Video over websockets, a dynamically-reconfigurable golang alternative to the node.js-based relay in phoboslab/jsmpeg.
's dynamic reconfigurability is intended to make life easier when deploying remote laboratory experiments that use MPEGTS video streams.
Sending MPEGTS streams over websockets is attractive for remote laboratory experiments because they often cannot have public IP addresses, and must sit behind restrictive firewalls that often permit only outgoing 80/tcp
and 443/tcp
. Therefore these experiments cannot act as servers, and must instead rely on a remote relay that can receive their websocket video stream and arrange for it to be forwarded to a user. That remote relay must be readily changeable in order to facilitate cost savings like using short-lived spot-priced servers or for coping with other remote relay failures. In some cases, the reconfigurability is required within the experiment, for cost and privacy reasons. The MPEGTS streams can be comprised of separately-encoded video and audio tracks, perhaps of selectable bitrate for bandwidth efficiency. For privacy reasons, it is desirable to be able add and subtract individual tracks from the outgoing stream, for example to facilitate a room-wide mute function across multiple experiments when humans are present. This is particularly important for beginning hosters who are using their offices or homes for experiments, but don't want to entirely disable the audio (but just mute it when they are present). Obviously, the existing phoboslab/jsmpeg relay could be made configurable with a config file, and simply restarted as needed. Since there is a delay to starting ffmpeg, it would instead be preferable to hot-swap the destination with a dynamically reconfigurable local relay so that the video connection can be maintained without a 1-sec outage due to ffmpeg restarting. This then requires the local relay to run continuously, and if the destination must be updated because the remote relay has changed, or the audio mute has been toggled, then the local relay must be dynamically reconfigurable. This also happens to resonate with the 12-factor approach of avoiding configuration files in favour of a RESTful API for configuration.
Related golang
projects include ws-tcp-relay which calls itself websocketd for TCP instead of STDIN
. Note that ws-tcp-relay has a websocket server, not a client as required here.
Getting started
Download and build in the usual manner. The code relies on additional libraries such as timdrysdale/[hub,agg,reconws,rwc]
so these must be downloaded too.
$ go get github.com/timdrysdale/vw
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github/timdrysdale/vw
$ go get -d ./...
$ go build
Install the executable in a location that is on your path, e.g.
$ cp ./vw ~/bin
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
Set the configuration variables, e.g. the port that vw
will listen on (default is 8888):
$ export VW_PORT=8888
Set the logging level if you wish to see greater or fewer messages
Note that other configuration variables are available, but are for developer use only (see cmd/stream.go
Start vw
with the stream
$ ./vw stream
Start an ffmpeg video stream and direct it to vw
$ ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 25 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 640x480 -b:v 1000k -bf 0 http://localhost:8888/ts/video0
Start an ffmpeg audio stream and direct it to vw
$ ffmpeg <your audio streaming settings here> http://localhost:8888/ts/audio0
See ffmpeg/ALSA for information on identifying your audio input devices.
TODO: provide example settings
Configure the streams
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","feeds":["video0","audio0"]}' http://localhost:8888/api/streams
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","destination":"wss://<some.relay.server>/in/video0","id":"0"}' http://localhost:8888/api/destinations
You should immediately be able to see your video streams if your browser is connected to your relay server. See timdrysdale/crossbar for a relay server.
The API allows rules to be added, deleted, and listed.
Rules for feeds and Streams
are individual tracks from ffmpeg, which can be forwarded by using a single destination rule:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"video0","destination":"wss://<some.relay.server>/in/video0","id":"0"}' http://localhost:8888/api/destinations
can combine multiple tracks (typically one video and one audio track are all that a player can handle), and require both a stream rule and a destination rule. Streams are prefixed with a mandatory stream/
- note that if you supply a leading '/' then you will not be able to delete the stream because you cannot access an endpoint with '//' in it.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","feeds":["video0","audio0"]}' http://localhost:8888/api/streams
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","destination":"wss://<some.relay.server>/in/video0","id":"0"}' http://localhost:8888/api/destinations
Updating rules
Existing rules can be updated by simply adding them again, e.g. to mute the audio:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","feeds":["video0"]}' http://localhost:8888/api/streams
or to change the destination (note the rule id
is kept the same):
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"/stream/front/large","destination":"wss://<some.relay.server>/in/video1","id":"0"}' http://localhost:8888/api/destinations
Seeing existing rules
If you want to see the streams
you have set up:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/streams/all
If you want to see the destinations
you have set up:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/destinations/all
Deleting individual rules
If you want to delete a stream
(response confirms which stream was deleted):
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/streams/stream/front/large
If you want to delete a destination
then refer to its id
(response confirms which id
was deleted)
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/destinations/0
Deleting all rules
Simply use the <>/all endpoint, e.g.
