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Published: Nov 14, 2019 License: GPL-2.0


fylr apitest

CircleCI Twitter GoReportCard

The fylr apitesting tool helps you to build automated apitests that can be run after every build to ensure a constant product quality.

A single testcase is also a perfect definition of an occuring problem and helps the developers to fix your issues faster!

Configuration file

For configuring the apitest tool, add the follwing section to your 'fylr.yml' configuration file.

The report parameters of this config can be overwritten via a command line flag. So you should set your intended standard values in the config.

After the first setup you don't need to touch the config again. (You should not do that, to prevent errors based on rash changes in the config)

   server: "http://5.simon.pf-berlin.de/api/v1" //The base url to the api you want to fire the apitests against. Important: don’t add a trailing ‘/’
     hallo: "du"
     request: 0
     response: 10
   report: //Configures the maschine report. For usage with jenkis or any other CI tool
      file: "apitest_report" //Filename of the report file. The file gets saved in the same directory of the fylr binary
      format: "json" //Format of the report. (Supported formats: json or junit)

Command line interface

You start the apitest tool with the following command

./fylr apitest

This starts the command with the following default settings:

  • Runs all tests that are in the current directory, or in any of its subdirectories
  • Logs to console
  • Writes the machine log, to the given file in the fylr.yml
  • Logs only the request & responses if a test fails
Configure which tests should be run
  • --directory testDirectory or -d testDirectory: Defines which directory should be used for running the tests in it. The tool walks recursively trough all subdirectories and runs alls tests that have a "manifest.json" file in alphabetical order of the folder names. (Depth-First-Search)
  • --single path/to/a/single/manifest.json or -s path/to/a/single/manifest.json: Run only a single test. The path needs to point directly to the manifest file. (Not the directory containing it)
Configure logging

Per default request and response of a request will be logged on test failure. If you want to see more information you can configure the tool with additional log flags

  • --log-network: Log all network traffic
  • --log-datastore: Logs datastore operations into datastore
  • --log-verbose: --log-network, --log-datastore and a few additional trace informations
  • --log-timestamp / -t: Log the timestamp of the log message into the console
  • --curl-bash: Log the request as curl command
  • -l: Limit the lines of request log output. Configure limit in fylr.yml

You can also set the log verbosity per single testcase. The greater verbosity wins.

Console logging
  • --log-console-enable false: If you want to see a log in the console this parameter needs to be "true" (what is also the default)
  • --log-console-level debug: Sets the loglevel which controls what kind of output should be displayed in the console
    • --log-console-level info (default): Shows only critical information
    • --log-console-level warn: Shows more verbose log output
    • --log-console-level debug: Shows all possible log output
SQLite logging
  • --log-sqlite-enable false: If you want to save the into a sqlite databasethis parameter needs to be "true"
  • --log-sqlite-file newLog.db: Defines the filename in which the sqlite log should be saved
  • --log-sqlite-level debug: Sets the loglevel which controls what kind of output should be saved into the sqlite database
    • --log-sqlite-level info (default): Saves only critical information
    • --log-sqlite-level warn: Saves more verbose log output
    • --log-sqlite-level debug: Saves all possible log output
Overwrite config parameters
  • --config subfolder/newConfigFile or -c subfolder/newConfigFile: Overwrites the path of the fylr config file (default "./fylr.yml") with "subfolder/newConfigFile"
  • --report-file newReportFile: Overwrites the report file name from the fylr.yml config with "newReportFile"
  • --report-format junit: Overwrites the report format from the fylr.yml config with "junit"
  • Run all tests in the directory apitests display all server communication and safe the maschine report as junit for later parsing it with jenkins
./fylr apitest --directory apitests --verbosity 2 --report-format junit
  • Only run a single test apitests/test1/manifest.json with no console output and save the maschine report to the standard file defined in the fylr.yml
./fylr apitest --single apitests/test1/manifest.json --log-console-enable false


Manifest is loaded as template, so you can use variables, Go range and if and others.

