Overview ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager ¶
Package controller is used to provide the core functionalities of machine-controller-manager
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taints ...*v1.Taint) error
- func BenchmarkAdler(b *testing.B)
- func BenchmarkFnv(b *testing.B)
- func ComputeHash(template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, collisionCount *int32) uint32
- func EqualIgnoreHash(template1, template2 *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec) bool
- func FilterActiveMachineSets(machineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
- func FilterMachineSets(ISes []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, filterFn filterIS) []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
- func FindActiveOrLatest(newIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet, oldISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) *v1alpha1.MachineSet
- func FindNewMachineSet(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) *v1alpha1.MachineSet
- func FindOldMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet)
- func GetActualReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
- func GetAllMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, *v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func GetAvailableReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
- func GetCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condition v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType) *v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition
- func GetDesiredReplicasAnnotation(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) (int32, bool)
- func GetMachineDeploymentCondition(status v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, ...) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
- func GetMachineDeploymentConditionInternal(status v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, ...) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
- func GetMachineFromTemplate(template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, parentObject runtime.Object, ...) (*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
- func GetMachineSetHash(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, uniquifier *int32) (string, error)
- func GetNewMachineSet(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) (*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func GetOldMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func GetProportion(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, d v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) int32
- func GetReadyReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
- func GetReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
- func IsMachineActive(p *v1alpha1.Machine) bool
- func IsMachineFailed(p *v1alpha1.Machine) bool
- func IsRollingUpdate(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) bool
- func IsSaturated(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) bool
- func LabelMachinesWithHash(machineList *v1alpha1.MachineList, c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface, ...) error
- func LastRevision(allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int64
- func ListMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, getISList IsListFunc) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func ListMachineSetsInternal(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func ListMachines(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, ...) (*v1alpha1.MachineList, error)
- func MachineDeploymentComplete(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) bool
- func MachineDeploymentProgressing(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) bool
- func MachineDeploymentTimedOut(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, ...) bool
- func MachineKey(machine *v1alpha1.Machine) string
- func MachineSetToMachineDeploymentCondition(cond v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition) v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
- func MaxRevision(allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int64
- func MaxSurge(deployment v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
- func MaxUnavailable(deployment v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
- func MinAvailable(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
- func NewISNewReplicas(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, ...) (int32, error)
- func NewMachineDeploymentCondition(condType v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentConditionType, ...) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
- func NewMachineSetCondition(condType v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType, status v1alpha1.ConditionStatus, ...) v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition
- func NoResyncPeriodFunc() time.Duration
- func PatchNodeTaints(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, oldNode *v1.Node, newNode *v1.Node) error
- func RecheckDeletionTimestamp(getObject func() (metav1.Object, error)) func() error
- func RemoveCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condType v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType)
- func RemoveMachineDeploymentCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, ...)
- func RemoveTaintOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, node *v1.Node, taints ...*v1.Taint) error
- func ResolveFenceposts(maxSurge, maxUnavailable *intstrutil.IntOrString, desired int32) (int32, int32, error)
- func Revision(obj runtime.Object) (int64, error)
- func SetCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condition v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition)
- func SetFromMachineSetTemplate(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, template v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec) *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment
- func SetMachineDeploymentAnnotationsTo(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, rollbackToIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet)
- func SetMachineDeploymentCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, ...)
- func SetMachineDeploymentRevision(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, revision string) bool
- func SetNewMachineSetAnnotations(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, newIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet, ...) bool
- func SetReplicasAnnotations(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, desiredReplicas, maxReplicas int32) bool
- func SupportEviction(clientset kubernetes.Interface) (string, error)
- func TestMachineTemplateSpecHash(t *testing.T)
- func UpdateISWithRetries(isClient v1alpha1client.MachineSetInterface, ...) (*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func UpdateMachineWithRetries(machineClient v1alpha1client.MachineInterface, ...) (*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
- func WaitForCacheSync(controllerName string, stopCh <-chan struct{}, ...) bool
- func WaitForMachineSetUpdated(c v1alpha1listers.MachineSetLister, desiredGeneration int64, ...) error
- func WaitForMachinesHashPopulated(c v1alpha1listers.MachineSetLister, desiredGeneration int64, ...) error
- func WaitForObservedDeploymentInternal(getDeploymentFunc func() (*v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, error), ...) error
- func WaitForObservedMachineDeployment(getDeploymentFunc func() (*v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, error), ...) error
- type ActiveMachines
- type BaseControllerRefManager
- type ClientBuilder
- type ContExpectations
- func (r *ContExpectations) CreationObserved(controllerKey string)
- func (r *ContExpectations) DeleteExpectations(controllerKey string)
- func (r *ContExpectations) DeletionObserved(controllerKey string)
- func (r *ContExpectations) ExpectCreations(controllerKey string, adds int) error
- func (r *ContExpectations) ExpectDeletions(controllerKey string, dels int) error
- func (r *ContExpectations) GetExpectations(controllerKey string) (*ControlleeExpectations, bool, error)
- func (r *ContExpectations) LowerExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int)
- func (r *ContExpectations) RaiseExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int)
- func (r *ContExpectations) SatisfiedExpectations(controllerKey string) bool
- func (r *ContExpectations) SetExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) error
- type ControlleeExpectations
- type Controller
- type ControllersByCreationTimestamp
- type DrainOptions
- type Expectations
- type ExpectationsInterface
- type IsListFunc
- type MachineControlInterface
- type MachineControllerRefManager
- func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) AdoptMachine(machine *v1alpha1.Machine) error
- func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) ClaimMachines(machines []*v1alpha1.Machine, filters ...func(*v1alpha1.Machine) bool) ([]*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
- func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachine(machine *v1alpha1.Machine) error
- type MachineDeploymentListerExpansion
- type MachineDeploymentNamespaceListerExpansion
- type MachineSetControlInterface
- type MachineSetControllerRefManager
- func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) AdoptMachineSet(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) error
- func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) ClaimMachineSets(sets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
- func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachineSet(machineSet *v1alpha1.MachineSet) error
- type MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp
