= Snowflake GUID
Globally Unique Identifier(GUID) service inspired by https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2010/announcing-snowflake[Twitter's Snowflake] algorithm, But it has different bit assignment from it.
A Snowflake GUID is composed of
39 bits for time in units of 10 msec
8 bits for a sequence number
16 bits for a machine id
As a result, Snowflake GUID has the following advantages and disadvantages compared with Twitter's Snowflake:
* The lifetime (174 years) is longer than that of Twitter's (69 years)
* It can work in more distributed machines (2^16^) than Twitter's (2^10^)
* It can generate 2^8^ IDs per 10 msec at most in a single machine/thread (slower than Twitter's)
== Get started
This service is mostly used as a polyglot service within microservices. So gRPC protocol is best for it. No REST API support.
=== Run Development Server
go run cmd/main.go run
=== Build and Run
make binary
dist/snowflake run
=== Docker
Docker image project installation directory is `/opt/snowflake`. The default configuration file is `/opt/snowflake/snowflake.toml`.
== gRPC
=== Generate gRPC code
protoc --proto_path=./protos/apis \
--go_out=./genproto/apis \
--go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=./genproto/apis \
--go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
protos/apis/snowflake/v1/resources/* \
For demo usage of client, see `pkg/snowflake/snowflake_test.go`.
== License
The MIT License (MIT)
See https://github.com/prettykingking/snowflake/blob/master/LICENSE[LICENSE] for details.