiteDataStore class.
type IWindowFeatures ¶
type IWindowFeatures interface { objc.IObject MenuBarVisibility() foundation.Number ToolbarsVisibility() foundation.Number StatusBarVisibility() foundation.Number AllowsResizing() foundation.Number Height() foundation.Number X() foundation.Number Y() foundation.Number Width() foundation.Number }
An interface definition for the WindowFeatures class.
type MediaCaptureState ¶
type MediaCaptureState int
An enumeration that describes whether a media device, like a camera or microphone, is currently capturing audio or video. Full Topic
const ( MediaCaptureStateActive MediaCaptureState = 1 MediaCaptureStateMuted MediaCaptureState = 2 MediaCaptureStateNone MediaCaptureState = 0 )
type MediaCaptureType ¶
type MediaCaptureType int
An enumeration listing the types of media devices that can capture audio, video, or both. Full Topic
const ( MediaCaptureTypeCamera MediaCaptureType = 0 MediaCaptureTypeCameraAndMicrophone MediaCaptureType = 2 MediaCaptureTypeMicrophone MediaCaptureType = 1 )
type MediaPlaybackState ¶
type MediaPlaybackState int
An enumeration that describes whether an audio or video presentation is playing, paused, or suspended. Full Topic
const ( MediaPlaybackStateNone MediaPlaybackState = 0 MediaPlaybackStatePaused MediaPlaybackState = 2 MediaPlaybackStatePlaying MediaPlaybackState = 1 MediaPlaybackStateSuspended MediaPlaybackState = 3 )
type Navigation ¶
type Navigation struct {
}An object that tracks the loading progress of a webpage. Full Topic
func NavigationFrom ¶
func NavigationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Navigation
func NewNavigation ¶
func NewNavigation() Navigation
func (Navigation) EffectiveContentMode ¶
func (n_ Navigation) EffectiveContentMode() ContentMode
The content mode WebKit uses to load the webpage. Full Topic
func (Navigation) Init ¶
func (n_ Navigation) Init() Navigation
type NavigationAction ¶
type NavigationAction struct {
}An object that contains information about an action that causes navigation to occur. Full Topic
func NavigationActionFrom ¶
func NavigationActionFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) NavigationAction
func NewNavigationAction ¶
func NewNavigationAction() NavigationAction
func (NavigationAction) ButtonNumber ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) ButtonNumber() int
The number of the mouse button that caused the navigation request. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) Init ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) Init() NavigationAction
func (NavigationAction) ModifierFlags ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) ModifierFlags() appkit.EventModifierFlags
The modifier keys that were pressed at the time of the navigation request. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) NavigationType ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) NavigationType() NavigationType
The type of action that triggered the navigation. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) Request ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) Request() foundation.URLRequest
The URL request object associated with the navigation action. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) ShouldPerformDownload ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) ShouldPerformDownload() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web content provided an attribute that indicates a download. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) SourceFrame ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) SourceFrame() FrameInfo
The frame that requested the navigation. Full Topic
func (NavigationAction) TargetFrame ¶
func (n_ NavigationAction) TargetFrame() FrameInfo
The frame in which to display the new content. Full Topic
type NavigationActionPolicy ¶
type NavigationActionPolicy int
Constants that indicate whether to allow or cancel navigation to a webpage from an action. Full Topic
const ()
type NavigationDelegate ¶
type NavigationDelegate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A delegate implementation builder for the PNavigationDelegate protocol.
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate() bool
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(f func(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, decisionHandler func(arg0 bool)))
Asks the delegate whether to continue with a connection that uses a deprecated version of TLS. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy)))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified action information. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, preferences WebpagePreferences, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy, arg1 WebpagePreferences)))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified preferences and action information. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationResponsePolicy)))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content after the response to the navigation request is known. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidCommitNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidCommitNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
Tells the delegate that the web view has started to receive content for the main frame. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error))
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during navigation. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error))
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during the early navigation process. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFinishNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidFinishNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
Tells the delegate that navigation is complete. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(disposition foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, credential foundation.URLCredential)))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
Tells the delegate that the web view received a server redirect for a request. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(f func(webView WebView, navigation Navigation))
Tells the delegate that navigation from the main frame has started. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(f func(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download))
Tells the delegate that a navigation action became a download. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(f func(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, download Download))
Tells the delegate that a navigation response became a download. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) SetWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(f func(webView WebView))
Tells the delegate that the web view’s content process was terminated. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, decisionHandler func(arg0 bool))
Asks the delegate whether to continue with a connection that uses a deprecated version of TLS. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified action information. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, preferences WebpagePreferences, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy, arg1 WebpagePreferences))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified preferences and action information. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationResponsePolicy))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content after the response to the navigation request is known. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidCommitNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidCommitNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that the web view has started to receive content for the main frame. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during navigation. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during the early navigation process. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFinishNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidFinishNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that navigation is complete. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(disposition foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, credential foundation.URLCredential))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that the web view received a server redirect for a request. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that navigation from the main frame has started. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download)
Tells the delegate that a navigation action became a download. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, download Download)
Tells the delegate that a navigation response became a download. Full Topic
func (*NavigationDelegate) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate ¶
func (di *NavigationDelegate) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(webView WebView)
Tells the delegate that the web view’s content process was terminated. Full Topic
type NavigationDelegateObject ¶
type NavigationDelegateObject struct {
}A concrete type for the PNavigationDelegate protocol.