- type MachineSetsBySizeNewer
- type MachineSetsBySizeOlder
- type RealControllerRevisionControl
- type RealMachineControl
- func (r RealMachineControl) CreateMachines(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func (r RealMachineControl) CreateMachinesWithControllerRef(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func (r RealMachineControl) DeleteMachine(namespace string, machineID string, object runtime.Object) error
- func (r RealMachineControl) PatchMachine(namespace string, name string, data []byte) error
- type RealMachineSetControl
- type ResyncPeriodFunc
- type RevisionControlInterface
- type SimpleClientBuilder
- func (b SimpleClientBuilder) Client(name string) (clientset.Interface, error)
- func (b SimpleClientBuilder) ClientOrDie(name string) clientset.Interface
- func (b SimpleClientBuilder) Config(name string) (*restclient.Config, error)
- func (b SimpleClientBuilder) ConfigOrDie(name string) *restclient.Config
- type UIDSet
- type UIDTrackingContExpectations
- func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeleteExpectations(rcKey string)
- func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeletionObserved(rcKey, deleteKey string)
- func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) ExpectDeletions(rcKey string, deletedKeys []string) error
- func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) GetUIDs(controllerKey string) sets.String
Constants ¶
const ( // ClassAnnotation is the annotation used to identify a machine class ClassAnnotation = "" // MachineIDAnnotation is the annotation used to identify a machine ID MachineIDAnnotation = "" // DeleteFinalizerName is the finalizer used to identify the controller acting on an object DeleteFinalizerName = "" )
const ( // ExpectationsTimeout - If a watch drops a delete event for a machine, it'll take this long // before a dormant controller waiting for those packets is woken up anyway. It is // specifically targeted at the case where some problem prevents an update // of expectations, without it the controller could stay asleep forever. This should // be set based on the expected latency of watch events. // // Currently a controller can service (create *and* observe the watch events for said // creation) about 10 machines a second, so it takes about 1 min to service // 500 machines. Just creation is limited to 20qps, and watching happens with ~10-30s // latency/machine at the scale of 3000 machines over 100 nodes. ExpectationsTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // SlowStartInitialBatchSize - When batching machine creates, is the size of the // initial batch. The size of each successive batch is twice the size of // the previous batch. For example, for a value of 1, batch sizes would be // 1, 2, 4, 8, ... and for a value of 10, batch sizes would be // 10, 20, 40, 80, ... Setting the value higher means that quota denials // will result in more doomed API calls and associated event spam. Setting // the value lower will result in more API call round trip periods for // large batches. // // Given a number of machines to start "N": // The number of doomed calls per sync once quota is exceeded is given by: // min(N,SlowStartInitialBatchSize) // The number of batches is given by: // 1+floor(log_2(ceil(N/SlowStartInitialBatchSize))) SlowStartInitialBatchSize = 1 )
const ( // FailedCreateMachineReason is added in an event and in a machine set condition // when a machine for a machine set is failed to be created. FailedCreateMachineReason = "FailedCreate" // SuccessfulCreateMachineReason is added in an event when a machine for a machine set // is successfully created. SuccessfulCreateMachineReason = "SuccessfulCreate" // FailedDeleteMachineReason is added in an event and in a machine set condition // when a machine for a machine set is failed to be deleted. FailedDeleteMachineReason = "FailedDelete" // SuccessfulDeletemachineReason is added in an event when a machine for a machine set // is successfully deleted. SuccessfulDeleteMachineReason = "SuccessfulDelete" )
Reasons for machine events
const ( // RevisionAnnotation is the revision annotation of a deployment's machine sets which records its rollout sequence RevisionAnnotation = "" // RevisionHistoryAnnotation maintains the history of all old revisions that a machine set has served for a deployment. RevisionHistoryAnnotation = "" // DesiredReplicasAnnotation is the desired replicas for a deployment recorded as an annotation // in its machine sets. Helps in separating scaling events from the rollout process and for // determining if the new machine set for a deployment is really saturated. DesiredReplicasAnnotation = "" // MaxReplicasAnnotation is the maximum replicas a deployment can have at a given point, which // is deployment.spec.replicas + maxSurge. Used by the underlying machine sets to estimate their // proportions in case the deployment has surge replicas. MaxReplicasAnnotation = "" // RollbackRevisionNotFound is not found rollback event reason RollbackRevisionNotFound = "DeploymentRollbackRevisionNotFound" // RollbackTemplateUnchanged is the template unchanged rollback event reason RollbackTemplateUnchanged = "DeploymentRollbackTemplateUnchanged" // RollbackDone is the done rollback event reason RollbackDone = "DeploymentRollback" // MachineSetUpdatedReason is added in a deployment when one of its machine sets is updated as part // of the rollout process. MachineSetUpdatedReason = "MachineSetUpdated" // FailedISCreateReason is added in a deployment when it cannot create a new machine set. FailedISCreateReason = "MachineSetCreateError" // NewMachineSetReason is added in a deployment when it creates a new machine set. NewMachineSetReason = "NewMachineSetCreated" // FoundNewISReason is added in a deployment when it adopts an existing machine set. FoundNewISReason = "FoundNewMachineSet" // NewISAvailableReason is added in a deployment when its newest machine set is made available // ie. the number of new machines that have passed readiness checks and run for at least minReadySeconds // is at least the minimum available machines that need to run for the deployment. NewISAvailableReason = "NewMachineSetAvailable" // TimedOutReason is added in a deployment when its newest machine set fails to show any progress // within the given deadline (progressDeadlineSeconds). TimedOutReason = "ProgressDeadlineExceeded" // PausedMachineDeployReason is added in a deployment when it is paused. Lack of progress shouldn't be // estimated once a deployment is paused. PausedMachineDeployReason = "DeploymentPaused" // ResumedMachineDeployReason is added in a deployment when it is resumed. Useful for not failing accidentally // deployments that paused amidst a rollout and are bounded by a deadline. ResumedMachineDeployReason = "DeploymentResumed" // MinimumReplicasAvailable is added in a deployment when it has its minimum replicas required available. MinimumReplicasAvailable = "MinimumReplicasAvailable" // available. MinimumReplicasUnavailable = "MinimumReplicasUnavailable" )
const ( // EvictionKind is the kind used for eviction EvictionKind = "Eviction" // EvictionSubresource is the kind used for evicting pods EvictionSubresource = "pods/eviction" // Interval is the default Poll interval Interval = time.Second * 1 )
const ( // OverShootingReplicaCount freeze reason when replica count overshoots OverShootingReplicaCount = "OverShootingReplicaCount" // TimeoutOccurred freeze reason when machineSet timeout occurs TimeoutOccurred = "MachineSetTimeoutOccurred" // LastReplicaUpdate contains the last timestamp when the // number of replicas was changed LastReplicaUpdate = "" )
const AWSMachineClassKind = "AWSMachineClass"
AWSMachineClassKind is used to identify the machineClassKind as AWS
const AlicloudMachineClassKind = "AlicloudMachineClass"
AlicloudMachineClassKind is used to identify the machineClassKind as Alicloud
const AzureMachineClassKind = "AzureMachineClass"
AzureMachineClassKind is used to identify the machineClassKind as Azure
const ( // BurstReplicas - Realistic value of the burstReplica field for the machine set manager based off // performance requirements for kubernetes 1.0. BurstReplicas = 100 )
const GCPMachineClassKind = "GCPMachineClass"
GCPMachineClassKind is used to identify the machineClassKind as GCP
const ( // MachinePriority is the annotation used to specify priority // associated with a machine while deleting it. The less its // priority the more likely it is to be deleted first // Default priority for a machine is set to 3 MachinePriority = "" )
const OpenStackMachineClassKind = "OpenStackMachineClass"
OpenStackMachineClassKind is used to identify the machineClassKind as OpenStack
Variables ¶
var ExpKeyFunc = func(obj interface{}) (string, error) { if e, ok := obj.(*ControlleeExpectations); ok { return e.key, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find key for obj %#v", obj) }
ExpKeyFunc to parse out the key from a ControlleeExpectation
var GroupVersionKind = ""
GroupVersionKind is the version kind used to identify objects managed by machine-controller-manager
var ( // KeyFunc is the variable that stores the function that retreives the object key from an object KeyFunc = cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc )
var ( // ScrapeFailedCounter is a Prometheus metric, which counts errors during metrics collection. ScrapeFailedCounter = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "mcm_scrape_failure_total", Help: "Total count of scrape failures.", }, []string{"kind"}) )
var UIDSetKeyFunc = func(obj interface{}) (string, error) { if u, ok := obj.(*UIDSet); ok { return u.key, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find key for obj %#v", obj) }
UIDSetKeyFunc to parse out the key from a UIDSet.
