
v0.0.0-...-c193db0 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 15, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



templ: version: v0.2.663



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func Activity

func Activity(class ...string) templ.Component

func Airplay

func Airplay(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlertCircle

func AlertCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlertOctagon

func AlertOctagon(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlertTriangle

func AlertTriangle(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlignCenter

func AlignCenter(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlignJustify

func AlignJustify(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlignLeft

func AlignLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func AlignRight

func AlignRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func Anchor

func Anchor(class ...string) templ.Component

func Aperture

func Aperture(class ...string) templ.Component

func Archive

func Archive(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowDown

func ArrowDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowDownCircle

func ArrowDownCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowDownLeft

func ArrowDownLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowDownRight

func ArrowDownRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowLeft

func ArrowLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowLeftCircle

func ArrowLeftCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowRight

func ArrowRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowRightCircle

func ArrowRightCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowUp

func ArrowUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowUpCircle

func ArrowUpCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowUpLeft

func ArrowUpLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ArrowUpRight

func ArrowUpRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func AtSign

func AtSign(class ...string) templ.Component

func Award

func Award(class ...string) templ.Component

func BarChart

func BarChart(class ...string) templ.Component

func BarChart2

func BarChart2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Battery

func Battery(class ...string) templ.Component

func BatteryCharging

func BatteryCharging(class ...string) templ.Component

func Bell

func Bell(class ...string) templ.Component

func BellOff

func BellOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Bluetooth

func Bluetooth(class ...string) templ.Component

func Bold

func Bold(class ...string) templ.Component

func Book

func Book(class ...string) templ.Component

func BookOpen

func BookOpen(class ...string) templ.Component

func Bookmark

func Bookmark(class ...string) templ.Component

func Box

func Box(class ...string) templ.Component

func Briefcase

func Briefcase(class ...string) templ.Component

func Calendar

func Calendar(class ...string) templ.Component

func Camera

func Camera(class ...string) templ.Component

func CameraOff

func CameraOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Cast

func Cast(class ...string) templ.Component

func Check

func Check(class ...string) templ.Component

func CheckCircle

func CheckCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func CheckSquare

func CheckSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronDown

func ChevronDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronLeft

func ChevronLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronRight

func ChevronRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronUp

func ChevronUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronsDown

func ChevronsDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronsLeft

func ChevronsLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronsRight

func ChevronsRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func ChevronsUp

func ChevronsUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func Chrome

func Chrome(class ...string) templ.Component

func Circle

func Circle(class ...string) templ.Component

func Clipboard

func Clipboard(class ...string) templ.Component

func Clock

func Clock(class ...string) templ.Component

func Cloud

func Cloud(class ...string) templ.Component

func CloudDrizzle

func CloudDrizzle(class ...string) templ.Component

func CloudLightning

func CloudLightning(class ...string) templ.Component

func CloudOff

func CloudOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func CloudRain

func CloudRain(class ...string) templ.Component

func CloudSnow

func CloudSnow(class ...string) templ.Component

func Code

func Code(class ...string) templ.Component

func Codepen

func Codepen(class ...string) templ.Component

func Codesandbox

func Codesandbox(class ...string) templ.Component

func Coffee

func Coffee(class ...string) templ.Component

func Columns

func Columns(class ...string) templ.Component

func Command

func Command(class ...string) templ.Component

func Compass

func Compass(class ...string) templ.Component

func Copy

func Copy(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerDownLeft

func CornerDownLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerDownRight

func CornerDownRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerLeftDown

func CornerLeftDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerLeftUp

func CornerLeftUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerRightDown

func CornerRightDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerRightUp

func CornerRightUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerUpLeft

func CornerUpLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func CornerUpRight

func CornerUpRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func Cpu

func Cpu(class ...string) templ.Component

func CreditCard

func CreditCard(class ...string) templ.Component

func Crop

func Crop(class ...string) templ.Component

func Crosshair

func Crosshair(class ...string) templ.Component

func Database

func Database(class ...string) templ.Component

func Delete

func Delete(class ...string) templ.Component

func Disc

func Disc(class ...string) templ.Component

func Divide

func Divide(class ...string) templ.Component

func DivideCircle

func DivideCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func DivideSquare

func DivideSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func DollarSign

func DollarSign(class ...string) templ.Component

func Download

func Download(class ...string) templ.Component

func DownloadCloud

func DownloadCloud(class ...string) templ.Component

func Dribbble

func Dribbble(class ...string) templ.Component

func Droplet

func Droplet(class ...string) templ.Component

func Edit

func Edit(class ...string) templ.Component

func Edit2

func Edit2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Edit3

func Edit3(class ...string) templ.Component
func ExternalLink(class ...string) templ.Component

