vcsim - A vCenter and ESXi API based simulator
This package implements a vSphere Web Services (SOAP) SDK endpoint intended for testing consumers of the API. While the mock framework is written in the Go language, it can be used by any language that can talk to the vSphere API.
The official vcsim
Docker images are built from this Dockerfile.
You can find prebuilt vcsim
binaries on the releases page.
You can download and install a binary locally like this:
# extract vcsim binary to /usr/local/bin
# note: the "tar" command must run with root permissions
curl -L -o -$(uname -s)_$(uname -m).tar.gz | tar -C /usr/local/bin -xvzf - vcsim
Install via go install
To build vcsim
from source, first install the Go
toolchain. You can then install the latest vcsim
Github using:
go install
$GOPATH/bin/vcsim -h
Note: govmomi
and its binaries use Go
modules, i.e. explicitly setting GOPATH
is not
required anymore. To inject build variables (see details
below) used by vcsim version
can be
defined and are honored by go get
⚠️ Make sure $GOPATH/bin
is in your PATH
to use the version installed from
Install via goreleaser
You can also build vcsim
following our release process using goreleaser
(requires Go toolchain). This will ensure that build
time variables are correctly injected. Build (linker) flags and injection are
defined in .goreleaser.yaml and automatically set as
when building with goreleaser
Install goreleaser
as per the installation
instructions, then:
git clone
cd govmomi
# pick a tag (>=v0.25.0)
git checkout ${RELEASE}
# build for the host OS/ARCH, otherwise omit --single-target
# binaries are placed in respective subdirectories in ./dist/
goreleaser build --clean --single-target
The vcsim program by default creates a vCenter model with a datacenter, hosts, cluster, resource pools, networks and a datastore. The naming is similar to that of the original vcsim mode that was included with vCenter. The number of resources can be increased or decreased using the various resource type flags. Resources can also be created and removed using the API. In fact, vcsim itself uses the vSphere API generate its inventory.
$ vcsim -h # pruned to model type flags used in the Examples section
Usage of vcsim:
-E string
Output vcsim variables to the given fifo or stdout (default "-")
-api-version string
API version (default "6.5")
-app int
Number of virtual apps per compute resource
Autostart model created VMs (default true)
-cluster int
Number of clusters (default 1)
-dc int
Number of datacenters (default 1)
-delay int
Method response delay across all methods
-delay-jitter float
Delay jitter coefficient of variation (tip: 0.5 is a good starting value)
-ds int
Number of local datastores (default 1)
Simulate standalone ESX
-folder int
Number of folders
-host int
Number of hosts per cluster (default 3)
-l string
Listen address for vcsim (default "")
-load string
Load model from directory
-method-delay string
Delay per method on the form 'method1:delay1,method2:delay2...'
-nsx int
Number of NSX backed opaque networks
-password string
Login password for vcsim (any password allowed by default)
-pg int
Number of port groups (default 1)
-pg-nsx int
Number of NSX backed port groups
-pod int
Number of storage pods per datacenter
-pool int
Number of resource pools per compute resource
-standalone-host int
Number of standalone hosts (default 1)
Press any key to exit
Enable TLS (default true)
-tlscert string
Path to TLS certificate file
-tlskey string
Path to TLS key file
Trace SOAP to -trace-file
-trace-file string
Trace output file (defaults to stderr)
-tunnel int
SDK tunnel port (default -1)
-username string
Login username for vcsim (any username allowed by default)
-vm int
Number of virtual machines per resource pool (default 2)
Version Information
To print detailed (build) information for vcsim run: vcsim version
The following examples illustrate how vcsim flags can be used to change the generated inventory. Each example assumes GOVC_URL is set to vcsim's default listen address:
export GOVC_URL=https://user:pass@
Default vCenter inventory
$ $GOPATH/bin/vcsim
$ govc find -l
Folder /
Datacenter /DC0
Folder /DC0/vm
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_H0_VM0
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_H0_VM1
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_RP0_VM0
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_RP0_VM1
Folder /DC0/host
ComputeResource /DC0/host/DC0_H0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_H0/DC0_H0
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_H0/Resources
ClusterComputeResource /DC0/host/DC0_C0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H1
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H2
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources
Folder /DC0/datastore
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_0
Folder /DC0/network
Network /DC0/network/VM Network
DistributedVirtualSwitch /DC0/network/DVS0
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /DC0/network/DVS0-DVUplinks-9
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /DC0/network/DC0_DVPG0
Default standalone ESX inventory
With the -esx
flag, vcsim behaves as a standalone ESX host without any vCenter
specific features.
$ $GOPATH/vcsim -esx
$ govc find
/ha-datacenter/network/VM Network
Customizing inventory
Model flags can be specified to increase or decrease the generated inventory.