var UpdateTaintBackoff = wait.Backoff{ Steps: 5, Duration: 100 * time.Millisecond, Jitter: 1.0, }
UpdateTaintBackoff is the backoff period used while updating taint
Functions ¶
func AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode ¶
AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode add taints to the node. If taint was added into node, it'll issue API calls to update nodes; otherwise, no API calls. Return error if any.
func BenchmarkAdler ¶
BenchmarkAdler is used to fetch machineTemplateSpecOldHash
func ComputeHash ¶
func ComputeHash(template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, collisionCount *int32) uint32
ComputeHash returns a hash value calculated from machine template and a collisionCount to avoid hash collision
func EqualIgnoreHash ¶
func EqualIgnoreHash(template1, template2 *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec) bool
EqualIgnoreHash returns true if two given machineTemplateSpec are equal, ignoring the diff in value of Labels[machine-template-hash] We ignore machine-template-hash because the hash result would be different upon machineTemplateSpec API changes (e.g. the addition of a new field will cause the hash code to change) Note that we assume input machineTemplateSpecs contain non-empty labels
func FilterActiveMachineSets ¶
func FilterActiveMachineSets(machineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
FilterActiveMachineSets returns machine sets that have (or at least ought to have) machines.
func FilterMachineSets ¶
func FilterMachineSets(ISes []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, filterFn filterIS) []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
FilterMachineSets returns machine sets that are filtered by filterFn (all returned ones should match filterFn).
func FindActiveOrLatest ¶
func FindActiveOrLatest(newIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet, oldISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) *v1alpha1.MachineSet
FindActiveOrLatest returns the only active or the latest machine set in case there is at most one active machine set. If there are more active machine sets, then we should proportionally scale them.
func FindNewMachineSet ¶
func FindNewMachineSet(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) *v1alpha1.MachineSet
FindNewMachineSet returns the new RS this given deployment targets (the one with the same machine template).
func FindOldMachineSets ¶
func FindOldMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet)
FindOldMachineSets returns the old machine sets targeted by the given Deployment, with the given slice of RSes. Note that the first set of old machine sets doesn't include the ones with no machines, and the second set of old machine sets include all old machine sets.
func GetActualReplicaCountForMachineSets ¶
func GetActualReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
GetActualReplicaCountForMachineSets returns the sum of actual replicas of the given machine sets.
func GetAllMachineSets ¶
func GetAllMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, *v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
GetAllMachineSets returns the old and new machine sets targeted by the given Deployment. It gets MachineList and MachineSetList from client interface. Note that the first set of old machine sets doesn't include the ones with no machines, and the second set of old machine sets include all old machine sets. The third returned value is the new machine set, and it may be nil if it doesn't exist yet.
func GetAvailableReplicaCountForMachineSets ¶
func GetAvailableReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
GetAvailableReplicaCountForMachineSets returns the number of available machines corresponding to the given machine sets.
func GetCondition ¶
func GetCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condition v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType) *v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition
GetCondition returns a MachineSet condition with the provided type if it exists.
func GetDesiredReplicasAnnotation ¶
func GetDesiredReplicasAnnotation(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) (int32, bool)
GetDesiredReplicasAnnotation returns the number of desired replicas
func GetMachineDeploymentCondition ¶
func GetMachineDeploymentCondition(status v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, condType v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentConditionType) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
GetMachineDeploymentCondition returns the condition with the provided type.
func GetMachineDeploymentConditionInternal ¶
func GetMachineDeploymentConditionInternal(status v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, condType v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentConditionType) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
GetMachineDeploymentConditionInternal returns the condition with the provided type. Avoiding Internal versions, use standard versions only. TODO: remove the duplicate
func GetMachineFromTemplate ¶
func GetMachineFromTemplate(template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, parentObject runtime.Object, controllerRef *metav1.OwnerReference) (*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
GetMachineFromTemplate passes the machine template spec to return the machine object
func GetMachineSetHash ¶
func GetMachineSetHash(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, uniquifier *int32) (string, error)
GetMachineSetHash returns the hash of a machineSet
func GetNewMachineSet ¶
func GetNewMachineSet(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface) (*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
GetNewMachineSet returns a machine set that matches the intent of the given deployment; get MachineSetList from client interface. Returns nil if the new machine set doesn't exist yet.
func GetOldMachineSets ¶
func GetOldMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
GetOldMachineSets returns the old machine sets targeted by the given Deployment; get MachineList and MachineSetList from client interface. Note that the first set of old machine sets doesn't include the ones with no machines, and the second set of old machine sets include all old machine sets.
func GetProportion ¶
func GetProportion(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, d v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, deploymentReplicasToAdd, deploymentReplicasAdded int32) int32
GetProportion will estimate the proportion for the provided machine set using 1. the current size of the parent deployment, 2. the replica count that needs be added on the machine sets of the deployment, and 3. the total replicas added in the machine sets of the deployment so far.
