Patrick Wagstrom <>
October 2021
This is a simple single binary server that acts as a target for your Ambient Weather station on your local network and relays the data over MQTT so other IoT related devices can make use of it.
You will need to have a newer firmware installed for your Ambient Weather station in order to make use of this feature.
./ambient2mqtt -config config.toml
Configuration is done via a TOML file. Here's a simple example configuration:
port = 2466
broker_host = "mqtt-broker.lan"
broker_port = 1883
broker_username = ""
broker_password = ""
client_id = "ambient2mqtt"
topic_prefix = "weather"
topic = "ws-2902"
discovery = true
discovery_prefix = "homeassistant"
object_id = "ws-2902a"
Licensed under terms of the MIT license