Overview ¶
Package builder contains a means of building and modifying proto descriptors programmatically. There are numerous factory methods to aid in constructing new descriptors as are there methods for converting existing descriptors into builders, for modification.
Factory Functions ¶
Builders are created using the numerous factory functions. Each type of descriptor has two kinds of factory functions for the corresponding type of builder.
One accepts a descriptor (From*) and returns a copy of it as a builder. The descriptor can be manipulated and built to produce a new variant of the original. So this is useful for changing existing constructs.
The other kind of factory function (New*) accepts basic arguments and returns a new, empty builder (other than the arguments required by that function). This second kind can be used to fabricate descriptors from scratch.
Factory functions panic on bad input. Bad input includes invalid names (all identifiers must begin with letter or underscore and include only letters, numbers, and underscores), invalid types (for example, map field keys must be an integer type, bool, or string), invalid tag numbers (anything greater than 2^29-1, anything in the range 19,000->19,999, any non-positive number), and nil values for required fields (such as field types, RPC method types, and extendee type for extensions).
Auto-Assigning Tag Numbers and File Names ¶
The factory function for fields does not accept a tag number. This is because tags, for fields where none is set or is explicitly set to zero, are automatically assigned. The tags are assigned in the order the fields were added to a message builder. Fields in one-ofs are assigned after other fields that were added to the message before the one-of. Within a single one-of, fields are assigned tags in the order they were added to the one-of. Across one-ofs, fields are assigned in the order their one-of was added to a message builder. It is fine if some fields have tags and some do not. The assigned tags will start at one and proceed from there but will not conflict with tags that were explicitly assigned to fields.
Similarly, when constructing a file builder, a name is accepted but can be blank. A blank name means that the file will be given a generated, unique name when the descriptor is built.
Note that extensions *must* be given a tag number. Only non-extension fields can have their tags auto-assigned. If an extension is constructed with a zero tag (which is not valid), the factory function will panic.
Descriptor Hierarchy ¶
The hierarchy for builders is mutable. A descriptor builder, such as a field, can be moved from one message to another. When this is done, the field is unlinked from its previous location (so the message to which it previously belonged will no longer have any reference to such a field) and linked with its new parent. To instead *duplicate* a descriptor builder, its struct value can simply be copied. This allows for copying a descriptor from one parent to another, like so:
msg := builder.FromMessage(someMsgDesc) field1 := msg.GetField("foo") field2 := *field1 // field2 is now a copy otherMsg.AddField(&field2)
All descriptors have a link up the hierarchy to the file in which they were declared. However, it is *not* necessary to construct this full hierarchy with builders. One can create a message builder, for example, and then immediately build it to get the descriptor for that message. If it was never added to a file then the GetFile() method on the resulting descriptor returns a synthetic file that contains only the one message.
Note, however, that this is not true for enum values, methods, and non-extension fields. These kinds of builders *must* be added to an enum, a service, or a message (respectively) before they can be "built" into a descriptor.
When descriptors are created this way, they are created in the default (e.g. unnamed) package. In order to put descriptors into a proper package namespace, they must be added to a file that has the right package name.
Builder Pattern and Method Chaining ¶
Each descriptor has some special fields that can only be updated via a Set* method. They also all have some exported fields that can be updated by just assigning to the field. But even exported fields have accompanying Set* methods in order to support a typical method-chaining flow when building objects:
msg, err := builder.NewMessage("MyMessage"). AddField(NewField("foo", FieldTypeScalar(descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING)). SetDefaultValue("bar")). AddField(NewField("baz", FieldTypeScalar(descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_INT64)). SetLabel(descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED). SetOptions(&descriptor.FieldOptions{Packed: proto.Bool(true)})). Build()
So the various Set* methods all return the builder itself so that multiple fields may be set in a single invocation chain.
The Set* operations which perform validations also have a TrySet* form which can return an error if validation fails. If the method-chaining Set* form is used with inputs that fail validation, the Set* method will panic.
Type References and Imported Types ¶
When defining fields whose type is a message or enum and when defining methods (whose request and response type are a message), the type can be set to an actual descriptor (e.g. a *desc.MessageDescriptor) or to a builder for the type (e.g. a *builder.MessageBuilder). Since Go does not allow method overloading, the naming convention is that types referring to descriptors are "imported types" (since their use will result in an import statement in the resulting file descriptor, to import the file in which the type was defined.)
When referring to other builders, it is not necessary that the referenced types be in the same file. When building the descriptors, multiple file descriptors may be created, so that all referenced builders are themselves resolved into descriptors.