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidCommitNavigation() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailNavigationWithError() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidFinishNavigation() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) HasWebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate() bool
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewAuthenticationChallengeShouldAllowDeprecatedTLS(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, decisionHandler func(arg0 bool))
Asks the delegate whether to continue with a connection that uses a deprecated version of TLS. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified action information. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationActionPreferencesDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, preferences WebpagePreferences, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationActionPolicy, arg1 WebpagePreferences))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content based on the specified preferences and action information. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDecidePolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandler(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, decisionHandler func(arg0 NavigationResponsePolicy))
Asks the delegate for permission to navigate to new content after the response to the navigation request is known. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidCommitNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidCommitNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that the web view has started to receive content for the main frame. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during navigation. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFailProvisionalNavigationWithError(webView WebView, navigation Navigation, error foundation.Error)
Tells the delegate that an error occurred during the early navigation process. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFinishNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidFinishNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that navigation is complete. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(webView WebView, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(disposition foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, credential foundation.URLCredential))
Asks the delegate to respond to an authentication challenge. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that the web view received a server redirect for a request. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewDidStartProvisionalNavigation(webView WebView, navigation Navigation)
Tells the delegate that navigation from the main frame has started. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationActionDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationAction NavigationAction, download Download)
Tells the delegate that a navigation action became a download. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewNavigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(webView WebView, navigationResponse NavigationResponse, download Download)
Tells the delegate that a navigation response became a download. Full Topic
func (NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate ¶
func (n_ NavigationDelegateObject) WebViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(webView WebView)
Tells the delegate that the web view’s content process was terminated. Full Topic
type NavigationResponse ¶
type NavigationResponse struct {
}An object that contains the response to a navigation request, and which you use to make navigation-related policy decisions. Full Topic
func NavigationResponseFrom ¶
func NavigationResponseFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) NavigationResponse
func NewNavigationResponse ¶
func NewNavigationResponse() NavigationResponse
func (NavigationResponse) CanShowMIMEType ¶
func (n_ NavigationResponse) CanShowMIMEType() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether WebKit is capable of displaying the response’s MIME type natively. Full Topic
func (NavigationResponse) Init ¶
func (n_ NavigationResponse) Init() NavigationResponse
func (NavigationResponse) IsForMainFrame ¶
func (n_ NavigationResponse) IsForMainFrame() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the response targets the web view’s main frame. Full Topic
func (NavigationResponse) Response ¶
func (n_ NavigationResponse) Response() foundation.URLResponse
The frame’s response. Full Topic
type NavigationResponsePolicy ¶
type NavigationResponsePolicy int
Constants that indicate whether to allow or cancel navigation to a webpage from a response. Full Topic
const ()
type NavigationType ¶
type NavigationType int
The type of action that triggered the navigation. Full Topic
const ()
type OpenPanelParameters ¶
The configuration details of a file upload control in your web content. Full Topic
func NewOpenPanelParameters ¶
func NewOpenPanelParameters() OpenPanelParameters
func OpenPanelParametersFrom ¶
func OpenPanelParametersFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) OpenPanelParameters
func (OpenPanelParameters) AllowsDirectories ¶
func (o_ OpenPanelParameters) AllowsDirectories() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the file upload control supports the selection of directories. Full Topic
func (OpenPanelParameters) AllowsMultipleSelection ¶
func (o_ OpenPanelParameters) AllowsMultipleSelection() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the file upload control supports multiple files. Full Topic
func (OpenPanelParameters) Init ¶
func (o_ OpenPanelParameters) Init() OpenPanelParameters
type PDFConfiguration ¶
The configuration data to use when generating a PDF representation of a web view’s contents. Full Topic
func NewPDFConfiguration ¶
func NewPDFConfiguration() PDFConfiguration
func PDFConfigurationFrom ¶
func PDFConfigurationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) PDFConfiguration
func (PDFConfiguration) Init ¶
func (p_ PDFConfiguration) Init() PDFConfiguration
func (PDFConfiguration) Rect ¶
func (p_ PDFConfiguration) Rect() coregraphics.Rect
The portion of your web view to capture, specified as a rectangle in the view’s coordinate system. Full Topic
func (PDFConfiguration) SetRect ¶
func (p_ PDFConfiguration) SetRect(value coregraphics.Rect)
The portion of your web view to capture, specified as a rectangle in the view’s coordinate system. Full Topic
type PDownloadDelegate ¶
type PDownloadDelegate interface { // optional DownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler(download Download, challenge foundation.URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler func(arg0 foundation.URLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, arg1 foundation.URLCredential)) HasDownloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeCompletionHandler() bool // optional DownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData(download Download, error foundation.Error, resumeData []byte) HasDownloadDidFailWithErrorResumeData() bool // optional DownloadDidFinish(download Download) HasDownloadDidFinish() bool // optional DownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler(download Download, response foundation.URLResponse, suggestedFilename string, completionHandler func(destination foundation.URL)) HasDownloadDecideDestinationUsingResponseSuggestedFilenameCompletionHandler() bool // optional DownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler(download Download, response foundation.HTTPURLResponse, request foundation.URLRequest, decisionHandler func(arg0 DownloadRedirectPolicy)) HasDownloadWillPerformHTTPRedirectionNewRequestDecisionHandler() bool }
A protocol you implement to track download progress and handle redirects, authentication challenges, and failures. Full Topic
type PHTTPCookieStoreObserver ¶
type PHTTPCookieStoreObserver interface { // optional CookiesDidChangeInCookieStore(cookieStore HTTPCookieStore) HasCookiesDidChangeInCookieStore() bool }
The methods to adopt in an object that monitors changes to a webpage’s cookies. Full Topic
type PNavigationDelegate ¶
type PNavigationDelegate interface { // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional // optional }
Methods for accepting or rejecting navigation changes, and for tracking the progress of navigation requests. Full Topic
type PScriptMessageHandler ¶
type PScriptMessageHandler interface { // optional UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage(userContentController UserContentController, message ScriptMessage) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage() bool }
An interface for receiving messages from JavaScript code running in a webpage. Full Topic
type PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply ¶
type PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply interface { // optional UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler(userContentController UserContentController, message ScriptMessage, replyHandler func(reply objc.Object, errorMessage *string)) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler() bool }
An interface for responding to messages from JavaScript code running in a webpage. Full Topic
type PUIDelegate ¶
type PUIDelegate interface { // optional WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func()) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool // optional // optional WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result bool)) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool // optional WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(URLs []foundation.URL)) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool // optional WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, type_ MediaCaptureType, decisionHandler func(decision PermissionDecision)) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler() bool // optional WebViewDidClose(webView WebView) HasWebViewDidClose() bool // optional WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result string)) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool }
The methods for presenting native user interface elements on behalf of a webpage. Full Topic
type PURLSchemeHandler ¶
type PURLSchemeHandler interface { // optional WebViewStartURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask() bool // optional WebViewStopURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask() bool }
A protocol for loading resources with URL schemes that WebKit doesn't handle. Full Topic
type PURLSchemeTask ¶
type PURLSchemeTask interface { // optional DidReceiveResponse(response foundation.URLResponse) HasDidReceiveResponse() bool // optional DidReceiveData(data []byte) HasDidReceiveData() bool // optional DidFinish() HasDidFinish() bool // optional DidFailWithError(error foundation.Error) HasDidFailWithError() bool // optional Request() foundation.URLRequest HasRequest() bool }
An interface that WebKit uses to request custom resources from your app. Full Topic
type PWebDocumentRepresentation ¶
type PWebDocumentRepresentation interface { }
This protocol is adopted by document representation classes that handle specific MIME types. You can implement your own document view classes and document representation classes to render data for specific MIME types, and register those classes using the WebFrame webkit/webview/registerviewclass method. Full Topic
type PWebDocumentSearching ¶
type PWebDocumentSearching interface { }
WebDocumentSearching is an optional protocol for document view objects that support searching. Classes that adopt this protocol should also adopt WebDocumentView and inherit from NSView. Full Topic
type PWebDocumentText ¶
type PWebDocumentText interface { }
WebDocumentText is an optional protocol for document view objects that display text. This protocol defines methods for accessing document content as strings, and methods for text selection. Classes that adopt this protocol should also adopt WebDocumentView and inherit from NSView. Full Topic
type PWebDocumentView ¶
type PWebDocumentView interface { }
This protocol is adopted by the document view of a WebFrameView. You can extend WebKit to support additional MIME types by implementing your own document view and document representation classes to render data for specific MIME types. You register those classes using the WebFrame webkit/webview/registerviewclass method. Classes that adopt this protocol are expected to be subclasses of NSView. Full Topic
type PWebDownloadDelegate ¶
type PWebDownloadDelegate interface { }
The WebDownloadDelegate protocol declares one additional method for delegates of WebDownload. Full Topic
type PWebOpenPanelResultListener ¶
type PWebOpenPanelResultListener interface { }
WebView user interface delegates that implement the webView:runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener: method use the methods defined in this protocol to communicate with the listener object. The methods allow the delegate to send a cancel message, or set the selected file name. Full Topic