func GetReadyReplicaCountForMachineSets ¶
func GetReadyReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
GetReadyReplicaCountForMachineSets returns the number of ready machines corresponding to the given machine sets.
func GetReplicaCountForMachineSets ¶
func GetReplicaCountForMachineSets(MachineSets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int32
GetReplicaCountForMachineSets returns the sum of Replicas of the given machine sets.
func IsMachineActive ¶
IsMachineActive checks if machine was active
func IsMachineFailed ¶
IsMachineFailed checks if machine has failed
func IsRollingUpdate ¶
func IsRollingUpdate(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) bool
IsRollingUpdate returns true if the strategy type is a rolling update.
func IsSaturated ¶
func IsSaturated(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) bool
IsSaturated checks if the new machine set is saturated by comparing its size with its deployment size. Both the deployment and the machine set have to believe this machine set can own all of the desired replicas in the deployment and the annotation helps in achieving that. All machines of the MachineSet need to be available.
func LabelMachinesWithHash ¶
func LabelMachinesWithHash(machineList *v1alpha1.MachineList, c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface, machineLister v1alpha1listers.MachineLister, namespace, name, hash string) error
LabelMachinesWithHash labels all machines in the given machineList with the new hash label.
func LastRevision ¶
func LastRevision(allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int64
LastRevision finds the second max revision number in all machine sets (the last revision)
func ListMachineSets ¶
func ListMachineSets(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, getISList IsListFunc) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
ListMachineSets returns a slice of RSes the given deployment targets. Note that this does NOT attempt to reconcile ControllerRef (adopt/orphan), because only the controller itself should do that. However, it does filter out anything whose ControllerRef doesn't match.
func ListMachineSetsInternal ¶
func ListMachineSetsInternal(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, getISList func(string, metav1.ListOptions) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
ListMachineSetsInternal is ListMachineSets for v1alpha1. TODO: Remove the duplicate when call sites are updated to ListMachineSets.
func ListMachines ¶
func ListMachines(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, isList []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, getMachineList machineListFunc) (*v1alpha1.MachineList, error)
ListMachines for given machineDeployment
func MachineDeploymentComplete ¶
func MachineDeploymentComplete(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, newStatus *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus) bool
MachineDeploymentComplete considers a deployment to be complete once all of its desired replicas are updated and available, and no old machines are running.
func MachineDeploymentProgressing ¶
func MachineDeploymentProgressing(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, newStatus *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus) bool
MachineDeploymentProgressing reports progress for a deployment. Progress is estimated by comparing the current with the new status of the deployment that the controller is observing. More specifically, when new machines are scaled up or become ready or available, or old machines are scaled down, then we consider the deployment is progressing.
func MachineDeploymentTimedOut ¶
func MachineDeploymentTimedOut(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, newStatus *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus) bool
MachineDeploymentTimedOut considers a deployment to have timed out once its condition that reports progress is older than progressDeadlineSeconds or a Progressing condition with a TimedOutReason reason already exists.
func MachineKey ¶
MachineKey is the function used to get the machine name from machine object ToCheck : as machine-namespace does not matter
func MachineSetToMachineDeploymentCondition ¶
func MachineSetToMachineDeploymentCondition(cond v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition) v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
MachineSetToMachineDeploymentCondition converts a machine set condition into a deployment condition. Useful for promoting machine set failure conditions into deployments.
func MaxRevision ¶
func MaxRevision(allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) int64
MaxRevision finds the highest revision in the machine sets
func MaxSurge ¶
func MaxSurge(deployment v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
MaxSurge returns the maximum surge machines a rolling deployment can take.
func MaxUnavailable ¶
func MaxUnavailable(deployment v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
MaxUnavailable returns the maximum unavailable machines a rolling deployment can take.
func MinAvailable ¶
func MinAvailable(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment) int32
MinAvailable returns the minimum available machines of a given deployment
func NewISNewReplicas ¶
func NewISNewReplicas(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, allISs []*v1alpha1.MachineSet, newIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet) (int32, error)
NewISNewReplicas calculates the number of replicas a deployment's new IS should have. When one of the followings is true, we're rolling out the deployment; otherwise, we're scaling it. 1) The new RS is saturated: newRS's replicas == deployment's replicas 2) Max number of machines allowed is reached: deployment's replicas + maxSurge == all RSs' replicas
func NewMachineDeploymentCondition ¶
func NewMachineDeploymentCondition(condType v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentConditionType, status v1alpha1.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition
NewMachineDeploymentCondition creates a new deployment condition.
func NewMachineSetCondition ¶
func NewMachineSetCondition(condType v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType, status v1alpha1.ConditionStatus, reason, msg string) v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition
NewMachineSetCondition creates a new MachineSet condition.
func NoResyncPeriodFunc ¶
NoResyncPeriodFunc Returns 0 for resyncPeriod in case resyncing is not needed.
func PatchNodeTaints ¶
func PatchNodeTaints(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, oldNode *v1.Node, newNode *v1.Node) error
PatchNodeTaints patches node's taints.
func RecheckDeletionTimestamp ¶
RecheckDeletionTimestamp returns a CanAdopt() function to recheck deletion.
The CanAdopt() function calls getObject() to fetch the latest value, and denies adoption attempts if that object has a non-nil DeletionTimestamp.
func RemoveCondition ¶
func RemoveCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condType v1alpha1.MachineSetConditionType)
RemoveCondition removes the condition with the provided type from the MachineSet status.
func RemoveMachineDeploymentCondition ¶
func RemoveMachineDeploymentCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, condType v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentConditionType)
RemoveMachineDeploymentCondition removes the deployment condition with the provided type.
func RemoveTaintOffNode ¶
func RemoveTaintOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, node *v1.Node, taints ...*v1.Taint) error
RemoveTaintOffNode is for cleaning up taints temporarily added to node, won't fail if target taint doesn't exist or has been removed. If passed a node it'll check if there's anything to be done, if taint is not present it won't issue any API calls.