However, it is illegal to create an import cycle. So if two messages, for example, refer to each other (message Foo has a field "bar" of type Bar, and message Bar has a field "foo" of type Foo), they must explicitly be assigned to the same file builder. If they are not assigned to any files, they will be assigned to synthetic files which would result in an import cycle (each file imports the other). And the same would be true if one or both files were explicitly assigned to a file, but not both to the same file.
Validations and Caveats ¶
Descriptors that are attained from a builder do not necessarily represent a valid construct in the proto source language. There are some validations enforced by protoc that are not enforced by builders, for example, ensuring that there are no namespace conflicts (e.g. file "foo.proto" declares an element named "" and so does a file that it imports). Because of this, it is possible for builders to wire up references in a way that the resulting descriptors are incorrect. This is mainly possible when file builders are used to create files with duplicate symbols and then cross-linked. It can also happen when a builder is linked to descriptors from more than one version of the same file.
When constructing descriptors using builders, applications should not attempt to build invalid constructs. Even though there are many rules in the protobuf language that are not enforced, those rules that are enforced can result in panics when a violation is detected. Generally, builder methods that do not return errors (like those used for method chaining) will panic on bad input or when trying to mutate a proto into an invalid state.
Several rules are enforced by the builders. Violating these rules will result in errors (or panics for factory functions and methods that do not return errors). These are the rules that are currently enforced:
- Import cycles are not allowed. (See above for more details.)
- Within a single file, symbols are not allowed to have naming conflicts. This means that is not legal to create a message and an extension with the same name in the same file.
- Messages are not allowed to have multiple fields with the same tag. Note that only non-extension fields are checked when using builders. So builders will allow tag collisions for extensions. (Use caution.)
- Map keys can only be integer types, booleans, and strings.
- Fields cannot have tags in the special reserved range 19000-19999. Also the maximum allowed tag value is 536870911 (2^29 - 1). Finally, fields cannot have negative values.
- Element names should include only underscore, letters, and numbers, and must begin with an underscore or letter.
Validation rules that are *not* enforced by builders, and thus would be allowed and result in illegal constructs, include the following:
- Files with a syntax of proto3 are not allowed to have required fields.
- Files with a syntax of proto3 are not allowed to have messages that define extension ranges.
- Files with a syntax of proto3 are not allowed to use groups.
- Files with a syntax of proto3 are not allowed to declare default values for fields.
- Names are supposed to be globally unique, even across multiple files if multiple files are defined in the same package.
- Extension fields must use tag numbers that are in an extension range defined on the extended message.
- Multiple extensions for the same message cannot re-use tag numbers, even across multiple files.
- Non-extension fields are not allowed to use tags that lie in a message's extension ranges or reserved ranges.
- Non-extension fields are not allowed to use names that the message has marked as reserved.
- Extension ranges and reserved ranges must not overlap.
This list may change in the future, as more validation rules may be implemented in the builders.
Index ¶
- func GetFullyQualifiedName(b Builder) string
- func Unlink(b Builder)
- type Builder
- type Comments
- type EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) AddValue(evb *EnumValueBuilder) *EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) Build() (*desc.EnumDescriptor, error)
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *EnumBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (b *EnumBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *EnumBuilder) GetName() string
- func (b *EnumBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) GetValue(name string) *EnumValueBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) RemoveValue(name string) *EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetName(newName string) *EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.EnumOptions) *EnumBuilder
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) TryAddValue(evb *EnumValueBuilder) error
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) TryRemoveValue(name string) bool
- func (eb *EnumBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type EnumValueBuilder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) Build() (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor, error)
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetName() string
- func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *EnumValueBuilder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetName(newName string) *EnumValueBuilder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetNumber(number int32) *EnumValueBuilder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.EnumValueOptions) *EnumValueBuilder
- func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type FieldBuilder
- func FromField(fld *desc.FieldDescriptor) (*FieldBuilder, error)
- func NewExtension(name string, tag int32, typ *FieldType, extendee *MessageBuilder) *FieldBuilder
- func NewExtensionImported(name string, tag int32, typ *FieldType, extendee *desc.MessageDescriptor) *FieldBuilder
- func NewField(name string, typ *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
- func NewGroupField(mb *MessageBuilder) *FieldBuilder
- func NewMapField(name string, keyTyp, valTyp *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) Build() (*desc.FieldDescriptor, error)
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *FieldBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetExtendeeTypeName() string
- func (b *FieldBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *FieldBuilder) GetName() string
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetNumber() int32
- func (b *FieldBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetType() *FieldType
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsExtension() bool
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsMap() bool
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsRepeated() bool
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsRequired() bool
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetDefaultValue(defValue string) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetJsonName(jsonName string) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetLabel(lbl dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetName(newName string) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetNumber(tag int32) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetOptional() *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.FieldOptions) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetRepeated() *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetRequired() *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetType(ft *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- func (flb *FieldBuilder) TrySetNumber(tag int32) error
- type FieldType
- func FieldTypeBool() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeBytes() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeDouble() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *FieldType
- func FieldTypeFixed32() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeFixed64() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeFloat() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeImportedEnum(ed *desc.EnumDescriptor) *FieldType
- func FieldTypeImportedMessage(md *desc.MessageDescriptor) *FieldType