type PWebPolicyDecisionListener ¶
type PWebPolicyDecisionListener interface { }
This protocol enables WebView policy delegates to communicate with listener objects. A listener object conforming to this protocol is passed as one of the arguments to web view policy delegate methods. Full Topic
type PWebResourceLoadDelegate ¶
type PWebResourceLoadDelegate interface { }
Web view resource load delegates implement this protocol to be notified on the progress of loading individual resources. Note that there can be hundreds of resources, such as images and other media, per page. So, if you just want to get page loading status see the WebFrameLoadDelegate protocol. Full Topic
type PWebUIDelegate ¶
type PWebUIDelegate interface { }
Web view user interface delegates implement this protocol to control the opening of new windows, augment the behavior of default menu items displayed when the user clicks elements, and perform other user interface–related tasks. These methods can be invoked as a result of handling JavaScript or other plug-in content. Delegates that display more than one web view per window, for example, need to implement some of these methods to handle that case. The default implementation assumes one window per web view, so non-conventional user interfaces might implement a user interface delegate. Full Topic
type PermissionDecision ¶
type PermissionDecision int
An enumeration of possible permission decisions for device resource access. Full Topic
const ( PermissionDecisionDeny PermissionDecision = 2 PermissionDecisionGrant PermissionDecision = 1 PermissionDecisionPrompt PermissionDecision = 0 )
type Preferences ¶
An object that encapsulates the standard behaviors to apply to websites. Full Topic
func NewPreferences ¶
func NewPreferences() Preferences
func PreferencesFrom ¶
func PreferencesFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Preferences
func (Preferences) Init ¶
func (p_ Preferences) Init() Preferences
func (Preferences) IsElementFullscreenEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) IsElementFullscreenEnabled() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether a web view can display content full screen. Full Topic
func (Preferences) IsFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) IsFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view shows warnings for suspected fraudulent content, such as malware or phishing attemps. Full Topic
func (Preferences) IsSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) IsSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled() bool
A Boolean that indicates whether to apply site-specific compatibility workarounds. Full Topic
func (Preferences) IsTextInteractionEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) IsTextInteractionEnabled() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether to allow people to select or otherwise interact with text. Full Topic
func (Preferences) JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically ¶
func (p_ Preferences) JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether JavaScript can open windows without user interaction. Full Topic
func (Preferences) MinimumFontSize ¶
func (p_ Preferences) MinimumFontSize() float64
The minimum font size, in points. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetElementFullscreenEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetElementFullscreenEnabled(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether a web view can display content full screen. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetFraudulentWebsiteWarningEnabled(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view shows warnings for suspected fraudulent content, such as malware or phishing attemps. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether JavaScript can open windows without user interaction. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetMinimumFontSize ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetMinimumFontSize(value float64)
The minimum font size, in points. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetSiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled(value bool)
A Boolean that indicates whether to apply site-specific compatibility workarounds. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetTabFocusesLinks ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetTabFocusesLinks(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether pressing the tab key changes the focus to links and form controls. Full Topic
func (Preferences) SetTextInteractionEnabled ¶
func (p_ Preferences) SetTextInteractionEnabled(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether to allow people to select or otherwise interact with text. Full Topic
func (Preferences) TabFocusesLinks ¶
func (p_ Preferences) TabFocusesLinks() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether pressing the tab key changes the focus to links and form controls. Full Topic
type ProcessPool ¶
An opaque token that you use to run multiple web views in a single process. Full Topic
func NewProcessPool ¶
func NewProcessPool() ProcessPool
func ProcessPoolFrom ¶
func ProcessPoolFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ProcessPool
func (ProcessPool) Init ¶
func (p_ ProcessPool) Init() ProcessPool
type ScriptMessage ¶
An object that encapsulates a message sent by JavaScript code from a webpage. Full Topic
func NewScriptMessage ¶
func NewScriptMessage() ScriptMessage
func ScriptMessageFrom ¶
func ScriptMessageFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ScriptMessage
func (ScriptMessage) Body ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessage) Body() objc.Object
The body of the message. Full Topic
func (ScriptMessage) FrameInfo ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessage) FrameInfo() FrameInfo
The frame that sent the message. Full Topic
func (ScriptMessage) Init ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessage) Init() ScriptMessage
func (ScriptMessage) Name ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessage) Name() string
The name of the message handler to which the message is sent. Full Topic
func (ScriptMessage) World ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessage) World() ContentWorld
The namespace in which the JavaScript code executes. Full Topic
type ScriptMessageHandlerObject ¶
A concrete type for the PScriptMessageHandler protocol.
func (ScriptMessageHandlerObject) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessageHandlerObject) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage() bool
func (ScriptMessageHandlerObject) UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessageHandlerObject) UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessage(userContentController UserContentController, message ScriptMessage)
Tells the handler that a webpage sent a script message. Full Topic
type ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper ¶
A concrete type wrapper for the PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply protocol.
func (ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper) HasUserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler() bool
func (ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper) UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler ¶
func (s_ ScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyWrapper) UserContentControllerDidReceiveScriptMessageReplyHandler(userContentController IUserContentController, message IScriptMessage, replyHandler func(reply objc.Object, errorMessage *string))
Tells the handler that a webpage sent a script message that included a reply. Full Topic
type SecurityOrigin ¶
An object that identifies the origin of a particular resource. Full Topic
func NewSecurityOrigin ¶
func NewSecurityOrigin() SecurityOrigin
func SecurityOriginFrom ¶
func SecurityOriginFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) SecurityOrigin
func (SecurityOrigin) Host ¶
func (s_ SecurityOrigin) Host() string
The security origin’s host. Full Topic
func (SecurityOrigin) Init ¶
func (s_ SecurityOrigin) Init() SecurityOrigin
func (SecurityOrigin) Port ¶
func (s_ SecurityOrigin) Port() int
The security origin's port. Full Topic
func (SecurityOrigin) Protocol ¶
func (s_ SecurityOrigin) Protocol() string
The security origin's protocol. Full Topic
type SnapshotConfiguration ¶
The configuration data to use when generating an image from a web view’s contents. Full Topic
func NewSnapshotConfiguration ¶
func NewSnapshotConfiguration() SnapshotConfiguration
func SnapshotConfigurationFrom ¶
func SnapshotConfigurationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) SnapshotConfiguration
func (SnapshotConfiguration) AfterScreenUpdates ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) AfterScreenUpdates() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether to take the snapshot after incorporating any pending screen updates. Full Topic
func (SnapshotConfiguration) Init ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) Init() SnapshotConfiguration
func (SnapshotConfiguration) Rect ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) Rect() coregraphics.Rect
The portion of your web view to capture, specified as a rectangle in the view’s coordinate system. Full Topic
func (SnapshotConfiguration) SetAfterScreenUpdates ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetAfterScreenUpdates(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether to take the snapshot after incorporating any pending screen updates. Full Topic
func (SnapshotConfiguration) SetRect ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetRect(value coregraphics.Rect)
The portion of your web view to capture, specified as a rectangle in the view’s coordinate system. Full Topic
func (SnapshotConfiguration) SetSnapshotWidth ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SetSnapshotWidth(value foundation.INumber)
The width of the captured image, in points. Full Topic
func (SnapshotConfiguration) SnapshotWidth ¶
func (s_ SnapshotConfiguration) SnapshotWidth() foundation.Number
The width of the captured image, in points. Full Topic
type UIDelegate ¶
type UIDelegate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A delegate implementation builder for the PUIDelegate protocol.
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewDidClose ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewDidClose() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (*UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(f func(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, navigationAction NavigationAction, windowFeatures WindowFeatures) WebView)
Creates a new web view. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewDidClose ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewDidClose(f func(webView WebView))
Notifies your app that the DOM window closed successfully. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(f func(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, type_ MediaCaptureType, decisionHandler func(decision PermissionDecision)))
Determines whether a web resource, which the security origin object describes, can access to the device’s microphone audio and camera video. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func()))
Displays a JavaScript alert panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result bool)))
Displays a JavaScript confirm panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result string)))
Displays a JavaScript text input panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) SetWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(f func(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(URLs []foundation.URL)))
Displays a file upload panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, navigationAction NavigationAction, windowFeatures WindowFeatures) WebView
Creates a new web view. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewDidClose ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewDidClose(webView WebView)
Notifies your app that the DOM window closed successfully. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, type_ MediaCaptureType, decisionHandler func(decision PermissionDecision))
Determines whether a web resource, which the security origin object describes, can access to the device’s microphone audio and camera video. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func())
Displays a JavaScript alert panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result bool))
Displays a JavaScript confirm panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result string))
Displays a JavaScript text input panel. Full Topic
func (*UIDelegate) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (di *UIDelegate) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(URLs []foundation.URL))
Displays a file upload panel. Full Topic
type UIDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PUIDelegate protocol.