    //General info about the testuite. Try to explain your problem indepth here. So that someone who works on the test years from now knows what is happening
    "description": "search api tests for filename", 
    //Testname. Should be the ticket number if the test is based on a ticket
    "name": "ticket_48565", 
    // init store
    "store": {
        "custom": "data"
    //Testsuites your want to run upfront (e.g. a setup). Paths are relative to the current test manifest
    "require": [ 
    //Array of single testcases. Add es much as you want. They get executed in chronological order
    "tests": [         
        //[SINGLE TESTCASE]: See below for more information
        //[SINGLE TESTCASE]: See below for more information
        //[SINGLE TESTCASE]: See below for more information
        //We also support the external loading of a complete test:
        //By prefixing it with a p the testtool runs the tests all in parallel. All parallel tests are then set to ContinueOnFailure !

Single Testcase Definition

Basic Format
    //Define if the testuite should continue even if this test fails. (default:false)
    "continue_on_failure": true, 
    //Name to identify this single test. Is important for the log. Try to give an explaning name
    "name": "Testname", 
    // Store custom values to the datastore
    "store": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
    // Specify a unique log behavior only for this single test.
    "log_verbose": false,
    //Defines what gets send to the server
    "request": { 
		//What endpoint we want to target. You find all possible endpoints in the api documentation
        "endpoint": "suggest", 
		//How the endpoint should be accessed. The api documentations tells your which methods are possible for an endpoint. All HTTP methods are possible.
        "method": "GET", 
		//Parameters that will be added to the url. e.g. http://5.testing.pf-berlin.de/api/v1/session?token=testtoken&number=2 would be defined as follows
        "query_params": { 
            "number": 2,
            "token": "testtoken"
		// With query_params_from_store set a query parameter to the value of the datastore field
		"query_params_from_store": {
		  "format": "formatFromDatastore",
          // If the datastore key starts with an ?, wo do not throw an error if the key could not be found, but just
          // do not set the query param. If the key "a" is not found it datastore, the queryparameter test will not be set
		  "test": "?a"
		//Additional headers that should be added to the request
        // Expected maximum time the test should take. Test will marked failed if it did take longer. THIS IS NOT A
TIMEOUT. So if the test takes longer than the maximum time it will still run until it is done, but will marked failed afterwars
        // Here we expect the test to run less than 500 milliseconds
		// With header_from_you set a header to the value of the dat astore field
		// In this example we set the "Content-Type" header to the value "application/json"
		// As "application/json" is stored as string in the datastore on index "contentType"
		"header_from_store": {
		  "Content-Type": "contentType"
          // If the datastore key starts with an ?, wo do not throw an error if the key could not be found, but just
          // do not set the header. If the key "a" is not found it datastore, the header Range will not be set
		  "Range": "?a"
		//All the content you want to send in the http body. Is a JSON Object
		//If the body should be marshaled in a special way, you can define this here. Is not a required attribute. Standart is to marshal the body as json. Possible: [multipart,urlencoded]
    //Define how the response should look like. Testtool checks against this response
    "response": { 
    	//Expected http status code. See api documentation vor the right ones
        "statuscode": 200,
		//If you expect certain response headers, you can define them here. A single key can have mulitble headers (as defiend in rfc2616)
		//The body we want to assert on
        "body": {
            "objecttypes": [
	// Store parts of the repsonse into the datastore
    "store_response_qjson": {
        "eas_id": "body.0.eas._id"
  // wait_before_ms pauses right before sending
  // the test request <n> milliseconds
  "wait_before_ms": 0,

  // wait_after_ms pauses right before sending
  // the test request <n> milliseconds
  "wait_after_ms": 0,

	//Delay the request by x msec
    //With the poll we can make the testing tool redo the request to wait for certain events (Only the timeout_msec is required)
    // timeout_ms:* If this timeout is done, no new redo will be started
    //  -1: No timeout - run endless
    // break_response: [Array] [Logical OR] If one of this responses occures, the tool fails the test and tells it found a break repsponse
    // collect_response:  [Array] [Logical AND] If this is set, the tool will check if all reponses occure in the response (even in different poll runs)

Run tests in parallel

The tool is able to do run tests in parallel. You activate this mechanism by including a external testfile with p@pathtofile.json. The p@ indicates to load that external file and run all tests in it in parallel.