- func FieldTypeInt32() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeInt64() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) *FieldType
- func FieldTypeSFixed32() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeSFixed64() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeSInt32() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeSInt64() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeScalar(t dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Type) *FieldType
- func FieldTypeString() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeUInt32() *FieldType
- func FieldTypeUInt64() *FieldType
- type FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) AddEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) AddExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) AddMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) AddService(sb *ServiceBuilder) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) Build() (*desc.FileDescriptor, error)
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetEnum(name string) *EnumBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetExtension(name string) *FieldBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetName() string
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) GetService(name string) *ServiceBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveEnum(name string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveExtension(name string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveMessage(name string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveService(name string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetName(newName string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.FileOptions) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetPackageComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetPackageName(pkg string) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetProto3(isProto3 bool) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) SetSyntaxComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) error
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) error
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) error
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddService(sb *ServiceBuilder) error
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveEnum(name string) bool
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveExtension(name string) bool
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveMessage(name string) bool
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveService(name string) bool
- func (fb *FileBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRange(start, end int32) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRangeWithOptions(start, end int32, options *dpb.ExtensionRangeOptions) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddField(flb *FieldBuilder) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedMessage(nmb *MessageBuilder) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddOneOf(oob *OneOfBuilder) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddReservedName(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddReservedRange(start, end int32) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) Build() (*desc.MessageDescriptor, error)
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *MessageBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetField(name string) *FieldBuilder
- func (b *MessageBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *MessageBuilder) GetName() string
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedEnum(name string) *EnumBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedExtension(name string) *FieldBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetOneOf(name string) *OneOfBuilder
- func (b *MessageBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveField(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedEnum(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedExtension(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveOneOf(name string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetExtensionRanges(ranges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetName(newName string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.MessageOptions) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetReservedNames(names []string) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetReservedRanges(ranges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange) *MessageBuilder
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddField(flb *FieldBuilder) error
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) error
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) error
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedMessage(nmb *MessageBuilder) error
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddOneOf(oob *OneOfBuilder) error
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveField(name string) bool
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedEnum(name string) bool
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedExtension(name string) bool
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedMessage(name string) bool
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveOneOf(name string) bool
- func (mb *MessageBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) Build() (*desc.MethodDescriptor, error)
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *MethodBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (b *MethodBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *MethodBuilder) GetName() string
- func (b *MethodBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetName(newName string) *MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.MethodOptions) *MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetRequestType(t *RpcType) *MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetResponseType(t *RpcType) *MethodBuilder
- func (mtb *MethodBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) AddChoice(flb *FieldBuilder) *OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) Build() (*desc.OneOfDescriptor, error)
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) GetChoice(name string) *FieldBuilder
- func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetName() string
- func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) RemoveChoice(name string) *OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetName(newName string) *OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.OneofOptions) *OneOfBuilder
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TryAddChoice(flb *FieldBuilder) error
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TryRemoveChoice(name string) bool
- func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
- type RpcType
- type ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) AddMethod(mtb *MethodBuilder) *ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) Build() (*desc.ServiceDescriptor, error)
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
- func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
- func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) GetMethod(name string) *MethodBuilder
- func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetName() string
- func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetParent() Builder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) RemoveMethod(name string) *ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetName(newName string) *ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.ServiceOptions) *ServiceBuilder
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TryAddMethod(mtb *MethodBuilder) error
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TryRemoveMethod(name string) bool
- func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetFullyQualifiedName ¶
GetFullyQualifiedName returns the given builder's fully-qualified name. This name is based on the parent elements the builder may be linked to, which provide context like package and (optional) enclosing message names.