$ vcsim -dc 2 -folder 1 -ds 4 -pod 1 -nsx 2 -pool 2 -app 1
$ govc find -l
Folder /
Datacenter /DC0
Folder /DC0/vm
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_H0_VM0
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_H0_VM1
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_RP0_VM0
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_RP0_VM1
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_APP0_VM0
VirtualMachine /DC0/vm/DC0_C0_APP0_VM1
Folder /DC0/host
ComputeResource /DC0/host/DC0_H0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_H0/DC0_H0
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_H0/Resources
ClusterComputeResource /DC0/host/DC0_C0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H0
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H1
HostSystem /DC0/host/DC0_C0/DC0_C0_H2
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources/DC0_C0_RP1
ResourcePool /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources/DC0_C0_RP2
VirtualApp /DC0/host/DC0_C0/Resources/DC0_C0_APP0
Folder /DC0/datastore
StoragePod /DC0/datastore/DC0_POD0
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_0
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_1
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_2
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_3
Folder /DC0/network
Network /DC0/network/VM Network
DistributedVirtualSwitch /DC0/network/DVS0
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /DC0/network/DVS0-DVUplinks-10
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /DC0/network/DC0_DVPG0
OpaqueNetwork /DC0/network/DC0_NSX0
OpaqueNetwork /DC0/network/DC0_NSX1
Folder /F0
Datacenter /F0/DC1
Folder /F0/DC1/vm
Folder /F0/DC1/vm/F0
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_H0_VM0
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_H0_VM1
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_C0_RP0_VM0
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_C0_RP0_VM1
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_C0_APP0_VM0
VirtualMachine /F0/DC1/vm/F0/DC1_C0_APP0_VM1
Folder /F0/DC1/host
Folder /F0/DC1/host/F0
ComputeResource /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_H0
HostSystem /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_H0/DC1_H0
ResourcePool /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_H0/Resources
ClusterComputeResource /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0
HostSystem /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/DC1_C0_H0
HostSystem /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/DC1_C0_H1
HostSystem /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/DC1_C0_H2
ResourcePool /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/Resources
ResourcePool /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/Resources/DC1_C0_RP1
ResourcePool /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/Resources/DC1_C0_RP2
VirtualApp /F0/DC1/host/F0/DC1_C0/Resources/DC1_C0_APP0
Folder /F0/DC1/datastore
StoragePod /F0/DC1/datastore/DC1_POD0
Folder /F0/DC1/datastore/F0
Datastore /F0/DC1/datastore/F0/LocalDS_0
Datastore /F0/DC1/datastore/F0/LocalDS_1
Datastore /F0/DC1/datastore/F0/LocalDS_2
Datastore /F0/DC1/datastore/F0/LocalDS_3
Folder /F0/DC1/network
Network /F0/DC1/network/VM Network
Folder /F0/DC1/network/F0
DistributedVirtualSwitch /F0/DC1/network/F0/DVS0
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /F0/DC1/network/F0/DVS0-DVUplinks-69
DistributedVirtualPortgroup /F0/DC1/network/F0/DC1_DVPG0
OpaqueNetwork /F0/DC1/network/F0/DC1_NSX0
OpaqueNetwork /F0/DC1/network/F0/DC1_NSX1
Create yourself a Datastore cluster:
$ govc /F0/DC0/datastore/F0/LocalDS_[123] /DC1/datastore/DC0_POD0
$ govc find -l /DC0/datastore
Folder /DC0/datastore
StoragePod /DC0/datastore/DC0_POD0
Datastore /DC0/datastore/LocalDS_0
Datastore /DC0/datastore/DC0_POD0/LocalDS_1
Datastore /DC0/datastore/DC0_POD0/LocalDS_2
Datastore /DC0/datastore/DC0_POD0/LocalDS_3
Starting with empty inventory
The model flags when set to 0 can be used to turn off generation of any type. With Datacenter generation turned off, the inventory will be empty:
$ $GOPATH/vcsim -dc 0
$ govc find
You can create your own inventory using the API or govc:
$ govc datacenter.create godc
$ govc cluster.create gocluster
$ govc cluster.add -hostname gohost1 -username user -password pass -noverify
$ govc datastore.create -type local -name gostore -path /tmp gocluster/*
$ govc vm.create -ds gostore -cluster gocluster govm1
$ govc find -l
Folder /
Datacenter /godc
Folder /godc/vm
VirtualMachine /godc/vm/govm1
Folder /godc/host
ClusterComputeResource /godc/host/gocluster
HostSystem /godc/host/gocluster/gohost1
ResourcePool /godc/host/gocluster/Resources
Folder /godc/datastore
Datastore /godc/datastore/gostore
Folder /godc/network
Network /godc/network/VM Network
Generated inventory names
The generated names include a prefix per-type and integer suffix per-instance. See the simulator.Model documentation for a complete list of type prefixes. For example, the name DC0_C1_RP0_VM6 is composed of:
Prefix | Instance | Type | Flag |
DC | 0 | Datacenter | -dc |
C | 1 | ClusterComputeResource | -cluster |
RP | 0 | ResourcePool | -pool |
VM | 6 | VirtualMachine | -vm |
VMs with Clusters include the ResourcePool in their name, while VMs in standalone hosts include the host name instead. For example, the name DC0_H0_VM1 is composed of:
Prefix | Instance | Type | Flag |
DC | 0 | Datacenter | -dc |
H | 0 | HostSystem | -standalone-host |
VM | 1 | VirtualMachine | -vm |
Supported methods
The simulator supports a subset of API methods. However, the generated govmomi code includes all types and methods defined in the vmodl, which can be used to implement any method documented in the VMware vSphere API Reference.
To see the list of supported methods:
curl -sk https://user:pass@
Listen address
The default vcsim listen address is
. Use the -l
flag to
listen on another address:
vcsim -l # specific address
vcsim -l :8989 # any address
When given a port value of 0
, an unused port will be chosen. You can then
source the GOVC_URL from another process, for example:
mkfifo $govc_sim_env
vcsim -l -E $govc_sim_env &
eval "$(cat $govc_sim_env)"
# ... run tests ...
rm -f $govc_sim_env
Tests written in Go can also use the simulator package directly, rather than the vcsim binary.
Feature Details
For more details on vcsim features, see the project wiki.
Projects using vcsim
Blog posts
Beginning vCenter Server simulation with vcsim by Abhijeet Kasurde
vCenter & ESXi API based simulator by William Lam
vCenter Simulator Docker Container by Brian Bunke
Using govc with vcsim in Kubernetes by Michael Gasch
Related projects
vcsim is available under the Apache 2 license.
Pronounced "v-c-sim", short for "vCenter Simulator"
There is no documentation for this package.