All tests that are run in parallel are implicit set to ContinueOnFailure as otherwise the log and report would make no sense

            "name": "Binary Comparison",
				"endpoint": "suggest", 
				"method": "GET"
			// Path to binary file with @

Binary data comparison

The tool is able to do a comparison with a binary file. Here we take a MD5 hash of the file and and then later compare that hash.

Internaly the Hash will be represented as json attribute BinaryFileHash and compare it.

For comparing a binary file, simply point the response to the binary file:

            "name": "Binary Comparison",
				"endpoint": "suggest", 
				"method": "GET"
			// Path to binary file with @

XML Data comparison

When the endpoint returns one of the content types for xml text/xml or application/xml we internally marshal that xml into json. (With github.com/clbanning/mxj NewMapXmlSeq()) On that json you can work as you are used to with the json syntax. For seeing how the convert json locks you can use the --log-verbose command line flag


The datastore is a storage for arbitrary data. It can be set directly or set using values received from a response. It has two parts:

  • Custom storage with custom key
  • Sequential response store per test suite (one manifest)

The custom storage is persistent throughout the apitest run, so all requirements, all manifests, all tests. Sequential storage is cleared at the start of each manifest.

The custom store uses a string as index and can store any type of data.

Array: If an key ends in [], the value is assumed to be an Array, and is appended. If no Array exists, an array is created.

Map: If an key ends in [key], the value is assumed to be an map, and writes the data into the map at that key. If no map exists, an map is created.

  "store": {
    "eas_ids[]": 15,
    "mapStorage[keyIWantToStore]": "value"

This example would create an Array in index eas_ids and append 15 to it.

Arrays are useful using the Go-Template range function.

Set Data in Custom Store

To set data in custom store, you can use 4 methods:

  • Use storeon the manifest.json top level, the data is set before the session authentication (if any)
  • Use store_response_qjsonin authentication.store_response_qjson
  • Use storeon the test level, the data is set before request and response are evaluated
  • Use store_response_qjsonon the test level, the data is set after each response (If you want the datestore to delete the current entry if no new one could be found with qjson. Just prepend the qjson key with a !. E.g. "eventId":"!body.0._id" will delete the eventId entry from the datastore if body.0._id could not be found in the response json)

All methods use a Map as value, the keys of the map are string, the values can be anything. If the key (or index) ends in []and Array is created if the key does not yet exists, or the value is appended to the Array if it does exist.

The method store_response_qjson takes only string as value. This qjson-string is used to parse the current response using the qjson feature. The return value from the qjson call is then stored in the datastore.

Get Data from Custom Store

The data from the custom store is retrieved using the datastore <key>Template function. keymust be used in any store method before it is requested. If the key is unset, the datastore function returns an empty string. Use the special key - to return the entire datastore.

Slices allow the backwards index access. If you have a slice of length 3 and access it at index -1 you get the last element in the slice (original index 2)

If you access an invalid index for datastore map[index] or slice[] you get an empty string. No error is thrown.

Get Data from Sequential Store

To get the data from the sequential store an integer number has to be given to the datastore function as string. So datastore "0" would be a valid request. This would return the response from first test of the current manifest. datastore "-1" returns the last response from the current manifest. datastore "-2" returns second to last from the current manifest. If the index is wrong the function returns an error.

Use control structures

We support certain control structures in the response definition. You can use this control structures when ever you are able to set keys in the json (so you have to be inside a object). Some of them also need a value and some don't. For those which don't need a value you can just setup the control structure without a second key with some weird value. When you give a value the tool always tries to deep check if that value is correct and present in the actual reponse. So be aware of this behavior as it could interfere with your intended test behavior.

Define a control structure

In the example we use the jsonObject test and define some control structures on it. A control structure uses the key it is attached to plus :control. So for our case it would be test:control. The tool gets that this two keys test and test:control are in relationship with each other.