Types ¶
type Builder ¶
type Builder interface { // GetName returns this element's name. The name returned is a simple name, // not a qualified name. GetName() string // TrySetName attempts to set this element's name. If the rename cannot // proceed (e.g. this element's parent already has an element with that // name) then an error is returned. // // All builders also have a method named SetName that panics on error and // returns the builder itself (for method chaining). But that isn't defined // on this interface because its return type varies with the type of the // descriptor builder. TrySetName(newName string) error // GetParent returns this element's parent element. It returns nil if there // is no parent element. File builders never have parent elements. GetParent() Builder // GetFile returns this element's file. This returns nil if the element has // not yet been assigned to a file. GetFile() *FileBuilder // GetChildren returns all of this element's child elements. A file will // return all of its top-level messages, enums, extensions, and services. A // message will return all of its fields as well as nested messages, enums, // and extensions, etc. Children will generally be grouped by type and, // within a group, in the same order as the children were added to their // parent. GetChildren() []Builder // GetComments returns the comments for this element. If the element has no // comments then the returned struct will have all empty fields. Comments // can be added to the element by setting fields of the returned struct. // // All builders also have a SetComments method that modifies the comments // and returns the builder itself (for method chaining). But that isn't // defined on this interface because its return type varies with the type of // the descriptor builder. GetComments() *Comments // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Builder is the core interface implemented by all descriptor builders. It exposes some basic information about the descriptor hierarchy's structure.
All Builders also have a Build() method, but that is not part of this interface because its return type varies with the type of descriptor that is built.
type Comments ¶
type Comments struct { LeadingDetachedComments []string LeadingComment string TrailingComment string }
Comments represents the various comments that might be associated with a descriptor. These are equivalent to the various kinds of comments found in a *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location struct that protoc associates with elements in the parsed proto source file. This can be used to create or preserve comments (including documentation) for elements.
type EnumBuilder ¶
type EnumBuilder struct { Options *dpb.EnumOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromEnum ¶
func FromEnum(ed *desc.EnumDescriptor) (*EnumBuilder, error)
func NewEnum ¶
func NewEnum(name string) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) AddValue ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) AddValue(evb *EnumValueBuilder) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) Build ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) Build() (*desc.EnumDescriptor, error)
func (*EnumBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*EnumBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *EnumBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*EnumBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *EnumBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) GetValue ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) GetValue(name string) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) RemoveValue ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) RemoveValue(name string) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) SetName ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetName(newName string) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.EnumOptions) *EnumBuilder
func (*EnumBuilder) TryAddValue ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) TryAddValue(evb *EnumValueBuilder) error
func (*EnumBuilder) TryRemoveValue ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) TryRemoveValue(name string) bool
func (*EnumBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (eb *EnumBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type EnumValueBuilder ¶
type EnumValueBuilder struct { Number int32 Options *dpb.EnumValueOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromEnumValue ¶
func FromEnumValue(evd *desc.EnumValueDescriptor) (*EnumValueBuilder, error)
func NewEnumValue ¶
func NewEnumValue(name string) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) Build ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) Build() (*desc.EnumValueDescriptor, error)
func (*EnumValueBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*EnumValueBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *EnumValueBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) SetName ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetName(newName string) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) SetNumber ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetNumber(number int32) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.EnumValueOptions) *EnumValueBuilder
func (*EnumValueBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (evb *EnumValueBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type FieldBuilder ¶
type FieldBuilder struct { Options *dpb.FieldOptions Label dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label Default string JsonName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromField ¶
func FromField(fld *desc.FieldDescriptor) (*FieldBuilder, error)
func NewExtension ¶
func NewExtension(name string, tag int32, typ *FieldType, extendee *MessageBuilder) *FieldBuilder
func NewExtensionImported ¶
func NewExtensionImported(name string, tag int32, typ *FieldType, extendee *desc.MessageDescriptor) *FieldBuilder
func NewField ¶
func NewField(name string, typ *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
func NewGroupField ¶
func NewGroupField(mb *MessageBuilder) *FieldBuilder
func NewMapField ¶
func NewMapField(name string, keyTyp, valTyp *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) Build ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) Build() (*desc.FieldDescriptor, error)
func (*FieldBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*FieldBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *FieldBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*FieldBuilder) GetExtendeeTypeName ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetExtendeeTypeName() string
func (*FieldBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *FieldBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) GetNumber ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetNumber() int32