func Eye

func Eye(class ...string) templ.Component

func EyeOff

func EyeOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Facebook

func Facebook(class ...string) templ.Component

func FastForward

func FastForward(class ...string) templ.Component

func Feather

func Feather(class ...string) templ.Component

func Figma

func Figma(class ...string) templ.Component

func File

func File(class ...string) templ.Component

func FileMinus

func FileMinus(class ...string) templ.Component

func FilePlus

func FilePlus(class ...string) templ.Component

func FileText

func FileText(class ...string) templ.Component

func Film

func Film(class ...string) templ.Component

func Filter

func Filter(class ...string) templ.Component

func Flag

func Flag(class ...string) templ.Component

func Folder

func Folder(class ...string) templ.Component

func FolderMinus

func FolderMinus(class ...string) templ.Component

func FolderPlus

func FolderPlus(class ...string) templ.Component

func Framer

func Framer(class ...string) templ.Component

func Frown

func Frown(class ...string) templ.Component

func Gift

func Gift(class ...string) templ.Component

func GitBranch

func GitBranch(class ...string) templ.Component

func GitCommit

func GitCommit(class ...string) templ.Component

func GitMerge

func GitMerge(class ...string) templ.Component

func GitPullRequest

func GitPullRequest(class ...string) templ.Component

func Github

func Github(class ...string) templ.Component

func Gitlab

func Gitlab(class ...string) templ.Component

func Globe

func Globe(class ...string) templ.Component

func Grid

func Grid(class ...string) templ.Component

func HardDrive

func HardDrive(class ...string) templ.Component

func Hash

func Hash(class ...string) templ.Component

func Headphones

func Headphones(class ...string) templ.Component

func Heart

func Heart(class ...string) templ.Component

func HelpCircle

func HelpCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func Hexagon

func Hexagon(class ...string) templ.Component

func Home

func Home(class ...string) templ.Component

func Image

func Image(class ...string) templ.Component

func Inbox

func Inbox(class ...string) templ.Component

func Info

func Info(class ...string) templ.Component

func Instagram

func Instagram(class ...string) templ.Component

func Italic

func Italic(class ...string) templ.Component

func Key

func Key(class ...string) templ.Component

func Layers

func Layers(class ...string) templ.Component

func Layout

func Layout(class ...string) templ.Component

func LifeBuoy

func LifeBuoy(class ...string) templ.Component
func Link(class ...string) templ.Component

func Link2

func Link2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Linkedin

func Linkedin(class ...string) templ.Component

func List

func List(class ...string) templ.Component

func Loader

func Loader(class ...string) templ.Component

func Lock

func Lock(class ...string) templ.Component

func LogOut

func LogOut(class ...string) templ.Component

func Login

func Login(class ...string) templ.Component

func Mail

func Mail(class ...string) templ.Component

func Map

func Map(class ...string) templ.Component

func MapPin

func MapPin(class ...string) templ.Component

func Maximize

func Maximize(class ...string) templ.Component

func Maximize2

func Maximize2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Meh

func Meh(class ...string) templ.Component
func Menu(class ...string) templ.Component

func MessageCircle

func MessageCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func MessageSquare

func MessageSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func Mic

func Mic(class ...string) templ.Component

func MicOff

func MicOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Minimize

func Minimize(class ...string) templ.Component

func Minimize2

func Minimize2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Minus

func Minus(class ...string) templ.Component

func MinusCircle

func MinusCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func MinusSquare

func MinusSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func Monitor

func Monitor(class ...string) templ.Component

func Moon

func Moon(class ...string) templ.Component

func MoreHorizontal

func MoreHorizontal(class ...string) templ.Component

func MoreVertical

func MoreVertical(class ...string) templ.Component

func MousePointer

func MousePointer(class ...string) templ.Component

func Move

func Move(class ...string) templ.Component

func Music

func Music(class ...string) templ.Component
func Navigation(class ...string) templ.Component
func Navigation2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Octagon

func Octagon(class ...string) templ.Component

func Package

func Package(class ...string) templ.Component

func Paperclip

func Paperclip(class ...string) templ.Component

func Pause

func Pause(class ...string) templ.Component

func PauseCircle

func PauseCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func PenTool

func PenTool(class ...string) templ.Component

func Percent

func Percent(class ...string) templ.Component

func Phone

func Phone(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneCall

func PhoneCall(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneForwarded

func PhoneForwarded(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneIncoming

func PhoneIncoming(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneMissed

func PhoneMissed(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneOff

func PhoneOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func PhoneOutgoing