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidClose ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewDidClose() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) HasWebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler() bool
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewCreateWebViewWithConfigurationForNavigationActionWindowFeatures(webView WebView, configuration WebViewConfiguration, navigationAction NavigationAction, windowFeatures WindowFeatures) WebView
Creates a new web view. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewDidClose ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewDidClose(webView WebView)
Notifies your app that the DOM window closed successfully. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRequestMediaCapturePermissionForOriginInitiatedByFrameTypeDecisionHandler(webView WebView, origin SecurityOrigin, frame FrameInfo, type_ MediaCaptureType, decisionHandler func(decision PermissionDecision))
Determines whether a web resource, which the security origin object describes, can access to the device’s microphone audio and camera video. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func())
Displays a JavaScript alert panel. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessageInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, message string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result bool))
Displays a JavaScript confirm panel. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPromptDefaultTextInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, prompt string, defaultText string, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(result string))
Displays a JavaScript text input panel. Full Topic
func (UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler ¶
func (u_ UIDelegateObject) WebViewRunOpenPanelWithParametersInitiatedByFrameCompletionHandler(webView WebView, parameters OpenPanelParameters, frame FrameInfo, completionHandler func(URLs []foundation.URL))
Displays a file upload panel. Full Topic
type URLSchemeHandlerObject ¶
A concrete type for the PURLSchemeHandler protocol.
func (URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStartURLSchemeTask() bool
func (URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) HasWebViewStopURLSchemeTask() bool
func (URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStartURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
Asks your handler to begin loading the data for the specified resource. Full Topic
func (URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeHandlerObject) WebViewStopURLSchemeTask(webView WebView, urlSchemeTask URLSchemeTaskObject)
Asks your handler to stop loading the data for the specified resource. Full Topic
type URLSchemeTaskObject ¶
A concrete type for the PURLSchemeTask protocol.
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFailWithError ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFailWithError(error foundation.Error)
Completes the task and reports the specified error back to WebKit. Full Topic
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFinish ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidFinish()
Signals the successful completion of the task. Full Topic
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveData ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveData(data []byte)
Sends some or all of the resource data to WebKit. Full Topic
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveResponse ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) DidReceiveResponse(response foundation.URLResponse)
Returns a URL response to WebKit with information about the requested resource. Full Topic
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFailWithError ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFailWithError() bool
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFinish ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidFinish() bool
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveData ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveData() bool
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveResponse ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasDidReceiveResponse() bool
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) HasRequest ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) HasRequest() bool
func (URLSchemeTaskObject) Request ¶
func (u_ URLSchemeTaskObject) Request() foundation.URLRequest
Information about the resource to load. Full Topic
type UserContentController ¶
An object for managing interactions between JavaScript code and your web view, and for filtering content in your web view. Full Topic
func NewUserContentController ¶
func NewUserContentController() UserContentController
func UserContentControllerFrom ¶
func UserContentControllerFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) UserContentController
func (UserContentController) AddContentRuleList ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList)
Adds the specified content rule list to the content controller object. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerContentWorldName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, world IContentWorld, name string)
Installs a message handler that you can call from the specified content world in your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerName(scriptMessageHandler PScriptMessageHandler, name string)
Installs a message handler that you can call from your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectContentWorldName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, world IContentWorld, name string)
Installs a message handler that you can call from the specified content world in your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerObjectName(scriptMessageHandlerObject objc.IObject, name string)
Installs a message handler that you can call from your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyContentWorldName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReply PScriptMessageHandlerWithReply, contentWorld IContentWorld, name string)
Installs a message handler that returns a reply to your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObjectContentWorldName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddScriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObjectContentWorldName(scriptMessageHandlerWithReplyObject objc.IObject, contentWorld IContentWorld, name string)
Installs a message handler that returns a reply to your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) AddUserScript ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) AddUserScript(userScript IUserScript)
Injects the specified script into the webpage’s content. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) Init ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) Init() UserContentController
func (UserContentController) RemoveAllContentRuleLists ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllContentRuleLists()
Removes all rules lists from the content controller. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlers ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlers()
Uninstalls all custom message handlers associated with the user content controller. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld(contentWorld IContentWorld)
Uninstalls all custom message handlers from the specified content world in your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveAllUserScripts ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveAllUserScripts()
Removes all user scripts from the web view. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveContentRuleList ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveContentRuleList(contentRuleList IContentRuleList)
Removes the specified rule list from the content controller object. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForName ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForName(name string)
Uninstalls the custom message handler with the specified name from your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForNameContentWorld ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) RemoveScriptMessageHandlerForNameContentWorld(name string, contentWorld IContentWorld)
Uninstalls a custom message handler from the specified content world in your JavaScript code. Full Topic
func (UserContentController) UserScripts ¶
func (u_ UserContentController) UserScripts() []UserScript
The user scripts associated with the user content controller. Full Topic
type UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy ¶
type UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy int
The policy that determines the directionality of user interface elements in a web view. Full Topic
const ( UserInterfaceDirectionPolicyContent UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy = 0 UserInterfaceDirectionPolicySystem UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy = 1 )
type UserScript ¶
A script that the web view injects into a webpage. Full Topic
func NewUserScript ¶
func NewUserScript() UserScript
func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly ¶
func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool) UserScript
Creates a user script object that contains the specified source code and attributes. Full Topic
func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld ¶
func NewUserScriptWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool, contentWorld IContentWorld) UserScript
Creates a user script object that is scoped to a particular content world. Full Topic
func UserScriptFrom ¶
func UserScriptFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) UserScript
func (UserScript) Init ¶
func (u_ UserScript) Init() UserScript
func (UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly ¶
func (u_ UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnly(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool) UserScript
func (UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld ¶
func (u_ UserScript) InitWithSourceInjectionTimeForMainFrameOnlyInContentWorld(source string, injectionTime UserScriptInjectionTime, forMainFrameOnly bool, contentWorld IContentWorld) UserScript
func (UserScript) InjectionTime ¶
func (u_ UserScript) InjectionTime() UserScriptInjectionTime
The time at which to inject the script into the webpage. Full Topic
func (UserScript) IsForMainFrameOnly ¶
func (u_ UserScript) IsForMainFrameOnly() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether to inject the script into the main frame or all frames. Full Topic
func (UserScript) Source ¶
func (u_ UserScript) Source() string
The script’s source code. Full Topic
type UserScriptInjectionTime ¶
type UserScriptInjectionTime int
Constants for the times at which to inject script content into a webpage. Full Topic
const ( UserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd UserScriptInjectionTime = 1 UserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart UserScriptInjectionTime = 0 )
type WebArchive ¶
A WebArchive object represents a webpage that can be archived—for example, archived on disk or on the pasteboard. A WebArchive object contains the main resource, as well as the subresources and subframes of the main resource. The main resource can be an entire webpage, a portion of a webpage, or some other kind of data such as an image. Use this class to archive webpages, or place a portion of a webpage on the pasteboard, or to represent rich web content in any application. Full Topic
func NewWebArchive ¶
func NewWebArchive() WebArchive
func WebArchiveFrom ¶
func WebArchiveFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebArchive
func (WebArchive) Init ¶
func (w_ WebArchive) Init() WebArchive
type WebBackForwardList ¶
A WebBackForwardList object maintains a list of visited pages used to go back and forward to the most recent page. A WebBackForwardList object maintains only the list data—it does not perform actual page loads (in other words, it does not make any client requests). If you need to perform a page load, see the webkit/webframe/loadrequest method in WebFrame to find out how to do this. Full Topic
func NewWebBackForwardList ¶
func NewWebBackForwardList() WebBackForwardList
func WebBackForwardListFrom ¶
func WebBackForwardListFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebBackForwardList
func (WebBackForwardList) Init ¶
func (w_ WebBackForwardList) Init() WebBackForwardList
type WebCacheModel ¶
type WebCacheModel uint
Specifies the caching model for a web view. Full Topic
const ( WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser WebCacheModel = 1 WebCacheModelDocumentViewer WebCacheModel = 0 WebCacheModelPrimaryWebBrowser WebCacheModel = 2 )
type WebDataSource ¶
WebDataSource encapsulates the web content to be displayed in a web frame view. A WebDataSource object has a representation object, conforming to the WebDocumentRepresentation protocol, that holds the data in an appropriate format depending on the MIME type. You can extend WebKit to support new MIME types by implementing your own view and representation classes, and specifying the mapping between them using the webkit/webview/registerviewclass WebView class method. Full Topic
func NewWebDataSource ¶
func NewWebDataSource() WebDataSource
func WebDataSourceFrom ¶
func WebDataSourceFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebDataSource
func (WebDataSource) Init ¶
func (w_ WebDataSource) Init() WebDataSource
type WebDocumentRepresentationObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebDocumentRepresentation protocol.
type WebDocumentSearchingObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebDocumentSearching protocol.
type WebDocumentTextObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebDocumentText protocol.
type WebDocumentViewObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebDocumentView protocol.
type WebDownload ¶
type WebDownload struct {
WebDownload objects initiate download client requests on behalf of a delegate. A download request involves loading the data, decoding it (if necessary), and saving it to a file. Instances of this class behave similar to NSURLDownload except delegates of WebDownload may implement an additional delegate method. The method allows the delegate to specify the window to be used for authentication sheets. If the delegate does not implement this method, the WebDownload object will prompt the user for authentication using the standard WebKit authentication panel, as either a sheet or window. There are no additional methods defined in this class. See WebDownloadDelegate for the delegate method. Full Topic
func NewWebDownload ¶
func NewWebDownload() WebDownload
func WebDownloadFrom ¶
func WebDownloadFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebDownload
func (WebDownload) Init ¶
func (w_ WebDownload) Init() WebDownload
type WebDownloadDelegate ¶
type WebDownloadDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebDownloadDelegate protocol.
type WebDownloadDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebDownloadDelegate protocol.
type WebDragDestinationAction ¶
type WebDragDestinationAction uint
Actions that the destination object of a drag operation can perform. Full Topic
const ( WebDragDestinationActionAny WebDragDestinationAction = 4294967295 WebDragDestinationActionDHTML WebDragDestinationAction = 1 WebDragDestinationActionEdit WebDragDestinationAction = 2 WebDragDestinationActionLoad WebDragDestinationAction = 4 WebDragDestinationActionNone WebDragDestinationAction = 0 )
type WebDragSourceAction ¶
type WebDragSourceAction uint
Actions that the source object of a drag operation can perform. Full Topic
const ( WebDragSourceActionAny WebDragSourceAction = 4294967295 WebDragSourceActionDHTML WebDragSourceAction = 1 WebDragSourceActionImage WebDragSourceAction = 2 WebDragSourceActionLink WebDragSourceAction = 4 WebDragSourceActionNone WebDragSourceAction = 0 WebDragSourceActionSelection WebDragSourceAction = 8 )
type WebEditingDelegate ¶
type WebEditingDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebEditingDelegate protocol.
type WebEditingDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebEditingDelegate protocol.
type WebFrame ¶
A WebFrame object encapsulates the data displayed in a WebFrameView object. There is one WebFrame object per frame displayed in a WebView. An entire webpage is represented by a hierarchy of WebFrame objects in which the root object is called the main frame. Full Topic
func NewWebFrame ¶
func NewWebFrame() WebFrame
func WebFrameFrom ¶
type WebFrameLoadDelegate ¶
type WebFrameLoadDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebFrameLoadDelegate protocol.
type WebFrameLoadDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebFrameLoadDelegate protocol.
type WebFrameView ¶
WebFrameView objects and their subviews display the web content contained in a frame. You never create instances of WebFrameView directly—WebView objects create and manage a hierarchy of WebFrameView objects, one for each frame. WebFrameView objects use a scroll view whose document view conforms to the WebDocumentView protocol. Full Topic
func NewWebFrameView ¶
func NewWebFrameView() WebFrameView
func NewWebFrameViewWithFrame ¶
func NewWebFrameViewWithFrame(frameRect foundation.Rect) WebFrameView
Initializes and returns a newly allocated NSView object with a specified frame rectangle. Full Topic
func WebFrameViewFrom ¶
func WebFrameViewFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebFrameView
func (WebFrameView) Init ¶
func (w_ WebFrameView) Init() WebFrameView
func (WebFrameView) InitWithFrame ¶
func (w_ WebFrameView) InitWithFrame(frameRect foundation.Rect) WebFrameView
type WebHistory ¶
WebHistory objects are used to maintain the pages visited by users. Visited pages are represented by WebHistoryItem objects. You add and remove history items using the webkit/webhistory/additems and webkit/webhistory/removeitems methods. These methods post appropriate notifications when items are added or removed so you can update the display. WebHistory organizes the WebHistoryItem objects by the day they were visited, ordered from most recent to oldest. You can request all the days that contain history items using the webkit/webhistory/orderedlastvisiteddays method or request the items visited on a particular day using the webkit/webhistory/ordereditemslastvisitedonday method. WebHistory objects can be loaded and saved by specifying a file URL (see webkit/webhistory/loadfromurl). Full Topic
func NewWebHistory ¶
func NewWebHistory() WebHistory
func WebHistoryFrom ¶
func WebHistoryFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebHistory
func (WebHistory) Init ¶
func (w_ WebHistory) Init() WebHistory
type WebHistoryItem ¶
WebHistoryItem objects encapsulate information about visiting a page so that users can return to that page. WebHistory and WebBackForwardList objects manage lists of WebHistoryItem objects. WebHistoryItem objects are created and added to these lists automatically when loading pages, so you do not need to create WebHistoryItem objects directly. Full Topic
func NewWebHistoryItem ¶
func NewWebHistoryItem() WebHistoryItem
func WebHistoryItemFrom ¶
func WebHistoryItemFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebHistoryItem
func (WebHistoryItem) Init ¶
func (w_ WebHistoryItem) Init() WebHistoryItem
type WebNavigationType ¶
type WebNavigationType int
Possible values for the WebActionNavigationTypeKey key that appears in an action dictionary. Full Topic
const ()
type WebOpenPanelResultListenerObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebOpenPanelResultListener protocol.
type WebPlugInViewFactoryObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebPlugInViewFactory protocol.
type WebPolicyDecisionListenerObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebPolicyDecisionListener protocol.
type WebPolicyDelegate ¶
type WebPolicyDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebPolicyDelegate protocol.
type WebPolicyDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebPolicyDelegate protocol.
type WebPreferences ¶
WebPreferences encapsulates the preferences you can change per WebView object. These preferences include font, text encoding, and image settings. Normally a WebView object uses the standard preferences returned by the webkit/webpreferences/standardpreferences class method. However, you can modify the preferences for individual WebView instances too. Use the webkit/webview/preferencesidentifier WebView method to change a WebView object’s preferences, or to share preferences between WebView objects. Use the webkit/webpreferences/autosaves method to specify if the preferences object should be automatically saved to the user defaults database. Full Topic
func NewWebPreferences ¶
func NewWebPreferences() WebPreferences
func WebPreferencesFrom ¶
func WebPreferencesFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebPreferences
func (WebPreferences) Init ¶
func (w_ WebPreferences) Init() WebPreferences
type WebResource ¶
A WebResource object represents a downloaded URL. It encapsulates the data of the download as well as other resource properties such as the URL, MIME type, and frame name. Full Topic
func NewWebResource ¶
func NewWebResource() WebResource
func NewWebResourceWithDataURLMIMETypeTextEncodingNameFrameName ¶
func NewWebResourceWithDataURLMIMETypeTextEncodingNameFrameName(data []byte, URL foundation.IURL, MIMEType string, textEncodingName string, frameName string) WebResource
Initializes and returns a web resource instance. Full Topic
func WebResourceFrom ¶
func WebResourceFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebResource
func (WebResource) FrameName ¶
func (w_ WebResource) FrameName() string
The name of the frame. If the receiver does not represent the contents of an entire HTML frame, this is nil. Full Topic
func (WebResource) Init ¶
func (w_ WebResource) Init() WebResource
func (WebResource) InitWithDataURLMIMETypeTextEncodingNameFrameName ¶
func (w_ WebResource) InitWithDataURLMIMETypeTextEncodingNameFrameName(data []byte, URL foundation.IURL, MIMEType string, textEncodingName string, frameName string) WebResource
func (WebResource) MIMEType ¶
func (w_ WebResource) MIMEType() string
The receiver’s MIME type. Full Topic
func (WebResource) TextEncodingName ¶
func (w_ WebResource) TextEncodingName() string
The receiver’s text encoding name. Full Topic
type WebResourceLoadDelegate ¶
type WebResourceLoadDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebResourceLoadDelegate protocol.
type WebResourceLoadDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebResourceLoadDelegate protocol.
type WebScriptObject ¶
A WebScriptObject object is an Objective-C wrapper for a scripting object passed to your application from the scripting environment. Full Topic
func NewWebScriptObject ¶
func NewWebScriptObject() WebScriptObject
func WebScriptObjectFrom ¶
func WebScriptObjectFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebScriptObject
func (WebScriptObject) Init ¶
func (w_ WebScriptObject) Init() WebScriptObject
type WebUIDelegate ¶
type WebUIDelegate struct { }
A delegate implementation builder for the PWebUIDelegate protocol.
type WebUIDelegateObject ¶
A concrete type for the PWebUIDelegate protocol.
type WebUndefined ¶
WebUndefined objects are simply used to represent the JavaScript “undefined” value in methods when bridging between JavaScript and Objective-C. For example, if you invoke a JavaScript function that returns the JavaScript “undefined” value, then a WebUndefined object is returned to the Objective-C calling context. Full Topic
func NewWebUndefined ¶
func NewWebUndefined() WebUndefined
func WebUndefinedFrom ¶
func WebUndefinedFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebUndefined
func (WebUndefined) Init ¶
func (w_ WebUndefined) Init() WebUndefined
type WebView ¶
An object that displays interactive web content, such as for an in-app browser. Full Topic
func NewWebView ¶
func NewWebView() WebView
func NewWebViewWithFrame ¶
func NewWebViewWithFrame(frameRect foundation.Rect) WebView
Initializes and returns a newly allocated NSView object with a specified frame rectangle. Full Topic
func NewWebViewWithFrameConfiguration ¶
func NewWebViewWithFrameConfiguration(frame coregraphics.Rect, configuration IWebViewConfiguration) WebView
Creates a web view and initializes it with the specified frame and configuration data. Full Topic
func WebViewFrom ¶
func (WebView) AllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether horizontal swipe gestures trigger backward and forward page navigation. Full Topic
func (WebView) AllowsLinkPreview ¶
A Boolean value that determines whether pressing a link displays a preview of the destination for the link. Full Topic
func (WebView) AllowsMagnification ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether magnify gestures change the web view’s magnification. Full Topic
func (WebView) BackForwardList ¶
func (w_ WebView) BackForwardList() BackForwardList
The web view's back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) CallAsyncJavaScriptArgumentsInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) CallAsyncJavaScriptArgumentsInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(functionBody string, arguments map[string]objc.IObject, frame IFrameInfo, contentWorld IContentWorld, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error))
Executes the specified string as an asynchronous JavaScript function. Full Topic
func (WebView) CameraCaptureState ¶
func (w_ WebView) CameraCaptureState() MediaCaptureState
An enumeration case that indicates whether the webpage is using the camera to capture images or video. Full Topic
func (WebView) CanGoBack ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether there is a valid back item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) CanGoForward ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether there is a valid forward item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) CloseAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) CloseAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func())
Closes all media the web view is presenting, including picture-in-picture video and fullscreen video. Full Topic
func (WebView) Configuration ¶
func (w_ WebView) Configuration() WebViewConfiguration
The object that contains the configuration details for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) CreatePDFWithConfigurationCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) CreatePDFWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(pdfConfiguration IPDFConfiguration, completionHandler func(pdfDocumentData []byte, error foundation.Error))
Generates PDF data from the web view’s contents asynchronously. Full Topic
func (WebView) CreateWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) CreateWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 []byte, arg1 foundation.Error))
Creates a web archive of the web view’s contents asynchronously. Full Topic
func (WebView) CustomUserAgent ¶
The custom user agent string. Full Topic
func (WebView) EstimatedProgress ¶
An estimate of what fraction of the current navigation has been loaded. Full Topic
func (WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error))
Evaluates the specified JavaScript string. Full Topic
func (WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) EvaluateJavaScriptInFrameInContentWorldCompletionHandler(javaScriptString string, frame IFrameInfo, contentWorld IContentWorld, completionHandler func(arg0 objc.Object, error foundation.Error))
Evaluates the specified JavaScript string in the specified frame and content world. Full Topic
func (WebView) FindStringWithConfigurationCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) FindStringWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(string_ string, configuration IFindConfiguration, completionHandler func(result FindResult))
Searches for the specified string in the web view’s content. Full Topic
func (WebView) GoBack ¶
func (w_ WebView) GoBack() Navigation
Navigates to the back item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) GoBack_ ¶
Navigates to the back item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) GoForward ¶
func (w_ WebView) GoForward() Navigation
Navigates to the forward item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) GoForward_ ¶
Navigates to the forward item in the back-forward list. Full Topic
func (WebView) GoToBackForwardListItem ¶
func (w_ WebView) GoToBackForwardListItem(item IBackForwardListItem) Navigation
Navigates to an item from the back-forward list and sets it as the current item. Full Topic
func (WebView) HasOnlySecureContent ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view loaded all resources on the page through securely encrypted connections. Full Topic
func (WebView) InitWithFrame ¶
func (w_ WebView) InitWithFrame(frameRect foundation.Rect) WebView
func (WebView) InitWithFrameConfiguration ¶
func (w_ WebView) InitWithFrameConfiguration(frame coregraphics.Rect, configuration IWebViewConfiguration) WebView
func (WebView) InteractionState ¶
An object you use to capture the current state of interaction in a web view so that you can restore that state later to another web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) IsLoading ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether the view is currently loading content. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadDataMIMETypeCharacterEncodingNameBaseURL ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadDataMIMETypeCharacterEncodingNameBaseURL(data []byte, MIMEType string, characterEncodingName string, baseURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
Loads the content of the specified data object and navigates to it. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadFileRequestAllowingReadAccessToURL ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadFileRequestAllowingReadAccessToURL(request foundation.IURLRequest, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
Loads the web content from the file the URL request object specifies and navigates to that content. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadFileURLAllowingReadAccessToURL ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadFileURLAllowingReadAccessToURL(URL foundation.IURL, readAccessURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
Loads the web content from the specified file and navigates to it. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadHTMLStringBaseURL ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadHTMLStringBaseURL(string_ string, baseURL foundation.IURL) Navigation