func (*FieldBuilder) GetType ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) GetType() *FieldType
func (*FieldBuilder) IsExtension ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsExtension() bool
func (*FieldBuilder) IsMap ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsMap() bool
func (*FieldBuilder) IsRepeated ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsRepeated() bool
func (*FieldBuilder) IsRequired ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) IsRequired() bool
func (*FieldBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetDefaultValue ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetDefaultValue(defValue string) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetJsonName ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetJsonName(jsonName string) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetLabel ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetLabel(lbl dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetName ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetName(newName string) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetNumber ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetNumber(tag int32) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetOptional ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetOptional() *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.FieldOptions) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetRepeated ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetRepeated() *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetRequired ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetRequired() *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) SetType ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) SetType(ft *FieldType) *FieldBuilder
func (*FieldBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
func (*FieldBuilder) TrySetNumber ¶
func (flb *FieldBuilder) TrySetNumber(tag int32) error
type FieldType ¶
type FieldType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func FieldTypeBool ¶
func FieldTypeBool() *FieldType
func FieldTypeBytes ¶
func FieldTypeBytes() *FieldType
func FieldTypeDouble ¶
func FieldTypeDouble() *FieldType
func FieldTypeEnum ¶
func FieldTypeEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *FieldType
func FieldTypeFixed32 ¶
func FieldTypeFixed32() *FieldType
func FieldTypeFixed64 ¶
func FieldTypeFixed64() *FieldType
func FieldTypeFloat ¶
func FieldTypeFloat() *FieldType
func FieldTypeImportedEnum ¶
func FieldTypeImportedEnum(ed *desc.EnumDescriptor) *FieldType
func FieldTypeImportedMessage ¶
func FieldTypeImportedMessage(md *desc.MessageDescriptor) *FieldType
func FieldTypeInt32 ¶
func FieldTypeInt32() *FieldType
func FieldTypeInt64 ¶
func FieldTypeInt64() *FieldType
func FieldTypeMessage ¶
func FieldTypeMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) *FieldType
func FieldTypeSFixed32 ¶
func FieldTypeSFixed32() *FieldType
func FieldTypeSFixed64 ¶
func FieldTypeSFixed64() *FieldType
func FieldTypeSInt32 ¶
func FieldTypeSInt32() *FieldType
func FieldTypeSInt64 ¶
func FieldTypeSInt64() *FieldType
func FieldTypeScalar ¶
func FieldTypeScalar(t dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Type) *FieldType
func FieldTypeString ¶
func FieldTypeString() *FieldType
func FieldTypeUInt32 ¶
func FieldTypeUInt32() *FieldType
func FieldTypeUInt64 ¶
func FieldTypeUInt64() *FieldType
func (*FieldType) GetType ¶
func (ft *FieldType) GetType() dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Type
func (*FieldType) GetTypeName ¶
type FileBuilder ¶
type FileBuilder struct { IsProto3 bool Package string Options *dpb.FileOptions SyntaxComments Comments PackageComments Comments // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileBuilder is a builder used to construct a desc.FileDescriptor. This is the root of the hierarchy. All other descriptors belong to a file, and thus all other builders also belong to a file.
If a builder is *not* associated with a file, the resulting descriptor will be associated with a synthesized file that contains only the built descriptor and its ancestors. This means that such descriptors will have no associated package name.
func FromFile ¶
func FromFile(fd *desc.FileDescriptor) (*FileBuilder, error)
FromFile returns a FileBuilder that is effectively a copy of the given descriptor. (Note that builders do not retain source code info, even if the given descriptor included it.)
func NewFile ¶
func NewFile(name string) *FileBuilder
NewFile creates a new FileBuilder for a file with the given name. The name can be blank, which indicates a unique name should be generated for it.
func (*FileBuilder) AddEnum ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) AddEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *FileBuilder
AddEnum adds the given enum to this file. If an error prevents the enum from being added, this method panics. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) AddExtension ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) AddExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) *FileBuilder
AddExtension adds the given extension to this file. If an error prevents the extension from being added, this method panics. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) AddMessage ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) AddMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) *FileBuilder
AddMessage adds the given message to this file. If an error prevents the message from being added, this method panics. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) AddService ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) AddService(sb *ServiceBuilder) *FileBuilder
AddService adds the given service to this file. If an error prevents the service from being added, this method panics. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) Build ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) Build() (*desc.FileDescriptor, error)
Build constructs a file descriptor based on the contents of this file builder. If there are any problems constructing the descriptor, including resolving symbols referenced by the builder or failing to meet certain validation rules, an error is returned.
func (*FileBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*FileBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*FileBuilder) GetEnum ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetEnum(name string) *EnumBuilder
GetEnum returns the top-level enum with the given name. If no such enum exists in the file, nil is returned.
func (*FileBuilder) GetExtension ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetExtension(name string) *FieldBuilder
GetExtension returns the top-level extension with the given name. If no such extension exists in the file, nil is returned.
func (*FileBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
GetFile implements the Builder interface and always returns this file.