Available controls

Their are several controls available. The first two no_extra and order_matters always need their responding real key and value to function as intended. The others can be used without a real key.

Default behavior for all keys is =false. So you only have to set them if you want to explicit use them as true


This commands defines an exact match, if it is set, their are no more fields allowed in the response as defined in the testcase.

no_extra is available for objects and arrays

The following response would fail as their are to many fields in the actual response

expected response defined with no_extra
actual response
      "c":"to much, so we fail"

This commands defines that the order in an array should be checked.

order_matters is available only for arrays

E.g. the following response would fail as the order in the actual response is wrong

expected response defined with order_matters
actual response

Check if a certain value does exist in the reponse (no matter what its content is)

must_exist is available for all types.

This control can be used without a "real" key. So only the :control key is present.

E.g. the following response would fail as "iShouldExists" is not in the actual response

expected response defined with must_exist

Check if the size of an array equals the element_count

element_count is available only for arrays

This control can be used without a "real" key. So only the :control key is present.

E.g. the following response would fail as "count" is has the wrong length

expected response defined with must_exist
actual response

Passes the no extra to the underlying structure in an array

must_exist is available only for arrays

This control can be used without a "real" key. So only the :control key is present.

E.g. the following response would fail as "hasExtra" is has extras

expected response defined with must_exist
       "fine": true,
actual response
       "fine": true,
       "extra": "shouldNotBeHere"

Check if a certain value does not exist in the reponse

must_not_exist is available for all types.

This control can be used without a "real" key. So only the :control key is present.

E.g. the following response would fail as "iShouldNotExists" is in the actual response

expected response defined with must_exist
actual response
    "iShouldNotExists":"i exist, hahahah"
Type checkers

With is_string, is_bool, is_object, is_array and is_number you can check if your field has a certain type

The type checkers are available for all types. It implicit also checks must_exist for the value as there is no sense in type checking a value that does not exist.

This control can be used without a "real" key. So only the :control key is present.

E.g. the following response would fail as "beANumber" is no number in the actual response

expected response defined with is_number
actual response

Use external file

In the request and response part of the single testcase you also can load the content from an external file This is exspecially helpfull for keeping the manifest file simpler/smaller and keep a better overview. On top: You can use so called template functions in the external file. (We will dig deeper into the template functions later)

A single test could look as simple as following:

	"name": "Test loading request & response from external file",
	"request": "@path/to/requestFile.json",
	"response": "@path/to/responseFile.json"

Important: The paths to the external files start with a '@' and are relative to the location of the manifest.json or can be web urls e.g. https://programmfabrik.de/testfile.json

The content of the request and response file are execatly the same as if you would place the json code inline: Request:

    "body": {
        "animal": "dog",
        "flower": "rose"
    "body_type": "urlencoded",
    "endpoint": "suggest",
    "header": {
        "header1": "value",
        "header2": "value"
    "method": "GET",
    "query_params": {
        "number": 2,
        "token": "testtoken"


    "body": {
        "objecttypes": [
        "query": ">>>[0-9]*<<<"
    "header": {
        "key1": [
        "x-easydb-token": [
    "statuscode": 200

Template functions

As described before, if you use an external file you can make use of so called template functions. What they are and how they work for the apitesting tool is described in the following part.

Template Functions are invoked using the tags {{ }} and upon returning substitutes the function call with its result. We use the golang "text/template" package so all functions provided there are also supported here. For a reference see [https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/]

manifest.json->external file: load external file
external file->another file: render template with file parameter "hello"
another file->external file: return rendered template "hello world"
external file->manifest.json: return rendered template

Assume that the template function myfunc, given the arguments 1 "foo", returns "bar". The call {{ myfunc 1 "foo" }} would translate to bar. Consequently, rendering Lets meet at the {{ myfunc 1 "foo" }} results in an invitation to the bar.

