Relay is a set of tools and services to let you to host remote lab experiments, without opening firewall ports.
Secure websocket relay and host adapter for sharing video and data, with read/write permissions
Secure login shell relay, host adapter and client for end-to-end encrypted admin access without a jumpserver
Booking server for connecting users to experiments
Works with experiments behind firewalls and NAT because all communications are relayed
No need to open firewall ports, or get public IPv4 addresses.
Relay is the new core of the remote laboratory ecosystem. Some of the educational thinking behind this ecosystem can be found here [1].
The system is currently suitable for single-tenacy operations, with a single administrative "zone". Additional automation of experiment and system provision has been developed and will be released once secret-handling has been separated out.
We've successfully used this code to run assessed coursework for over 250 students during Q1/Q2 of 2021, alongside some student recruitment events [2].
We've got over 50 experiments under management at the present time - with some of our latest in our new 1:6 scale ISO containers:
This repo contains a system for running experiments behind firewalls, including
session host runs on the experiment to connect to the session relay to stream data and receive commands
session relay runs in the cloud to connect experiments and users.
book serve runs in the cloud (to handle bookings)
shell host runs on the experiment to connect to the shell relay to provide secured ssh connections to the experiment
shell relay runs in the cloud (to connect experiments and administrators)
shell client runs on the administrators' systems to connect to the shell relay
More information
Additonal documentation (in various states of completeness) can be found on the following components here:
[1] Timothy D. Drysdale (corresponding author), Simon Kelley, Anne-Marie Scott, Victoria Dishon, Andrew Weightman, Richard James Lewis & Stephen Watts (2020) Opinion piece: non-traditional practical work for traditional campuses, Higher Education Pedagogies, 5:1, 210-222, DOI: 10.1080/23752696.2020.1816845
[2] David P. Reid, Joshua Burridge, David B. Lowe, and Timothy D. Drysdale (corresponding author), Open-source remote laboratory experiments for controls engineering education, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, Accepted 22 Jan 2022.
In combining the commands, it would be helpful to consolidate the environment variables needed