func (*FileBuilder) GetMessage ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
GetMessage returns the top-level message with the given name. If no such message exists in the file, nil is returned.
func (*FileBuilder) GetName ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetName() string
func (*FileBuilder) GetParent ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetParent() Builder
func (*FileBuilder) GetService ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) GetService(name string) *ServiceBuilder
GetService returns the top-level service with the given name. If no such service exists in the file, nil is returned.
func (*FileBuilder) RemoveEnum ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveEnum(name string) *FileBuilder
RemoveEnum removes the top-level enum with the given name. If no such enum exists in the file, this is a no-op. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) RemoveExtension ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveExtension(name string) *FileBuilder
RemoveExtension removes the top-level extension with the given name. If no such extension exists in the file, this is a no-op. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) RemoveMessage ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveMessage(name string) *FileBuilder
RemoveMessage removes the top-level message with the given name. If no such message exists in the file, this is a no-op. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) RemoveService ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) RemoveService(name string) *FileBuilder
RemoveService removes the top-level service with the given name. If no such service exists in the file, this is a no-op. This returns the file builder, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
func (*FileBuilder) SetName ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetName(newName string) *FileBuilder
SetName changes this file's name, returning the file for method chaining. If there is an error that prevents the rename from succeeding, this method will panic.
func (*FileBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.FileOptions) *FileBuilder
SetOptions sets the file options for this file and returns the file, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) SetPackageComments ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetPackageComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
func (*FileBuilder) SetPackageName ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetPackageName(pkg string) *FileBuilder
SetPackageName sets the name of the package for this file and returns the file, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) SetProto3 ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetProto3(isProto3 bool) *FileBuilder
SetProto3 sets whether this file is declared to use "proto3" syntax or not and returns the file, for method chaining.
func (*FileBuilder) SetSyntaxComments ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) SetSyntaxComments(c Comments) *FileBuilder
func (*FileBuilder) TryAddEnum ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) error
TryAddEnum adds the given enum to this file, returning any error that prevents the enum from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the file).
func (*FileBuilder) TryAddExtension ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) error
TryAddExtension adds the given extension to this file, returning any error that prevents the extension from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the file).
func (*FileBuilder) TryAddMessage ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddMessage(mb *MessageBuilder) error
TryAddMessage adds the given message to this file, returning any error that prevents the message from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the file).
func (*FileBuilder) TryAddService ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryAddService(sb *ServiceBuilder) error
TryAddService adds the given service to this file, returning any error that prevents the service from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the file).
func (*FileBuilder) TryRemoveEnum ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveEnum(name string) bool
TryRemoveEnum removes the top-level enum with the given name and returns false if the file has no such enum.
func (*FileBuilder) TryRemoveExtension ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveExtension(name string) bool
TryRemoveExtension removes the top-level extension with the given name and returns false if the file has no such extension.
func (*FileBuilder) TryRemoveMessage ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveMessage(name string) bool
TryRemoveMessage removes the top-level message with the given name and returns false if the file has no such message.
func (*FileBuilder) TryRemoveService ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TryRemoveService(name string) bool
TryRemoveService removes the top-level service with the given name and returns false if the file has no such service.
func (*FileBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (fb *FileBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type MessageBuilder ¶
type MessageBuilder struct { Options *dpb.MessageOptions ExtensionRanges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange ReservedRanges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange ReservedNames []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MessageBuilder is a builder used to construct a desc.MessageDescriptor. A message builder can define nested messages, enums, and extensions in addition to defining the message's fields.
Note that when building a descriptor from a MessageBuilder, not all protobuf validation rules are enforced. See the package documentation for more info.
func FromMessage ¶
func FromMessage(md *desc.MessageDescriptor) (*MessageBuilder, error)
FromMessage returns a MessageBuilder that is effectively a copy of the given descriptor.
Note that it is not just the given message that is copied but its entire file. So the caller can get the parent element of the returned builder and the result would be a builder that is effectively a copy of the message descriptor's parent.