func PhoneOutgoing(class ...string) templ.Component

func PieChart

func PieChart(class ...string) templ.Component

func Play

func Play(class ...string) templ.Component

func PlayCircle

func PlayCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func Plus

func Plus(class ...string) templ.Component

func PlusCircle

func PlusCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func PlusSquare

func PlusSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func Pocket

func Pocket(class ...string) templ.Component

func Power

func Power(class ...string) templ.Component

func Printer

func Printer(class ...string) templ.Component

func Radio

func Radio(class ...string) templ.Component

func RefreshCcw

func RefreshCcw(class ...string) templ.Component

func RefreshCw

func RefreshCw(class ...string) templ.Component

func Repeat

func Repeat(class ...string) templ.Component

func Rewind

func Rewind(class ...string) templ.Component

func RotateCcw

func RotateCcw(class ...string) templ.Component

func RotateCw

func RotateCw(class ...string) templ.Component

func Rss

func Rss(class ...string) templ.Component

func Save

func Save(class ...string) templ.Component

func Scissors

func Scissors(class ...string) templ.Component
func Search(class ...string) templ.Component

func Send

func Send(class ...string) templ.Component

func Server

func Server(class ...string) templ.Component

func Settings

func Settings(class ...string) templ.Component

func Share

func Share(class ...string) templ.Component

func Share2

func Share2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Shield

func Shield(class ...string) templ.Component

func ShieldOff

func ShieldOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func ShoppingBag

func ShoppingBag(class ...string) templ.Component

func ShoppingCart

func ShoppingCart(class ...string) templ.Component

func Shuffle

func Shuffle(class ...string) templ.Component
func Sidebar(class ...string) templ.Component

func SkipBack

func SkipBack(class ...string) templ.Component

func SkipForward

func SkipForward(class ...string) templ.Component

func Slack

func Slack(class ...string) templ.Component

func Slash

func Slash(class ...string) templ.Component

func Sliders

func Sliders(class ...string) templ.Component

func Smartphone

func Smartphone(class ...string) templ.Component

func Smile

func Smile(class ...string) templ.Component

func Speaker

func Speaker(class ...string) templ.Component

func Square

func Square(class ...string) templ.Component

func Star

func Star(class ...string) templ.Component

func StopCircle

func StopCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func Sun

func Sun(class ...string) templ.Component

func Sunrise

func Sunrise(class ...string) templ.Component

func Sunset

func Sunset(class ...string) templ.Component

func Table

func Table(class ...string) templ.Component

func Tablet

func Tablet(class ...string) templ.Component

func Tag

func Tag(class ...string) templ.Component

func Target

func Target(class ...string) templ.Component

func Terminal

func Terminal(class ...string) templ.Component

func Thermometer

func Thermometer(class ...string) templ.Component

func ThumbsDown

func ThumbsDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func ThumbsUp

func ThumbsUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func ToggleLeft

func ToggleLeft(class ...string) templ.Component

func ToggleRight

func ToggleRight(class ...string) templ.Component

func Tool

func Tool(class ...string) templ.Component

func Trash

func Trash(class ...string) templ.Component

func Trash2

func Trash2(class ...string) templ.Component

func Trello

func Trello(class ...string) templ.Component

func TrendingDown

func TrendingDown(class ...string) templ.Component

func TrendingUp

func TrendingUp(class ...string) templ.Component

func Triangle

func Triangle(class ...string) templ.Component

func Truck

func Truck(class ...string) templ.Component

func Tv

func Tv(class ...string) templ.Component

func Twitch

func Twitch(class ...string) templ.Component

func Twitter

func Twitter(class ...string) templ.Component

func Type

func Type(class ...string) templ.Component

func Umbrella

func Umbrella(class ...string) templ.Component

func Underline

func Underline(class ...string) templ.Component

func Unlock

func Unlock(class ...string) templ.Component

func Upload

func Upload(class ...string) templ.Component

func UploadCloud

func UploadCloud(class ...string) templ.Component

func User

func User(class ...string) templ.Component

func UserCheck

func UserCheck(class ...string) templ.Component

func UserMinus

func UserMinus(class ...string) templ.Component

func UserPlus

func UserPlus(class ...string) templ.Component

func UserX

func UserX(class ...string) templ.Component

func Users

func Users(class ...string) templ.Component

func Video

func Video(class ...string) templ.Component

func VideoOff

func VideoOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Voicemail

func Voicemail(class ...string) templ.Component

func Volume

func Volume(class ...string) templ.Component

func Volume1

func Volume1(class ...string) templ.Component

func Volume2

func Volume2(class ...string) templ.Component

func VolumeX

func VolumeX(class ...string) templ.Component

func Watch

func Watch(class ...string) templ.Component

func Wifi

func Wifi(class ...string) templ.Component

func WifiOff

func WifiOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func Wind

func Wind(class ...string) templ.Component

func X

func X(class ...string) templ.Component

func XCircle

func XCircle(class ...string) templ.Component

func XOctagon

func XOctagon(class ...string) templ.Component

func XSquare

func XSquare(class ...string) templ.Component

func Youtube

func Youtube(class ...string) templ.Component

func Zap

func Zap(class ...string) templ.Component

func ZapOff

func ZapOff(class ...string) templ.Component

func ZoomOut

func ZoomOut(class ...string) templ.Component

func Zoomin

func Zoomin(class ...string) templ.Component


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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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