func ResolveFenceposts ¶
func ResolveFenceposts(maxSurge, maxUnavailable *intstrutil.IntOrString, desired int32) (int32, int32, error)
ResolveFenceposts resolves both maxSurge and maxUnavailable. This needs to happen in one step. For example:
2 desired, max unavailable 1%, surge 0% - should scale old(-1), then new(+1), then old(-1), then new(+1) 1 desired, max unavailable 1%, surge 0% - should scale old(-1), then new(+1) 2 desired, max unavailable 25%, surge 1% - should scale new(+1), then old(-1), then new(+1), then old(-1) 1 desired, max unavailable 25%, surge 1% - should scale new(+1), then old(-1) 2 desired, max unavailable 0%, surge 1% - should scale new(+1), then old(-1), then new(+1), then old(-1) 1 desired, max unavailable 0%, surge 1% - should scale new(+1), then old(-1)
func SetCondition ¶
func SetCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineSetStatus, condition v1alpha1.MachineSetCondition)
SetCondition adds/replaces the given condition in the MachineSet status. If the condition that we are about to add already exists and has the same status and reason then we are not going to update.
func SetFromMachineSetTemplate ¶
func SetFromMachineSetTemplate(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, template v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec) *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment
SetFromMachineSetTemplate sets the desired MachineTemplateSpec from a machine set template to the given deployment.
func SetMachineDeploymentAnnotationsTo ¶
func SetMachineDeploymentAnnotationsTo(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, rollbackToIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet)
SetMachineDeploymentAnnotationsTo sets deployment's annotations as given RS's annotations. This action should be done if and only if the deployment is rolling back to this rs. Note that apply and revision annotations are not changed.
func SetMachineDeploymentCondition ¶
func SetMachineDeploymentCondition(status *v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentStatus, condition v1alpha1.MachineDeploymentCondition)
SetMachineDeploymentCondition updates the deployment to include the provided condition. If the condition that we are about to add already exists and has the same status and reason then we are not going to update.
func SetMachineDeploymentRevision ¶
func SetMachineDeploymentRevision(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, revision string) bool
SetMachineDeploymentRevision updates the revision for a deployment.
func SetNewMachineSetAnnotations ¶
func SetNewMachineSetAnnotations(deployment *v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, newIS *v1alpha1.MachineSet, newRevision string, exists bool) bool
SetNewMachineSetAnnotations sets new machine set's annotations appropriately by updating its revision and copying required deployment annotations to it; it returns true if machine set's annotation is changed.
func SetReplicasAnnotations ¶
func SetReplicasAnnotations(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet, desiredReplicas, maxReplicas int32) bool
SetReplicasAnnotations sets the desiredReplicas and maxReplicas into the annotations
func SupportEviction ¶
func SupportEviction(clientset kubernetes.Interface) (string, error)
SupportEviction uses Discovery API to find out if the server support eviction subresource If support, it will return its groupVersion; Otherwise, it will return ""
func TestMachineTemplateSpecHash ¶
TestMachineTemplateSpecHash tests the templateSpecHash for any collisions
func UpdateISWithRetries ¶
func UpdateISWithRetries(isClient v1alpha1client.MachineSetInterface, isLister v1alpha1listers.MachineSetLister, namespace, name string, applyUpdate updateISFunc) (*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
UpdateISWithRetries updates a RS with given applyUpdate function. Note that RS not found error is ignored. The returned bool value can be used to tell if the RS is actually updated.
func UpdateMachineWithRetries ¶
func UpdateMachineWithRetries(machineClient v1alpha1client.MachineInterface, machineLister v1alpha1listers.MachineLister, namespace, name string, applyUpdate updateMachineFunc) (*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
UpdateMachineWithRetries updates a machine with given applyUpdate function. Note that machine not found error is ignored. The returned bool value can be used to tell if the machine is actually updated.
func WaitForCacheSync ¶
func WaitForCacheSync(controllerName string, stopCh <-chan struct{}, cacheSyncs ...cache.InformerSynced) bool
WaitForCacheSync is a wrapper around cache.WaitForCacheSync that generates log messages indicating that the controller identified by controllerName is waiting for syncs, followed by either a successful or failed sync.
func WaitForMachineSetUpdated ¶
func WaitForMachineSetUpdated(c v1alpha1listers.MachineSetLister, desiredGeneration int64, namespace, name string) error
WaitForMachineSetUpdated polls the machine set until it is updated.
func WaitForMachinesHashPopulated ¶
func WaitForMachinesHashPopulated(c v1alpha1listers.MachineSetLister, desiredGeneration int64, namespace, name string) error
WaitForMachinesHashPopulated polls the machine set until updated and fully labeled.
func WaitForObservedDeploymentInternal ¶
func WaitForObservedDeploymentInternal(getDeploymentFunc func() (*v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, error), desiredGeneration int64, interval, timeout time.Duration) error
WaitForObservedDeploymentInternal polls for deployment to be updated so that deployment.Status.ObservedGeneration >= desiredGeneration. Returns error if polling timesout. TODO: remove the duplicate
func WaitForObservedMachineDeployment ¶
func WaitForObservedMachineDeployment(getDeploymentFunc func() (*v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, error), desiredGeneration int64, interval, timeout time.Duration) error
WaitForObservedMachineDeployment polls for deployment to be updated so that deployment.Status.ObservedGeneration >= desiredGeneration. Returns error if polling timesout.
Types ¶
type ActiveMachines ¶
ActiveMachines type allows custom sorting of machines so a controller can pick the best ones to delete.
func (ActiveMachines) Len ¶
func (s ActiveMachines) Len() int
func (ActiveMachines) Less ¶
func (s ActiveMachines) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ActiveMachines) Swap ¶
func (s ActiveMachines) Swap(i, j int)
type BaseControllerRefManager ¶
type BaseControllerRefManager struct { Controller metav1.Object Selector labels.Selector CanAdoptFunc func() error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BaseControllerRefManager is the struct is used to identify the base controller of the object
func (*BaseControllerRefManager) CanAdopt ¶
func (m *BaseControllerRefManager) CanAdopt() error
CanAdopt is used to identify if the object can be adopted by the controller
func (*BaseControllerRefManager) ClaimObject ¶
func (m *BaseControllerRefManager) ClaimObject(obj metav1.Object, match func(metav1.Object) bool, adopt, release func(metav1.Object) error) (bool, error)
ClaimObject tries to take ownership of an object for this controller.
It will reconcile the following:
- Adopt orphans if the match function returns true.
- Release owned objects if the match function returns false.
A non-nil error is returned if some form of reconciliation was attempted and failed. Usually, controllers should try again later in case reconciliation is still needed.
If the error is nil, either the reconciliation succeeded, or no reconciliation was necessary. The returned boolean indicates whether you now own the object.