This means that message builders created from descriptors do not need to be explicitly assigned to a file in order to preserve the original message's package name.
func NewMessage ¶
func NewMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
NewMessage creates a new MessageBuilder for a message with the given name. Since the new message has no parent element, it also has no package name (e.g. it is in the unnamed package, until it is assigned to a file builder that defines a package name).
func (*MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRange ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRange(start, end int32) *MessageBuilder
AddExtensionRange adds the given extension range to this message. The range is inclusive of both the start and end, just like defining a range in proto IDL source. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRangeWithOptions ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddExtensionRangeWithOptions(start, end int32, options *dpb.ExtensionRangeOptions) *MessageBuilder
AddExtensionRangeWithOptions adds the given extension range to this message. The range is inclusive of both the start and end, just like defining a range in proto IDL source. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddField ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddField(flb *FieldBuilder) *MessageBuilder
AddField adds the given field to this message. If an error prevents the field from being added, this method panics. If the given field is an extension, this method panics. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddNestedEnum ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) AddNestedExtension ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) AddNestedMessage ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddNestedMessage(nmb *MessageBuilder) *MessageBuilder
AddNestedMessage adds the given message as nested child of this message. If an error prevents the message from being added, this method panics. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddOneOf ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddOneOf(oob *OneOfBuilder) *MessageBuilder
AddOneOf adds the given one-of to this message. If an error prevents the one-of from being added, this method panics. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddReservedName ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddReservedName(name string) *MessageBuilder
AddReservedName adds the given name to the list of reserved field names for this message. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) AddReservedRange ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) AddReservedRange(start, end int32) *MessageBuilder
AddReservedRange adds the given reserved range to this message. The range is inclusive of both the start and end, just like defining a range in proto IDL source. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) Build ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) Build() (*desc.MessageDescriptor, error)
Build constructs a message descriptor based on the contents of this message builder. If there are any problems constructing the descriptor, including resolving symbols referenced by the builder or failing to meet certain validation rules, an error is returned.
func (*MessageBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*MessageBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *MessageBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*MessageBuilder) GetField ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetField(name string) *FieldBuilder
GetField returns the field with the given name. If no such field exists in the message, nil is returned. The field does not have to be an immediate child of this message but could instead be an indirect child via a one-of.
func (*MessageBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *MessageBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) GetNestedEnum ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedEnum(name string) *EnumBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) GetNestedExtension ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedExtension(name string) *FieldBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) GetNestedMessage ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetNestedMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
GetNestedMessage returns the nested message with the given name. If no such message exists, nil is returned. The named message must be in this message's scope. If the message is nested more deeply, this will return nil. This means the message must be a direct child of this message or a child of one of this message's fields (e.g. the group type for a group field or a map entry for a map field).
func (*MessageBuilder) GetOneOf ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) GetOneOf(name string) *OneOfBuilder
GetOneOf returns the one-of with the given name. If no such one-of exists in the message, nil is returned.
func (*MessageBuilder) RemoveField ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveField(name string) *MessageBuilder
RemoveField removes the field with the given name. If no such field exists in the message, this is a no-op. If the field is part of a one-of, the one-of remains assigned to this message and the field is removed from it. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedEnum ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedEnum(name string) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedExtension ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedExtension(name string) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedMessage ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveNestedMessage(name string) *MessageBuilder
RemoveNestedMessage removes the nested message with the given name. If no such message exists, this is a no-op. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) RemoveOneOf ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) RemoveOneOf(name string) *MessageBuilder
RemoveOneOf removes the one-of with the given name. If no such one-of exists in the message, this is a no-op. This returns the message builder, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) SetExtensionRanges ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetExtensionRanges(ranges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange) *MessageBuilder
SetExtensionRanges replaces all of this message's extension ranges with the given slice of ranges. Unlike AddExtensionRange and unlike the way ranges are defined in proto IDL source, a DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange struct treats the end of the range as *exclusive*. So the range is inclusive of the start but exclusive of the end. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) SetName ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetName(newName string) *MessageBuilder
SetName changes this message's name, returning the message for method chaining. If there is an error that prevents the rename from succeeding, this method will panic.
func (*MessageBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.MessageOptions) *MessageBuilder
func (*MessageBuilder) SetReservedNames ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetReservedNames(names []string) *MessageBuilder
SetReservedNames replaces all of this message's reserved field names with the given slice of names. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) SetReservedRanges ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) SetReservedRanges(ranges []*dpb.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange) *MessageBuilder
SetReservedRanges replaces all of this message's reserved ranges with the given slice of ranges. Unlike AddReservedRange and unlike the way ranges are defined in proto IDL source, a DescriptorProto_ReservedRange struct treats the end of the range as *exclusive*. So the range is inclusive of the start but exclusive of the end. This returns the message, for method chaining.
func (*MessageBuilder) TryAddField ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddField(flb *FieldBuilder) error
TryAddField adds the given field to this message, returning any error that prevents the field from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the message). An error is returned if the given field is an extension field.