We provide the following functions:

file "relative/path/" [param1] ... [param4]
Helper function to load contents of a file; if this file contains templates; it will render these templates
with the up to 4 parameters provided in the call
@param1-4: string; can be accessed from the loaded file via {{ .Param1-4 }}; see example below

Loads the file with the relative path ( to the file this template function is invoked in ) "relative/path" or a weburl e.g. https://docs.google.com/test/tmpl.txt The loaded file will be rendered with the (up to) 4 provided parameters, that can be accessed using .Param1-4.


Content of file at some/path/example.tmpl: {{ load_file "../target.tmpl" "hello" }}

Content of file at some/target.tmpl: {{ .Param1 }} world

Rendering example.tmpl will result in hello world

rows_to_map "keyColumn" "valueColumn" [input]

Generates a key-value map from your input rows.

Assume you have the following structure in your sheet:

column_a column_b column_c
row1a row1b row1c
row2a row2b row2c

If you parse this now to CSV and then load it via file_csv you get the following JSON structure:

        column_a: "row1a",
        column_b: "row1b",
        column_c: "row1c",
        column_a: "row2a",
        column_b: "row2b",
        column_c: 22,

For mapping now certain values to a map you can use rows_to_map "column_a" "column_c" and the output will be a map with the following content:

group_rows "groupColumn" [rows]

Generates an Array of rows from input rows. The groupColumn needs to be set to a column which will be used for grouping the rows into the Array.

The column needs to:

  • be an int64 column
  • use integers between 0 and 999

The Array will group all rows with identical values in the groupColumn.


The CSV can look at follows, use file_csv to read it and pipe into group_rows

batch reference title
int64 string string
1 ref1a title1a
1 ref1b title1b
4 ref4 title4
3 ref3 titlte2

Produces this output (presented as json for better readability:

            "batch": 1,
            "reference": "ref1a",
            "title": "title1a"
            "batch": 1,
            "reference": "ref1b",
            "title": "title1b"
            "batch": 3,
            "reference": "ref3",
            "title": "title3"
            "batch": 4,
            "reference": "ref4",
            "title": "title4"
group_map_rows "groupColumn" [rows]

Generates an Map of rows from input rows. The groupColumn needs to be set to a column which will be used for grouping the rows into the Array.

The column needs to be a string column.

The Map will group all rows with identical values in the groupColumn.


The CSV can look at follows, use file_csv to read it and pipe into group_rows

batch reference title
string string string
one ref1a title1a
one ref1b title1b
4 ref4 title4
3 ref3 titlte2

Produces this output (presented as json for better readability:

    "one": [
            "batch": "one",
            "reference": "ref1a",
            "title": "title1a"
            "batch": "one",
            "reference": "ref1b",
            "title": "title1b"
    "4": [
            "batch": "4",
            "reference": "ref3",
            "title": "title3"
    "3": [
            "batch": "3"
            "reference": "ref4",
            "title": "title4"
Template Example

With the parameters keyColumn and valueColumn you can select the two columns you want to use for map. (Only two are supported)

The keyColumn must be of the type string, as it functions as map index (which is of type string)

{{ unmarshal "[{\"column_a\": \"row1a\",\"column_b\": \"row1b\",\"column_c\": \"row1c\"},{\"column_a\": \"row2a\",\"column_b\": \"row2b\",\"column_c\": \"row2c\"}]" | rows_to_map "column_a" "column_c"  | marshal  }}

Rendering that will give you :

Behavior in corner cases
No keyColumn given

The function returns an empty map

For rows_to_map:

No valueColumn given

The complete row gets mapped

For rows_to_map "column_a":

        column_a: "row1a",
        column_b: "row1b",
        column_c: "row1c",
        column_a: "row2a",
        column_b: "row2b",
        column_c: "row2c",
A row does not contain a key column

The row does get skipped


        column_a: "row1a",
        column_b: "row1b",
        column_c: "row1c",
        column_b: "row2b",
        column_c: "row2c",
        column_a: "row3a",
        column_b: "row3b",
        column_c: "row3c",

For rows_to_map "column_a" "column_c" :

A row does not contain a value column

The value will be set to "" (empty string)


        column_a: "row1a",
        column_b: "row1b",
        column_c: "row1c",
        column_a: "row2a",
        column_b: "row2b",
        column_a: "row3a",
        column_b: "row3b",
        column_c: "row3c",

For rows_to_map "column_a" "column_c" :

datastore [key]

Helper function to query the datastore; used most of the time in conjunction with qjson.