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/streams/all
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8888/api/destinations/all
For external control over the destinations, it may in some cases be simpler to use VW's JSON api, but this requires care to be paid to securing the endpoint destination you assign to your apiRule, which should use a bidirectional data relay.
To start VW and automatically connect the API to an endpoint (must be bidirectional, i.e. /bi/...
), set environment variable VW_API
, e.g.
export VW_API=wss://some.relay.server:443/bi/some/where/unique
vw stream
Then connect to your VW instance from another machine with a websocket client. For demonstration purposes, you can connect using websocat
and type commands interactively.
websocat - wss://some.relay.server:443/bi/some/where/unique
The commands are slightly more consistent than the REST-ish API.
-> {"verb":"healthcheck"}
<- {"healthcheck":"ok"}
Adding streams and destinations:
-> {"verb":"add","what":"destination","rule":{"stream":"video0","destination":"wss://some.relay.server/in/video0","id":"0"}}
<- {"id":"0","stream":"video0","destination":"wss://some.relay.server/in/video0"}
-> {"verb":"add","what":"stream","rule":{"stream":"video0","feeds":["video0","audio0"]}}
<- {"stream":"video0","feeds":["video0","audio0"]}
Listing what you have individually:
-> {"verb":"list","what":"stream","which":"video0"}
<- {"feeds":["video0","audio0"]}
-> {"verb":"list","what":"stream","which":"doesnotexist"}
<- {"feeds":null}
-> {"verb":"list","what":"destination","which":"0"}
<- {"id":"0","stream":"video0","destination":"wss://some.relay.server/in/video0"}
or everything ...
-> {"verb":"list","what":"stream","which":"all"}
<- {"video0":["video0","audio0"]}
-> {"verb":"list","what":"destination","which":"all"}
<- {"0":{"id":"0","stream":"video0","destination":"wss://some.relay.server/in/video0"},"apiRule":{"id":"apiRule","stream":"api","destination":"wss://some.relay.server:443/bi/some/where/unique"}}
Deleting streams and destinations individually:
-> {"verb":"delete","what":"stream","which":"video0"}
<- {"deleted":"video0"}
-> {"verb":"delete","what":"destination","which":"0"}
<- {"deleted":"0"}
or deleting all streams (note that the response is deleteAll, to confirm that "all" was treated specially:
<- {"verb":"delete","what":"stream","which":"all"}
<- {"deleted":"deleteAll"}
Only minimal footgun avoidance is included.
- You cannot delete the apiRule from the WS/JSON API
-> {"verb":"delete","what":"destination","which":"apiRule"}
<- {"error":"Cannot delete apiRule"}
- Issuing delete all destinations from the WS/JSON API does indeed delete all rules, but the apiRule is immediately re-instated
-> {"verb":"delete","what":"destination","which":"all"}
(no response because it disconnected itself, then reconnected)
Deletes issued via the HTTP/JSON API do NOT have these protections - but since you can access that API too, you can reinstate as you please
You can modify the apiRule, which will cause an immediate disconnect. The new destination needs to be working or else you
will be locked out, as it were
Bad commands just throw an error
-> Not even JSON
<- {"error":"Unrecognised Command"}
Identifying your devices
You can find the cameras attached to your system with v4l2-ctl
$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices
Since /dev/video<N>
designations can change from reboot to reboot, for production, it is better to configure using the serial number, such as
If your camera needs to be initialised or otherwise set up, e.g. by using v4l2-ctl
to specify a resolution or pixel format, then you may find it helpful to write a shell script that takes the dynamically generated endpoint as an argument. For example (not tested, TODO test), your script fmv.sh
for producing medium-size video using ffmpeg
might contain:
v4l2-ctl --device $1 --set-fmt-video=width=640,height=480,pixelformat=YUYV
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 25 -video_size 640x480 -i $1 -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 640x480 -b:v 1000k -bf 0 $2
Resetting from command line
On linux (tested on Ubuntu) you can deauthorize and reauthorize usb devices from the CLI
sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-5/authorized"
sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-5/authorized"
You can find the right path by looking in dmesg
Raspberry pi
From jsmpeg README
This example assumes that your webcam is compatible with Video4Linux2 and appears as /dev/video0 in the filesystem. Most USB webcams support the UVC standard and should work just fine. The onboard Raspberry Camera can be made available as V4L2 device by loading a kernel module: sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2.