func (*MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedEnum ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedEnum(eb *EnumBuilder) error
func (*MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedExtension ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedExtension(exb *FieldBuilder) error
func (*MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedMessage ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddNestedMessage(nmb *MessageBuilder) error
TryAddNestedMessage adds the given message as a nested child of this message, returning any error that prevents the message from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the message).
func (*MessageBuilder) TryAddOneOf ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryAddOneOf(oob *OneOfBuilder) error
TryAddOneOf adds the given one-of to this message, returning any error that prevents the one-of from being added (such as a name collision with another element already added to the message).
func (*MessageBuilder) TryRemoveField ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveField(name string) bool
TryRemoveField removes the field with the given name and returns false if the message has no such field. If the field is part of a one-of, the one-of remains assigned to this message and the field is removed from it.
func (*MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedEnum ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedEnum(name string) bool
func (*MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedExtension ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedExtension(name string) bool
func (*MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedMessage ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveNestedMessage(name string) bool
TryRemoveNestedMessage removes the nested message with the given name and returns false if this message has no nested message with that name. If the named message is a child of a field (e.g. the group type for a group field or the map entry for a map field), it is removed from that field and thus removed from this message's scope.
func (*MessageBuilder) TryRemoveOneOf ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TryRemoveOneOf(name string) bool
TryRemoveOneOf removes the one-of with the given name and returns false if the message has no such one-of.
func (*MessageBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (mb *MessageBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type MethodBuilder ¶
type MethodBuilder struct { Options *dpb.MethodOptions ReqType *RpcType RespType *RpcType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromMethod ¶
func FromMethod(mtd *desc.MethodDescriptor) (*MethodBuilder, error)
func NewMethod ¶
func NewMethod(name string, req, resp *RpcType) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) Build ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) Build() (*desc.MethodDescriptor, error)
func (*MethodBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*MethodBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *MethodBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*MethodBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *MethodBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) SetName ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetName(newName string) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.MethodOptions) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) SetRequestType ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetRequestType(t *RpcType) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) SetResponseType ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) SetResponseType(t *RpcType) *MethodBuilder
func (*MethodBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (mtb *MethodBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type OneOfBuilder ¶
type OneOfBuilder struct { Options *dpb.OneofOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromOneOf ¶
func FromOneOf(ood *desc.OneOfDescriptor) (*OneOfBuilder, error)
func NewOneOf ¶
func NewOneOf(name string) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) AddChoice ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) AddChoice(flb *FieldBuilder) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) Build ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) Build() (*desc.OneOfDescriptor, error)
func (*OneOfBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*OneOfBuilder) GetChoice ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) GetChoice(name string) *FieldBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*OneOfBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *OneOfBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) RemoveChoice ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) RemoveChoice(name string) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) SetName ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetName(newName string) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.OneofOptions) *OneOfBuilder
func (*OneOfBuilder) TryAddChoice ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TryAddChoice(flb *FieldBuilder) error
func (*OneOfBuilder) TryRemoveChoice ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TryRemoveChoice(name string) bool
func (*OneOfBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (oob *OneOfBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error
type RpcType ¶
type RpcType struct { IsStream bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func RpcTypeImportedMessage ¶
func RpcTypeImportedMessage(md *desc.MessageDescriptor, stream bool) *RpcType
func RpcTypeMessage ¶
func RpcTypeMessage(mb *MessageBuilder, stream bool) *RpcType
func (*RpcType) GetTypeName ¶
type ServiceBuilder ¶
type ServiceBuilder struct { Options *dpb.ServiceOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FromService ¶
func FromService(sd *desc.ServiceDescriptor) (*ServiceBuilder, error)
func NewService ¶
func NewService(name string) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) AddMethod ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) AddMethod(mtb *MethodBuilder) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) Build ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) Build() (*desc.ServiceDescriptor, error)
func (*ServiceBuilder) GetChildren ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) GetChildren() []Builder
func (*ServiceBuilder) GetComments ¶
func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetComments() *Comments
func (*ServiceBuilder) GetFile ¶
func (b *ServiceBuilder) GetFile() *FileBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) GetMethod ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) GetMethod(name string) *MethodBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) RemoveMethod ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) RemoveMethod(name string) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) SetComments ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetComments(c Comments) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) SetName ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetName(newName string) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) SetOptions ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) SetOptions(options *dpb.ServiceOptions) *ServiceBuilder
func (*ServiceBuilder) TryAddMethod ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TryAddMethod(mtb *MethodBuilder) error
func (*ServiceBuilder) TryRemoveMethod ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TryRemoveMethod(name string) bool
func (*ServiceBuilder) TrySetName ¶
func (sb *ServiceBuilder) TrySetName(newName string) error