Golang based API bindings for CoWIN project.
Automatically find COVID-19 vaccine slots in India!!
This project also includes a compiled binary that can be used on Windows,
for checking slot availability of COVID-19 vaccines in India.
In addition, you can clone the source code & build your own binary on Windows or Linux platform using:
go build
CLI Examples
In order to fetch list of state codes, use:
./gocowin.exe --states
In order to fetch district codes of a state, use:
./gocowin.exe --stateId "12"
In order to check COVID-19 vaccine availability by districtId and date, use:
./gocowin.exe --districtId "188" --date "15-05-2021"
In order to check COVID-19 vaccine availability by pin and date, use:
./gocowin.exe --pin "110005" --date "21-05-2021"
API Examples
import (
func main() {
res, err := api.GetSessionsbyDistrictIdAndDate("141", "15-05-2021")
if err != nil {
Contributions to this project are welcome. Let's build a stronger community together!!
Please raise github issues incase of any concerns.
This is a 'side' project & developer might take time to revert back.