Loads the contents of the specified HTML string and navigates to it. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadRequest ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadRequest(request foundation.IURLRequest) Navigation
Loads the web content that the specified URL request object references and navigates to that content. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseHTMLString ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseHTMLString(request foundation.IURLRequest, string_ string) Navigation
Loads the web content from the HTML you provide as if the HTML were the response to the request. Full Topic
func (WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseResponseData ¶
func (w_ WebView) LoadSimulatedRequestResponseResponseData(request foundation.IURLRequest, response foundation.IURLResponse, data []byte) Navigation
Loads the web content from the data you provide as if the data were the response to the request. Full Topic
func (WebView) Magnification ¶
The factor by which the page content is currently scaled. Full Topic
func (WebView) MediaType ¶
The media type for the contents of the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) MicrophoneCaptureState ¶
func (w_ WebView) MicrophoneCaptureState() MediaCaptureState
An enumeration case that indicates whether the webpage is using the microphone to capture audio. Full Topic
func (WebView) NavigationDelegate ¶
func (w_ WebView) NavigationDelegate() NavigationDelegateObject
The object you use to manage navigation behavior for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) PageZoom ¶
The scale factor by which the web view scales content relative to its bounds. Full Topic
func (WebView) PauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) PauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func())
Pauses playback of all media in the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) PrintOperationWithPrintInfo ¶
func (w_ WebView) PrintOperationWithPrintInfo(printInfo appkit.IPrintInfo) appkit.PrintOperation
Returns the print operation object to use when printing the contents of the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) Reload ¶
func (w_ WebView) Reload() Navigation
Reloads the current webpage. Full Topic
func (WebView) ReloadFromOrigin ¶
func (w_ WebView) ReloadFromOrigin() Navigation
Reloads the current webpage, and performs end-to-end revalidation of the content using cache-validating conditionals, if possible. Full Topic
func (WebView) ReloadFromOrigin_ ¶
Reloads the current webpage, and performs end-to-end revalidation of the content using cache-validating conditionals, if possible. Full Topic
func (WebView) Reload_ ¶
Reloads the current webpage. Full Topic
func (WebView) RequestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) RequestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler func(arg0 MediaPlaybackState))
Requests the playback status of media in the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) ResumeDownloadFromResumeDataCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) ResumeDownloadFromResumeDataCompletionHandler(resumeData []byte, completionHandler func(arg0 Download))
Resumes a failed or canceled download. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspendedCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspendedCompletionHandler(suspended bool, completionHandler func())
Changes whether the webpage is suspending playback of all media in the page. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetAllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether horizontal swipe gestures trigger backward and forward page navigation. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetAllowsLinkPreview ¶
A Boolean value that determines whether pressing a link displays a preview of the destination for the link. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetAllowsMagnification ¶
A Boolean value that indicates whether magnify gestures change the web view’s magnification. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetCameraCaptureStateCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetCameraCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func())
Changes whether the webpage is using the camera to capture images or video. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetCustomUserAgent ¶
The custom user agent string. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetInteractionState ¶
An object you use to capture the current state of interaction in a web view so that you can restore that state later to another web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetMagnification ¶
The factor by which the page content is currently scaled. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetMagnificationCenteredAtPoint ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetMagnificationCenteredAtPoint(magnification float64, point coregraphics.Point)
Scales the page content and centers the result on the specified point. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetMediaType ¶
The media type for the contents of the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetMicrophoneCaptureStateCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetMicrophoneCaptureStateCompletionHandler(state MediaCaptureState, completionHandler func())
Changes whether the webpage is using the microphone to capture audio. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetNavigationDelegate ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetNavigationDelegate(value PNavigationDelegate)
The object you use to manage navigation behavior for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetNavigationDelegateObject ¶
The object you use to manage navigation behavior for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetPageZoom ¶
The scale factor by which the web view scales content relative to its bounds. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetUIDelegate ¶
func (w_ WebView) SetUIDelegate(value PUIDelegate)
The object you use to integrate custom user interface elements, such as contextual menus or panels, into web view interactions. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetUIDelegateObject ¶
The object you use to integrate custom user interface elements, such as contextual menus or panels, into web view interactions. Full Topic
func (WebView) SetUnderPageBackgroundColor ¶
The color the web view displays behind the active page, visible when the user scrolls beyond the bounds of the page. Full Topic
func (WebView) StartDownloadUsingRequestCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) StartDownloadUsingRequestCompletionHandler(request foundation.IURLRequest, completionHandler func(arg0 Download))
Starts to download the resource at the URL in the request. Full Topic
func (WebView) StopLoading ¶
func (w_ WebView) StopLoading()
Stops loading all resources on the current page. Full Topic
func (WebView) StopLoading_ ¶
Stops loading all resources on the current page. Full Topic
func (WebView) TakeSnapshotWithConfigurationCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebView) TakeSnapshotWithConfigurationCompletionHandler(snapshotConfiguration ISnapshotConfiguration, completionHandler func(snapshotImage appkit.Image, error foundation.Error))
Generates a platform-native image from the web view’s contents asynchronously. Full Topic
func (WebView) ThemeColor ¶
The theme color that the system gets from the first valid meta tag in the webpage. Full Topic
func (WebView) UIDelegate ¶
func (w_ WebView) UIDelegate() UIDelegateObject
The object you use to integrate custom user interface elements, such as contextual menus or panels, into web view interactions. Full Topic
func (WebView) URL ¶
func (w_ WebView) URL() foundation.URL
The URL for the current webpage. Full Topic
func (WebView) UnderPageBackgroundColor ¶
The color the web view displays behind the active page, visible when the user scrolls beyond the bounds of the page. Full Topic
type WebViewConfiguration ¶
A collection of properties that you use to initialize a web view. Full Topic
func NewWebViewConfiguration ¶
func NewWebViewConfiguration() WebViewConfiguration
func WebViewConfigurationFrom ¶
func WebViewConfigurationFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebViewConfiguration
func (WebViewConfiguration) AllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) AllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view allows media playback over AirPlay. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) ApplicationNameForUserAgent ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) ApplicationNameForUserAgent() string
The app name that appears in the user agent string. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) DefaultWebpagePreferences ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) DefaultWebpagePreferences() WebpagePreferences
The default preferences to use when loading and rendering content. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) Init ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) Init() WebViewConfiguration
func (WebViewConfiguration) LimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) LimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view limits navigation to pages within the app’s domain. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) MediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) MediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback() AudiovisualMediaTypes
The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) Preferences ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) Preferences() Preferences
The object that manages the preference-related settings for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) ProcessPool ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) ProcessPool() ProcessPool
The object that coordinates the processes the web view uses to render its web content and execute scripts. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetAllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetAllowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view allows media playback over AirPlay. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetApplicationNameForUserAgent ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetApplicationNameForUserAgent(value string)
The app name that appears in the user agent string. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetDefaultWebpagePreferences ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetDefaultWebpagePreferences(value IWebpagePreferences)
The default preferences to use when loading and rendering content. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetLimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetLimitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view limits navigation to pages within the app’s domain. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetMediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetMediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback(value AudiovisualMediaTypes)