No reconciliation will be attempted if the controller is being deleted.
type ClientBuilder ¶
type ClientBuilder interface { // Config returns a new restclient.Config with the given user agent name. Config(name string) (*restclient.Config, error) // ConfigOrDie return a new restclient.Config with the given user agent // name, or logs a fatal error. ConfigOrDie(name string) *restclient.Config // Client returns a new clientset.Interface with the given user agent // name. Client(name string) (clientset.Interface, error) // ClientOrDie returns a new clientset.Interface with the given user agent // name or logs a fatal error, destroying the computer and killing the // operator and programmer. ClientOrDie(name string) clientset.Interface }
ClientBuilder allows you to get clients and configs for controllers
type ContExpectations ¶
ContExpectations is a cache mapping controllers to what they expect to see before being woken up for a sync.
func NewContExpectations ¶
func NewContExpectations() *ContExpectations
NewContExpectations returns a store for ContExpectations.
func (*ContExpectations) CreationObserved ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) CreationObserved(controllerKey string)
CreationObserved atomically decrements the `add` expectation count of the given controller.
func (*ContExpectations) DeleteExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) DeleteExpectations(controllerKey string)
DeleteExpectations deletes the expectations of the given controller from the TTLStore.
func (*ContExpectations) DeletionObserved ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) DeletionObserved(controllerKey string)
DeletionObserved atomically decrements the `del` expectation count of the given controller.
func (*ContExpectations) ExpectCreations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) ExpectCreations(controllerKey string, adds int) error
ExpectCreations adds creations to an existing expectation
func (*ContExpectations) ExpectDeletions ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) ExpectDeletions(controllerKey string, dels int) error
ExpectDeletions deletion creations to an existing expectation
func (*ContExpectations) GetExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) GetExpectations(controllerKey string) (*ControlleeExpectations, bool, error)
GetExpectations returns the ControlleeExpectations of the given controller.
func (*ContExpectations) LowerExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) LowerExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int)
LowerExpectations Decrements the expectation counts of the given controller.
func (*ContExpectations) RaiseExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) RaiseExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int)
RaiseExpectations Increments the expectation counts of the given controller.
func (*ContExpectations) SatisfiedExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) SatisfiedExpectations(controllerKey string) bool
SatisfiedExpectations returns true if the required adds/dels for the given controller have been observed. Add/del counts are established by the controller at sync time, and updated as controllees are observed by the controller manager.
func (*ContExpectations) SetExpectations ¶
func (r *ContExpectations) SetExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) error
SetExpectations registers new expectations for the given controller. Forgets existing expectations.
type ControlleeExpectations ¶
type ControlleeExpectations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ControlleeExpectations track controllee creates/deletes.
func (*ControlleeExpectations) Add ¶
func (exp *ControlleeExpectations) Add(add, del int64)
Add increments the add and del counters.
func (*ControlleeExpectations) Fulfilled ¶
func (exp *ControlleeExpectations) Fulfilled() bool
Fulfilled returns true if this expectation has been fulfilled.
func (*ControlleeExpectations) GetExpectations ¶
func (exp *ControlleeExpectations) GetExpectations() (int64, int64)
GetExpectations returns the add and del expectations of the controllee.
type Controller ¶
type Controller interface { // Run runs the controller until the given stop channel can be read from. // workers specifies the number of goroutines, per resource, processing work // from the resource workqueues Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) }
Controller describes a controller for
func NewController ¶
func NewController( namespace string, controlMachineClient machineapi.MachineV1alpha1Interface, controlCoreClient kubernetes.Interface, targetCoreClient kubernetes.Interface, secretInformer coreinformers.SecretInformer, nodeInformer coreinformers.NodeInformer, openStackMachineClassInformer machineinformers.OpenStackMachineClassInformer, awsMachineClassInformer machineinformers.AWSMachineClassInformer, azureMachineClassInformer machineinformers.AzureMachineClassInformer, gcpMachineClassInformer machineinformers.GCPMachineClassInformer, alicloudMachineClassInformer machineinformers.AlicloudMachineClassInformer, machineInformer machineinformers.MachineInformer, machineSetInformer machineinformers.MachineSetInformer, machineDeploymentInformer machineinformers.MachineDeploymentInformer, recorder record.EventRecorder, safetyOptions options.SafetyOptions, ) (Controller, error)
NewController returns a new Node controller.
type ControllersByCreationTimestamp ¶
type ControllersByCreationTimestamp []*v1.ReplicationController
ControllersByCreationTimestamp sorts a list of ReplicationControllers by creation timestamp, using their names as a tie breaker.
func (ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Len ¶
func (o ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Len() int
func (ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Less ¶
func (o ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Swap ¶
func (o ControllersByCreationTimestamp) Swap(i, j int)
type DrainOptions ¶
type DrainOptions struct { Force bool GracePeriodSeconds int IgnoreDaemonsets bool Timeout time.Duration DeleteLocalData bool Out io.Writer ErrOut io.Writer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DrainOptions are configurable options while draining a node before deletion
func NewDrainOptions ¶
func NewDrainOptions( client kubernetes.Interface, timeout time.Duration, nodeName string, gracePeriodSeconds int, force bool, ignoreDaemonsets bool, deleteLocalData bool, out io.Writer, errOut io.Writer, ) *DrainOptions
NewDrainOptions creates a new DrainOptions struct and returns a pointer to it
func (*DrainOptions) RunCordonOrUncordon ¶
func (o *DrainOptions) RunCordonOrUncordon(desired bool) error
RunCordonOrUncordon runs either Cordon or Uncordon. The desired value for "Unschedulable" is passed as the first arg.
func (*DrainOptions) RunDrain ¶
func (o *DrainOptions) RunDrain() error
RunDrain runs the 'drain' command
type Expectations ¶
type Expectations interface {
Fulfilled() bool
Expectations are either fulfilled, or expire naturally.
type ExpectationsInterface ¶
type ExpectationsInterface interface { GetExpectations(controllerKey string) (*ControlleeExpectations, bool, error) SatisfiedExpectations(controllerKey string) bool DeleteExpectations(controllerKey string) SetExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) error ExpectCreations(controllerKey string, adds int) error ExpectDeletions(controllerKey string, dels int) error CreationObserved(controllerKey string) DeletionObserved(controllerKey string) RaiseExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) LowerExpectations(controllerKey string, add, del int) }
ExpectationsInterface is an interface that allows users to set and wait on expectations. Only abstracted out for testing. Warning: if using KeyFunc it is not safe to use a single ExpectationsInterface with different types of controllers, because the keys might conflict across types.