Use you can use this command on linux:
$ arecord -l
TODO: This command is not currently known to work (but a previous version of the command I don't have to hand, did work)
$ ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:2 -filter:a "volume=50" -f mpegts -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 24k http://localhost:8888/ts/audio0
Things can get a bit more tricky if you are using ffmpeg
within a docker container, because you need to pass the device and network to the container and you also need to have sudo
permissions in some implementations. There's a description of using alsa and pulseaudio with docker here.
Developed and tested on Centos 7 for x86_64, Kernel version 3.10, using v4l2
, alsa
and ffmpeg
Windows 10
I managed to compile and run an earlier version of the code, but I had issues trying to get dshow
to work with my logitech c920 camera and ffmpeg
, so I am deferring further testing until windows-hosted experiments become a higher priority.
has been successfully cross-compiled and used with the aarch64 ARM achitecture of the Odroid N2, running an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS flavour linux with kernel version 4.9.1622-22.
$ export GOOS = linux
$ export GOARCH = arm64
$ go build
Future features
These are notes to me of possible features to consider, rather than promises to implement
- Configurator to assist in assigning cameras to feeds
- HTTP endpoint to report stats
- HTTP endpoint to offer stream pre-view
A write-to-file feature was added to destination rules, to record outgoing messages without any extra newlines or any indication of message boundaries. This allows the stream to be analysed to check for errors in the way that vw
is handling the MPEG TS stream. Currently this is a manual test, passing.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"stream":"video","destination":"wss://relay.somewhere.io/in/video","id":"0","file":"video.ts"}' http://localhost:8888/api/destinations
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 24 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 640x480 -b:v 1000k -bf 0
$ tsananlyze video.ts
| Transport Stream Id: .......... 1 (0x0001) | Services: .............. 1 |
| Bytes: ........................ 44,234,332 | PID's: Total: .......... 4 |
| TS packets: ...................... 235,289 | Clear: .......... 4 |
| With invalid sync: .................. 0 | Scrambled: ...... 0 |
| With transport error: ............... 0 | With PCR's: ..... 1 |
| Suspect and ignored: ................ 0 | Unreferenced: ... 0 |
| Transport stream bitrate, based on ....... 188 bytes/pkt 204 bytes/pkt |
| User-specified: ................................... None None |
| Estimated based on PCR's: ................ 1,109,025 b/s 1,203,410 b/s |
| Broadcast time: .................................. 319 sec (5 min 19 sec) |
| Srv Id Service Name Access Bitrate |
| 0x0001 Service01 .................................... C 1,076,115 b/s |
| |
| Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled |
| Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt |
There are no invalid sync, transport error or suspect-and-ignored packets, so this stream is in good condition.
There is an insignificant leakage of goroutines (0.1%) - after 86,400 streams were added for one-second each in one 24hour test, there were an extra 114 RelayOut() and 86 RelayTo() goroutines present (out of some 172,800 that had been started and killed), but memory usage had not appreciably increased (static at 0.1% of total) and CPU usage remained constant (ca 20%). The cause seems fairly subtle but after further golang experience it'll be pretty obvious why this is. There are also some races detected that I don't understand how they occur, which may or may not be related.
This diagram has been superseded by the new design ...

Historical notes
In case future self wonders why I didn't try this or that ... when I already did.
An earlier version of this code required a yaml
configuration file that was read once on starting vww
. vw
took responsibility for starting ffmpeg
. This version suffered from terminal issues around platform-specific variances in the operation of cmd.process.kill()
that left orphan processes holding onto the USB camera on the odroid-N2. Investigating further, it seemed like an Linux-wide issue that killing grandparents did not kill parents or children, and this would prevent vw
from meeting its promises to cleanly kill ffmpeg
. Also, the static configuration turned out to be way less flexible than I hoped and the instant I had got it working I realised I didn't think it would work down the line for large deployments. So I could sovle both issues by splitting the responsibility for running ffmpeg
away from vw
, and going for dynamic reconfiguration.
websocket library
The code was initially developed with nhooyr/websocket
then gobwas/ws
then gorilla/websocket
, mainly in response to errors possibly relating to websocket reuse with the first two (I didn't really understand what was going wrong, but things got immediately better with gorilla/websocket
). There is no comparative performance disadvantage to gorilla/websocket
in my use case because the vw
usage model is for a few high bandwidth connections, rather than the numerous+sparse use case targeted by the other implementations.