
Parallel testing framework for Go
- Provide structured testing, with per-spec setup and teardown.
- Discourage using closure state to share memory between setup/spec/teardown
- Sharing memory between the steps of a spec by using closure state means that
you're also sharing memory with other tests. This often results in test
- Run tests in parallel by default.
- Most of the time, well-written unit tests are perfectly capable of running
in parallel, and sometimes running tests in parallel can uncover extra bugs.
This should be the default.
- Work within standard go test functions, simply wrapping standard
should not feel utterly alien to people used to standard go testing.
It does some extra work to allow structured tests, but for the most part it
isn't hiding any complicated logic - it mostly just calls t.Run
Onpar provides a BDD style of testing, similar to what you might find with
something like ginkgo or goconvey. The biggest difference between onpar and its
peers is that a BeforeEach
function in onpar
may return a value, and that
value will become the parameter required in child calls to Spec
, AfterEach
and BeforeEach
This allows you to write tests that share memory between BeforeEach
, Spec
and AfterEach
functions without sharing memory with other tests. When used
properly, this makes test pollution nearly impossible and makes it harder to
write flaky tests.
Previous versions of onpar would require the caller to defer o.Run(t)
. This is
no longer necessary. the New
constructor takes care of that now, relying on
to ensure that run
is only called after all of the specs and
setup/teardown have been defined.
OnPar provides built-in assertion mechanisms using Expect
statement to make
expectations. Here is some more information about Expect
and some of the
matchers that come with OnPar.
Test assertions are done within a Spec()
function. Each Spec
has a name and
a function with a single argument. The type of the argument is determined by how
the suite was constructed: New()
returns a suite that takes a *testing.T
while BeforeEach
constructs a suite that takes the return type of the setup
Each Spec
is run in parallel (t.Parallel()
is invoked for each spec before
calling the given function).
func TestSpecs(t *testing.T) {
type testContext struct {
t *testing.T
a int
b float64
o := onpar.BeforeEach(onpar.New(t), func(t *testing.T) testContext {
return testContext{t: t, a: 99, b: 101.0}
o.AfterEach(func(tt testContext) {
// ...
o.Spec("something informative", func(tt testContext) {
if tt.a != 99 {
tt.t.Errorf("%d != 99", tt.a)
Serial Specs
While onpar
is intended to heavily encourage running specs in parallel, we
recognize that that's not always an option. Sometimes proper mocking is just too
time consuming, or a singleton package is just too hard to replace with
something better.
For those times that you just can't get around the need for serial tests, we
provide SerialSpec
. It works exactly the same as Spec
, except that onpar
doesn't call t.Parallel
before running it.
s are used to keep Spec
s in logical place. The intention is to gather
each Spec
in a reasonable place. Each Group
may construct a new child suite
using BeforeEach
func TestGrouping(t *testing.T) {
type topContext struct {
t *testing.T
a int
b float64
o := onpar.BeforeEach(onpar.New(t), func(t *testing.T) topContext {
return topContext{t: t, a: 99, b: 101}
o.Group("some-group", func() {
type groupContext struct {
t *testing.T
s string
o := onpar.BeforeEach(o, func(tt topContext) groupContext {
return groupContext{t: tt.t, s: "foo"}
o.AfterEach(func(tt groupContext) {
// ...
o.Spec("something informative", func(tt groupContext) {
// ...
Run Order
Each BeforeEach()
runs before any Spec
in the same Group
. It will also run
before any sub-group Spec
s and their BeforeEach
es. Any AfterEach()
run after the Spec
and before parent AfterEach
func TestRunOrder(t *testing.T) {
type topContext struct {
t *testing.T
i int
s string
o := onpar.BeforeEach(onpar.New(t), func(t *testing.T) topContext {
// Spec "A": Order = 1
// Spec "B": Order = 1
// Spec "C": Order = 1
return topContext{t: t, i: 99, s: "foo"}
o.AfterEach(func(tt topContext) {
// Spec "A": Order = 4
// Spec "B": Order = 6
// Spec "C": Order = 6
o.Group("DA", func() {
o.AfterEach(func(tt topContext) {
// Spec "A": Order = 3
// Spec "B": Order = 5
// Spec "C": Order = 5
o.Spec("A", func(tt topContext) {
// Spec "A": Order = 2
o.Group("DB", func() {
type dbContext struct {
t *testing.T
f float64
o.BeforeEach(func(tt topContext) dbContext {
// Spec "B": Order = 2
// Spec "C": Order = 2
return dbContext{t: tt.t, f: 101}
o.AfterEach(func(tt dbContext) {
// Spec "B": Order = 4
// Spec "C": Order = 4
o.Spec("B", func(tt dbContext) {
// Spec "B": Order = 3
o.Spec("C", func(tt dbContext) {
// Spec "C": Order = 3
o.Group("DC", func() {
o.BeforeEach(func(tt topContext) *testing.T {
// Will not be invoked (there are no specs)
o.AfterEach(func(t *testing.T) {
// Will not be invoked (there are no specs)
Avoiding Closure
Why bother with returning values from a BeforeEach
? To avoid closure of
course! When running Spec
s in parallel (which they always do), each variable
needs a new instance to avoid race conditions. If you use closure, then this
gets tough. So onpar will pass the arguments to the given function returned by
the BeforeEach
The BeforeEach
is a gatekeeper for arguments. The returned values from
are required for the following Spec
s. Child Group
s are also
passed what their direct parent BeforeEach