type IsListFunc ¶
type IsListFunc func(string, metav1.ListOptions) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
IsListFunc is used to list all machineSets for a given list option TODO: switch this to full namespacers
func IsListFromClient ¶
func IsListFromClient(c v1alpha1client.MachineV1alpha1Interface) IsListFunc
IsListFromClient returns an rsListFunc that wraps the given client.
type MachineControlInterface ¶
type MachineControlInterface interface { // Createmachines creates new machines according to the spec. CreateMachines(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, object runtime.Object) error // CreatemachinesWithControllerRef creates new machines according to the spec, and sets object as the machine's controller. CreateMachinesWithControllerRef(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, object runtime.Object, controllerRef *metav1.OwnerReference) error // Deletemachine deletes the machine identified by machineID. DeleteMachine(namespace string, machineID string, object runtime.Object) error // Patchmachine patches the machine. PatchMachine(namespace string, name string, data []byte) error }
MachineControlInterface is the interface used by the machine-set controller to interact with the machine controller
type MachineControllerRefManager ¶
type MachineControllerRefManager struct { BaseControllerRefManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MachineControllerRefManager is the struct used to manage the machines
func NewMachineControllerRefManager ¶
func NewMachineControllerRefManager( machineControl MachineControlInterface, controller metav1.Object, selector labels.Selector, controllerKind schema.GroupVersionKind, canAdopt func() error, ) *MachineControllerRefManager
NewMachineControllerRefManager returns a MachineControllerRefManager that exposes methods to manage the controllerRef of Machines.
The CanAdopt() function can be used to perform a potentially expensive check (such as a live GET from the API server) prior to the first adoption. It will only be called (at most once) if an adoption is actually attempted. If CanAdopt() returns a non-nil error, all adoptions will fail.
NOTE: Once CanAdopt() is called, it will not be called again by the same
MachineControllerRefManager machine. Create a new machine if it makes sense to check CanAdopt() again (e.g. in a different sync pass).
func (*MachineControllerRefManager) AdoptMachine ¶
func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) AdoptMachine(machine *v1alpha1.Machine) error
AdoptMachine sends a patch to take control of the Machine. It returns the error if the patching fails.
func (*MachineControllerRefManager) ClaimMachines ¶
func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) ClaimMachines(machines []*v1alpha1.Machine, filters ...func(*v1alpha1.Machine) bool) ([]*v1alpha1.Machine, error)
ClaimMachines tries to take ownership of a list of Machines.
It will reconcile the following:
- Adopt orphans if the selector matches.
- Release owned objects if the selector no longer matches.
Optional: If one or more filters are specified, a Machine will only be claimed if all filters return true.
A non-nil error is returned if some form of reconciliation was attempted and failed. Usually, controllers should try again later in case reconciliation is still needed.
If the error is nil, either the reconciliation succeeded, or no reconciliation was necessary. The list of Machines that you now own is returned.
func (*MachineControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachine ¶
func (m *MachineControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachine(machine *v1alpha1.Machine) error
ReleaseMachine sends a patch to free the Machine from the control of the controller. It returns the error if the patching fails. 404 and 422 errors are ignored.
type MachineDeploymentListerExpansion ¶
type MachineDeploymentListerExpansion interface {
GetMachineDeploymentsForMachineSet(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineDeployment, error)
MachineDeploymentListerExpansion allows custom methods to be added to MachineDeploymentLister.
type MachineDeploymentNamespaceListerExpansion ¶
type MachineDeploymentNamespaceListerExpansion interface{}
MachineDeploymentNamespaceListerExpansion allows custom methods to be added to MachineDeploymentNamespaceLister.
type MachineSetControlInterface ¶
type MachineSetControlInterface interface {
PatchMachineSet(namespace, name string, data []byte) error
MachineSetControlInterface is an interface that knows how to add or delete MachineSets, as well as increment or decrement them. It is used by the deployment controller to ease testing of actions that it takes.
type MachineSetControllerRefManager ¶
type MachineSetControllerRefManager struct { BaseControllerRefManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MachineSetControllerRefManager is used to manage controllerRef of MachineSets. Three methods are defined on this object 1: Classify 2: AdoptMachineSet and 3: ReleaseMachineSet which are used to classify the MachineSets into appropriate categories and accordingly adopt or release them. See comments on these functions for more details.
func NewMachineSetControllerRefManager ¶
func NewMachineSetControllerRefManager( machineSetControl MachineSetControlInterface, controller metav1.Object, selector labels.Selector, controllerKind schema.GroupVersionKind, canAdopt func() error, ) *MachineSetControllerRefManager
NewMachineSetControllerRefManager returns a MachineSetControllerRefManager that exposes methods to manage the controllerRef of MachineSets.
The CanAdopt() function can be used to perform a potentially expensive check (such as a live GET from the API server) prior to the first adoption. It will only be called (at most once) if an adoption is actually attempted. If CanAdopt() returns a non-nil error, all adoptions will fail.
NOTE: Once CanAdopt() is called, it will not be called again by the same
MachineSetControllerRefManager machine. Create a new machine if it makes sense to check CanAdopt() again (e.g. in a different sync pass).
func (*MachineSetControllerRefManager) AdoptMachineSet ¶
func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) AdoptMachineSet(is *v1alpha1.MachineSet) error
AdoptMachineSet sends a patch to take control of the MachineSet. It returns the error if the patching fails.
func (*MachineSetControllerRefManager) ClaimMachineSets ¶
func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) ClaimMachineSets(sets []*v1alpha1.MachineSet) ([]*v1alpha1.MachineSet, error)
ClaimMachineSets tries to take ownership of a list of MachineSets.
It will reconcile the following:
- Adopt orphans if the selector matches.
- Release owned objects if the selector no longer matches.
A non-nil error is returned if some form of reconciliation was attempted and failed. Usually, controllers should try again later in case reconciliation is still needed.