The keycan be an int, or int64 accessing the store of previous responses. The responses are accessed in the order received. Using a negative value access the store from the back, so a value of -2 would access the second to last response struct.

This function returns a string, if the keydoes not exists, an empty string is returned.

If the key is a string, the datastore is accessed directly, allowing access to custom set values using store or store_response_qjsonparameters.

The datastore stores all responses in a list. We can retrieve the response (as a json string) by using this template function. {{ datastore 0 }} will render to

    "statuscode": 200,
    "header": {
        "foo": [
    "body": "..."

This function is intended to be used with the qjson template function.

The key - has a special meaning, it returns the entire custom datastore (not the sequentially stored responses)

qjson [path] [json]
Helper function to extract fields from the 'json'.
@path: string; a description of the location of the field to extract. For array access use integers; for object
access use keys. Example: 'body.1.field'; see below for more details
@json_string: string; a valid json blob to be queried; can supplied via pipes from 'datastore idx'
@result: the content of the json blob at the specified path

The call

{{ qjson "foo.1.bar" "{\"foo": [{\"bar\": \"baz\"}, 42]}" }}

would return baz.

As an example with pipes, the call

{{ datastore idx | qjson "header.foo.1" }}

would returnbar given the response above.

See gjson

file_csv [path] [delimiter]
Helper function to load a csv file. 
@path: string; a path to the csv file that should be loaded. The path is either relative to the manifest or a weburl
@delimiter: rune; The delimiter that is used in the given csv e.g. ','
@result: the content of the csv as json array so we can work on this data with qjson

The CSV must have a certain structur. If the structure of the given CSV differs, the apitest tool will fail with a error

  • In the first row must be the names of the fields
  • In the seconds row must be the types of the fields

Valid types

  • int64
  • int
  • string
  • float64
  • bool
  • int64,array
  • string,array
  • float64,array
  • bool,array
  • json

Content of file at some/path/example.csv:


The call

{{ csv "some/path/example.csv" ','}}

would result in

[map[id:1 name:simon] map[id:2 name:martin]]

As an example with pipes, the call

{{ csv "some/path/example.csv" ',' | marshal | qjson "1.name" }}

would result in martin given the response above.


There are some corner cases that trigger a certain behavior you should keep in mind

No format for a column given

The column gets skipped in every row




[map[id:1] map[id:2]]
No name for a column given

The column gets skipped in every row




[map[name:simon] map[name:martin]]
Comment or empty line

If there is a comment marked with # , or a empty line that does not get rendered into the result





[map[name:simon] map[name:martin] map[name:roman] map[name:klaus] map[name:sebastian]]
slice [parms...]

Returns a slice with the given parameters as elements. Use this for range in templates.

add [a] [b]

Returns the sum of aand b. a,bcan be any numeric type or string. The function returns a numeric type, depending on the input. With stringwe return int64.

subtract [a] [b]

Returns a - b. a,b can be any numeric type or string. The function returns a numeric type, depending on the input. With stringwe return int64.

multiply [a] [b]

Returns a * b. a,b can be any numeric type or string. The function returns a numeric type, depending on the input. With stringwe return int64.

divide [a] [b]

Returns a / b. a,b can be any numeric type or string. The function returns a numeric type, depending on the input. With stringwe return int64.

unmarshal [string]

Returns a util.GenericJson Object (go: interface{}) of the unmarshalled JSON string.

marshal [interface{}]

Returns a string of the marshalled interface{} object.

str_escape [string]

Returns a stringwhere all "are escaped to \". This is useful in Strings which need to be concatenated.

printf [interface{}...]

Just for reference, this is a Go Template built-in.

N [float64|int64|int]

Returns a slice of n 0-sized elements, suitable for ranging over.

Example how to range over 100 objects

        "body":	[
            {{ range $idx, $v := N 100 }}
            {{ end }}

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