Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
templ: version: v0.2.663
Index ¶
- func Activity(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Airplay(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlertCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlertOctagon(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlertTriangle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlignCenter(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlignJustify(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlignLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AlignRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Anchor(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Aperture(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Archive(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowDownCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowDownLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowDownRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowLeftCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowRightCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowUpCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowUpLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ArrowUpRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func AtSign(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Award(class ...string) templ.Component
- func BarChart(class ...string) templ.Component
- func BarChart2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Battery(class ...string) templ.Component
- func BatteryCharging(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Bell(class ...string) templ.Component
- func BellOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Bluetooth(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Bold(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Book(class ...string) templ.Component
- func BookOpen(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Bookmark(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Box(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Briefcase(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Calendar(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Camera(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CameraOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Cast(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Check(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CheckCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CheckSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronsDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronsLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronsRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ChevronsUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Chrome(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Circle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Clipboard(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Clock(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Cloud(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CloudDrizzle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CloudLightning(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CloudOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CloudRain(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CloudSnow(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Code(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Codepen(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Codesandbox(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Coffee(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Columns(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Command(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Compass(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Copy(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerDownLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerDownRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerLeftDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerLeftUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerRightDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerRightUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerUpLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CornerUpRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Cpu(class ...string) templ.Component
- func CreditCard(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Crop(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Crosshair(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Database(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Delete(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Disc(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Divide(class ...string) templ.Component
- func DivideCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func DivideSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func DollarSign(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Download(class ...string) templ.Component
- func DownloadCloud(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Dribbble(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Droplet(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Edit(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Edit2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Edit3(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ExternalLink(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Eye(class ...string) templ.Component
- func EyeOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Facebook(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FastForward(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Feather(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Figma(class ...string) templ.Component
- func File(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FileMinus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FilePlus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FileText(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Film(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Filter(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Flag(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Folder(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FolderMinus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func FolderPlus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Framer(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Frown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Gift(class ...string) templ.Component
- func GitBranch(class ...string) templ.Component
- func GitCommit(class ...string) templ.Component
- func GitMerge(class ...string) templ.Component
- func GitPullRequest(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Github(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Gitlab(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Globe(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Grid(class ...string) templ.Component
- func HardDrive(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Hash(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Headphones(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Heart(class ...string) templ.Component
- func HelpCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Hexagon(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Home(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Image(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Inbox(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Info(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Instagram(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Italic(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Key(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Layers(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Layout(class ...string) templ.Component
- func LifeBuoy(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Link(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Link2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Linkedin(class ...string) templ.Component
- func List(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Loader(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Lock(class ...string) templ.Component
- func LogOut(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Login(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Mail(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Map(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MapPin(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Maximize(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Maximize2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Meh(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Menu(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MessageCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MessageSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Mic(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MicOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Minimize(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Minimize2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Minus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MinusCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MinusSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Monitor(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Moon(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MoreHorizontal(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MoreVertical(class ...string) templ.Component
- func MousePointer(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Move(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Music(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Navigation(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Navigation2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Octagon(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Package(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Paperclip(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Pause(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PauseCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PenTool(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Percent(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Phone(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneCall(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneForwarded(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneIncoming(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneMissed(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PhoneOutgoing(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PieChart(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Play(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PlayCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Plus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PlusCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func PlusSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Pocket(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Power(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Printer(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Radio(class ...string) templ.Component
- func RefreshCcw(class ...string) templ.Component
- func RefreshCw(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Repeat(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Rewind(class ...string) templ.Component
- func RotateCcw(class ...string) templ.Component
- func RotateCw(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Rss(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Save(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Scissors(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Search(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Send(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Server(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Settings(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Share(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Share2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Shield(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ShieldOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ShoppingBag(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ShoppingCart(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Shuffle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Sidebar(class ...string) templ.Component
- func SkipBack(class ...string) templ.Component
- func SkipForward(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Slack(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Slash(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Sliders(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Smartphone(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Smile(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Speaker(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Square(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Star(class ...string) templ.Component
- func StopCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Sun(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Sunrise(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Sunset(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Table(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Tablet(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Tag(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Target(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Terminal(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Thermometer(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ThumbsDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ThumbsUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ToggleLeft(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ToggleRight(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Tool(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Trash(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Trash2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Trello(class ...string) templ.Component
- func TrendingDown(class ...string) templ.Component
- func TrendingUp(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Triangle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Truck(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Tv(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Twitch(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Twitter(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Type(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Umbrella(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Underline(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Unlock(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Upload(class ...string) templ.Component
- func UploadCloud(class ...string) templ.Component
- func User(class ...string) templ.Component
- func UserCheck(class ...string) templ.Component
- func UserMinus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func UserPlus(class ...string) templ.Component
- func UserX(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Users(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Video(class ...string) templ.Component
- func VideoOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Voicemail(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Volume(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Volume1(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Volume2(class ...string) templ.Component
- func VolumeX(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Watch(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Wifi(class ...string) templ.Component
- func WifiOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Wind(class ...string) templ.Component
- func X(class ...string) templ.Component
- func XCircle(class ...string) templ.Component
- func XOctagon(class ...string) templ.Component
- func XSquare(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Youtube(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Zap(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ZapOff(class ...string) templ.Component
- func ZoomOut(class ...string) templ.Component
- func Zoomin(class ...string) templ.Component
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AlertCircle ¶
func AlertOctagon ¶
func AlertTriangle ¶
func AlignCenter ¶
func AlignJustify ¶
func AlignRight ¶
func ArrowDownCircle ¶
func ArrowDownLeft ¶
func ArrowDownRight ¶
func ArrowLeftCircle ¶
func ArrowRight ¶
func ArrowRightCircle ¶
func ArrowUpCircle ¶
func ArrowUpLeft ¶
func ArrowUpRight ¶
func BatteryCharging ¶
func CheckCircle ¶
func CheckSquare ¶
func ChevronDown ¶
func ChevronLeft ¶
func ChevronRight ¶
func ChevronsDown ¶
func ChevronsLeft ¶
func ChevronsRight ¶
func ChevronsUp ¶
func CloudDrizzle ¶
func CloudLightning ¶
func Codesandbox ¶
func CornerDownLeft ¶
func CornerDownRight ¶
func CornerLeftDown ¶
func CornerLeftUp ¶
func CornerRightDown ¶
func CornerRightUp ¶
func CornerUpLeft ¶
func CornerUpRight ¶
func CreditCard ¶
func DivideCircle ¶
func DivideSquare ¶
func DollarSign ¶
func DownloadCloud ¶
func ExternalLink ¶
func FastForward ¶
func FolderMinus ¶
func FolderPlus ¶
func GitPullRequest ¶
func Headphones ¶
func HelpCircle ¶
func MessageCircle ¶
func MessageSquare ¶
func MinusCircle ¶
func MinusSquare ¶
func MoreHorizontal ¶
func MoreVertical ¶
func MousePointer ¶
func Navigation ¶
func Navigation2 ¶
func PauseCircle ¶
func PhoneForwarded ¶
func PhoneIncoming ¶
func PhoneMissed ¶
func PhoneOutgoing ¶
func PlayCircle ¶
func PlusCircle ¶
func PlusSquare ¶
func RefreshCcw ¶
func ShoppingBag ¶
func ShoppingCart ¶
func SkipForward ¶
func Smartphone ¶
func StopCircle ¶
func Thermometer ¶
func ThumbsDown ¶
func ToggleLeft ¶
func ToggleRight ¶
func TrendingDown ¶
func TrendingUp ¶
func UploadCloud ¶
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.