If the error is nil, either the reconciliation succeeded, or no reconciliation was necessary. The list of MachineSets that you now own is returned.
func (*MachineSetControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachineSet ¶
func (m *MachineSetControllerRefManager) ReleaseMachineSet(machineSet *v1alpha1.MachineSet) error
ReleaseMachineSet sends a patch to free the MachineSet from the control of the MachineDeployment controller. It returns the error if the patching fails. 404 and 422 errors are ignored.
type MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp ¶
type MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp sorts a list of MachineSet by creation timestamp, using their names as a tie breaker. ***************** For MachineSet *********************
func (MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Len ¶
func (o MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Len() int
func (MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Less ¶
func (o MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Less(i, j int) bool
func (MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Swap ¶
func (o MachineSetsByCreationTimestamp) Swap(i, j int)
type MachineSetsBySizeNewer ¶
type MachineSetsBySizeNewer []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
MachineSetsBySizeNewer sorts a list of MachineSet by size in descending order, using their creation timestamp or name as a tie breaker. By using the creation timestamp, this sorts from new to old machine sets.
func (MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Len ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Len() int
func (MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Less ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Less(i, j int) bool
func (MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Swap ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeNewer) Swap(i, j int)
type MachineSetsBySizeOlder ¶
type MachineSetsBySizeOlder []*v1alpha1.MachineSet
MachineSetsBySizeOlder sorts a list of MachineSet by size in descending order, using their creation timestamp or name as a tie breaker. By using the creation timestamp, this sorts from old to new machine sets.
func (MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Len ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Len() int
func (MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Less ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Less(i, j int) bool
func (MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Swap ¶
func (o MachineSetsBySizeOlder) Swap(i, j int)
type RealControllerRevisionControl ¶
RealControllerRevisionControl is the default implementation of RevisionControlInterface.
func (RealControllerRevisionControl) PatchControllerRevision ¶
func (r RealControllerRevisionControl) PatchControllerRevision(namespace, name string, data []byte) error
PatchControllerRevision is the patch method used to patch the controller revision
type RealMachineControl ¶
type RealMachineControl struct { Recorder record.EventRecorder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RealMachineControl is the default implementation of machineControlInterface.
func (RealMachineControl) CreateMachines ¶
func (r RealMachineControl) CreateMachines(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, object runtime.Object) error
CreateMachines initiates a create machine for a RealMachineControl
func (RealMachineControl) CreateMachinesWithControllerRef ¶
func (r RealMachineControl) CreateMachinesWithControllerRef(namespace string, template *v1alpha1.MachineTemplateSpec, controllerObject runtime.Object, controllerRef *metav1.OwnerReference) error
CreateMachinesWithControllerRef creates a machine with controller reference
func (RealMachineControl) DeleteMachine ¶
func (r RealMachineControl) DeleteMachine(namespace string, machineID string, object runtime.Object) error
DeleteMachine deletes a machine attached to the RealMachineControl
func (RealMachineControl) PatchMachine ¶
func (r RealMachineControl) PatchMachine(namespace string, name string, data []byte) error
PatchMachine applies a patch on machine
type RealMachineSetControl ¶
type RealMachineSetControl struct { Recorder record.EventRecorder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RealMachineSetControl is the default implementation of RSControllerInterface.
func (RealMachineSetControl) PatchMachineSet ¶
func (r RealMachineSetControl) PatchMachineSet(namespace, name string, data []byte) error
PatchMachineSet patches the machineSet object
type ResyncPeriodFunc ¶
ResyncPeriodFunc is the function that returns the resync duration
func StaticResyncPeriodFunc ¶
func StaticResyncPeriodFunc(resyncPeriod time.Duration) ResyncPeriodFunc
StaticResyncPeriodFunc returns the resync period specified
type RevisionControlInterface ¶
type RevisionControlInterface interface {
PatchControllerRevision(namespace, name string, data []byte) error
RevisionControlInterface is an interface that knows how to patch ControllerRevisions, as well as increment or decrement them. It is used by the daemonset controller to ease testing of actions that it takes. TODO: merge the controller revision interface in controller_history.go with this one
type SimpleClientBuilder ¶
type SimpleClientBuilder struct { // ClientConfig is a skeleton config to clone and use as the basis for each controller client ClientConfig *restclient.Config }
SimpleClientBuilder returns a fixed client with different user agents
func (SimpleClientBuilder) Client ¶
func (b SimpleClientBuilder) Client(name string) (clientset.Interface, error)
Client returns a new clientset.Interface with the given user agent name.
func (SimpleClientBuilder) ClientOrDie ¶
func (b SimpleClientBuilder) ClientOrDie(name string) clientset.Interface
ClientOrDie returns a new clientset.Interface with the given user agent name or logs a fatal error, destroying the computer and killing the operator and programmer.
func (SimpleClientBuilder) Config ¶
func (b SimpleClientBuilder) Config(name string) (*restclient.Config, error)
Config returns a new restclient.Config with the given user agent name.
func (SimpleClientBuilder) ConfigOrDie ¶
func (b SimpleClientBuilder) ConfigOrDie(name string) *restclient.Config
ConfigOrDie return a new restclient.Config with the given user agent name, or logs a fatal error.
type UIDSet ¶
UIDSet holds a key and a set of UIDs. Used by the UIDTrackingContExpectations to remember which UID it has seen/still waiting for.
type UIDTrackingContExpectations ¶
type UIDTrackingContExpectations struct { ExpectationsInterface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UIDTrackingContExpectations tracks the UID of the machines it deletes. This cache is needed over plain old expectations to safely handle graceful deletion. The desired behavior is to treat an update that sets the DeletionTimestamp on an object as a delete. To do so consistently, one needs to remember the expected deletes so they aren't double counted. TODO: Track creates as well (#22599)
func NewUIDTrackingContExpectations ¶
func NewUIDTrackingContExpectations(ce ExpectationsInterface) *UIDTrackingContExpectations
NewUIDTrackingContExpectations returns a wrapper around ContExpectations that is aware of deleteKeys.
func (*UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeleteExpectations ¶
func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeleteExpectations(rcKey string)
DeleteExpectations deletes the UID set and invokes DeleteExpectations on the underlying ExpectationsInterface.
func (*UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeletionObserved ¶
func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) DeletionObserved(rcKey, deleteKey string)
DeletionObserved records the given deleteKey as a deletion, for the given rc.
func (*UIDTrackingContExpectations) ExpectDeletions ¶
func (u *UIDTrackingContExpectations) ExpectDeletions(rcKey string, deletedKeys []string) error
ExpectDeletions records expectations for the given deleteKeys, against the given controller.
Source Files
- alicloudmachineclass.go
- awsmachineclass.go
- azuremachineclass.go
- client_builder.go
- controller.go
- controller_ref_manager.go
- controller_utils.go
- deployment.go
- deployment_machineset_util.go
- deployment_progress.go
- deployment_recreate.go
- deployment_rollback.go
- deployment_rolling.go
- deployment_sync.go
- deployment_util.go
- drain.go
- gcpmachineclass.go
- hashtest.go
- machine.go
- machine_safety.go
- machine_util.go
- machineclass_util.go
- machineset.go
- machineset_util.go
- metrics.go
- node.go
- openstackmachineclass.go
- secret.go
- secret_util.go