The media types that require a user gesture to begin playing. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetPreferences ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetPreferences(value IPreferences)
The object that manages the preference-related settings for the web view. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetProcessPool ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetProcessPool(value IProcessPool)
The object that coordinates the processes the web view uses to render its web content and execute scripts. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetSuppressesIncrementalRendering ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetSuppressesIncrementalRendering(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view suppresses content rendering until the content is fully loaded into memory. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerForURLScheme ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandler PURLSchemeHandler, urlScheme string)
Registers an object to load resources associated with the specified URL scheme. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerObjectForURLScheme ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetURLSchemeHandlerObjectForURLScheme(urlSchemeHandlerObject objc.IObject, urlScheme string)
Registers an object to load resources associated with the specified URL scheme. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetUpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view should automatically upgrade supported HTTP requests to HTTPS. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetUserContentController ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUserContentController(value IUserContentController)
The object that coordinates interactions between your app’s native code and the webpage’s scripts and other content. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetUserInterfaceDirectionPolicy ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetUserInterfaceDirectionPolicy(value UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy)
The directionality of user interface elements. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SetWebsiteDataStore ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SetWebsiteDataStore(value IWebsiteDataStore)
The object you use to get and set the site’s cookies and to track the cached data objects. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) SuppressesIncrementalRendering ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) SuppressesIncrementalRendering() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view suppresses content rendering until the content is fully loaded into memory. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) UpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UpgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the web view should automatically upgrade supported HTTP requests to HTTPS. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) UrlSchemeHandlerForURLScheme ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UrlSchemeHandlerForURLScheme(urlScheme string) URLSchemeHandlerObject
Returns the currently registered handler object for the specified URL scheme. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) UserContentController ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UserContentController() UserContentController
The object that coordinates interactions between your app’s native code and the webpage’s scripts and other content. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy() UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy
The directionality of user interface elements. Full Topic
func (WebViewConfiguration) WebsiteDataStore ¶
func (w_ WebViewConfiguration) WebsiteDataStore() WebsiteDataStore
The object you use to get and set the site’s cookies and to track the cached data objects. Full Topic
type WebViewInsertAction ¶
type WebViewInsertAction int
The type of user action that initiated a delegate message. Full Topic
const ( WebViewInsertActionDropped WebViewInsertAction = 2 WebViewInsertActionPasted WebViewInsertAction = 1 WebViewInsertActionTyped WebViewInsertAction = 0 )
type WebpagePreferences ¶
An object that specifies the behaviors to use when loading and rendering page content. Full Topic
func NewWebpagePreferences ¶
func NewWebpagePreferences() WebpagePreferences
func WebpagePreferencesFrom ¶
func WebpagePreferencesFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebpagePreferences
func (WebpagePreferences) AllowsContentJavaScript ¶
func (w_ WebpagePreferences) AllowsContentJavaScript() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether JavaScript from web content is allowed to run. Full Topic
func (WebpagePreferences) Init ¶
func (w_ WebpagePreferences) Init() WebpagePreferences
func (WebpagePreferences) PreferredContentMode ¶
func (w_ WebpagePreferences) PreferredContentMode() ContentMode
The content mode for the web view to use when it loads and renders a webpage. Full Topic
func (WebpagePreferences) SetAllowsContentJavaScript ¶
func (w_ WebpagePreferences) SetAllowsContentJavaScript(value bool)
A Boolean value that indicates whether JavaScript from web content is allowed to run. Full Topic
func (WebpagePreferences) SetPreferredContentMode ¶
func (w_ WebpagePreferences) SetPreferredContentMode(value ContentMode)
The content mode for the web view to use when it loads and renders a webpage. Full Topic
type WebsiteDataRecord ¶
A record of the data that a particular website stores persistently. Full Topic
func NewWebsiteDataRecord ¶
func NewWebsiteDataRecord() WebsiteDataRecord
func WebsiteDataRecordFrom ¶
func WebsiteDataRecordFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebsiteDataRecord
func (WebsiteDataRecord) DataTypes ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataRecord) DataTypes() foundation.Set
The types of data associated with the record. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataRecord) DisplayName ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataRecord) DisplayName() string
The display name for the data record. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataRecord) Init ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataRecord) Init() WebsiteDataRecord
type WebsiteDataStore ¶
An object that manages cookies, disk and memory caches, and other types of data for a web view. Full Topic
func NewWebsiteDataStore ¶
func NewWebsiteDataStore() WebsiteDataStore
func WebsiteDataStoreFrom ¶
func WebsiteDataStoreFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WebsiteDataStore
func WebsiteDataStore_DefaultDataStore ¶
func WebsiteDataStore_DefaultDataStore() WebsiteDataStore
Returns the default data store, which stores data persistently to disk. Full Topic
func WebsiteDataStore_NonPersistentDataStore ¶
func WebsiteDataStore_NonPersistentDataStore() WebsiteDataStore
Creates a new data store object that stores website data in memory, and doesn’t write that data to disk. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataStore) FetchDataRecordsOfTypesCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) FetchDataRecordsOfTypesCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, completionHandler func(arg0 []WebsiteDataRecord))
Fetches the specified types of records from the data store. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataStore) HttpCookieStore ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) HttpCookieStore() HTTPCookieStore
The object that manages the HTTP cookies for your website. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataStore) Init ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) Init() WebsiteDataStore
func (WebsiteDataStore) IsPersistent ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) IsPersistent() bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether this object stores data to disk. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesForDataRecordsCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesForDataRecordsCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, dataRecords []IWebsiteDataRecord, completionHandler func())
Removes the specified types of website data from one or more data records. Full Topic
func (WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesModifiedSinceCompletionHandler ¶
func (w_ WebsiteDataStore) RemoveDataOfTypesModifiedSinceCompletionHandler(dataTypes foundation.ISet, date foundation.IDate, completionHandler func())
Removes website data that changed after the specified date. Full Topic
type WindowFeatures ¶
Display-related attributes that a webpage requests for its window. Full Topic
func NewWindowFeatures ¶
func NewWindowFeatures() WindowFeatures
func WindowFeaturesFrom ¶
func WindowFeaturesFrom(ptr unsafe.Pointer) WindowFeatures
func (WindowFeatures) AllowsResizing ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) AllowsResizing() foundation.Number
A Boolean value that indicates whether to make the containing window window resizable. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) Height ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) Height() foundation.Number
The requested height of the containing window. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) Init ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) Init() WindowFeatures
func (WindowFeatures) MenuBarVisibility ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) MenuBarVisibility() foundation.Number
A Boolean value that indicates whether the webpage requests a visible menu bar. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) StatusBarVisibility ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) StatusBarVisibility() foundation.Number
A Boolean value that indicates whether the webpage requested a visible status bar. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) ToolbarsVisibility ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) ToolbarsVisibility() foundation.Number
A Boolean value that indicates whether the webpage requested a visible toolbar. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) Width ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) Width() foundation.Number
The requested width of the containing window. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) X ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) X() foundation.Number
The requested x-coordinate of the containing window. Full Topic
func (WindowFeatures) Y ¶
func (w_ WindowFeatures) Y() foundation.Number
The requested y-coordinate of the containing window. Full Topic
Source Files ¶
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